Lin Yao wei
Development of carpark fee payment system using short
message service (SMS) technology
: Lin Yaowei Wayne (H0605627)
: Mr Nava Selvaratnam
A project report submitted to SIM University
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Engineering
NOV 2009
Lin Yao wei
In this high-tech world, modern technology serves people in all possible manners. One of which is Global
System Mobile (GSM) technology in communicating with one another. As GSM network is always available,
we can utilize this technology into something useful.
This project is to develop a carpark fee payment system using short message service (SMS) technology.
Using this system the administrator is able to use an integrated database to operate and record the entire
carpark payment system from car entering to exiting. When a vehicle entered the carpark, the data will be
sent out to Short message services (SMS) and as well as the payment system. Using short message
services makes the payment come with ease and comfort of excess as well as the attainment of concrete
benefits through the use. As compare with credit/cash payment, it overcomes the problem of insufficient
credits/cash and also avoids topping up of credits. As the system is able to operator with full automation the
developing this system will be convenience for both administrator and user.
The logarithm of the Development of carpark fee payment system using short message service (SMS)
technology is being structure by 3 flows. There are consist of the Entrance, Exit and Shot message service
flows. Every individual flow is being process independently but sharing the similar database.
The Development of carpark fee payment system using short message service (SMS)technology is
programmed using Visual Basic programming, which controlling the databases and interfaces or forms in
Microsoft excel.
The simulation software to communicate/send Short message services and with the use of Global System
Mobile (GSM) network is known as Nokia PC Suite 7.1. Using this software we are able write messages on
your PC and send them via your mobile device. Write normal text messages or create multimedia messages
with pictures, videos or music clips.
My report starts with the Project Objective in Chapter 1. It follows by Chapter 2 Literature Review of the
categories of parking system, various types parking system available in the market. After the various
researches and review in Literature Review, I had carried on in Chapter 3 in my selection of software design.
After which, I would talk about my design strategic, structure of block diagram and breakdown of flow chart
in Chapter 4 under block diagram and flow charts. In Chapter 5, the system development I have further
elaborated on the structure of database and user interface using Visual Basic. In Chapter 6, is the review of
my software results discussion of test cases, which is one of the important parts that contributes to the
success of the project which it includes all the possibility of the results with references from the flow charts.
I have also wrapped up the entire project in my conclusion under Chapter 7. With considering further phase
of development I have feed in some limitation during the research of the project under critical review and
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to UniSIM and all the other lecturers who had taught and
advised me throughout these 3 years in pursuing my Honors’. I would like to thank UniSIM for giving me this
opportunity to gain knowledge from this Final Year Project as a Research Engineer apprentice.
In the initial phase where I started off from scratch with doing various researches and till producing the end
product, it is a valuable and fruitful experience that I would treasure in these 3 years of stay in UniSIM.
I would also like to extend my gratitude to my project supervisor, MR NAVA for his valuable time in
supervising and guiding me along the way in this Final Year Project. His constant time check and meet ups
had certainly motivated me in the completion of the project. Thanks to him for his tolerance and patience for
explaining the pointers which I have missed out. The completion of the Final Year Project would not be
possible without his excellence supervision.
Lastly, I would like to thank all the lectures and friends in for giving me suggestions and feedback throughout.
Lin Yao wei
List of Abbreviations
Global System Mobile
Short Message Service
Mobile Payment
Mobile Commerce
Lin Yao wei
List of Abbreviation
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1. Project Overview
1.2. Overall objective
1.3. Project background
1.4. Project scope
1.5. Skill review
1.6. Assessment of my personal strength and weakness
Chapter 2 Short message services Technology
2.1. Introduction of Short message services
2.2. Network Architecture
2.2.1. Aggregator
2.2.2. Content provider
2.3. Network Elements
2.3.1. Short Messages Entities
2.3.2. Short message service centre (SMS)
2.3.3. Short message services-Gateway
2.3.4. Home Location Register
2.3.5. Mobile Switching Centre
2.3.6. Visitor Location Register
2.3.7. Base Station System
2.3.8. Mobile Station
Chapter 3 Literature Review
3.1. On-street parking system
3.2. Off-street parking system
3.3. RFID Ticketing Car Park System
3.4. Electronic parking system (EPS)
3.5. M-parking
3.6. Regisoft’s mobile parking
3.7. Literature review on mobile payment
3.7.1. Mobile payment parties
3.7.2. Categories of mobile payment
3.7.3. Identifying of Mobile payment categories for using Short message services
Chapter 4 System Operation
4.1. Design strategic
4.1.1. Enter and Exit flow
4.1.2. Short message service flow
4.1.3. Enhanced Short message service flow
4.1.4. Parking fee calculation flow
4.2. Block diagram and flow Charts
4.2.1. Entrance Block
4.2.2. Short message service Block
4.2.3. Exit block
Chapter 5 System Development
5.1. Database Design structure
5.1.1. Microsoft excel sheet as database
5.1.2. Microsoft excel form as interfaces
5.2. Database of carpark administrator
5.2.1. Database of register lists
5.2.2. Database of entered vehicles
Lin Yao wei
5.2.3. Database of short message services
5.2.4. Database of exit vehicles
5.2.5. Database of inbox messages
5.3. Interfaces of application
5.3.1. Interface Administrator
5.3.2. Interface of entering vehicles
5.3.3. Interface of exiting vehicles
5.3.4. Interface of short message service
5.3.5. Interface of message alert
5.3.6. Interface of inbox message
5.4. Data of Short message services flow
5.4.1. Register user’s sub Short Message Services flow
5.4.2. Non-register user’s sub Short Message Services flow
5.5. Data of exit flow
5.5.1. Database searching flow
5.6. Communication of Short message service
5.6.1. Nokia PC Suite
5.6.2. System Requirements
5.6.3. Procedures of Communicating Computer to Mobile
Chapter 6 Discussion of Test cases and Limitations
6.1. Test cases of Entrance flow
6.2. Test cases of Short Message Services flow
6.3. Test cases of Exit flow
6.4. Test cases of parking fee
6.5. Review of Test cases
Chapter 7 Conclusion
7.1. Recommendations
Chapter 8 Critical Review and Reflections
Lin Yao wei
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Project Overview:
Mobile Phone has been widely used in the world and adopted in different application areas involved with
Short message services (SMS) has been evolved for downloading logo, ring-tones, advertisement, security
notes, and mobile payment (MP). Mobile payments will gain significant traction in the coming years as the
mobile and payment technologies mature and become widely available. Various technologies are competing
to become the established standards for physical and virtual mobile payments, yet it is ultimately the users
who will determine the level of success of the technologies through their adoption. Only if it becomes easier
and cheaper to transact business using mobile payment applications than by using conventional methods
will they become popular, either with users or providers.
1.2 Overall objective:
Our objective is to understand and explore existing parking system and identified or modified with using
Short message services-based technology for carpark payment, which allows customers to perform
electronic carpark payment using their mobile phones via Short message services.
Current payment trend goes toward a cashless society instead of paper banknotes (paper/coin) cash that
will become absolute in the next decades. The Financial Institutions focuses these days to move all payment
forms (i.e. transfers, deals, purchases, and bill payments) to electronic form instead of paper form.
In the point of view for end users, the most important for mobile payment (MP) system will be subsume to
the categories:
• Cost - For cost effectiveness, MP will stand a strong point as it includes direct transaction cost and fixed
cost of usage as well as cost for technical infrastructure. Users do not need to purchase an additional
system on their vehicles but just using their own mobiles phones for the payment.
• Security - Through the Global System for Mobile communications (GSM) network, mobile communication
has been well established with integrity, authorization, authentication, confidentiality and non-repudiation of
• Convenience - Mobility make the payment come with ease and comfort of excess as well as the
attainment of concrete benefits through the use. As compare with credit/cash payment, it overcomes the
problem of insufficient credits/cash and also avoids topping up of credits.
For the latter, it is important that a procedure is not limited on mobile commerce (MC) scenarios, but can be
used in other settings, too. Briefly: It should be possible to use the procedure whenever, wherever and for
whatever kind of payment the user wants to do this.
1.3 Project background
Today’s technology is moving towards wireless web. Mobile devices such as palmtops, handhelds, and
cellular phones are becoming rage. The wireless devices can do everything from access our email accounts,
to utilize the internet and to access personal and corporate information.
Mobile phones are a commodity today, and SMS (short message services) messages offer an intriguing
solution. Messages are delivered in matter of seconds, and customers are far more likely to receive and
read them, no matter their internet habits or locations. Short message services messages are definitely a
powerful way to provide instant message delivery to a large audience.
Short message services are a very inexpensive method of communication. 160 characters take up as much
room as a one-second voice call. Messages are delivered immediately whenever the phone is on. Like
emails which can be reviewed or stored in your phone for as long as you wish. SMS message can be also
sent out to huge groups of people with a single press of button.
1.4 Project Scope:
The scope of my project is to understand and reviewing the existing technologies involved in car parking
payment solution, including mobile networks. I will be comparing between various methodologies for mobile
Follow by a detailed description of the purposes and specifications of the project can be obtained from
evaluation of the existing mobile payment system. Further on after identifying the most feasible
methodology, I will then discuss with my supervisor on finalizing the project with software/hardware or a
simulation for the product.
1.5 Skill review
Lin Yao wei
Finally, it would be good to perform a simple gap analysis to determine what skills are required to tackle the
project and what is lacking to accomplish the project.
Being equipped with knowledge from the courses taken prior to this Final Year Project, such as key subjects
like Electronic Engineering Design & Innovation, which introduces concepts in engineering design related to
market acceptability, economic viability, financial planning of product launch and design for testability.
This course introduced us to Engineering Design, carried out problem definition and total quality
management for projects. Let us understand the conceptualization of a design as well as embodiment of an
engineering design. By going into the details in an engineering design, it really help me to build up my level
of confidence.
In addition, having worked as a Product Engineering department for the past 4 years, I have been exposure
and involved in several projects offloads which has give me the additional motivation on project
1.6 Assessment of my personal strength and weakness
Assessment of my personal strength and weakness with respect to accomplishing the project was carried
out and determined as follows
Some key strengths includes exposure to the semiconductor industry due to work nature and the relevant
courses taken previously that enable me to grasp ideas faster and apply what I know to finish the project. It
is also encouraging to know that my employer is fully supportive of me embarking on this project.
Key weaknesses would be my inability to handle time spent for project as well as family. This would have to
be overcome with strict discipline and understanding from my family. Not forgetting that having a schedule
planned out in the Gantt chart will further help to provide better visibility, understanding and support from my
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Lin Yao wei
Chapter 2 Short message services Technology
2.1. Introduction of Short message services
SMS short message service was created during the late 1980s to work with a digital technology called GSM
(global system for mobile communications), which is the basis for most modern cell phones. The Norwegian
engineers who invented it wanted a very simple messaging system that worked when users' mobile phones
were turned off or out of signal range. Most sources agree that the first Short message service was sent in
the UK in 1992.
As Short message services was born in Europe, it's not surprising that it took a little longer to make its way
to the
United States. Even today, texting enjoys much greater popularity in Europe, though its stateside use is on
the rise. A July 2005 study found that 37 percent of U.S. mobile phone owners had sent or received at least
one text message in the previous month
Short message services technology evolved out of the Global System for Mobile Communications standard,
an internationally accepted cell phone network specification the European Telecommunications
Standards Institute created. Presently, the 3rd Generation Partnership Project maintains the short message
services standard. Short message services messages are handled via a short message service center that
the cellular provider maintains for the end devices. The Short message services can send Short message
services messages to the end device using a maximum payload of 140 octets. This defines the upper bound
of an Short message services message to be 160 characters using 7-bit encoding. It is possible to specify
other schemes such as 8-bit or 16-bit encoding, which decreases the maximum message length to 140 and
70 characters, respectively.
Short message services Centers operate in either a store and forward or a forward-and-forget paradigm. In
the store-and-forward paradigm, the system resends the message for some period of time until it is
successfully received. In a forward and forget paradigm, the system sends the message to the end device
without assurance of receipt or an attempt to redeliver in the case of failure.
The Short message services protocol stack comprises four layers: Shown on Table 1 the application layer,
the transfer layer, the relay layer, and the link layer.
Table 1
2.2. Network Architecture
Rather than communicating directly with the various Short message services Centers, content providers go
through a message aggregator. The message aggregator uses the SMPP to maintain connections with
carrier networks.
Lin Yao wei
Figure 1
2.2.1 Aggregator
Typically, content providers do not communicate directly with the various Short message services Centers,
but instead go through a broker, or message aggregator, as Figure 1 shows. An aggregator is a business
entity that negotiates agreements with network providers to act as a middleman providing access to a
cellular network for messaging services to third parties who have no direct relationship with the cellular
network. The message aggregator uses the SMPP to maintain connections with carrier networks.
Aggregators typically provide access to their servers either through SMPP or using custom APIs written in
Java, PHP, Perl, and so on. Most aggregators will also manage the rental of the common short code for
clients who do not want to deal directly with the CTIA. Another important function of the aggregator is to
assist with provisioning of the short code on the various carriers. Before a carrier allows the use of a short
code on its network, it requires a complete description of how the code will be used, including how
subscribers will opt in and opt out of subscription services. The provisioning process can take eight weeks or
2.2.2. Content provider
A mobile content provider is an entity that provides value-added content and applications for mobile devices.
For example, when a mobile phone user sends an interactive text message to retrieve information, the
content provider returns the information (in this case, a text message back to the user) through the
aggregator. The aggregator is responsible for transmitting the message to the end user. This second
transmission actually masks two transmissions: first a transmission from the aggregator to the cellular
provider, and then a transmission from the cellular provider to the mobile handset.
2.3. Network Elements
2.3.1. Short Messages Entities
Short messaging entity is an entity which may receive or send short messages. The short messaging entites
may be located in the fixed networks, a mobile station, or another service centre.
2.3.2. Short message service centre (SMSC)
When a user sends a text message to another user, the phone actually sends the message to the Short
message services Center, which stores the message and then delivers it when the recipient is on the
This is a store-and-forward operation. The Short message services center usually has a configurable time
limit for how long it will store the message, and users can usually specify a shorter time limit if they want.
Figure 1 depicts the general system architecture for sending and receiving Short message services
messages. Each service provider operates one or more Short message services centers. Mobile users’
Short message services messages are sent through a wireless link via a cell tower to the Short message
services center. The Short message services center access protocols enable interactions between two Short
message services centers or interactions between external short message entities (SMEs) and an Short
Lin Yao wei
message services center. SMEs are software applications on network elements (such as a mobile handset)
or hardware devices that can send and receive short messages. The Short message services Forum has
adopted the Short Message Peer-to-Peer (SMPP) protocol to enable interactions between external SMEs
and service centers that the different manufacturers maintain and operate.
2.3.3. Short message services-Gateway
The short message services – gateway mobile switching centre is a mobile switching centre capable of
receiving a short message from Short message service centre, interrogating a home location register Home
location register for routing information, and delivering the short message to the visited mobile switch centre
of the recipient mobile station. The Short message service interworking mobile switching centre (Short
message service – interworking mobile switching centre) is an mobile switching centre capable of receiving
a short message from the mobile network and submitting it to the appropriate short message services centre.
The message services – gateway mobile switching centre / interworking mobile switching centre are typically
integrated with the Short message service centre.
2.3.4. Home Location register
The Home Location register is a database used for permanent storage and management of subscriptions
and service profiles. Upon interrogation by the Short message services center, the Home Location register
provides the routing information for the indicated subscriber. The Home Location register also informs the
Short Message service Centre, which has previously initiated unsuccessful short message delivery attempts
to a specific mobile station, that the mobile station is now recognized by the mobile network to be accessible.
2.3.5. Mobile Switching Centre
The Mobile Switching Centre performs the switching functions of the system and controls calls to and from
other telephone and data systems.
2.3.6. Visitor Location Register
The Visitor Location Register is a database that contains temporary information about subscribers. The
information is needed by the Mobile Switching Centre to service visiting subscribers.
2.3.7. Base Station System
All radio-related functions are performed in the based-station system. The Base Station System consists of
base-station controllers and the base-transceiver stations, and its primary responsibility is to transmit voice
and data traffic between the mobile stations.
2.3.8. Mobile station
The mobile station is the wireless terminal capable of receiving and originating short messages as well as
voice calls. The wireless networks signaling infrastructure is based on the signaling system 7. Short
message service makes use of the mobile application part, which defines the methods and mechaniShort
Message Services of communication in wireless networks, and uses the services of the signaling system
transaction capabilities application part. As Short Message Services layer makes use of the Mobile
application part signaling capabilities and enables the transfer of short messages between the peer enities.
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Chapter 3 Literature Review
Mobile parking solutions enable public and private corporations to offer parking services which are paid fro
through the motorist’s mobile phone. Mobile parking is quickly becoming popular worldwide since, as will be
discussed, it is the most convenient mode of paying for parking for all parties involved.
Some of the mentioned solutions even have being attempting to incorporate aspects of mobile applications
in order to overcome these disadvantages. Mobile parking solutions can be used – and have been
successfully implemented – in both on-street and off-street parking, as well as for toll road use, by both local
municipalities as well as private organizations.
As the world’s population grows, the number of cars on the roads increases, and cities become more and
more cramped, there is a larger need by drivers for the convenient, use-friendly and economical parking
payment solutions. The challenge is to offer a parking payment solution to drivers which provide them with
the peace of mind that they will not receive heavy fines, and that they do not need to search for small
change or coins each time they park.
3.1. On-street parking solution
Current on-street parking solutions such as parking meters, cash payment and display machines, vehicle
meters and parking coupons have many disadvantages. As the parking system is operating in open/public
carpark areas, they are involved with human handling like traffic police and parking inspectors to ensure the
parking payment is being paid.
3.2. Off-street parking solution
As for the current off-street parking solutions will be better off as compared with on-street parking solutions.
This is because they are operating within a respective parking boundary. Current solution RFID Ticketing
Car Park System has replaced human handling at the gantry but still it involves a cashier at the payment
counter. Whereas the EPS (Electronic parking system) has achieved with full automated for the
companies/vendors but yet it still has not resolve the problem for the users. As the users/driver will still have
the possibility to be jammed at the exit if his/her cashcard’s credit is less then the credit charged.
3.3. RFID Ticketing Car Park System
Using security features unavailable in other ticket dispensing and collecting technologies, RFID technology
shortens queuing lines, eliminates counterfeiting and creates tickets that can be programmed for specific
time periods and specific gates or other access points.
Figure 4
The RFID Ticketing Car Park System consist of 3 main access controls (entrance/payment/exit control)
Entrance control flow:
When the detector at the entrance detects a vehicle, the ticket will be dispensed automatically once
or pressing the button on the machine front panel.
Information such as the station number, ticket number and start date/time will be read remotely and
sent to the control station to the data base.
Barrier will open after dispensing the ticket.
Payment flow:
When the driver is ready to leave, he/she has to go to the carpark cashier counter to make the
payment by scanning the ticket to register the stop date/time.
Lin Yao wei
Driver will do the parking payment calculated by the system.
The same ticket and a receipt will be issue back to driver
Driver will get back to his car.
Exit control flow:
When the driver has reached the exit he/she has to insert the ticket into the machine.
The system will validate if payment has been clear and open the barrier.
Table 3
Advantages of RFID Ticketing Car Park System
Durable and recyclable
Environmental friendly
Minimize of equipment failure.
Minimize ticket fraud
Lower maintenance cost
Lower initial investment cost
Lower reading failure rate
Disadvantages of RFID Ticketing Car Park System
Possibility of lost/damage of ticket
Possibility of queuing up for payment
Involve in cash payment
Involve in human handling (cashier)
Driver has to drive near the ticket dispenser machine in order to retrieve/insert the ticket
3.4. EPS (Electronic parking system)
EPS enables settlement of parking fees without parking tickets and cash. In order to keep the compatibilities
of current car park system, antennas were made smaller and compact, processing systems were integrated
and devices for calculating the fees were developed, the device for calculating the fee was called charging
unit (CHU). In order to meet the various needs of the car park owners and to allow free setting of the parking
fee, the devices are designed. The introduction of EPS in Singapore has brought about an unprecedented
realization of the application using the same onboard equipment in both EPS and ERP systems (application
Lin Yao wei
Figure 5
Figure 6
The EPS consist of 2 main access controls (entrance/exit control)
Entrance control flow:
When the vehicle presence detector at the entrance detects a vehicle, the antenna radiates radio
The antenna reads the IU label through communication with the IU installed in the vehicle, and
transmits the IU label to CHU before opening the barrier.
Exit control flow:
The antenna reads the IU label through communication with the IU installed in the vehicle, and
transmits the IU label to CHU before opening the barrier.
The antenna reads the IU label through communication with the IU installed in the vehicle, and
transmits the label to CHU.
The CHU (host computer, depending on the system) calculates the parking fee of each vehicle
from the parking time of the vehicle on the basis of the IU label transmitted by the antenna.
According to the calculated fee, CHU issues charging command and transmitted to IU through the
On receiving the charging command, the IU deducts the parking fee from the IC card (cashcard).
The IU then informs CHU through the antenna that the parking fee has been deducted from the IC
The barrier opens for the vehicle to exit
Table 4
Advantages of EPS
Lin Yao wei
Availability - The driver doesn't have to open the window to take a ticket or to pay the charge, and
the vehicle can pass through the entrance/exit gates without having to stop. The driver doesn't
need to prepare the cash (money) to pay.
Flexibility of car park operation (management) the car park owner or manager can flexibly change
the parking charges table depending on their demands.
Reliability - The RF communication and security technologies of ERP system have been used in
ensure high reliability of the system.
Sensitivity - IU recognition sensor can go as fast as 0.125sec
Service time - Since no need of handling tickets or cash at the entrance or exit gate allows nonstop operation, the processing capacity at exit can be drastically improved.
Disadvantages of EPS:
Possibility that driver is not able to exit if his/her credit is less then the credit charged.
Drivers must always check and top up their cash card regularly.
3.5. M-parking
M-Parking is one of the world’s longest established and most successful mobile phone parking payment
systems introduced in 2001 in Vienna (Austria) and Melbourne (Australia). Since its start, M-Parking has
been introduced to 45 cities in 4 countries taking over 75% market share and offering real cost savings for
parking operators as well as real benefits for drivers.
Under the m-parking technology, customers initially register their mobile number, the license plate number of
the car and their credit card number with the car park authorities, to create what is called a “virtual parking
ticket account”. This completes the initial, one-time registration process. Whenever the customer needs to
park, they would send an Short message services text message to the number provided by the car park
authorities. The Short message services message would consist of the license plate number of the car, the
location code of the parking area where they want to park and the time duration (in minutes) for which the
customer wants to park. In return, the customer would then receive a text message from the car park
message centre, with the confirmation and the expiry time of their electronic parking ticket. The customer
would be sent a reminder Short message services, 10 minutes before the parking time expires. The bill for
the parking ticket would come up on the customer’s mobile bill.
Advantages of M-parking:
Reduction in time spent and fuel consumed while searching for available parking space.
Reduction in congestion due to fewer cars driving around searching for spaces.
Elimination of queues entering parking facilities because drivers will not go to a facility where there is no
available space.
Reduction in illegally parked vehicles.
Better distribution of flow and parking demand through the area.
Result in higher revenues and profitability for the parking facilities.
Disadvantages of M-parking:
Require pre-registration
Short message services texting format requires quite a few numbers of information needed
Tendency for user for missing the reminder feature for parking expire time
No Short message services receipt to proof/indicate the amount of payment.
3.6. Regisoft’s mobile parking
RegiSoft, a developer of innovative software solutions, brings to market value-added services (VAS) in the
form of Mobile Marketing, Mobile Ticketing, interactive services, and Personal Mobile Content Distribution.
Its flagship product, the World Trade Server™ (WTS™), addresses the various business needs of network
operators, service providers, retailers, vendors and media, looking to deploy VAS to create alternative
sources of revenue and to interact with their customers with personalized solutions to suit their needs and
The motorist will register for the service in advance in order to use the mobile parking. This
registration can be done via a web site, manually at delegated municipal offices or help desks, via
Short message services through receiving a WAP or USSD menu, or through calling a number and
Lin Yao wei
following a voice activated menu (IVR). Registration is done once only and is valid for this subscriber for as
long as they have their driver’s license, drive the same car, and keep the same mobile telephone number.
Upon registration, the driver will need to supply details such as name, age (there may be special tariffs for
drivers of different ages), mobile phone number, drivers license permit number, car registration number,
payment information (payment can be made in a number of ways, such as via credit card, debit card, from
the cellular telephone bill [this option is currently illegal in Europe], etc. and the payment options is the
choice of the local municipality). The driver will receive a sticker for their car with a barcode or unique code. A
parking inspector can identify whether a parked car is registered for the mobile parking service through this
sticker. The parking inspector will either scan the barcode or enter the unique numerical code into a PDA in
order to check whether the driver has activated the mobile payment system. The car can also be checked
according to the license plate number.
The municipality will have signed a contract with a local mobile operator, as well as with a payment company
or clearing house so that registered drivers can pay for the parking by credit and/or debit card. The WTS™
will be integrated with the mobile operator’s gateway as well as to the clearing house chosen by the
The local municipality can also choose how drivers activate the mobile parking payment system. There are
various options available. Once the motorist parks their car, they can send a predefined Short message
services message to a toll-free/paid number e.g. “S” for start. Other options include calling a number and
following a voice-activated menu, linking to a WAP or USSD menu, etc. The WTS™ software is the back
office of the system (see section below), and it will identify the driver via their mobile phone number. Upon
receiving the Short message services message, the WTS™ will identify the time and zone (if
various zones are supported) of the driver and the virtual clock will be activated for the time the driver is
parked. Upon leaving the parking, the driver will again text a message (e.g. “E” for end) to the same number
and the WTS™ will automatically stop the session for this driver.
Advantages of Regisoft are mobile parking:
The system is easily implemented and easy to use for all parties involved Elimination
Will result in increased revenues for the municipalities or parking authorities as well as increased savings
on parking for drivers
Reduces municipality costs for infrastructure
Simplifies revenue collection
Improves reporting, monitoring and control
Reduces fraud
Provides drivers with a simple, cost-effective, flexible parking payment solution
Disadvantages of Regisoft mobile parking:
Require pre-registration
System can only be use with the registered car plate number and handphone number
Require user to send Short Message Services at start and end of parking.
High chances of inaccuracy for parking fee as duration of parking is control by user.
No Short message services receipt to proof/indicate the amount of payment.
Lin Yao wei
3.7. Literature review on mobile payment
Mobile payment can be defined as a payment that is carried out with a handheld device such as a mobile
phone or a PDA (personal digital assistant). Payment involves a direct or indirect exchange of monetary
values between parties. Handheld devices can be used at real POS (point of sale), in ecommerce and in mcommerce The emergence of e-commerce has further digitized the payment process, where payment
details are sent over open networks with no physical contact between the buyer and the seller. The recent
development of high-speed mobile data networks has created a new channel for commerce, where more
sophisticated mobile devices are enabling the virtual exchange of payment information. The advent of
mobile payments has added another layer of complexity through the use of mobile devices with different
network capabilities and limitations.
3.7.1. Mobile payment parties
Consumer/mobile user – owner of the mobile device and is willing to use it to pay for a service or
product. The product or service, maybe are physical content (products or services) or
downloadable digital content. The mobile user’s roles may involve initializing the mobile purchase,
registering with the PSP and authorizing the payment.
Content provider/merchant -- depending on whether digital content or physical goods and services
are being purchased. Their roles may involve forwarding purchase requests to the PSP, relaying
authorization requests back to the consumer and delivery the content.
Payment service provider -- the party responsible for the payment process. They control the flow of
transaction between the mobile consumer, the content provider and the TTP. A consumer may be
register with the PSP to avoid repetition of keying payment details into the mobile device, such as
credit card details or a mobile phone post-paid account. A PSP could be a network operator, a
bank, a credit card company or an independent payment vendor.
Trusted third party -- a company used to perform the authentication and the authorization of
transaction parties and the payment settlement. These could be network operators, banks and
credit card companies. Therefore, their main role is authentication and authorization of payment
requests. A network operator or bank could be positioned at the same time as the PSP, the TTP,
and the content provider. In this report I do not refer to the TTP.
Figure 2: Mobile payment System
Figure 3: Mobile payment System with participation of TTP
Lin Yao wei
3.7.2. Categories of mobile payment
Mobile payment may be characterized into various categories, such as transaction type, transaction
settlement method, content type, and content value.
Transaction Type:
Pay Per View – the mobile user pays for each view, or increment, of the desired content. For
example downloadable MP3 files or video clips.
Pay Per Unit – the mobile user pays for each unit of content provided by the content provider. Units
can be based on volume or duration of content, such as per byte or per minute. The amount of
units used for each session will be billed to the consumer. Such examples of this type could be
used in downloadable games or streaming video content.
Pay Per time – the mobile user pays according to the timeline of usage per seconds/minutes/hours.
For examples outgoing calls is on charging per min basic.
Flat Rate – the mobile user pays a recurring periodic amount to access the content on an unlimited
basis during the period. For example unlimited access to online newspaper articles.
Transaction Settlement Type:
Pre-paid – mobile users pay in advance of obtaining the content with pre-paid accounts which are
deducted after each payment session.
Post-paid – mobile users receive and use the content before they paid for it. The consumer is billed
after the access to the content is obtained, for example on a phone bill.
Content Type:
Digital goods – e.g. downloadable music or video content, value-added information
Physical goods
Voting - e.g. TV voting polls
Ticketing – e.g. booking plane tickets
Content Value:
Micropayments – describes same purchases usually less the ~50 dollars, for example pay parking
and ring tones.
Marcopayments – usually large purchases over ~20 dollars, for example purchasing plane tickets.
3.7.3 Identifying of Mobile payment categories for using Short message services
Table 2
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Chapter 4 System Operation
4.1. Design strategic
In order to explore and simulate the carpark fee payment system with using short message service
(SMS) technology, we will be simulating in real-time simulation. Hence, we will be targeting on the offstreet parking system which consist of a scanner to log the entry and exit time of a vehicle. The
application will be able to calculate the parking fee accordingly to the parking duration.
The logarithm of the Development of carpark fee payment system using short message service (SMS)
technology is being structure by 3 flows. There are consist of the Entrance, Exit and Shot message service
flows. Every individual flow is being process independently but sharing the similar database.
4.1.1. Enter and Exit flow
In order to calculate accuracy time in and time out of parking duration, both enter and exit flows need to
sense and log by enter and exit sensors against the real time.
4.1.2. Short message service flow (non-register member)
The short message service flow is introduce as another individual flow which process between the enter flow
and Exit flow. The Short message services do not require certain time to send out the short messages as
long as the short message service is being sent out between the enter flow and exit. The system is being
designed in this structure in order to have flexibility for the user. Hence sending out the short message
services with the vehicle’s information is activating the short message services payment system.
4.1.3. Enhanced Short message service flow (registered member)
The enhanced short message service flow is catered for the registered members. By implementing the
enhanced flow the system is able to send a short message service to the registered mobile number once the
registered vehicle has entered the carpark. Hence the registered user received the short message services
from the carpark administrator and the registered user will just need to reply as an acknowledgement to
activate the short message services payment system. This enhanced flow will prevent the user from
forgetting to activate the short message services payment.
Lin Yao wei
4.1.4. Parking fee calculation flow
4.2. Block diagram and flow chart
From the above design strategic, i have plot out the block diagram of the short message service carpark
payment system. The block diagram will show the relationship of the all the 3 different flows working and
checking against with the database.
Lin Yao wei
4.2.1. Entrance Block
A detector at the entrance will scan for the vehicle identity (unique identify) from the vehicle itself using
the RFID technology. The vehicle identity and the entry time will be stored into the database. The
barrier will be open allowing the vehicle to enter.
4.2.2. Short message service Block
Registered user:
As the user has already pre-registered with authority, user will receive a Short message services upon
entering the carpark. And the user will only need to reply to acknowledge paying by Short Message
Services paying system. The database will store the sender no., vehicle identity and received time.
Non-registered user:
User will send a Short message services to the carpark administrator with his/her vehicle identity and
send to a respective number. The database will store the sender no., vehicle identity and received time.
4.2.3. Exit block
Once the driver is ready to leave the carpark, the detector at the exit will scan the vehicle identity using
the same method used at the entrance. Similarly, the vehicle identity and the exit time will be stored
into the database. During the exit stage the “vehicle identity”, will be search through the database to
confirm the entrance time and Short Message Services time. Upon confirmation, the database will send
out a parking receipt to the Short Message Services sender. The parking receipt will consist of a
transaction id, time in, Short Message Services time, time out, vehicle no. and amount of parking fee.
The parking receipt also acts as another level or security for the user’s record.
The payment can be made in a number of ways, such as via credit card, debit card, from the cellular
telephone bill.
Entrance Flow
Short message services Flow
Lin Yao wei
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Lin Yao wei
Chapter 5 System Development
5.1. Database Design structure
The database structure of carpark fee payment system using short message service short message service
technology consists of database portion and interface portion in visual basic environment.
5.1.1. Microsoft excel sheet as database
At times, we need to keep track of information and a good place to this is in an Excel database file. Whether
it is a personal list of phone numbers, a contact list for members of an organization or team, or a collection
of coins, cards, or books, an Excel database file makes it easy to enter, store, and find specific information.
Excel has built it tools to help you keep track of data and to find specific information when you want it. As
well, with its hundreds of columns and thousands of rows, an Excel spreadsheet can hold an enormous
amount of data.
5.1.2. Microsoft excel form as interfaces
Excel forms to make some piece of what you do easier, faster, more flexible, or more convenient. In
principle, Excel’s form controls are no different from standard elements of the Windows interface.
Specifically, the majority of the form controls reviewed here return values to designated cells in your Excel
spreadsheet, and some of them draw the options they present from it, as well.
All kinds of applications spring to mind. I will be using forms to append and delete data of vehicles in real
time. Computations and calculation are being implemented for parking fee through forms. Alert of
acknowledgement and data entry errors will be also prompt to user in this simulation.
5.2. Database of carpark administrator
5.2.1. Database of register lists
The database consists of the list of registered member who had signed up with the carpark administrator.
High frequent parkers would be highly recommended to register as members with the carpark administrator
which are using this fee payment system using short message service short message service technology.
Particular of the register like name, vehicle number, mobile number, virtual account number and account
balance will be registered in the list.
Lin Yao wei
An automated short message service will be sent to driver who had been registered in the registered list
database upon entering in the carpark. In order to avoid reading of short message service during parking a
delay of ~5 to 10 minutes (depending on the vacancy of the parking slots) will be added before sending out
the short message service to motorist as a safety feature. Another automated short message service will be
sent out to the member with parking fee will account balance.
5.2.2. Database of entered vehicles
This database will log in the vehicle’s number, date and time of the entering of carpark in real time.
This database will be the reference for checking duplication of vehicle number at the entrance barrier.
Duplicated vehicle number will be rejected and disabled the open access of the barrier.
5.2.3. Database of short message services
This database will be logging in the driver vehicle number, date and time after the activation of short
message service short message service technology.
During the activation of short message service short message service technology the ENTRANCE_LOG will
be counter checking for invalid vehicle number. SMS_LOG will log in the particulars upon confirmation from
the authorized server which link to the credit card companies. A short message service will be sent to user
to confirm whether the short message payment mode is being activated.
5.2.4. Database of exit vehicles
Lin Yao wei
This database will be logging in the driver’s vehicle number, date, time and parking fee during the exit and
together with the data of ENTRANCE_LOG and SMS_LOG.
At the exit barrier the scanned vehicle’s number will be checked against the ENTRANCE_LOG for valid
vehicle number. Upon confirmation, it will counter check on the SMS_LOG for activation of short message
service payment. Hence if both ENTRANCE_LOG and SMS_LOG are being checked, the EXIT_LOG will be
logged in with above mentioned particulars and enabling the exit barrier to be open for vehicle to exit. Lastly
a short message service will be sent to the driver with parking fee and account balance from carpark
administrator shown above.
5.2.5. Database of inbox messages
This database will be logging in the driver’s communication of short message service via the simulated
mobile phone. It will also act as the password authentication of an authorized server.
5.3. Interfaces of application
5.3.1. Interface Administrator
The is the main interface of all the major flows of the carpark fee payment system using short message
service short message service technology. The major flows are consisting of entrance flow, Short Message
Services flow and exit flow which were mentioned on earlier stage. The ADMIN interface is planted with
command button which are linked to individual visual basic script which logged the real time into the
database upon clicking them.
Lin Yao wei
Below is the functionality of every command buttons:
A. Entrance barrier (simulation)
B. Clearing of all ENTRANCE_LOG data
C. Counter of all ENTRANCE_LOG data
D. List dropdown of ENTRANCE_LOG data
E. User mobile phone (simulation)
F. Clearing of all SMS_LOG data
G. Counter of all SMS_LOG data
H. List dropdown of SMS_LOG data
I. Exit barrier (simulation)
J. Clearing of all EXIT_LOG data
K. Counter of all EXIT_LOG data
L. List dropdown of EXIT_LOG data
M. Exit of Carpark administrator interface
5.3.2. Interface of entering vehicles
ENTER_FLOW (simulation)
This interface is simulating the operation of entrance barrier with the database.
Below is the functionality of every command buttons:
A. Entrance barrier (simulation)
A1. Back to ADMIN interface
A2. Scanning of entering vehicle number
A3. Cancel and exit of Entrance simulation
A4. Log in vehicle number to ENTRANCE_LOG database
5.3.3. Interface of exiting vehicles
EXIT_FLOW (simulation)
This interface is simulating the operation of exit barrier with the database.
Below is the functionality of every command buttons:
C. Exit barrier (simulation)
C1. Back to ADMIN interface
C2. Scanning of exiting vehicle number
C3. Cancel and exit of Exit simulation
C4. Log in vehicle number to EXIT_LOG database
5.3.4. Interface of short message service
SMS_FLOW (simulation)
This interface is simulating the sending of short message service via a simulated mobile phone.
Lin Yao wei
Below is the functionality of every command buttons:
B. Mobile phone (simulation)
B1. Keying of new messages
B2. Input of number to be sent to
B3. Cancel and exit of SMS_FLOW interface
B4. Exit and back to ADMIN interface
B5. Sending of new messages / calling HP_FLOW interface
5.3.5. Interface of message alert
HP_FLOW (simulation)
This interface is simulating the receiving of new short message service via a simulated mobile phone.
Below is the functionality of every command buttons:
B5. Mobile phone (simulation)
B6. Calling HP_INBOX_FLOW interface
B7. Cancel and exit of HP_FLOW interface
B8. Exit and back to ADMIN interface
B9. No applicable
5.3.6. Interface of inbox message
HP_INBOX_FLOW (simulation)
This interface is simulating the replying of new short message service via a simulated mobile phone.
Lin Yao wei
Below is the functionality of every command buttons:
B6. Mobile phone (simulation)
B10. Reading the inbox messages from HP_LOG database
B11. Keying in the reply messages
B12. Cancel and exit of HP_INBOX_FLOW interface
B13. Clearing of messages in HP_LOG database
B14. Replying of messages to HP_LOG database
5.6. Communication of short message services
5.6.1. Nokia PC Suite 7.1
We can write messages on your PC and send them via your mobile device. Write normal text messages or
create multimedia messages with pictures, videos or music clips via using Nokia PC Suite. And the latest
version is Nokia PC Suite 7.1
5.6.2. System Requirements
Supported operating systems:
- Windows Vista 32-bit and 64-bit editions
- Windows XP Professional x64 Edition (Service Pack 2)
- Windows XP (Professional or Home Edition) Service Pack 2 or later
Nokia PC Suite 7.1 system requirements
Available hard disk space:
At least 300 MB of free disk space
Supported operating systems:
Windows Vista 32-bit and 64-bit editions
Windows XP Professional x64 Edition (Service Pack 2)
Windows XP (Professional or Home Edition) (Service Pack 2 or later)
Connection methods:
USB cable, infrared (IrDA), or Bluetooth
Supported Bluetooth stacks / software:
Windows Vista 32-bit and 64-bit editions:
Microsoft Windows Bluetooth stack
WIDCOMM Bluetooth stack, driver version 6.x
Toshiba Bluetooth stack, driver version 5.10.12, 6.10.10. and 6.30.01
IVT BlueSoleil Bluetooth stack, driver version 5.0.5, and
Windows XP x64:
Microsoft Windows Bluetooth stack
Toshiba Bluetooth stack, driver version 5.10.12 and 6.10.10
IVT BlueSoleil Bluetooth stack, driver version 5.0.5 and
Windows XP:
Microsoft Windows Bluetooth stack
Lin Yao wei
Toshiba Bluetooth stack, driver version 4.0, 5.0, 5.10.12, 6.10.10 and 6.30.01
WIDCOMM Bluetooth stack, driver version, 3.x, 4.x, 5.0, 5.1 and 5.5
IVT BlueSoleil Bluetooth stack, driver version 3.x, 5.0.5, and
Supported Personal Information Managers:
To keep your information up to date on both the PC and the device, you can synchronize with the following
Personal Information Manager applications:
Microsoft Outlook 2000, 2002, 2003, and 2007 Microsoft Outlook Express / Windows Address Book
Microsoft Windows Calendar and Contacts
Lotus Notes 5.x, 6.x, 7.0, and 8.x
Lotus Organizer 5.x and 6.x
5.6.3. Procedures of Communicating Computer to Mobile phone via short message service
1. Click the messages icon.
2. Click the Create a new message button.
3. Click the Select recipients’ button to select recipients for the message, or type the desired number in the
text field next to it. Then write your message.
Lin Yao wei
4. Select and choose recipient by double clicking on the content.
5. Lastly the short service message will be send to the respective recipient.
You will also be shown a list of features supported by your device from Appendix.
7433 Words Count
Lin Yao wei
Chapter 6 Discussion of Test cases and Limitations
6.1. Test cases of Entrance flow
Lin Yao wei
6.2. Test cases of Short Message Services flow
Lin Yao wei
6.3. Test cases of Exit flow
6.4. Test cases of parking fee
Lin Yao wei
6.5. Review of Test cases
After the test cases of individual sub module, I review the whole results of all the test cases and finalized
with a 100% results by fulfilling the all possibility and condition which I had anticipated for the whole
operating system of the application.
7533 Words Count
Lin Yao wei
Chapter 7 Conclusion
7.1. Recommendations
There are number of enhancement which can be considered to make the application more commercial
viable. And they are:
- Accessibility of vehicles:
While a vehicle enters or exits the carpark, it would be more convenience to let the gentry to detect the user
mobile itself via an in-build infrared identification in it. It will be feasible to let our mobile number to be the
identification number as all our phone number is unique. Hence all the carparks will be able to detect the
present of the respective vehicle.
- Integrate for payment gateway:
A system which allows a subscriber to top up his or her account online via short message services or web.
The payment gateway can be NETS, VISA, GIRO, or etc.
- Develop registration system using short messages services:
It would be convenience if the registration for member for using the parking payment system can be done
using short messages service as well, instead on filling up on applications forms.
- Accessibility of the parking slot
With the condition of integrity on using the solely parking system, besides on replying with acknowledgment
of entering via short messages services the message can also indicate the location of available parking slots
for the users.
7743 Words Count
Lin Yao wei
Chapter 8 Critical Review and Reflections
Reflecting back on the overall project management, I realized that working on a technology project
individually was really tough, tiring. This project and my work commitments especially the ongoing company
project that required heavy and immediate support that was required. Friends and tutor support were crucial
to the progress and successful completion of this project.
The reason of why I had chosen to do this project is because practically in the modern world, everyone of us
seems to have a cellular phone on our hand. Hence, we can make the mobile phone more than just using it
for calls, texting, and storing contacts. We can further explore on utilizing the use on mobile phone in our
daily life just like payment for parking.
My first meeting with my initially assigned project tutor, Mr. Nava offered a lot of valuable advices on how to
carry out literature review that were required in this project and he had also briefed me on the project
assessment criteria, tasks and skills required to acquired. Upon submitting the TMA, I realized that it is very
important to focus on the software simulation. Hence I had put in a lot of effort on learning and developing
on the visual basic. From designing the database, partition them and until designing of interfaces. Finally,
analysis and examine the all possibility and condition under the test cases.
My objective for the project is to understand and explore existing parking system and identified or modified
with using Short message services-based technology for carpark payment, which allows customers to
perform electronic carpark payment using their mobile phones via Short message services.
From this project, I have learnt to pick up and also bush up my programming skill. And I have learnt to use
visual basic operating in Microsoft Excel. Most importantly, characterizing and optimizing of programming for
the application. And also further explore on using forms of visual basic as user interfaces of the application.
From there, I have further explored to use form as simulated virtual mobile phone for transmitting and
receiving of short messages services. Lastly, I have further explored and written the programming for the
carpark fee payment logarithm reacting with real time. And upon completion of the whole programming, I
have tried out the test cases on them. After conducting several times of fine tuning and troubleshooting on
my logarithm, I have fixed a lot of detected loop holes along the way. And finally, I was able to fulfill all
possibilities and conditions with counter checking on every individual flow chart.
Throughout this year while racing with time to complete and meeting the project tasks on time based on a
project schedule, I have acquired the knowledge of fairly good project management skill with the help of
Gantt chart to outline the work activities with project deadline to accomplish with.
There were definitely problems arise when various tests were conducted on the application, but this had
strive me to find out the root caused of the problems encountered and perform further troubleshooting to
resolve it. This project had taught me to be a more patience person when encountering any tedious problem
to sit down and think for solutions.
In conclusion, I had enjoyed myself and learnt a lot from this course of study. I would say it is a totally
different course from the rest which I had taken. It is an eye opener to me as it is more of an ‘open ended’
type of study concept, in which a lot of freeway is being given. It will definitely set me going for more
continual academic upgrading and self-achievement.
8352 Words Count
Lin Yao wei
Lin Yao wei
Short message service technology
- http://www2.computer.org/portal/web/csdl/doi/10.1109/MC.2007.440
- http://communication.howstuffworks.com/Short Message Services.htm
- http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/wales/4561461.stm
- http://infotech.monash.edu.au/promotion/coolcampus/projects/carparkShort Message Services/index.html
- http://www.textually.org/textually/archives/cat_Short Message Services_and_micro_payments.htm
Mobile payment
- http://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/3786/1/MPRA_paper_3786.pdf
- https://www.cs.tcd.ie/publications/tech-reports/reports.03/TCD-CS-2003-24.pdf
Electronics Parking System (ERP)
- https://www.mhi.co.jp/technology/review/pdf/e403/e403166.pdf
Radio Frequency identification Ticketing Car Park System (RFID)
- http://www.alphawave.com.sg/ticketing.html
Communication of Short message service to Computer
- http://www.developershome.com/Short Message Services/quickGuideNonDevelopers
- http://gnokii.org/
- http://www.tucows.com/preview/MoreInfo
- http://www.nokia-asia.com/get-support-and-software/download-software/nokia-pc-suites/how-to/calls-andmessages/create-and-send-message#
Lin Yao wei
Lin Yao wei
Private Sub ADMIN_cancel_Click()
Unload ADMIN
End Sub
Private Sub Clear_Entrance_log_Click()
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
lastrow = lastrow + 1
Range("B3" & ":D" & lastrow).Select
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Enter_count = lastrow - 2
ADMIN.Enter_count.Text = Enter_count
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
last_row = lastrow + 1
If lastrow = 2 Then
'Check for empty
lastrow = 3
End If
For Row = 3 To last_row
ADMIN.Enter_list.AddItem Sheets("ENTRANCE_LOG").Cells(Row, 2)
Next Row
ADMIN.Enter_list.Value = Range("B" & lastrow).Value
End Sub
Private Sub Clear_exit_log_Click()
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
lastrow = lastrow + 1
Rows("3" & ":" & lastrow).Select
Lin Yao wei
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Exit_count = lastrow - 2
ADMIN.Exit_count.Text = Exit_count
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
last_row = lastrow + 1
If lastrow = 2 Then
'Check for empty
lastrow = 3
End If
For Row = 3 To last_row
ADMIN.Exit_list.AddItem Sheets("EXIT_LOG").Cells(Row, 2)
Next Row
ADMIN.Exit_list.Value = Range("B" & lastrow).Value
End Sub
Private Sub Clear_Short Message Services_log_Click()
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
lastrow = lastrow + 1
Range("B3" & ":E" & lastrow).Select
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Short Message Services_count = lastrow - 2
ADMIN.Short Message Services_count.Text = Short Message Services_count
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
last_row = lastrow + 1
If lastrow = 2 Then
'Check for empty
lastrow = 3
End If
ADMIN.Short Message Services_list.Clear
For Row = 3 To last_row
ADMIN.Short Message Services_list.AddItem Sheets("SMS_LOG").Cells(Row, 2)
Next Row
ADMIN.Short Message Services_list.Value = Range("B" & lastrow).Value
End Sub
Private Sub TO_ENTER_FLOW_Click()
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
lastrow = lastrow + 1
For Row = 3 To lastrow
ENTER_FLOW.Vehicle_Id.AddItem Sheets("REGISTERED_LIST").Cells(Row, 2)
Next Row
End Sub
Private Sub TO_EXIT_FLOW_Click()
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
lastrow = lastrow + 1
For Row = 3 To lastrow
Exit_Flow.Exit_Vehicle_No.AddItem Sheets("ENTRANCE_LOG").Cells(Row, 2)
Next Row
Lin Yao wei
End Sub
Private Sub TO_SMS_FLOW_Click()
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
lastrow = lastrow + 1
For Row = 3 To lastrow
SMS_FLOW.New_text.AddItem Sheets("ENTRANCE_LOG").Cells(Row, 2)
Next Row
End Sub
Private Sub enter_cancel_Click()
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Exit_count = lastrow - 2
ADMIN.Exit_count.Text = Exit_count
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
last_row = lastrow + 1
If lastrow = 2 Then
'Check for empty
lastrow = 3
End If
For Row = 3 To last_row
ADMIN.Exit_list.AddItem Sheets("EXIT_LOG").Cells(Row, 2)
Next Row
ADMIN.Exit_list.Value = Range("B" & lastrow).Value
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Short Message Services_count = lastrow - 2
ADMIN.Short Message Services_count.Text = Short Message Services_count
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
last_row = lastrow + 1
If lastrow = 2 Then
'Check for empty
lastrow = 3
End If
ADMIN.Short Message Services_list.Clear
For Row = 3 To last_row
ADMIN.Short Message Services_list.AddItem Sheets("SMS_LOG").Cells(Row, 2)
Next Row
ADMIN.Short Message Services_list.Value = Range("B" & lastrow).Value
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Enter_count = lastrow - 2
ADMIN.Enter_count.Text = Enter_count
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
last_row = lastrow + 1
If lastrow = 2 Then
'Check for empty
lastrow = 3
End If
For Row = 3 To last_row
ADMIN.Enter_list.AddItem Sheets("ENTRANCE_LOG").Cells(Row, 2)
Next Row
ADMIN.Enter_list.Value = Range("B" & lastrow).Value
End Sub
Lin Yao wei
Private Sub enter_back_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub enter_ok_Click()
Dim Enter_Vehicle_id As String
Dim Enter_Mobile_No As String
If ENTER_FLOW.Vehicle_Id.Value = "" Then
MsgBox "Please fill in the Vehicle ID."
Exit Sub
End If
'Check for empty
Enter_Vehicle_id = ENTER_FLOW.Vehicle_Id.Value
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
'Go to Entrance log
On Error Resume Next
Cells.Find(What:=Enter_Vehicle_id, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:= _
xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:= _
True, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
If ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0).Value = Enter_Vehicle_id Then
MsgBox "car entered"
Exit Sub
End If
'Check for entered
If ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0).Value <> Enter_Vehicle_id Then
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
lastrow = lastrow + 1
Range("B" & lastrow).Value = ENTER_FLOW.Vehicle_Id.Value
'Enter new vehicle id
Range("A1").Value = "=NOW()"
'Inserting the enter date & time
Enter_Date = "=TEXT(A1,""dd/mm/yy"")"
Range("A2").Value = Enter_Date
Enter_Time = "=TEXT(A1,""h:mm:ss"")"
Range("A3").Value = Enter_Time
Range("C" & lastrow).Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=True
MsgBox "Vehicle id: " & Enter_Vehicle_id & " Log in Entrance database"
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
'Go to registered list
Cells.Find(What:=Enter_Vehicle_id, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:= _
xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:= _
False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
If ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0).Value = Enter_Vehicle_id Then 'If registered member
Member_row = ActiveCell.Row
Enter_Mobile_No = Range("D" & Member_row).Value
Enter_Mobile_Name = Range("C" & Member_row).Value
Short Message Services_msg = "Member found sending Short message services in 5 mins: " & Enter_Mobile_No
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
lastrow = lastrow + 1
Range("A1").Value = "=NOW()"
'Inserting the enter date & time
Lin Yao wei
Enter_Date = "=TEXT(A1,""dd/mm/yy"")"
Range("A2").Value = Enter_Date
Enter_Date = Range("A2").Value
Enter_Time = "=TEXT(A1,""h:mm:ss"")"
Range("A3").Value = Enter_Time
Enter_Time = Range("A3").Value
Inbox_Vehicle_id = Enter_Vehicle_id
Inbox_message = "<" & Enter_Time & "> :Welcome! " & Enter_Vehicle_id & " Please Reply to activate Short message services payment"
Range("B" & lastrow).Value = Inbox_message
Range("C" & lastrow).Value = Inbox_Vehicle_id
'Exit from Enter flow
MsgBox Short Message Services_msg
End If
End If
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Exit_count = lastrow - 2
ADMIN.Exit_count.Text = Exit_count
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
last_row = lastrow + 1
If lastrow = 2 Then
'Check for empty
lastrow = 3
End If
For Row = 3 To last_row
ADMIN.Exit_list.AddItem Sheets("EXIT_LOG").Cells(Row, 2)
Next Row
ADMIN.Exit_list.Value = Range("B" & lastrow).Value
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Short Message Services_count = lastrow - 2
ADMIN.Short Message Services_count.Text = Short Message Services_count
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
last_row = lastrow + 1
If lastrow = 2 Then
'Check for empty
lastrow = 3
End If
ADMIN.Short Message Services_list.Clear
For Row = 3 To last_row
ADMIN.Short Message Services_list.AddItem Sheets("SMS_LOG").Cells(Row, 2)
Next Row
ADMIN.Short Message Services_list.Value = Range("B" & lastrow).Value
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Enter_count = lastrow - 2
ADMIN.Enter_count.Text = Enter_count
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
last_row = lastrow + 1
If lastrow = 2 Then
'Check for empty
lastrow = 3
End If
For Row = 3 To last_row
ADMIN.Enter_list.AddItem Sheets("ENTRANCE_LOG").Cells(Row, 2)
Next Row
ADMIN.Enter_list.Value = Range("B" & lastrow).Value
End Sub
Private Sub exit_back_Click()
Unload Exit_Flow
End Sub
Lin Yao wei
Private Sub exit_cancel_Click()
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Enter_count = lastrow - 2
ADMIN.Enter_count.Text = Enter_count
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
last_row = lastrow + 1
If lastrow = 2 Then
'Check for empty
lastrow = 3
End If
For Row = 3 To last_row
ADMIN.Enter_list.AddItem Sheets("ENTRANCE_LOG").Cells(Row, 2)
Next Row
ADMIN.Enter_list.Value = Range("B" & lastrow).Value
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Short Message Services_count = lastrow - 2
ADMIN.Short Message Services_count.Text = Short Message Services_count
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
last_row = lastrow + 1
If lastrow = 2 Then
'Check for empty
lastrow = 3
End If
ADMIN.Short Message Services_list.Clear
For Row = 3 To last_row
ADMIN.Short Message Services_list.AddItem Sheets("SMS_LOG").Cells(Row, 2)
Next Row
ADMIN.Short Message Services_list.Value = Range("B" & lastrow).Value
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Exit_count = lastrow - 2
ADMIN.Exit_count.Text = Exit_count
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
last_row = lastrow + 1
If lastrow = 2 Then
'Check for empty
lastrow = 3
End If
For Row = 3 To last_row
ADMIN.Exit_list.AddItem Sheets("EXIT_LOG").Cells(Row, 2)
Next Row
ADMIN.Exit_list.Value = Range("B" & lastrow).Value
Unload Exit_Flow
End Sub
Private Sub exit_ok_Click()
Dim exit_vehicle_id As String
If Exit_Vehicle_No.Value = "" Then
MsgBox "Invalid Vehicle ID"
Exit Sub
End If
'Check for empty entry
enter_exit_vehicle_id = Exit_Vehicle_No.Value
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
'Go to entrance log
On Error Resume Next
'Check on entered records
Cells.Find(What:=enter_exit_vehicle_id, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:= _
xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:= _
False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
Lin Yao wei
Entrance_log_id = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0).Value
If Entrance_log_id <> enter_exit_vehicle_id Then
MsgBox "No records of vehicle in carpark"
End If
If Entrance_log_id = enter_exit_vehicle_id Then
Enter_Delete = ActiveCell.Row
Enter_Date = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value
Enter_Time = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Value
Rows(Enter_Delete & ":" & Enter_Delete).Select
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
'No records in entrance log
'Yes recorded in entrance log
'Log exiting row in entrance_log
'Delete exiting row in entrance_log
'Go to Short message services log
On Error Resume Next
'Find for Short message services activation
Cells.Find(What:=enter_exit_vehicle_id, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:= _
xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:= _
False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
Short Message Services_log_id = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0).Value
If Short Message Services_log_id <> enter_exit_vehicle_id Then
'No Short message services payment not activated
MsgBox "Please kindly activate Short message services payment sytstem"
End If
If Short Message Services_log_id = enter_exit_vehicle_id Then
'Yes Short message services payment not activated
Short Message Services_Delete = ActiveCell.Row
'Log exiting row in Short Message Services_log
Short Message Services_Date = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value
Short Message Services_Time = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Value
Rows(Short Message Services_Delete & ":" & Short Message Services_Delete).Select
'Delete exiting row in Short Message
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
'############ Inserting the Short message services date & time ##################
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
lastrow = lastrow + 1
Range("A1").Value = "=NOW()"
Exit_Date = "=TEXT(A1,""dd/mm/yy"")"
Range("A2").Value = Exit_Date
Exit_Time = "=TEXT(A1,""h:mm:ss"")"
Range("A3").Value = Exit_Time
Exit_Time = Range("A3").Value
Range("G" & lastrow).Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=True
Range("B" & lastrow).Value = enter_exit_vehicle_id
Range("C" & lastrow).Value = Enter_Date
Range("D" & lastrow).Value = Enter_Time
Range("E" & lastrow).Value = Short Message Services_Date
Range("F" & lastrow).Value = Short Message Services_Time
'Range("H" & lastrow).Value = Exit_time
Range("H" & lastrow).Value = Exit_Time
Enter_Time = Range("D" & lastrow).Value
Exit_Time = Range("H" & lastrow).Value
First_hr = Range("B3").Value
Per_hr = Range("B4").Value
Per_P_hr = Range("B5").Value
P_hr = Range("C5").Value
A_hr = Range("C6").Value
Range("I" & lastrow).Select
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=(RC[-1]-RC[-5])"
Total_min = Range("I" & lastrow).Value
Range("I" & lastrow).ClearContents
Range("A" & lastrow).Value = P_hr
Lin Yao wei
P_hr = Range("A" & lastrow).Value
If Total_min < A_hr Then
Range("A1").Value = "=NOW()"
Date = "=TEXT(A1,""dd/mm/yy"")"
Range("A2").Value = Date
Date = Range("A2").Value
Time = "=TEXT(A1,""h:mm:ss"")"
'Range("A3").Value = Time
'Exit_Time = Range("A3").Value
'within ample period
'Inserting the enter date & time
Parking_Fee = 0
Inbox_message = "<" & Time & "> Parking Fee: $" & Parking_Fee 'FOC
End If
If Total_min > A_hr Then
'over ample period
If Enter_Time < P_hr And P_hr > Exit_Time Then
'Enter & Exit before peak hr
Total_P_hrs = 0
Total_hrs = Exit_Time - Enter_Time
Range("I" & lastrow).Value = Total_hrs
Range("A" & lastrow).Select
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=ROUNDUP((RC[8])*24,0)"
Total_hrs = Range("A" & lastrow).Value
Total_hrs = Total_hrs - 1
Range("A" & lastrow).ClearContents
Range("I" & lastrow).ClearContents
'MsgBox "1"
End If
If Enter_Time < P_hr And P_hr < Exit_Time Then
'Enter before pek hr exit after peak hr
Total_hrs = P_hr - Enter_Time
Range("I" & lastrow).Value = Total_hrs
Range("A" & lastrow).Select
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=ROUNDUP((RC[8])*24,0)"
Total_hrs = Range("A" & lastrow).Value
Total_hrs = Total_hrs - 1
Range("A" & lastrow).ClearContents
Range("I" & lastrow).ClearContents
Total_P_hrs = Exit_Time - P_hr
Range("I" & lastrow).Value = Total_P_hrs
Range("A" & lastrow).Select
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=ROUNDUP((RC[8])*24,0)"
Total_P_hrs = Range("A" & lastrow).Value
Range("A" & lastrow).ClearContents
Range("I" & lastrow).ClearContents
End If
If Enter_Time > P_hr And P_hr < Exit_Time Then
'Enter after peak hr
Total_hrs = 0
Total_P_hrs = Exit_Time - Enter_Time
Range("I" & lastrow).Value = Total_P_hrs
Range("A" & lastrow).Select
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=ROUNDUP((RC[8])*24,0)"
Total_P_hrs = Range("A" & lastrow).Value
Total_P_hrs = Total_P_hrs - 1
Range("A" & lastrow).ClearContents
Range("I" & lastrow).ClearContents
End If
Parking_Fee = First_hr + (Total_hrs * Per_hr) + (Total_P_hrs * Per_P_hr)
Range("I" & lastrow).Value = Parking_Fee
Range("A1").Value = "=NOW()"
'Inserting the enter date & time
Date = "=TEXT(A1,""dd/mm/yy"")"
Range("A2").Value = Date
Date = Range("A2").Value
Time = "=TEXT(A1,""h:mm:ss"")"
'Range("A3").Value = Time
'Exit_Time = Range("A3").Value
Inbox_message = "<" & Time & "> Parking Fee: $" & Parking_Fee
MsgBox "Parking Fee: $" & Parking_Fee
'Go to Short message services log
'Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
'On Error Resume Next
Lin Yao wei
'Find for Short message services activation
'Cells.Find(What:=enter_exit_vehicle_id, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:= _
'xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:= _
'False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
'If ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0).Value = enter_exit_vehicle_id Then
'If registered member
'Member_row = ActiveCell.Row
'Member_Mobile_No = Range("D" & Member_row).Value
'Balance = Range("F" & Member_row).Value
'New_Balance = Balance - Parking_Fee
'Range("F" & Member_row).Value = New_Balance
'Inbox_message = "<" & Enter_Time & "> PARKING FEE: $" & Parking_Fee & " HAVE A NICE DAY"
'MsgBox "PARKING FEE: $" & Parking_Fee
'End If
'If ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0).Value <> enter_exit_vehicle_id Then
'No records in entrance log
'MsgBox "PARKING FEE: $" & Parking_Fee
'End If
End If
Unload Exit_Flow
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Hp_log_lastrow = lastrow + 1
Range("A1").Value = "=NOW()"
'Inserting the enter date & time
Enter_Date = "=TEXT(A1,""dd/mm/yy"")"
Range("A2").Value = Enter_Date
Enter_Date = Range("A2").Value
Enter_Time = "=TEXT(A1,""h:mm:ss"")"
Range("A3").Value = Enter_Time
Enter_Time = Range("A3").Value
Range("B" & Hp_log_lastrow).Value = Inbox_message
Unload Exit_Flow
Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 2)
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Exit_count = lastrow - 2
ADMIN.Exit_count.Text = Exit_count
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
last_row = lastrow + 1
If lastrow = 2 Then
'Check for empty
lastrow = 3
End If
For Row = 3 To last_row
ADMIN.Exit_list.AddItem Sheets("EXIT_LOG").Cells(Row, 2)
Next Row
ADMIN.Exit_list.Value = Range("B" & lastrow).Value
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Short Message Services_count = lastrow - 2
ADMIN.Short Message Services_count.Text = Short Message Services_count
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
last_row = lastrow + 1
If lastrow = 2 Then
'Check for empty
lastrow = 3
End If
ADMIN.Short Message Services_list.Clear
For Row = 3 To last_row
ADMIN.Short Message Services_list.AddItem Sheets("SMS_LOG").Cells(Row, 2)
Next Row
ADMIN.Short Message Services_list.Value = Range("B" & lastrow).Value
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Enter_count = lastrow - 2
ADMIN.Enter_count.Text = Enter_count
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
last_row = lastrow + 1
If lastrow = 2 Then
'Check for empty
Lin Yao wei
lastrow = 3
End If
For Row = 3 To last_row
ADMIN.Enter_list.AddItem Sheets("ENTRANCE_LOG").Cells(Row, 2)
Next Row
ADMIN.Enter_list.Value = Range("B" & lastrow).Value
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub New_Vehicle_Id_Change()
End Sub
Private Sub Inbox_button_Click()
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
last_row = lastrow
lastrow = lastrow + 1
For Row = 3 To lastrow
HP_INBOX_FLOW.HP_INBOX.AddItem Sheets("HP_LOG").Cells(Row, 2)
Next Row
HP_INBOX_FLOW.HP_INBOX.Value = Range("B" & last_row).Value
Unload HP_FLOW
End Sub
Private Sub Mail_image_Click()
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
last_row = lastrow
lastrow = lastrow + 1
For Row = 3 To lastrow
HP_INBOX_FLOW.HP_INBOX.AddItem Sheets("HP_LOG").Cells(Row, 2)
Next Row
HP_INBOX_FLOW.HP_INBOX.Value = Range("B" & last_row).Value
Unload HP_FLOW
End Sub
Private Sub Short Message Services_back_Click()
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Enter_count = lastrow - 2
ADMIN.Enter_count.Text = Enter_count
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Short Message Services_count = lastrow - 2
ADMIN.Short Message Services_count.Text = Short Message Services_count
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Exit_count = lastrow - 2
ADMIN.Exit_count.Text = Exit_count
Unload HP_FLOW
End Sub
Lin Yao wei
Private Sub Short Message Services_cancel_Click()
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Exit_count = lastrow - 2
ADMIN.Exit_count.Text = Exit_count
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
last_row = lastrow + 1
If lastrow = 2 Then
'Check for empty
lastrow = 3
End If
For Row = 3 To last_row
ADMIN.Exit_list.AddItem Sheets("EXIT_LOG").Cells(Row, 2)
Next Row
ADMIN.Exit_list.Value = Range("B" & lastrow).Value
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Short Message Services_count = lastrow - 2
ADMIN.Short Message Services_count.Text = Short Message Services_count
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
last_row = lastrow + 1
If lastrow = 2 Then
'Check for empty
lastrow = 3
End If
ADMIN.Short Message Services_list.Clear
For Row = 3 To last_row
ADMIN.Short Message Services_list.AddItem Sheets("SMS_LOG").Cells(Row, 2)
Next Row
ADMIN.Short Message Services_list.Value = Range("B" & lastrow).Value
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Enter_count = lastrow - 2
ADMIN.Enter_count.Text = Enter_count
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
last_row = lastrow + 1
If lastrow = 2 Then
'Check for empty
lastrow = 3
End If
For Row = 3 To last_row
ADMIN.Enter_list.AddItem Sheets("ENTRANCE_LOG").Cells(Row, 2)
Next Row
ADMIN.Enter_list.Value = Range("B" & lastrow).Value
Unload HP_FLOW
End Sub
Private Sub Send_reply_text_Click()
If HP_INBOX_FLOW.Reply_text.Value = "" Then
MsgBox "Your reply text is empty"
Exit Sub
End If
'Check for empty entry
Reply_message = HP_INBOX_FLOW.Reply_text.Value
Reply_inbox_message = HP_INBOX_FLOW.HP_INBOX.Value
'Go to Short message services log
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
On Error Resume Next
'Find for Short Message Services activation
Cells.Find(What:=Reply_inbox_message, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:= _
xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:= _
False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
Lin Yao wei
If ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0).Value = Reply_inbox_message Then
ID = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Hp_log_lastrow = lastrow + 1
Range("A1").Value = "=NOW()"
Enter_Date = "=TEXT(A1,""dd/mm/yy"")"
Range("A2").Value = Enter_Date
Enter_Date = Range("A2").Value
Enter_Time = "=TEXT(A1,""h:mm:ss"")"
Range("A3").Value = Enter_Time
Enter_Time = Range("A3").Value
'Inserting the enter date & time
If Reply_message <> ID Then
Inbox_message = "<" & Enter_Time & "> ID: " & Reply_message & " Invalid vehicle ID "
End If
If Reply_message = ID Then
Inbox_message = "<" & Enter_Time & "> ID: " & Reply_message & " Short message services payment activated "
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
lastrow = lastrow + 1
Range("B" & lastrow).Value = Reply_message
'Enter new vehicle id
Range("A1").Value = "=NOW()"
'Inserting the enter date & time
Enter_Date = "=TEXT(A1,""dd/mm/yy"")"
Range("A2").Value = Enter_Date
Enter_Time = "=TEXT(A1,""h:mm:ss"")"
Range("A3").Value = Enter_Time
Range("C" & lastrow).Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=True
MsgBox "Vehicle id: " & Reply_message & " Log in Short message services database"
End If
Range("B" & Hp_log_lastrow).Value = Inbox_message
Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 2)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Short Message Services_back_Click()
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
lastrow = lastrow + 1
Range("B4" & ":C" & lastrow).Select
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
last_row = lastrow
lastrow = lastrow + 1
For Row = 3 To lastrow
HP_INBOX_FLOW.HP_INBOX.AddItem Sheets("HP_LOG").Cells(Row, 2)
Next Row
HP_INBOX_FLOW.HP_INBOX.Value = Range("B" & last_row).Value
End Sub
Private Sub Short Message Services_cancel_Click()
Lin Yao wei
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Exit_count = lastrow - 2
ADMIN.Exit_count.Text = Exit_count
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
last_row = lastrow + 1
If lastrow = 2 Then
'Check for empty
lastrow = 3
End If
For Row = 3 To last_row
ADMIN.Exit_list.AddItem Sheets("EXIT_LOG").Cells(Row, 2)
Next Row
ADMIN.Exit_list.Value = Range("B" & lastrow).Value
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Short Message Services_count = lastrow - 2
ADMIN.Short Message Services_count.Text = Short Message Services_count
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
last_row = lastrow + 1
If lastrow = 2 Then
'Check for empty
lastrow = 3
End If
ADMIN.Short Message Services_list.Clear
For Row = 3 To last_row
ADMIN.Short Message Services_list.AddItem Sheets("SMS_LOG").Cells(Row, 2)
Next Row
ADMIN.Short Message Services_list.Value = Range("B" & lastrow).Value
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Enter_count = lastrow - 2
ADMIN.Enter_count.Text = Enter_count
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
last_row = lastrow + 1
If lastrow = 2 Then
'Check for empty
lastrow = 3
End If
For Row = 3 To last_row
ADMIN.Enter_list.AddItem Sheets("ENTRANCE_LOG").Cells(Row, 2)
Next Row
ADMIN.Enter_list.Value = Range("B" & lastrow).Value
End Sub
Private Sub Short Message Services_send_Click()
Dim Short Message Services_vehicle_id As String
If SMS_FLOW.Entrance_Vehicle_No.Value = "" Then
MsgBox "Please fill in the mobile number."
Exit Sub
End If
'Check for empty entry
enter_Short Message Services_vehicle_id = SMS_FLOW.Entrance_Vehicle_No.Value
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
'Go to entrance log
On Error Resume Next
'Check on entered records
Cells.Find(What:=enter_Short Message Services_vehicle_id, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:= _
xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:= _
False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
If ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0).Value <> enter_Short Message Services_vehicle_id Then 'No entered records
Lin Yao wei
MsgBox "No records of vehicle in carpark"
Exit Sub
End If
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
'Go to Short message services log
On Error Resume Next
'Find for Short Message Services activation
Cells.Find(What:=enter_Short Message Services_vehicle_id, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:= _
xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:= _
False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
If ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0).Value = enter_Short Message Services_vehicle_id Then
MsgBox "Short message services payment has been activated"
Exit Sub
'Short message services payment activated
'Inserting the Short message services date & time
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
lastrow = lastrow + 1
Range("B" & lastrow).Value = enter_Short Message Services_vehicle_id
Range("A1").Value = "=NOW()"
Short Message Services_Date = "=TEXT(A1,""dd/mm/yy"")"
Range("A2").Value = Short Message Services_Date
Short Message Services_Time = "=TEXT(A1,""h:mm:ss"")"
Range("A3").Value = Short Message Services_Time
Range("C" & lastrow).Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=True
MsgBox "THANK YOU FOR USING Short message services PAYMENT"
'Exit Short message services flow
End If
End Sub
Private Sub New_Vehicle_Id_Change()
End Sub
Private Sub Send_new_Short Message Services_Click()
If SMS_FLOW.New_text.Value = "" Then
MsgBox "Your message text is empty"
Exit Sub
End If
'Check for empty entry
New_text_vehicle = SMS_FLOW.New_text.Value
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
'Go to entrance log
On Error Resume Next
'Check on entered records
Cells.Find(What:=New_text_vehicle, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:= _
xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:= _
False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
Entrance_vehicle = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0).Value
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Hp_log_lastrow = lastrow + 1
Range("A1").Value = "=NOW()"
'Inserting the enter date & time
Lin Yao wei
Enter_Date = "=TEXT(A1,""dd/mm/yy"")"
Range("A2").Value = Enter_Date
Enter_Date = Range("A2").Value
Enter_Time = "=TEXT(A1,""h:mm:ss"")"
Range("A3").Value = Enter_Time
Enter_Time = Range("A3").Value
If Entrance_vehicle <> New_text_vehicle Then
Inbox_message = "<" & Enter_Time & "> ID:" & New_text_vehicle & " Invalid vehicle ID "
End If
If Entrance_vehicle = New_text_vehicle Then
Inbox_message = "<" & Enter_Time & "> ID:" & New_text_vehicle & " Welcome! Please reply to activate Short Message Services payment "
End If
Range("B" & Hp_log_lastrow).Value = Inbox_message
Range("C" & Hp_log_lastrow).Value = New_text_vehicle
Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 2)
End Sub
Private Sub Short Message Services_back_Click()
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Enter_count = lastrow - 2
ADMIN.Enter_count.Text = Enter_count
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Short Message Services_count = lastrow - 2
ADMIN.Short Message Services_count.Text = Short Message Services_count
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Exit_count = lastrow - 2
ADMIN.Exit_count.Text = Exit_count
End Sub
Private Sub Short Message Services_cancel_Click()
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Exit_count = lastrow - 2
ADMIN.Exit_count.Text = Exit_count
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
last_row = lastrow + 1
If lastrow = 2 Then
'Check for empty
lastrow = 3
End If
For Row = 3 To last_row
ADMIN.Exit_list.AddItem Sheets("EXIT_LOG").Cells(Row, 2)
Next Row
ADMIN.Exit_list.Value = Range("B" & lastrow).Value
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Enter_count = lastrow - 2
ADMIN.Enter_count.Text = Enter_count
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
last_row = lastrow + 1
If lastrow = 2 Then
'Check for empty
Lin Yao wei
lastrow = 3
End If
For Row = 3 To last_row
ADMIN.Enter_list.AddItem Sheets("ENTRANCE_LOG").Cells(Row, 2)
Next Row
ADMIN.Enter_list.Value = Range("B" & lastrow).Value
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Short Message Services_count = lastrow - 2
ADMIN.Short Message Services_count.Text = Short Message Services_count
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
last_row = lastrow + 1
If lastrow = 2 Then
'Check for empty
lastrow = 3
End If
ADMIN.Short Message Services_list.Clear
For Row = 3 To last_row
ADMIN.Short Message Services_list.AddItem Sheets("SMS_LOG").Cells(Row, 2)
Next Row
ADMIN.Short Message Services_list.Value = Range("B" & lastrow).Value
End Sub
Private Sub Short Message Services_send_Click()
Dim Short Message Services_vehicle_id As String
If SMS_FLOW.Entrance_Vehicle_No.Value = "" Then
MsgBox "Please fill in the mobile number."
Exit Sub
End If
'Check for empty entry
enter_Short Message Services_vehicle_id = SMS_FLOW.Entrance_Vehicle_No.Value
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
'Go to entrance log
On Error Resume Next
'Check on entered records
Cells.Find(What:=enter_Short Message Services_vehicle_id, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:= _
xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:= _
False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
If ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0).Value <> enter_Short Message Services_vehicle_id Then 'No entered records
Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 2)
HP_FLOW.Rx_Short Message Services.Value = "Inbox: No records of vehicle in carpark"
Exit Sub
End If
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
'Go to Short message services log
On Error Resume Next
'Find for Short Message Services activation
Cells.Find(What:=enter_Short Message Services_vehicle_id, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:= _
xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:= _
False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
If ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0).Value = enter_Short Message Services_vehicle_id Then 'Short message services payment activated
Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 2)
HP_FLOW.Rx_Short Message Services.Value = "Inobx: Short message services payment has already activated"
Exit Sub
Lin Yao wei
'Inserting the Short message services date & time
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
lastrow = lastrow + 1
Range("B" & lastrow).Value = enter_Short Message Services_vehicle_id
Range("A1").Value = "=NOW()"
Short Message Services_Date = "=TEXT(A1,""dd/mm/yy"")"
Range("A2").Value = Short Message Services_Date
Short Message Services_Time = "=TEXT(A1,""h:mm:ss"")"
Range("A3").Value = Short Message Services_Time
Range("C" & lastrow).Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=True
Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 2)
HP_FLOW.Rx_Short Message Services.Value = "Inobx: Thank you for using Short Message Services payment"
MsgBox "Data log into Short message services database"
'Unload HP_FLOW
'Exit Short message services flow
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Click()
End Sub