Breeding Contract For - Australian Western Horse Showcase

Breeding Contract For
Breeding Fee of $880.00(inc GST) LFG. Plus agistment, vet &
Mare care. Or collection and shipping fees for cooled semen.
Mare owner’s Name______________________________________
(As it appears on the Registration Certificate)
Phone Numbers_________________ah____________________bh
Please Tick one of the following:
(___) I will be Bringing my mare to the stud.
(___) I will be requiring Shipped Cool Semen.
Mare’s Registered Name _________________________________
Registration Number _________________Birth Date____________
Please Tick one of the following:
(____) My mare is due to foal on _____________________
(____) My mare is not in foal at this time.
The Stallion manager reserves the right to refuse any mare.
This Contract entered into on the date of acceptance, by
and between the aforementioned mare “Owner” and the stallion
breeding “Manager”, who mutually agrees to the following:
SECTION 1 Agreement
The owner agrees to breed the mare listed to the Stallion “Absolootimage”,
during the _______ breeding season. This season normally begins September 1st, and
ends on January 31st unless special arrangements have been made with the stallion
manager. The mare owner agrees the mare will be halter broken and free from any
infectious diseases and in sound breeding condition. Any mare certified by the attending
Veterinarian not to be in his opinion, in sound breeding condition shall not be bred. This
contract may not be transferable by the mare owner.
SECTION 2 Agistment Veterinary Fees
The mare owner agrees to pay all charges applicable to the broodmare and/or
progeny for, but not limited to agistment fees, at the rate of $__________per day or to be
agreed upon by private negotiation by the stallion manager and the mare owner.
Transport to and from the Stud, all treatment, examinations, swabs and medicines
administered whether by the Stud Veterinarian, employees of the stud or by others, and
costs incurred by the stud during the broodmare and/or progeny’s stay.
SECTION 3 Deposit
The mare owned agrees to send a copy of the mare’s registration certificate
(where applicable) and a booking fee (deposit) of $330.00 to reserve a breeding, with this
completed and signed contract. Deposit is deductible from the total breeding fee but is
non-refundable upon cancellation of this contract.
SECTION 4 Service Certificate
A breeder’s service certificate will be issued to the mare owner after all fees
are paid in full.
SECTION 5 Payment
The breeding fee of $880.00 (GST inclusive), Vet and agistment, or the breeding
fee, collection and shipping fees for cooled semen, must be paid in full by cash, previously
cleared cheque or direct debit, before the semen is sent or the mare is released from the
farm, if being bred on site. Please Note: The mare owner is responsible for all fees and
charges occurred, with chilled semen or natural service.
SECTION 6 Live Foal Guarantee
If the mare does not become impregnated, or if the resulting foal dies
within twenty four (24) hours of being born, the stallion manager is held harmless
from all liability, and the mare owned will be entitled to a free rebreed the following
year. The mare owner will be liable for any shipping charges for cooled semen, or
mare care and veterinary fees if the mare is bred on site, at the farm.
SECTION 7 Cooled Semen
The Stallion Manager will ship a sufficient quantity of viable cooled semen,
to provide adequate breeding coverage, in accordance with the highest industry
standards, at a charge of $____________ and is payable prior to semen being
shipped. All requests for semen must be received by 9.00am Monday to Thursday for
over night freight any where in Australia to ensure next day delivery. Same day
shipment requirements will incur additional costs.
SECTION 8 Refund of breeding fee
It is further agreed that the stallion Absolootiomage be unable for any
reason whatsoever before serving the said mare, die or become unfit to serve, then
this contract shall be rendered null and void and the booking and breeding fee will be
refunded in full to the mare owner. This is the ONLY condition under which these
fees will be refunded.
SECTION 8 Fees Unpaid
It is an express condition of this agreement that Running ‘R’ Stud Shall
have a lien over the mare and/or progeny in respect of ant unpaid fees or charges and
further that Running ‘R’ Stud shall have the power to sell the mare and/or progeny to
recover such unpaid fees or charges should the same not be paid within thirty (30)
days after an account has been rendered or before the mare and/or progeny leaves
the stud. In this respect the mare owner hereby appoints Running ‘R’ Stud as the
owners’ attorney with the power to sell the mare and/or progeny if such fees as
aforesaid and to execute all necessary documents to achieve this end.
SECTION 9 All Care No Responsibility
Running ‘R’ Stud and/or Stud Veterinarian shall give all care and attention to
the broodmare and/or Progeny but shall not be held liable for any loss, damages or
claims of whatsoever nature and however arising from disease, accident, injury or
death causes or sustained by the broodmare and/or progeny whilst under the studs
care of the control of its servants or agents and the mare owner shall not be liable for
any disease or injury to the Stallion Absolootimage.
SECTION 10 Contract Acceptance
The mare owners signature on this contract attests to the fact that the mare
owner has read and understood all of the terms outlined herein and accepts this
contract as a legal binding instrument on behalf of the owner, owner’s heirs,
successors and assigns. This contract constitutes the agreement between parties.
No other agreements, whether verbal or implied, are included. This contract is made
in all States of Australia, regardless of the manner of solicitation, and shall be
interpreted, enforces and transacted under the laws of Australia.
Stallion managers details Rod Duddy Training Stables &
Running ‘R’ Stud
65 Gutteridge Road
Coominya Qld 4311
07 5426 4142
Date Of Acceptance
Mare Owners Signature
Stallion Managers Signature.