Clubhouse Orientation Form

600 El Paseo St.
Lakeland, FL 33805
863.519.0874 office
863.686.2336 Fax
Advisory Board Meeting Minutes
6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Attendees: September 1, 2015
Club Success
Advisory Board Members
Anne-Marie Wendel
Larry Rankin
Carol Hoffman
Donna Brimmer
Carl Hoffman
Sylvia Hicks
Inez King
Joyce McInerny
Gil Daigneau
Ex Officio/PRC Staff/Visitors
Luis Rivas
Mary Jane Oglesby
Ed Weed
Barbara Lineberger
Heather Rice
Board members absent were Erin O’Brien, Smitty Smith, Elizabeth Martin, Rylan Ciccarello, Matthew Roberts,
Tim Jordan
Ken Clark, Jackie McGordon, Bill Dodd.
Meeting called to order by Anne-Marie Wendel at 6:00 PM following greet and eat. Visitors Ed Weed and
his wife Barbara Lineberger were introduced. Ed has served on the Peace River Board for several years. He and his wife
are both retired bankers. Heather Rice has been a member of Club Success for over one year and she is interested in
joining the Advisory Board. She would like to help wherever she is needed. Members and staff introduced themselves.
Advisory Board Mission:
Larry Rankin read the mission of the Clubhouse: The Advisory Board works to provide oversight, support and guidance to
the Clubhouse in areas of financial, legal, legislative, member support and advocacy. Board members are part of one or
more of these main areas in their work on the board.
Approval of Minutes from last meeting – 8/4/2015.
MOTION made by Donna Brimmer, seconded, and unanimously
approved to approve the minutes of August 4, 2015.
Review Clubhouse Reports:
Fact Sheet:
Luis reported that daily average attendance in August was 39. Active membership was 87. Six new
members have joined and we are currently at 701 members. Employment included 32 independent; seven supported
employment, and four transitional. Outreach included 12 phone calls, 27 cards, and five visits. Presentations were made
at SRT, CSU, LRH, Agency Connection Meeting, and Gainesville Opportunity Center which is a new clubhouse trying to
gain more members. Larry suggested inviting Steve Bissonette, the new director at VISTE, to the clubhouse for the
possibility of acquiring new TEPs. The income statement reflected for the year to date is revenue, $718,877.50; expenses
$596,184.41, and a total of $122,693.09 over budget.
Committee Reports:
No report.
Coupon books will be sold and there is still interest in a cookbook. Anne-Marie noted the good income
statement. A car wash and spirit night (sponsored by a local restaurant) are being planned. Fred’s Market on both the
north side and south side would be good potential as they allow people to stand out front to invite people in.
Larry Rankin, who is on the committee with Jackie, asked how do we advocate for higher
budgeting for mental health. Mary Jane said Peace River does have a lobbyist who does a good job. Luis agreed as he
September 1, 2015
said he shadowed him for two days and he does a phenomenal job. Also, Luis is a member of the Florida Coalition who is
represented in Tallahassee.
Membership: Anne-Marie said we still are a few members short and she asked for ideas on who might want to serve.
Luis knows of some individuals and he will give their names to the Nominating Committee who will research this.
Old Business:
TEP’s. Luis did postpone the accreditation visit which will give us some more time
to find more transitional employment positions. One thing mentioned was dishwashing positions at a college and Luis
was going to inquire at local colleges. He urged the board to help.
Accreditation: An action plan has been presented wherein everything is done correctly before the next accreditation
visit. Two people from Gateway House visited the clubhouse for two days and made some good recommendations. Luis
thought we are about 80% finished. Some pointers were utilizing the media room better; minimizing The Gazette to fewer
stories but inserting good, quality information; more member service. Clubhouse International accreditation rules include
36 standards each clubhouse must live up to and there are three levels. Club Success takes this all very seriously.
Annual Breakfast:
Mary Jane said a committee consisting of Margaret Parry, Cathy Hatch, Luis, Donna and
Carol and herself met recently to discuss what type of forum to have. It was agreed to have a breakfast on May 12, 7 –
8:30 AM, at the Clubhouse. Invitations will be mailed to community leaders and others. Larry Rankin will be a presenter
and Kirk Fassenhauer will have a program about hearing voices. Breakfast will be prepared by membership.
Employment opportunities will be advocated.
New Business: Luis said the Clubhouse is hosting a volunteer dinner for Peace River Center on Thursday,
September 10, catered by Sonny’s Barbeque. The Advisory Board is invited. Gil has been nominated as our
Outstanding Volunteer of the Year for his outstanding garden and working with the Boys & Girls Club.
New Employees:
Luis said Chelsea Stanko has been hired and Carmen Waters will be hired on September 21.
There is still one generalist position open but that should be filled by the end of this week. Luis thanked Mary Jane for
all her help during the time when they were not fully staffed.
Lakeland Leadership Class LXIV: It was noted that Luis has been accepted into the Lakeland Leadership Class.
Many handshakes and congratulations were offered to our Luis.
New Garden: Gil said he has collaborated with Grant Piche with a new garden to be located in Winter Haven on the
western end between Avenues C & D. This site includes an old warehouse that will be a micro brewery and a butterfly
garden will be incorporated as well.
Adjournment. Anne-Marie adjourned the meeting at 7:00 PM.
Carol Hoffman