Appendix Five - Societies 1 Definitions 1.1 For the purposes of this appendix the term ‘Societies’ shall refer to all Societies recognised by the Societies Federation and University of Warwick Students' Union. 2 Finance 2.1 Rules concerning the entitlement of Societies to subsidy from Union funds for their activities and rules regarding the use of such funds are contained within the Finance Regulations. 3 Recognition of Societies and Clubs 3.1 Societies Federation Committee shall have the power to recognise Societies; Union Council will have the power to recognise Societies. Union Council shall be a body of appeal in these matters and shall have the power to overturn the decision of the Societies Federation Committee in regard to the recognition of a Society. 3.2 Any full member or members wishing to form a Society must present the aims and objectives of the proposed Society to the Societies Federation Committee. This should be accompanied by a form bearing the names, addresses, signatures and Warwick card number of at least thirty supporting full members. 3.3 The Societies Federation Committee may refuse recognition of a Society if: a) A Society with broadly similar aims and objectives is already recognised and the Committee judges that the new Society or Club would merely duplicate activity already available. b) It believes that the aims and objectives of the Society fall within or are closer to the terms of reference of another Standing Committee. c) Its proposed activities are, in the opinion of the Committee, not in accordance with the Union’s constitution. d) The Committee believes there are other substantial reasons for doing so. 3.4 The Societies Federation Committee may withdraw recognition of a Society if: a) Its activities are, in the opinion of the Committee, not in accordance with the provisions of its constitution or its aims and objectives as stated at the time of recognition. b) The Society breaches Union Policy, Appendices or the Constitution. c) The Society’s active membership falls to below 30 (see 3.10). d) The committee believes there are other substantial reasons for doing so. -1Appendix Five – Societies Last Amended 23/01/07 3.5 Recognition of a Society by the Union does not infer agreement or otherwise with the aims and objectives of the Society or an entitlement to Union funds. Societies must not breach Union policy but are permitted to hold a view not in accordance with policy. 3.6 The Societies Federation Committee shall have a responsibility for overseeing the activities and finances of societies above and beyond those laid down in the Finance Regulations. The recognising Standing Committee shall: a) Make arrangements for the receipt of an annual bid for funds from each Society that shall include a statement of activities and objectives for the coming year and a detailed justification of the figures contained within the bid. b) Notify the Societies of the likely outcome of their annual bid prior to the end of the summer term and the actual outcome prior to the start of the autumn term if possible. 3.7 Societies that fail to submit an annual bid for funds to the Societies Federation Committee may have their accounts frozen, be fined or derecognised, as appropriate. 3.8 Membership of all Societies shall automatically lapse at the end of the summer term. Societies shall have 5 weeks from the beginning of the autumn term to raise at least thirty members who have paid the appropriate subscription and supplied the appropriate membership details. The Societies Federation Committee will meet at this point and for each Society with fewer than thirty members the Societies Federation Committee will either confirm the withdrawal of recognition or exempt the Society under Section 4.9. Newly recognised Societies shall have a period of six weeks, within term time, to gain thirty members from the date of recognition. 3.9 The Societies Federation Committee may rule that the continued existence of a Society is of particular importance to all or part of the membership and exempt it from withdrawal of recognition in the event that its membership falls below thirty. 4 Provision of Resources 4.1 The Societies and Student Development Officer shall be responsible for providing general facilities for the use of Societies. 4.2 Recognised Societies shall be entitled: a) To use the clerical services of the Union, subject to the availability of such services. b) To book rooms in the Union Building, subject to any regulations. c) To use the Union notice boards, subject to any regulations. d) To use the services and facilities in the Resources Room. 4.3 Societies Federation Committee in consultation with Societies shall annually decide the cost of membership. If a Society wishes to opt out of -2Appendix Five – Societies Last Amended 23/01/07 the standard rate they may do so after approval by the Societies and Student Development Officer respectively. Subscription rates for nonunion members (Associate members) shall reflect the true cost of the facilities made available to members of the Society. This rate is decided with the society exec and the Societies and Student Development Officer. 4.4 The Treasurer of the society must attend a Financial Training Course, an Executive Committee member from each society must attend an Equal Opportunities Training session, and a representative from the Executive Committee must also attend the Duty of Care training session. Failure to attend will result in all accounts held by the society being frozen until attendance at the training courses. 4.5 Equipment held by a Society is the property of the Union. At the beginning of each academic year, a list of equipment shall be presented to the Societies and Student Development Officer. 5 Constitution 5.1 All Societies shall abide by a standard Constitution as set out on their respective constitution form. 6 Societies Federation Membership 6.1 There shall be the following classes of membership: a) Full membership, which shall be open to Full members of the Students’ Union. b) Honorary Life Membership, which may be accorded to past Officers or others, and to other persons who have given outstanding service to the Societies Federation at the discretion of the Societies Federation Committee, or Union Council. c) Associate members as defined by the Union’s Constitution shall be entitled to join the Societies Federation. However, upon joining Societies they must pay a subscription rate that shall reflect the true cost of facilities and opportunities made available to them. d) Only full members shall be entitled to stand or vote in elections, or to hold office in any recognised Society. 7 Societies Convention 7.1 The Societies Convention will be attended by The Societies and Student Development Officer The Societies Federation Committee Chair Two representatives from each society recognised by the Societies’ Federation Committee 7.2 The Societies Convention will be an open meeting. 7.3 Meetings of the Societies Convention may be called at any time by the Societies and Student Development Officer. At least one meeting will take place in the first term before Societies’ Fayre. -3Appendix Five – Societies Last Amended 23/01/07 7.4 Meetings of the Societies Convention will normally be chaired by the Societies Federation Committee Chair. In the absence of the Societies Federation Committee Chair, the Societies Federation Committee will appoint one of its members to act as chair. 7.5 Notice of meetings of the Societies Convention will be given at least five days in advance of the meeting. Submissions for agenda items will be taken until the day before the meeting. 7.6 The AGM will be used to discuss issues of concern to Societies Federation, but can not overturn the decisions of the Societies Federation Committee. They can make recommendations to the Committee. 7.7 The Societies Convention will discuss items of concern to Societies Federation but can not overturn the decisions of the Societies Federation Committee. It can make recommendations to the Committee. 7.8 A Society that does not send at least two representatives to a meeting of the Societies Convention will be fined as appropriate by the Societies Federation Committee, unless adequate apologies are received. 8 Charity Collections 8.1 All collections on behalf of charities other than the University of Warwick Students’ Union will be assisted by a Charity Collections Assistance Panel. 8.2 The Societies Federation Committee will recognise one society that will be responsible for assisting charity collections. 8.3 The handling of all collected monies will be administered by this society on behalf of the panel. 8.4 The Charity Collections Assistance Panel will comprise: (a) The Societies and Student Development Officer (b) The Finance, Democracy and Strategy Officer (c) The Societies Federation Committee Chair (d) The Sports Federation Committee Chair (e) Two members of the society who will be selected by the Societies Federation Committee. (f) Two other members nominated by the Societies Federation Committee. 8.5 The Charity Collections Assistance Panel must be notified of all charitable collections run by Union bodies to aid charities other than the Union. 8.6 Decisions made by the Charity Collections Assistance Panel will be made for operational and not political reasons. 8.7 In the case of either the Charity Collections Assistance Panel failing to reach a decision or an appeal to the decision of the Charity Collections Assistance Panel, the Executive Committee will make a final decision. -4Appendix Five – Societies Last Amended 23/01/07 8.8 The Executive will pass regulations regarding collection for charities other than the Union, these regulations will specify procedures for the collection and handling of monies. 8.9 The Charity Collections Assistance Panel will report to Council at the end of each term. -5Appendix Five – Societies Last Amended 23/01/07