Poverty and welfare in Ireland c.1833-1948 26-27 June 2009, Institute of Irish Studies, Queen’s University Belfast Organisers: Peter Gray and Olwen Purdue, QUB Friday 26 June 0930 Registration/Coffee IIS Foyer 1000 Introduction: David Hayton (Head of School) Plenary 1: Chair: Peter Gray (QUB) Peter Higginbotham ‘The Workhouses of Ireland’ IIS Sem Rm 1 1050 Session 1: Chair: Andrew Holmes (QUB) Richard Davis (U Tasmania) ‘William Smith O’Brien, Poor Laws and Vandiemonian convicts’ Ciarán Reilly (NUIM): ‘Clearing the estates to fill the workhouse: land agents and the Poor Law Unions in King’s County in the 1840s’ Ashley Amidon (U Hull) ‘Humanitarian crisis response in Ireland 1845-1850: Public vs. private sector involvement’ Caroline Skehill (QUB) ‘The origins of child welfare within the Poor Law’ IIS Sem Rm 1 1230 Lunch break Light lunches are available from Clements in QUB Student’s Union or Café Krem in Peter Froggett Centre RHS Symposium (1) Chair: Sean Connolly (QUB) Niall Ó Ciosain (NUIG): ‘The Poor Inquiry: a consensus theory of truth?’ Peter Gray (QUB): ‘Irish social thought and the relief of poverty, 1847-80’ 1005 1345 1505 1520 1800 2000 Coffee RHS Symposium (2) - Chair: Mary O’Dowd (QUB) Anna Clark (U Minnesota): ‘Orphans and the British State: The Case of 19th-Century Ireland’ Virginia Crossman (Oxford Brookes), ‘The Irish Poor Law revisited: Reassessing Poor Relief in Post-Famine Ireland’ Greta Jones (UUJ) and Catherine Cox (UCD), ‘Doctors and Dispensaries: The Doctor and the Poor Law in Ireland c.1860-1910’ Wine Reception in Clifton House Address by Jonathan Bardon: ‘The Old Poor House and Belfast Charitable Society’ Conference Dinner IIS Sem Rm 1 IIS Sem Rm 1 IIS Foyer IIS Sem Rm 1 Clifton House (N. Queen St) Nick’s Warehouse, Hill St. Saturday 27 June 0930 Session 2: ESRC Project Panel, ‘Welfare Regimes under the Irish Poor Law, 1850-1922’ Chair: Virginia Crossman (OBU) Georgina Laragy (Oxford Brookes): Eastern Ireland Olwen Purdue (QUB): Ulster Sean Lucey (Oxford Brookes): Western Ireland IIS Sem Rm 1 1115 1130 Coffee Plenary 2: Chair: Liam Kennedy (QUB) Larry Geary (UCC): ‘The medical profession, health care and the poor law in nineteenth-century Ireland’ Lunch Sandwich lunch available Session 3: Chair: Marie Coleman (QUB) Ann Daly ‘The Dublin Medical Press response to the Medical Charities Debate’ Sean Beattie (UUM): ‘Female cultural philanthropy: Alice Hart and Donegal Industry’ Inga Brandes (U Trier): ‘Destitution, decency, deservingness: Continuity and change within the Poor Law and Social Welfare System in Ireland, 1880s-1930s’ IIS Foyer IIS Sem Rm 1 1510 Coffee IIS Foyer 1530 Session 4: Chair: Olwen Purdue (QUB) Patricia Marsh (QUB) ‘“An enormous amount of distress among the poor”: Aid for the poor during the Influenza pandemic of 1918-19’ Leanne McCormick (UUJ) 'Bad, pregnant or missed the train: the role of the Belfast Salvation Army home in women's welfare, 1905-50' Peter Martin (QUB): ‘Medical Benefit in Northern Ireland 1911-39’ IIS Sem Rm 1 1650 Concluding remarks: Virginia Crossman (Oxford Brookes) Peter Gray (QUB) CLOSE IIS Sem Rm 1 1230 1330 1700 IIS Foyer IIS Sem Rm 1 For further information email: povertyconference@qub.ac.uk Or Visit: http://www.qub.ac.uk/schools/History/NewsandEvents/Conferences/poverty09 Irish Poor Law and Welfare History Resources online Peter Higginbotham’s Workhouse history site has an Irish workhouses section: http://www.workhouses.org.uk/ Many of the official publications relating to the Irish poor law system are available online at: http://www.eppi.ac.uk Poor Law records at PRONI: http://www.proni.gov.uk/your_family_tree_series_-_13__poor_law_records.pdf Poor Law records at National Archives of Ireland: http://www.nationalarchives.ie/research/poorlaw.html Health and Medicine in Northern Ireland, 1921-72 (Peter Martin): http://medicalhistoryni.co.uk/