Fresno County Halloween Fair and Classic Horse show 2015

Fresno County Fair and Classic Qualifier and Open Horse Shows
Verde View Farm 1683 N. Del Rey Ave., Sanger, CA
Registration opens @ 7:30 a.m. Classes begin @ 8:30 a.m. We will start on time.
Pre-Registration recommended, please!
. English
Begin at 8:30
1.English Showmanship –Sr.
2.English Showmanship-Jr.
3.English Showmanship-Pony
4.English Showmanship-Green
5.English Showmanship-1st yr.
6.English Equitation-Senior
7.English Equitation-Junior
8.English Equitation-Pony
9.*English Eq.-Open-w/t/c
10.English Equitation-Green
11.English Equitation-1st yr.
12.* English Eq.- Open-w/t
13.Hunter Under Saddle-Sr.
14.Hunter Under Saddle-Jr.
15.Hunter Under Saddle-Pony
17.Hunter Under Saddle-Green
18.Hunter Under Saddle-1st yr.
19.*Hunter U/Saddle- Open-w/t
20.English Pleasure-Sr.
21.English Pleasure-Jr.
22.English Pleasure-Pony
23* English Pleasure -Openw/t/c
24.English Pleasure –Green
25.English Pleasure-1st yr.
26.* English Pleasure-Open-w/t
27.Ground poles Hunters-Green
28.Ground poles Hunters-1st yr.
29.*Gd. poles Hunters-open-w/t
30.Cross Rail Hunters
31.*Cross Rail Hunters-Openw/t/c
32.Hunter Hack-2’-2’3”
33.Eq. Over Fences-2’-2’3”
Classes will begin after the
(western & english-w/t/c & w/t)
41.Showmanship-1st yr.
42.Western Equitation-Sr.
43.Western Equitation-Jr.
44.Western Equitation-Pony
45.*Western Eq.-Open-w/t/c
46.Western Equitation-Green
47Western Equitation-1st yr.
48.*Western Eq.- Open-w/t
49.Western Pleasure-Sr.
50.Western Pleasure-Jr.
51.Western Pleasure-Pony
52.*Western Plea.- Open-w/t/c
53.Western Pleasure-Green
54.Western Pleasure-1st yr.
55.*Western Plea. – Open-w/t
61.Horsemanship-1st yr.
64.Trail –Jr.
65.Trail – Pony
66.*Trail – Open-w/t/c
67.Trail – Green
68. Trail – 1st yr.
69.*Trail – Open-w/t
If no conflicts, gymkhana will run
concurrent to Western Trail
70. Pole bending-Sr.
71. Pole bending-Jr.
72. Pole bending-Pony
73*. Pole bending-Open-w/t/c
74*. Pole bending-Open-w/t
75. Single Stake – Sr.
76. Single Stake – Jr.
77. Single Stake- Pony
78*. Single Stake-Open-w/t/c
79*. Single Stake –Open-w/t
80. Speed Barrels – Sr
81. Speed Barrels – Jr
82. Speed Barrels-Pony
83*. Speed Barrels-Open-w/t/c
84*. Speed Barrels-Open-w/t
85. Cloverleaf Barrels – Sr
86. Cloverleaf Barrels – Jr
87. Cloverleaf-Pony
89*. Cloverleaf-Open-w/t
90. Bi-Rangle – Senior
91. Bi-Rangle – Junior
92. Bi-Rangle - Pony
93*. Bi-Rangle - Open-w/t/c
94*. Bi-Rangle – Open-w/t
95. Quadrangle – Senior
96. Quadrangle – Junior
97. Quadrangle – Pony
98*. Quadrangle- Open-w/t/c
99*. Quadrangle-Open-w/t
This is both a Classic Qualifying Horse Show and a club sponsored horse show (indicated by an *); two
shows running concurrently. You may not cross over from one show to the other. To show in the qualifier
you must have owned or leased your horse for 120 days prior to this show and have your ownwership/lease
form on file at the County Office. The open show is for anyone who has not owned or leased for a full 120
days or anyone who is borrowing and/or sharing horses. Horses can be shared but not in the same division.
Class placing first-sixth. High Point awarded. The cross rail-Sr.,Jr.,Pony class does not count toward
high point.
Green Horse – Fresno Co 4H clarification of Green Horse - Any age horse that has never been shown at a lope
or canter. Horses five years and under in first year of showing; must be shown in a bosal or snaffle bit; never
to have been shown in a bridle. In order to show a Green Horse, a member must have shown at least two years
and complete a survey with their horse leader which will be reviewed by the Horse Resource Leader. The
Horse Resource Leader will make the determination if the rider is qualified to show a Green Horse and if the
horse in question will be considered “Green.”
Management will combine classes of fewer than 3 entries. Classes will not be held more than three minutes.
Attire: All riders will wear Fresno County 4-H horse project attire, to consist of long-sleeve white, button-up
collar shirt, 4-H emblem scarf or tie, English breeches, blue or black jeans, boots (no athletic shoes), belt and
riding helmet approved & properly fitting. Gloves are optional. No western chaps, English jackets, or vests
(protective vests are acceptable). Jackets and or sweat shirts are allowed due to cold weather but entry number
must be clearly visible.
Out of County Riders: Are responsible for reading the ATTIRE section of this entry and dressing accordingly.
If horse leader is not @ the show, entry form should include phone number of Horse Project Leader, and a letter
stating your child is a member in good standing in your county.
Rules: The show will follow the rules for the Fresno County 4-H Horse Project, 4-H State Classic Horse Show
and the US Equestrian Rulebook. Any protests must be brought directly to the show manager within 15
minutes of the end of a class. All decisions of the show manager will be final. No one approaches the Judge
with comments or problems. If judge is approached without prior approval from show management, you may
be asked to leave the show. There is NO coaching from the rail. Hard hats must be worn whenever you are
Fresno County Club Horse Show Management Rules
Show Manager: Oversees the operation and management of the 4-H Club Horse Show.
Manager has authority for final decision on any question relating to the Show.
Their decisions will be respected. The Manager can excuse anyone from the Show.
The Manager will document the incident and turn into the Fresno County 4-H Office by the following week.
Designated Club Horse Project Leader
Each club participating at a Show must designate one Club Horse Project Leader.
This Leader will check in with the Manager at start of show, sign in, and introduce self.
The Designated Club Horse Project Leader is the only leader that can sign the entries for their club for that
Show. If there is no Designated Club Horse Project Leader at the Show from a club, members from that club
will not show. The Designated Club Horse Project Leader is the only person from the club that can talk to the
Show Manager. Parents, members, and other leaders are not to talk to the Manager. They should talk with their
Designated Club Horse Project Leader.
Entry #_____________
Open Check_______
October 31, 2015 at Verde View Farms
Fresno County Fair and 4-H Classic Qualifier
Fresno County 4-H Open Horse Show
One horse/rider combination per form - fees due at show
E-mail entry to , or mail to: Dawn Stafford 6026 N. Greenwood Ave., Clovis, 93619
NAME: ___________________________Address __________________________phone#_____________
CLUB:________________County____________LEADER(name and #)___________________________
HORSE’S NAME: ___________________________________________________________________
DIVISIONS (age as of 1/2015): CIRCLE ONE
Senior (14 & up),
Junior (13 & under),
Pony(14’2” & under),
1st Yr,
Green Horse,
Classes (circle classes, cannot cross divisions such as showing 1st yr & Jr., cannot cross from qualifying
show to open show on same horse)
1 6 13 20 23
36 42 49 56
70 75 80 85 90 95
2 7 14 21 23
37 43 50 57
71 76 81 86 91 96
3 8 15 22 23
38 44 51 58 65 72 77 82 87 92 97
Open (w/t/c)
39 9 16 23 31 39 45 52 59 66 73 78 83 88 93 98
Green Horse
4 10 17 24 27 40 46 53 60 67
1st yr.
5 11 18 25 28 41 47 54 61 68
Open (w/t)
39 12 19 26 29 32 46 55 60 69 74 79 84 89 94 99
Jumping 2’-2’3” ; 2’6” ; 2’9”
30 32 33 34 35
#Classes________ X $4.99
Haul In Fee per horse
Total of all classes
make checks payable to: Blossom Trail 4-H
“I am a member in good standing of my club’s horse project. I will follow all Fresno Co 4-H rules while
competing at this show and additional rules stated on this form”. Riding helmet required, penalty for not
wearing helmet is immediate loss of entries & fees. I understand that Verde View Farm is in no way
responsible or liable for me, my property, or my animal at this 4-H event.
*4-Her signature
*Parent/Legal Guardian signature
*Project Leader signature
* Leader’s phone number day of show
______cash ______check ______check number _____*Medical Release if guardian absent(cannot be at show w/o adult)