KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COLORADO STATE COUNCIL SPIRITUAL ENRICHMENT PROGRAM KNIGHTS TO CHRIST RETREAT OUTLINE Amended 11-20-15 Summary: The objective is to provide the opportunity for Brother Knights to share their innermost spiritual beliefs and experience. The approach is to facilitate faith-sharing through “Knight to Knight sharing” in small groups, using the “Knights to Christ” meditations as spiritual tools for expression. The Retreat Facilitator’s mission is to establish a “comfort level” for open and uninhibited sharing; to establish a prayerful atmosphere; and to guide the Retreat efficiently. The Knights to Christ Retreat focuses on the 4 guiding Principles of the Knights of Columbus: Charity, Fraternity, Unity and Patriotism. These guiding Principles are thoroughly exemplified in the Meditation book, “Knights to Christ.” Further, pertinent questions at the end of most of the readings in the Book provide the means to explore our personal reflections on the subject matter. LOGISTICS OF THE RETREAT The Council leadership shall establish the date, time and location of the 1-day Retreat during its annual planning session or another appropriate time. The Retreat should be promoted by way of reminders at each Business meeting. Sign- up sheets are to be distributed at least 3 months prior to the Retreat or sooner, if feasible. The Retreat agenda should be distributed at least 2 months prior to the retreat. A Retreat Facilitator is selected when the Retreat date is set. Ideally, he will be the Council Chaplain, the Church Director or someone selected by the Grand Knight. His job is to assist in the preparation of the Retreat Agenda and to facilitate the Retreat onsite. He should obtain assistance from other Council members as needed. Note: this Retreat is participatory, meaning Knights are expected to participate in small groups that are set up at the beginning of the Retreat by the Facilitator. He will establish small groups of 4-6 Knights. A Discussion Leader” will be selected by each group. He will suggest that retreatants prayerfully pay attention to all their thoughts, feelings and emotions that rise in them during their small group sharing. The Council Warden makes arrangements for the Retreat location, Continental Breakfast, snacks, etc. If the Retreat facility cannot provide lunch, the Warden makes other arrangements. If the Council subsidizes the cost of the retreat, members may want to contribute their fair share to offset the Council’s costs. . . Each man attending the Retreat will be provided a copy of the “Knights to Christ” Meditation Book, provided by the Council, which he will use at the group discussion sessions. AGENDA Once the arrangements are made, the following agenda is recommended: Retreat Facilitator: 8:30am: Continental Breakfast; socializing; Opening prayer from the “Knights to Christ” book (page 375). 9:00am: invocation; overview; Introductions; Discussion Groups selected, Discussion Group leaders selected. Knights to Christ Books distributed. Note: The Facilitator will suggest Discussion Group Leaders inform their groups that they ask themselves the following questions while the Meditations are read to their group: 1. What does the text say? 2. What does the text say to me? 3. How am I changed by my consideration of the text? 10:00am: The Retreat Facilitator introduces the Principle of Charity. 10:05am: The Discussion Group Leader reads the pertinent Meditation for Charity* from the K2C Book. He pauses 10-12 seconds and then leads the group’s sharing on the Meditation, including the corresponding questions at the end of the Meditation. If there is time, he may allow sharing on more than one meditation on Charity He concludes the session with a ten- minute break. 11am: The Facilitator introduces the Principle of Unity. 11:05am: The Discussion Group Leader reads the pertinent Meditation on Unity* from the K2C book. He pauses for 10-12 seconds and then leads his group’s sharing on the Meditation, including the corresponding questions at the end of the Meditation. If there is time, he may include sharing on more than one Meditation on Unity. He concludes the session with a Ten-minute break. 12 Noon: Lunch 1:00pm The Facilitator introduces the Principle of Fraternity. 1:05pm: The discussion Group Leader reads the pertinent Meditation on Fraternity * from the K2C Book; pauses 10-12 seconds and then he leads his group’s discussion on the Meditation and the corresponding questions at the end of the Meditation. If there is time, he may include sharing on more than one Meditation on Fraternity. He concludes the session with a 10- minute break. 2:00pm: The Facilitator introduces the Principle of Patriotism* 2:05: The Discussion Group Leader reads the pertinent Meditation on Patriotism * from the K2C Book; pauses 10-12 seconds and then leads his group’s sharing on the Meditation, including the corresponding questions from the Meditation. If there is time, he may include sharing on more than one Meditation on Patriotism. He concludes the session with a 10- minute break. 3:00- Mass- after the Homily, the leaders from each Discussion Group share a” Grace Moment” (how did God work in your Group?) If Mass is not possible, due to the unavailability of a priest, it is suggested that a Deacon (who is a Knight) conduct a Communion Service. He can then lead the “Grace Moment” sharing after his Homily. (Sharing should not be rushed) 4:00pm: closing prayer from the Knights to Christ book (page 377); adjourn. *The discussion Group Leader will select the pertinent reading(s) for the Principle from a list of recommended readings from the Knights to Christ book that are provided.