MARY, MOTHER OF GOD CHURCH Mary, the Holy Mother of God FIRST FRIDAY – January 6, 2012, St. Andre Bessette 8:15 Father John T. Muthig, Former Associate Deceased Members of the Lambert Family, request of Tess Jordan 12:00 Deceased Members of the Speth/O’Leary Families, request of Agnes/Dennis O’Leary Souls in Purgatory, request of Nuvia The shepherds went in haste to Bethlehem and found Mary and Joseph, and the infant lying in the manger. When they saw this, they made known the message that had been told them about this child. - Luke 2:16-17 FIRST SATURDAY – January 7, 2012, St. Raymond of Penyafort 8:15 Ann Casey, request of Tara/John Casey Ken Rigby, request of M/M Jack Murphy NEXT WEEKEND DAILY ST. MARY CHAPEL MASSES 8:15 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. Monday to Friday 6:30 a.m. Communion Service The Epiphany of the Lord SATURDAY VIGIL MASS (January 7) 5:00 PM John Mazur, request of the Pilgrim Family Florindo Mezzacappa, request of wife, Dorothy MARY, MOTHER OF GOD CHURCH January 8, 2012 7:30 Vivian Garro, request of M/M Victor Urgo William Mullen, request of Eleanor Kitzhoffer 9:00 William Vlaranich, r/o Vlacancich/DeMartino Families Veronica Covello, request of Daughters/Families 10:30 Marie Smith, request of Family Deceased Members of the Corbett/Sarsfield Families, request of Mike/Peggy 12:00 In Thanksgiving for all Blessings, request of Vatsala Thomas Walsh, request of Wife/Family 5:00 PM Giacomo Rizzo-Cascio, r/o Latman/Kaszuba Families Patricia Berdell, r/o James/AnnMarie McCarthy St. Mary Parishioners MONDAY – January 2, 2012, Sts. Basil the Great/Gregory Nazianzen 8:15 Paul Bradley, request of Gerry/Karin Duffy Peter Andolfo, request of Carol/George Bailey 12:00 Marguerite D. Curti, request of Henry/Pat Carroll Joseph Ahlemeyer, request of the Macrae Family TUESDAY – January 3, 2012, The Most Holy Name of Jesus 8:15 Danny Durino, request of Wife Laurence Gordon, request of Karin/Gerry Duffy 12:00 Souls in Purgatory, request of Irma Laush Norbit Geiger, request of the Casino Family WEDNESDAY – January 4, 2012, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton 8:15 John Caraian, request of Goddaughter George Miltner, request of Karin/Gerry Duffy 12:00 Michael Patrykowski, r/o Alex/Sharon De Sanctis Margaret Simmons, r/o Lenny/Denise Iamundo SANCTUARY CANDLE In Thanksgiving, request of Theall and Rosenberg Family. THURSDAY – January 5, 2012, St. John Neumann 8:15 Paul Bradley, request of Sansevere Family Ruth Corsi, request of Martino Family 12:00 Nancy Keenan, request of Family Helen Mary Praskai, r/o Steven Graziano/Rod Halbert ADORATION CHAPEL CANDLES In Loving Memory of Gaetano Mirabella, request of Nicholas and Marie Annunziata. Special Intention for Jackie Maddock, request of Colleen and Jack. 1 MIDDLETOWN, N J Dear Parishioners, Another New Year is ushered in this weekend; it just seems like hours since we did this last year. I look back over the past year and I thank God for all of you who have made our Church such a great place to gather, pray and worship. Yes, we have gone through some changes in the people who lead us in prayer and in the way we pray but you have continued to be great signs to one another and to all of us of the presence of the Holy Spirit among us. You are such great stewards of the community that all of us make up giving of yourselves in time, talent and treasure to make it be able to continue to grow. Even in difficult times, as we have been experiencing, you have journeyed together supporting one another. We welcome among us Fr. Juan Pablo from Guatemala. He ministers in our sister-parish in Sololá and we’re happy as he comes to us from one parish that lives under the patronage of Our Blessed Mother to ours, as we celebrate Mary’s feast day under her title as Mother of God. Please introduce yourself to Fr. Juan Pablo during this weekend. As I shared with you last February – it was a great privilege for me to join his community in Guatemala for a few days and it certainly is tremendous that he is able to be with us this weekend. Twinning is all about relationship in God’s Kingdom and for us to be twinning with our sister-parish in Sololá is of great spiritual benefit to us as we are empowered by their prayers and encouraged by their faith. May we pledge this weekend to continue in supportive prayer for each other and acknowledge how we can grow in relationship with God as we build connection with one another here in God’s Kingdom on earth. The Season of winter is with us and it is time to be on the look out for one another. If someone lives alone near you try to connect with them and if that person needs help be aware of what signals they might be giving to you. Encourage people who live alone to wear medical alert buttons on them at all times especially during the winter. Our spirit of helpfulness to one another in our neighborhoods is a wonderful gift and a great way for all to be good steward towards one another. Oft times during the winter just bringing the mail to the door might be a tremendous gift for someone who otherwise might be at risk if they try to get to the mailbox. The Christmas Season continues to the Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord, which is on January 9th. Try to keep the Nativity Set in our house prominently displayed through the end of the Season. Our culture is always anxious to get on to the next season but as Christmas is such a wonderful piece of our calendar, let us celebrate it through the Feast of Jesus’ Baptism. God bless all of you as we begin this New Year. May it be a year of healing and peace to all! Fr. Mike 2 MARY, THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD “To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven.” Ecclesiastes . . .a time to be born. . . . . . .a time to love. . . . . . . .. . . . Shannon Holt and Ralph Ventre . . .a time to heal. . . . . . . . Carol Haldeman (np), Shaelah Pierson (3rd Grader), Patricia Welsh (np), Katherine Lamb and Mary Lamb, Daniel Flanagan for the family, grandmother and friends of Baby Bella, and we ask God to watch over those who are hungry, the homeless, our Country, for all those facing unemployment, for the people, especially the children in third world countries, for those in Nursing Homes and Rehabs, all health care providers, for those children with cancer and all those who are dying from cancer, for those that suffer from depression, for all those with eating disorders and incurable diseases of the vital organs, for all those waiting for organ transplants, for an end to abortion, for all those with incurable autoimmune diseases and for all those who are afflicted with MS, CF, Lou Gehrig’s disease, for those who suffer from Alzheimer disease and their families. (2)… Karissa Duszczak (np, 6 yr.old), Gerry Crouch (np), Vincent Leishman (np), Bonnie Osborne, Frank Gobbo (np), Bette Maltese (np), Louise LeBeau (np), Tom Corcoran, and Roberta Lonergan; (3)… Bill Flanagan (np), Pat McAuliffe (np), Elizabeth Berardi, and Jennifer (np); (4)… Pauline DeCarolis (np), Victoria Trelford, Joseph Wehner (np), Nella Tierney, Conor D’Andria (6-yr old, np, head injury), Margaret Burke, Joan McTigue, and Henry Ballasty; (5)… Mary Ann Troiano, Jessica Liubicich, Brian Maguire, Dawn Devito (np) Denise Gant (np), Wayne Nef, Mac and Terry Lyden, Michael Dunzello, Patrick Moran, Robert Griffiths (np), Rita Whelan, Angela Brummert, Rita Young, Nancy Russell (np), Stephanie Hardman Kaminoff (np), Mary Ural (np), Gary and Lorrie Hermann (Parents of Sister Sharon), Eileen D’Alvia, James Joseph Gentilesco (np), Eileen Pilgrim, Margaret Cascone, Msgr. Leon Kasprzyk, John Acer, Russell Drone, Rita Romeo (np), Most Rev. John C. Reiss (Bishop Emeritus), Florence J. Smith, Kenneth McGrath, Tracy Spece (np), Morgan, Ned Ryan, Fr. Bob Tynski, Patricia Seaman (np), Billy Dickenson, Rosemary Markowski (np), Colin Bibaud (child), Peggy Franznick, Ruth Byrnes, Tyler Smith (PREP Student), Alexandra Confusione (child), Irma Sanchez (np), Patrick Mayer, Vincent Fumo (np), Kevin Kret (St. Leo’s), Karen Hopkins, Halie Palmer (PREP student), Terry McGhee (St. Ann’s), Daniele Keigher, Brian Keigher, Anne Liddy, Angela Colaianni (np), Noel Anderson and Ronald Corey, Sr. . . .a time to be Born to Eternal Life…. Leroy Fix, John Schwarz, Terry Terrific, Rosemary Burns (np), and for aborted babies and those men and women who died this week in the Service of our Country. . . .Pray for our servicemen and women at home and abroad, for those serving our Country overseas, Lt. Col. Kevin Meisler, Army Reserve-4th deployment to Afghanistan ~ Todd M. Cox, U. S. Air Force – Iraq ~ Captain Josh Pershing, U.S. Air Force, 3rd tour-Iraq ~ Master Gunnery Sgt. C. T. Gregoire, Marines – Afghanistan ~, James G. Bruncati, U. S. Air Force ~ SFC Wesley Briggs, U.S. Army ~ 2 tour in Iraq, stationed in Egypt; Kiera Connerty, West Point graduate, Black Hawk helicopter pilot ~ Iraq; Justin and Nicole Westmoreland, Air Force, Lance Cpl. Jonathan Bagnato, Andrew Leroy, Jeffrey Benffer, Ryan Trachman ~ Marines, and Fr. John Ryan. “Lord, hold our troops in Your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. We ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen.” 3 JANUARY 1, 2012 Prayer for the New Year “Glory to God in the highest! -and peace to His people on earth!” Dear Lord, at the beginning of this New Year, I remember that You are a God of beginnings and endings. You created the world, with all its eternal patterns. Winter begins in frost, and ends in Spring's thaw. Spring begins in new, green life, ending in Summer's heat. Summer begins in sunshine, and ends in Autumn's breezes. And Autumn's color leads to the white of Winter again. As another year ends and begins in our lives, help us to remember that You have made a world of cycles. When fortune turns to trials, or hardship turns to joy, help me take delight in the life I've received from You. Remind me that I will one day pass from this world and enter a new life like those who've gone before me. Amen. 4 JANUARY 1, 2012 Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults May the Light of Our Faith Shine in Words and Actions Faith – the beginning of eternal life #163 Faith makes us taste in advance the light of the beatific vision, the goal of our journey here below. Then we shall see God “face to face,” “as He is.” So faith is already the beginning of eternal life. Catechism of the Catholic Churc h #165 It is then we must turn to the witnesses of faith: To Abraham, to the Virgin Mary. . . . . . . . Catechism of the Catholic Church #166 Faith is a personal act – the free response of the human person to the initiative of God who reveals Himself. But faith is not an isolated act. No one can believe alone. . . . .you have not given yourself faith as you have not given yourself life. THE BELIEVER HAS RECEIVED FAITH FROM OTHERS AND SHOULD HAND IT ON TO OTHERS. OUR LOVE FOR JESUS AND FOR OUR NEIGHBOR IMPELS US TO SPEAK TO OTHERS ABOUT OUR FAITH. Catechism of the Catholic Church +Sister Gloria Parish Bulletin Board Contribution statements Polar Plunge to benefit THE BARN at Asbury Park – Plunge Time – 1:00 P.M. Starting January 1, 2012, if you would like a copy of your contribution statement, you can E-Mail your request to Today. . . . See page 10 Next Weekend POLAR PLUNGE TO BENEFIT OUR SCHOOLS AT MERRI-MAKERS PLUNGE TIME – 1:00 P.M. Please include your name, address and telephone number. Your statement will be mailed to you upon receipt of request. Thank you, Sharon Crossnohere, Business Administrator See You There! When There Is A Will, There Is . . . . . A Record of Your Wishes – Making a will makes you think about the future. It sets down your wishes and plans for your estate, whatever its size. Without one, state law dictates who and what your relatives receive. Plus, naming an executor puts someone you trust in charge. We take this opportunity to thank the John F. Pfleger Funeral Home for supplying our parish with calendars for the New Year. ______________________________________________ A Way to Continue Your Good Works – You can establish endowments to support your favorite charities knowing the work they do will continue, in part, because of you. And, please remember Mary, Mother of God Church. 5 JANUARY 1, 2012 Our Poor Boxes are The Bread Boxes for the Poor Our St. Vincent de Paul Society has set up poor boxes beneath the Statue of the Good Shepherd in the Narthex of Mary, Mother of God Church. Please don’t forget about us as you enter or leave Church. God Bless you, and Thank You for your response AGENDA: January 1. . . . . . . . . . .No Meeting, - New Year’s Day January 8. . . . . . . . . . Teaching #3, w/PREP January 15. . . . . . . . . .Preparations for CRS Food Fast January 21-22. . . . . . . CRS Food Fast January 29. . . . . . . . . . Planning Meeting for 2nd half of year Members of St. Vincent de Paul Society All youth of the Parish, 9th Grade up – are invited to join the Youth Group; or, come to one of our meetings to see what we are all about. If you have any questions, please call our Youth Minister, Mr. Craig Palmer, for additional information. 732-706-5254. ______________________________________ The Bereavement Group of the Parish of Saint Mary meets twice weekly. Monday evenings at 7:00 p.m. the group ministers to parents who have lost a child. The meetings are held in the Ministers’ Room off the Narthex in Mary, Mother of God Church. Wednesday evenings the group ministers to those that may have lost a spouse, parent, close friend, sibling, etc. Rosary Altar Society Rosary Altar Corporate Communion Mass will be January 8th at 10:30 a.m. Mass. Our Benediction/meeting will be held January 9th at 7:30 p.m., Saint Mary Chapel, at which time we will install new members. Questions? call Eileen or Bob Batz at 732-787-8566. Anyone interested in joining the Rosary Altar Society or if you have any questions, please contact Debbie Schneider (732) 706-0095 or Janet Moscuzza (732) 671-7248. ___________________________________ Wanted: One-room studio apartment or one- bedroom apartment for widowed mom and teenage daughter. Call Kenny at 732-673-4062. Seeking Employment as a 24-hour Live-in Employment Opportunity NEED HOUSING Part-time ~ Cafeteria Worker Needed My name is Emily and I am seeking a position as a 24hour live-in. I have 15 years experience, and references will be provided upon request. I speak English, Slovak and Polish. I will do cooking, light cleaning, personal hygiene assistance and medication scheduling. If you have any questions or concerns – please do not hesitate to call me. Emily – 732-784-7338. Please call 732-787-3647 6 MARY, THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD NEXT SUNDAY ~ January 8, 2012 7 MARY, THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD Nurturing generous disciples to serve as the hands and feet of Christ “And Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart.” Luke 2:19 How lightly Mary held Jesus. She did not clutch Him to her but held Him out for the world to know. She knew that He did not belong to her alone. From the moment of His birth she was called upon to share Him with strangers who flocked to see Him. In the same way, we are also called to hold our blessings lightly, being willing to share what God has given to us with those whom God may lead to us. As this New Year begins, let us look to Mary as a grace-filled model of sharing all that God might ask of us. 8 MARY, THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD The 39th March for Life will be on January 23, 2012 Washington, D.C. Please consider joining members of Saint Mary’s Community on Monday, January 23 rd to participate in the 39th annual MARCH FOR LIFE. The March begins on the Mall and concludes at the United States Supreme Court Building (approximately ½ hour walk). It is an extremely exhilarating and prayerful day! The MARCH FOR LIFE is the collective effort of grassroots pro-life Americans to assure that our laws protect the right to life of each human being. I urge you to attend and experience a proactive, holy, and spirit-filled day. We will attend 6:00 a.m. Mass at St. Mary’s Chapel and depart by bus immediately afterwards. We anticipate returning by 10:00 p.m. The cost for transportation to Washington is $15.00 per person ($60.00 maximum per family). There are a limited number of seats available. Please call John Lovasz – 732-787-2794 for reservations and further information. Calling ALL Mater Dei Class of ’72 Alumni! ____________________________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~ FINANCIAL AID NIGHT January 25th Mark your 2012 calendars now for our 40th Reunion on Saturday, April 28th, at the Sheraton Eatontown. For further information, please contact Ellen Poole, or Mike Colman, Updates will be posted on the high school website and sent to alumni with current address information; so spread the good news to classmates who may be out of touch. Cheers! _____________________________________ Mater Dei Prep will sponsor a Financial Aid Night presented by Rider University on Wednesday, January 25, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. in the Mater Dei Prep Commons. ________________________________________ 9 MARY, THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD Sons of Ireland Polar Plunge 2012 Asbury Park Convention Hall, 5th Avenue Beach, Asbury Park TODAY --- Sunday, January 1, 2012 – 12:00 P.M. The Sons of Ireland is a non-profit association dedicated to the principles of brotherhood, charity and community service. The group was founded in 2002 with the specific intent of supporting worthy charities and causes in Monmouth County, New Jersey. 2012 Beneficiaries The Barn for the Poorest of the Poor Over 100 volunteers collect surplus food from supermarkets, organize the donations and deliver it to Mother Teresa’s soup kitchens, local areas of need in Monmouth County and to other organizations daily that provide help for the poorest of the poor among us. The other groups that will benefit from this year’s plunge are Lt. Dennis Zilinski Foundation, Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Monmouth County, The Ashley Lauren Foundation IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO PLEDGE TO THIS YEAR’S SOI POLAR BEAR PLUNGE VISIT WWW.SONSOFIRELAND.ORG I offer my sincerest thanks to all who serve in our Music Ministry. Your dedication to service in our ministry and the friendship we all share is a beautiful blessing. You are very much appreciated. During this Christmas Season we will sing the Gloria for Christmastime #285 in the Word and Song Hymnal/Missalette. It will be very familiar to us as the Refrain is the same as the Refrain to Angels We Have Heard on High. We will introduce the Gloria from the Glendalough Mass when we begin Ordinary Time in January of 2012. There will not be any rehearsals this week. HAPPY, HEALTHY, NEW YEAR TO ALL! Blessings and Peace, ♫♫Doris Ramme 10 MARY, THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD St. Mary’s Travel Group Presents Trips for 2012 For questions and for reservation on all trips contact Fran Timpanaro, 732-708-0430 All buses leave from the Mater Dei Prep parking lot (unless otherwise noted) January in Atlantic City Tuesday, January 17, 2012 Get out of the cold and enjoy a fun day at Resorts Casino (trying someplace new). Cost $27 – Day includes $25 slot play, $10 food voucher, transportation and bus driver’s gratuity. Bus leaves at 9:30 a.m. and return home close to 7:00 p.m. St. Mary’s Travel Group goes to Broadway Sunday, February 26th “Godspell” This beloved classic returns to Broadway. Godspell is a timeless tale of friendship, loyalty and love that has touched the hearts of countless theater-goers all over the world. Remember “Day by Day?” Hear it again! All seats need to be reserved by December 26, 2011. $110 includes Orchestra seat, transportation, and driver’s gratuity. Bus leaves at 11:00 a.m., show time 2:30 p.m. which leaves time to have a nice lunch or shop. Philadelphia Flower Show Monday, March 5th Enjoy a day of spring in March. The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society will present “Hawaii Islands of Aloha”. From towering waterfalls and waves of orchids, to glowing volcanoes and serene sunsets the 2012 Flower Show is an immersion of dramatic landscapes and tranquil spirit of Hawaii. You will be carried away to a floral hula fest, romantic beach wedding, tropical ranch house surfers retreat and a rocky garden of the gods. $58 includes admission ticket, transportation and driver’s gratuity. Bus leaves at 8:30 a.m. “Sight and Sound” ~~~ Where the Bible Comes to Life ~~~ “Be the First to Experience this Brand New Show.” Thursday, April 12th “Jonah” The popular biblical story of disobedience and betrayal coupled with God’s gracious mercy and love. You will explore the extreme elements Jonah encounters when he runs away. Cost $105 includes an enjoyable buffet lunch, time to shop, admission ticket, transportation and driver’s gratuity. This is sure to be a fun-full-day. Bus leaves at 8:30 a.m. After you have reserved your seat – all checks are made out to St. Mary’s Travel Group and mailed to Fran Timpanaro 48 Starr Ct., Atlantic Highlands, NJ 07716 11 MARY, THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD St. Mary’s Parish Faith Community Nursing Ministry Beat Bronchitis 1/ Avoid the #1 Culprit - Smoking Folks who light up are 10 times more likely to develop bronchitis than nonsmokers, and even secondhand smoke is shown to irritate airways, worsening chest infections. 2/ Slow Your Breathing to Ease Discomfort People with chronic bronchitis tend to breathe too fast, worsening symptoms. To slow breathing and feel better fast, use a technique that Mayo Clinic researchers call “pursed – lip breathing.” Take a deep breath then slowly breathe out through your mouth while pursing your lips (as if you’re about to give someone a kiss). Repeat 10 times. 3/ Turn on a Humidifier to Relieve Coughing Warm moist air helps loosen mucus in your bronchial tubes and stops coughs, say Mayo researchers. Do You Need To See A Doctor? The American Academy of Family Physicians recommends checking in with your doctor if . . . * You have a fever of 101F or higher * You cough up blood * You have trouble breathing only when you lie down * Your cough lasts more than one month. Eileen Theall, R. N. 12 MARY, THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD Mary, Mother of God Church The following loved ones have been enrolled in the St. Mary Monthly Memorial Mass Society and will share in a Special Mass to be celebrated on the First Sunday of each month, at the 9:00 a.m., beginning January 1,2012. Kenneth Kress, R/o the Argentino Family R/o Mater Dei Prep Tessie Dretel, R/o Betty Thornton Charles Kroekel, R/o St. Mary School Faculty and Staff R/o Marsh/Sutton Families R/o the Rectory Staff R/o the Merse Family Daniel Lean, R/o the Pfirrman Family Mary La Porta, R/o Lucy Giannone Thomas Loughney, R/o Tom Reilly & Friends from Irish Night Richard Margsca, R/o Tom/Elaine Mc Colgan Mike Mastro, R/o the Molicki Family Lauren McCarthy Bloomstein, R/o Lon Medina Carol Ann Milea, R/o Rosa/Sal Stagnitta/Family Florence Moore, R/o Harry Sievers Grace Morris, R/o Martin Family Lois Palmieri, R/o the Molicki Family R/o the Lamar Family Edward Patrick, R/o Veronica/Carmine Pagano Rocco Petri, R/o the O’Toole’s Angela Helen Della Pietro, R/o De Rugerilis Family R/o Rebecca Bertinato Family R/o Prehart Family Tina Pironte-Ragnone, R/o Linnea Ransier Sarah Reilly, R/o Theresa/George Carrig - Continued Matilde Altinger, R/o Hugh/Colleen McGuire Margaret Boyle, R/o Michael Carr Raymond Brooks, R/o Bing Cheo Sean C. Cox, R/o the Norton Family Joseph Cunneen, R/o Elizabeth Ritter Josephine De Lauro, R/o Tom/Maureen Marshall Frances Delaney, R/o Erik and Jami Nugent Alfonso DiFilippo, R/o the Foti Family R/o the Flashner Family Josephine Dillon, R/o Kelly/Jeffrey/Kayla Fiore R/o M/M Thomas Ashe Angela Dipeitro, R/o Ellen Mulligan Virginia DiTose, R/o Josephine/Tom Busacco Zoila Ferraro, R/o Janet/Tim/Norma Randolph Joseph Folio, R/o Joseph O’Brien Andrew Gagliano, R/o Bernadette Massey Joseph Gemellaro, R/o Anita Verdiglione R/o Jill Misiak Thomas Giannone, R/o Lucy Giannone Carol Hamowitz, R/o Melissa/Michael Bunnell Thomas Kelley, R/o Michael Gass Kenneth Kress, R/o A Friend R/o A Friend R/o Don/Anna Kehoe R/o Christina Kehoe R/o the Dawson Family 13 MARY, THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD – -2– George Renno, R/o Lucy Giannone Rose Renno, R/o Lucy Giannone Joey Rizzuto, R/o Andrea/Robert Barone Bernardo Rotondo, R/o Eleanor McCann Susan Serraino, R/o Frank/Virginia Serronico Kenneth Shaffer, R/o Peggy Neiman/Meg Latham Palma Siciliano, R/o Stephen/Mary Kelleher Nancy Spinale, R/o James Balasare and Family R/o Peter/Dawn Chiaramonte Sarah Spinelli, R/o Tina Marie Chiarello Lamar R/o Debra Campisi Caristi John Stanislawczyk, R/o Marsh/Sutton Families R/o the Bradley Family Jill Sullivan, R/o John/Aileen Lang Pasquale Tarantino, R/o the Molicki Family Marie Tomaino, R/o M/M Baldali Dr. Alice Tyndall, R/o Stephen/Mary Kelleher Jeannie Verdichizzi, R/o the Ralph Iuele Family Carmen and Vincent Verdiglione, R/o Anita Verdiglione Tom Vitale, R/o Carole/Tony Del Vecchio Philip Walsh, R/o Janet Gaffney Bernice Wilt, R/o Eleanor/Russ Wilcox ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Spiritual Direction Spiritual Direction encourages you to explore a closer relationship with God. Meeting with a spiritual director can help you recognize God’s presence and grace in your joys, hopes, struggles and losses. For information, please call Mary Reidy – 732-739-4090. May these and all the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God, Rest in Peace. Amen. 14 MARY, THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD Saint Mary Elementary School P.T.A. Wishes to extend their gratitude to the parishioners of Saint Mary Parish for your continued support of our School. May God bless you this Christmas and throughout the New Year. 15 MARY, THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD If you look for Me at Christmas You won’t need a special star ----I’m no longer just in Bethlehem, I’m right there where you are. You may not be aware of Me amid the celebrations ----You’ll have to look beyond the stores and all the decorations. But if you take a moment from your list of things to do and listen to your heart, you’ll find I’m waiting there for you. You’re the one I want to be with, you’re the reason that I came, And you’ll find Me in the stillness as I’m whispering your name. Love, Jesus 16 END OF BULLETIN ANY TEXT OR GRAPHICS ENTERED ON THIS PAGE WILL NOT APPEAR IN THE PRINTED BULLETIN CHURCH NAME: St. Mary's Church CHURCH CITY: New Monmouth, N J ROUTING CODE: O RUN NUMBER: 6 FILENAME: 03-0192.06b PHONE NUMBER: 732-671-0071 FAX NUMBER: 732-671-6125 EDITOR/ CONTACT: Joanie Kaminski CURRENT FORMAT:EBSWTD – TEXAS DOUBLE Note to Press: This document printed at: 2/12/16 6:04 PM