Sample ENES 460: Fundamentals of Technology Startup Ventures COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is open to all students and will help them learn the processes and skills needed to launch and manage technology start-up ventures. Students will learn how to assess the feasibility of a startup venture, as well as how to apply best practices for planning, launching, and managing new companies. Students will discuss a wide range of issues of importance and concern to entrepreneurs and learn to recognize opportunity, assess the skills and talents of successful entrepreneurs, and learn models and approaches that help them navigate uncertainty. COURSE GOALS To learn how to plan, launch, and manage a technology start-up venture; To build confidence in students’ personal talents, develop an entrepreneurial skill set, and learn how to pair these talents with others who have complimentary skills; To develop specific skills, competencies, research and analysis methods, and perspectives of technology start-up success factors; and To provide students with the skills for identifying and analyzing entrepreneurial opportunities throughout their career. STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY Throughout the course, students will be exposed to proprietary information from other students, guest lecturers and faculty. All such information is to be treated as confidential. By enrolling in and taking part of this course, students agree not to disclose this information to any third parties without specific written permission from students, guest lecturers or faculty, as applicable. Students further agree not to utilize any such proprietary information for their own personal commercial advantage or for the commercial advantage of any third party. In addition, students agree that any advice provided by the instructor and any affiliated parties will not serve as the basis of any legal suit. Any breach of this policy may subject a student to academic integrity proceedings as described in the University of Maryland policies and procedures, and to any remedies that may be available at law. Receipt of this policy and registration in our classes is evidence that you understand this policy and will abide by it. UNIVERSITY CODE OF ACADEMIC INTEGRITY The University of Maryland, College Park has a nationally recognized Code of Academic Integrity, administered by the Student Honor Council. This Code sets standards for academic integrity at Maryland for all undergraduate and graduate students. As a student you are responsible for upholding these standards for this course. It is very important for you to be aware of the consequences of cheating, fabrication, facilitation, and plagiarism. For more information on the Code of Academic Integrity or the Student Honor Council, please visit 1 Sample COURSE MATERIALS Byers, Dorf, & Nelson. (2010). “Technology Ventures: From Ideas to Enterprise.” McGraw Hill. ISBN-13: 978-0073380186. Listed as TV in the schedule. Articles and readings as assigned on the schedule of this syllabus. GRADING Concept Submission 5% Competitive Analysis 15% Marketing Plan 15% Business Plan 40% Investor Presentation 15% Peer Evaluation 10% Total 100% 2 Sample GUIDELINES & DUE DATES FOR ASSIGNMENTS Concept Submission Individually develop a two-pager on the candidate concept with attention to: 1. 2. 3. 4. Defining the concept. What is unique about the concept compared to current and expected competitors? What is the current and expected state of the market (customers)? How do your personal interests, ambitions, and relationships align with the opportunity? Competitive Analysis Individually or as a team of 2, develop a three-page competitive analysis for your venture. If teaming, all subsequent deliverables will be completed as a team. If working individually, all subsequent deliverables will be completed individually. For this deliverable, focus on: 1. 2. 3. Defining each of the Five Forces impacting your venture Assessing the relative force (low, medium, high) on your venture for each force Discussing potential strategies to position your venture successfully given the forces Marketing Plan Develop a five-page marketing plan in Word for your venture. The outline for the marketing plan is: 1. 2. 3. 4. Marketing objectives Target customer segments (With consideration of how you will Cross the Chasm) Marketing mix: Product, price, promotion, & placement Sales methods to include personal selling and/or sales channels, etc. Business Plan Using the outline provided in the text, develop a business plan not to exceed 20 pages including cover page, tables of contents, executive summary (of 1 page), financials, tables, charts, etc. Investor Presentation Develop a PowerPoint presentation not to exceed 20 slides to share your concept with the class. In the notes section, include a script of what you would say if presenting the presentation to an investor. FORMAT FOR ASSIGNMENTS The following guidelines apply to all assignments without exception. All work must be submitted via Blackboard on the “Assignment Submissions” link from the main menu by 11:59 PM on the day due. Assignments must be sent in a single Word document file (with the only exceptions being PowerPoint for the Investor Presentation) labeled as follows: 460_ assignmentname_lastname_firstname. For example, “460_conceptsubmission_green_ james”. For team deliverables, include all team member names within the file name. The subject line of the e-mail should contain the same label as the file name. All written (Word) assignments must be typed in 12 pt font, Times New Roman, and singlespaced with 1” margins. Reference should be cited in APA format with a references pages. Do not exceed the page limit requirement as stated in each assignment (minimum 5 pt. penalty). You should put your name (including team members) on the first page of each assignment. Late assignments will incur a 10 pt. penalty per day. 3 Sample SCHEDULE Topic 1 – Welcome & Course Overview Readings for Next Class Economic Growth and the Technology Entrepreneur (TV 1) Topic 2 – Business Models & Idea Generation Readings Economic Growth and the Technology Entrepreneur (TV 1) Topic 5 – The Business Plan: Part I Readings How to Write a Great Business Plan Vision and the Business Model (TV 3) The Business Plan (TV 7) Readings for Next Class Organizational Development (TV 12) Management of Operations (TV 14) Topic 6 – The Business Plan: Part II Readings for Next Class Opportunity and the Concept Summary (TV 2) Topic 3 – Identifying Entrepreneurial Opportunities Readings Opportunity and the Concept Summary (TV 2) Readings for Next Class Innovation Strategies (TV 5) Innovation (BCG) Readings Organizational Development (TV 12) Management of Operations (TV 14) Readings for Next Class Competitive Strategy (TV 4) What is Strategy? How Competitive Forces Shape Strategy Assignments Review sample business plans in Appendix A of TV Topic 7 – Competitive Advantage & Strategy Topic 4 – Innovation Readings Innovation Strategies (TV 5) Innovation (BCG) Readings for Next Class How to Write a Great Business Plan Vision and the Business Model (TV 3) The Business Plan (TV 7) Readings Competitive Strategy (TV 4) What is Strategy? How Competitive Forces Shape Strategy Readings for Next Class The Marketing and Sales Plan (TV 11) Assignments Competitive Analysis Assignments Concept Submission 4 Sample Topic 8 – Marketing Fundamentals Readings The Marketing and Sales Plan (TV 11) Topic 9 – Market Research Workshop Readings for Next Class The Financial Plan (TV 17) Sources of Capital (TV 18) How Venture Capital Works How Much Money Does Your New Venture Need Assignments Marketing Plan Topic 10 – Defining the Financials Topic 12 – Social Capital Readings Leading Ventures to Success (TV 20) Readings for Next Class Profit and Harvest (TV 16) Topic 13 – Company Valuation Concepts Readings Profit and Harvest (TV 16) Topic 14 – Importance of International Entrepreneurship Assignments Business Plan and Investor Presentation Readings The Financial Plan (TV 17) Sources of Capital (TV 18) How Venture Capital Works How Much Money Does Your New Venture Need Readings for Next Class Legal Formation and Intellectual Property (TV 10) Topic 11 – Company Formation, Operating Agreements, Employment Agreements, and Stock Plans Readings Legal Formation and Intellectual Property (TV 10) Readings for Next Class Leading Ventures to Success (TV 20) 5