Key words/Terminology

Creative Activities
Gymnastics – Key Stage 2
Outcomes: Unit 10
By the end of this unit pupils should be able to:
Work with a partner sharing ideas about what to include in a paired
Perform a ‘lead and Follow’ paired floor sequence, in which the lead
changes hand at least twice, of between 6 and 12 actions to include
examples of jumping, rolling, travelling and at lest 2 different balancing
actions. Perform these sequences with greater control and extension
demonstrating changes of speed. Describe what they and others have
done, using appropriate technical terminology, in order to improve their
own performance.
Adapt their responses to the increased demand of longer sequences.
Creative Activities KS2
Year: 4
Setting the Scene
What did we learn previously?
Connect to prior learning (Unit 1-9)
Present the big picture – link to pupil
friendly criteria for unit 10 outcomes and
unit 10 sequence video clip (Mod 2 CD).
This is what we will be learning today.
“By the end of the lesson we will be able
to/understand that ”:
Practise a side lunge (Mod 2 CD Positions)
Perform an individual floor sequence of
between 6 and 12 actions, including rolls
jumps, travel and balances, showing a
change of speed and control of movement
Work over a longer period of time
This is how we will be working:
As a whole class to warm up and then to
learn new skills and information.
As an individual to recap on previously
learnt skills.
With a partner to observe and evaluate
their sequence.
As a whole class to discuss our
Key words/Terminology
Sequence; Evaluate; Jump; Speed; Control
Learner Interaction
Activities to develop understanding:
Perform a floor sequence of between 6
and 12 actions, including 1 type of roll, 2
different jumps and 1 balance, showing
good body tension and control.
With a partner:
Evaluate your sequence, saying what you
liked about it, did you see control in the
sequence, how it can be improved, what
areas of the hall were visited?.
As a whole class:
Discuss the sequences you observed.
Unit: 10
Lesson: 1
Teacher Input
Warm up:
Thread the Needle (in 4’s) (X ref Mod 2 CD –
Games). Teacher to dictate pace – moving slowly
or quickly.
HRE links – How do you feel after being active
for longer? What has happened to your body?
Visual – Demonstration and use of visual
Prompts (Mod 1 & 2 CD)
Audio – teacher information
Kinaesthetic – Practise
Teacher Led:
Recap: Previous learning particularly jumping (x
ref Mod 1 and 2 CD’s) and changes of speed.
Can you perform a side lunge? (x ref CD)
What type of basic action is it? (Balance)
How long can you hold this? Good
What actions can you perform to link
smoothly into and out of side lunge?
Which actions are easier to perform
fast/ slow?
Can you perform your sequence for
longer and use more floor space?
Pupils should be able to demonstrate and show
an understanding of:
What has been learnt and achieved
The key words used in today’s lesson
How and why we worked with others
What are our targets for next lesson?
Creative Activities KS2
Year: 4
Setting the Scene
What did we learn previously?
Connect to prior learning.
Present the big picture – link to pupil
friendly criteria.
This is what we will be learning today.
“By the end of the lesson we will be able
to/understand that ”:
Practise a forward lunge (x re Mod 2 CD)
Work with a partner to share ideas about
what to include in a paired sequence.
Create and perform a paired floor
sequence (lead and follow) of between 612 actions including different speeds,
jumps, rolls, travels and at least 2 lunges
(Side and forward lunge).
Describe what you have done using
correct terminology and how to improve.
This is how we will be working:
As a whole class to warm up and then to
learn new skills and information.
With a partner to recap on previous week
sequence and to develop a new lead and
follow floor sequence.
As a whole class to perform our paired
Key words/Terminology
Lead and Follow; Side Lunge; Forward Lunge;
Pathways; Vigorous activity; Evaluate
Learner Interaction
Activities to develop understanding:
With a partner:
Create and perform a paired floor
sequence (lead and follow) of between 612 actions including different speeds,
jumps, rolls, travels and at least 2 lunges
(Side and forward lunge).
(Model pupils work who are working effectively
together. Select pupils to talk about how they
planned and practised their sequence)
Teacher to record paired sequence with video
Unit: 10
Lesson: 2
Teacher Input
Warm up:
Thread the Needle (in 4’s).
HRE links: Teacher to encourage pupils to be
active for longer and maintain pace and vigour.
Visual – Demonstration and use of visual
Prompts (Mod 2 CD)
Audio – teacher information
Kinaesthetic – Practise
Teacher Led:
Recap: Forward lunge and actions into and out of
side lunge.
With a partner teach each other your favourite
actions from last week
Explore: Side lunge action. (See Mod 2 CD for
teaching points).
Explore With your partner explore different
What actions can you do together one
after the other following the same
What can you do to follow the same
pathway? (Chalk marks, throw down
rubber lines, spots, hands, feet)
Pupils should be able to demonstrate and show
an understanding of:
What has been learnt and achieved
The key words used in today’s lesson
How and why we worked with others
What are our targets for next lesson?
As whole class:
Perform your paired sequence
Use the video clips to identify strengths,
aspects for improvement and agree
Creative Activities KS2
Year: 4
Setting the Scene
What did we learn last lesson?
Connect to prior learning.
Present the big picture – link to pupil
friendly criteria.
This is what we will be learning today.
“By the end of the lesson we will be able
to/understand that ”:
o Practise a range of progressions for the
front support position (x ref Mod 2 CD)
o Perform a 6 –12 action (jumps, rolls,
travel, 2 lunges) lead and follow sequence
with a partner, which includes a change of
leader (one moving over the other to
become leader) and speed.
This is how we will be working:
With a partner to warm up and then to
learn new skills and information.
With a partner to share ideas.
As a whole class to perform our
Key words/Terminology
Over; Under; Front support; Side lunge; Forward
lunge; Lead and Follow
Learner Interaction
Activities to develop understanding:
With a partner::
Perform a 6 –12 action (jumps, rolls,
travel, 2 lunges) lead and follow sequence
with a partner, which includes a change of
leader (one moving over the other to
become leader) and speed.
(Teacher to video pupil’s work.)
As whole class:
Perform your paired sequence
Use the video clips to identify strengths,
aspects for improvement and agree
Unit: 10
Lesson: 3
Teacher Input
Warm up:
Stone and Bridge (variation of Stone Bridge Tree
on Mod 2 CD – Games). Encourage pupils to make
shape that they can move over (eg arch) and
under (eg bridge)
HRE links: what muscles are you using during the
warm up game?
Visual – Demonstration and use of visual
Prompts (Mod 2 CD)
Audio – teacher information
Kinaesthetic – Practise
Teacher Led:
Recap: Repeat and refine previously learnt skills –
side lunge and forward lunge varying changes in
Explore: Front support position (See Mod 2 CD
for teaching points).
What actions can you link smoothly
into/out of a front support?
With a partner,
Teach your actions into and out of a
front support. Swap over.
What actions can you perform over your
partner and the shapes/actions you can
perform whilst you partner moves over
you. Swap over.
Pupils should be able to demonstrate and show
an understanding of:
What has been learnt and achieved
The key words used in today’s lesson
How and why we worked with others
What are our targets for next lesson?
Creative Activities KS2
Year: 4
Setting the Scene
What did we learn last lesson?
Connect to prior learning.
Present the big picture – link to pupil
friendly criteria.
This is what we will be learning today.
“By the end of the lesson we will be able
to/understand that ”:
o Practise a range of progressions for a
back support position (Mod 2 CD)
o Create and perform a paired floor
sequence (lead and follow) of between 612 actions including different speeds,
jumps, rolls, travels and at least 1 lunge
and 1 support position.
o Describe a performance observed, using
correct terminology in order to improve
This is how we will be working:
As a small group to warm up.
With a partner to explore different
travelling under actions
With another pair to perform, observe
and evaluate.
Unit: 10
Lesson: 4
Teacher Input
Warm up:
Stone, Bridge, Tree (in 3’s ) (See Mod 2 CD)
Visual – Demonstration and use of visual
Prompts (Mod 2 CD)
Audio – teacher information
Kinaesthetic – Practise
Teacher Led:
Explore: Individually: Range of progressions for
back support (X ref Mod 2 CD)
Which actions can you link smoothly
into/out of a back support?
With a partner: Which actions can you perform
under your partner’s bridge action (back support).
Swap over.
Key words/Terminology
Back support; Lead and Follow; Lunge; Speed;
Control; Evaluate (Encourage pupils to create own
flash cards or word walls to support use of
appropriate terminology when evaluating)
Learner Interaction
Activities to develop understanding:
With a partner:
. Create and perform a paired floor
sequence (lead and follow) of between 612 actions including different speeds,
jumps, rolls, travels and at least 1 lunge
and 1 support position.
(Possible opportunity to video sequences)
With another pair:
Observe and evaluate their performance –
2 good features and 1 area for
Pupils should be able to demonstrate and show
an understanding of:
What has been learnt and achieved
The key words used in today’s lesson
How and why we worked with others
What are our targets for next lesson?
(Use of ICT flash cards to support use of correct
terminology/keywords when feeding back. Further
development in the classroom – construction of a
paragraph that will help other pair improve. Email
info to pair.)
Creative Activities KS2
Year: 4
Setting the Scene
What did we learn last lesson?
Connect to prior learning.
Present the big picture – link to pupil
friendly criteria.
This is what we will be learning today.
“By the end of the lesson we will be able
to/understand that ”:
o Practise to consolidate an increasing
range of skills showing good control and
o Perform a paired floor sequence (lead and
follow) of between 6-12 actions including
different speeds, jumps, rolls, travels and
at least 1 lunge and 1 support position.
o Evaluate our sequences
This is how we will be working:
As a small group to warm up.
As an individual to recap on sequences
With a partner to perform a floor
As a whole class to perform our sequences
Key words/Terminology
Practise; Back Support; Lead and Follow; Control;
Extension; Adapt; Refine; Sequence; Speed;
Learner Interaction
Activities to develop understanding:
With a partner:
Perform a paired floor sequence (lead and
follow) of between 6-12 actions including
different speeds, jumps, rolls, travels and
at least 1 lunge and 1 support position,
showing control and extension.
Intervention tips: encourage pupils to use as much
space as possible working for as long as possible
(possibly set minimum time length for sequence).
Highlight imaginative ways pupils find for moving
around partner. Highlight good demonstrations of
lunge and support positions.
As whole class:
To perform your sequences
To evaluate our sequences (how did you
Unit: 10
Lesson: 5
Teacher Input
Warm up:
Stone, Bridge, Tree (in 4’s) (See Mod 2 CD).
Visual – Demonstration and use of visual
Prompts (Mod 2 CD)
Audio – teacher information
Kinaesthetic – Practise
Teacher Led:
Recap: Perform actions into and out of back
support position ( x ref email from last week for
info on how to improve)
Explore: As an individual explore a range of
front support and back support positions varying
the number of parts supporting your weight.
How you get into and out of these
With a partner:
Teach your partner your favourite
position. Swap.
What actions can you perform around
your partner?
Can your partner be moving whilst you
move around them? (Eg spinning tuck)
Explore this technique to change the
Pupils should be able to demonstrate and show
an understanding of:
What has been learnt and achieved
The key words used in today’s lesson
How and why we worked with others
What are our targets for next lesson?
change the leader? Where did you change
your speeds? What actions showed the
greatest control? Where were you at your
most extended?
Creative Activities KS2
Year: 4
Setting the Scene
What did we learn last lesson?
Connect to prior learning.
Present the big picture – link to pupil
friendly criteria.
This is what we will be learning today.
“By the end of the lesson we will be able
to/understand that ”:
o Work with a partner to share ideas about
what to include in a paired sequence.
o Perform a paired floor sequence (lead and
follow) of between 6-12 actions including
different speeds, jumps, rolls, travels and
at least 1 lunge and 1 support position.
o Describe what you have done and use
appropriate terminology to improve your
o Adapt their responses to the increased
demand of a longer sequence.
This is how we will be working:
As a small group to warm up.
With a partner to perform and evaluate
the floor sequence
With another pair to perform, observe
and evaluate our sequences
Key words/Terminology
Practise; Back Support; Lead and Follow; Control;
Extension; Adapt; Refine; Sequence; Speed
Learner Interaction
Activities to develop understanding:
With a partner:
Perform a paired floor sequence (lead and
follow) of between 6-12 actions including
different speeds, jumps, rolls, travels and
at least 1 lunge and 1 support position.
With another pair:
Observe and evaluate their performance –
2 good features and 1 area for
improvement using technical terminology.
Unit: 10
Lesson: 6
Teacher Input
Warm up:
Stone, Bridge, Tree (in 4’s) (See Mod 2 CD).
Teacher dictates pace. Encourage pupils to vary
distance between one another.
HRE links – Are you tired at the end of your
warm up? Out of breath? Why?
Visual – Demonstration and use of visual
Prompts (Mod 2 CD)
Audio – teacher information
Kinaesthetic – Practise
Teacher Led:
With a partner:
How many different ways can you find to
change the leader in a sequence?
Encourage pupils to:
Be imaginative
Share ideas
Be active for as long as possible
Use as much space as possible
Pupils should be able to demonstrate and show
an understanding of:
What has been learnt and achieved
The key words used in today’s lesson
How and why we worked with others
What are our targets for next lesson?