Modules with Corresp.. - The Global Change Program at the

Global Change, Global Challenges
1. Introduction (approach, goals and systems thinking) principles (2) and systems
(3-11) -BP/DA/TG
a. Introduction to Concepts
o "Challenges we face" –Critical Reading & Discourse
2. Life system (time, building blocks/soils, complex life, speciation, evolution,
ecosystem) biological principles -DA
a. Scientific Principles
o Natural Selection and Mutation: The Case of the Peppered Moth –
Systems Dynamic Modeling with STELLA
GC I Lecture
 Soils, Weathering and Nutrients
 Origin of Life
 Emergence of Complex Life; The Fossil Record; Punctuated Equilibrium
 The Process of Speciation
 Evolution and Natural Selection
3. Biodiversity (trophic systems, biological productivity, global inventory) -DA
a. Scientific Principles
o Biological Productivity and Trophic Systems –Systems Dynamic Modeling
b. State of the World
o Protecting Biodiversity –Spatial Data Analysis with Arcview
c. Societal Choices
o Biodiversity Threats –Critical Reading & Discourse
GC I Lecture
 The Flow of Energy: Primary Production
 The Flow of Energy: Higher Trophic Levels
 Ecological Communities: Networks of Interacting Species
 The Concept of the Ecosystem
 Competition and Resource Scarcity
 Trophic Links: Predation and Parasitism
GC II Lecture
 Threats to Biodiversity
 Global Deforestation
 Desertification
 Coastal Environments
 World Fisheries: Declines, Potential and Human Reliance
Parks and Protected Areas
4. Human evolution and environmental justice (origins, agricultural practices,
resources and repression)-RF
a. Scientific Principles
o The Environmental Consequences of Over-hunting –Systems Dynamic
Modeling with STELLA
o Population Dynamics: Predator-Prey Interactions –Systems Dynamic
Modeling with STELLA
b. State of the World
o Global Water and Agricultural Resources –Spatial Data Analysis with
c. Societal Choices
o Environmental Justice –Critical Reading & Discourse
GC II Lecture
 In the Beginning: Hominids and Environmental Change
 The Cultural Transformation of the Environment I
 The Cultural Transformation of the Environment II
 Cultural Adaptation, Maladaptation and Global Change
 Environmental Justice
5. Human population (demographic transition, economic drivers, trends)-GN
a. Scientific Principles
o Exploring Population Growth (J vs. S-shaped Curves) –Systems Dynamic
Modeling with STELLA
b. State of the World
o Population and Economy: Distribution and Growth –Spatial Data
Analysis with Arcview
c. Societal Choices
o Population Growth and Global Society -Film, Critical Reading &
GC II Lecture
 Population Growth over Human History
 Demographic Transition: An Historical Sociological Perspective
 Human Appropriation of the World's Food Supply
 Human Appropriation of the World's Water Supply
 Emergence of Infectious Diseases and Health
6. Restless Earth: natural hazards (earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, landslides,
a. Scientific Principles
o Geophysical Data: Plates and Topography - Excel
b. State of the World
o Distribution of Earthquakes and Volcanoes: Societal Impacts –Spatial
Data Analysis with Arcview
c. Societal Choices
o Averting Natural Disasters –Critical Reading & Discourse
GC I Lecture
 Clocks in Rocks: Isotopes and Age of Earth
 Continents and Oceans: Topography and Isostasy
 Earth's Untamed Energy: Earthquakes and Volcanoes - Part I and Part II
 Evolving Earth: Plate Tectonics
7. Energy and our world (fusion, electromagnetic radiation, radiative equilibrium,
fuel sources)-BP
a. Scientific Principles
o Earth's Energy Balance Model - –Systems Dynamic Modeling with
b. State of the World
o Global Energy Resources: Population and Consumption –Spatial Data
Analysis with Arcview
c. Societal Choices
o Making Better Energy Choices –Critical Reading & Discourse
GC I Lecture
 In the Beginning - Evolution of the Universe, Radiation Laws and Big Bang
 Evolution of the Solar System and the Planets
 Evolution of Stars, Origin of the Elements
 Energy Balance of the Surface of Early Planets, Temperature, and Natural
Greenhouse Gases
GC II Lecture
 Energy 1: Today
 Energy 2: Tomorrow
 Energy 3: Systems and Policy
8. Climate: Atmosphere and Ocean (circulation, climate zones, greenhouse effect,
future scenarios)-TK
a. Scientific Principles
o Analysis of Vostok Ice Core Data - Excel Exercise
b. State of the World
o Carbon Dioxide Emissions –Spatial Data Analysis with Arcview
c. Societal Choices Exercise
o Climate Lab and Virtual Energy Balance –Critical Reading & Discourse
GC I Lecture
 The Earth System - Feedback Mechanisms in Climate
 Earth's Early Years: Differentiation, Water and Early Atmosphere
 Evolution of the Atmosphere: Composition, Structure and Energy
 Climate Patterns Past and Present
 Global Warming Potential of Greenhouse Gases and the Energy (Im)Balance of Our
Current Atmosphere.
 Climate Models & Predictions for the Future
 The Blue Planet: Salinity, Circulation, and the Conveyor Belt
 Future Weather
GC II Lecture
 Global Climate Change
 Mechanisms and Scenarios of Climate Forecasting
 Potential Impacts and Mitigation Strategies
 Forecasting the Future – Models
9. Development and pollution (air and fresh water pollution, urbanization and
a. Scientific Principles
o Air and Water Pollution –Systems Dynamic Modeling with STELLA
b. State of the World
o Population Growth and Urbanization –Spatial Data Analysis with
c. Societal Choices
o Urbanization and Pollution –Critical Reading & Discourse
 Ozone: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
 Dust in the Wind
 Economic Growth and How We Measure It
 Developed and Less Developed Countries
 Development, Poverty, and the Environment
Urbanization and Pollution
Environmental Economics and Pollution Control
Sustainable Development (in relation to urbanization)
10. Global biogeochemical cycles-GK
a. Scientific Principles
o Creation of a Global Hydrologic Cycle Model -–Systems Dynamic
Modeling with STELLA
b. State of the World
o Alteration of the Global Carbon Cycle –Systems Dynamic Modeling with
c. Societal Choices
o Biogeochemistry of the Tropical Rainforest –Exercise, Critical Reading &
GC I Lecture
 Microbes: Transformers of Matter and Materials
 The Global Water and Nitrogen Cycles - the Case of Acid Rain
 The Global Carbon Cycle
 Climate Change in Great Lakes Region
 Using Ecosystem Science to Solve Problems: The Case of the Killer Lakes of
 The Tropical Rain Forest
11. Sustainability - TG
a. Scientific Principles
o Systems Thinking Workshop – The Coming Anarchy Systems Thinking
b. State of the World
o Inequity and Civil Liberties –Spatial Data Analysis with Arcview
c. Societal Choices
o Ecological Footprint -Activity, Critical Reading & Discourse
 Connecting Human Health Patterns with Environmental and Social Change
 Trends in, and Consequences of, Global Inequality
 Assessing the Spread of Democracy and Human Rights
 The Global Communications Revolution & Rise of Civil Society
 Appraising the Consequences of Economic Globalization
 Human Conflict and Security
 Mind Futures: Confronting the Challenges of Global and Long-Term Thinking