April 16 2012

APRIL 16, 2012
Present: Betty Whipple, Jay Grant, Ron Batchelder
Meeting called to order at 7:05 p.m.
Minutes of April 9 accepted as corrected: (Add Marilyn Martin’s name to avoid confusion after Marilyn Stuller’s
name was used in prior sentence.) Jay/Ron 3-0
Old Business:
Chair Betty Woodell reviewed the calendar. It was noted that Curtiss Barnes will be attending the Sullivan
County Dispatch meeting on April 19th.
1. Road Agent, Todd Porter presented bids for the preparation winter sand from material on the municipal
property: St. Pierre, Inc. for $8,100 and Graves Trucking for $9,100.
A motion was made and seconded to accept St. Pierre’s Bid; Jay/Ron 3-0.
2. Rodger Hodgkins spoke to the Board about problems with fast and careless driving on Hemlock Road. On
Sunday, April 15, a dirt bike that is registered with a loud exhaust went by his residence several times. It
was being driven in a manner that was damaging the road. He stopped the driver who was unlicensed
and spoke with him, the dirt bike left and the bike operator’s father came to the Toner Residence in a
car, there was a brief discussion, and when the car left Mr. Hodgkins and Beth Toner were sprayed with
gravel. Mr. Hodgkins called 911. The Police came. (Charlestown and Langdon) Beth Toner told the
police that she is scared. Police went to house where the bike operator lives, listened to the bike, and
decided it was too loud to be legal. The owner was told to fix the exhaust and not to drive by the Toner
House again that day. Mr. Hodgkins told the board that the road needs attention because of the
manner that the bike was operated and should be fixed. (The Road Agent fixed the road this afternoon)
Jay told Mr. Hodgkins that he understands his frustration, but the police need to catch someone
breaking the law. Police Chief L’Abbe said that he considered charging the bike operator’s father for
spraying Mr. Hodgkins and Beth Toner with gravel, but there is so much loose material on the road that
the bike operator’s father would say he did not mean to spray people, that it happened accidently.
Chief L’Abbe asked to be called right away if there is a problem again, so that he has a chance to catch
someone in the act. Pat Bresland, a neighbor, agreed with Mr. Hodgkins and said that every time the
road is graded, these people ruin it. Chef L’Abbe said not to confront them that he had gone to the
house and told them if he has to come back someone will be arrested. Jay pointed out that he had a
successful resolution to a similar problem on his road last year thanks to the efforts of the Charlestown
Police. Mr. Hodgkins pointed out that it’s dangerous to drive that fast on loose material like the
Hemlock Road. Jay said he had just checked that road and there is lot of spinning of tires to burn rubber
on the paved portion on the Hemlock Rd. The police will keep an eye on the situation.
3. The Board signed a letter to Dick Barnett, thanking him for his work with Town Recreation and asking him if
he has any town equipment, to please return it to the town.
3. The Board signed a letter to DRA protesting the equalization ratio of the 2011 tax year (95.2%)
4. The Board discussed Jay Grant’s request regarding the funds voted in article 8 ($2,500 for community kitchen
planning) at the 2012 Town Meeting. There is an opinion from town counsel to consider. Betty raised
the question about the west end of the building – it needs work, why not repair and stabilize that
section of the building with the community kitchen project (and grant funds) instead of Jay’s proposal to
put the kitchen in the storage area at the back of the building. She asked Jay what is your plan? Jay said
his plan is to put the kitchen in the service area (near restrooms) going into the garage. Jay said that his
plan is cost effective since the voting room which can be used a meeting area and a place for functions is
already finished. Betty said she is still concerned about the other end of the building. Jay’s proposal
does not address the problems that need to be corrected in that part of the structure. Ron wants the
Community Kitchen Committee established by the voters to present their proposal and would like Jay to
work through that committee. Ron feels that we are still fact finding, there is no firm commitment yet
to any plan. Betty reiterated her concern about the other end of the building. Jay wanted to know if the
town is going to vote on the food shelf next year. Betty agreed there would probably be a vote on the
food shelf, but said no matter what happens, there still needs to be considerable work done on the west
end of the building – even if for the food shelf. Jay said that he knows of a group that is planning to
work on the building in the food shelf area (at no cost to the Town) and help pay the food shelf utility
expenses now being paid by the Town. Betty says that there needs to be work done to make the food
shelf area work more efficiently. Ron said that the medical equipment and toys need to be stored
somewhere else. Betty feels that there is room for both groups; the kitchen group has downsized their
proposal to leave more space for the food shelf. Betty said that the expenses of the food shelf need to
be on a per capita basis between all five towns. Jay said that maybe the foundation out back would be
the best solution, offer that as a site for construction of a food shelf space and have all five towns build
the building together, then operate the space on a per capita basis. Jay said that the vote at town
meeting called for the proposed kitchen/community space to be constructed in the unused space next
to the food shelf – which means it needs to be smaller than the committee’s proposal, which uses half
the current food shelf space.
Shelly Barnes reminded the board that when the town took over the municipal building, built the fire station,
etc, there was talk about putting in a community center but the cost was too high. Jay spoke about in
the 2006 town report selectmen put forth to the public that the town could generate income from
rental space. The 2007 Town Report mentions that plans for the community center were dropped due
to high cost. The 2010 Town Report refers to the food shelf utilizing its present space. Shelly asked if
the 2400 square ft. measurement is mentioned in any town records. Jay pointed out that there is no
written record of any specific space for the food shelf. Shelly said that she believes that rental income is
secondary to town use. Town use should come first. Shelly pointed out that the Food Shelf is in the
space until March 2013. She wants to know how many committees there are going to be. Shelly said
that with the community center there will still be space for the food shelf. Question was asked about
original agreement with the food shelf. Bob Cunniff said that it was supposed to be a temporary
solution (one year) – a building was going to be built for them.
Betty Whipple said that Marylou Huffling will be invited to the next community kitchen meeting to see if the
food shelf can be accommodated along with the community kitchen. Jay asked if a new furnace was
included in the community kitchen/center plans. Shelly Barnes said yes, they plan to fix mechanicals,
etc. in developing the proposed community kitchen. The committee plans to raise money with grants
and use as little tax money as possible. Jay and Shelly agreed that no one will know the cost until town
meeting next year when all figures are in. Jay said that he wants an alternate plan so the food shelf and
the community kitchen can be accommodated. Fred Roentsch asked where the authority was for an
alternate committee, has the Selectboard appointed the committee? Rob Chamberlain said that the
town has spoken; article 7 says unused space next to the current food shelf. Rob says that the space
used by the food shelf is off limits. Betty wants the minutes granting space to the food shelf so she can
determine what space is used by the food shelf. Betty wants a decision regarding the request from Jay.
Jay said that both he and Betty have a conflict because they are on the different committees. Jay
pointed out that the Town Counsel’s opinion on the use of the article 8 funds says that if the board
decides to give some of the funds to the “other committee”, then DRA should be asked if that was legal.
Jay asked that Jamie Dowd (NH DRA) be contacted by Bob for her opinion on the issue. The issue will be voted
on at the next Selectboard meeting. Helen Koss asked about the other committee – how was it
established? Is it Town sanctioned? Jay said that he disagreed with the community kitchen committee’s
plan, so he was working on his own plan. Betty said we are all working for the good of the town. She
believes that the money should go to the Community Kitchen Committee. She also said that money can
be found in the budget to do Jay’s plans. Jay said that there will be another option for voters at town
meeting. Jay also said that he wants the food shelf costs apportioned per capita. Fred asked why that
hadn’t taken place; Jay said that the town had tied their hands. Bob Fant said that this is a good time to
try and find a direction so that all five towns pay their share. Betty again said that the meeting with
Marylou is to find out what she needs, as a start to prorating costs. Jay said that we need to find a
solution to pro-rating the costs. Jay says what is the next step? Betty says a phone call; Jay says a letter,
set a date, shoot for an agreement. Helen Koss pointed out that there are grants available for food shelf
operations – not just for operations, but also for buildings.
Jay asked if the town should use the foundation in back of the building for a food shelf – as a bargaining chip to
get the other towns to pay their share if the food shelf is built in Langdon in back of the municipal
building. Jay said all the towns need to meet and come up with a plan, meet with Marylou. Shelly
Barnes said that she is concerned about the emergency services and traffic flow if the foundation in back
of the municipal building is used for the food shelf.
5. Proposed electrical work at the Fire Station was discussed. In addition to the flood lights
between the overhead doors, Chief Chaffee also wants a light over the entry door so that they can see
the lock. The board agreed to that request. Betty Whipple informed the board that Landry Oil is
starting the new boiler installation in the municipal building later this week.
6. The Board reviewed a letter from Sullivan County regarding Central Dispatch Proposal. (Curtiss
Barnes will attend the meeting tomorrow night) Jay asked how the police and fire departments feel
about the change. Betty said that everything is geared to police, won’t be much different in cost, but
service won’t be as good. Coverage will be poor in many areas of Town. Shelly Barnes pointed out that
most county towns are not in favor of the proposal.
7. Upstairs tenants have been notified regarding rent increases.
8. A motion was made to use Primex Insurance for property liability coverage the next five years.
(Ron/Jay) 3-0. The board decided to contact the school district to see if it would be cost effective to
become part of their health insurance group.
9. Chops Polcari asked why Jay did not sign his reappointment to the planning board. Jay said it was
because there was no discussion of the appointments. He wanted to have a discussion. Jay told Chops
that he has no problem with him being on the planning board.
New Business:
1. The Board reviewed and signed orders.
2. The Board signed an intent to excavate for Roger Pelton
3. Betty Whipple administered the oath of office to Chops Polcari. (planning board)
4. Jay asked about the cemetery deed. Betty will check with the Cheeneys. Jay also mentioned
removing the Septic tank and oil tank at the fire station. (Ask Todd Porter) Jay asked about uv light,
computer for meeting room – no funds available at this time.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 (Ron/Jay)
Respectfully submitted by Robert Cunniff