Lesson Plan


Lesson plan

English Lesson

( Alphabet Letters)


Jameela Hamad



Alphabet Letters

Inter: Jameela Hamad Date: /5/2007 , Monday

Grade Level: Grade 2 Number of students: 26 students, boys


At the end of the lesson the students will be able to Pronoun the sound of letters c and g with 70% correctly.


*Qatar Standard:

1.4 Extend, from Grade 1, the ability to hear rhyming and alliterative words and collect them for classroom display, re-reading and pronunciation practice.

*Notice: In this lesson, we just review what the students took before about alphabet letters but we focus on letter c and g.


Power point

Sand Cards

White papers


A B C D Song

Two Chairs


*Internet: www.kidsongs.com www.Primaryresources.co.uk

*Teacher Procedures:

At the beginning of the lesson, I will tell the students that we are going to review some letters like c and g. This is not new topic. The main point for our lesson is how to pronounce the sound some letters because some of you confuse in these letters.


I will assess students previous knowledge by asking them " What are alphabets letters?" and I will show students on the screen alphabets letters. I will ask them "

What are these letters? I will let the students sing alphabets letters songs. I will ask students " How many alphabets letters do we have?" 26" What is the first letter? "A"

What is the final letter of alphabet letters?" Z" What are the middle letters of alphabet letters? " M-N".

Teaching Procedures


I will ask students " What is the letter come after b?" c". I will show them letter c on the screen and give them sand card for letter c to touch it. I will show the students

some pictures then words such as cup, cat, cake and car. I will request them to echo these words and ask them " What is the first letter in each word? What is the first sound that you heard when you pronounce these words? Let's hear that. I will echo each word. " So, what is the first sound that you heard ?' k" sound. That means that sound of letter c is "k". What happened when you pronounce these words? ' The mouth is opened . This is a vowel sound". Then I will request them to give me another words that have sound "k". I will assess student's understanding by giving them a small exercise on the screen about sound of letter c.


After that, I will ask students " Do you know how to write letter c? I will give each student a paper and pencil to let them write a letter c. Then I will choose one student to come to the board to write the letter c like open mouth. I will write on the board C and c. I will ask them what is this? Why do you think we have to write letter c in two way, capital and small letter? Because when you want to write letter c at the beginning of the line, we have to start with capital letter e.g Cat likes meat but when would like to write c not in the beginning of the line. You will write it in small letter e.g Ali's cat likes meat.


I will assess student's understanding by giving them a small exercise on the screen about capital and small letter of c e.g Car has 4 wheels and cat has 4 wheels. Then ask them " Which one of these is right? Why?. Then I will do the same thing with letter g.


I will play with them alphabet game. I will put two chairs in the center of the mat and put letter c and g on the chairs. I will let the students move around two chairs and when the music stops the students who stand up in front two chairs. They will raise two cards and say the sound of these letters and give me a word which starts with sound "k" e.g Cat and so on.

6- finally, I will close my lesson plan and I will tell them what we are going to take in the next lesson. Then I will give each student worksheet with clear instructions. I will sit with a small group which has weakness students to help and guide them.

*Student Activities:

The students will sing alphabet song.

The students will respond to the teacher's questions.

The students will write letter c and g in two way on the white paper.

The students will work on worksheet.

The students will play alphabet game.

*Extension Activity:

I will give the students another worksheet especially for the students who finish early and I will give them clear instructions to know what they are going to do. ( In the

Appendix). Or I will let them play with clay to make letter c and g.




I will use pictures, sand card and song to help students who are having difficulty and pronouncing the sound of letters by repeating the sound of letter c and g..


I will summarize my lesson by asking students some questions such as " What did we talk about today? What are the alphabet letters? What are these two letters we took about them? What is the sound of letter c" Can you give me example of "k" Sound?

What is the sound for letter g? Can you give me example of "g" sound?. Also, we played a nice game which was alphabet game.


I will assess students more than twice during the lesson , the first one for letter c and the second one for letter g by showing them a small exercise for each one on the screen.

I will ask students to make a poster for letter c and g for. Then I will ask them to put words that have "k" and "g " sound . I will show them an example. In the next day, I will show their work to their peers and post them on the wall.

Worksheet No.1

(Alphabet Letters)





Pronounce the sound of letter.

C c

Write the words which have



flower - camel - monkey - cup - boy - girl - cat

Pronounce the sound of letter.

G g

Write the words which have



toy - camel - gas - cup - boy - girl - cat - goal

Worksheet No.2

( Extension Activity)





Pronounce and write the word under the picture.

C c


____________ ___________ ____________

Pronounce and write the word under the picture.

G g


____________ ___________ ____________
