Parish Annual Report - Archdiocese of Seattle

Parish Annual Report
This past year was a good year for our parish. We had many celebrations and special events
in our parish. You will see more of the details below. We are very blessed by the large
number of parishioners who give of their time and treasure to enable our parish to carry out
Christ’s mission.
We had ___ baptisms during the past year: ___ infants, ___ children & youth, ___ adults.
The RCIA program welcomed ___ people into the Catholic Church. ____ people were
confirmed. About ___ people attended our communal penance services, and about ___
confessions were heard. About ____ people were anointed either individually or at a
communal service. ___ couples were married at our parish. And ___ funerals were
celebrated during the year.
We welcomed ____ new families to our parish last year, for a total of ____ registered
households in our parish. Special events celebrated during the year included our parish
picnic, annual appreciation dinner, and the Christmas Concert.
Religious Education
There were ___ students enrolled in our parish religious education program, from preschool
through 5th grade. ___ students received First Reconciliation and First Eucharist. ___
students were involved in our middle school program. Additionally, several adult religious
education sessions were offered, covering such subjects as _____________.
Youth Ministry
____ students were involved in our High School and Junior High School Youth Ministry
program. This ministry includes both religious education and creating community for our
youth. Highlights of the year included the Archdiocesan Youth Convention and the Junior
High Rally, and __ students celebrated confirmation.
Many people were involved in all aspects of our liturgical ministries: Eucharistic ministers,
lectors, servers, ushers, greeters, cantors, choir and accompanists. Along with Fr.
__________ they make our liturgies meaningful and spiritual.
St. Vincent De Paul
Our parish St. Vincent De Paul received $____ in donations from the parish and helped ____
families in need.
Special Collections
We donated $____ to Peter’s Pence, $____ to the Build Hope Campaign, $____ to the
missions on Mission Sunday, $____ was given to the Rice Bowl, and $____ to the American
Bishops Annual Overseas Appeal.
Financial Information
Actual Past Year
Proposed This Year
Annual Appeal Refund
Religious Education Program Fees
Gifts, Bequests
Other Income
Total Receipts:
Pastoral Services
Parish Operations
Archdiocesan Assessment
Religious Education
Youth Ministry
Other Costs
Total Disbursements
Net Increase
Number of Households Using Envelopes:
Amount given through Sunday Envelopes:
Average gift per household using envelope:
Amount given as loose bills and change: