ASSESSMENT OF ANTIFOULING AGENTS IN COASTAL ENVIRONMENTS (ACE) (MAS3-CT98-0178) Final Scientific and Technical Report Partners Prof. J. W. Readman (Programme Coordinator) Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Plymouth, UK Dr. B. van Hattum Institute for Environmental Studies, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, Netherlands Dr. D. Barcelo CID-CSIC, Barcelona, Spain Prof. T.A. Albanis University of Ioannina, Greece Dr. B. Riemann National Environmental Research Institute, Denmark Prof. H. Blanck Botanical Institute, Göteborg University, Sweden Dr. K. Gustavson DHI Water & Environment, Denmark Dr. J. Tronczynski IFREMER, Centre de Nantes, France Dr. A. Jacobson (Industrial Partner) Rohm and Haas, Consumer and Industrial Specialties, European Laboratories, France 27th June 2002 2 Contents Index of Tables 4 Index of Figures 5 Executive Summary 6 Forward 7 Task 1: Collection And Compilation of Information Relating to Antifouling Paint/Booster Biocide Usage. 8 Task 2: Develop Analytical Techniques And Test Models. 16 Sub-Task 2.1 - Months 3-12 16 Sub-Task 2.2 – Months 9-30 18 Task 3: Environmental Chemical Surveys And Experiments. 21 Sub-Task 3.1 – Months 7-30 21 Sub-Task 3.2 – Months 17-30 33 Task 4: Ecotoxicological Investigations 35 Sub-Task 4.1 – Months 3-20 35 Sub-Task 4.2 – Months 17-26 37 Sub-Task 4.3 – Months 26-33 38 Task 5: Integrate Results And Evaluate Risks 46 Sub-Task 5.1 – Month 34 46 Sub-Task 5.2 – Months 21-39 46 Sub-Task 5.3 – Month 40 48 Annual Workshops 49 Initiatives for the dissemination of results 49 Other Points 53 3 Index of Tables Page Table 1. Leach Rates of Antifouling Agents. 9 Table 2. Usage of Booster Biocides. [Ingredients permitted for use on yachts < 25 m (as of 2002)]. 10 Table 3. Physico-chemical properties, persistence and toxicity of antifouling biocides. 13 Table 4. Suitability of available models. 19 Table 5. Concentrations of antifouling booster biocides measured in European coastal waters. 23 Table 6. Concentration ranges (min. – max) .of booster biocides (µg/kg dry weight) in sediment samples from different countries. 25 Table 7. Concentrations of Irgarol (ng/L) in water samples collected around the UK coast, September 2001. 26 Table 8. Measured concentrations of ACE substances in Swedish waters. 28 Table 9. Measured concentrations of metabolites of ACE substances in Swedish waters. 28 Table 10. Concentrations of selected antifouling agents (Irgarol, chlorothalonil, dichlofluanid) in water samples collected from French marinas of the English Channel and the Atlantic coasts in summer 2001. 30 Table 11. Concentrations of Irgarol 1051 in sediment samples collected in 2001 in French marinas along the English Channel, the Atlantic and the Mediterranean coastline. 32 Table 12. EC50 values for the selected ACE substances. 35 Table 13. Results from a microcosm experiment with a mixture of Sea Nine, TBT and Irgarol 1051. 40 Table 14. Effects of Irgarol 1051 and Sea Nine on phytoplankton in pelagic mesocosms. 41 Table 15. Estrogenic activity determined in French water samples using the ER CALUX test. 43 Table 16. Estrogenic activity determined in French sediment samples using the ER CALUX test. 44 4 Index of Figures Page Fig. 1. Location of sampling areas investigated during the ACE Project. 22 Fig. 2. Mean concentrations of diuron in samples taken from marinas and ports throughout Europe. 22 Fig. 3. Mean concentrations of Irgarol 1051 in samples taken from marinas and ports throughout Europe. 22 Fig. 4: Sample locations visited by partner 1 (UK) during year 2001. 24 Fig. 5: Diuron and Irgarol 1051 in sediment samples from Danish harbours and marinas (Samples taken in 1999). 29 Fig. 6. Concentrations of Irgarol 1051 in water samples collected during high boating period at selected sites along the English Channel, Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts of France. 30 Fig. 7. Relationship between concentrations of Irgarol 1051 in water samples and the number of berths available in marinas on the French coastline. 31 Fig. 8. Concentrations of Irgarol 1051 in sediment samples collected at selected sites along the English Channel, Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts of France. 32 Fig. 9. Estrogenic activity in water samples (pmol EEQ.l 1) and sediment samples (pmol EEQ .g-1) collected in marinas and coastal areas of the French coastline. 44 Fig. 10. Comparison of measured concentrations of Irgarol 1051 (g/L; average values) in European coastal environments and predictions based on the Mam Pec model. 47 5 Final Scientific and Technical Report for EU-MAST project: ASSESSMENT OF ANTIFOULING AGENTS IN COASTAL ENVIRONMENTS (ACE) (MAS3-CT98-0178) Executive Summary National and international legislation has been introduced restricting the use of organotin biocides in antifouling paints for marine vessels. A number of replacement biocides are being used and, although generally based on copper metal oxides, also include organic antifoulants (“booster biocides”) to enhance the coatings efficacy. The ACE (Assessment of Antifouling Agents in Coastal Environments) project has completed a comprehensive environmental assessment of the following booster biocides: Irgarol® 1051 (2-methylthio-4-tertiary-butylamino-6-cyclopropylaminos-triazine); dichlofluanid (N’–dimethyl-N-phenyl sulphamide); chlorothalonil (2,4,5,6-tetrachloro iso phthalonitrile); SeaNine® 211/Kathon 5287 (4,5-dichloro-2-n-octyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one); and diuron (3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea). Methods for analysis of the biocides (and some of their metabolites/breakdown products) were developed and applied to approximately 800 water and sediment samples from harbours, marinas, estuaries and coastal waters in Denmark, France, Greece, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. Of the compounds investigated, highest mean concentrations were recorded for diuron, especially in North-western Europe. Irgarol® 1051, although as widely distributed as diuron, was generally monitored at lower levels with highest concentrations in the Mediterranean. Dichlofluanid, chlorothalonil and SeaNine® 211 were sporadically encountered (albeit occasionally at high levels) primarily in the Mediterranean. Field toxicity studies using algal communities indicate that toxicity is likely for some of the biocides (e.g., Irgarol® 1051) at current environmental concentrations. Determination of the abiotic and biotic half-lives for these organic antifouling agents, examined in laboratory studies and under controlled field conditions, indicated that diruon and Irgarol® 1051 were substantially resistant to degradation whereas SeaNine® 211 had a half-life of 2 to 9 days. A model (MAM-PEC) to predict environmental concentrations of antifouling agents in the marine environment was validated using the data set collected during this study and can now be applied to assess future concentrations. Results achieved during ACE have resulted in over 30 peer reviewed publications. Discussions at the final workshop considered it inappropriate to selectively endorse antifouling products. ACE publications, however, have already contributed to UK Government risk assessments which last year revoked licenses for some of the antifouling biocides. Further information is available through the ACE web site at Substantial effort has been directed towards storage of the results and relevant information relating antifouling booster biocides. The database has been made accessible to partners via the Internet ( 6 Forward Following discussions at the ACE Final Workshop, it was agreed that the majority of the detailed scientific and technical information obtained during the first two years of work had been included in the previous ACE Annual Reports. To stand alone, however, it was considered that this Final Scientific and Technical Report should include cohesive summaries and appraisals of all the information that has been achieved and that each sub-task should be updated where necessary. Consequently, the present report provides summaries on all aspects (tasks and sub-tasks) within the ACE Programme and provides detailed descriptions of research undertaken in Year 3. It does not, however, repeat previous Annual Reports, so if more detailed information is required for tasks undertaken within the first two years, readers are referred to the previous/relevant Annual Reports. 7 Task 1: Collection and compilation of information relating to antifouling paint/booster biocide usage. This is critical to the programme to identify which agents are most used and are of most concern on a National/local basis to direct methodological /analytical, chemical surveys and ecotoxicological experiments. The gathering of data will be centralised but it is likely that usage will be susceptible to high geographical variability. Compilation of data within Task 1 dominated the ACE First Year Report. This information culminated in Task 1.6 and, following discussions at the First Annual Workshop, booster biocides were selected for study on the basis of usage, transport, reactivity and toxicity. Availability of analytical facilities also needed to be addressed. The core group of compounds selected for monitoring within the ACE Programme was: Irgarol 1051 Dichlofluanid Chlorothalonil SeaNine Diuron Zinc pyrithione was also considered to be important even though the compound is difficult to analyse. It was agreed that toxicity tests should focus on Irgarol 1051 and SeaNine (adequate data was available for diuron). It was decided that endocrine disruption experiments should address the core compounds. Again zinc pyrithione was also considered important (providing that analytical support could be made available). Sub-task 1.1 – months 2-6 Title Surveys of antifouling agents and products being manufactured. Responsible: PML Partners: IVM, CSIC, UILIC, GU, VKI, NERI, IFREMER Duration: 5 months Objectives: To survey antifouling agents and products being used and marketed, including information about the level of content of the antifouling agents in the paints and all available information on leaching rates. Methods: Each laboratory will assemble details regarding the national usage of antifouling products. To this end, literature and statistics will be collected relating to manufacture / registration / importation of products together with information on sales and product usage. Deliverables: Input to database (sub-task 1.4) and major report 1 (sub-task 1.6). Links: 1.2, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 2, 3, 4, 5 8 Leach Rates The rate of leaching of an antifouling agent from its coating is a most important variable contributing to its environmental concentration. In our previous annual reports, negligible data was available concerning the leach rates of booster biocides. A recent publication by Thomas and Waldock1 has provided leach rate data for a number of antifouling agents using both the ISO laboratory test and a field simulated flume systems. Table 1 summarizes their results. Table 1. Leach Rates of Antifouling Agents Release Rate (μg /cm2/day) Biocide Trade Name ISO Test System Flume System Cuprous oxide 25-40a 18.6 +/- 6.5 TBT 1.5-4.0a 1.6 Irgarol 1051 5.0 2.6b Diuron 3.3 0.8 Dichlofluanid Preventol A4 0.6 1.7 Zinc Pyrithione Zinc Omadine 3.3 -c Sea Nine 211 DCOI 2.9 3.0 Busan -c 0.9 Densil S 0.6 3.8 TCMTB TCMS pyridine a b c from Thomas et al. (1999) mean of two data points no data available 1 Thomas KV & Waldock, MJ (1999) A Study of the effects of environmental factors on the leaching rates of biocides from antifouling coatings in order to improve environmental risk assessment. Part 2: International competence testing and evaluation in natural environments. Health and Safety Executive Contract Report R51.120, Sheffield, UK 9 Usage of Antifouling Agents Partners have performed National surveys on the usage of antifouling agents. Table 2 is an updated summary of that which appeared in the 1999/2000 ACE Annual Report. In addition to the booster biocides, the current regulatory status of various copper antifouling agents are included. Table 2. Usage of Booster Biocides [Ingredients permitted for use on yachts < 25 m (as of 2002)] UKa Franceb Greeceb Spainb Sweden Denmarkc Netha,c Copper(1) oxide + + + + +d + + Copper thiocyanate + + +d + + +d + Cu powder Chromium trioxide + Diuron - + + + Irgarol 1051 - + + + Zinc pyrithione + + + + Dichlofluanid + + + + TCMTB - Chlorothalonil - + + TCMS pyridine - Sea-Nine 211 - + - + - + + +e + + + + Folpet Total (booster biocide) + + Ziram Zineb - + 3 5b 7b a UK=United Kingdom and Neth=The Netherlands. very limited/no approval scheme (in principle, all can be used) c regulations currently under debate d leach rate regulated on West coast; banned on East coast e although approved, product not used on pleasure craft b 10 5b 1 2 5 The information in the 1999/2000 ACE Annual Report pertaining to manufacturers, formulated products, and use percentages are essentially unchanged. An update of the regulatory scenarios of antifouling agents follows: In the UK, the Health and Safety Executive has removed the amateur application use of diuron, Irgarol 1051, TCMTB, chlorothalonil, TCMS pyridine, and Sea-Nine. The currently registered biocides for amateur application are zinc pyrithione, dichlofluanid, and zineb. In addition, professional application of diuron has been revoked. In the Netherlands, current information can be obtained from the “College vor Toelating van Bestrijdingsmiddelen” (CTB), the regulatory authority, on their web-site (httfp:// A review of paint formulations containing several booster biocides is currently in progress. Formulations containing Irgarol, diruon, dichlofluanid, and zineb are currently approved. The expiration date for Irgarol, dichlofluanid, and zineb is 2010, whilst for diruon, it is 2003 In Spain, Greece and France, there are very limited (or no) registration schemes and, in principle, all booster biocides can be used. In Sweden, there have been a few changes from the discussions presented in the 1999/2000 Ace Annual Report. In Denmark, diuron and Irgarol 1051 were banned for use on pleasure craft in 2000. Results from an environmental risk analysis of Sea-Nine and zinc pyrithione in Danish waters demonstrated that, in most cases examined, the PEC/PNEC (predicted no effect level/predicted no effect level) ratio was less than 1, indicating an acceptable risk. International Maritime Organization’s Marine Environmental Protection Committee (MEPC) In October 2001, the International Maritime Organization of the United Nations approved a treaty (prepared by their Marine Environmental Protection Committee) regulating the use of harmful antifouling agents. This will become effective when 25 countries representing 25% of the tonnage ratify the treaty. A mechanism for placing compounds in Annex 1 (restricted use compounds) is included in the treaty. Currently the only compound(s) on Annex 1 are organotins which will be completely banned as antifoulants. The treaty lists a ban on application of organotins to ship’s hulls commencing January 2003 and, either their complete removal or application of an impermeable sealer coat by January 2008. Biocidal Products Directive (BPD) The European Union has instituted the Biocidal Products Directive (BPD) for authorization of biocidal products within the European Union. The BPD harmonizes the data requirements for existing and new biocides within the EU. Antifouling agents are included in this directive (Product Type 21). Any existing antifouling agent seeking registration will need to notify in 2002 and provide a base set of data. Time requirements for submission of additional necessary data has not yet been established; however they will be part of the 10 year plan to fully implement the directive. 11 Sub-task 1.2 – months 2-6 Title Assessment of geographical patterns/differences in usage. Responsible: PML Partners: IVM, CSIC, UILIC, GU, VKI, NERI, IFREMER Duration: 5 months Objectives: An assessment of geographical patterns/differences in usage. Methods: The information inputted to the database concerning usage etc. (see sub-task 1.1) will be investigated and compiled to identify patterns/differences in usage within the countries represented within ACE. During the inception workshop (workshop 1), tasks will be allocated to laboratories to obtain and compile information on the usage of such products in other regions of the world, to identify potential inputs from transient ships and potential future trends in usage. Deliverables: Input to database (sub-task 1.4) and major report 1 (sub-task 1.6). Links: 1.1, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 2, 3, 4, 5 There are notable differences in usage patterns of booster biocides on pleasure boats throughout the European region. The most commonly used biocides are: copper-oxide, Irgarol 1051, diuron, dichlofluanid, and zinc pyrithione. Recent national regulations, voluntary agreements, and the expected approval of the IMO/MEPC treaty have caused a shift in the usage patterns. The usage shift from diuron and Irgarol 1051 to zinc pyrithione and Sea-Nine (noted in the ACE 1999/2000 Annual Report) continues. For copper oxide, the regulatory situation is currently changing. The data presented in the ACE 1999/2000 Annual Report for the UK, Netherlands, Spain, Greece, Sweden, Denmark, and France pertaining to geographical use patterns is currently applicable. Sub-task 1.3 – months 2-6 Title Survey and critical assessment of the environmental and toxicological properties. Responsible: GU Partners: VKI, NERI, IFREMER Duration: 5 months Objectives: A survey and critical assessment of the environmental and toxicological properties. Methods: For all antifouling agents, information on environmental and toxicological properties will be assembled (e.g. stability, partitioning coefficients, NOEC levels). The data obtained will be screened as regards their quality according to the criteria agreed upon during the inception workshop (workshop 1). Data meeting these criteria will be identified and included in the database to be set up (vide infra). Deliverables: Input to database (sub-task 1.4) and major report 1 (sub-task 1.6). Links: 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 2, 3, 4, 5 Below is a table reproduced and updated from the ACE 1999/2000 Annual Report. The data is predominately extracted from published literature. 12 Table 3. Physico-chemical properties, persistence and toxicity of antifouling biocides Biocide Solubility Kow Koc Degradability Toxicity to fish Toxicity to algae -1 (mg 1 ) zinc pyrithione Photolysis half life < 1 hr Biodegradation 4 hr Reported environmental concentrations Ref Not determined Irgarol 1051 2.2-11.1 631 1240 to 3100 Photolysis half life = 273 d; not readily biodegradable 96 h LC50 for Zebra Fish = 400 μg 1-1; 96 h LC50 Bluebell sunfish = 2900 μg 1-1 72 h EC50 = 1.4 – 2.4 μg 1-1 4 – 130 ng 1-1 1 diuron 42 631 398 Limited photolysis; biodegradable Bluegill 96 h LC50 8.5 – 25 mg/l 96 h EC50 0.04 to 0.12 mg/l 13 – 1000 ng 1-1 2 dichlofluanid 1.3 5000 1100 Bluegill sunfish = 0.03 mg/l EC50 = 16 mg 1-1 copper(1)oxide <0.007 10 – 10 200 μg 1-1 g 1-1 (Cu2+) 1 – 8000 μg 1-1 (Cu2+) Median of approx. 7 μg 1-1 (Cu2+) for estuaries used by commercial and leisure craft 4 copper(1) 5 0.5 10 – 10 200 μg 1-1 (Cu2+) 1 – 8000 μg 1-1 (Cu2+) Median of approx. 7 μg 1-1 (Cu2+) for estuaries used by commercial and leisure craft 4 5 631 <300 ng-l-1 5 non thiocyanate Sea-Nine 211 15,000 Microcosm studies half-life ranges from 1 hr to a few days 1 data provided by Ciba specialities; 2 Lewis and Gardiner, 1996 LC50 50% lethality concentration; EC50 50% effect concentration 2 Acute: 2-1300 μg 1-1 Chronic: 0.6 -15 μg 3 Tomlin, 1997, 3 1-1 4 ACP, 1998 5 Jacobson2 Jacobson AH Willingham, GL (2000) Sea-nine antifoulant: an environmentally acceptable alternative to organotin antifoulants, The Science of the Total Environment 258:103-110. 13 The biological data collected for this project tends to confirm that, as a class, marine antifouling agents are toxic to aquatic organisms. Some compounds such as Sea-Nine and zinc pyrithione, in laboratory tests, appear to degrade rapidly. As discussed above, a report prepared by the Danish EPA indicated that SeaNine and zinc pyrithione pose an acceptable risk. In a paper to be published shortly3, the concentration of Irgarol 1051 and its degradation product (GS 26575) and diuron and its degradation products (CPDU, DCPMU, DCPU) were all detected in surface waters near drydocks. In addition, Irgarol 1051, GS26575, and diuron were also detected in sediments. Preliminary results indicate that hosing the hull to wash the bottom may be a significant point source for antifouling agents. Sub-task 1.4 – months 5-9 Title The development of a concise database with the information obtained Responsible: PML Partners: IVM, CSIC, UILIC, GU, VKI, NERI, IFREMER Duration: 5 months Objectives: To develop a concise database with the information obtained in sub-tasks 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3. Methods: The database will contain the information on the antifouling agents obtained, i.e. statistics on usage in different regions, leaching rates, environmental and toxicological properties. (Full details of the database and data management are provided in Section 5.2) Deliverables: Database and major report 1 (sub-task 1.6). Links: All tasks. As described in the ACE 1999/2000 Annual Report, a database was created using Microsoft Excel. This data base has been updated regularly throughout the project. Each partner has provided the necessary data for importation into a final controlled-access database. Sub-task 1.5 – months 2-9 Title Screening of literature on analytical techniques used for the different antifouling agents. Responsible: CSIC Partners: UILIC Duration: 8 months Objectives: To screen the literature on analytical techniques used for the different antifouling agents. Methods: A review will be made of analytical strategies for samples and information will be compiled on the concentrations of antifouling agents in estuarine and marine waters. The results will be discussed in the light of modern developments in analytical chemistry. Deliverables: Information generated to guide analyses of booster biocides. This information will be provided in major report 1 (sub-task 1.6). Links: 1.1, 1.4, 1.6, 2.1, 3, 4 A comprehensive review of the literature on analytical techniques for various antifouling agents was presented in the ACE 1999/2000 Annual Report. Techniques reviewed were SPE and GC-MS, liquid-liquid extraction and GC-MS, ELISA, immuno-sensors, SPE and LC-APCI-MS, SPME and GC-MS. The publications generated as part of this project substantially update the analytical techniques presented in the literature. 3 Thomas KV, McHugh M, Waldock M (2002) Antifouling paint booster biocides in UK coastal waters: inputs, occurrence and environmental fate, The Science of the Total Environment, in press. 14 Sub-task 1.6 – months 8-10 Title All available information relating to usage, transport, reactivity and toxicity will be assessed and final choice of the antifouling agents on which the studies will be focused will be selected. Responsible: PML Partners: IVM, CSIC, UILIC, GU, VKI, NERI, IFREMER Duration: 3 months Objectives: To assess all available information relating to usage, transport, reactivity and toxicity leading to the final choice of the antifouling agents on which the studies will be focused. Methods: The information obtained will be discussed at Workshop 2 (see Table 1) with all partners. The different antifouling agents will be discussed in the light of their volume of production and usage and environmental properties (e.g. persistence and toxic properties). The potential for environmental contamination / pollution will be assessed. A strategy will be set out for the next phase of the project selecting compounds for further investigations based on potential problems or, on the contrary, the expectation that the compounds will be a better choice from the environmental point of view. Decisions will be made separately about the agents to be included in a European Coastal Survey and the compounds for which persistence and toxic properties will be assessed. This distinction is made as, at the present level of use, may not justify a survey to be conducted, whereas an expert judgement may give rise to the conclusion that a formulation will (or perhaps should be recommended to) be used in the future. The decisions will be made with the perspectives and needs of the modeling in mind. The analytical chemistry requirements necessary in order to undertake the survey will be established. The types of bioassays and semi-field studies will be reviewed and agreed upon. Deliverables: Information providing final focussing of ACE (to be summarised in Major Report 1 (sub-task 1.6)). Links: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, Workshop 2 Following extensive discussions at the first Annual Workshop (1999/2000) it was decided to examine the environmental chemistry and toxicology, as well as the environmental concentrations, of the following antifouling agents (booster biocides): Irgarol 1051 dichlofluanid chlorothalonil Sea-Nine 211 diuron During the term of this project, metabolites of both Irgarol 1051 (2-methylthio-4-tertuary-butyl amino-striazine) and diuron (1-(3,4-dichlorphenyl)urea) were also analysed in environmental samples. 15 Task 2: Develop analytical techniques and test models Suitably sensitive analytical techniques to measure environmental levels of selected “booster” biocides will be developed. These will include IRGAROL 1051, 2,4,5,6tetrachloroisophthalonitrile (chlorothalonil), dichlorophenyl dimethyl urea (diuron), dichlofuanid and 4,5-dichloro-2-n-octyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one (SeaNine 211). Techniques will be introduced within the participating analytical chemistry laboratories where appropriate instrumentation is available. Performances will be intercompared. Sub-task 2.1 - months 3-12 Title The development, testing and intercomparison of suitably sensitive analytical techniques Responsible: CSIC Partners: IVM , UILIC, PML, IFREMER Duration: 10 months Objectives: To develop suitably sensitive analytical techniques (and to intercompare analyses) the to measure environmental levels of compounds considered to be of concern. Methods: Analytical protocols will be developed for compounds that are considered to be of concern from initial assessments of the literature, techniques for the following compounds will be developed: IRGAROL 1051, 2,4,5,6-tetrachloroisophthalonitrile (chlorothalonil), dichlorophenyl dimethyl urea (diuron), dichlofuanid and 4,5-dichloro-2-n-octyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one (SeaNine 211). Techniques will be assigned to the partners according to analytical capabilities and geographical relevance. Matrices for analyses will be determined according to the predicted linear free energy distributions between environmental compartments. The analytical techniques developed will be distributed to the partner laboratories for further testing and use. Where partner laboratories do not have the analytical capacity for quantifying all determinands, samples will be provided to laboratories with the capabilities. For the other analyses, inter-laboratory studies will be developed and run. A rapid immunoassay protocol to measure IRGAROL 1051 will also be developed (Partner 3). Deliverables: The analytical protocols essential to investigate contamination, degradation and ecotoxicology. Links: 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 3.1, 3.2, 4, 5 Summary Several highly sensitive chromatographic methods for the analysis of the selected booster biocides and their metabolites in environmental waters and sediments were developed. Methods were directed towards: Irgarol 1051, its metabolite 2-methylthio-4-tert-butylamino-s-triazine; diuron and its by-products dimethyl diuron and 1-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)urea; chlorothalonil; vinclozolin; dichlofluanid; and Sea-Nine 211. Extractions employed on-line and off-line solid phase extraction (SPE) cartridges and disks, solid phase micro-extraction (SPME), headspace-SPME, XAD-2 resin and liquid-liquid techniques. Sediment analyses used an ultra-sonication extraction protocol. A comparative ELISA method was also developed for trace level determinations. Quantification was carried out by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture (ECD), nitrogen phosphorus (NPD), flame photometric (FPD) and mass spectrometric (MS) (including ion trap tandem MS) detection. High Performance Liquid Chromatography was also used in quantification with detection using electrospray tandem MS and atmospheric chemical ionization mass spectrometry (HPLC-ACPI-MS). 16 The recovery for the antifouling agents and their degradation products from water samples by using off-line SPE cartridges with GC-ECD, NPD and MSD ranged from 60-111% and the determination limits for different compounds varied between 0.2 and 0.5 ng/L. The recoveries of the antifouling agents using SPME fibers (followed by GC-ECD and MSD quantification) ranged from 70-124 % and the determination limits for different compounds varied between 5 and 50 ng/L. The relative recoveries by using on- and off-line SPE with HPLC-ACPI-MS ranged from 76-96 % and the detection limit was at the part-per-trillion level. The recovery for antifouling agents from sediment samples using ultrasonic extraction with HPLC-APCIMS ranged from 54-109%, and the determination limits for different compounds varied between 0.2 and 1.6 µg/Kg dry sediment. Sensitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) were developed for the determination of Irgarol 1051. The dynamic ranges of the assays were between 30 and 200 ng/L, and the limit of detection was 16ng/L. Publications generated: Barceló, D. (1999) Sample handling and analysis of pesticides and their transformation products in water matrices by liquid chromatographic techniques. Elsevier Science BV, pp 155-207. Castillo, M and Barceló, D. (1999) Identification of polar toxicants in industrial wastewaters using toxicity-based fractionation with liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 71, Number 17 pp 3769-3776 Ferrer, I and Barceló, D. (1999) Simultaneous determination of antifouling herbicides in marina water by on-line soldphase extraction followed by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A, 854 pp 197206 Ferrer, I, Thurman, EM and Barceló, D. (2000) First LC/MS Determination of Cyanazine amide, Cyanazine Acid, and Cyanazine in Groundwater Samples. Environmental Science and Technology, Vol 34, No 4, pp 714-718. Lampropoulou DA, Konstantinou, IK and Albanis, TA. “Determination of fungicides and antifouling compounds in natural waters using SPME techniques and gas chromatography coupled with electron capture and mass spectrometric detection”, 5th International Conference on Environmental Pollution, Thessaloniki 28-30 August 2000 Lampropoulou, DA, Konstantinou, IK and Albanis, TA (2000), “Determination of antifouling compounds in natural waters using solid phase microextraction (SPME) and gas chromatography coupled with electron capture and mass spectrometric detection”, submitted to J. Chromatography Martinez, K, Ferrer, I and Barceló, D. Part-per-trillion level determination of antifouling pesticides and their by-products in seawater samples by off-line sold Phase Extraction followed by HPLC-APCI-MS. Martnez, K, Ferrer, I and Barceló, D. (2000) Part-per-trillion level determination of antifouling pesticides and their byproducts in seawater samples by off-line solid-phase extraction followed by high-performance liquid chromatography-atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A, Vol. 879, pp 27-37. Peñuela GA and Barceló, D. (2000) Comparative photo-degradation study of atrazine and deethylatrazine in water samples containing titanium dioxide/hydrogen peroxide and ferric chloride/hydrogen peroxide. Journal of A.O.A.C. Intl., 83 pp 53-60 Peñuela GA, Ferrer, I and Barceló, D. (2000) Identification of new photodegradation byproducts of the antifouling agent Irgarol in seawater samples. Intern.J. Environ. Anal. Chem (in press) 17 Sub-task 2.2 – months 9-30 Title Implementation of models capable of predicting concentrations and effects for different scenarios. Responsible: IVM Partners: PML Duration: 21 months Objectives: Implementation of models capable of predicting transport, reactivity, concentrations and effects in model situations for different scenario’s for usage (utilising the most effective models available from EXAMS II, Delwag/Charon, EQC and Jackson0Baar Modd) Methods: Two of the partners within this project (IVM and PML) currently have proven models which, with adjustment, are admirably suited to address this sub-task. A study (financed by the European Paintmakers Association CEPE) is presently being carried out at IVM to compare and evaluate a number of existing computer models for the prediction of antifoulant levels in the aquatic environment. Among the models currently available are: ECoS (Plymouth Marine Laboratory), EXAMS II (US-EPA), Delwaq/Charon (Delft Hydraulics), EQC (Environmental Modelling Centre Canada) and the Jacobson-Bauer model (Rohm & Haas company). Based on the outcome an improved model will be developed at Delft Hydraulics; its completion is scheduled for autumn 1998. The results will be used during the course of this project. Deliverables: 3). Links: An evaluation of models to predict the environmental behaviour of biocides (major report 1.4, 1.6, 3, 4, 5 Many complex and interacting processes that can be of a biological, chemical or physical nature determine the chemical fate of antifoulants in the environment. Especially in energy rich marine environments, the hydrodynamic transport and mixing processes of water masses tend to have a major impact. For compounds with a high affinity for particulate matter or sediment, such as TBT, sediment-transport phenomena will be of dominant importance. Stable dissolved compounds, such as some of the modern booster biocides, are likely to be affected most by river discharges or tidal currents. In specific marine environments with low exchange rates or pseudo-stagnant conditions, the chemical and biological processes will become more important. An evaluation was made of the suitability of currently available chemical-fate models to predict environmental concentrations of antifoulants (Table 4). Most of the current generic risk-assessment models, such as EUSES (ECB, 1997) and the fugacity based EQC screening models (Mackay et al., 1996), do not account for the complex hydrodynamic processes in coastal environments and include only a limited number of emission, transport and chemical fate pathways required for a reliable assessment of the fate of antifouling products. This includes e.g. factors related to characteristics of the paint matrix (binding of biocide, leaching, erosion, life-time), shipping related factors (e.g. size, loading, speed, intensity, season - in the case of yachting marinas), factors such as temperature, salinity or pH dependent characteristics and processes (biodegradation, speciation, sorption), and hydrological characteristics of typical marine environments. Only some of the more sophisticated generic chemical equilibrium models, such as QWASI (Ling et al., 1993), TOXFATE (Halfon and Allan, 1995), ECOS (Harris et al., 1993), EXAMs (Willingham and Jacobson, 1996) and DELWAQ (Delft Hydraulics, 1994) are capable of a more comprehensive treatment of the subtle hydrodynamic, physico-chemical and biological processes and interactions, but require skilled personnel to run the models or to derive estimates for model-input parameters. From the models specially developed for antifouling agents, the Mam-Pec (Van Hattum et al., 1999) and the REMA model (HSE, 1999) meet the requirements of handling both hydrodynamics and chemical fate processes properly. The REMA model is limited to typical estuaries in the UK and does not allow a flexible handling of shipping emissions. It is based on the QWASI model, but does not allow an estimation of the hydrodynamic exchange processes. The Mam-Pec model, developed for the European Paintmakers Asociation (CEPE-AWG, 1999), is based on the 2D-grid based DELWAQ water quality modelling environment in combination with the SILTHAR model (Delft Hydraulics, 1995) for estimation of mixing and transport processes. It was selected because of its ability to cope with the large differences in hydrodynamics and shipping characteristics among marinas across Europe. 18 C/f Nr. of Media Hydro Dynamics Emiss. from ships Skills required Effect of S,T,pH Generic Dimensions Steady state / Dynamic Table 4. Suitability of available models. EUSES c 4 - - low - g 1D s EQC-based models f >4 - - low - g 1D s QWASI f >4 + (+) high (+) l 2D s/d TOXFATE f >4 + (+) high (+) l 2D s/d EXAMS c >4 + + high + g 3D s/d ECOS c >4 + + high (+) g 2D s/d DELWAQ c >3 + + high + g 3D s/d Johnson and Luttik '94 c 3 - (+) low - g 1D s Baur and Jacobson '96 c 3 - + low - g 1D s Mam-Pec c 4 + + low (+) g 2D s REMA f 4 (+) (+) low - l 2D s Generic models Models for antifoulants Explanation: C/f: concentration or fugacity based model; Nr. of Media: number of abiotic main and subcompartments included (water column, sediment, air, soil, particulate matter); Hydrodynamics: ability to cope with more complex marine hydrodynamic features; Emiss. from Ships: ability to allow for typical emission patterns. Generic: generic model (g) or location specific (l). - : missing; + : option is available; (+): option is partly available. 19 Modelling References Baur, D., A. Jacobson (1996). Modelling of marine antifoulants. Rohm and Haas Company, European Laboratories, Valbonne (France) and Research Laboratories, Spring House (PA, USA), p. 1-12 (manuscript). CEPE-AWG (1999). Utilisation of more 'environmentally friendly' antifouling products. EC project No 96/559/3040/DEB/E2. Phase 1 - final report. CEPE Antifouling Working Group, Brussels. July 1999 Cowan, C.E., D. Mackay, T.C.J. Feijtel. D. van de Meent, A. Di Guardo, J. Davies and N. Mackay (1995). The multimedia fate model: a vital tool for predicting the fate of chemicals. SETAC Press, Pensacola (Fl). Delft Hydraulics (1994). DELWAQ 4.0: Technical Reference Manual. Delft Hydraulics, Delft, Netherlands Delft Hydraulics (1995). Silthar - a mathematical programme. Delft Hydraulics, Delft, Netherlands ECB (1997). EUSES - The European union system for the evaluation of substances. Joint Research Centre European Commission Environment Institute, European Chemicals Bureau, Ispra (Italy). Halfon, E. and R.J. Allan (1995). Modelling the fate of PCBs and Mirex in aquatic ecosystems using the TOXFATE model. Environmental International 21, p. 557-569. Harris, J.R.W., R.N. Gorley, C.A. Bartlett (1993). ECOS version 2 user manual - an estuarine simulation shell. Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Plymouth, UK. Hattum, B. van, A.C. Baart, J.G. Boon, R.J.C.A. Steen and F.Ariese (1999). Computer model to generate predicted environmental concentrations (PECs) for antifouling products in the marine environment. IVM-E99/15, Institute for Environmental Studies, Amsterdam, HSE (1999). REMA – regulatory environmental modelling of antifoulants. Biocides and Pesticides Assessment Unit, Health and Safety Executive, London, UK. Johnson, A., R. Luttik (1994). Risk assessment of antifoulants - position paper. Paper nr. 1994-05-03. Paper presented at the 7th meeting of the Ad Hoc Group of Experts of Non-Agricultural Pesticides, 16-18 May 1994. National Chemicals Inspectorate, Sweden; National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Netherlands. Ling, H., M. Diamond, D. Mackay (1993). Application of the QWASI fugacity/equivalence model to assessing sources and fate of contaminants in Hamilton Harbour. J. Great Lakes Research 19, p. 582-602 Mackay, D. et al. (1996). Assessment of chemical fate in the environment using evaluative, regional and local scale models: illustrative application to chlorobenzene and linear alkylbenzene sulfonates. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 15, p. 1638-1648. Steen, R.J.C.A., J. Jacobsen, F. Ariese, A.G.M. van Hattum, and A. Jacobson (2002). Monitoring of the marine antifoulant 4,5-dichlor-2-n-octyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one (DCOI) in a Danish harbour. Environmental Science and Technology (submitted) Willingham, G.L. and A.H. Jacobson (1996). Designing an environmentally safe marine antifoulant. In: De Vito, S.C and R.L. Garrett (eds). Designing safer chemicals - Green chemistry for pollutant prevention. American Chemical Society, Washington DC. ACS Symposium Series 640, p. 225-233. 20 Task 3: Environmental chemical surveys and experiments Sub-task 3.1 – months 7-30 Title: Assessment of the extent of contamination of European coastlines through chemical surveys of relevant areas Responsible: PML Partners: IVM, UILIC, IFREMER, CSIC, GU, VKI, NERI Duration: 23 months Objectives: To assess the extent of antifouling agent contamination of European coastlines Methods: Once installed and tested, analyses will commence on environmental samples for the antifouling agents listed in Sub-task 2.1. Areas previously identified as those potentially subject to most contamination will be targeted for assessment. ‘Good geographical coverage’ will also, however, be incorporated as a prerequisite in survey design. A critical feature relating to the potential for pollution by antifouling agents is the dissipation of the compounds from marinas and harbours. Is accepted that toxic concentrations are likely to exist in the direct proximity to the vessels, and the primary concern is that coastal environments adjacent to port facilities will be impacted (as was the case for TBT). As part of the surveys undertaken, intensive investigations will be performed at the most contaminated locations to investigate dissipation. Samples will be exchanged between partners in order to ensure that a full data set is generated for each area. The survey data produced by individual partners will be compiled to provide a Europe-wide assessment of coastal contamination with the antifouling agents in question. Deliverables: Maps depicting the extent of contamination of European coastlines by the selected booster biocides. Links: 1.3, 1.4, 1.6, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.3, 5 Summary Approximately 800 water samples (and sediments from some areas) have been collected from the areas shown in Fig. 1. These have included marinas, harbours, estuaries and coastal waters and cover diverse European coastal systems. Results from analyses are summarised in Tables 5 and 6. Results indicate that of the major booster biocides, highest mean concentrations of diuron are encountered. The distribution of this compound is shown in Fig. 2 and indicates highest levels in North Western Europe. Irgarol 1051 tends to be present at lower mean concentrations than diuron, although for this compound, Mediterranean coastal environments are most contaminated (Fig. 3). Chlorothalonil, dichlofluanid and Seanine were sporadically encountered (primarily in the Mediterranean). In isolated cases, however, high concentrations of these were recorded. Measurable concentrations of the degradation products of Irgarol 1051 and diuron were also encountered, albeit at lower levels than those of the parent compounds. (Detailed reports on this sub-task were provided in the ACE 2000/2001 Annual Report.) 21 Fig. 1. Location of sampling areas (indicated by squares) investigated during the ACE Project. Fig. 2. Mean concentrations (ng/L) of diuron in samples taken from marinas and ports. Fig. 3. Mean concentrations (ng/L) of Irgarol 1051 in samples taken from marinas and ports. 22 Table 5. Concentrations (ng/L) of antifouling booster biocides measured in European coastal waters. Country Sweden Denmark Netherlands UK France Spain Greece Site Description No. of samples analysed Irgarol 1051 Diuron Dichlofluanid Chlorothalonil Seanine Marinas 10 range mean median 2 – 364 61 16 <1 - 35 5 3 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 - 3 <1 0 Ports 8 range mean median <1 – 6 2 1 <1 - 3 1 0 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 - 1 <1 <1 Coastal 19 range mean median <1 – 36 <1 - 7 2 2 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 0 Marinas 21 range mean median 4-9 37 - 174 2 27 0 0 n/a n/a n/a Ports 3 range mean median <1 – 68 <1 - 628 23 209 0 0 n/a n/a n/a Marinas 26 range <1 – 87 n/a n/a n/a mean median 20 17 <1 1129 328 233 <1 – 39 <1 - 282 4 51 0 19 n/a n/a n/a Coastal 12 range mean median Marinas 168 range mean median <1 – 621 <1 - 685 <1 - 390 52 62 8 19 <1 <1 <1 - 30 1 <1 <1 <1 <1 Ports 47 range mean median <1 – 208 <1 - 110 10 27 4 20 <1 - 26 1 <1 <1 - 20 1 <1 <1 <1 <1 Estuaries 64 range mean median <1 – 47 <1 - 438 9 43 7 20 <1 - 40 1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 Coastal 49 range mean median <1 – 92 <1 - 465 6 23 2 7 <1 - 7 1 <1 <1 - 26 1 <1 <1 <1 <1 English channel Marinas 3 range mean median 6 – 23 15 17 n/a <1 <1 <1 8 - 11 9 9 n/a Atlantic coast Marinas 14 range mean median 3 – 491 55 18 n/a <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 n/a Atlantic Coastal 19 range mean median <1 – 21 5 2 n/a <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 n/a Meditteranean Marinas 18 range mean median 11 – 244 67 33 n/a <1 <1 <1 <1 - 27 9 6 n/a Meditteranean Coastal 32 range mean median <1 – 11 1 1 n/a <1 <1 <1 <1 - 2 1 <1 n/a Marinas 112 range <1 – 670 <1 <1 - 3700 mean median 80 40 <1 - <1 - 760 2190 190 30 80 <1 <1 <1 110 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 30 – 323 <1 - 240 100 90 80 60 Ports 11 range mean median Marinas 58 range mean median <1 – 90 18 15 n/a <1 - 284 61 38 <1 - 63 16 16 <1 <1 <1 Ports 27 range mean median <1 - 24 6 <1 n/a <1 - 35 10 11 Detected <1 <1 23 <1 - 88 25 <1 From the summarised data, it is clear that the assessment of the extent of contamination of European coastal waters by booster biocides has progressed well, and that the participating countries have obtained substantial data. This data has been entered into the database according to the format of the reporting forms included in the ACE 2000-2001 Annual Report. A copy of the database has been made accessible to partners via the Internet ( During the final year, some work within this sub-task continued. finalised in Denmark, Sweden, France and the UK. Surveys and analyses were Shipping lanes in Sweden and Denmark were monitored (Brofjorden and Øresund). An assessment of the extent of contamination of French coastlines was continued by analyses of water and sediment samples collected during summer 2001 at selected harbours along the English Channel, Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean coasts. A coastal survey was undertaken in the UK in summer/autumn 2001 to extend coverage. Results from this research, together with appropriate summaries follow within this Section. Publications on the subject: To date, 11 publications have been generated relating to this sub-task. These are listed in the following National reports within this Section. 24 Table 6. Concentration ranges (min. – max.) of booster biocides (µ dry weight) in sediment samples from different countries. Country Sampling sites UK The Netherlands Site description Number samples of Irgarol 1051 Irgarol metabolite Diuron Dichlofluanid Chlorothalonil SeaNine Marinas Harbours Estuaries Coastal waters NO SAMPLES Spain Marinas 15 2-88 nd-15 15-136 nd-10 na nd-2 Greece Marinas Harbours 59 21 10-690 3-19 nd nd nd nd 9-195 8-90 8-165 9-56 nd nd Marinas Harbours Estuaries 3 7 2 3.1-23 nd-10 1.9-4.5 na na na 3.4-12 1-8.5 3.4-5.0 na na na na na na na na na 3 2.8-5.8 na na na na na 2 3 17.9-20.6 15.1-29.5 na na na na na na na na na na Sweden Denmark France NO SAMPLES Mediterranean Marinas coastline English Channel Marinas Atlantic coast Marinas na : not analysed, nd : not detected (below detection limit) Partner 1: Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK UK results were summarised in the ACE 2000-2001 Annual Report. Monitoring, however, continued during 2001 and new data were produced. Samples were collected in July and September 2001 at selected marinas (locations shown in Fig. 4). Concentrations recorded are shown in Table 2. Detailed results have been included in the ACE-database. 5°W 0° 60°N 55°N 50°N Fig. 4: Sample locations for partner 1 (UK) during year 2001. Red dots are for samples collected inside marinas, blue dots are for samples collected outside marinas. Table 7. Concentrations of Irgarol (ng.l-1) in water samples collected around the UK coast, September 2001. Station sampled Irgarol 1051 Aberystwyth Boston Boston Dock Brighton Glasson Marina Glasson Outer Holyhead Kingston Upon Hull Lowestoft Newcastle Inside Newcastle Outside Ramsgate Inner Ramsgate Outer Sutton Swansea Watchet Waveney Dock Weymouth Weymouth Beach Whitehaven Marina Whitehaven Outer Loch <1 <1 <1 47 220 26 12 390 16 54 27 54 13 86 62 <1 4 290 7 <1 <1 26 Partner 2: Institute for Environmental Studies, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, Netherlands Results from the research will be published in the following paper: Lamoree, M.H, C.P. Swart, A. van der Horst and B. van Hattum (2002). Determination of diuron and the novel antifouling paint biocide Irgarol 1051 in Dutch marinas and coastal waters. J. Chrom. (A). In press. Partner 3: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC), Department of Environmental Chemistry, Barcelona, Spain Results from the research have/are being published in the following papers: Penuela, G.A., Ferrer, I., Barcelo, D., Identification of new photodegradation byproducts of the antifouling agent Irgarol in seawater samples. Intern.J. Environ. Anal. Chem 78 (2000) 25-40 Martinez, K., Ferrer, I., Hernando, M.D., Fernandez-Alba, A.R., Marce, R.M., Borrull, F. and Barcelo, D. (2002) Occurrence of antifouling biocides in the Spanish Mediterranean marine environment. Environmental Technology, in press. Karell Martinez and Damia Barcelo, Determination of antifouling pesticides and degradation products in marine sediments by means of ultrasonic extraction and HPLC-APCI-MS, Fresenius J. Anal. Chem., (in press) D.A.Azevedo, S. Lacorte, P. Viana and D. Barcelo, Analysis of priority pesticides and phenols in Portuguese river water by Liquid Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry, Chromatographia 53 (3/4) pp 113-118 (2001) Partner 4 University of Ioannina (IULIC), Laboratory of Industrial Chemistry, Ioannina, Greece Detailed descriptions of the analyses are given in the following publications: D. Lampropoulou, I. Konstantinou and T. Albanis, Determination of fungicides in natural waters using solidphase microextraction and Gas Chromatography coupled with Electron Capture and Mass Spectrometric Detection, Journal of Chromatography, Vol. 893, 2000, 143-156. V. Sakkas, D. Lampropoulou, I. Konstantinou and T. Albanis, Simultaneous determination of Antifouling Paint Booster Biocides in Greek Ports and Marinas by means of solid phase extraction and gas chromatography, Marine Pollution Bulletin. (submitted). D. Lampropoulou,V. Sakkas, I. Konstantinou and T. Albanis, Antifouling Paint Booster Biocides contamination in Greek marine sediments, Chemosphere (submitted). V. Sakkas, I. Konstantinou and T. Albanis, Photodegradation of Antifouling biocides in natural waters Water Research (in preparation). Partner 5: Goteborg University (GU), Department of Plant Physiology, Goteborg, Sweden The legal use of antifouling compounds on the Swedish west coast is restricted to Irgarol 1051 and copper on pleasure craft, although the illegal use has been hypothesised. In the Baltic, only “non-toxic” paints are allowed. On commercial vessels, TBT is still expected to be the main component, although Sea-Nine is allowed. In the investigated coastal areas, levels of TBT were generally low whilst concentrations of Irgarol 1051 and diuron varied with the periodically intensive pleasure craft traffic. Sea-Nine was not found in coastal areas. In harbours and marinas TBT, Irgarol 1051, Sea-Nine and diuron were detected and occasionally reached high levels. Results are summarised in Tables 8 and 9. 27 Table 8. Measured concentrations of ACE-substances in Swedish waters. All concentrations in ng L -1 Fiskebäcks kil Irgarol min Irgarol max Diuron min Diuron max SeaNine min SeaNine max TBT min TBT max Seasonal Spot Type 2 363.6 0 35 0 2.7 1.9 7.2 x marina 0.3 6.8 0 5.5 0 0 0.6 1.2 x coastal x Marina Kalvhagefjorden Bonden 0 36 0 6.8 0 0 - - Lysekil 0.04 5.6 0 2.9 0 0.6 0.3 0.7 x harbour coastal Brofjorden 0 3.5 0 2.4 0 1.5 1.5 5.2 x harbour Table 9. Measured concentrations of metabolites of ACE-substances in Swedish waters. All concentrations in ng L-1 Irgarol met.(214) min Irgarol met.(214) max Irgarol met.(198) min Irgarol met.(198) max Seasonal Spot Type Fiskebäckski l marina 0 47,819 0 12,478 x marina Kalvhagefjorden 0.3 1.9 0 0 x coastal Bonden 0 4.5 0 34.4 x coastal Lysekil 0 2.0 0 0 x harbour Brofjorden 0 4.5 0 695.2 x harbour Partner 6: Institute for the Water Environment (VKI) (which recently merged with DHIInstitute for Water and Environment), Horsholm, Denmark. During 2000-2001, water and sediment samples from Danish harbours, marinas and open areas were were collected and analysed for antifouling compounds (diuron, Irgarol 1051, atrazine, simazine, copper, TBT, DBT and MBT). Data for sediments from marinas and harbours, and the results for the water-samples and sediments from open areas are included in the ACE-database. Highest concentrations of diuron and Irgarol 1051 were found in sediments from marinas. Hot spots for TBT were in sediments from oil terminals, industrial harbours and shipyards. However, high concentrations of TBT were generally found in all types of harbour, probably because some vessels using the harbours and marinas still use TBT based antifoulings. Also, concentrations in the sediment reflect contamination over several years. This is rendered more pertinent where Danish authorities have not given permission for dredging of sediment. Data for the antifouling concentrations measured in the Danish environment are summarised in Figure 5. 28 Diuron and Irgarol in Danish harbours and marinas. 25 µg/kg dw 20 15 10 5 å Sv (I) an em øl le (M ) Få bo rg M (M ar ) se lis bo rg (M Sø ) nd er bo rg (M ) (I) (I) Diuron Åb en r Ko ld in g Ve jle (I) O de ns e sh .( I) (F ) Fr ed er ik År hu s År hu s (O ) 0 Irgarol Fig. 5: Diuron and Irgarol 1051 in sediments from Danish harbours and marinas (1999). (Oil harbours (O), Fishery harbours (F), Industry Harbours (I) and Marinas (M). More information is given in the following publications: Jensen, Gustavson & Petersen. Concentrations of organic pollutants and metals in sediments from Danish waters. Danish EPA. In press. Jensen & Gustavson. Contamination of sediments by organic pollutants in Danish marinas and harbours. Danish EPA. In press. Partner 8: IFREMER – France The study of the extent of contamination of the French coastlines by booster biocide compounds was pursued in 2001 through: Determination of the concentrations of antifouling compounds in water samples collected in July 2001 in marinas located along the English Channel (Cherbourg, Saint Malo, Saint Quai Portrieux) and the Atlantic coast (Brest, La Rochelle, Arcachon). These sites have been selected because of their high pleasure boat activity (1000 to 3200 berths). Sampling was undertaken during high boating activity (July 2001). Determination of the concentrations of Irgarol 1051 in sediment samples collected (in July 2001) from the marinas mentioned above and additionally from marinas on the Mediterranean coast during Autumn 2001 (September/November). The results give information about regional differences in water contamination by antifouling compounds along the French coastlines. The results from the analyses of water samples are presented in Table 10 and Fig. 6. The compounds identified were chlorothalonil and Irgarol 1051. Dichlofluanid was not detected in any of the samples. Dissolved Irgarol 1051 was quantified in all samples at levels between 5.4 ng.l-1 and 491.1 ng.l-1. Concentrations of dissolved chlorothalonil were between undetectable levels along the Atlantic coast to 10.9 ng.l-1 at Saint Malo (Britanny). 29 Table 10. Concentration (ng.l-1) of selected antifouling agents (Irgarol 1051, chlorothalonil, dichlofluanid) in water samples collected from French marinas of the English Channel and the Atlantic coasts during summer 2001. Limit of Detection (LOD) = 0.8 ng.l-1 for chlorothalonil and dichlofluanid. Location Sampling date Salinity Location type Number Irgarol of berths ng.l-1 Chlorothalonil Dichlofluanid ng.l-1 ng.l-1 Cherbourg 05/07/2001 30.57 Marina 1200 16.6 8.5 < 0.8 Saint Malo 06/07/2001 34.23 Marina 1200 22.7 10.9 < 0.8 Saint Quai 05/07/2001 Portrieux 34.35 Marina 1000 5.4 7.7 < 0.8 Brest 04/07/2001 34.32 Marina 1300 32.6 < 0.8 < 0.8 La Rochelle 02/07/2001 33.56 Marina 3200 491.1 < 0.8 < 0.8 Arcachon 03/07/2001 30.75 Marina 2300 73.3 < 0.8 < 0.8 600 WATER SAMPLES Atlantic Coast ng.l -1 400 English Channel Mediterranean Coast 200 0 Cherbourg (July 2001) St Quai St Malo Portrieux (July 2001) (July 2001) Brest (July 2001) La Arcachon Rochelle (July 2001) (July 2001) Marseille (Aug. 2000) Saint St Raphael Mandrier (Aug. 2000) (Sept. 2000) Sampling Location and dates Fig. 6: Concentrations (ng.l-1) of Irgarol 1051 in water samples collected during high boating period at selected sites along the English Channel, Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts of France. 30 The highest concentrations of Irgarol 1051 were found in the largest marinas with the highest pleasure boat densities. No statistically significant relationship, however, was found between concentrations and the number of berths (Fig. 7). The correlation would probably improve should we have used the number of boats present instead of the number of berths available in marinas. 500 400 y = 0.1128x - 51.194 R2 = 0.5207 Irgarol (ng.l-1) 300 200 100 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Number of berths 2500 3000 3500 Fig. 7. Relationship between concentrations of Irgarol 1051 (ng.l-1) in water samples and the number of berths available in marinas on the French coast. Results from the analyses of Irgarol 1051 in sediments are presented in Table 11 and Fig. 8. Concentrations of Irgarol 1051 in sediment samples collected in July 2001 from the English Channel and Atlantic sites were between 15.1 ng.g-1 dry weight (d.w.) and 29.5 ng.g-1 d.w. Sediment samples collected at three Mediterranean sites in September and November 2001 were less contaminated (concentrations between 2.8 ng.g-1 (d.w.) and 5.8 ng.g-1 (d.w.)). This might be influenced by the difference in the sampling period and composition of the sediments. 31 Table 11. -1 Concentrations (ng.g dry weight) of Irgarol 1051 in sediment samples collected (during 2001) from marinas along the English Channel, Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts of France. Location Sampling date Location type Number of berths Irgarol Cherbourg 05/07/2001 Marina 1200 17.9 Saint Malo 06/07/2001 Marina 1200 20.6 Brest 04/07/2001 Marina 1300 15.1 La Rochelle 02/07/2001 Marina 3200 21.5 Arcachon 03/07/2001 Marina 2300 29.5 Marseille 22/11/2001 Marina 3000 2.8 Saint Mandrier 19/09/2001 Marina 630 5.3 St Raphael 14/11/2001 Marina 1550 5.8 Atlantic Coast ng.g-1 SEDIMENT SAMPLES 30 20 -1 ng.g dry weight English Channel Mediterranean Coast 10 0 Cherbourg St Malo (July (July 2001) 2001) Brest (July 2001) La Rochelle (July 2001) Arcachon (July 2001) Marseille (Nov. 2001) St mandrier (Sept. 2001) St Raphael (Nov. 2001) Sampling location and dates Fig. 8. Concentrations (ng.g-1 dry weight) of Irgarol 1051 in sediment samples collected at selected sites along the English Channel, Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts of France. 32 Sub-task 3.2 – months 17-30 Title Laboratory studies to assess the degree of physical and chemical degradation of the antifouling agents.. Responsible: UILIC Partners: CSIC, PML Duration: 13 months Objectives: Laboratory studies to assess the degree of physical and chemical degradation of the antifouling agents Methods: In the literature, few data are available regarding the persistence of antifouling agents, some of which are conflicting. In this project, a consistent set of degradation studies will be carried out so as to obtain reliable, comparable information for compounds of interest. Deliverables: Information concerning degradation/dissipation of selected booster biocides (to be summarised in major report 5). Links: 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 4, 5 Summary The photochemical degradation of Irgarol 1051, chlorothalonil, diclofluanid and sea nine 211 have been studied in different natural waters (sea, river and lake) as well as in distilled water under natural and simulated solar irradiation. The effect of dissolved organic matter (DOM) such as humic and fulvic substances on the photodegradation rate was also studied under simulated sunlight. The addition of DOM in distilled water was shown to greatly increase the rate of degradation, however a decrease was observed in natural waters. The photodegradation of Irgarol 1051 proceeds via a pseudo-first-order reaction in all cases, with half-lives ranging from 2 to 1432 hrs. In natural and humic enhanced waters, Irgarol 1051 photodegradation gave rise to its dealkylated derivative, demonstrating that the transformation of Irgarol 1051 depends on the constitution of the irradiated media and especially on the DOM concentration and type. The byproducts identified by GC-MS were: 2-methylsulfonyl-4terbutylamino-6-cyclopropylamino-s-triazine, 2-hydroxy-4-terbutylamino-6-cyclopropylamino-striazine, 2-methylthio-4-terbutylamino-6-ethylamino -s-triazine, 2-methylsulfonyl-4-terbutylamino6-amino-s-triazine and diaminohydroxy-s-triazine. The presence of DOM enhanced the photodegradation of chlorothalonil with the exception of seawater. The photodegradation proceeds via a pseudo first order reaction in all cases. Half-lives ranged from 1 to 48 h. In natural and humic rich waters, chlorothalonil photodegradation gave rise to two different intermediates not found in a distilled water control, demonstrating that the transformation of chlorothalonil depends on the constitution of the irradiated media and especially the DOM. The byproducts identified were chloro-1,3-dicyanobenzene, dichloro-1,3dicyanobenzene, trichloro-1,3-dicyanobenzene and benzamide. It was also found that the photodegradation of dichlofluanid proceeds via a first-order reaction in all cases. The presence of various concentrations of DOM, however, inhibited the photolysis reaction. Kinetic experiments (monitored with GC-ECD) indicated half-lives varying between 8 and 83 hrs. The major photo-decomposition products identified by GC-MS were dichlorofluoromethane, aniline, and DMSA. Based on this byproduct identification, a possible degradation pathway has been proposed for the photolysis of dichlofluanid in aqueous media. 33 Kinetic photodegradation experiments for sea nine 211 (monitored with GC-ECD) provided halflives (t1/2) varying between 6 and 433 hrs. Irradiation of the aqueous sea-nine 211 solutions gave rise to a great number of transformation products that were isolated by means of SPE using SDB extraction disks. Six of these products (n-octyl acetamide, n-octyl oxamic acid, n-octaldehyde, 4,5 dichloro-3-(n-octyl) thiazole, octanenitrile and n-octyl isocyanate) were tentatively identified using GC-MS. Based on this byproduct identification, a possible degradation pathway has been proposed for the decomposition of sea-nine 211 in aqueous media. Degradation experiments involving the main antifouling agents quantified in samples taken from the N.E. coast of Spain were conducted in order to determine the persistence of the compounds in the marine environment. Seawater samples spiked with antifouling compounds (diuron, Irgarol 1051 and sea nine) were exposed to simulated natural environmental conditions. The more persistent antifouling compounds were found to be diuron and Irgarol 1051. Even after 240 days, concentrations in the water remained at one third of the original level. (Moreover, the degradation products of Irgarol 1051 and diuron have been quantified at significant concentrations in environmental samples from marinas and harbours.) Sea nine was found to degrade very rapidly. In the first 11 days, its aqueous concentration decreased 6 fold and the compound could not be detected after 87 days. Further toxicity/degradation experiments are described under sub-task 4.3. The following publications describe results: I.K. Konstantinou, T. Sakellarides, V.A. Sakkas, and T.A. Albanis. Photocatalytic degradation of selected striazine herbicides and organophosphorus insecticides over aqueous TiO 2 suspensions. Environmental Science and Technology, 2001, 35, 398-405. D. Larsen, I. Wagner, I and K. Gustavson. Degradation of Sea-Nine in coastal water. (submitted). K. Martinez and D. Barcelo. (2002) Determination of antifouling pesticides and degradation products in marine sediments by means of ultrasonic extraction and HPLC-APCI-MS. Fresenius J. Anal. Chem., (in press). K. Martnez, I. Ferrer and D Barceló. (2000) Part-per-trillion level determination of antifouling pesticides and their by-products in seawater samples by off-line solid-phase extraction followed by highperformance liquid chromatography-atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A, 879, 27-37. K. Martinez, I. Ferrer, M.D. Hernando, A.R. Fernandez-Alba, R.M. Marce, F. Borrull and D. Barcelo. (2002) Occurrence of antifouling biocides in the Spanish Mediterranean marine environment. Environmental Technology, in press. G.A. Penuela, I. Ferrer and D. Barcelo. (2000) Identification of new photodegradation byproducts of the antifouling agent Irgarol in seawater samples. Intern.J. Environ. Anal. Chem., 78, 25-40 V. Sakkas, I, Konstantinou and T. Albanis. Photodegradation of antifouling biocides in natural waters. Submitted to Water Research. V.A. Sakkas, I.K. Konstantinou and T.A. Albanis. Photodegradation of antifouling fungicides in water under simulated sunlight. Presented at: 5th International Congress on Environmental Pollution, Thessaloniki, Greece, 28 August - 1 September 2000; 1st European Congress on Pesticides and Related Micropollutants in the Environment, Ioannina, 5 - 8 October 2000 and 3rd International Conference of Balkan Environmental Association (B.E.N.A.), Bucharest - Romania, 23 - 26 November, 2000. V.A. Sakkas, I.K. Konstantinou and T.A. Albanis. Photodegradation of selected antifouling booster biocides in various natural waters under environmental conditions. 2 nd World Water Congress, Berlin Germany, 15 - 19 October, 2001. V.A. Sakkas, I.K. Konstantinou and T.A. Albanis. Photodegradation of antifouling fungicides in water under simulated solar light. 7th Conference on Environmental Science and Technology. Aegean University, Ermoupolis, Syros, 3 - 6 September, 2001. 34 Task 4: Ecotoxicological Investigations Sub-task 4.1 – months 3-20 Title Bioassays to investigate toxic effects of the selected antifouling agents Responsible: GU Partners: VKI, NERI, PML Duration: 18 months Objectives: Effects studies (bioassays) to investigate toxic effects. Methods: Bioassays to be conducted on Irgarol and SeaNine. These will include: Short-term toxicity of antifouling agents to microbial activity in periphyton and plankton. Experimental ecosystem studies of effects on microbial communities of antifouling agents Ecosystem studies of effects on microbial communities by antifouling agents (TBT, Irgarol, SeaNine) around selected harbours. Deliverables: An assessment of the toxicity of the “most-used” biocides. These results will form the basis of major report 6. Links: 1.3, 1.4, 1.6, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.3, 5 Summary The toxicity of all six ACE-substances (Irgarol 1051, diuron, Sea-Nine, chlorothalonil, dichlofluanid and zinc pyrithione) to phytoplankton communities were tested by the Göteborg group. Data for periphyton were already available for three of the substances and the remaining three were tested. The method used involved measuring photosynthetic incorporation of radioactive carbon. Results established EC50-values for the ACE substances on phytoplankton and periphyton (see Table 12). Table 12. EC50 values for the selected ACE-substances. Ranges depict extreme values. Compound EC50 Phytoplankton EC50 Periphyton Irgarol 1051 2-3 nM1 4.7-5.5 nM2 Diuron 9-12 nM1 15-23 nM3 Sea-Nine 25-28 nM1 200-800 nM4 Chorothalonil 76-187 nM1 6203-17579 nM5 Dichlofluanid 23-36 nM1 1.4-734 nM5 Zinc pyrithione 9-30 nM1 37-84 nM5 1)Eriksson 2001 2) Dahl & Blanck 3) Molander & Blanck 35 4) Arrhenius et al. 1999 5) Preliminary data Short-term toxicity of antifouling agents to periphyton and plankton (PML & GU) Inhibition of photosynthesis in natural phytoplankton samples (GU) A laboratory study of the effects of the six ACE substances (Irgarol 1051, chlorothalonil, SeaNine, diuron, dichlofluanid and zinc pyrithione) on phytoplankton samples from the Swedish coastal area was made during summer 2000. Acute effects were measure using two different methods: incorporation of radiolabelled carbon dioxide and variable in vivo fluorescence (PAM fluorometry). Data for periphyton were already available for some of the substances and efforts were made to complete the list in summer 2002. Measurements of photosynthetic incorporation established EC50-values for the ACE substances on phytoplankton (already shown in Table 12). PAM measurements indicated an immediate decrease in photosynthetic yield at EC 50 concentrations for the two photosystem II inhibitors Irgarol 1051 and diuron. Compounds with other modes of action showed a gradually emerging inhibition of photosynthesis over time. Consequently, for Sea-Nine, chlorothalonil, dichlofluanid and zinc pyrithione, short-term measurements of photosynthesis is likely to underestimate the toxicity to the algae. Flow cytometry and pigment analyses of natural phytoplankton communities exposed to Irgarol 1051 (PML) Following exposure of natural phytoplanktonic communities to Irgarol 1051 (2-methylthio-4tertiary-butylamino-6-cyclopropylamino-s-triazine), flow cytometry analyses revealed that approximately half of the phytoplankton are killed at concentrations as low as 100 ng/L. High performance liquid chromatographic analyses of pigments extracted from the phytoplankton demonstrated that 19'-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin was selectively lost. This carotenoid is specific to the prymnesiophytes which are key constituents of phytoplanktonic communities within temperate marine waters. Selective reductions in this compound were recorded at Irgarol 1051 concentrations as low as 40 ng/L. Concentrations substantially exceeding this toxic threshold have been reported under Sub-task 3.1. A manuscript is in preparation. 36 Sub-task 4.2 – months 17-26 Title Bioassays to investigate the endocrine disrupting characteristics of the antifouling agents. Responsible: IVM Partners: IFREMER Duration: 10 months Objectives: To investigate the endocrine disrupting characteristics of the antifouling agents (including IRGAROL 1051, Maneb and Ziram) using bioassays. Methods: In this sub-task, the antifouling agents will be tested with bioassays which indicate estrogenic activity, e.g. the yeast screen assay and an estrogenic assay based on a mammalian breast cancer celline. Deliverables: Information to judge the endocrine disrupting potential of the booster biocides (to be summarised in major report 7). Links: 1.3, 1.4, 1.6, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.3, 5 Summary The selection of compounds to be included in the endocrine disruption experiments was discussed and adopted at the 1st annual workshop in Barcelona (Feb. 2000). Based on an evaluation of potentially suitable test systems, it was decided to apply the ER-CALUX assay (IVM and IFREMER). The ER-CALUX (Estrogen Responsive – Chemically Activated Luciferase eXpression) assay is used for the determination of the (anti)estrogenicity of pure compounds and complex environmental mixtures. The assay comprises a genetically modified T47D human breast cancer cell-line, incorporating the firefly luciferase gene coupled to estrogen responsive elements as a reporter gene for the presence of estrogenicity. By addition of the appropriate substrate for luciferase, light is emitted. The amount of light produced is proportional to the amount of ligand-ER biding, which can be related to estradiol equivalents (EEQs) (Legler et al. 1999). The ER-CALUX experiments have been completed. None of the antifoulants selected (Irgarol 1051, SeaNine, chlorothalonil, diuron, dichlofluanid, maneb and ziram) showed an estrogenic response in the ER-CALUX assay. Diuron, dichlofluanid and Irgarol 1051 were shown to have a limited anti-estrogenic potency. However, levels in the marine environment are generally 1000 times less than the levels that may cause such an anti-estrogenic response in invitro systems. Full details were provided in the ACE 2000/2001 Annual Report. 37 Sub-task 4.3 – months 26-33 Title Investigate whether effects observed under laboratory conditions occur under (semi-) field conditions. Responsible: GU Partners: VKI, NERI, IFREMER Duration: 8 months Objectives: To investigate the effects observed in laboratory under (semi-) field conditions. Methods: The bioassays tested in the above sub-tasks will predict effects. The validity of these predictions will be checked with a limited number of tests under semi-field conditions. Deliverables: report 8). Links: An assessment of environmental damage through booster biocide usage (major 1.3, 1.4, 1.6, 2.2, 3, 4.1, 4.2, 5 Summary In field experiments on phytoplankton from Sweden’s busiest oil harbour (Brofjorden) and the strait of Öresund between Sweden and Denmark, Pollution Induced Community Tolerance (PICT) to TBT and Sea-Nine could be detected. Tolerance to Irgarol 1051 could be detected specifically in Brofjorden and also in field experiments in a marina on the Swedish west coast. The tolerances found indicate that the present use of antifouling agents are causing a selection pressure on algal communities and are thus damaging their structure. In a mesocosm study performed on the Swedish west coast, No Effect Concentrations (NEC) could be calculated for Pollution Induced Community Tolerance, reflecting structural changes in the communities at 0.2 nM for Irgarol 1051 and 0.7 nM for Sea-Nine (nominal concentrations). An experiment with mixtures of Sea-Nine, TBT and Irgarol 1051 has been made in cooperation with the EU-project PREDICT. NOEC values, where each component is present in concentrations lower than their individual NOEC, show that additive effects can be anticipated in mixtures of the three antifoulants. Concentrations of TBT and Irgarol 1051 in the mixture at LOEC are below concentrations found on the Swedish west coast. To extend the toxicity studies undertaken by the UK partner, during 2001 natural populations of phytoplankton were incubated as batch cultures under static conditions. Fv/Fm was measured on a daily basis using fast repetition rate fluorometry. Preliminary data have been obtained for diuron, Irgarol 1051, zinc pyrithione and Sea-Nine. Additional studies on natural populations were undertaken to investigate toxicity and tolerance of different populations to Irgarol 1051 and diuron. Preliminary data did not indicate that populations consistently exposed to antifouling agents developed significant tolerance. Work concerning the determination of endocrine disrupting potency was performed on extracts of water and sediment samples collected in French marinas and coastal areas. The oestrogenic activity of the extracts was determined using the ER-CALUX assay. Water samples from the Mediterranean coast showed lower oestrogenic activity than samples from the Atlantic or the English Channel. The results show higher estrogenic activity in Mediterranean water samples collected inside marinas (6.10-3 to 0.15 Estradiol Equivalents –EEQ- /liter of water sample) compared to coastal Mediterranean waters (from undetectable levels to 8.4.10 -4 EEQ/liter of sample). Oestrogenic activity in sediment samples was between undetectable levels to 1.6.10 -1 EEQ/g, except for a sample collected in Marseille, where activity was 5 times higher. 38 Ecosystem studies of effects on communities by antifouling agents around selected harbours (GU, DHI Water&Environment (VKI), CID-CSIC) Pleasure craft marina A field study of Irgarol 1051 effects on periphyton communities in the Fiskebäckskil area on the Swedish west coast was started in 1999 and was also conducted in summer 2000. Effects were estimated according to the PICT-concept (Blanck, et al. 1988), in this case measuring increased tolerance to Irgarol 1051. A method using the incorporation of radiolabelled carbon was used to measure the tolerance of periphyton. An increase in PICT indicates structural changes in the microalgal community where less tolerant species decrease and more tolerant species dominate. Close to the marina, where the concentrations of Irgarol 1051 were highest, a strong increase in community tolerance (PICT) was found. (Analyses of water samples from the investigated sites were made by the CID-CSIC group in Spain.) The tolerance observed in summer 2000 was of the same magnitude as observed 1999, and like 1999, only occurred in late summer. Earlier studies had failed to find any significant increase in tolerance to Irgarol 1051(Blanck & Dahl, unpublished data). Tolerance towards PSII-inhibitors such as atrazine and Irgarol 1051 involves alterations to the conservative D1-protein which seems to require a long time and constant exposure to develop. The results of this study were presented as a poster at the 2001 SETAC conference in Madrid and a manuscript is currently under preparation. Efforts are being made to isolate the altered gene from tolerant algal communities in order to couple the community response to a tolerance mechanism. The strategy involves PCR-technology on DNA samples taken from tolerant sites. Hopes are that the Göteborg group will be able to sequence the altered gene. Oil harbour and major shipping lane Field studies on the effects of Irgarol 1051, Sea-Nine and TBT on phytoplankton and bacteria communities in Sweden’s busiest oil harbour (Brofjorden) and one of the world’s busiest shipping lanes (Öresund) between Sweden and Denmark, were made in January, 2002. Effects were estimated using the aforementioned PICT-concept (Blanck, et al. 1988), measuring increased tolerance to Irgarol 1051, Sea-Nine or TBT on phytoplankton and bacteria communities from stations in Öresund and just outside Brofjorden. As could be expected from the amount of commercial traffic in Öresund and Brofjorden, community tolerance (PICT) towards TBT and SeaNine could be found. Communities from one of the sampling sites in Brofjorden also showed tolerance to Irgarol 1051. This indicates that the present usage of antifouling agents is causing a selection pressure on algal communities and is thus damaging their structure. Results from this study will be put together and a manuscript will be prepared during 2002. 39 Marine periphyton microcosms (GU, NERI, CID-CSIC) A microcosm study on the effects of mixtures of Sea-Nine, TBT and Irgarol 1051, focusing on marine periphyton communities, was made during summer 2000 in cooperation with the EUfunded project PREDICT. Analytical chemistry was performed by the CSIC and NERI groups. Evaluation and modelling of the mixture toxicities were made by PREDICT scientists. Results (Table 13) indicate additive effects for the mixture (when each component is present at concentrations lower than their individual NOECs). Results from this study will be compiled for publication in 2002. Table 13. Results from microcosm experiment with a mixture of Sea-Nine, TBT and Irgarol. All concentrations are nanomolar. Value NOEC TBT 0.21-0.23 Irgarol 0.07-0.11 Sea-Nine 0.01-0.18 LOEC 0.05 0.08 0.03 Marine plankton mesocosms (GU, DHI Water&Environment (VKI), NERI & CID-CSIC) A joint mesocosm study focusing on plankton communities was conducted in August 2000. Irgarol 1051 and Sea-Nine were assessed in parallel experiments. A novel mesocosm design was used employing submerged plastic enclosures of 150 L each. Two parallel systems of 12 bags each were used for the experiment using triplicate controls. The bags were filled with seawater, filtered to avoid uneven grazing pressure on the replicated communities. Effects were measured on species composition, photosynthetic activity, biomass, pigment profiles, induced community tolerance, bacterial production, bacterial community composition and bacterial motility. Egg production and hatching rate from a selected zooplankton species (Acartia sp.) feeding on plankton extracted from the bags were also measured. Water samples for chemical analyses were taken at regular intervals. All exposure levels given are nominal concentrations immediately after addition of toxicants at the start of the experiments. Effects on phytoplankton (GU & NERI) Results are summarised in Table 14. Phytoplankton biomass quickly decreased after the addition of Sea-Nine. At low concentrations of Sea-Nine (0.32-10 nM), biomass quickly recovered (<1d) whilst at higher concentrations, recovery was slower. For Irgarol 1051, the decrease in biomass was slower than for Sea-Nine (12 d). At low concentrations (0.032-0.1 nM) there was even an initial increase in biomass (measured as in vitro chlorophyll a concentration). A shift in species composition (with sensitive species being eliminated and replaced by more tolerant species) could be seen for both substances. This was confirmed by short-term PICT toxicity tests which showed increased community tolerance for Irgarol 1051 and Sea-Nine. Sizefractionated PICT (conducted by the NERI partners) to complement the PICT short-term toxicity tests showed similar patterns in both size-fractions for Sea-Nine. For Irgarol 1051, however, there were considerable discrepancies between whole community PICT and Size-Fractionated PICT. Finally, communities subjected to Irgarol 1051 showed a decrease in photosynthetic efficiency while no such trend could be seen for Sea-Nine. (GU) 40 Table 14. Effects of Irgarol 1051 and Sea-Nine on phytoplankton in pelagic mesocosms. Exposure levels are nominal nanomolar concentrations. Endpoint Measured parameter NEC Sea-Nine NEC Irgarol 1051 Community structure Species abundance Day 5 Species abundance Day 7 Pigments (cyanobakteria) Day 7 Pigments (Diatoms) Day 7 Short-term toxicity 5.6 45.4 0.7 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.9 0.2 Short-term toxicity, Sizefractionated, >10 µm Short-term toxicity, Size-fractionated, 2 –10 µm In vitro fluorescence Incorporation of radiolabelled carbon in short-term test controls 1.0 - 1.6 - 12.2 - 0.02 Pollution Induced Community Tolerance (PICT) Biomass (chl a) Photosynthetic efficiency Effects on bacterioplankton (DHI Water&Environment (VKI), NERI) Initially the biomass, activity and motility of the bacteria in the mesocosms were distinctly reduced. Motility was reduced by up to 70%. However, the bacteria recovered after a few days to approximately 10-20% lower than the motility in the control. Increased community tolerance of the bacteria was found at nominal concentrations higher than 3.2 nM SeaNine. In addition, the effects on the composition and diversity of the bacterial community were evaluated by means of a DGGE fingerprint technique and the community’s ability to utilise 95 different carbon sources. Indirect effects of Irgarol 1051 on the bacteria communities have yet to be analysed. Effects on zooplankton (NERI) Toxicity of water in the mesocosms spiked with SeaNine was evaluated using bioassays with Acartia. Egg-production and mortality of Acartia transferred to mesocosm water was followed over 48 hours in 1-litre vessels. Water from mesocosms with the highest concentrations of SeaNine had a distinct effect on both egg-production and mortality of the Acartia. The bioassays indicate a decline in the toxicity of the water with time. Fates of toxicants (NERI, DHI Water&Environment (VKI), CSIC) The concentrations of Irgarol 1051 and SeaNine were followed throughout the 12-day mesocosm experiments to investigate degradation/removal. In parallel, the toxicity of the water was tested in bioassays with phytoplankton. The half–life of SeaNine was about 1.6 days and results indicate that the metabolite(s) was not toxic to phytoplankton. 41 Microcosm studies of the effects (and degradation of) SeaNine on natural phytoplankton communities (DHI Water&Environment (VKI)) The environmental risk of SeaNine is considered by Shade et al. (1993) to be relatively low due to its very rapid degradation when released from the hulls of ships. But the sparsity of effects data under realistic conditions, and in response to actual (measured) concentrations of SeaNine, highlights the need for further investigations about the fate and effects of SeaNine in the environment. Effects on productivity, biomass and succession of species in phytoplankton communities have been monitored. A microcosm experiment was performed with single additions of 0, 3.2, 10, 32 and 100 nM of SeaNine and was monitored over a period of sixteen days. Increased tolerance for SeaNine was observed in the phytoplankton communities exposed to the concentrations of 32 and 100 nM SeaNine. The half-life of the compound was estimated to be about 5 days. The tolerance was maintained for a period of 16 days even though the SeaNine was degraded during this period. The cause(s) for the persistent tolerance will be discussed in relation to the degradation of SeaNine and structural changes in the phytoplankton community in a proposed publication. Bacterial degradation of Sea-Nine in coastal water: analysed by chemical analysis and bioassays for toxicity. (DHI Water&Environment (VKI)) SeaNine is marketed as a biocide with effects on a broad spectrum of fouling organisms. It is claimed that SeaNine is rapidly degrades to harmless derivatives when it is released from ships hulls. But the analyses of the biodegradation of DCOI (the active component in SeaNine) have some limitations. They have been based on either chemical analysis, which only determine the disappearance of the parent compound in natural water or toxicity tests with single species, which do not examine whether DCOI and/or its metabolites cause the toxicity. Biodegradation of DCOI was investigated in eutrophic coastal water under realistic conditions for 27 days. Concentrations of SeaNine were analysed using solid phase extraction and GC-MS. The decline in the toxicity of the water was evaluated using sub-samples of the experimental waters in bioassays for toxicity on phytoplankton. The degradation experiment was performed in darkness with GF/C filtered coastal water at concentrations of 10, 32 and 100 nM DCOI. A half-life of 9 days was calculated from the experiment. Also, DCOI does not seem to affect the number, activity and diversity of bacteria. Endocrine Disruption Investigations (IFREMER) The estrogenic activity of water and sediment sample extracts has been investigated using the ER-CALUX bioassay. Tests were performed using a BioDetection System (BDS, The Netherlands). The ER-CALUX (Estrogen Responsive – Chemically Activated Luciferase eXpression) assay is used for the determination of the (anti)estrogenicity of pure compounds and complex environmental mixtures. The assay comprises a genetically modified T47D human breast cancer cell-line, incorporating the firefly luciferase gene coupled to estrogen responsive elements as a reporter gene for the presence of estrogenicity. By addition of the appropriate substrate for luciferase, light is emitted. The amount of light produced is proportional to the amount of ligand-ER binding, which can be related to estradiol equivalents (EEQs). Water samples collected from several marinas and coastal areas along the Atlantic and the Mediterranean coast of France were tested for estrogenic activity using the ER-CALUX assay. Samples of ca.100 liters were collected from the English Channel (Saint Malo, Saint Quai Portrieux), the Atlantic coast (Brest and Arcachon) and the Mediterranean coast (Nice, St Raphael, Marseille and Port Cogolin/Port Grimaud). One sample was taken from the open sea between Toulon and Corsica. Samples were extracted using XAD-2 resin and were concentrated 42 in iso-octane. Concentrated extracts were diluted in 50 µl DMSO for the ER-CALUX test, and were subsequently subjected to 10-fold dilutions as appropriate (depending on the cytotoxicity of the samples). Three replicates were used for each sample. A procedural blank was also processed and showed no estrogenic activity. Results for the samples are summarised in Table 15 and Figure 9. Table 15. Estrogenic activity determined in water samples using the ER-CALUX test. Results expressed in pmol estradiol equivalents (EEQ) / liter of water sample. Sample location English Channel Atlantic Mediterranean Saint Malo Saint Quai Portrieux Brest Arcachon Marseille Cogolin / Grimaud St Raphael Nice Open sea Salinity Marina Marina 34.23 34.35 Sampling date Estrogen activity pmol EEQ/liter of water sample RSD % 06/07/2001 7.7 10-2 8.0 05/07/2001 10-1 21.4 10-1 1.5 Marina Marina Marina 34.32 30.75 37.91 04/07/2001 03/07/2001 26/08/2000 1.1 1.5 10-1 6.0 10-3 30.0 21.4 25.5 Coastal 38.23 25/08/2000 8.4 10-4 13.8 25/08/2000 24/08/2000 18/08/2000 10-3 9.7 24.3 -- Marina Marina Coastal 38.17 32.56 38.26 8.0 7.5 10-3 not detectable Higher estrogenic activities were detected in samples collected from marinas on the English Channel and the Atlantic coasts when compared to samples from the Mediterranean. Samples collected from inside marinas (Marseille, St Raphael and Nice) showed higher activities than samples collected from outside marinas (Cogolin/Grimaud). No estrogenic activity was recorded in the sample collected from the open sea. Sediment sample extracts from selected marinas were also tested using the ER-CALUX assay. About 20 grams (dry weight) of samples were extracted using accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) into n-hexane. Tetrabutylamonium sulphite was used to remove sulphur prior to the ERCALUX assay. Results are presented in Table 16 and Figure 9. Estrogenic activity in the sediment samples varied between undetectable levels to 1.6 10 -1 EEQ.g-1 for most samples. Activity in the sample collected from Marseille, however, was 5 times higher. 43 Table 16. Estrogenic activity determined in sediment samples using the ER-CALUX test. Results expressed in pmol estradiol equivalents (EEQ) / gram (dry weight) of sediment sample. Sample location English Channel Atlantic Mediterranean Cherbourg Saint Malo Brest La Rochelle Arcachon Marseille (39) Saint Mandrier St Raphael (26) Marina Marina Marina marina Marina Marina Marina Marina Sampling date Estrogen activity pmol EEQ/gram of sediment sample RSD % 05/07/2001 06/07/2001 04/07/2001 02/07/2001 03/07/2001 22/11/2001 19/09/2001 14/11/2001 1.3 10-1 < 2.5 10-3 1.3 10-1 < 7.4 10-4 1.6 10-1 5.3 10-1 9.9 10-2 3.4 10-2 14.8 -7.7 -3.3 2.7 10.0 4.4 6.0E-01 4.0E-01 English Channel English Channel Atlantic Coast Atlantic Coast Not detected Not detected Mediterranean Coast Not detected 2.0E-01 tQ tM al o (J ul y 20 ua 01 i( ) Ju ly 20 Br 01 es ) t( Ju Ar ca ly ch 20 01 on M ) ar (J se ul y ill 20 e St 01 (A Ra ug ) ph us ae t2 l 0 00 (A ug ) us Ni t ce 20 00 (A ) ug Co us as t2 ta l 00 (A O 0) ug pe n us Se t2 a 00 (A 0) ug Ch u er st bo 20 ur 00 g ) Sa (J ul in y tM 2 00 al o 1) (J ul y 20 Br 01 es La ) t( Ju Ro ly ch 20 el 01 le Ar ) (J ca ul y ch 20 on 01 ) M (J ar ul se y Sa 20 ill e 01 in tM ) (N ov an .2 dr ie 00 Sa r( 1) in Se tR pt ap . 20 ha 01 el ) (N ov .2 00 1) 0.0E+00 Sa in -1 SEDIMENT SAMPLES WATER SAMPLES Sa in -1 pmol EEQ.l or pmol EEQ.g of sample Mediterranean Coast Sampling location and dates Fig. 9. Estrogenic activity in water samples (pmol EEQ.l-1) and sediment samples (pmol EEQ .g-1) collected in marinas and coastal areas in French coastline. 44 The following scientific papers related to Task 4 are in preparation: Arrhenius et al., 2002. ”Long-term toxicity of the antifouling agent Sea-Nine on periphyton in marine microcosms.” Manuscript to be submitted 2002 Blanck et al., 2002. ”Long-term toxicity of mixtures of three antifouling agents on periphyton communities in marine microcosms.” Manuscript under preparation Blanck et al., 2002. ”Development of community tolerance to Irgarol 1051 in marine periphyton after years of coastal water contamination.” Manuscript to submit 2002 Dahllöf et al., 2002 “Degradation and toxicity of Sea-Nine in coastal water.” Manuscript in preparation Eriksson, M., 2001 “Effects of six antifouling agents (Irgarol 1051, Sea-Nine, chlorothalonil, diuron, dichlofluanide, zinc pyrithione) on photosynthetic activities in marine phytoplankton communities.” Master thesis, Göteborg University. Eriksson, M., 2002 ” Effects of six antifouling agents (Irgarol 1051, Sea-Nine, chlorothalonil, diuron, dichlofluanide, zinc pyrithione) on photosynthetic activities in marine phytoplankton communities.” Manuscript to be submitted 2002 Grönvall et al., 2001. ”Development of community tolerance to Irgarol 1051 in marine periphyton after years of coastal water contamination.” Poster, SETAC Annual meeting Madrid, 2001 Grönvall et al., 2002 ”Effects of Irgarol 1051 and Sea-Nine on phytoplankton in pelagic marine mesocosms.” Manuscript to be submitted 2002 Gustavsson et al., 2002 “Direct and indirect effects of Irgarol and Sea-Nine on bacterial communities in marine mesocosms.” Manuscript in preparation Henriksen et al., 2002 ”Egg production and hatching in Acartia sp feeding on Sea-Nine contaminated marine phytoplankton.” Manuscript in preparation Readman et al., 2002 “Flow cytometry and pigment analyses reveal the susceptibility of prymnesiophytes to a triazine.” Submitted Wagner, Larsen and Gustavson et al., 2002 “Effects and degradation of Sea-Nine in natural marine phytoplankton communities.” Submitted Larsen, Wagner and Gustavson et al., 2002 “Biodegradation of Sea-Nine in coastal water assayed by bioassays and chemical analysis.” Submitted 45 Task 5: Integrate results and evaluate risks Sub-task 5.1 – month 34 Title Update/extend the database (see section 5.2). Responsible: PML Partners: IVM, CSIC, UILIC, GU, VKI, NERI, IFREMER Duration: 2 months Objectives: Additional data generated in this project will be added to the database developed in sub-task 1.4. Deliverables: Updated database. Links: 1.4, 1.6, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 Results from the environmental studies have been updated in the database and summary data generated (see Sub-task 3.1). Sub-task 5.2 – months 21-39 Title Use the database and models to predict concentration levels and effects in selected European coastal zones using different scenario’s for usage. Responsible: IVM Partners: PML, CSIC, UILIC, GU, VKI, NERI, IFREMER Duration: 19 months Objectives: To use the database (sub-task 5.1) (see section 5.2) and models to predict concentration levels (sub-task 2.2) and effects (sub-task 4.3) in selected European coastal zones using different scenario’s for usage will be integrated to assess environmental distributions and potential effects. Deliverables: Models and contribution to final report. Links: 2.2, 4.3, 5.1 Modelling of Contamination A model (MAM-PEC) to predict environmental concentrations of antifouling agents in the marine environment was validated using the data set collected during this study The Mam-Pec model, which was developed for the European Paint-makers Association (CEPE-AWG, 1999), is based on the 2D-grid DELWAQ water quality modelling environment in combination with the SILTHAR model (Delft Hydraulics, 1995) for estimation of mixing and transport processes. It was selected because of its ability to cope with the large differences in hydrodynamics and shipping characteristics amongst marinas across Europe. Following its validation, it can now be applied to assess future concentrations. A preliminary figure, based on validation trials during the final ACE workshop is indicated below (Fig. 10). Based on the main characteristics of a variety of different coastal environments (including different ports and marinas throughout Europe), good agreement is demonstrated between the measured and predicted concentrations. 46 Fig. 10. Comparison of measured concentrations of Irgarol 1051 (g/L; average values) in European coastal environments and predictions based on the Mam-Pec model. Error bars indicate the min-max range of predictions and measurements. Publications on the subject (partly coinciding with task 2.2): In-preparation: manuscript by IVM/WL-Delft, PML, R&H on prediction of environmental concentrations of antifoulants in European marinas. Van Hattum, B., A. Baart, J. Boon and J. Readman (2002). Development and application of a model (Mam-Pec) for exposure assessment of antifouling products in the marine environment. Env. Sci. Technol. (in prep). ACE Summary publication. 47 Sub-task 5.3 – month 40 Title Undertake a critical comparison of the products selected regarding environmental impact. Responsible: PML Partners: IVM, CSIC, UILIC, GU, VKI, NERI, IFREMER Duration: 2 months Objectives: To critically compare the potential environmental impact of the products selected. Deliverables: Assessment concerning booster biocide usage providing guidance to environmental managers (summary in the Final Report). Links: 5.1, 5.2 This important aspect of the project was debated carefully and thoroughly at the final workshop. Field toxicity studies using algal communities indicate that toxicity is likely for some of the biocides (e.g., Irgarol® 1051) at current environmental concentrations. Determination of the abiotic and biotic half-lives for these organic antifouling agents examined in laboratory studies and under controlled field conditions indicated that diruon and Irgarol® 1051 were substantially resistant to degradation. Discussions at the final workshop, however, considered it inappropriate to selectively endorse antifouling products. ACE publications, however, have already contributed to UK Government risk assessments which last year revoked licenses for some of the antifouling biocides. 48 Annual Workshops Subsequent meetings/workshops will be organised (in order to plan development of databases, analytical methodologies, surveys, experiments and models, etc., and to agree the design of the programme) on an annual basis. All workshops will be co-ordinated by the Project Co-ordinator. Following completion, results from the development of methods and models and of the measurements/experiments will be discussed and integrated within these fora. The Final Workshop to discuss results achieved during the ACE programme was held from 25 – 28 February 2002 in Plymouth, UK. Full details are provided in the Workshop Report (see ACE Final Management Report). Initiatives for the dissemination of results The ACE web site ( is constantly being updated with the information generated and includes the database. All publications (see listing below) fully acknowledge support through the European Commission. Three general presentations of the programme have been made by the Co-ordinator: Readman, JW. (2000) Recent developments in antifouling booster biocide research. To be published in proceedings of the 1st European Conference on Pesticides and Related Organic Micropollutants in the Environment. (Ioannina, Greece. 5 – 8 October 2000). Readman, JW. (2000) Poster presentation with an Extended Abstract in the proceedings from the EurOCEAN Conference. (Hamburg, Germany. 29 August – 2 September 2000) Readman, JW, van Hattum, B, L’Amoree, M, Barcelo, D. Albanis, TA, Riemann, B, Blanck, H, Gronvall, F, Gustavson, K, Tronczynski, J, Munschy C. & A. Jacobson (2002), Usage, Contamination and Effects of Antifouling Booster Biocides in European Coastal Waters. Presentation to the 32nd International Symposium on the Environment and Analytical Chemistry (ISEAC 32). 17-21 June 2002, Plymouth, UK. A summary abstract and publication has been compiled (see ACE Final Management Report). An ACE Flyer was produced (see ACE Final Management Report). 49 Publications resulting from the ACE Project Results achieved during ACE have resulted in over 30 peer-reviewed papers being published, inpress or submitted. Others are in preparation. Publications include: Albanis, T.A., Lambropoulou, D.A., Sakkas, V.A. and Konstantinou, I.K. (2002) Antifouling paint booster biocide contamination in Greek marine sediments. Chemosphere, in press. Azevedo, D.A., Lacorte, S., Viana P. and Barcelo, D. (2001) Analysis of priority pesticides and phenols in Portuguese river water by Liquid Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry. Chromatographia, 53 (3/4), 113-118. Barceló, D. (1999) Sample handling and analysis of pesticides and their transformation products in water matrices by liquid chromatographic techniques. Elsevier Science BV, pp 155-207. Castillo, M and Barceló, D. (1999) Identification of polar toxicants in industrial wastewaters using toxicity-based fractionation with liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry, 71 (17), 3769-3776. Eriksson, M., (2002) Effects of six antifouling agents (Irgarol 1051, Sea-Nine, chlorothalonil, diuron, dichlofluanid, zinc pyrithione) on photosynthetic activities in marine phytoplankton communities. Masters thesis, Göteborg University. Ferrer, I and Barceló, D. (1999) Simultaneous determination of antifouling herbicides in marina waters by on-line sold-phase extraction followed by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A, 854, 197-206. Ferrer, I, Thurman, EM and Barceló, D. (2000) First LC/MS Determination of Cyanazine amide, Cyanazine Acid, and Cyanazine in Groundwater Samples. Environmental Science and Technology, 34 (4), 714-718. Jensen, Gustavson & Petersen. Concentrations of organic pollutants and metals in sediments in Danish waters. Danish EPA, in press. Κonstantinou, Ι.Κ., Sakellarides, T.M., Sakkas, V.A. and Albanis, T.A. (2001) Photocatalytic degradation of selected s-triazine herbicides and organophosphorus insecticides over aqueous TiO2 suspensions. Environmental Science and Technology, 35, 398-405. Lampropoulou, D., Konstantinou., I. and Albanis, T. (2000) Determination of fungicides in natural waters using solid-phase microextraction and Gas Chromatography coupled with Electron Capture and Mass Spectrometric Detection. Journal of Chromatography, 893, 143-156. Lambropoulou, D.A., Sakkas, V.A. and Albanis, T.A. (2002) Analysis of the antifouling biocides Irgarol 1051 and Sea-Nine 211 in environmental water samples using Solid Phase Microextraction (SPME) and gas chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A, in press. Lambropoulou, D.A., Sakkas, V.A. and Albanis, T.A. (2002) Headspace solid phase microextraction for the analysis of new antifouling agents Irgarol 1051 and sea-nine 211 in natural waters - Application of SPME for the determination of partition coefficients to humic acids. Anal. Chim. Acta, in press. Lampropoulou, D., Sakkas, V., Konstantinou, I. and Albanis, T. Antifouling Paint Booster Biocide contamination of Greek marine sediments. Chemosphere (submitted). 50 Larsen, Wagner and Gustavson et al. Biodegradation of Sea-Nine in coastal waters assayed by bioassays and chemical analyses. Submitted. Martinez, K.,and Barcelo, D. (2002) Determination of antifouling pesticides and degradation products in marine sediments by means of ultrasonic extraction and HPLC-APCI-MS. Fresenius J. Anal. Chem., (in press). Martnez, K., Ferrer, I. and Barceló, D. (2000) Part-per-trillion level determination of antifouling pesticides and their by-products in seawater samples by off-line solid-phase extraction followed by high-performance liquid chromatography-atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A, 879, 27-37. Martinez, K., Ferrer, I., Hernando, M.D., Fernandez-Alba, A.R., Marce, R.M., Borrull, F. and Barcelo, D. (2002) Occurrence of antifouling biocides in the Spanish Mediterranean marine environment. Environmental Technology, in press. Penuela, G.A., Ferrer, I. and Barcelo, D. (2000) Identification of new photodegradation byproducts of the antifouling agent Irgarol in seawater samples. Intern.J. Environ. Anal. Chem., 78, 25-40 Peñuela, G.A. and Barceló, D. (1999) Comparative photodegradation study of atrazine and desethylatrazine in water samples containing titanium dioxide/hydrogen peroxide and ferric chloride/hydrogen peroxide. Journal of AOAC International, 83 (1), 53-60. Readman, J.W. (2000). Assessment of antifouling agents in coastal environments. In proceedings of EurOCEAN 2000, the European Conference on Marine Science and Ocean Technology. (Hamburg, Germany. 29 August – 2 September 2000). European Communities. 466 – 473. Sakkas, V.A., Konstantinou, I.K. and Albanis, T.A. (2001) Photodegradation study of the antifouling booster biocide dichlofluanid in aqueous media by gas chromatographic techniques. Journal of Chromatography A, 930, 135-144. Sakkas, V.A., Konstantinou, I.K. and Albanis, T.A. (2002) Aquatic Photodegradation of the Antifouling Booster Biocide Sea-Nine 211. Kinetics and the Influence of Organic Matter. Journal of Chromatography A, in press. Sakkas, V.A., Konstantinou, I.K., Lambropoulou, D.A. and Albanis, T.A. Simultaneous Determination of Antifouling Paint Booster Biocides in Greek Ports and Marinas by Means of Solid Phase Extraction and Gas Chromatography. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Research, (submitted). Sakkas, V.A., Lambropoulou, D.A. and Albanis, T.A. (2002) Kinetics of chlorothalonil photodegradation in natural and humic water. Chemosphere, in press. Sakkas, V.A., Lambropoulou, D.A. and Albanis, T.A. (2002) Photochemical degradation of Irgarol 1051 in natural waters: influence of humic and fulvic substances on the reaction., J. Photochem and Photobiol. A: Chem, in press. Sakkas, V., Lampropoulou, D., Konstantinou, I. and Albanis, T. Simultaneous determination of Antifouling Paint Booster Biocides in Greek Ports and Marinas by means of solid phase extraction and gas chromatography. Marine Pollution Bulletin, (submitted). Steen, R.J.C.A., Jacobson, J., Ariese, F. and Van Hattum, B. (1999). Monitoring Sea-nine 211 Antifouling agent in a Danish Harbor. IVM-E99/10, Institute for Environmental Studies, Amsterdam. 51 Steen, R., Van der Vaart, J., Hiep, M., Van Hattum, B., Cofino, W. and Brinkman, U. Gross Fluxes and estuarine behaviour of pesticides in the Scheldt Estuary (1995-1997). Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology, (submitted). Steen, R.J.C.A., Van Hattum, B. and Brinkman, U.A.T. (2000) A study on the behaviour of pesticides and their transformation products in the Scheldt estuary using liquid chromatographyelectrospray tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 2, 597-602. Van Hattum, B., Baart, A.C., Boon, J.G., Steen, R.J.C.A. and Ariese, F. (1999). Computer model to generate predicted environmental concentrations (PECs) for antifouling products in the marine environment. IVM-E99/15, Institute for Environmental Studies, Amsterdam. Wagner, Larsen and Gustavson et al. Effects and degradation of Sea-Nine in natural marine phytoplankton communities. (submitted). Publications in preparation: Arrhenius et al. Long-term toxicity of the antifouling agent Sea-Nine on periphyton in marine microcosms. Manuscript to be submitted 2002. Blanck et al. Long-term toxicity of mixtures of three antifouling agents on periphyton communities in marine microcosms. Manuscript in preparation. Blanck et al. Development of community tolerance to Irgarol 1051 in marine periphyton after years of coastal water contamination. Manuscript to be submitted in 2002. Dahllöf et al. Degradation and toxicity of Sea-Nine in coastal water. Manuscript in preparation. Eriksson, M. Effects of six antifouling agents (Irgarol 1051, Sea-Nine, chlorothalonil, diuron, dichlofluanid, zinc pyrithione) on photosynthetic activities in marine phytoplankton communities. Manuscript to be submitted in 2002. Grönvall et al. Effects of Irgarol 1051 and Sea-Nine on phytoplankton in pelagic marine mesocosms. Manuscript to be submitted in 2002. Gustavson et al. Direct and indirect effects of Irgarol and Sea-Nine on bacterial communities in marine mesocosms. Manuscript in preparation. Henriksen et al. Egg production and hatching in Acartia sp feeding on Sea-Nine contaminated marine phytoplankton. Manuscript in preparation. Readman et al. Flow cytometry and pigment analyses reveal the susceptibility of prymnesiophytes to a triazine. To be submitted in 2002. 52 Other points Concern was expressed by the partners (at the Second Annual Workshop) that within the ACE time-frame, research on zinc pyrithione would not be achievable owing to the difficulty in the analysis (LC-MS) and lack of information concerning its mode of action, environmental stability and potential for transchelation. This compound is marketed in paints produced by International and Hempel and, whilst currently not used to a great extent, its usage is increasing rapidly. Negligible data exists on its presence in the environment and potential for ecotoxicological effects. Whilst attempts were made to study the compound within ACE, a detailed study was not possible. The same is true for zineb. Following discussions with the Commission, these will need to be addressed in a future project. 53