Word 7 Format - The School of Electrical Engineering and Computer

Dr. Anjan Bose is well known as an educator in electrical engineering, a researcher in power
systems engineering and a technical leader in the power system control industry. He has over
thirty years of experience in industry and academia, both as an administrator and an educator.
At Washington State University, Dr. Bose is currently the interim Dean of the College of
Engineering and Architecture which has about 150 faculty, 75 staff members, and 2500 students.
For the last five years he was the Director of the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science which is the largest unit in the college. Since his assuming this position in 1993, the
electrical engineering program has gained national visibility in microelectronics design and
started new centers and industry consortia in wireless communications and power engineering,
the computer science program was accredited and reversing its previous trend is growing rapidly,
a new degree in computer engineering has been initiated, and the externally funded research in
the school has grown by over 75%. He also holds the endowed Distinguished Professorship in
power engineering, in which role he provides leadership in the teaching and research programs in
electric power engineering.
Before joining WSU, Dr. Bose was on the faculty of Arizona State University, where he directed
the Electric Power Research Laboratory, a cooperative research program (supported by the local
power industry) that he helped establish in 1982 and which supervised undergraduate
scholarships, graduate fellowships, and several research projects every year. In addition, his own
research group became internationally known for applying computation technology to the control
and analysis of the large power generation/transmission grid. He brought in over $3 million in
research funds in his twelve years at ASU. His leadership was the most crucial element in
establishing an internationally recognized Power Engineering program in a short period of time.
In 1988-89, he was on leave from the university to manage the Program on Engineering Systems
(Power) at the National Science Foundation. This program funds over $3.6 million yearly in
power systems research and coordinates its activities with the Electric Power Research Institute
and the US Department of Energy.
Before ASU, Dr. Bose worked for Control Data Corporation in their Energy Management
Systems Division (now Siemens Power Systems Control). He administered a research group of
over a dozen professionals and played a crucial role in the technical leadership of the division
($50 million yearly revenue), which became the leading vendor of power system control centers
during this time. Major breakthroughs in power system control technology under his leadership
are industrial practice today. He has continued to be a technical leader in this industry and is a
prominent consultant.
Dr. Bose is a Fellow of the IEEE and is active in the IEEE Power Engineering Society, again in
technical leadership roles. He has chaired many technical committees, is one of the editors of the
Computer Applications in Power Magazine and the McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science &
Technology, and has organized many conferences including the prestigious Power Industry
Computer Applications conferences. He was awarded the 1994 Outstanding Power Engineering
Educator Award. He is also a member of the US Committee of CIGRE and represents the USA
on its control technologies working group.
February 12, 2016
Address: College of Engineering & Architecture
Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164-2714
Phone: 509-335-5593
e-mail: bose@wsu.edu
405 SE Bellevue
Pullman, WA 99163
Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering
Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
Research: "Stability and Compensation
M.S. in Electrical Engineering
University of California, Berkeley, California
Research: 'Estimation of the Post-transient Steady State of a Power System'
B. Tech (Hons). in Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India
Washington State University, Pullman, Washington
Dean, College of Engineering and Architecture (1998-99). This is an interim
appointment. Overall administration of five departments with 11 academic
programs, 150 faculty, 75 staff and 2500 students over four campuses.
Director, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), and
Distinguished Professor in Power Engineering (1993- ). Overall administration
of the largest unit in the collge with three academic programs and about 40
faculty, 20 staff, 600 undergraduates and 150 graduate students, including those
at the branch campuses at Richland, Spokane and Vancouver. As holder of an
endowed professorship, also provide leadership of the teaching and research
programs in electric power engineering.
Since 1993, the School of EECS at WSU has
-started a new interdisciplinary center in communications microelectronics
including an industry consortium in radiowave communications;
-increased the corporate memberships in its NSF Center for Design of Analog
Digital Integrated Circuits by over 40%;
-joined by invitation the NSF Center (IUCRC) for Power Systems operated by
Cornell, Illinois, Wisconsin and Berkeley;
-increased its externally funded research expenditures by over 75%;
-started a new bachelor’s degree in computer engineering;
-accredited its existing bachelor’s degree in computer science at the Pullman
and Richland campuses;
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-reversed the negative growth rate of the computer science undergraduate and
graduate programs to be the fastest growing program in the college;
-become a leading contributor to the university wide effort of using computer
based technology in instruction;
-raised over $30 million in gifts and grants during the WSU Campaign which
was almost three times the target and more than half of the college total.
Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona.
Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, and Director, Electric Power
Research Laboratory (1985-93); Associate Professor (1981-85). Teaching
undergraduate and graduate courses mainly in the power area. Reorganized the
power option curriculum. Liaison with the local power industry. Developed
two successful annual short courses at ASU on power system control centers
that have also been given in Canada, Venezuela, Italy and India. In-charge of $3
million of sponsored research utilizing other faculty members, full-time
professional staff, graduate students, and outside consultants. Serving on many
university committees including chairmanship of the college and departmental
Personnel Committees.
In 1988-89, served as Director, Program on Engineering Systems (Power), at the
National Science Foundation. Was responsible for this new research program in
electric power systems with an annual budget of $3.6 million. The collaborative
research initiated at that time with the Electric Power Research Institute is still
being used as the model for joint funding of federal/private research.
Active in industrial consulting in the power industry. During 1981-84, was
Vice-President and Principal Engineer for Power Math Associates Inc., a small
consulting firm. Also, in 1991 founded Incremental Systems Partnership, a small
company specializing in computer systems for power systems control.
Control Data Corporation, Energy Management Systems Division, Minneapolis,
Manager, Power Systems Analysis Department, (1976-81). Was responsible for
all internally funded research and development of power applications software
for control centers and externally funded (EPRI, DOE, etc.) research projects.
This department grew to about a dozen professionals, mostly MS and PhD's in
power systems. Developed new techniques in the areas of security analysis,
external modeling and generation scheduling that have become standard practice
in industry today and made CDC one of the leading control center vendors. As
one of the main technical experts in this $50 million division, was often given
special assignments in marketing, implementation projects and customer
During this period, taught undergraduate courses and graduate seminars at the
University of Minnesota as an Adjunct Assistant Professor.
Clarkson University, Potsdam, New York.
Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering.
undergraduate and graduate courses and introduced a new graduate course in
power system stability. Guided research of MS and PhD students and set up
laboratory apparatus for digital computer control of power systems.
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Was consultant to the Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, for the
summer of 1976.
IBM Scientific Center, Palo Alto, California.
Post-Doctoral Fellow, Power Systems Analysis Group. Worked mainly on a
research project in security monitoring, funded by EPRI. Developed dynamic
equivalents to run on-line, transient analysis and improved the power system
state estimator.
Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa.
Instructor and Administrative Committee Member, Program on Technology and
Social Change, (1973-74). Helped with the curriculum development and general
policy-making for this new interdepartmental graduate program.
Graduate Assistant, Electrical Engineering (1970-73). conducted research in
power system stability and analysis of large interconnected systems. Helped
teach short course on power system stability.
During this period consulted for the Nebraska Public Power District.
Consolidated Edison Co., New York, New York.
Engineer, Systems Planning Department. Conducted computer analysis for
planning and operating studies of the Northeast United States generation and
transmission system. Did power flow and stability studies of present and
projected systems and worked on committees of the New York Power Pool and
the Northeast Power Coordinating Council.
University of California, Berkeley, California.
Graduate Assistant, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences. Conducted
research on numerical methods for power flow analysis. Taught a controls
laboratory class.
Professional Achievement Citation in Engineering (PACE) Award, Iowa State University, 1995
Outstanding Power Engineer Educator, IEEE, 1994
-For establishing an internationally known electric power engineering program at
Arizona State University and boosting power engineering education nationally through
the National Science Foundation
Outstanding Research Accomplishments, Arizona State University, 1993
-In recognition and appreciation of outstanding research accomplishments and dedicated
support toward development of the Center for Energy Systems Research (1981-1993)
Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 1988
-For contributions to power systems real-time analyses
Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in Science and Engineering, since 1987
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Editorial Boards
IEEE Computer Applications in Power Magazine (1986- )
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (1990-98)
IEEE Power Engineering Letters (1997- )
Electrical Engineering Handbook, Academic Press & IEEE Press (1998- )
McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology (1992-98)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Fellow
Member, Power Engineering Society
Chairman, Power Systems Operations Committee (1999-..)
Vice-Chairman, Power System Operations Committee (1996-98)
Member, Power System Engineering Committee (1980-96)
Chairman, Systems Control Subcommittee (1990-96)
Member, System Dynamic Performance Subcommittee
Member, Computer and Analytical Methods Subcommittee
Member, Computer Analysis of Power Systems Working Group
Chairman, Steady State Security Analysis Working Group (1985-90)
Chairman, Panel on Optimal Power Flow
Chairman, Panel on Direct Methods for Stability Analysis
Chairman, Stability Terms and Definitions Task Force
Member, Dynamic Security Analysis Working Group
Member, Rapid Analysis of Transient Stability Task Force
Member, VAR Management Task Force
Member, Power Industry Computer Applications Conference (PICA) Board
Executive Chairman, 1993 PICA Conference, Phoenix, AZ.
Executive Vice-Chairman, 1991 PICA Conference, Baltimore, MD.
Chairman, Technical Program Committee, 1989 PICA Conference, Seattle, WA.
Vice-Chairman, Technical Program Committee, 1987 PICA Conference, Montreal,
Member, Technical Program Committee, 1985 PICA Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Member, Technical Program Committee, 1983 PICA Conference, Houston, TX
Member, Technical Program Committee, 1980 Summer Power Meeting, Minneapolis,
Conference Internationale des Grands Reseaux Electriques a Haute Tension (CIGRE), Individual
Member, United States National Committee
Member, Working Group 39.06 Dispatch Training Simulators (1989-95)
Member, Working Group 39.02 Innovative Technology in the Control Center (1995- )
Accreditation Board for Engineering &Technology (ABET)
Program Evaluator for Electrical Engineering (1995- )
Executive Board, Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC)
Member, Technical Program Committee, 1996 PSCC, Dresden, Germany
Member, Technical Program Committee, 1999 PSCC, Trondheim, Norway
Executive Board, International Conference on Electric Power Control Centers (EPCC)
Member, Organizing Committee, 1997 EPCC, Rethymno, Greece
Member, Organizing Committee, 1999 EPCC, Heviz, Hungary
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University Representative, American Power Conference, Chicago, IL (1997- )
General Chairman, 1988 IASTED International Conference on High Technology in the Power
Industry, Phoenix, AZ.
Member, Technical Committee, International Conference on Power System Technologies,
Beijing, China, October 1994
Member, International Advisory Committee, International Conference on Electricity Sector
Development & Demand Side Management, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, November 1995
Member, Technical Advisory Council, WESCON 1995
Member, International Program Committee, IFAC/CIGRE Symposium on Control of Power
Systems and Power Plants, Beijing, China, August 1997
Member, International Program Committee, 10th International Conference on Power System
Automation and Control, Bled, Slovenia, October 1997
Member, International Advisory Committee, IEE International Conference on Advances in
Power System Control, Operation & Management, Hong Kong, November 1997.
Korea Water Resources Corp (KOWACO), Taejon, S. Korea (1996)
Macro Corporation, Horsham, PA, (1993- )
Seattle City Light, Seattle, WA, (1992- )
ABB-Systems Control, Santa Clara, CA, (1992- )
Incremental Systems, Inc., Bellevue, WA, (1990- )
ESKOM, Government of South Africa (1990)
United Nations Development Program, Government of India (1989)
ASCE Consultants, Coto de Caza, CA., (1987- )
Arizona Public Service Co., Phoenix, AZ, (1987)
United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Govt. of Chile (1986)
Energy Management Consultants Associates, Inc., Minneapolis, MN, (1984- )
Power Computer Applications Corp., Tempe, AZ, (1984- )
Systems Control, Inc., Palo Alto, CA, (1983-84)
Boeing Energy Systems Division, Seattle, WA, (1983-84)
Westin Power Consultants, San Jose, CA, (1983-84)
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, Los Angeles, CA, (1982-84)
Salt River Project, Phoenix, AZ, (1982-84)
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, (1982)
Control Data Corporation, Minneapolis, MN, (1982-84)
Arizona Power Authority, Phoenix, AZ, (1982)
Power Dynamics, Inc., Bromall, PA, (1982)
Purdue University, Lafayette, IN, (1982)
Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, (1976)
Nebraska Public Power District, Columbus, NE, (1972-73)
February 12, 2016
Electric Power Research Laboratory (1983-93) - $1000K - A block grant from Salt River Project
to support the power program at Arizona State University. No university overhead was charged
on these funds. The agreement was for $100K per year for 5 years, renewed in 1988. The money
was used for research projects (not necessarily mine), graduate fellowships, undergraduate
scholarships, laboratory upgrading, and secretarial assistance.
Control Center Operator Training Simulator (1985-90) - $875K - This was a subcontract with
Control Data Corporation, whose main contract was with the Electric Power Research Institute
for $6M. We developed the models, algorithms and software to simulate the behavior of a large
power grid in real time so that the control operators can be trained on it. This Simulator has
become the defacto world-wide standard today.
Concurrent Processing of Power System Stability (1987-90) - $350K - This was a National
Science Foundation grant that I shared with Prof. Daniel Tylavsky, who was a junior colleague at
Arzona State Univ. We developed new algorithms to solve the power system dynamic equations
on parallel computers and actually tested these algorithms (for the first time) on actual parallel
computers available to us at various supercomputer sites in the US.
Power System Dynamic Security Assessment (1990-93) - $420K - This was a contract with the
Electric Power Research Institute to recommend new methodology (hardware and software) to
enable the power system control center to analyze whether the grid can withstand large short
circuits without losing stability i.e. avoid blackouts. This analysis requires too much computation
to be done on-line and our task was to find solutions that would be possible with the new
computer platforms.
On-Line Securiy Assessment of Power Systems (1990-94) - $300K - This was a grant from the
National Science Foundation to analyze some of the fundamental analytical problems with the
formulation of power system security. The idea was to examine the problem structure to find
new ways to speed up the solution.
Operator Training Simulator: Phase II (1991-94) - $150K - This was a subcontract with National
Systems & Research (Vancouver, WA) who had the main contract of $800K with the Electric
Power Research Institute. Our task was to add some new models to this simulator.
Coherency Based Method for Power System Rescheduling (1995-97) - $110K - This was a
contract with the Electric Power Research Institute to develop a method for the preventive
control of power systems to avoid instability in the power system.
Real-Time Control and Operation of Electric Power Systems: Voltage Dynamics, Collapse and
Control (1995-1997) - $220K - This was a contract with Martin Marietta Energy Systems Inc.
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory) to conduct a comprehensive study of voltage dynamics in
power systems for the US Department of Energy. The co-PIs were Kevin Tomsovic and Mani
On-Line Dynamic Security Analysis of Power Systems (1996-99) - $250K - This is a grant from
the National Science Foundation to develop computational methodology that will help analyze
the security of those power systems that are vulnerable to instability under disturbances such as
the power grid in the Western United States.
Simulating Load/Frequency Control Performance in a Deregulated Environment (1996-98) $120K - This was a contract with the Electric Power Research Institute to determine the
February 12, 2016
feasibility of frequency control of the power grid when the power supply industry is deregulated.
The co-PI was Richard Christie of the University of Washington.
Multidisciplinary Education Using Curriculum Re-Engineering, Industry Partnership and
Simulation Technology (MERIT2000) (1997-2000) - $270K + matching industry cofunding Joint project between Washington State University and Texas A&M University supported by the
National Science Foundation and the Electric Power Research Institute under their inititiative for
Innovative Power Engineering Education in a Changing Environment. There are two co-PIs at
WSU and three at TAMU.
Power Systems Engineering Research Center (1998–20003) - $250K + matching industry
membership fees – Funding from the National Science Foundation to join this IUCRC led by
Cornell University with University of Wisconsin, University of Illinois and University of
California, Berekeley as partners.
Complex Interactive Networks and Systems (1999-2004) - $550K – Research funded by the US
Dept. of Defense and the Electric Power Research Institute. WSU is one of six universities
working on this $10M, five-year project. Kevin Tomsovic and Ali Saberi are co-Pis at WSU.
Over the years I have had numerous other small contracts, grants and donations that have
supported my graduate students and upgraded my computational laboratory.
February 12, 2016
Doctor of Philosophy
Hang Liu, “On-Line Dynamic Security Analysis,” December 1999 (anticipated).
Mohamed Vaziri, “The Computation of Security Limits from Off-line Generated Data,”
December 1999 (anticipated).
Chengjun Fu, “Contingency Screening for Dynamic Security Analysis,” December 1998.
Wenping Li, “A Coherency Based Generation Rescheduling Method for Dynamic Security,”
May 1998.
Ravindra Kuruneru, “Feasibility Study of Transient Stability Analysis for Operator Training
Simulators,” March 1996.
Jun Qiang Wu, “Parallel Algorithms for Power System Transient Stability Analysis,” May 1995.
Lan Juan Hou, “Power System Dynamic Simulation Using System Partitioning and Multiple
Stepsize Techniques,” December 1994.
Carlos Castro, "Correctability of System Violations in On-Line Contingency Analysis,"
December 1993.
Steve D. Kuo, "Dynamic Security Analysis and Security Dispatch of Power Systems,” December
Jason Chai, "Parallel Processing for Power System Dynamics," December 1992.
Michael William Foley, "Object Oriented Software Techniques for Power System Control
Centers," December 1992.
Ning Zhu, "Concurrent Power System Transient Stability Studies," May 1991.
Yilang Chen, "Contingency Evaluation Considering the Voltage Problem," May 1990.
Jegath Giri, “Identification of Dynamic Equivalents for On-Line Transient Security
Assessment,” May 1977.
Master of Science
Robert Fairchild, “Automatic Generation Control in a Deregulated Power Industry,” May 1999
Keqi Hu, “Contingency Screening for Voltage Collapse,” August 1997.
Yihua Ding, "Wheeling Rates Evaluation Based on Spot Pricing Theory," August 1993.
Veena Gowdra, "Global Display of Power System Networks," December 1992.
February 12, 2016
Ravindra Shyamalie Kuruneru, "Modeling Enhancements for Power System Operator Training
Simulators," August 1992.
Michael William Foley, "Human Interface for a Real Time Power System Simulator," August
Ronald E. Kidner, "Inter-Utility Time Skewing Errors in State Estimation," August 1989.
Cheryl Johnson, "A Multiterminal High Voltage Direct Current Model and Power Flow for an
Operator Training Simulator," May 1989.
Vani Kola, "Prime Mover Models for Long Term Simulation of Power Systems," August 1987.
Mehryar Andalib, "Modeling of External Networks for On-Line Security Analysis," May 1985.
Farajollah Soudi, "Effects of Wrong Assumptions in the External System on On-Line Security
Analysis," May 1984.
Scott MacKenzie, “Power System Monitoring by Mini-computers in the Laboratory,” May 1976.
February 12, 2016
Journal Papers
“Contingency Ranking Based on Severity Indices in Dynamic Security Analysis,” (with C. Fu),
accepted in IEEE Transactions in Power Systems.
“A Coherency Based Rescheduling Method for Dynamic Security,” (with W. Li), IEEE
Transactions in Power Systems, vol.30, No. 3, pp. 810-815, August 1998.
“Transmission Capacity in Power Networks,” (with M. Ilic, F. Galiana, L. Fink, P. Mallet and H.
Othman), Electrical Power & Energy Systems, vol.20, No.2, pp.99-110, February 1998.
‘Feasibility Study of Transient Stability Analysis for Operator Training Simulators,” (with R.S.
Kuruneru), IEE Proceedings - Generation, Transmission and Distribution, vol.144, No. 5, pp.
510-514, September 1997.
“Severity Indices for Contingency Screening in Dynamic Security Assessment,” (with V.
Brandwajn, A.B.R. Kumar, A. Ipakchi and S.D. Kuo), IEEE Transactions in Power Systems, vol.
12, No. 3, pp. 1136-1142, August 1997.
“Implementation of the Waveform Relaxation Algorithm on a Shared Memory Computer for the
Transient Stability Problem,” (with L. Hou), IEEE Transactions in Power Systems, vol.12, No. 3,
pp. 1053-1060, August 1997.
“Comparison of Algorithms for Transient Stability Simulations on Shared and Distributed
Memory Computers,” (with M. LaScala, G. Sblendorio and J.Q. Wu), IEEE Transactions in
Power Systems, vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 2045-2050, November 1996.
“Comparison of Different Screening Techniques for the Contingency Selection Function,” (with
C.A. Castro, E. Handschin and W. Hoffman), International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy
Systems, vol. 18, No. 7, pp. 425-430, October 1996.
“Requirements for a New Generation of Simulators to Train Dispatchers in a Changing Control
Environment,” (with Y. Logeay, N. Cukalevski and E. Handschin), CIGRE Electra, No. 167, pp.
133-153, August 1996.
“Load Frequency Control Issues in Power System Operation after Deregulation, (with R.D.
Christie), IEEE Transactions in Power Systems, vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 1191-1200, August 1996.
“A New Successive Relaxation Scheme for the W-Matrix Solution Method on a Shared Memory
Parallel Computer,” (with J.Q. Wu), IEEE Transactions in Power Systems, vol. 11, No. 1, pp.
233-238, February 1996.
"Parallel Implementation of Power System Transient Stability Analysis," (with J.Q. Wu, J.
Huang, A. Valette, F. Lafrance), IEEE Transactions in Power Systems, vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 12261233, August 1995.
"Parallel Solution of Large Sparse Matrix Equations and Parallel Power Flow," (with J.Q. Wu),
IEEE Transactions in Power Systems, vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 1343-1349, August 1995.
“Object-Oriented On-Line Network Analysis,” (with M. Foley), IEEE Transactions in Power
Systems, vol. 10, No.1, pp. 125-132, February 1995.
February 12, 2016
"A Generation Rescheduling Method to Increase the Dynamic Security of Power Systems," (with
D.H. Kuo), IEEE Transactions in Power Systems, vol. 10, No.1, pp. 68-76, February 1995.
"Correctability of Voltage Violations in On-Line Contingency Analysis," (with C.A. Castro),
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 1651-1657, August 1994.
"Modeling of High Voltage Direct Current Transmission Systems for Operator Training
Simulators," (with R.S. Kuruneru and R. Bunch), IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 9,
No. 2, pp. 714-720, May 1994.
"Parallel Processing in Dynamic Simulation of Power Systems," Invited Paper, Sadhana Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences, Indian Academy of Sciences, vol. 18, part 5, pp.
815-827, September 1993.
"Correctability in On-Line Contingency Analysis," (with C.A. Castro), IEEE Transactions on
Power Systems, vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 807-814common , August 1993.
"New Modeling, Analysis and Computation Techniques Needed for Power System Control
Centers," (with T.A. Green), International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, vol.
15, No. 3, pp. 163-168, June 1993.
"Relaxation/Newton Methods for Concurrent Time Step Solution of Differential-Algebraic
Equations in Power System Dynamic Simulations," (with M. LaScala), IEEE Transactions on
Circuits and Systems, vol. 40, No. 5, pp. 317-330, April 1993.
"An Object Based Graphical User Interface for Power Systems," (with M. Foley), IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 97-104, February 1993.
"Bottlenecks in Parallel Algorithms for Power System Stability Analysis," (with J.S. Chai), IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 8, No. 1, pp.9-15, February 1993.
"Parallel Processing in Power Systems Computation," (IEEE Task Force), IEEE Transactions on
Power Systems, vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 629-638, May 1992.
"A Dynamic Partitioning Scheme for Parallel Transient Stability Analysis," (with N. Zhu), IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 940-946, May 1992.
"Transportable Simulator Trains Control Center Operators," (with J.G. Waight, K. Nodehi, E.
Dobrowolski and R. Wasley), IEEE Computer Applications in Power, vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 23-28,
April 1992.
"Open Systems Benefit Energy Control Centers," (with T.A. Green), IEEE Computer
Applications in Power, vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 45-50, April 1992.
"On-Line Power System Security Analysis," (with N.J. Balu, T. Bertram, A.Bose, V. Brandwajn,
G. Cauley, D. Curtice, A. Fouad, L. Fink, M.G. Lauby, B.F. Wollenberg and J.N. Wrubel),
Invited Paper, Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 80, No. 2, pp. 262-280, February 1992.
"Effects on State Estimation of Time-Skew Errors in Inter-Utility Data Exchange," (with R.
Kidner), Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 165-171, 1992.
"Parallel Newton Type Methods for Power System Stability Analysis Using Local and Shared
Memory Multiprocessors" (with J.S. Chai, N. Zhu and D.J. Tylavsky), IEEE Transactions on
Power Systems, vol. PWRS-6, No.4, pp. 1539-1545, November 1991.
February 12, 2016
"Coarse Grain Scheduling in Parallel Triangular Factorization and Solution of Power System
Matrices," (with K. Lau and D.J. Tylavsky), IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. PWRS-,
No. 2, pp. 708-714, May 1991.
"A Real Time Power System Simulation Laboratory Environment," (with M. Foley and Y.
Chen), IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. PWRS-5, No. 4, pp. 1400-1406, November
"A Highly Parallel Method for Transient Stability Analysis," (with M. LaScala, D.J. Tylavsky,
J.S. Chai), IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. PWRS-5, No. 4, pp. 1439-1446,
November 1990.
"An Adaptive Pre-Filter for the Voltage Contingency Selection Function," (with Y. Chen), IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems, vol. PWRS-5, No.4, pp. 1478-1486, November 1990.
"Security Analysis for Voltage Problems Using a Reduced Model," (with Y. Chen), IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems, vol. PWRS-5, No. 3, pp. 933-940, August 1990.
"A Modern Digital Simulation Laboratory for Power Systems," (with M. Foley and Y. Chen),
IEEE Computer Applications in Power, vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 16-19, April 1990.
"Direct Ranking for Voltage Contingency Selection," (with Y. Chen), IEEE Transactions on
Power Systems, vol. PWRS-4, No. 4, pp. 1335-1344, October 1989.
"Scenario Building for Operator Training Simulators Using a Transient Stability Program," (with
G. Zhang), IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. PWRS-4, No. 4, pp. 1542-1549, October
"Operator Training Simulator: Algorithms and Test Results," (with M. Prais, G. Zhang, Y. Chen
and D. Curtice), IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. PWRS-4, No. 3, pp. 1156-1159,
August 1989.
"Operator Training Simulator: Component Models," (with M. Prais, C. Johnson and D. Curtice),
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. PWRS-4, No. 3, pp. 1160-1166, August 1989.
"Power Plant Models for Operator Training Simulators," (with V. Kola and P.M. Anderson),
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. PWRS-4, No. 2, pp. 559-565, May, 1989
"A Topology Processor that Tracks Network Modifications Over Time," (with M. Prais), IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems, vol. PWRS-3, No. 3, pp. 992-998, August, 1988.
"Choosing the Appropriate Boundary for Adaptive Reduction," (with Y. Chen), IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems, vol. PWRS-3, No. 2, pp. 743-752, May, 1988.
"A Modification to the Fast Decoupled Power Flow for Networks with High R/X Ratios," (with
D. Rajicic), IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. PWRS-3, No. 2, pp. 743-746, May,
"Real Time Modeling of Power Systems," (with K.A. Clements), Invited Paper, IEEE
Proceedings, vol. 75, No. 12, pp. 1607-1622, December, 1987.
February 12, 2016
"Power System Model Development for On-Line Security Functions," (with M.J. Gahagan and
J.R. Hunt), IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. PWRS-1, No. 3, pp. 308-313, August,
"Conventions for Block Diagram Representations," (Task Force on Stability Terms and
Definitions), IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. PWRS-1, No. 3, pp. 95-100, August,
"The Effects of External Modeling Errors on On-Line Security Analysis," IEEE Transactions on
Power Systems, vol. PWRS-1, No. 1, pp. 227-232, February, 1986.
"Development of Operator Training Curricula Using the Instructional Systems Development
Approach," (with J.P. Smith, D.R. Connor and E. Burton), IEEE Transactions on Power
Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-104, No. 12, pp. 3446-3452, December, 1985.
"Modeling of External Networks for On-Line Security Analysis," IEEE Transactions on Power
Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-103, No. 8, pp. 2117-2125, August, 1984.
"Application of Direct Methods to Transient Stability Analysis of Power Systems," (Panel on
direct Methods for Stability Analysis), IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol.
PAS-103, No. 7, pp. 1629-1636, July, 1984.
"Impact of New Energy Technologies on Generation Scheduling," (with P.M. Anderson), IEEE
Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-103, No. 1, pp. 66-71, January, 1984.
"Stability Simulation of Wind Turbine Systems," (with P.M. Anderson), IEEE Transactions on
Power Apparatus and System, vol. PAS-102, No. 12, pp. 3791-3795, December, 1983.
"Monte Carlo Simulation of Power System Stability," (with K.J. Timko and P.M. Anderson),
IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-102, No. 10, pp. 3453-3459,
October, 1983.
"A Probabilistic Approach to Power System Stability Analysis," (with P.M. Anderson), IEEE
Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-102, No. 8, pp. 2430-2439, August,
"State Estimation Based External Network Solution for On-Line Security Analysis," (with
K.I. Geisler), IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-102, No. 8, pp.
2447-2454, August, 1983.
"Proposed Terms and Definitions for Power System Stability," (Task Force on Stability Terms
and Definitions), IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-101, No. 7, pp.
1894-1899, July, 1982.
"Reactive Power Considerations in Automatic Contingency Selection," (with F. Albuyeh and
B. Heath), IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-101, No. 1, pp. 107112, January, 1982.
"Scheduling of Generation and Reserve Margin Using Dynamic and Linear Programming," (with
J.G. Waight and F. Albuyeh), IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS100, No. 5, pp. 2226-2230, May, 1981.
February 12, 2016
"Generation Dispatch with Reserve Margin Constraints Using Linear Programming," (with
J.G. Waight and G.B. Sheble), IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS100, No. 1, pp. 252-258, January, 1981.
"Regulation Error in Load Frequency Control," (with I. Atiyyah), IEEE Transactions on Power
Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-99, No. 2, pp. 650-657, March/April, 1980.
"Qualitative Analysis of Large Scale Systems: Stability, Instability and Boundedness," (with
A.N. Michel), Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, vol. ZAMM 56, pp. 1320, February, 1976.
Book Contributions
“Power System Security,” (with K. Tomsovic), Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering, John Wiley, New York 1998.
“Power System Operations” McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, 8th
Edition, New York, 1997.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Electric Power Systems Infrastructure, (edited by A. Bose and
K. Tomsovic), National Science Foundation, October 1994.
"Energy Management," (with K.N. Stanton and J. Giri), The Electrical Engineering Handbook,
2nd Edition, CRC Press/IEEE Press, 1997; The Electrical Engineering Handbook, CRC Press,
"Electrical Energy Control Centers," McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, 7th
Edition, New York, 1993; 6th Edition, New York, 1987.
"Concurrent Processing in Power System Analysis," (with M.L. Crow and D.J. Tylavsky),
Analysis and Control System Techniques for Electric Power Systems, Academic Press, San
Diego, 1991.
"Electric Power System Operator Training Simulators," McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science
and Technology 1990 Yearbook, New York, 1990.
Conference Papers
“Digital Simulation of Power Systems,” (Invited Paper), IEEE Region 10 Conference
TENCON98, Delhi, India, December 1998.
“Information Survivability in the Electric Utility Industry,” (with J. Hale), 1998 Information
Survivability Workshop, Orlando, FL, October 1998.
“On-Line Contingency Screening and Remedial Action for Dynamic Security Analysis,” (with
W.Li, E. DeTuglie and M. LaScala), Conference Internationale des Grands Reseaux Electriques
a Haute Tension, Paris, France, September 1998.
“A Framework for Fast Voltage Security Assessment,” (with H. Liu and V. Venkatasubramanian), Conference on Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control IV – Restructuring,
Santorini, Greece, August 1998.
“Contingency Ranking Based on Severity Indices in Dynamic Security Analysis,” (with C. Fu),
IEEE/PES Summer Meeting, San Diego, CA, July 1998.
February 12, 2016
“Needs and Advancements in Power Engineering Education – MERIT 2000 Project,” American
Power Conference, Chicago, IL, April 1998.
“The Object-Based Enterprise,” (with T.A. Green), Invited Paper, Conference on Distribution
Automation, Tampa, FL, January 1998.
“New Indices for Contingency Screening in Dynamic Security Analysis,” (with C. Fu), North
American Power Symposium, Laramie, WO, October 1997.
“Innovations in the Control Centre due to Open Trading,” (with P. van Son and D. Kirschen),
CIGRE Symposium on the Impact of Open Trading on Power Systems, Tours, France, June
“A Coherency Based Rescheduling Method for Dynamic Security,” (with W. Li), IEEE/PES
Power Industry Computer Applications Conference, Columbus, OH, May 1997.
“Load Frequency Control in Hybrid Electric Power Markets,” (with R.D. Christie), Invited
Paper, International Conference on Control Applications, Dearborn, MI, September 1996.
“The Expansion of an Energy Management System to Include an Advanced Dispatcher Training
Simulator in the Electricity Supply Board, Ireland,” (with H. Jones, A. Sleator, V. Calovic, D.
Van Den Akker, A. Debs, C. Hansen and M. Foley), Paper 39-102, Conference Internationale
des Grands Reseaux Electriques a Haute Tension, Paris, France, August 1996.
“Operator Training,” (with T. Minakawa), Tutorial Session Proceedings, Power Systems
Computation Conference, Dresden, Germany, August 1996.
“On the Performance of Parallel Algorithms for the Transient Stability Problem,” (with L. Hou),
Power Systems Computation Conference, Dresden, Germany, August 1996.
“Transmission Capacity in Power Networks,” (M. Ilic, F. Galiana, L. Fink, P. Mallet and H.
Othman), Invited Plenary Paper, Power Systems Computation Conference, Dresden, Germany,
August 1996.
“Enhancements of EPRI-OTS Models for the Simulation and Dispatcher Training at Electricity
Supply Board - Ireland,” (with A. Debs, C. Hansen, V. Calovic, H. Jones and M. Foley), Power
Systems Computation Conference, Dresden, Germany, August 1996.
“Severity Indices for Contingency Screening in Dynamic Security Assessment,” (with V.
Brandwajn, A.B.R. Kumar, A. Ipakchi and S.D. Kuo), IEEE/PES Summer Meeting, Denver, CO,
July 1996.
“Implementation of the Waveform Relaxation Algorithm on a Shared Memory Computer for the
Transient Stability Problem,” (with L. Hou), IEEE/PES Winter Meeting, Baltimore, MD,
January 1996.
Comparison of Algorithms for Transient Stability Simulations on Shared and Distributed
Memory Computers,” (with M. LaScala, G. Sblendorio and J.Q. Wu), IEEE/PES Winter
Meeting, Baltimore, MD, January 1996.
“Preventive Control for Dynamic Security of Power Systems,” (with W. Li), Invited Paper,
IFAC Symposium on Control of Power Plants and Power Systems, Cancun, Mexico, December
February 12, 2016
“Requirements for a New Generation of Simulators to Train Dispatchers in a Changing Control
Environment,” (with Y. Logeay, N. Cukalevski and E. Handschin), CIGRE SC39 Meeting and
Colloquium, Johannesburg/Cape Town, South Africa, October 1995.
“A Long Term Dynamic Model for Combined Cycle Plants,” (with R.S. Fairchild), North
American Power Symposium, Bozeman, MT, October 1995.
“Generation Rescheduling to Enhance Stability of Power Systems,” (with W. Li), North
American Power Symposium, Bozeman, MT, October 1995.
“Load Frequency Control Issues in Power System Operation after Deregulation,” (with R.D.
Christie), IEEE/PES Power Industry Computer Applications Conference, Salt Lake City, UT,
May 1995.
“A New Successive Relaxation Scheme for the W-Matrix Solution Method on a Shared Memory
Parallel Computer,” (with J.Q. Wu), IEEE/PES Power Industry Computer Applications
Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, May 1995.
"Parallel Solution of Power System Problems," (with J.Q. Wu), International Conference on
Power System Technologies, Beijing, China, October 1994.
"Modeling of Static VAR Systems for Operator Training Simulators," (with R.S. Kuruneru),
North American Power Symposium, Manhattan, KS, September 1994.
"Parallel Implementation of Power System Transient Stability Analysis," (with J.Q. Wu, J.
Huang, A. Valette, F. Lafrance), IEEE/PES Summer Meeting, San Francisco, CA, July 1994.
"Parallel Solution of Large Sparse Matrix Equations and Parallel Power Flow," (with J.Q. Wu),
IEEE/PES Summer Meeting, San Francisco, CA, July 1994.
“Object-Oriented On-Line Network Analysis,” (with M. Foley), IEEE/PES Winter Meeting,
New York, NY, February 1994.
"Correctability of Voltage Violations in On-Line Contingency Analysis," (with C.A. Castro),
IEEE/PES Winter Meeting, New York, NY, February 1994.
"Control Centers and Their Role in Improving the Efficiency of Power Systems," Invited Paper,
International Symposium on Electrical Energy Systems, Dhaka, Bangladesh, December 1993.
"Operations Research - Related Applications in Electric Utilities' Real-Time Control," Invited
Paper, ORSA/TIMS Joint National Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, November 1993.
"Modeling of Remedial Action Schemes for Operator Training Simulators," (with R. Kuruneru),
North American Power Symposium, Washington, DC, October 1993.
"Multi-Step Partitioned Solution for Power System Transient Stability Analysis," (with L. Hou),
Power Systems Computation Conference, Avignon, France, August 1993.
"A Generation Rescheduling Method to Increase the Dynamic Security of Power Systems," (with
D.H. Kuo), IEEE/PES Summer Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, July 1993.
February 12, 2016
"Modeling of High Voltage Direct Current Transmission Systems for Operator Training
Simulators," (with R.S. Kuruneru and R. Bunch), IEEE/PES Power Industry Computer
Applications Conference, Phoenix, AZ, May 1993.
"Computer Applications in Power System Operation and Control," Plenary Lecture, Seventh
National Power Systems Conference, Calcutta, India, February 1993.
"Upgrading of System Control Center Functionality," (with R. Podmore, I. Thurein and H. Van
Meeteren), CIGRE 34th General Session, Paris, France, September 1992.
"Computer-based Training for Power System Operators," (with H. Kosonen, R. Skiold and A.
Solberg), CIGRE 34th General Session, Paris, France, September 1992.
"Correctability in On-Line Contingency Analysis," (with C.A. Castro), IEEE/PES Summer
Meeting, Seattle, WA, July 1992.
"Computation of Power System Dynamics Using Parallel Computers," (with J.S. Chai), Invited
Paper, American Control Conference, Chicago IL, June 1992.
"An Object Based Graphical User Interface for Power Systems," (with M. Foley), IEEE/PES
Winter Meeting, New York, NY, January 1992.
"Bottlenecks in Parallel Algorithms for Power System Stability Analysis," (with J.S. Chai),
IEEE/PES Winter Meeting, New York, NY, January 1992.
"New Modeling, Analysis and Computation Techniques for Power System Control Centers,"
(with T.A. Green), USDOE Conference on Real-Time Control and Operation of Electric Power
Systems, Denver, CO, November 1991.
"Parallel Processing in Power Systems Computation," (IEEE Task Force), IEEE/PES Summer
Meeting, San Diego, CA, July 1991.
"Dynamic Security Assessment," Invited Paper, IFAC Workshop on Electric Power System
Control Centers, Alpbach, Austria, June 1991.
"A Dynamic Partitioning Scheme for Parallel Transient Stability Analysis," (with N. Zhu), IEEE
Power Industry Computer Applications Conference, Baltimore, MD, May 1991.
"An Advanced Transportable Operator Training Simulator," (with J.G. Waight, K. Nodehi, M.
Rafian, H. Van Meeteren, R. Wasley, D. Stackfleth, E. Dobrowolski), IEEE Power Industry
Computer Applications Conference, Baltimore, MD, May 1991.
"Power System Algorithms and Models in an Advanced Operator Training Simulator," Invited
Paper, (with K. Nodehi, J. Waight and M. Rafian), EPRI Conference on Power Plant & Power
System Training Simulators & Modeling, Miami Beach, April 1991.
"Simulators for Training Electric Utility Power System Operators," Invited Paper, (with R.
Schulte), EPRI Conference on Power Plant & Power System Training Simulators & Modeling,
Miami Beach, April 1991.
"Implementation of the EPRI OTS at Philadelphia Electric Company," Invited Paper, (with J.
Waight, K. Nodehi, M. Rafian, R, Wasley, E. Dobrowolski, R. Adapa, D. Stackfleth), EPRI
Conference on Power Plant & Power System Training Simulators & Modeling, Miami Beach,
April 1991.
February 12, 2016
"Parallel Newton Type Methods for Power System Stability Analysis Using Local and Shared
Memory Multiprocessors" (with J.S. Chai, N. Zhu and D.J. Tylavsky), IEEE Power Engineering
Society Winter Meeting, New York, NY, February 1991.
"Direct Ranking for Voltage Contingency Selection Including Injection Outages," (with Y.
Chen), Power Systems Computation Conference, Graz, Austria, August 1990.
"Coarse Grain Scheduling in Parallel Triangular Factorization and Solution of Power System
Matrices," (with K. Lau and D.J. Tylavsky), IEEE Power Engineering Society Summer Meeting,
Minneapolis, MN, July 1990.
"Numerical Solution of Transient Stability of Power Systems by Adaptive RK Method," (with N.
Zhu, Z. Jackiewicz and D.J. Tylavsky), International Conference on Numerical Solutions of
Volterra and Delay Equations, Tempe, AZ, May 1990.
"Research Priorities in Distribution Engineering and End Use," Invited Paper, NSF/EIT
Workshop on Electric Power Engineering, Washington, DC, April 1990.
"Security Analysis for Voltage Problems Using a Reduced Model," (with Y. Chen), IEEE Power
Engineering Society Winter Meeting, Atlanta, GA, February 1990.
"A Real Time Power System Simulation Laboratory Environment," (with M. Foley and Y.
Chen), IEEE Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting, Atlanta, GA, February 1990.
"Real Time Power System Simulation for Training Purposes," Invited Paper, IEEE Region 10
International Conference, Bombay, India, November 1989.
"Computer Simulation of Power Systems for Operator Training," Invited Paper, Intersociety
Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Washington D.C., August 1989.
"A Highly Parallel Method for Transient Stability Analysis," (with M. LaScala, D.J. Tylavsky,
J.S. Chai), IEEE Power Industry Computer Applications Conference, Seattle, May, 1989.
"An Adaptive Pre-Filter for the Voltage Contingency Selection Function," (with Y. Chen), IEEE
Power Industry Computer Applications Conference, Seattle, May, 1989.
"A Relaxation Type Multigrid Parallel Algorithm for Power System Transient Stability
Analysis," (with M. LaScala, D.J. Tylavsky), IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and
Systems, Portland, OR, May, 1989.
"A Highly Parallel Multigrid Method for Power System Transient Stability Analysis," (with
M. LaScala, D.J. Tylavsky, J.S. Chai), Conference on Multigrid Methods, Copper Mountain,
CO, April, 1989.
"Direct Ranking for Voltage Contingency Selection," (with Y. Chen), IEEE Power Engineering
Society Winter Meeting, New York, NY, January, 1989.
"Operator Training Simulator: Component Models," (with M. Prais, C. Johnson and D. Curtice),
IEEE Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting, New York, NY, January, 1989.
"Operator Training Simulator: Algorithms and Test Results," (with M. Prais, G. Zhang, Y. Chen
and D. Curtice), IEEE Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting, New York, NY, January,
February 12, 2016
"Scenario Building for Operator Training Simulators Using a Transient Stability Program," (with
G. Zhang), IEEE Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting, New York, NY, January, 1989.
"Power Plant Models for Operator Training Simulators," (with V. Kola and P.M. Anderson),
IEEE Power Engineering Society Summer Meeting, Portland, OR, July 1988.
"Simulation for Operator Training," Grainger Lecture Series, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL,
May 1988.
"Security Constrained Economic Dispatch and Reactive Power Control Using an External
Network Equivalent," (with G. Zhang), IASTED Conference on High Technology in the Power
Industry, Phoenix, AZ, March, 1988.
"On-Line Reactive Power and Voltage Control Using an Incremental Reactive Current Model,"
(with G. Zhang), IASTED Conference on High Technology in the Power Industry, Phoenix, AZ,
March, 1988.
"Training Simulator Effectiveness and the Status of the EPRI Project," Invited Paper, WSCC
Trainers Workshop, Salt Lake City, UT, August, 1987.
"A Topology Processor that Tracks Network Modifications Over Time," (with M. Prais), IEEE
Power Engineering Society Summer Meeting, San Francisco, CA, July, 1987.
"Choosing the Appropriate Boundary for Adaptive Reduction," (with Y. Chen), Power Industry
Computer Applications Conference, Montreal, Canada, May, 1987.
"A Modification to the Fast Decoupled Power Flow for Networks with High R/X Ratios," (with
D. Rajicic), Power Industry Computer Applications Conference, Montreal, Canada, May, 1987.
"Development of EPRI Operator Training Simulator Models and Algorithms," Invited Paper,
Edison Electric Institute Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, November, 1986.
"Algorithmic, Software Design, and Implementation Considerations in External Modeling,"
Power System Monitoring and Control Conference, Durham, UK, July, 1986.
"State of the Art of Operator Training Simulators," Invited Paper, APDA Southwest Area Winter
Meeting, Tucson, AZ, January, 1986.
"Conventions for Block Diagram Representations," (Task Force on Stability Terms and
Definitions), IEEE Power Engineering Society Summer Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, July,
"The Effects of External Modeling Errors on On-Line Security Analysis," Power Industry
Computer Applications Conference, San Francisco, CA, May, 1985.
"Power System Model Development for On-Line Security Functions," (with M.J. Gahagan and
J.R. Hunt), Power Industry Computer Applications Conference, San Francisco, CA, May, 1985.
"Development of Operator Training Curricula Using the Instructional Systems Development
Approach," (with J.P. Smith, D.R. Connor and E. Burton), IEEE Power Engineering Society
Winter Meeting, New York, NY, February, 1985.
February 12, 2016
"Review of the EPRI Project on Operator Training Simulator Implementation," (with R.
Masiello, J. Waight, B. Wollenberg, W. Wynne and J. Smith), Invited Paper, 1984 Edison
Electric Institute Engineering Computer Forum, Atlanta, GA, September, 1984.
"Modeling of External Networks for On-Line Security Analysis," IEEE Power Engineering
Society Winter Meeting, Dallas, TX, January, 1984.
"Application of Direct Methods to Transient Stability Analysis of Power Systems," (Panel on
Direct Methods for Stability Analysis), IEEE Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting,
Dallas, TX, January, 1984.
"Impact of New Energy Technologies on Generation Scheduling," (with P.M. Anderson), IEEE
Power Engineering Society Summer Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, July, 1983.
"Stability Simulation of Wind Turbine Systems," (with P.M. Anderson), IEEE Power
Engineering Society Summer Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, July, 1983.
"Monte Carlo Simulation of Power System Stability," (with K.J. Timko and P.M. Anderson),
Power Industry Computer Applications Conference, Houston, TX, May, 1983.
"A Probabilistic Approach to Power System Stability Analysis," (with P.M. Anderson), IEEE
Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting, New York, NY, January, 1983.
"State Estimation Based External Network Solution for On-Line Security Analysis," (with
K.I. Geisler), IEEE Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting, New York, NY, January, 1983.
"Operations and Maintenance Scheduling with New Energy Technologies," (with P.M.
Anderson), USDOE Conference on the Impact of new Energy Technologies, St. Michael's, MD,
July, 1982.
"Recent Advances in Power System Control," (with B.K. Mukherjee), Invited Paper, IFAC
Symposium on Theory and Application of Digital Control, New Delhi, India, January, 1982.
"Reactive Power Considerations in Automatic Contingency Selection," (with F. Albuyeh and
B. Heath), Power Industry Computer Applications Conference, Philadelphia, PA, May, 1981.
"Scheduling of Generation and Reserve Margin Using Dynamic and Linear Programming," (with
J.G. Waight and F. Albuyeh), IEEE Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting, Atlanta, GA,
February, 1981.
"Scheduling of Generation and Reserve Margin Using Dynamic and Linear Programming," (with
J.G. Waight and F. Albuyeh), SIAM Conference on Electrical Power Problems, Seattle, WA,
March, 1980.
"Proposed Terms and Definitions for Power System Stability," (Task Force on Stability Terms
and Definitions), IEEE Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting, Atlanta, GA, February,
"Generation Dispatch with Reserve Margin Constraints Using Linear Programming," (with
J.G. Waight and G.B. Sheble), IEEE Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting, New York,
NY, February, 1980.
"Power System Control Center Concepts," (with J.C. Russell and R.D. Masiello), CIGRE Study
Committee 32 Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, May, 1979.
February 12, 2016
"Power System Control Center Concepts," (with J.C. Russell and R.D. Masiello), Power Industry
Computer Applications Conference, Cleveland, OH, May, 1979.
"Input-Output Processing of On-Line Contingency Analysis," (with S.O. Hanson), Power
Industry Computer Applications Conference, Cleveland, OH, May, 1979.
"Regulation Error in Load Frequency Control," (with I. Atiyyah), IEEE Power Engineering
Society Winter Meeting, New York, NY, February, 1979.
"On-Line Network Programs for Power System Control," Invited Paper, Midwest Symposium on
Circuits and Systems, Ames, IA, August, 1978.
"Identification of Dynamic Equivalents for On-Line Transient Security Assessment," (with
J. Giri), IEEE Power Engineering Society Summer Meeting, Mexico City, July, 1977.
"Power System Monitoring by Mini-Computers in the Laboratory," (with S.P. MacKenzie),
Power Industry Computer Application Conference, Toronto, Canada, May, 1977.
"Stability of a Class of Systems with Multiple Nonlinearities," IEEE Conference on Decision and
Control, Clearwater, FL, December, 1976.
"Qualitative Analysis of Large Scale Systems: Stability, Instability and Boundedness," (with
A.N. Michel), Invited Paper, Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Lawrence, KS,
September, 1974.
Discussions and Short Notes
Discussion of “Reactive Power Pricing and Management,” IEEE Transactions on Power
Systems, vol.12, No. 1, pp. 103-104, February 1997.
Discussion of “Improved Representation of Generator and Load Dynamics in the Study of
Voltage Limited Power System Operations,” (with K. Tomsovic and V. Venkatasubramanian),
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 313-314, February 1997.
Discussion of “Towards the Development of a Systematic Approach for Voltage Stability
Assessment of Large-Scale Power Systems,” (with K. Tomsovic and V. Venkatasubramanian),
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 1322, August 1996.
Discussion of “Transmission Access Issues,” (with R.D. Christie), IEEE Transactions on Power
Systems, vol. 11, No. 1, p. 50, February 1996.
Discussion of “A User Friendly Simulation Program for Teaching Power System Operation,”
(with R. Fairchild), IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 1731-32,
November 1995.
Discussion of "Analysis of a Static VAR Compensator Using the Dispatcher Training
Simulator," (with R.S. Kuruneru), IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 10, No. 3, p. 1242,
August 1995.
Discussion of "External Network Modeling for Optimal Power Flow Applications," IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 10, No. 2, p. 834, May 1995.
February 12, 2016
"Power System Control in a Reorganized Industry," Proceedings of the Discussions of CIGRE
94, Paris, France, August 1994.
Guest Editorial, IEEE Computer Applications in Power, vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 6-7, April 1994.
Discussion of " A Coordinated Control of Voltage and Reactive Power by Heurestic Modeling
and Approximate Reasoning," (with C.A. Castro), IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol.8,
No.2, p. 644, May 1993.
Discussion of "Fuzzy-Set Based Contingency Ranking," (with C.A. Castro), IEEE Transactions
on Power Systems, vol. 7, No. 3, p. 1196, August 1992.
Discussion of "Real-Time Digital Simulator for Power System Analysis on a Hypercube
Computer," (with J.S. Chai), IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. PWRS-7, No. 1, pp. 8-9,
February 1992.
"Speeding Up Time Domain Techniques for DSA," EPRI Control Center Automation, Issue 5,
December 1991.
Discussion of "Sparsity Enhanced Network Reduction for Fault Studies," (with Y. Chen), IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems, vol. PWRS-6, No. 2, p.620, May 1991.
Discussion of "An Implementation of Transient Stability in a Dispatcher Training Simulator,"
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. PWRS-6, No. 1, pp. 142-143, February 1991.
Discussion of "A Gauss-Jacobi-Block-Newton Method for Parallel Transient Stability Analysis,"
(with J.S. Chai and D.J. Tylavsky), IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. PWRS-5, No.4,
p.1176, November 1990.
Discussion of "The Parallel Implementation of the Waveform Relaxation Method for Transient
Stability Simulations," (with J.S. Chai, D.J. Tylavsky and N. Zhu), IEEE Transactions on Power
Systems, vol. PWRS-5, No. 3, p.930, August 1990.
Discussion of "Adaptive Procedure for Masking Effect Compensation in Contingency Selection
Algorithms," (with Y. Chen), IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. PWRS-5, No. 2, p. 546,
May 1990.
Discussion of "An External Network Modeling for On-Line Security Analysis," (with Y. Chen),
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. PWRS-5, No. 2, pp. 571-572, May 1990.
Discussion of "Complete Bounding Method for AC Contingency Screening," (with Y. Chen),
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. PWRS-4, No. 2, p. 729, May, 1989.
Discussion of "Real-Time Optimal Power Flow in Automatic Generation Control," (with
G. Zhang), IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. PWRS-3, No. 4, p. 1525, November,
Discussion of "Fast Contingency Screening And Evaluation for Voltage Security Analysis,"
(with Y. Chen), IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. PWRS-3, No. 4, p. 1589, November,
Discussion of "MW/Voltage Control in Linear Programming Based Optimal Power Flow," (with
G. Zhang), IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. PWRS-3, No. 2, p. 487, May, 1988.
February 12, 2016
Discussion of "AEP Automatic Contingency Selector: Branch Outage Impacts on Load Bus
Voltage Profile," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. PWRS-1, No. 2, p. 45, May, 1986.
Discussion of "Development of a Large-Scale Dispatcher Training Simulator and Training
Results," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. PWRS-1, No. 2, p. 74, May, 1986.
Discussion of "State Estimation with Phasor Measurements," IEEE Transactions on Power
Systems, vol. PWRS-1, No. 1, pp. 239-240, February, 1986.
Discussion of "On-Line Contingency Selection Algorithm for Voltage Security Analysis," IEEE
Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-104, No. 4, p. 853, April, 1985.
Discussion of "A Real Time Approach for Revising Generation Unit Performance
Characteristics," IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-104, No. 2, p.
285, February, 1985.
Discussion of "A Method that Combines Internal State Estimation and External Network
Modeling," IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-104, No. 1, p. 100,
January, 1985.
Discussion of "Optimal Power Flow by Newton Approach," (with B. Stott and O. Alsac), IEEE
Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-103, No. 10, p. 2878, October, 1984.
Discussion of "Critical Energy for Direct Transient Stability Assessment of a Multimachine
Power System," IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-103, No. 8, p.
2206, August 1984.
Discussion of "Identification and Ranking of Critical Contingencies in Dependent Variable
Space," (with F. Albuyeh), IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-102,
No. 4, p. 890, April, 1983.
Discussion of "Role of Interactive and Control Computers in the Development of a System
Restoration Plan," IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-101, No. 1, p.
51, January, 1982.
Discussion of "Modified Minimum Cost Flow Dispatching Method for Power system
Application" (with J.G. Waight), IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol.
PAS-101, No. 1, p. 51, February, 1981.
Discussion of "Dynamic Equivalents from On-Line Measurements," IEEE Transactions on
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February 12, 2016