FIVE-STEP LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Callie Roth 10/12/10 FIVE-STEP LESSON PLAN OBJECTIVE. KEY POINTS. SWBAT define form and function. SWBAT identify and explain the form and function of a nucleus. Form – how something is shaped Function – what something is used for The nucleus of the cell controls everything that happens in a cell. It is the brain of a cell because it stores all of the genetic material. We call genetic material DNA. In prokaryotes DNA is found in the nucleoid. In eukaryotes DNA is found in the nucleus. A nucleus is enclosed by the nuclear envelope which helps protect the DNA. A nucleoid is not, instead the DNA just bunches together with nothing to contain it. DNA is very important because it is the directions for making different parts of our bodies. 4. OPENING 1. Anticipatory Set (5 minutes) – TSW enter the classroom silently. TTW call on a student to read and answer the bellringer – is this a eukaryotic or prokaryotic cell?. TSW answer the do now. TTW connect the bellringer to the daily lesson. TTW go over agenda, announcements, and big goal connection. 3. INTRODUCTION OF NEW MATERIAL 2. Input, Modeling, and Check for Understandings (15 minutes) – TTW present a power point on the big idea of form and function and on the structure and function of a nucleus. TSW take notes from the power point. TTW conduct CFU’s. TSW answer cfu’s. 2. GUIDED PRACTICE 3. Guided Practice (15 minutes) – TTW ask teams questions about nuclei. TSW answer questions. TTW award points. 1. INDEPENDENT PRACTICE 4. Independent Practice (15 minutes) – TSW complete worksheet identifying and explaining the form and function of cells. TTW call on students to share their answers. TSW share answers. TTW correct and clarify misunderstandings. TTW award team points. 5. CLOSING 5. Closing (5 minutes) – TSW write a reflection on the day’s lesson in their journal. TSW continue working on weekly homework. TTW monitor students and answer questions. MATERIALS. FIVE-STEP LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE 3.2 The Nucleus – Make-up Notes The nucleus of the cell controls everything that happens in a cell. It is the brain of a cell because it stores all of the genetic material. We call genetic material DNA. In prokaryotes DNA is found in the nucleoid. In eukaryotes DNA is found in the nucleus. A nucleus is enclosed by the nuclear envelope which helps protect the DNA. A nucleoid is not enclosed by a membrane; instead the DNA just bunches together with nothing to contain it. DNA is very important because it is the directions for making different parts of our bodies. 3.2 The Nucleus Independent Practice 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Where is the nucleus located? What is the function of a nucleus? What is DNA also called? Where is DNA located in prokaryotes? Where is DNA located in eukaryotes? What is the difference between a nucleus and nucleoid? Why do we need DNA? 3.2 Challenge (If you finish early, complete this section.) 8. What would be the advantage of having a nuclear envelope around the DNA? 9. Where is the DNA in humans found? 10. How does today’s lesson connect to our big ideas of science?