SYLLABUS Department Subject Code Subject Credit Semester Prerequisite Subject Subject Description : English Education : 5082020 : Syntax : 2 SKS :V : Introduction to linguistics : Syntax is one of braches of Linguistics which is given to students to enhance their understanding of syntactic structures based on the available linguistics theories. The subject is the follow up of the subject Structure and is related to the subject Introduction to Linguistics and constitutes the application of language analysis using certain syntactic theories. The process of the course stresses on the students’ ability both in perceiving and producing the various constructions of English. Competence Standard: Students are able to comprehend the English construction of various types, to make the analysis of syntactic structures and to produce the various types of English construction based on the available syntactic theories. Basic Competence Indicators Learning Experience 1. To understand 1) Exemplifying the 1. By discussing in group, students the difference grouping of words differentiate various construction types points between showing syntactic of English. the subject construction 2. Students identify the points of diffeStructure,Syntax 2) Stating the rence of syntax, structure, grammar, and Grammar different points of construction, etc.competitively. syntax, structure, 3. Students notes the defined points of and grammar key terms in syntax. 1 Materials Time Allotment (minutes) Introducing 100 minutes basic concepts (1 session) of syntax, such as the terms syntax, structure, grammar, construction, etc. Sources/R eferences/ Instrume nts* Book no 1 Assesment** 2. To recognize 1) Recalling and comprehend Traditional the underlying perspective in theories of sentence analysis. syntax from 2) Performing the Structural, underlying Transformationprinciples of al, and Immediate Functional Constituent (ICs) linguistics Analysis 3) Exemplifying the various types of syntactic structures of English 1) Performing the underlying principles of Generative Grammar 2) Exemplifying the analysis of kernel sentence based on Phrase Structure (PS)-rules 1. By using active knowledge sharing, students brainstorm the principles of Traditional sentence analysis and demonstrate it in class. 2. Students work in pairs to apply competitive session for analysis after recalling their comprehension in Linguistics bases. 3. Students individually analyze certain constructions by referring to paradigm in ICs analysis. 4. Students differentiate the analysis of syntactic structures from the Traditional sentence analysis of English by using silent demonstration (in written form). The underlying theories of syntax: Structural approach, ICs analysis, and the four syntactic structures of English 1. Students discuss in group to note the markers and the constituents within syntactic structures of English. 2. Students perform in active debate their analysis of sentence and identify the category of words grouping in class. 3. Using guided note taking, students differentiate constituents, categories, generative, PS-rules, phrase marker. 5. Individually, students practice analyzing basic sentences using PSrules and show them by using phrase The underlying theories of syntax: TGG or the standard theory, PSrules 2 200 minutes (2 sessions) Book 2 Book 5, 6, &7 marker (tree diagram). 6. Students perform the analysis of phrases using PS-rules and tree diagram by applying the modeling the way. 1) Noting the significant point of using Functional approach to syntactic analysis 2) Exemplifying the simple analysis in Functional grammar 3.To comprehend 1) Identifying the the various types various categories in syntactic forming the structures: typical structure Modification, of Modification Predication, and of Predication Complementation 2) Producing and and of analyzing the Coordination typical structures of Modification and of Predication 1. Students conduct group resume for identifying the syntactic points in Functional grammar. 2. Using peer lesson, students demonstrate the analysis of simple construction. 3. Students perform the analysis of clause in Functional perspective and develop the true false strategy with the lecturer and friends. 1. Students make a list of the linguistic forms which build the typical structures of Modification and of Predication by using peer work. 2. Students practice showing the analysis: NP, VP, AP, AdvP, PP and indicating the head and modifier. 3. Students practice analyzing basic sentences and identify the least components (subject and predicate) building the sentence. The difference in Functional linguistics: Bresnan and Halliday English syntactic structures: Modification & Predication 1) Identifying the 1. Using guide note taking, students make English various categories a list of the linguistic forms which syntactic 3 Book 3&4 200 minutes (2 sessions) Chapter 6 of book 2 200 minutes (2 sessions) Chapter 6 of book 2 forming the typical structure of Complementation and of Coordina-tion 2) Producing and analyzing the typical structures of Complementation and of Coordination 4. To comprehend 1) Practicing the and be able to analysis of all operate the phrases and analysis based sentences using on Generative TGG Grammar 2) Making paraphrases of any syntactic analysis in comprehensive words 3) Stating a reasonable argument for each build the typical structures of Complementation and of Coordination. 2. Using similar way, students note the typical patterns of syntactic structures of Complementation and of Coordination. 3. Students practice in work pairs identifying the types of verbal elements and complements. 4. Students make a list of various types of conjunction and practice producing parallel categories to form syntactic structure of coordination. 5. Students practice in analyzing the structures of complementation and of coordination by using jigsaw learning. structures: Complementat ion and Coordination. 1. Students identify the phrasal categories and lexical categories using guided note learning. 2. Students analyze the kinds of phrases in English and in peer group perform the analysis of phrases and sentences using PS-rules and tree diagram. 3. Students demonstrate in class to argue for a debate in analyzing NP, VP, AP, AdvP, and PP. 4. Students practice the analysis for several times and of various types of construction. Transformatio 100 minutes nal syntax: (1 sessions) identifying the structure, cons-tituents, category in the perspectives of TGG (Phrase Stucture Grammar). 4 Book 5, 6 &7 identification of construction 5. Students note the reason for each analysis in the points of view of Phrase Structure Grammar. 4. To reveal the 1) Reviewing the 1. Students make justification from a weaknesses of levels of category class debate about two levels of Phrase Structure in syntactic category: lexical and phrasal Grammar and analysis categories. introduce X-bar 2) Stating the 2. Using individual task, students perform Syntax, to existence of the distribution of each categories in identify the another level of sentence modifiers of category (small 3. Students prove and question the phrase and the phrase or grammaticality for a certain status of intermediate level) construction through class debate. modifiers. in syntax Generalized 200 minutes Phrase (2 sessions) Structure Grammar: Xbar theory, modifiers (forms, status) Book 5, 6 &7 5.To differentiate various analysis in X-bar Syntax Ambiguity, 200 minutes semantic (2 sessions) identity, specifiers, and tree diagram Book 5, 6 1) Comparing the analysis of syntax referring to PSG and X-bar theory 2) Practicing X-bar analysis for various phrases 3) Practice to differentiate the status of modifier and a description of analysis 1. Using self-note taking, students write the problems of difference in grouping words into certain construction using PSG and X-bar. 2. Using pair group, students make a list of reasons in the existence of small phrase. 3. Students differentiate the various analysis in language study using discussion. 4. Students individually practice analyzing the constructions of NP, VP, AP, AdvP, and PP using X-bar theory. 6. Students make a note of the kinds of 5 Specifier and differentiate the status of modifier (as obligatory or optional). 6. To recognize 1) Performing the and perform the underlying theory of syntax principles of from Functional Halliday’s linguistics Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG) 1. Students differentiate the points of stratification (four strata) in language analysis by using guided note taking. 2. In peer group, students note the types of context in analyzing text. 3. Using class debate, students differentiate the semantic function in language analysis. The underlying theories of syntax: SFG, genres, context, semantic function, lexico2) Exemplifying the 4. Students note the model of clause grammar, and model of analysis and practice analyzing texts as phonologyanalyzing the text their class and home assignments.. graphology based on the four stratification. References: 1 Culicover, W, Peter. 1997. Principles and Parameters An Introduction to Syntactic Theory. Great Britain : Cambridge University Press. 2 Francis , Nelson. The Structure of American English : New York The Ronald Press Company. 3 Gerot, Linda. And Wignell, Peter. 1995. Making Sense of Functional Grammar. Sydney: Antipodean Educational Enterprises. 4 Lock, Graham. 1996. Functional English Grammar. New York: Cambridge University Press. 5 Radford, Andrew. 1981. Transformational Syntax. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. 6 Radford, Andrew. 1988. Transformational Grammar. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. 7 Sells, Peter. 1985. Lecturers on Contemporary Syntactic Theories. CSLI. 6 200 minutes (2 sessions) Book 3 & 4 7