CURRICULUM VITAE Name: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Date of birth: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Nationality: British Marital Status: Married with x children Home Address: xxxxxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Tel: - xxxxxxxxxxxx GMC Registration: xxxxxxx NTN: xxxxxxxxxxxx MDU Membership: xxxxxxx Medical Qualifications: MB.ChB (with Honours) July 1993 xxxxxxx University School of Medicine Distinctions: Surgery Clinical Pathology Public Health Distinction Vivas: Paediatrics Scholarships and Prizes: xxxxxxxxx Scholarship for overall results in final year written examinations. xxxxxxxx Scholarship for results in medicine, surgery and obstetrics and gynaecology. xxxxx Surgery Prize. Postgraduate Qualifications: MRCP Paediatrics June 1996 -1Date Previous Appointments:Pre membership appointments 1/8/93-31/1/94 Surgical PRHO 1/2/94-31/7/94 Medical PRHO 1/8/94-31/1/95 6 months Full time On-call 1:5 SHO Neonatology xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Covering a tertiary neonatal unit, labour ward and post natal wards. Post included daily consultant lead ward rounds and weekly supervised teaching sessions. Consultants – xxxxxxxxxxxx, 1/2/95 – 31/7/95 6 months Full time On call 1:4 SHO General Paediatrics and Neonatology xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. 4 months General Paediatrics covering the General Paediatric Wards covering both emergency and planned admissions, including surgical cases, Daily consultant led ward rounds, opportunity to sit in clinics including Specialist Diabetes and Neurology clinics. 2 months in neonatal unit covering labour ward and postnatal wards. Consultants – xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1/7/95-31/1/96 6 months Full time On call 1:4 1/2/96-30/4/96 3 months Full time On call 1:5 Senior SHO General Paediatrics and Neonatology xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. A middle Grade post in paediatrics. Out of hours covered the general paediatric wards, tertiary neonatal unit, children’s renal unit and a 3-bedded children’s intensive care unit giving extremely wide experience in a very busy job. Daily consultant led ward rounds of new patients. 2 X General Paediatric clinics per week. Consultants – xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SHO xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Paediatric Neurology xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. 3-month post in tertiary Paediatric neurology, including investigation and management of children with complex epilepsy. Regular opportunity to sit in Neurology and Paediatric Genetics Outpatient clinics. Regular consultant led ward rounds and Teaching program. On call covering acute paediatric admissions and Children’s A&E. Consultant – xxxxxxxxxxxxx 1/5/96-31/7/96 3 months Full time On call 1:5 SHO Paediatric Oncology xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Post working in tertiary paediatric oncology in a unit covering the (Region). Involved in-patient care and providing cover to day bed unit for investigation and treatment of children. Regular Consultant led ward rounds and multi-disciplinary team meetings. On call covering xxxxxxxx Hospital Inpatients – oncology, cardiology and endocrinology patients and acute surgical admissions. Consultants – Prof xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -2Date Post Membership Appointments: 14/10/96-30/4/97 6.5 months Specialist Registrar (LATS) Neonatology xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Full time On call 1:5 Post covering tertiary neonatal unit with 30 beds. Covered NICU, postnatal wards and twice-weekly clinics for neonatal follow-ups. Experience included resuscitation, transfer and retrieval sick neonates, ventilation including oscillation and advanced techniques for supporting extremely premature infants. Regular liason and discharge planning meetings. Daily consultant led ward rounds and regular SpR led ward rounds. On call covering acute paediatric wards and tertiary renal unit as well as neonatal unit. Consultants – xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. 1/5/97-15/12/97 7.5 months Specialist Registrar General Paediatrics Full time Working in General Paediatric unit. 2 X weekly general paediatric clinics, diabetic clinic plus regular opportunity to sit in on Specialist Clinics including Neurology and Endocrine. Out reach clinics in community hospitals. Regular consultant and SpR led ward rounds. On call covered small neonatal ward as well as acute paediatric admissions. On call 1:5 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Consultants – xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. 16/12/97 – 31/8/98 1/9/98-31/7/99 Part time Maternity Leave 11 months@ 5 sessions = 5.5 months 7 months - General Paediatric job covering paediatric in patients, surgery and Paediatric oncology unit. Regular once weekly consultant supervised general paediatric clinic. Consultant and SpR led ward rounds. 4 months – based on busy neonatal unit including covering labour ward and the postnatal wards. Transfer of sick neonates. Regular weekly general paediatric and neonatal follow-up clinics. On call commitment covering both general paediatrics and neonates. On call 50% 1:4 (1:8) Flexible Trainee SpR General Paediatrics/Neonates xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Consultants – xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. 1/8/99-27/10/99 Part time Flexible Trainee SpR Community Paediatrics 3 months @ 5 sessions = 1.5 months Community post including regular locality clinics within schools and Child Health Surveillance. Experience in Child Protection Cases and attendance at case conferences. On call commitment at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx covering general paediatrics and neonates. On call 50% 1:4 (1:8) Consultant – xxxxxxxxxxxx 28/10/99-31/8/00 Maternity Leave xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -3Date 1/9/00-28/1/02 Part time 17 months @ 6 sessions = 10.2 months On call 60% 1:5 (1:8.5) Flexible Trainee SpR Community Paediatrics Community Child Health, xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Community Paediatric post. Covered own locality providing weekly clinics in community clinic. Also weekly neuro-disability clinic. Regular daytime on call commitment for child protection strategies and for assessment of children with child protection concerns. Regular clinics in school for Children with severe physical disabilities. Regular audit and clinical governance sessions. On call commitment on General Paediatric wards at xxxxxxxxx hospital with Consultant and Spr led post take ward rounds. Consultants – xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 29/1/02-31/12/02 1/1/03-2/3/04 Part time 14 months@ 6 sessions = 8.4 months On call: 60% 1 in 8 full shift. (1in13 full shift) Maternity Leave Flexible Trainee SpR Community Paediatrics xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx , xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Tertiary community post working in xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Regular community and general paediatric clinics and within a School for children with moderate to severe learning difficulties. Training clinics in examination children with historical sexual abuse including the use of a colposcope. Attachment to Designated Doctor for child protection including attendance at ACPC meetings and development meetings. Regular on day time rota for Child protection concerns and experience in providing reports for Social Services and the Police. On call commitment on General Paediatric Wards at xxxxxxxxx Hospital. Consultant – xxxxxxxxxxxx 2/3/04-1/3/05 Part time 12 months @ 6 sessions = 7.2 months On call: 60% 1 in 8 full shift. (1in13 full shift) Flexible Trainee SpR Paediatric Rheumatology/ Chronic pain Acute Paediatrics xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. A tertiary paediatric rheumatology post providing cover for the (region). Weekly rheumatology clinics. In-patient beds for management and investigation of patients. One day per week spent in Adolescent Pain Management Team in xxxx providing a national service for assessment and in-patient program for children with chronic pain and pain associated disability. Regular commitment to general paediatric wards covering ambulatory paediatric admissions unit, GP referrals and A&E admissions. Consultant led and SpR led ward rounds. On call commitment covering General Paediatrics. Consultant –xxxxxxxxxxxx 2/3/05- 5/9/06 Part time 6 months @ 6 sessions= 3.6 months On call: 60% 1 in 8 full shift. (1in13 full shift) Flexible Trainee SpR Community Paediatrics xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. A tertiary community paediatric post. Regular weekly community clinic. Twice monthly clinic in school for children with Complex Learning Difficulties. Attachment to Child and Adolescence Mental Health Services with supervised clinics and Family Therapy Sessions. Monthly clinic for assessment of children who have been sexually abused. Further Child Protection experience gained with membership of ACPC Training Sub-committee and attendance at ACPC committee meetings. Regular General Paediatric ward rounds post on call, Consultant and SpR led. On call commitment covering General Paediatrics. Consultants – xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. -4Date 6/9/06 – 5/6/06 Part time 9 months @ 6 sessions = 5.4 months On Call: 1 in 4 weekends Child Protection On call Flexible Trainee SpR Community Paediatrics Community Child Health, xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Continuing Community Training as in previous post with regular weekly community clinic twice monthly clinic in school for children with Complex Learning Difficulties and monthly Clinic for assessment of children who have been sexually abused. 6 month attachment in monthly Specialist Immunisation Clinic. Continuing Child Protection Training with membership of Training Sub committee and regular commitment to providing multi-agency child protection training. Out of hours Child Protection on call with consultant Supervision. On call rota = 1in 4 weekends non-resident Child Protection On Call Consultants – xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. 6/6/06 – 6/8/06 Part time 2 months @ 6 sessions = 1.2 months On call: 60% of 1 in 10 rota for Child Protection Locum Consultant Community Paediatrics xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Acting locum Consultant Community Paediatrician in xxxxxxxxxxxx. Weekly locality clinic, monthly clinic for assessment of children who have been sexually abused. Twice monthly clinic in School for children with Complex Learning Difficulties. Weekly Child Protection session in xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx working with the Designated Doctor and providing multi-agency training. Membership of xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Child Protection Training Sub-committee. CAMHS liason clinic and school sessions. Regular daytime and out of hours child protection on call. On call rota = 60% 1 in 10 Child Protection on call Educational Supervisor – xxxxxxxxxxxx Clinical Experience: Community Child Health : My career intentions are to work as a Consultant in Community Paediatrics with a Special Interest in Child Protection. I am applying for sub-speciality recognition in community child health on the Specialist Register. I have currently over 24 months full time equivalent in tertiary Community Paediatrics and have worked in a number of localities in xxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. I have worked directly with a number of different Consultants allowing me to gain experience of different practices and areas of expertise. I followed the syllabus set by the British Association of Community Child Health and have achieved the competencies set. I have developed skills in a wide range of paediatrics as follows: -5Date Social Paediatrics: Child Protection: I have gained excellent experience in Child Protection at both clinical and Strategic levels. Physical Abuse and Neglect: I have been involved in the regular child protection rota for strategy discussions and can discuss and manage complex Child Protection cases with multi-agency colleagues. I am competent in completing medical examinations and written reports for child protection cases, including court reports. I have 6 months experience working on the Consultant out of hours Child Protection Rota. I have attended court to give evidence in child protection cases. I have participated in case conferences and have also been part of a core group. I have been able to follow a case from initial referral to completion of the assessment. Child Sexual Abuse: I have completed a 3-month training period in the Medical Examination of Children with Historical Sexual Abuse clinic. I have attended a Forensic Medical Examination course. I am trained in the use of a colposcope and am confident in my ability to examine these children. I am competent in the necessary screening techniques and treatment of suspected Sexually Transmitted Infections. Working jointly with the Forensic Medical Examiners I have performed forensic examinations of children who have been acutely sexually assaulted. I have provided written reports regarding cases for both Social Services and the Police and appeared in Court as a Witness in a Case of possible Sexual Abuse. Currently I have my own monthly clinic slot in the xxxxx clinic during which I am actively involved in teaching trainees and supervising their reports. I have developed an Audit tool to assess the administrative processes and clinical workload of the xxxxx clinic. I have completed an audit cycle to assess the effect of introducing a proforma, which resulted in a significant improvement in the targets achieved. Teaching and Training: I am the Health Representative on xxxxxxxxx ACPC Training Sub-Committee so am directly involved in the planning and development of multi-agency training in child protection. I have been involved in the development of new training materials and the expansion of courses on offer to professionals. I am a member of the ACPC Training Pool, having completed a Teaching the Trainers Course specifically designed for Child Protection Trainers. I regularly provide child protection training to different professionals, including medical staff, General Practice Staff, Social Services and Teachers. I independently supervise the Medical Student Child Protection Case studies and have developed this area of their curriculum to improve their overall understanding and provide clearer training objectives. -6Date Strategic Child Protection & Audit: At the strategic level I completed a 6-month attachment with the Designated Paediatrician for Child Protection in xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. I have observed ACPC meetings in both xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and xxxxxxx. I have also attended ACPC Advisory Groups looking at the development of child protection procedures and reviewing complaints across xxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxxx. I have completed an audit reviewing professionals’ views on Information Sharing and presented its findings to the ACPC Quality Subcommittee. Following the Victoria Climbie Enquiry, I gained experience by attending meetings in both the acute hospital trusts and in the community regarding their response to the report, training implications and implications for multi-agency working. Disadvantaged Children: I have developed the necessary skills and experience to advocate for children in need and disadvantaged groups. I have worked regularly in a locality with significant levels of poverty and unemployment and developed an understanding of the effects this has on children and their families. I have had regular clinics in a Social Services Day Nursery, attended multi-disciplinary meetings and discussed children directly with education regarding specific educational requirements. I have provided specialist advisory reports for Educational Special Needs assessments, Social Services and Housing, Disability Living Allowance and Mobility Allowance and Respite Care. I have also referred families to Voluntary Services for assessment regarding further support available. I have worked with the Specialist Health Visitor for Traveller Families providing an out-reach service, visiting travelling families in their homes across xxxxxxx addressing general health issues and also the more specific problems these families face. Adoption and Fostering: I have completed a 6month attachment with the Medical Advisor for Adoption in xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Adoption: I have seen and assessed children being placed for Adoption and have provided reports on these complex children, which I have presented at the Local Adoption panel. This has given me experience in the implications of genetic conditions and the effects of early parenting on a child’s long-term development. I have seen potential adoptive families prior to placement of a child to discuss health issues. I have also seen families post adoption in the context of post adoption support. I am familiar with the BAAF guidelines. -7Date Looked After Children: I have seen children for their initial looked after medicals and continuing follow up whilst in care. This has given me experience in specific issues for these children. I have provided health promotion to them and advice regarding General and Sexual health issues. I have liaised with the Designated Nurses for Looked After Children and the LAC Psychology team regarding support and services for specific children. Development and Disability: I have experience working within a multidisciplinary team assessing and managing children with neuro-disability. Child Development Service I have had an active role in the Child Development Teams in both xxxxxxxxxx and xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and been involved in multi-agency assessment of children with disability. I have had supervised lists in a tertiary neuro-disability clinic and initiated investigations and referral if necessary and provided continuing care to review the children and evaluate their continuing needs. I have chaired case discussions, family support meetings and helped develop health care plans for children. Special Schools: I have been school doctor for 2 special schools - xxxxxxxxxxxx School for children with severe learning difficulties including an autistic unit and xxxxxxxxxx school for Moderate Learning Difficulties. I worked closely with the school nurse in both the assessment and continuing support of the children and their families. I have also had regular supervised sessions at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx for children with Physical Disability. This has given me experience in the assessment and long-term management of children with a range of disabilities including autism, cerebral palsy, developmental delay and epilepsy. I have had the opportunity to sit in with members of the multi-disciplinary team to gain experience in their different fields and regularly liase with them regarding management of children. Working within the Special School environment has highlighted educational issues for these children and has allowed me to work closely with professionals from other agencies. Specialist Clinics: I have attended a number of specialist clinics including Feeding Clinic, Genetic Clinics and Paediatric vision clinic. I have visited a resource Centre for Children with Visual Impairment and also a School for Hearing Impaired Children. I have completed a two day training course in Children’s Audiology. Behavioural Paediatrics: I have managed children with a range of behavioural issues including Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and -8Date children with challenging behaviour. I have completed an attachment with the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services working directly with the Child Psychiatry and Family Therapy Team assessing and working with families. ADHD: I have undertaken many assessments of children with possible ADHD. I have liased closely with other professionals and feel confident in diagnosing children and the use of medication as part of the management programme. I have also gained experience in working with the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service regarding complex cases and for children with significant co-morbidity. I have presented a joint Audit project with the CAMHS Service, reviewing our current practice against National Guidelines leading to change in practice. Autistic Spectrum Disorder: I provided input as part of a multi-disciplinary team in the assessment of ASD. I have had regular clinics in a School with an ASD unit so have experience in the longer term management and educational issues for these children. Challenging Behaviour: I have seen a large number of children who demonstrated challenging behaviour and have been involved in providing families with advice and support. I have referred families for CAMHS and Social Services Assessment and liased with Education regarding psychology input and Support at School. I have attended a Webster Stratton Parenting Course as an observer, giving me training in possible management strategies. Community Child Health: I have worked regularly at locality level in xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and previously provided cover for my own area in xxxxxxxxxxxx. I work closely with the locality multidisciplinary teams and have regular community clinics were I assess and follow up children referred from schools, health visitors and GPs. Population Paediatrics: Screening and Surveillance: I have had formal training in and understand the principles of screening and surveillance. I have taught medical students on the Child Health Promotion program produced in the National Services Framework and the detailed screening and surveillance program that all children should receive. I was involved in the introduction of the universal neonatal hearing screening and have observed both the Community Based Health visitor led programme and the hospital based systems in practice. I have attended a presentation of a critical evaluation of the Community Based Service. I was involved in an audit of specific -9Date screening for children with Down’s syndrome which was used to develop clear departmental guidelines. I am aware of the value of the Parent Held Child Health Record and regularly use this in my consultations to obtain reliable information and also to document any interventions or advice given. Immunisation: I am competent in the assessment and management of complex immunisation histories/reactions. I have worked in Tertiary Hospital based immunisation clinic for a 6 month period allowing me to develop skills in discussing immunisation practices with parents and providing families with the Evidence Base Information surrounding this area. I have attended a National Immunisation Co-ordinators Meeting reviewing the implications for changes in BCG vaccination policies and feedback information to the local teams. Health Protection/ Promotion/Education: I am aware of the principles of health promotion. I have had an attachment with a health promotion department working on a local community project in xxxxxxxxxx, providing information around safety in the home and injury prevention for families with young children. I have worked with the school nurse in a Secondary School on projects relating to teenage smoking and diet. I am aware of the National heath promotion initiatives developed in the National Service Framework and Every Child Matters and the expectations on the different agencies in supporting these. Epidemiology and Public Health Needs Assessment: I have been trained in the principles of study design and have knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses of different types of study. I have undertaken a course in Critical Appraisal skills and have provided review of papers submitted to the journal ‘Child Abuse Review’. I have also attended courses on statistical analysis. I have been involved in a mapping exercise looking at population needs compared to the Community Paediatric Services provided in different areas of xxxxxxx and xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx which was used to address inequalities in provision. I have received training in developing a business plan and have undertaken a management training day where the group submitted a plan for development of a new service, including demonstration of need and a cost analysis. Other Community Paediatric Experience: I attend the regular Community Paediatric Evidence based training sessions and Audit. I also have attended the monthly community trainees teaching sessions, which have covered a wide range of topics from the BACCH syllabus. - 10 Date Chronic Pain: I have completed a year working as part of the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Chronic Pain Service. This year provided me with a unique experience in working within a highly skilled and specialised team, based in the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx, providing a National Service for the assessment and management of Children with Chronic Pain and Pain associated Disability. They offer a 3 week residential program for the adolescents and their carer including education, physical rehabilitation and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. During my year I undertook the initial assessment of families jointly with a Consultant Clinical Psychologist. This required me to develop skills in not only the medical assessment of children with chronic pain but also in undertaking an assessment of the wider impact on the child and their family. Working with the Psychologist allowed me to broaden my interview skills whist working with complex and often distressing cases. I also provided some of the medical education sessions for the adolescents and their parents whilst on the program. This involved running interactive group sessions on a variety of topics including the mechanisms of pain and dealing with Medical Professionals. Much of this work can be extended to working with children with any chronic condition and is especially relevant to children with chronic fatigue. General Paediatrics: I have been involved in the management of acute and chronic paediatric conditions in both an inpatient and outpatient setting. I am confident in the resuscitation and continuing management of acutely unwell children. I have had experience in specialist neurology, respiratory and diabetic clinics and have been involved with the multidisciplinary management of these children. I have had a regular general paediatric resident on call commitment through my SpR training, giving me exposure to a wide range of paediatric emergencies and have undertaken both consultant and registrar led ward rounds. During my time in xxxxxxxxx I have also covered the Children’s Renal Unit whilst on call, giving me experience in the management of children on dialysis and post transplant. In my community and rheumatology posts I have continued to have a regular on-call commitment on the general paediatric wards and attend posttake consultant teaching rounds. I also see some general paediatric cases in my community clinics. I have worked on a Paediatric Assessment Unit giving me experience in Ambulatory Paediatrics and increasing my confidence in managing acute conditions as an outpatient. I am APLS trained and have completed the APLS Instructor Candidate Training Course. - 11 Date Paediatric Rheumatology: I have completed a one year (7.2months FTE) in paediatric rheumatology. This involved working in a tertiary multi-disciplinary team, based in xxxxxxx, providing a service covering the whole of the xxxxxxxxxx Region. During this year I have gained experience working with children with a wide range of inflammatory and non-inflammatory rheumatological conditions including Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis, Dermatomyositis, Sarcoidosis and children with vasculitis. I developed skills in the examination, diagnosis and management of children with these conditions and their longer term pharmacological management and follow-up. I also extended my practical skills to include joint injections. This training gave me excellent experience in working with children with complex chronic disease within a skilled multi-disciplinary team. I extended my knowledge about not only the physical but psychological and behavioural effects on the children and their family and the importance a co-ordinated team approach in their management. Neonatology : I have had experience in neonatal intensive care in district general hospitals and as a Specialist Registrar in a busy tertiary centre. I have been involved in the management of babies with extreme prematurity, post natal problems and those requiring surgical treatment. I have experience in a Neonatal Retrieval Service transferring babies between hospitals. I have gained experience in neonatal resuscitation and different methods of ventilation including high frequency oscillation. I have followed up children in outpatients after discharge and been involved in regular multi-disciplinary psycho-social meetings looking at the wide range of difficulties these families face. Courses and further training: During my training I have attended a large number of courses covering a wide range of topics in Community Paediatrics, General Paediatrics, Generic Skills and Management Training. These include: Child Protection Courses: Level 1: Feb 1999: Level 2: July 1999: Level 3: Feb 2003: Feb 2004: Forensic Course: March 2001: Child Protection course Part 1, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SS Child Protection course Part 2, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SS Update Child Protection Child Protection Special Interest Group, Cardiff. Paediatric Clinical Forensic Medicine. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Constabulary - 12 Date Advance Paediatric Life Support: July 2004: Nov 2002: APLS Instructor Course, xxxxxxx APLS, xxxxxxx. Management: Management in Action – Modular Course, xxxxxxxxxx Region 2003- 2004: . Teaching and Training: Sept 2005: July 2003: Training for Trainers 2 Day Course Teaching the Teachers Course ECDL: Feb 2005 Audit : I have had formal audit training in the development and processes involved in clinical audit. I have also attended regular monthly audit sessions in the department of Community Child Health. I believe audit is essential in reviewing our practice and developing and improving services. I have undertaken and presented the following audit projects: Nov 2005: Completed Audit Cycle for the Clinic for the Medical Examination of Children with Historical Sexual Abuse. I have completed an audit cycle that has lead to changes in both the administration and clinical practice within this clinic. I performed an initial audit in October 2003 reviewing all case notes of children seen in March 2002-2003, to review both the administrative process and clinical outcomes of children seen in this clinic. This compared our current practice with published Guidelines for the Examination of Children with Suspected Sexual Abuse and the Guidelines for the Investigation of Sexually Transmitted Infections in Children. Highlighted areas of concern from this audit were the number of Strategy Discussions prior to the children being seen, documentation of consent and screening for Sexually Transmitted Infections. I presented the audits findings and developed a proforma to be completed in the clinic to standardise practice. I re-audited the clinic for cases in March 2004-March 2005 and demonstrated significant improvements in all targets set excluding screening for infection. There is a plan to again re-audit in a year’s time to ensure improvements are maintained and all targets are achieved. Dec 2003: Audit of Information Sharing in xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. A multi-agency audit project undertaken for xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Area Child Protection Committee looking at current practices regarding information sharing in child protection cases. This audit highlighted differences between different agencies response to child protection concerns and resulted in ACPC addressing the need for a Domestic Violence Protocol. - 13 Date Nov 2001: Audit of the use of methylphenidate in children diagnosed with ADHD in xxxxxx compared with the NICE guidelines. This was a major initial audit project across all xxxxxxx Trusts and working with CAMHS to document different practices between areas and specialities and ensure adherence to the NICE Guidelines. The audit highlighted issues of communication with schools and different practices in monitoring. The audit was presented to all the teams concerned and a consensus was reached regarding specific alterations in practice. Sept 1999: Audit of children admitted with non–accidental injury to xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx between Jan 1997-Dec 1998. April 1997: Audit of the use of the Crib score in xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx’s NICU, for the assessment of initial neonatal risk and to compare our performance with other units. Jan 1995: Audit of the outcome of infants of diabetic mothers born between Jan 1994 – Jan 1995 at xxxxxxxxx Hospital. Teaching : I have gained considerable experience in teaching, both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels and also in multi-agency settings. I have had formal training having completed a Teaching the Teachers Course, the APLS Instructor Course and a Training for Trainers in Child Protection course. I am skilled in the use of different teaching techniques and in selecting the best method for different situations and audiences. I am keen to continue to develop my teaching skills and to continue my involvement to training as a consultant. I am the Health Representative on xxxxxxx ACPC Training Sub-committee so am involved in the development and provision of multi-agency child protection across the city. I am a member of the Training Pool so regularly provide training to a range of professionals in different settings. I have also been actively involved in multi-agency Child Protection training in xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. I am also involved in the organisation and program development for the annual xxxxxxx ACPC Child Protection Conference. I am actively involved in the day to day training of junior medical staff on the ward and in Clinics. I have lectured medical students in their Community Paediatric program on child development and am involved in the teaching programs for medical students in general paediatrics and previously in the tutorial program for xxxxxxx University undergraduates in neonatal medicine. I have also provided teaching session to Clinical Psychology Students regarding medical aspects of ADHD. I have previously organised the monthly xxxxxxx Community Trainees afternoon and developed a program of lectures and visits covering a wide range of related disciplines. I also take an active role in preparing and teaching at the monthly teaching sessions for community trainees covering the BACCH syllabus. - 14 Date Management: Throughout my training I have experience of a broad range of managerial situations that has allowed me to develop skills that I feel are essential for a consultant working in the community. I have completed the xxxxxxxxxx management course Management in Action This course provides modules in a broad range of management issues including recruitment, NHS modernisation and re-structuring and leadership skills. I have regularly attended locality and multi-disciplinary children’s disability team meetings looking at the funding and organisation of community paediatric services within the multi-disciplinary team. Whilst working in the xxxxxxxxxxxxx Trust there has been a major re-organisation of community services, which has given me the opportunity to be involved with a resource mapping exercise and also an awareness of different problems that need to be addressed. I have attended multidisciplinary team away days in both Community Paediatric and Paediatric Rheumatology Services, looking at the organisation of our service and trying to improve multi-agency working. Within the field of Child Protection I have observed ACPC meetings looking at Strategic issues and specifically following the Climbie Enquiry have experienced how the Trusts are responding to the new legislation. I have also sat on ACPC Quality Sub-committee which addresses complaints within the Child Protection arena and audits current practice. I am a member of the ACPC Training Sub-Committee and am directly involved in the development of child protection training and the implications of organisational and funding issues surrounding this. Whilst working within Paediatric Rheumatology I undertook an audit project reviewing whether changes made to system for clinic bookings had reduced waiting times. A new consultant post was created and appointed during my attachment allowing me to gain some experience in this process, including the importance of a fully developed induction program. For a year I wrote and administrated the Acute Paediatric Middle Grade rota at xxxxxxxxx Hospital. This included the transition period from an on call to full shift service and I was directly involved in the development of the time tabling of this program to ensure a workable and compliant system. Research: I have worked in the xxxx Chronic Pain Department which has a very active research department working directly with xxxx University. I attended the unit’s research meetings reviewing projects and developing new proposals. I have also worked directly with research fellows recruiting subjects for the development of research questionnaires. I have undertaken literature reviews of the evidence in a number of fields including clinical findings in Alleged Child Sexual Abuse, which I presented at a Departmental Evidence Based Practice Session and the evidence for the Ageing of Bruises. I have - 15 Date also participated in a monthly Community Paediatric Evidence Based Medicine Session reviewing the evidence across a number of specialities. I have attended a weekly paediatric journal club, which has allowed group discussion and appraisal of recent publications. I have also attended a Critical Appraisal Study Day, which has helped me to read publications with a more structured approach I have developed an understanding of research methodology and am confident in the critical appraisal of a paper allowing me to develop my own clinical practice. Whilst working as a neonatal SpR I was involved in the recruitment and data collection for a study looking at using once daily netilmicin in neonates. This gave me experience in the issues involved in running such a study and some of the practical and ethical difficulties that can occur. Presentations : National Meetings Aug 2004 : BACCH Annual Scientific Meeting (Title of presentation) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Regional Meetings: November 2005: (Regional) Paediatric Club October 2003: Case Presentation : Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. How Complex can Complex Regional Pain Syndrome be? (Regional) Paediatric Club Presented An Audit of the Clinical Findings in Historical Child Sexual Abuse. IT Skills: I have completed my ECDL level 1 and am currently working towards level 2. I am competent in the use of the Internet and Medline for undertaking Literature Searches and the use of PowerPoint in Presentations. - 16 Date Interests: Most of my free time is spent with my family being a normal mum, so I am an expert in time management, mentoring and managing challenging behaviour in the home environment – including provision of a regular taxi service! As a family we are all keen cyclists. I am a member of the School Fund raising committee, so have been involved in the organisation and planning of school events including discos and bonfire night. Career Aims: I intend to become a Consultant in Community Paediatrics with a Special Interest in Child Protection. I believe I have the necessary skills to undertake this role and will bring enthusiasm and commitment to the job. I work well within a team but also have the confidence to make difficult decisions. I am keen to undertake an active role in developing services whilst ensuring that effective current practice is recognised and supported. Having trained flexibly I believe this has allowed me time to develop not only the clinical experience but also the emotional skills both at work and in my own home life which are essential in working in Community Paediatrics. Referees: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Professor of Child Health, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. xxxxxxxxxxxx, Consultant Community Paediatrician, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. xxxxxxxxxxx, Consultant Paediatric Rheumatologist, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. - 17 Date