zones univ

International Symposium on Methane Hydrates and Fluid Flow in Upper
Accretionary Prisms (PrismFluid 2004)
Shirankaikan, Kyoto, Japan
Tuesday, March 9
Opening Address
Toshifumi Matsuoka (Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto Univ.)
Technical Program
Deformation of accretionary prisms (9:30 - 11:00)
Chairperson: M. Ienaga (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)
Formation of Accretionary Prism and Associated Fluid Flow: a Research
T. Shimamoto, W. Tanikawa, H.Kitajima, Y. Aizawa and M. Komizo
(Graduate School of Science, Kyoto Univ.)
Porosity and Permeability Structures of the Shimanto Accretionary Prism,
Kochi Prefecture, Southwest Japan
S. Nishino* and A. Tsutsumi (Graduate School of Science, Kyoto Univ.,
*present address: NEC)
Analogue Modelling of Accetionary Prisms With Granular Materials
Yasuhiro Yamada*, Kokoro Kaneda*, Kei Baba** and Toshi Matsuoka*
(*Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto Univ., **JAPEX Research Center)
Deformation and Fluid Pressure Variation in the Plate Boundary Decollement
Break (11:00-11:10)
Geophysical survey and decollement (11:10-12:40)
Chairperson: S. Morita (GSJ, AIST-GREEN)
Seismic Exploration for Methane Hydrate
T. Matsuoka (Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto Univ.)
Investigation of Gas Occurrence using AVO Analysis in the Nankai Trough
M. Hato*, T. Inamori* and A. Bahar** (*Japan Petroleum Exploration,
**Bandong Institute of Technology)
Evolution of the Decollement in Nankai Trough off Muroto: Insights From
Seismic Reflection Data and ODP Data
T. Tsuji*, Y. Yamada**, T. Matsuoka**, Y. Nakamura*, H. Tokuyama* and S.
Kuramoto*** (*Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo, **Graduate
School of Engineering, Kyoto Univ., ***JAMSTEC, CDEX)
Fluid Migration at the Toe of the Nankai Accretionary Prism, ODP Leg 196
M. Ienaga*, S. Saito** and H. Mikada** (*National Institute of Advanced
Industrial Science and Technology,** JAMSTEC)
Lunch (12:40-13:50)
Methane hydrate at Nankai I (13:50-15:00)
Chairperson: K. Ujiie (IFREE/JAMSTEC)
Characteristics of Kumano Mud Volcanos and Their Roles
J. Ashi, T. Sawada and H. Tokuyama (Ocean Research Institute, Univ. of
Gas Hydrate BSR and Possible Fluid Migration in the Nankai Accretionary
Prism Off Muroto
S. Morita*, Y. Nakamura**, S. Kuramoto***, N. Bangs**** and A. Taira***
(*GSJ, AIST-GREEN, **ORI, Univ. Tokyo, ***CDEX, JAMSTEC,
Fluid Flow at Nakai Accretionary Prism / Fore-arc Basin System Suggested
by BSR Distribution
K. Baba* and Y. Yamada** (*JAPEX Research Center, **Graduate School
of Engineering, Kyoto Univ.)
Coffee Break (15:00-15:10)
Methane hydrate at Nankai II (15:10-17:10)
Chairperson: Y. Yamada (Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto Univ.)
Submarine Surface Geology and Methane Hydrate in Nankai Trough
M. Tanahashi (GSJ, AIST)
Origin of Methane in Surface Sediments from North Frank of Daini-Atsumi
T. Toki *, U. Tsunogai*, T. Gamo* and M. Tanahashi** (*Graduate School
of Science, Hokkaido Univ., **GSJ, AIST)
The Microbial Community Structure of Methane Hydrate Bearing Deep
Subseafloor Sediments
T, Nunoura, F. Inagaki, M. Suzuki, K. Takai, K. Nealson and K. Horikoshi
(SUGAR Project, Japan Marine Science & Technology Center)
Was the 1605 Keicho tsunami from Nankai Trough caused by hydrate
deposit collapse?
M. Ando (Research Center for Seismology, Volcanology and Disaster
Prevention, Nagoya Univ.)
Methane Flux in Acrretinary Prims: an Example from the Fore-arc Basin and
Outer Ridge of the Eastern Nankai Trough
R. Matsumoto*, Y. Chen** and H. Gharaie** (*Dept of Earth & Planet. Sci.,
Univ of Tokyo, **Earth & Planet. Sci., Univ of Tokyo)
Closing Remarks
Posters and Banquet at Shirankaikan
Posters (in alphabetic order of the author’s surname)
Permeability Structure of the Cenozoic Formations in Niigata Prefecture and Its Implication for
Underground CO2 Disposal
Y. Aizawa*, T. Shimamoto* and K. Kobayashi** (*Graduate School of Science, Kyoto Univ.,
**Graduate School of Science and Technology, Niigata Univ.)
Detection of Methane Hydrate Bearing Zones by Seismic Attributes Analysis
T. Inamori and M. Hato (Japan Petroleum Exploration Co., Ltd.)
Permeability Structure and Basin Analysis of Miyazaki Group
H. Kitajima, T. Shimamoto and W. Tanikawa (Graduate School of Science, Kyoto Univ.)
Deformation Structures and Transport Properties of Shallow Accretionary Prism: an Example of
Miura Group
M. Komizo and T. Shimamoto (Graduate School of Science, Kyoto Univ.)
Internal and Permeability Structures of Nojima Fault Zone: Data Correlation From Surface and
Core Samples
K. Mizoguchi, T. Hirose and T. Shimamoto (Graduate School of Science, Kyoto Univ.)
Evolution of Kumano Basin and Sources of Clastic Ejecta and Pore Fluid in Kumano Mud
Volcanoes, Eastern Nanaki Trough
S. Morita*, J. Ashi**, K. Aoike*** and S. Kuramoto*** (**GSJ, AIST-GREEN, **ORI, Univ.
Tokyo, ***CDEX, JAMSTEC)
Permeability Structure of Hanaore Fault Zone and Its Implication for Thermal Pressurization
H. Noda and T. Shimamoto (Graduate School of Science, Kyoto Univ.)
Did Thermal Pressurization and Fluidization of Fault Gauge Occur along Iida-Matsukawa
Y. Saito, H. Noda and T. Shimamoto (Graduate School of Science, Kyoto Univ.)
Transport and Frictional Properties of a Serpentinite Fault Zone along Gokasho-Arashima
Tectonic Line
H. Sone and T. Shimamoto (Graduate School of Science, Kyoto Univ.)
Simulation of Accretionary Prisms by the Discrete Element Method
S. Ueda, Y. Yamada and T. Matsuoka (Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto Univ.)
Deformation Structure of the Shimanto Accretionary Complex and its AMS fabric
T. Yoshida, A. Tsutsumi and N. Ishikawa (Graduate School of Science, Kyoto Univ.)