Project / Mission: To create an educational, entertaining, creative

Project / Mission:
To create an educational, entertaining, creative production of interesting, discrepant
events and/or demonstration that is somehow related to chemistry.
In groups of 2 to 3, you will research a minimum of 2-3 discrepant events or chemical
As a group, and class as a whole, you will organize and present to the 6th grade elementary
class plus teach them about your discrepant event or chemical demonstration.
The demonstration should make you go “Wow!” or “Hmmm”
You and each partner must research and understand the chemical reaction and the safety
of the chemicals and/or reaction. Safety procedures must be first priority.
Your experiment can be complex or simple. Depending upon the availability of chemicals,
equipment and your comfort level.
You will need to do your own research in learning the two explanations to the
demonstration. This includes a complex explanation for your classmates as well as a
simplified version that elementary kids can understand.
The Production of “Way Cool Chemistry”:
Each group will present their demonstrations as a part of the whole class’ show.
The production must be fast paced, entertaining, and thrilling. Be creative!!! What makes
it a good show? Music? Lights? Comedy? Drama? Themes?
Date of Presentation: ________________________________________________
Grading Criteria/Checklist
1. Group presented 2-3 discrepant events or chemical
____ (5)
2. The demonstrations involved the production of gas,
light, sound, heat energy or created an explainable
discrepant event which thrilled the audience.
____ (10)
3. You practiced your experiment or event for our
class and displayed complete knowledge. You made
the complexity understandable to the chem class.
____ (20)
4. You thoroughly explained the demonstration in a
simplified version that elementary kids could
understand. You demonstrated that you knew what
you were talking about.
____ (20)
5. You were creative in the production of your
demonstrations and it was entertaining and
thrilling for the elementary.
____ (5)
6. Everyone in the group participated equally in the
demonstrations and explanations.
____ (10)
7. Your group was organized and prepared
Lab Write Up and Planning Guide:
1. You have a complete and thorough lab write up
for each demonstration.
a. _________________ c. _________________
b. _________________
____ (10)
____ (20)
Group Names: _____________________________________________________
Demo Name: _________________________________
List of Materials Needed:
You must include how to dilute different chemicals.
Safety Issues with equipment or materials: (Read the MSDS book!!)
Procedure (continued on back side of this page)
Complex explanation for the chemistry class: ____________________________
Simple explanation for the elementary: __________________________________
Any extra equipment needed?
After, did this presentation meet your expectations?
Any Improvements?