Wisconsin 4-H & Youth Conference Annually, over 500 7-10th grade youth come to the UW-Madison Campus to learn new ideas and skills, meet youth across the state and experience college life. Youth experience a variety of hands-on learning seminars focused on developing life-skills and developing career and personal interests. Seminars are held throughout the UW-Campus, led by knowledgeable instructors in a variety of content areas such as Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM), Civic Engagement, Communication Arts, and Health and Wellness. Participants also choose and complete a service project in partnership with a local community organization. The conference is designed to engage participants in a learning environment that gives them a chance to explore the UW-Madison campus and interact with UW-Extension and UW-Madison faculty, to spend time investigating potential careers and to have fun. Call for Seminars: We are looking for additional seminar offerings that would appeal to middle school youth and engage them in experiential learning in the area of the instructor’s expertise. The content of the seminar should relate to one of the conference learning objectives: STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) Civic Engagement Healthy Living Life Skill Development (e.g. Communication, Leadership, Creativity, Social and Cross-Cultural Skills) The size of the seminar is determined by the instructor and typically range from 10-30 participants. All other logistics are planned by the state 4-H Youth Development office, including registration, chaperones, and transportation. We are also happy to work with instructors to plan the seminar to engage middle school adolescents. The 2015 4-H and Youth Conference June 22-25, 2015 Seminars are scheduled: 9-11:15am and 1-3:15pm on Tuesday (6/23) and Wednesday (6/24) To submit a seminar proposal, please complete the attached application and return to: WI 4-H Outreach, 436 Lowell Hall, 610 Langdon St., Madison WI 53703 Questions? Contact kay.hobler@ces.uwex.edu or call 608-262-1557 D:\106740016.doc An EEO/AA employer, University of Wisconsin Extension provides equal opportunities in employment and programming, including Title IX and American with Disabilities (ADA) requirements. D:\106740016.doc SEMINAR PROPOSAL FORM WISCONSIN 4-H & YOUTH CONFERENCE, MADISON, WISCONSIN; JUNE 23-24, 2015 Request proposals be returned by December 15, 2014 to State 4-H Office. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Assigned seminar date/time-_______________________ Specialist: _____________________ I wish to teach this seminar: ____ 1 session ____ 2 sessions ____ 3 sessions List time preferences in order with 1 being most preferred. Tuesday, June 23, 2015 all day service learning session with break for lunch, 9:00-3:15* Tuesday, June 23, 2015 morning service learning session, 9:00-11:15 Tuesday, June 23, 2015 afternoon seminar, 1:00-3:15 Wednesday, June 24, 2015 all-day seminar with break for lunch, 9:00-3:15* Wednesday, June 24, 2015 morning seminar, 9:00-11:15 Wednesday, June 24, 2015 afternoon seminar, 1:00-3:15 *Please indicate on reverse whether participants will return to cafeteria for lunch or will need boxed lunches on-site. 1. Seminar Title: 2. Number of participants including Adult Advisors: _____ minimum; _____ maximum. 3. Seminar Participant Fee: (Check one) _____ Do not charge a participant fee. _____ Please charge the following participant fee to offset seminar costs or equipment rental: $_______ 4. For what grades is the material taught in this seminar appropriate? (Choose one) _____ 7th-8th grade _____ 9th-10th grade _____ 7th-10th grade 5. Seminar Description: Give complete seminar description as you want it to appear in the conference registration guide. 6. Contingency Plan: If your seminar is weather dependent, such as any outdoor activity, describe alternative plan and facilities needed. (Students will not be transferred to different seminars in case of bad weather in consideration of instructors who prepare for a specific number of participants.) 7. Facility Arrangements (Check one) _____ I will make necessary facility arrangements. (Please provide building name, room number, and address.) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____ State 4-H Office should make facility arrangements. Room set-up desired: (Check one) _____ Moveable tables and chairs _____ Desk chairs _____ Open space with chairs around the outside (no tables needed) _____ Fixed tables and chairs (lecture hall style) 8. Desired Location: _ _ _______________________________________________________________________________ 9. AV Equipment: (Check one)_____ For convenience and cost savings to youth, I will provide my own LCD projector and laptop or other A/V equipment. (See note about screens below.) _____ State 4-H Office should provide AV equipment (check equipment needed.). _____ Flip chart, markers & easel _____ LCD projector (please note if you can supply your own; cost is $150 to rent one!) _____ Screen (Not all classrooms have screens available so please advise if you need one.) _____ Computers (please provide laptops or build in computer lab costs of $400/half day).Note lab space is limited! Number of computers needed _______ _____ Other: __________________________________________________________________________________ D:\106740016.doc 10. Bus Transportation: (Check one) _____ No. Bus transportation is not needed. _____ Yes. Bus transportation is needed – also provided to west campus. (Provide specific destination and address) 11. Boxed Lunches: Participants normally walk back to Gordon Dining Center for lunch unless off site. (Check one) _____ No. Boxed lunches are not needed; participants will return to cafeteria for lunch. _____ Yes. Boxed lunches are needed; participants will not return to cafeteria for lunch. Additional needed ______ 12. Instructor(s) information: The following information is required for every instructor. UW-Extension employees may be reimbursed for expenses only although non-Extension employees are allowed both expenses and an honorarium. Lodging for instructors will be provided at the dorm, if needed. Instructor #1: __________________________________ Title & position ____________________________________ Street Address: ______________________________ Cell phone during conference: (_____)__________________ City/State/Zip: _______________________________ UWEX Employee: ( ) Yes ( ) No e-mail ______________________________________ Meals needed _____________________________________ Campus parking permit is needed for this instructor on: _____ Monday _____ Tuesday _____ Wednesday _____ Thursday Lodging needed for _____ Monday night _____ Tuesday night _____ Wednesday night (Gender ___ F ___M) Instructor #2: ________________________________ Title & position ____________________________________ Street Address: ______________________________ Cell phone during conference: (_____)__________________ City/State/Zip: _______________________________ UWEX Employee: ( ) Yes ( ) No e-mail ______________________________________ Meals needed _____________________________________ Campus parking permit is needed for this instructor on: _____ Monday _____ Tuesday _____ Wednesday _____ Thursday Lodging needed for _____ Monday night _____ Tuesday night _____ Wednesday night (Gender ___ F ___M) Instructor #3: ________________________________ Title & position ____________________________________ Street Address: ______________________________ Cell phone during conference: (_____)__________________ City/State/Zip: _______________________________ UWEX Employee: ( ) Yes ( ) No e-mail ______________________________________ Meals needed _____________________________________ Campus parking permit is needed for this instructor on: _____ Monday _____ Tuesday _____ Wednesday _____ Thursday Lodging needed for _____ Monday night _____ Tuesday night _____ Wednesday night (Gender ___ F ___M) 13. Any other comments or information: Proposal due December 15, 2014 to WI 4-H Outreach, 436 Lowell Hall, 610 Langdon St., Madison WI 53703 Questions? Contact Kay Hobler at kay.hobler@ces.uwex.edu or call 608-262-1557. STATE SPECIALIST: PLEASE ENTER ALL INFORMATION INTO THE EXCEL SPREADSHEET g:coop/4h/YthConference/15sems/15-Master Info by December 15, 2014. An EEO/AA employer, University of Wisconsin Extension provides equal opportunities in employment and programming, including Title IX and American with Disabilities (ADA) requirements D:\106740016.doc