Department of Therapeutic Dentistry Discipline`s name Therapeutic

Department of Therapeutic Dentistry
Discipline’s name
Therapeutic Dentistry
Module’s name
Module 2. Diseases of endodontium (pulpitis, periodontitis). Etiology, pathogenesis.
Classification. Clinic, diagnostics, differential diagnostics, treatment, prophylaxis.
Text test assessments
1. Please, name the electro irritability limit of the pulp with necrosis of crown or root pulp:
a) 20-30 mcA;
b) *40-80 mcA;
c) 30-60 mcA;
d) 70-80 mcA;
e) more then 100 mcA.
2. Pulp infectious inflammation is most often cause by:
a) actinomycete.
b) diplococci;
c) lactobacillas;
d) homolisis and nonhomolisis streptococcus;
e) *staphylococcus.
3. Gofung pulpitis classification (1927) single out those forms od pulpitis::
a) *acute and chronic;
b) acute, chronic and exacerbation of chronic;
c) vascular disorders
d) acute, chronic and after-restruction case
e) toxic
4. Normal pulp is:
a) muscular tissue;
b) *soft connective tissue ;
c) epithelian origin tissue;
d) granural tissue;
e) nerve fibers.
5. Objectively: there is a deep caries cavity on distal chewing surface of 17th. This cavity doesn't
connects with tooth cavity. Percussion is light painful. EDI – 30 mcA. What is the diagnosis?
a) *Acute diffuse pulpitis
b) Acute purulent pulpitis..
c) Acute serous periodontitis .
d) Acute limited pulpitis.
e) Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis.
6. How tooth reacts on cold stimulus with acute purulent pulpitis:
a) no reaction;
b) pain increase;
c) *pain decrease;
d) pain decrease for two hours;
e) pain ends after stimulus effects.
7. How tooth reacts on percussion with acute limited pulpitis:
a) painful percussion;
b) painful vertical percussion;.
c) painless percussion;
d) acute painful percussion;
e) *painful horizontal percussion.
8. How tooth reacts on cold stimulus with pulp hyperemia:
a) no reaction;
b) *causes aching for 1-2 minutes;
c) causes pain attack up to 30 minutes;
d) causes pain attack up to 60 minutes;
e) causes pain attack up to several hours;
9. What instruments do you need to remove pulp with acute diffuse pulpitis?:
a) root canal reamer;
b) rasp;
c) *pulp extractor;
d) root needle;
e) reamer.
10. What pain is typical for pulp hyperemia:
a) permanent aching;
b) pain during biting;
c) pain caused by chemicals;
d) pain caused by atmospheric pressure changes
e) *spontaneous "lightning-like" pain.
11. During deep caries the defect localized at:
a) enamel
b) peripheraldentin.
c) *deep layers of dentin
d) tooth cavity.
e) No correct answer
12. What changes on x-ray reveal with acute general pulpitis:
a) periodontal fissure expansion;
b) expansion of bone tissue in with clear outline;
c) expansion of bone tissue in with fuzzy outline,
d) *no changes;
e) hypermineralization of of bone tissue
13. What changes on x-ray reveal with acute purulent pulpitis:
a) periodontal fissure expansion;
b) expansion of bone tissue in with clear outline;
c) expansion of bone tissue in with fuzzy outline,
d) *no changes;
e) hypermineralization of of bone tissue
14. What changes on x-ray reveal with acute limited pulpitis:
a) periodontal fissure expansion;;
b) all answers are correct;
c) bone delution start;
d) *no changes;
e) periodontal fissure narrowing.
15. What pain is typical for acute diffuse pulpitis:
a) nighttime aching;
b) *spontaneous pain, which lasts up to 30 minutes with short intermissions;
c) spontaneous pain, which lasts for several hours with short intermissions;
d) nighttime aching, more painful when biting;
e) permanent, crescent pain, more painful by heat.
16. What pain is typical for acute purulent pulpitis:
a) spontaneous, colicky, nighttime pain with long-term intermissions;
b) *spontaneous, colicky, throbbing, mounting pain, decreased with cold;
c) spontaneous, colicky, spreading pain with short-term intermissions, increased with heat;
d) spontaneous болi, increased while biting and nighttime
e) spontaneous, throbbing pain, increased with sour and sweet foods.
17. How does arsenic paste reacts?:
a) mummify;
b) Anesthesia;
c) antimicrobic ;
d) *necrotizing;
e) anti-inflammatory.
18. What EDI index is inherent with pulp hyperemia:
a) *8-12
b) 12-15
c) 6-9
d) 2-3
e) 15-25
19. How many layers are in pulp with different types of cells?
a) 2
b) *3
c) 4
d) 5
e) 8
20. What type belongs to acute form of pulpitis:
a) diffuse
b) purulent
c) limited(partial)
d) Traumatic
e) *All answers are correct
39) How many layers are in dental pulp:
a) one;
b) two;
c) *Three;
d) four;
e) five
40) Which layer of pulp is formed by odontoblast:
a) * peripheral;
b) central;
c) intermediate;
d) main
e) All variants are correct
41) Which cells are situated under the peripheral layer of pulp:
a) histiocytes;
b) histiocytes, odontoblasty;
c) *Pulpocytes stellate form preodontoblasts
d) odontoblasts.
e) All variants are correct
42) What fibres does the pulp contain:
a) elastic and collagen;
b) reticular and elastic;
c) elastic, collagen and reticular;
d) *collagen, and reticular arhirofilni.
e) There is no right answer
43) Which part of dental germ pulp is formed from:
a) Dental bag;
b) Enamel organ;
c) *Dental papilla;
d) Pulp of enamel organ.
e) All variants are correct
44) How many nerve plexes are located in the pulp:
a) one;
b) *two;
c) three;
d) no.
e) four
45) Which forms of pulpitis are characterized by proliferation of young granulation tissue with
fibrous and cellular elements:
a) acute focal pulpitis;
b) chronic fibrotic pulpit;
c) *chronic hypertrophic pulpitis;
d) chronic gangrenous pulpitis.
e) All variants are correct
46) Which form of pulpitis is morphologically observed with reduction in cell number, proliferation
of fibrous connective tissue and pulp silting:
a) Acute focal pulpitis;
b) *Chronic fibrotic pulpit;
c) Chronic hypertrophic pulpitis;
d) Chronic gangrenous pulpitis.
e) All variants are correct
47) At probing the bottom of deep cavity there was a sharp pain.Then, appeared bleeding, acute
pain, prolonged pain in response to cold water. Set a diagnosis
a) Acute focal pulpitis;
b) *Chronic fibrotic pulpit;
c) Chronic hypertrophic pulpitis;
d) Chronic gangrenous pulpitis.
e) All variants are correct
48) What pain is characteristic for chronic simple pulpitis:
a) involuntary, attacking pain;
b) involuntary, throbbing pain;
c) *aching of pain, the causal nature that slowly calm down after removal of the irritant;
d) attacking pain with long remission that amplifies when biting;
e) There is no right answer
49) Which pain is characteristic of chronic gangrenous pulpitis:
a) involuntary, attacking, night pain;
b) pain irradiating along the branches of trigeminal nerve with short painless intervals ;
c) *pain from hot irritants that continues after elimination of the irritant , pain after the
variation of temperature;
d) involuntary, attacking pain with long painless intervals that amplifies at nights;
e) pain when biting, irradiating along the branches of trigeminal nerve
50) What pain is characteristic concrement of pulpitis:
a) pain on the variation of temperature, pain when biting;
b) involuntary, attacking pain with painless intervals that amplifies to cold water
c) *pain from sharply movements, when the plane flights, sometime with irradiation ;
d) pain when biting, irradiation along the branches of trigeminal nerve
e) Nights pain, aching pain, which decreases from warm irritants.
51) How does the tooth respond to cool irritant at chronic simple pulpitis:
a) causes pain that lasts for hours;
b) tooth not responds;
c) pain immediately disappears after elimination irritant;
d) *appears dull aching pain to several minutes;
e) appears throbbing pain
52) As the tooth responds to thermal stimulus during chronic gangrenous pulpitis:
a) appears irradiation of pain
b) reaction is absent;
c) pain rise from the cold;
d) *pain rise from hot;
e) appears throbbing nights pain.
53) How does the tooth respond to percussion at chronic hypertrophic pulpitis:
a) *Not respond ;
b) weak painful percussion;
c) strong painful percussion;
d) percussion causes attack of pain;
e) painful horizontal percussion.
54) Which symptoms give the characteristic of concrement pulpitis:
a) involuntary pain is absent. Slowly disappearing pain from thermal and mechanical irritants.
The patient clearly indicates the aching tooth.
b) complaints about discomfort and pressing feeling in the tooth. When consuming hot food
long pain appears. The patient may point to the aching tooth.
c) complaints about pain from mechanical irritant. A large cavity is filled with proliferation
granulation tissue .
d) *Complaints about involuntary pain, irradiating along the trigeminal nerve. Teeth intact, the
patient can not point to the aching tooth.
e) All variants are correct
55) For treatment of chronic pulpitis complicated by periodontitis is needed:
a) complete preservation of the pulp;
b) partial preservation of the pulp;
c) *Complete removal of the pulp;
d) Combined treatment.
e) All variants are correct
56) What is the essence of the biological (conservative) pulpitis treatment method:
a) *save all pulp;
b) save part of pulp;
c) save pulp in walkable canals;
d) save pulp in bad walkable canals;
e) remove all pulp.
What is the essence of the method of vital amputation:
a) remove all the pulp after anesthesia;
b) remove part of the pulp after imposition of arsenic paste;
c) save all pulp;
d) *Remove the coronal pulp after anesthesia, and on the root pulp put curing paste.
e) all variants are correct
What is the essence of the method of devital amputation:
a) remove all pulp after imposition of arsenic paste;,
b) remove part of the pulp after anesthesia;
c) remove pulp after mummification;
d) *Remove the coronal pulp after imposition of arsenic paste and mummification pulp of root.
e) All variants are correct
What is the essence of the method of devital extirpation :
a) Removal of coronal pulp after anesthesia;
b) Removal of coronal pulp after imposition of arsenic paste;
c) use curing paste;
d) *Remove all the pulp after imposition of arsenic paste
e) All variants are correct
What is the essence of the methods combined of treatment pulp:
a) Removal of coronal pulp after anesthesia;
b) Removal of coronal pulp after imposition of arsenic paste;
c) *Remove the pulp from the walkable canals and mummification in bad walkable ;
d) save all pulp by means of imposition pastes.
e) All variants are correct
In what cases can the biological (conservative) treatment method of pulp the used:
in all cases;
*at a young age and absence of common diseases;
in cavities 1 i 3 classes;
after treatment method of vital extirpation ;
when the method of vital amputation did not give positive results
In what cases can we use of the method of vital amputation :
tooth with one root;
after the failure of extirpation;
*in young age without concomitant pathology;
cavities in 5 classes;
after imposition of arsenic paste.
In what cases method of devital amputation is justified
the presence of concomitant pathology, general disease organism;
after 30 age;
*Go to the impossibility roots canals ;
if you have not received a positive result after conservative treatment;
if EDI 40-60 mkA.
Which is the rational method of pulp treatment during hyperemia:
devital amputation;
devitalextirpation ;
vital amputation;
vital extirpation;
*biological method.
Which is the rational method of acute partial pulpitis treatment:
devital extirpation;
devital amputation;
vital amputation;
vital extirpation;
*biological method.
Which complications are related to the imposition of arsenic paste on the pulp:
poisoning organism;
difficulty swallowing;
*Toxic action on periodont;
allergic reaction;
increasing temperature.
what time period can arsenic paste be applied in molars:
7-10 hours;
12-24 hours;
*48 hours;
7 days;
Which pastes are used to the imposition on horn of pulp of vital amputation:
resorcinol-formalin; pulp at vital amputation
What is necessary to do of the root pulpitis :
*Devital remaining pulp;
impose biologically paste;
leave eugenol over orifice of canal ;
nothing should be done;
remove a tooth.
Which anesthetics of amide group are used to anesthesia of pulpitis treatment:
*Lidocaine, mepivokaine, artikaine;
lidocaine, novocaine, artikaine;
anestezine, novocaine, lidocaine;
novocaine, anestezine, dikaine.
No right answer
Which anesthetics of amide group are used to anesthesia of pulpitis treatment:
a) Lidocaine, mepivokain, artikain;
b) lidocaine, novocaine, artikain;
c) anestezina, novocaine, lidocaine;
d) *novocaine, anestezina, dikaine
e) No one
What concentrations of vasoconstrictor adrenaline is added to the anesthetic solution for
higher efficiency of anesthesia :
a) *1:50000-1:250000;
b) 1:250000-1:100000
c) 1:100000-1:500000;
d) 1:50000-1:100000.
e) 1:80000-1:100000.
What concentrations of vasoconstrictor norepinephrine is added to the anesthetic solution
for higher efficiency anesthesia :
a) 1:50000-1:250000;
b) 1:250000-1:100000
c) 1:100000-1:500000;
d) *1:50000-1:100000.
e) 1:80000-1:100000.
Which drugs of blood narrow vessels - hormone cerebral layer of the adrenal glands is used
in the anesthetic for continuation and strengthening action of the anesthetic:
a) norepinephrine;
b) *Adrenaline;
c) vasopressin;
d) felipresin.
e) all right
Which drugs of blood narrow vessels - mediator of the sympathetic autonomic nervous
system, adrenal glands is used in the anesthetic for continuation and strengthening action of the
a) *Norepinephrine;
b) adrenaline;
c) vasopressini;
d) felipresyni.
e) all right
76) Which drugs of blood narrow vessels - pituitary hormone posterior fate adrenal glands is used
in the anesthetic for continuation and strengthening action of the anesthetic:
a) norepinephrine;
b) adrenaline;
c) *Vasopressin;
d) felipresyn.
e) all right
Which drugs of blood narrow vessels - a synthetic analogue of vasopressin is used in the
anesthetic for continuation and strengthening action of the anesthetic:
a) norepinephrine;
b) adrenaline;
c) vasopressin;
d) *Felipresyn.
e) all right
Which anesthetic are used for patients "at risk" associated with cardiovascular diseases and
endocrine disorders:
a) With high concentration of vasoconstrictor 1: 50000 and more;
b) with standard concentration of vasoconstrictor: 100000;
c) with low concentration of vasoconstrictor: 200000;
d) *Without a vasoconstrictor.
e) all right
Which anesthetic are used for especially long and traumatic interventions (endodontic
treatment of permanent teeth):
a) With high concentration of vasoconstrictor 1: 50000 and more;
b) *with standard concentration of vasoconstrictor 1: 100000;
c) with low concentration of vasoconstrictor 1: 200000;
d) without vasoconstrictor.
e) all right
Which anesthetic are used for standard short interventions (infiltration anesthesia at teeth
with one root):
a) With high concentration of vasoconstrictor 1: 50000 and more;
b) with standard concentration of vasoconstrictor 1: 100000;
c) *with low concentration of vasoconstrictor 1: 200000;
d) without vasoconstrictor.
e) all right
Which reason is necrosis surface area of pulp at transition of acute pulpitis in chronic
a) increase in edema;
b) *Accession putrid microbes;
c) drainage of purulent exudate;
d) enhance the fermentation process.
e) all right
Which forms of pulpitis are characteristic by vacuolation of odontoblast , reticular
degeneration, petrification, sclerotic and degenerative changes in the vascular wall :
a) acute focal pulpitis;
b) concrement of chronic pulpitis;
c) *Aging and pathological conditions;
d) Exacerbation chronic pilpitis.
e) All right
83) Which is accompanied by transition acute to chronic pulpitis:
a) death of the pulp;
b) formating of serous fluid;
c) formating of purulent exudate;
d) *Drainage of purulent exudate in the cavity.
e) all right
84) At different forms of pulpitis is always present a phenomena of alteration, exudation,
proliferation, metabolic disorders. Which phenomen is dominate at chronic gangrenous pulpitis:
a) *Alteration,
b) exudation,
c) proliferation;
d) metabolic disorders.
e) all right
85) At different forms of pulpitis is always a phenomena of alteration, exudation, proliferation,
metabolic disorders. Which phenomena are dominated at chronic hypertrophic pulpitis:
a) alteration,
b) exudation,
c) *Proliferation;
d) metabolic disorders.
e) all right
86) Which pain is characteristic of acute purulent pulpitis:
a) involuntary, attack of pain, night pain with long painless intervals;
b) involuntary, attack of pain, increased at the cold;
c) *involuntary, attack of pain with short painless intervals, irradiating along the branches of
trigeminal nerve that decreasing from heat;
d) involuntary pain which intensified when biting and the night time;
e) involuntary pain that are amplified from sour i sweet.
87) Which pain is characteristic of acute partial pulpitis:
a) Night, aching pain ;
b) *involuntary pain that lasts up to 30 minutes with long painless intervals;
c) involuntary paint hat continues several hours with short painless intervals;
d) aching pain that increased when biting;
e) continuous, that growing from heat
88) How does the tooth respond to cool irritant at hineremia of pulp:
a) *not respond;
b) pain causes aching for 1-2 minutes;
c) causes attack of pain to 30 minutes;
d) causes attack of pain for 1 hour;
e) causes attack of pain for several hours.
89) How does the tooth respond to cool irritant at acute purulent pulputi:
a) Not respond;
b) causes increased pain;
c) *pain decreases;
d) causes pain to several hours;
e) pain immediately goes after action of irritant.
90) Which pain is characteristic of hyperemia pulp:
a) aching pain;
b) toothache when biting;
c) pain from chemical irritant;
d) pain after the variation of atmospheric pressure;
e) *involuntary "lightning" pain.
91) Which pain is characteristic of acute total pulpitis:
a) *involuntary, attack of pain,with irradiation with short painless intervals;
b) involuntary, attack of pain,night pain that rise when biting;
c) continuous, irradiation of pain, increased from heat, pain when biting;
d) involuntary, night pain that increased in horizontal position with long painless intervals;
e) involuntary, attack of pain after the variation of atmospheric pressure.
92) How does the tooth respond to cool irritant at acute partial pulpitis:
a) does not react;
b) causes aching pain that immediately goes after eliminate stimulus;
c) attack causes pain by 2 hours;
d) causes irradiatting of pain;
e) *Attack causes pain or eincraesing it, save long time after removal of the irritant:
93) How does the tooth respond to percussion at acute purulent pulpitis:
a) unpainful is percussion;
b) percussion is painful and attack causes irradiation of pain;
c) percussion is weak painful;
d) sharply pain after horizontal percussion;
e) *pain sharply after vertical percussion .
94) What instruments are needed to delete pulp of necrosis :
a) drilburr;
b) rashpil;
c) *Pulpoekstraktor( pulp broaches);
d) root needle;
95) Which reaction are characteristic to odontoblast at different impact factors:
a) rapid rise their number;
b) fracture their surface;
c) destruction long outgrowth;
d) *vacuolation;
e) moving.
96) What changes are found in radiographs at acute general pulpitis:
a) expansion of periodontal crack;
b) expansion of bone tissue in the region of apex with clear contours;
c) expansion of bone tissue near apex of vague contours,
d) *No changes;
e) hypermineralized of bone near apex
97) What changes are found in radiographs at acute general pulpitis:
a) expansion of periodontalcrack;
b) expansion of bone tissue in the region of apex with clear contours;
c) expansion of bone tissue near apex of vague contours,
d) *No changes;
e) hypermineralized of bone near apex
98) What pain is characteristic for pulp hyperemia:
a) constant aching pain;
b) toothache when biting;
c) painf rom chemical irritant;
d) pain after the variation of atmospheric pressure;
e) *involuntary "lightning" pain.
99) What pain is characteristic of acute total pulpitis:
a) *involuntary, attack of pain, irradiatting with short painless intervals;
b) involuntary, attack of pain, night pain is increased when biting;
c) continuous pain , which decrease, irradiating of pain, increased from heat, pain when biting;
d) involuntary,night pain, is increased from horizontal position with prolonged painful
e) involuntary, attack of pain after the variation of atmospheric pressure.
100) How does the tooth respond to cool irritant of suppurative pulpitis:
a) does not react;
b) *Causes aching pain for 1-2 minutes;
c) Attack of pain to 30 minutes;
d) attack of pain for 1 hour;
e) attack of pain for several hours.
101) How does the tooth respond to cool irritant of acute necrotic pulpitis:
a) does not react;
b) causes increased pain;
c) *pain is decreased;
d) causes pain to several hours;
e) pain immediately goes after action of irritant.
102) How does the tooth respond to percussion of acute suppurative pulpitis:
a) painlees percussion;
b) Percussion is sharply and causes a painful attack of pain;
c) *Percussion is weak painful;
d) sharply pain with horizontal percussion;
e) sharply pain at vertikal percussion.
103) Which limit of electrical excitability is characteristic of necrossis of coronal pulp and pulp
of root :
a) 20-30 mkA;
b) 50-70 mkA;
c) 30-60 mkA;
d) 70-80 mkA;
e) *more 100 mkA.
104) What changes is found in radiographs of general acute pulpitis:
a) periodontal expansion crack;
b) expansion of bone tissue in the region of apex with clear contours;
c) expansion of bone tissue near apex with vague contours,
d) *No changes;
e) hypermineralized of bone near apex
105) How many times we turn pulpoekstraktor(pulp broaches) in the root canal for pulp
a) only at 90;
b) *Returns 1-2 times;
c) the appearance of significant efforts at return;
d) absolutely no return;
e) for as long as he did not stop coming back.
106) Which reaction is characteristic of odontoblast from the impact of different factors:
a) their number rapid is increased;
b) destruction of their surface;
c) destruction of long outgrowth;
d) *Vacuolization;
e) moving.
107) What time donot exceed the development of acute focal pulpitis:
a) 2 days;
b) 5 days;
c) *10 days;
d) 12 days;
e) 14 days.
108) What caused the pain of acute pulpitis:
a) *Increase in hydrostatic pressure in the mouth;
b) irritation of nerve endings products of anaerobic glycolysis;
c) increase of bradykinin;
d) decrease in hydrostatic pressure in the mouth;
e) decrease in the number of vasoactive substances.
109) What’s often caused infection inflammation of the pulp:
a) *Actinomycetes;
b) diplococci;
c) LGG;
d) hemolytic and non hemolyticstreptococci;
e) staphylococcus.
110) Which stage of transition from normal pulp to pulpitis is characteristic of decrease in
activity of respiratory enzymes and increased activity of acid phosphatase:
a) *Functional and chemical changes;
b) pronounced morphological changes;
c) actual inflammation;
d) not typical in pulpitis.
e) No right answer
111) Objectively: deep carious cavity. During carious cavity preparation, the pulp horn was
disclosed. What method of treatment is necessary to use?
a) *Biological method
b) Vital amputation.
c) Vital extirpation.
d) Devitalized extirpation.
e) Combined method.
112) Which of the root canal of the upper first molars is the most difficult for achieving apical
opening and thus for fillinging?
a) * Mesial buccal
b) distal palatal
c) buccal
d) distal buccal
e) palatal
113) What kind of anaesthesia should we use during the treatment of 11 tooth?
a) Maxillary
b) Maxillary and palatinal
c) Maxillary and nasopalatinal
d) Infraorbital
e) *Infraorbital and nasopalatinal
114) Which anaesthesia should we use for 12 tooth treatment?
a) Infraorbital and nasopalatinal
b) Infiltration of both sides of maxilla
c) Intraosfilling
d) No correct answer
e) *All answers are right
115) What anaesthetic should we use for the patient with cardiac history in anamnesis?
a) With max dose of epinephrine
b) *With min dose of epinephrine, or no epinephrine
c) No anaesthesia in such patients
d) With max dose of adrenaline
e) No correct answer
116) What anaesthetic should we use during the pregnant woman treatment?
a) Lidocaine with epi
b) *Mepivacaine
c) Bupivacaine
d) Articaine
e) Novocaine
117) What is the usual capacity of cartridge anesthetics?
a) 1,5 ml
b) *1,7 ml
c) 1,9 ml
d) 2 ml
e) 2,5 ml
118) The sensory divisions of trigeminum nerve are:
a) *Ophthalmic, maxillary and mandibular
b) Maxillary and mandibular
c) Ophthalmic and maxilary
d) Ophthalmic, maxillary, mandibular and mylohyoid
e) No correct answer
119) Which nerves provides innervation to the canines, lateral and central upper incisors?
a) Middle superior alveolar branches of maxillary division
b) *Anterior superior alveolar branches of maxillary division
c) Pterygopalatine nerves
d) Superior labial branches
e) Buccal nerve
120) Which nerves provides innervation to the upper premolars?
a) *Middle superior alveolar branches of maxillary division
b) Anterior superior alveolar branches of maxillary division
c) Pterygopalatine nerves
d) Superior labial branches
e) Buccal nerve
121) During the endodontic treatment of 34 tooth patient feel the severe pain. What kind of
anaesthesia should we use at that case?
a) Maxillar
b) Infraorbital
c) Topical
d) *Mental
e) Mandibular
122) Usually, topical anaesthesia is using for:
a) Treatment the middle caries
b) Treatment the deep caries
c) Tooth treatment in children
d) *Before anesthesia in non-sedated patients
e) No correct answer
123) What manipulation you need to do before using 5% solution of natrium hypochloridi?
a) *To isolate oral cavity with cofferdame
b) To use apex-locator
c) To do control Xray before tooth filling
d) To use retraction fiber
e) No correct answer
124) What kind of anaesthesia would you choose during the treatment of pulpitis of 41 tooth?
a) Maxillary
b) *Mental
c) Mandibular
d) Infraorbital
e) Glossal
125) Surgical method of pulpitis treatment used in the following cases:
a) in acute odontogenic inflammatory processes;
b) with concomitant diseases, which dramatically reduces the immunological reactivity of the
c) in cases of significant source of destruction in the area of apex;
d) when there is periapical fire of infection and tooth mobility of II-III degree;
e) *All answers are correct.
126) What of the following is not a part of arsenious paste?
a) Antiseptics (thymol, eugenol)
b) Painkillers substances (anestezina)
c) Binding means
d) *Lactic acid.
e) Zinc oxide
127) During treatment of limited acute pulpitis by vital extirpation doctor has determined that 25
tooth has a wide direct canal. How it will be considered the best to filling the root canal:
a) Go to the x-ray top of the root
b) *To the physiological narrowing of the root
c) Outputs for the X-ray on top of 1 mm
d) Filling the canal, not reaching 3 mm to the apex of the root
e) Filling the canal 3 / 5 of its length?
128) What of the root canal of the upper first molars presents more difficulties to reach the apical
opening and preparation for fillinging?
a) *Mesial buccal
b) Distal palatal
c) Buccal
d) Distal buccal
e) Palatal
129) If the instrument is broken in the root canal during treatment what it is necessary to do first?
a) *Radiography
b) Inform the patient
c) Immediately try to pull the instrument
d) Measure of the instrument remained in the hands of the dentist
e) Remove tooth
130) After month after the biological method of treatment of acute partial pulpitis in 22, the
patient complaining of aching pain of thermal stimuli. EDI - 80 mA. What method of treatment
should you use?
a) *Vital extirpation
b) Vital amputation
c) Devital amputation
d) Physiotherapy
e) Biological method
131) What size of periodontal slit at the lower teeth?
a) 0,10-0,15 mm
b) *0,15-0,22 mm;
c) 0,12-0,17 mm;
d) 0.2-0.3 mm;
e) 0,22-0,30 mm.
132) What is the main components of periodont?
a) The main substance collagen fibers.
b) Fibers, the main ingredient;
c) The main substance, blood vessels and nerves;
d) All true;
e) *Fibers, cellular elements and the basic substance of the blood, circulation of blood vessels
and nerves;
133) Periodontium topographically is divided into:
a) *Marginal periodont and periodont itself;
b) In the area of the tooth root, in the area of leadership;
c) Periodontal root apex and neck of the tooth;
d) All true;
e) There is no right answer.
134) What function is performed by fibroblasts?
a) The formation of basic substances, provide a protective reaction;
b) Providing protective reactions involved in the regulation of ermeability of the basic
substance of periodontal connective tissue;
c) *The formation of basic substances, participation in regeneration of fibrous structures in
pathological states in the formation of connective tissue and capsule around the foci of
d) No pravilna response;
e) All answers are correct.
135) What types of periodontitis do you know according to the etiology?
a) * Infection, trauma, medication;
b) Acute, chronic;
c) Aggravation of, chronic periodontitis, chronic and acute;
d) All true;
e) There is no right answer.
136) What phases of periodontitis according to Hroshykov?
a) periodontitis Phase intoxication phase of purulent periodontitis;
b) *Phase intoxication, phase of severe exudation, purulent
c) Phase acute intoxication and severe exudation;
d) All true;
e) Phases of acute exudation, intoxication, purulent periodontal exacerbation phase.
137) What symptom describe swelling of the mucous membrane:
a) There is no right answer;
b) Symptom of vazoparezis;
c) * Symptom Crane
d) All answers are right
e) Symptom Marmashe.
138) How many phases of acute periodontitis provides Hroshykov MI:
a) One;
b) Two;
c) *Three;
d) All answers are right
e) Four.
139) Periodontitis by etiology are:
a) Infectious, noninfectious;
b) Mechanical, chemical and allergic factors;
c) Mechanical, physical, hygiene factors;
d) That's right
e) * Infectious, noninfectious, mechanical, chemical and allergic.
140) What cells in periodontal placed between bundles of collagen fibers. Flattened, elongated
nucleus with a causal and a light cytoplasm:
a) *Fibroblasts;
b) Labrotocynes;
c) Plazmotsyny;
d) That's right
e) Hystiotocynes.
141) What cells in periodontal secrete biologically active substances:
a) Labrotsyny;
b) Fibroblasts;
c) *Histiocytes;
d) That's right
e) Gistioblasty.
142) What functions provide periodontal cells: fibroblasts, cementoblast, anteoblast.
a) *Air;
b) Trophic;
c) Distribution-regulating;
d) That's right
e) Sensory.
143) How many periods of periodontal age changes:
a) One;
b) Two;
c) *Three;
d) All answers are right
e) Four.
144) In what period of the changes of periodont, increased enzyme activity:
a) *Third
b) Second;
c) First;
d) All answers are wright
e) Fourth.
145) How long arsenic paste can be applied on the pulp horn:
a) *4-5 days;
b) Two;
c) 10 Days
d) All answers are wright
e) Two weeks.
The middle thickness of periodontal cracks normally is:
All answers are wright
What structures composed connective tissue:
*Intercellular substance, fibrous collagen fibers, layers of connective issue permeated Blood
Circulation, lymphatic vessels and nerves;
Collagen, reticular fibers, intercellular substance;
Intercellular substance, collagen, elastic fibers, loose connective tissue ith mesh Blood
Circulation of blood vessels;
All answers are right
Intercellular substance, layers of connective tissue with vessels and nerves, elastic fibers.
Chose the main functions of periodont?
* Mechanical, distributors and regulating, reflexogenic, plastic, trophic, sensory part of
Protective, fixing, plastic, sensory, trophic,
Trophic, protective, fixing, reflexogenic;
Al answers are wright
Melchanical, plastic, touch.
According to the etiology periodontitis are divided into:
* Infectional, traumatic, medicamental;
Acute, chronic, pointed;
Infectious, noninfectious;
All answers are wright
Acute, chronic, exacerbated chronic periodontitis
What ways of penetration of the infectional agents ?
*Intradental, extradental;
Intraosalni, intradentalni, perapicalni;
Hematogenous, lateral, lymph;
All answers are wright
Marginal, apical, intranasal, intradental.
Objective chronic periodontitis fibrous observed:
Tooth is intact, but changed in color;
Deep cavity with closed or open pulp camera;
Percussion is painful;
When the audit root canal can detect caries or pulp remnants of root fillings;
*All answers are correct.
What characteristic of chronic granulating periodontitis?
Symptom of vazoparezis;
Symptom Crane;
Symptom Marmashe;
There is no answer;
*All answers are correct
What periodontitis is characterized by the opening of fistula:
Chronic fibrous;
Chronic granylematosis;
*Chronic granulating;
All right
Acute purulent.
What periodontitis is characterized as a tongue of flame on X-ray picture:
*Chronic granulative;
Chronic fibrous;
Acute purulent;
All right
Acute serous.
What data of EDI give us the characteristic of chronic periodontitis fibrous?
*EDI 100 mA or more;
EDI-20 mA - 30 mA;
EDI 80-90 mA;
That's right
EDI 0-10 mA
Intensification and severe forms of periodontitis must be differentiated from:
* Trigeminal neuralgia;
Purulent pulpitis;
That's right
Odontogenic osteomyelitis.
What causes worsening of chronic periodontitis:
lack of medical and instrumental treatment of the canal;
toxic chronic pulpitis;
poor oral hygiene;
deep cavities;
* Products of pathogens in the canal.
What complications can occur during exacerbation of chronic periodontitis?
odontogenic osteomyelitis;
odontogenic sinusitis;
* Odontogenic periostitis;
odontogenic abscess;
all right.
What are the main complaints of patients with exacerbation of chronic periodontitis?
constant aching pain that increases with biting on causal tooth, fever;
spontaneous aching pain in the tooth from the effects of thermal stimuli;
throbbing pain in the tooth of the silent intervals;
constant aching pain in the tooth, which is enhanced by the action of chemical irritants;
* All right.
What priority in the treatment of exacerbations of chronic periodontitis?
remove the tooth;
to top of the root resection;
antiseptic treatment of the canal;
* Give fluid flow;
it is not true.
What changes on radiographs are characteristic of heightened chronic periodontitis?
advanced periodontitis tooth gap;
expansion slot periodontitis tooth, bone osteoporosis interalveolar septum;
focus of bone destruction in the form of "flames" or rounded at the top section of the root;
all right;
it is not true.
What changes on radiographs are characteristic of heightened chronic periodontitis?
advanced periodontitis tooth gap;
expansion slot periodontitis tooth, bone osteoporosis interalveolar septum;
* Source of destruction of bone tissue in the form of "flames" or rounded at the top section
of the root;
d) all right;
e) it is not true.
a) crease
163) If the instrument was broken in the root canal during treatment it is necessary to do first?
a) * Radiography
b) Inform the patient
c) Immediately try to pull the instrument
d) Measure of the instrument remained in the hands of the dentist
e) Remove tooth
164) Which of the root canal of the upper first molars presents the greatest difficulties to reach the
apical hole and preparation for filling?
a) * Mesial buccal
b) distal palatal
c) buccal
d) distal buccal
e) palatal
165) If instrument broke in the root canal when it is processed, what is necessary to do first?
a) * X-ray
b) Inform the patient
c) Immediately try to pull the instrument
d) Measure of the instrument remained in the hands of the dentist
e) Remove tooth
166) Which concentration iodinol used for antiseptic treatment of root canals?
a) * 1% aqueous solution;
b) 0.5% aqueous solution;
c) 0.2% aqueous solution;
d) 2% aqueous solution.
e) 5% aqueous solution
167) Errors on the stages of treatment periodontitis include:
a) Perforation cavity of the tooth;
b) cracks at the root canals;
c) Braking instrument in root canals;
d) Post filling pain;
e) *All answers are correct.
168) When conservative treatment of periodontitis may be unsuccessful:
a) Canal of the tooth is not completely fillinged;
b) Tooth experiencing increased functional load;
c) By reducing the total immunologic reactivity;
d) Apical focus of chronic inflammation in periodontal has connections with the periodontal
e) *All answers are correct.
169) What indications for conservative treatment periodontitis:
a) Acute and chronic periodontitis of all teeth with crowded canals;
b) Acute and chronic periodontitis permanent teeth with crowded canals;
c) *Answers A and B are correct;
d) That's right
e) Answers A and B are incorrect.
170) During the treatment of chronic periodontitis fibrosus 36 teeth in a patient aged thirty years
old doctor made a perforation bottom cavity of tooth. What further medical tactics in this case:
a) Close perforation with calcium hydroxide paste
b) *Close perforation glassionomer cement
c) Electrophoresis of potassium iodide
d) Removing the tooth
e) Close the perforation hole zinc-eugenol paste?
171) What drugs cause destruction of cell membranes of microorganisms, reducing tension
microbial cells, causing denaturation of proteins (osmotic balance break), which causes death of
a) detergents;
b) Iodoform;
c) nitrofuran drugs;
d) *chlorinated halogens.
e) All answers are correct
172) Antiseptics that have antimicrobial and deodorant effect, hardly irritate the tissue and
provide long-term antimicrobial effects:
a) detergents;
b) Iodoform;
c) nitrofuran drugs;
d) chlorinated halogens.
e) All answers are correct
173) Which of drugs for drug treatment of root canals are bacteriostatic, antiexudative, activate
phagocytic reaction, increase the activity of intracellular digestion fahotsytovanyh cells exhibit
desintoxication effect, accelerate tissue regeneration:
a) detergents;
b) Iodoform;
c) *nitrofuran drugs;
d) chlorinated halogens.
e) All answers are correct
174) Preparations have a wide range of antibacterial action on gram-positive and gram-negative
bacteria, many protozoa, large viruses, as well as antybiotico static strains. These drugs are:
a) 2-4% of .sol. bleach, 2,5-5,2% sodium hypochlorite;
b) 3% of the borough of hydrogen peroxide, liquid "Perymed";
c) Iodoform;
d) *0.5% sol. furatsilinom, 0.5%, furadonini.
e) All answers are correct
175) Materials that can disrupt the course of redox processes of microorganisms, which
ultimately leads to their death, have pronounced antiseptic properties and have antiseptic,
deodorant, haemostatic and cleansing effect, they are:
a) 2-4% of sol bleach, 2,5-5,2% sodium hypochlorite;
b) 3% of the borough of hydrogen peroxide, liquid "Perymed";
c) Iodoform;
d) *0.5% sol furatsilinom, 0.5%, furadonini.
e) All answers are correct
176) For drug treatment of root canals used drugs that have the ability to break down necrotic
tissue protein and are the catalysts of specific chemical connections in the matter, namely:
a) antibiotics;
b) *enzymes;
c) antiseptics;
d) hormones.
e) antibiotics
177) For irrigation of root canals are widely used solution, which is a strong oxidizing agent, has
antibacterial ability, antibacterial, antiseptic action. This solution are:
a) solutions of sodium hypochlorite;
b) agents EDTA;
c) solutions of alcohol;
d) solution of hydrogen peroxide.
e) all right
178) Aiming to influence inorganic substance blurred layer in the root canal and its extension
using chaemomechanical complexones or chelated substances that are related of mineral
components of the tooth, forming them as a result of chemical reactions loose structure. One of
these substances are:
a) *solutions of sodium hypochlorite;
b) drugs EDTA;
c) solutions of alcohol;
d) solution of hydrogen peroxide.
e) all right
179) When conducting horizontal condensation of gutta-percha is used:
a) *plugger;
b) spreader;
c) GATT-condenser;
d) canal filler.
e) pulp extraktor
180) When conducting lateral condensation gutta-percha is used:
a) *plugger;
b) spreader;
c) Gutta-condenser;
d) canal filler.
e) pulp extraktor
181) Show type of endodontic instruments: a instrument made by making of wire of circular
section, the maximum angle between cutting edge and the longitudinal axis 600, movements in
the root canal, vertical, allowed to turn in ¼, a symbol of a circle.
a) instrument K-type;
b) *H-type instrument;
c) modified K-type;
d) modified H-type.
e) There is no correct answer
182) Instruments such as “H” and modifications include:
a) K-file nitifleks, patfayder;
b) K-file, rasp, rymer, Canal Master;
c) *H-file, Hedstroem, Ergoflex;
d) K-file nitifleks, Ergoflex.
e) K-file nitifleks, pulp extraktor
183) Instruments “K” and modifications include:
a) K-file nitifleks, patfayder;
b) K-file, rasp, rymer, Canal Master;
c) *H-file, Hedstroem, Ergoflex;
d) K-file nitifleks, Ergoflex.
e) K-file nitifleks, pulp extraktor
184) Show which endodontic instrument described: a instrument made of nickel-titanium alloy
(1:1), extremely flexible, equipped with a secure top, which prevents changes in anatomical
shape apex. Picture semi-painted square.
a) patfinder;
b) *nitifleks;
c) fleksorymer.
d) K rymer.
e) Rasp
185) Form of the majority of endodontic instruments (files rymers) is characterized by constantincrease in diameter from the tip to the base of the working part of:
a) *0.02 mm to 1 mm length;
b) 0.04 mm to 1 mm length;
c) 0.06 mm to 1 mm length;
d) 0.08 mm to 1 mm length.
e) 76.0,2 mm to 1 mm length.
186) Lengt of surface of endodontic instrument directly applicable to the tooth is:
a) 1.19 mm;
b) 2. 21mm;
c) *3.16 mm;
d) 3.5 mm.
e) 2.5 mm.
187) The working length of endodontic instruments is:
a) *21, 25, 28, 31 mm;
b) 19, 21, 28, 35 mm;
c) 15, 19, 21, 25 mm;
d) 21, 25, 30, 25 mm.
e) There is no correct answer
188) Show which endodontic instrument described: thin instrument with a sharp tip is designed
for passing obliterated canal length of 19, 21, 25 mm., Sizes between 06 and 08 and 08 and 10,
encoding the orange handle.
a) K rymer;
b) Kfile;
c) pulp extraktor;
d) *patfinder.
e) All answers correct
189) Show which endodontic instrument described: endodontic instrument (by type) made by
rolling by a cross-section (triangle) in which the angle between cutting edge and the longitudinal
axis is 20 0.Etapy work: penetration, rotation, retraction.
a) *K-rymer;
b) Kfile;
c) pulp extraktor;
d) fleksorymer.
e) H-file;
190) Specify the endodontic instrument described: endodontic instrument of increased flexibility
at the expense of triangular cross-section of all sizes, equipped with a safe tip Batt type, number
of cutting planes 24-26, symbol F.
a) K rymer;
b) Kfile;
c) pulp extraktor;
d) * fleksorymer.
e) H-file;
191) Specify which instrument is described: C-type, angle between cutting edge and the
longitudinal axis of 40 0, the canal instrument must move in the vertical direction (up or down),
used mainly for work in curved canals, the symbol of the square:
a) K rymer;
b) *K-file;
c) pulp extraktor;
d) fleksorymer.
e) H-file;
192) Endodontic instrument is shaped bar with about 40 teeth spiralnorozmischenymy height ½
diameter wire with oblique position and have little mobility. Determine which instrument is
a) K rymer;
b) Kfile;
c) *pulp extraktor;
d) fleksorymer.
e) H-file;
193) To expand the cells of root canals are used:
a) *burs like Gates Glidden, rymer type Peeso, profiles;
b) K-file, Kflex, fleysofayl, nitifleks;
c) spreader, gliders, GATT - condenser;
d) K-file, H-file, K-reamer.
e) K-file, profiles;
194) For obturation of root canals are used:
a) burs like Gates Glidden, rymer type Peeso, profiles;
b) K-file, Kflex, fleysofayl, nitifleks;
c) *spreader, gliders, GATT - condenser;
d) K-file, H-file, K-reamer.
e) K-file, profiles;
195) For passage of the root canal using:
a) endoburs, K-reamer, K-file;
b) *K-reamer, Kflex, patfinder;
c) endoburs, endoexcavators, endoprobes;
d) endoburs, burs such as Gates Glidden, K-reamer.
e) all correct answers
196) For expansion and formation of the root canal using:
a) endoburs, K-reamer, K-file;
b) *K-reamer, Kflex, patfinder;
c) endoburs, endoexcavators, endoprobes;
d) endoburs, burs such as Gates Glidden, K-reamer.
e) all correct answers
197) For opening cavity of the tooth and root canal passage is used:
a) endoburs, K-reamer, K-file;
b) K-reamer, Kflex, patfinder;
c) *endoburs, endoexcavators, endoprobes;
d) endoburs, burs such as Gates Glidden, K-reamer.
e) all correct answers
198) For work in curved canals in apical-coronal instrumental methods of root canal treatment are
a) K-reamer, K-flexoreamer;
b) *K-flexoreamer, K-flexofile;
c) GatesGlidden burs, K-reamer;
d) GatesGlidden burs, K-file.
e) endoburs, K-reamer, K-file;
199) Hand instruments for passage and expansion of the root canal by the method of «Step back»:
a) core needle round and faceted, depth, veryfyer;
b) spreader, condenser, plugger;
c) Endosonore file, Peeso Reamer, Canal master;
d) *K-reamer, K-flexoreamer, K-file.
e) Peeso Reamer, Canal master;
200) Instruments to determine the depth and size of the root canal:
a) *core needle round and faceted, depth, veryfyer;
b) spreader, condenser, plugger;
c) Endosonore file, Peeso Reamer, Canal master;
d) K-reamer, K-flexoreamer, K-file.
e) Peeso Reamer, Canal master;
201) Modern endodontic instruments for root canal preparation machine according to the method
a) core needle round and faceted, depth, veryfyer;
b) spreader, condenser, plugger;
c) *Endosonore file, Peeso Reamer, Canal master;
d) K-reamer, K-flexoreamer, K-file.
e) Peeso Reamer, Canal master;
202) Standard method of preparing a root canal, which lies in its uniform expansion by treatment
with several top instruments are gradually increasing their size is:
a) *Appliances «Step - back»;
b) Technology «Step - down»;
c) ryminh;
d) filing.
e) necrothomy;
203) During work in root canals using the method by which is scraping the walls of the root canal
with vertical movements. This work is called:
a) *rhymming;
b) failing;
c) necrothomy;
d) obturation.
e) There is no right answer
204) It was conducted instrumental and drug processing of canals on chronic fibrous pulpitis of
tooth 46. During the expansion of the apical root medially Apexlocator recorded perforation in
the middle of the inner (small) curvature of the root ("stripping"). What was the cause of this
a) * Underestimation of curvature of canal, working with instruments not curved, excessive
expansion of the canal
b) Excessive expansion of the coronal part of canal
c) Excessive expansion of the coronal and middle part of the canal.
d) Working in the canal not bent under the canal instruments
e) no answer
205) If the instrument is broken down in the root canal when it is processed, you need to do first?
a) * X-ray
b) Inform the patient
c) Immediately try to pull the instrument
d) Measure of the instrument remained in the hands of the dentist
e) Remove tooth
206) Which of the root canal of the upper first molars is the most difficult to achieve apical
opening and preparation for the filling?
a) * Mesial buccal
b) distal palatal
c) buccal
d) distal buccal
e) palatal
207) If instrument broke in the root canal when it is processed, you need to do first?
a) * X-ray
b) Inform the patient
c) Immediately try to pull the instrument
d) Measure of the instrument remained in the hands of the dentist
e) Remove tooth
208) What concentration used yodynol for antiseptic treatment of root canals?
a) * 1% aqueous solution;
b) 0.5% aqueous solution;
c) 0.2% aqueous solution;
d) 2% aqueous solution.
e) 5% aqueous solution
209) In conservative and surgical treatments periodontitis include:
a) Resection of the apex of the root;
b) Coronaro-radicular separation;
c) Hemisection;
d) Amputation roots;
e) * All answers are correct.
210) Indications to conservative treatment of periodontitis:
a) Periodontitis teeth with non-traditional root canal;
b) Periodontal with kistohranulomamy and cysts;
c) * Acute and chronic periodontitis of all teeth with root canals crowded with no significant
changes in the periapical tissues;
d) Periodontitis of tooth mobility degree II-IV in severe atrophy of the alveolar bone of the
e) Periodontitis, in which the fireplace Apical inflammation associated with periodontal
211) For machining and expansion of root canals using:
a) * Drillburs, Gimlets, Rasps;
b) H files;
c) forests;
d) That's right
e) Root needle.
212) For of anesthesia in the treatment of pulpitis using anesthetics amide groups, namely:
a) lidocaine, mepivokayin, Articaine;
b) lidocaine, novocaine, Articaine;
c) anestezin, novocaine, lidocaine;
d) * Novocaine, anestezin, dykayin.
e) anestezin, mepivokayin, Articaine;
213) For better performance of anesthesia injection to anesthetics added vasoconstrictor adrenaline in such concentration:
a) * 1:50000-1:250000;
b) 1:250000-1:100000
c) 1:100000-1:500000;
d) 1:50000-1:100000.
e) 1:100000-1:1500000.
214) For higher performance of anesthesia injection to anesthetics added vasoconstrictor norepinephrine in such concentration:
a) 1:50000-1:250000;
b) 1:250000-1:100000
c) 1:100000-1:500000;
d) * 1:50000-1:100000.
e) 1:100000-1:1500000.
215) For continuation and strengthening of the anesthesia in anesthetic solutions used
vasoconstrictive drug - hormone cerebral layer of the adrenal glands, namely:
a) norepinephrine;
b) * Adrenaline;
c) vasopressin;
d) felipresyn.
e) all right
216) After tooth filling on cause chronic granulated periodontitis the patient
complains about
painful feeling in the tooth at biting in the evening. What kind of physiotherapy method can be
a) *radiation of helium-neon laser
b) UV-radiation
c) hydromassage
d) vacuum-therapy
e) x-ray
217) The physical methods of diagnosis and treatment of common dental diseases, based on the
action of alternating current and field of high,
ultra- and super frequencies include:
a) *diathermy, diathermocoagulation
b) galvanotherapy, electrophoresis
c) diadynamic therapy, electroodontometria
d) fluctoorization
e) electroanaesthesia
218) The changes in the skin and mucous membranes under the action of
direct current
a) *appearance hyperemia, acceleration of blood circulation
b) reduced penetration of the vascular wall
c) reduced local temperature
d) activation metabolism
e) unaltered skin and mucous membranes
219) Galvanization is…:
a) *therapeutic using of direct current voltage of 30-60 volts and small (50mA) power
b) using Bernard’s currents
c) method of influence on the central nervous system by pulsed current
d) action of varying sinusoidal current with a carrier frequency of 5000 Hz
e) action of sinusoidal alternating current, modulated in amplitude 10 to 150 Hz
220) The physical methods of diagnosis and treatment of common dental
diseases, which are
based on pulse current of low voltage and low
frequency include:
a) *diodynamic therapy, electroodontometria
b) diathermy, diathermocoagulation
c) galvanotherapy
d) electrophoresis
e) electroanaesthesia
221) Diadynamic therapy is…:
a) using Bernards currents
b) therapeutic using of continuous direct current voltage of 30-60 volts and a small(50mA)
power supply
c) method of influence on the central nervous system by pulsed current
d) action of varying sinusoidal current with a carrier frequency of 5000 Hz
e) action of sinusoidal alternating current, modulated in amplitude between 10 to 150 Hz
222) What kind of apparatus is used for water saturation with carbon dioxide, oxygen?
a) Yatran
b) *An-8, an-9
c) Ust-103
d) Aerosol-z
e) Ulv-01
223) What is the sequence of therapeutic massage?
a) rubbing, stroke, kneading, tapping, vibration
b) vibration, tapping, kneading, stroke, rubbing
c) *stroke, rubbing, kneading, tapping, vibration
d) tapping, vibration, rubbing, stroke, kneading
e) vibration, stroke, tapping, rubbing, kneading
224) What kind of massage phase is not used in dental practice?
a) stroke
b) rubbing
c) vibration
d) *tapping
e) kneading
225) Before the massage starts, the hands need to be washed with:
a) cold water without soap
b) cold water and soap
c) *warm water with soap and wipe with 70% solution of alcohol
d) rubbed with 70% solution ob alcohol
e) warm water without soap
226) Massage makes on passing along:
a) nerves
b) muscle fibers
c) *lymph vessels
d) blood vessels
e) the correct answer is absent
227) Before the massage needs to examine the condition of:
a) *the skin, blood vessels, muscles
b) heart
c) lungs
d) kidney
e) the liver
228) During massage of the neck the stroke holds:
a) *3minutes
b) 5 minutes
c) 1 minutes
d) 2 minutes
e) 4 minutes
229) Vacuum massage carried out by apparatus:
a) “Mustang”
b) computer-3
c) EMF-2
d) *ALU-02
e) KKD-3
230) The method for the treatment caries disease in the phase of stain is:
a) fluctuarization
b) darsonvalization
c) UHF therapy
d) *electrophoresis of micronutrients
e) phonophoresis of micronutrients
231) The prevention of caries disease in children, pregnant women
a) local infra-red radiation
b) general franklinization
c) *general UV radiation
d) local UV radiation
e) general infra-red radiation
232) Hyperesthesia of the enamel at hypoplasia treated by
electrophoresis of:
a) *calcium, phosphorus, fluoride and vitamins of group B
b) extract of aloe
c) ascorbic acid
d) lidaza
e) amylase
233) In endemic fluorosis for saturation of the tooth with calcium is used
electrophoresis of
gluconate calcium:
a) 1% solution
b) 2% solution
c) *10% solution
d) 5% solution
e) 0.5% solution
234) What does prescribe to improve the metabolism at increased
abrasion of hard tooth
a) electrical sleep
b) *the general UV radiation
c) local UV radiation
d) galvanization alveolar zone
e) phonophoresis alveolar zone
235) General UV radiation for treatment of wedge-shaped defects are used:
a) 1 time per year
b) *2-3 times per year
c) 4 times per year
d) 4-5 times per year
e) 6-7 times per year
236) What is necessary to do at tooth trauma?
a) electroanaestesia
b) electro stimulation
c) *electroodontodiagnostics
d) electrophoresis
e) all answers are correct
237) What kind of electrophoresis is used for quick removal of
hyperesthesia of the hard
dental tissues?
a) 10 % solution of calcium gluconate
b) *1% solution of sodium fluoride
c) 10% solution of calcium chloride
d) 1% solution of sodium salicylate
e) 20% solution of glucose
238) The course of treatment tooth erosion by electrophoresis of 10%
calcium gluconate
a) 5 procedures
b) 20 procedures
c) 3-5 procedures
d) *10-15 procedures
e) 20-30 procedures
239) What is prescribed after filling the canal and appearance the tooth
a) electrophoresis with vitamin B and novocaine
b) *the electric field UHF, ASB-2
c) local UV radiation
d) aerosol therapy
e) local infra-red radiation
240) The number of procedures UHF-therapy at acute periodontitis in
athermal dose is:
a) *6
b) 8
c) 10
d) 15
e) 20
241) What is the course of electrophoresis with iodine at chronic
granulating, granulomatous
periodontitis with focus 5 mm?
a) 1-2 procedures
b) 3-4 procedures
c) *5-6 procedures
d) up to 10 procedures
e) up to 20 procedures
242) What can prescribe to prevent exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
in the day of filling
the root canal?
a) the electric field of UHF
b) fluktuorization
c) *darsonvalization
d) local UV radiation
e) general UV radiation
243) The course of the treatment by hydrotherapy for acute catarrhal
gingivitis is:
a) *8-12 days
b) 3-5 days
c) 5-6 days
d) 1-3 days
e) 10-15 days
244) In the treatment of chronic catarrhal gingivitis SUV irradiation
combined with:
a) darsonvalization
b) *hydrotherapy
c) fluktuorization
d) massage
e) aerosol therapy
245) What kind of electrophoresis can be used to relieve inflammation
in the swollen form of
hypertrophy gingivitis?
a) 10% solution of calcium chloride from the anode
b) 10% solution of calcium gluconate
c) 5% solution of calcium gluconate
d) *10% solution of calcium chloride from anode and cathode and alternately
e) 5% solution of calcium gluconate with the anode and cathode
246) How many of gingival papillae simultaneously coagulate
during conducting the point
a) 1-2
b) 5-6
c) 3-4
d) *2-3
e) 3-5
247) The therapeutic manipulation for ulcer-necrotic gingivitis begins
a) *hydrotherapy
b) laser therapy
c) UHF therapy
d) fluktuorization
e) aerosol therapy
248) Darsonvalization prescribes at chronic paradontitis if is:
a) appearance of acute inflammation
b) presence of a local abscess
c) dental plaque
d) *venous congestion and edema
e) all answers are correct
249) The prescript of physiotherapy in the early stages of inflammation in the oral-facial region
contributes to:
a) development the phase of suppuration
b) *reverse the development of process
c) regeneration of tissue
d) empty the suppurative focus
e) formation the new focus of inflammation
250) Fluctuorization of the hole at alveolitis combines together with:
a) laser radiation
b) the local infra-red effect
c) *the local UV irradiation
d) aerosol therapy
e) general effect of infra-red irradiation
251) Thermal procedures for contracture of masticators muscles prescribe:
a) *after the relief of acute inflammation
b) with symptoms of acute inflammation
c) duiring exacerbation of chronic process
d) .in the early stages of the disease
e) before the treatment of acute inflammation
252) What can be used in the early stages of an abscess and phlegmon?
a) thermal treatments
b) the electric field UHF
c) darsonvalization
d) *the local hypothermia of the tissues in combination with UV
e) the local infra-red radiation
253) What can prescribe to prevent boils and carbuncules?
a) electrical sleep
b) general galvanization
c) *general UV radiation
d) aerosol therapy
e) general infra-red radiation
254) What will be used in the initial stage of furuncle and carbuncle?
a) medications
b) *physical methods
c) surgery
d) medication in combination with physical methods
e) all answers are correct
255) What can prescribe before surgical intervention at chronic osteomyelitis?
a) electrophoresis of antibiotics
b) infra-red radiation
c) *high-frequency electrotherapy UHF
d) local UV radiation
e) aerosol therapy
256) What can prescribe at chronic recurrent aphtosa stomatitis (thrush)
in remission stage?
a) *general UV radiation
b) hydrotherapy
c) aerosol therapy
d) general franklinization
e) galvanization
257) What is effective at the treatment of glossitis?
a) massage
b) aerosol therapy
c) hydrotherapy
d) *electro procedures
e) thermotherapy
258) Stagnant appearance and swelling at glandular cheilitis can be removed by using:
a) *ultrasound
b) UHF-therapy
c) massage
d) microwave therapy
e) aerosol therapy
259) What can prescribe at sialolitiazis for stimulation of the release the
small stones?
a) hydrotherapy
b) microwave therapy
c) *sinoidal modulated currents
d) the electric field UHF
e) all answers are correct
260) The course of treatment by fluctuation currents in purulent
sialoadenitis after surgery
a) 5 procedures
b) *6-8 procedures
c) 8-12 procedures
d) 10 procedures
e) 20 sessions
261) The electric field UHF in no thermal dose in acute arthritis is used:
a) 1-3 days
b) *3-5 days
c) 5-10 days
d) 6-8 days
e) 10-15 days
262) The sharp pain in TMJ can be eliminated by:
a) local UV radiation
b) ultrasound
c) massage
d) *electrophoresis with anesthetics
e) local infra-red radiation
263) Physiotherapy treatment of osteoarthritis TMJ combined with:
a) surgical treatment
b) *medication and orthopedic
c) medication
d) orthopedic
e) all answers are correct
264) The paraffin therapy of hematoma prescribes from:
a) first hour after injury
b) 5-th day
c) *2-3-th day
d) 4-th day
e) 5-th day
265) UV irradiation of fresh wounds begins with:
a) 4-5th biodose
b) first biodose
c) 5-6 biodose
d) *2-3 biodose
e) 10 biodose
266) What kind of physiotherapy can prescribe at the beginning for the fracture of the jaws?
a) heat
b) *cold
c) irrigation
d) UV-irradiation
e) electrophoresis
267) What should be used for relieve the pain and inflammation in the
first 2-3 hours at the
first-degree burns?
a) hydrotherapy
b) aerosol therapy
c) *UV-irradiation
d) infra-red irradiation
e) UHF therapy
268) The electrical field UHF of a low-heat dose prescribes as possible a little early at:
a) *frostbite 1-2 degree
b) burns 1 degree
c) beats
d) wounds
e) fracture
269) What is necessary to control at the physical therapy treatment the
neuralgia of the
trigeminal nerve?
a) arterial pressure
b) *changes in the character of patient
c) pulse
d) body temperature
e) all answers are correct
270) What will prescribe at neuralgia of facial nerve?
a) *electro diagnostics
b) electroodontodiagnostics
c) electrical sleep
d) electroanaesthesia
e) all answers are correct
271) Galvanization is therapeutical using of:
a) *eternal constant current with voltage 30-60V and small power of Current(to 50 mA)
b) eternal constant current
c) action of sinusoidal current
d) sinusoidal alternative current
e) all answers are correct
272) Electrophoresis is the method of electrotherapy which is based on
a) *complex action of constant or impulsive current and ions of medicinal substance
b) eternal constant current
c) action of sinusoidal current
d) sinusoidal alternative current
e) all correc
273) In the stomatology electrophoresis is used for:
a) caries and non-caries lesions
b) pulpits
c) periodontitis
d) paradontal pathology
e) *all correct
274) The method of electrophoresis allows to:
a) examine of nerve tissue
b) examine of muscular tissue
c) *concentrate the action of medicinal substance on the examined area
d) define electro excitability of pulp
e) all correct
275) The healthy tooth pulp reacts on the power current:
a) 20-30mA
b) *2-3mA
c) 60ma
d) 100ma
e) 10-20mA
276) The power of current at the electrophoresis in children will be increased during:
a) *3-4 min
b) 1-2 min
c) 5-6 min
d) 6-7 min
e) 5-9 min
277) The infra-red irradiation penetrate on depth in the tissues to:
a) 1 mm
b) *2-3mm
c) 0.5 mm
d) 3 mm
5-6 mm
The good electro conduction has:
ceratoid layer of epidermis
bone tissue
*mucous membrane of oral cavity
muscular tissue
The solution for medicinal electrophoresis is recommended as:
*2-6 %
The impulsive currents irritate the muscular-nerve apparatus and have :
antispasmodic action
analgetic action
trophic-regenerative action
*all answers are correct
What taper could have endodontic instruments?
*0.02; 0.04; 0.06; 0.08; 0.10 and 0.12
2%; 4%
0.4; 0.6; 0.8
10; 12
11; 13
According to ISO standard taper of endodontic instrument is:
*0.02 mm/mm;
0.05 mm/mm;
0.07 mm/mm;
0.08 mm/mm;
0.10 mm/mm;
What does it mean the term ‘taper’ of endodontic instrument?
*This means that for every millimeter gain in the length of the cutting blade, the width
(taper) of the instrument increases in size by 0,02 mm;
This means that for every centimeter gain in the length of the cutting blade, the width of the
instrument increases in size by 0,02 cm;
This means that working part of the instrument has cone shape;
This means that endodontic instruments have blunt tips;
This means the degree of flexibility and elasticity of instruments;
Which statement is true for barbed broaches?
*Finger instruments, used to remove the pulp tissue;
Small flame-shaped cutting instrument used to enlarge the coronal third of the canal; should
be used only in the straight sections of the canal;
Small flame-shaped cutting instrument used to remove gutta- percha during post
Finger instrument used to smooth, shape and enlarge canal;
Small flexible instrument used to place materials into the canal; fits into the conventional
What instruments in endodontic practice are used to facilitate pulp removal?
*barbed broaches;
K-files and H-files;
Lentulo spiral filler;
Gates Glidden drills;
Peeso Reamer drills;
286) Which statement is true for Gates Glidden drills?
a) *Small flame-shaped cutting instrument used to enlarge the coronal third of the canal;
should be used only in the straight sections of the canal;
b) Finger instruments, used to remove the pulp tissue;
c) Small flame-shaped cutting instrument used to remove gutta- percha during post
d) Finger instrument used to smooth, shape and enlarge canal;
e) Small flexible instrument used to place materials into the canal; fits into the conventional
287) What instruments in endodontic practice are used to enlarge the coronal third of the canal
during endodontic treatment?
a) *Gates Glidden drills;
b) barbed broaches;
c) K-files and H-files;
d) Lentulo spiral filler;
e) Peeso Reamer drills;
288) Which statement is true for Peeso Reamer drills?
a) *Small flame-shaped cutting instrument used to remove gutta- percha during post
b) Finger instruments, used to remove the pulp tissue;
c) Small flame-shaped cutting instrument used to enlarge the coronal third of the canal; should
be used only in the straight sections of the canal;
d) Small flexible instrument used to place materials into the canal; fits into the conventional
e) Finger instrument used to smooth, shape and enlarge canal;
289) What instruments in endodontic practice are used to remove gutta -percha during post
a) *Peeso Reamer drills;
b) Gates Glidden drills;
c) barbed broaches;
d) K-files and H-files;
e) Lentulo spiral filler;
290) Which statement is true for NiTi (nickel titanium) rotary instruments?
a) *Used to clean and shape the canals; used with endodontic handpiece and motor; are flexible
and can follow the canal outline very well;
b) Finger instruments, used to remove the pulp tissue;
c) Small flame-shaped cutting instrument used to enlarge the coronal third of the canal; should
be used only in the straight sections of the canal; fits into the conventional handpiece;
d) Small flexible instrument used to place materials into the canal; fits into the conventional
e) Finger instrument used to smooth, shape and enlarge canal;
291) What rotary instruments in endodontic practice are used to clean and shape the canals, are
flexible and can follow the canal outline very well?
a) *NiTi (Nickel titanium) rotary instruments ;
b) Peeso Reamer drills;
c) Gates Glidden drills;
d) Hand K-files and H-files;
e) Lentulo spiral filler;
292) Which statement is true for ‘lentulo spiral filler’?
a) *Small flexible instrument used to place materials into the canal; fit into the conventional
b) Used to clean and shape the canals; used with endodontic handpiece and motor; are flexible
and can follow the canal outline very well;
c) Finger instruments are used to remove the pulp tissue;
d) Small flame-shaped cutting instrument used to enlarge the coronal third of the canal; should
be used only in the straight sections of the canal; fits into the conventional handpiece;
e) Finger instrument used to smooth, shape and enlarge canal;
293) What instruments in endodontic practice are used to place materials into the canal and fit
into the conventional handpiece?
a) *Lentulo spiral filler;
b) NiTi (Nickel titanium) rotary instruments ;
c) Peeso Reamer drills;
d) Gates Glidden drills;
e) K-files and H-files;
294) According to classification that is based on clinical usage of endodontic instruments, they
are classified:
a) *diagnostic instruments; instruments for removing the soft teeth’ tissues; instruments for
passing, enlargement and shaping of root canals;
b) dentine pins, gutta percha pins, silver pins;
c) vertical and lateral gutta percha condensers;
d) instruments for carious cavity preparation;
e) instruments for oral examination;
295) Which statement is true for K-type-file?
a) *Instruments are made by twisting a square or rhomboid shape metal blank; have blunt tip,
used for enlargement of root canals with a rotary action - clockwise direction;
b) Instruments have fewer turns per unit length than an equivalent-sized file and are intended
for use in a rotary action, have sharp tip and used for root canal passing;
c) Instruments are made from a tapered cylindrical block; in cross-section they have the
appearance of a series of intersecting cones; are intended for removal of roughness from root
canal walls;
d) Instruments that reduce creation of blocks, ledges, transportations and perforations by
remaining centered within the natural path of the canal; useful for curved canals but
increased risk of fracture;
e) Small flame-shaped cutting instrument used to enlarge the coronal third of the canal; should
be used only in the straight sections of the canal; fits into the conventional handpiece;
296) Which statement is true for reamers?
a) *Instruments have fewer turns per unit length than an equivalent-sized file and are intended
for use in a rotary action, have sharp tip and used for root canal passing;
b) Instruments are made by twisting a square or rhomboid shape metal blank; have blunt tip,
used for enlargement of root canals with a rotary action - clockwise direction;
c) Instruments are made from a tapered cylindrical block; in cross-section they have the
appearance of a series of intersecting cones; are intended for removal of roughness from root
canal walls;
d) Instruments that reduce creation of blocks, ledges, transportations and perforations by
remaining centered within the natural path of the canal; useful for curved canals but have
increased risk of fracture;
e) Small flame-shaped cutting instrument used to enlarge the coronal third of the canal; should
be used only in the straight sections of the canal; fits into the conventional handpiece;
297) Which statement is true for Hedstroem files?
a) *Instruments are made from a tapered cylindrical block; in cross-section they have the
appearance of a series of intersecting cones; used for shaping root canal, are intended for
removal of roughness from root canal walls;
b) Instruments have fewer turns per unit length than an equivalent-sized file and are intended
for use in a rotary action, have sharp tip and used for root canal passing;
c) Instruments are made by twisting a square or rhomboid shape metal blank; have blunt tip,
used for enlargement of root canals with a rotary action - clockwise direction;
d) Instruments that reduce creation of blocks, ledges, transportations and perforations by
remaining centered within the natural path of the canal; useful for curved canals but have
increased risk of fracture;
e) Small flame-shaped cutting instrument used to enlarge the coronal third of the canal; should
be used only in the straight sections of the canal; fits into the conventional handpiece;
298) What are the peculiarities of profiles - NiTi rotary instruments usage?
a) *Instruments that reduce creation of blocks, ledges, transportations and perforations by
remaining centered within the natural path of the canal; useful for curved canals but have
increased risk of fracture;
b) Instruments in cross-section have the appearance of a series of intersecting cones; used with
rasping movements, are intended for removal of roughness from root canal walls;
c) Instruments have fewer turns per unit length than an equivalent-sized file and are intended
for use in a rotary action, have sharp tip and used for root canal passing;
d) Instruments are made by twisting a square or rhomboid shape metal blank; have blunt tip,
used for enlargement of root canals with a rotary action - clockwise direction;
e) Cutting rotary instrument used to enlarge the coronal third of the canal; should be used only
in the straight sections of the canal; fits into the conventional handpiece;
299) What is the standardized working length of a file or reamer blade?
a) *16 mm.
b) 5 mm
c) 10 mm
d) 40 mm
e) 50 mm
300) What are the peculiarities of K- type - files usage?
a) *Instruments used for enlargement of root canals with a rotary action - clockwise direction
for ¼ - ½ of a turn;
b) Instruments in cross-section have the appearance of a series of intersecting cones; used with
rasping movements, are intended for removal of roughness from root canal walls;
c) Instruments are intended for use with a rotary action for ¼ - ½ of a turn, have sharp tip and
used for root canal passing;
d) Instruments that reduce creation of blocks, ledges, transportations and perforations by
remaining centered within the natural path of the canal; used with conventional handpiece;
e) Small flame-shaped cutting instrument used to enlarge the coronal third of the canal; should
be used only in the straight sections of the canal; fits into the conventional handpiece;
301) What are the peculiarities of reamers usage?
a) *Instruments are intended for use with a rotary action for ¼ - ½ of a turn, have a sharp tip
and used for root canal passing;
b) Instruments in cross-section have the appearance of a series of intersecting cones; used with
rasping movements, are intended for removal of roughness from root canal walls;
c) Instruments used for enlargement of root canals with a rotary action - clockwise direction
for ¼ - ½ of a turn;
d) Instruments that reduce creation of blocks, ledges, transportations and perforations by
remaining centered within the natural path of the canal; used with conventional handpiece;
e) Small flame-shaped cutting instrument used to enlarge the coronal third of the canal; should
be used only in the straight sections of the canal; fits into the conventional handpiece;
302) What are the peculiarities of the Hedstroem - files usage?
a) *Instruments are intended for removal of roughness from root canal walls; used for shaping
root canals, with rasping movements in it;
b) Instruments used for enlargement of root canals with a rotary action - clockwise direction
for ¼ - ½ of a turn;
c) Instruments that reduce creation of blocks, ledges, transportations and perforations by
remaining centered within the natural path of the canal; used with conventional handpiece;
d) Instruments are intended for use with a rotary action for ¼ - ½ of a turn, have sharp tip and
used for root canal passing;
e) Small flame-shaped cutting instrument used to enlarge the coronal third of the canal; should
be used only in the straight sections of the canal; fits into the conventional handpiece;
Situational tasks:
1. Patient complains of continued painful attacks in the teeth on the left side of lower jaw. The
pain irradiate to ear and to the back of the head and become stronger with cold and hot food.
Lasts protractedly. Objectively: there is a caries cavity on aprexial-medial surface of 36th tooth.
Probing is painful on the whole on bottom and causes pain attack. What is the diagnosis?
a. *Acute diffuse pulpitis
b. Acute limited pulpitis
c. Acute purulent pulpitis.
d. Conctretion pulpitis
e. Exacerbation chronic pulpitis
2. A 30 years patient complains of jam food among 46 and 47 teeth, which had appear two weeks
ago. Objectively: 46 and 47 are intact, percussion is painless. Under the turgid and hyperaemied
gingival papilla there is small amount of fibrous food debris. What kind of research you shoud
make for caries cavity detection?
a. *X-ray.
b. Vital staining.
c. Luminous diagnosis.
d. Trans luminous diagnosis
e. Electroondometrics.
3. A 12 years old girl complains of pain in low left teeth area. The pain has appeared yesterday
night. Pain is acute and brief, become stronger in the meal time. Objectively: there is a caries
cavity on chewing surface of 36th, and its full of pigmented dentin. Cavity is closed, bottom
probbing is painful in one place. Please name the most reliable diagnosis:
a. Acute limited pulpitis
b. Acute diffuse pulpitis
c. *Pulp hyperemy
d. Acute deep caries
e. Exacerbation of chronic fibrose pulpitis
4. The doctor was healing middle caries of 35th (1st class by Black) and accidentally disclosed
pulp chamber. What should be a doctor tactics?
a. Apply mummifying paste.
b. Do vital pulp amputation.
c. Do vital pulp extirpation.
d. Do devital pulp extirpation.
e. *Biological healing method.
5. A 30 years women complains of acute unwarranted temperature vulnerable pain. It lasts 3-10
min, with 2 hour breaks. Attacks become stronger at the night. Objectively: there is a deep
caries cavity in 25th with large amount of softened dentin. Probbing is painful in one place.
Percusiion is painless. Set the diagnosis.
a. *Acute limited pulpitis.
b. Pulp hyperaemia.
c. Acute diffuse pulpitis
d. Acute purulent pulpitis.
e. Traumatic pulpitis
6. A 27 years old patient complains of short-term pain. The pain is caused by cold irritant ads end
after its removal. Objectively: there is a caries cavity on the chewing surface of 37th. Its filled
with a softened dentin. Probing of bottom is light painful, thermal analysis is positive. Please
put the diagnosis:
a. *Deep caries.
b. Acute focal pulpitis.
c. Acute diffusive pulpitis.
d. Acute traumatic pulpitis
e. Acute middle caries
7. A 30 years old patient complains of spontaneous pain attacks, night-time pains in 36th. The
tooth is disturbing during 2 days. Objectively: there is a caries cavity on chewing surface. The
cavity is filled with clear softened dentin. The probing is painful in one place. There is pain on
cold stimuli, pain lasts for 5 min. after removing the irritant. Percussion is painful. EDI – 25
mkA. Put the diagnosis.
a. *Acute limited pulpitis
b. Acute diffuse pulpitis
c. Acute deep caries
d. Acute medium caries
e. Acute condition of chronic pulpitis
8. A 15 years old boy felt an acute short-term pain which appeared in 26th tooth during cavity
preparation. An examination of the bottom of caries cavity detects point-like hole in which there
is a bright red pulp. Set the diagnosis
a. *Acute traumatic pulpitis
b. Acute deep caries
c. Acute limited pulpitis
d. Acute diffuse pulpitis
e. Pulp hyperemia
9. Objectively: there is a carious cavity on chewing surface of 46th within mantle dentin. The
cavity is full of food debris, bottom and wall are full of pigmented dentin. Probing of bottom
and wall is painless, temperature test - painless, EDI=4mkA. Make the diagnosis
a. *Chronic medium caries
b. Acute medium caries
c. Chronic deep caries
d. Acute initial caries
e. Chronic fibrotic pulpitis
10. A 49 years old patient compains of acute spontaneous pain in left area of upper jaw. Pain lasts
over an hour and spreads up to the ear. The pain is stronger at night. There is filling defect in
26th. EDI - 25mkA, temperature test is very painful. Diagnosis?
a. *Acute diffuse pulpitis
b. Acute limited pulpitis
c. Neuralgia of the second branch left trigeminal nerve
d. Acute deep caries
e. Pulp hyperemia
11. A 25 years old patient complains of visual defect of frontal teeth of upper jaw. Objectively:
there are fillings on aproximal surface with affecting of cutting edge on 12, 11, 21, 22. Please
classify those tooth crown defects with Black's types.
a. *IV type
b. ІІІ type
c. V type
d. І type
e. ІІ type
12. A 34 years old patient complains of spontaneous pain in right lower jaw tooth. The pain is
tearing, throbbing and spreading. The patient can't detect painful tooth. The pain appeared 2
days ago. The pain increase and become almost permanent, stronger in a nighttime, amplified
with hot food. Pain relieves with cold water. Objectively: there is a carious cavity with softened
bottom. While probing it perforated and a little of dung has excreted. Diagnosis:
a. *Acute purulent pulpitis
b. Acute condition of chronic fibrous pulpitis
c. Pulp hyperemia
d. Acute condition of chronic fibrous periodontitis
e. Acute serous periodontitis
13. The dental treatment paste was applied in case of acute deep caries of 25th. After five days there
were appeared short-term paroxysmal pains. Objectively: there is a carious cavity under
temporary Filling on aproximal-distal surface of 25th. Filling is nonhermetic. What kind of
complication is most probably in this case?
a. Inflammation of gingival interdental small papilla
b. *Pulpitis progress.
c. Secondary caries progress.
d. Evolution from acute caries into chronic one.
e. Gingival papilla necrosis.
14. A 20 years old patient complains of pain and bleeding near 36th at the use of solid food.
Objectively: there is large carious cavity with fleshy granulated mass on medial chewing surface
of 36th. Bleeding and pain appear in area between carious cavity and pulp cavity while probing.
Percussion is painless. EDI – 40mkA. X-ray detects no changes. Diagnosis?
a. *Chronic hypertrophic pulpitis
b. Chronic hypertrophic gingivitis
c. hypertrophic papillitis
d. Chronic gangrenous pulpitis
e. Granulated gingival enlargement
15. Patient complains of acute spontaneous pain. Pain attack gradually increase, spreads to temple.
Pause between attacks is short. The pain decrease from cold. Make the diagnosis:
a. *Acute purulent pulpitis
b. Acute traumatic pulpitis
c. Pulp hyperemia.
d. Acute limited pulpitis.
e. Acute diffuse pulpitis
16. The patient complains of carious cavity ans short-term pain which ends after termination of
chemical and temperature stimulus. Objectively: there is a deep carious cavity, walls and bottom
are full of softened chondroid dentin. Probbing is painful in the bottom. Diagnosis:
a. *Pulp hyperemia.
b. Acute traumatic pulpitis
c. Acute purulent pulpitis
d. Acute limited pulpitis.
e. Acute diffuse pulpitis.
17. A 25 years old female complains of short-term pain in 46th at the use of solid food. Complains
started few month ago. Objectively: carious cavity on aproximal-distal surface in mantle dentin.
Cavity is full of solid pigmented dentin which is hard to remove. Probbing of walls and bottom
is painless. Percussion is painless, EDI - 6mkA. Diagnosis.
a. Acute diffuse pulpitis.
b. Acute initial .
c. *chronic medium caries.
d. Acute deep caries.
e. chronic concrementous pulpitis.
18. A preventive examination of 39 years old female revealed a carious cavity at the natural fossa of
32th. The cavity is in cimcurpulpar dentin area and is full of tight pigmented dentin. Probbing
and percussion are painless. No reaction to temperature stimuli, EOD - 6 mkA. Diagnosis?:
a. chronic fibroid pulpitis
b. chronic medium caries
c. *chronic deep caries
d. chronic periodontitis
e. Acute deep caries
19. What form of pulpitis is accompanied by pathomorphological picture: the structure of the
coronal pulp is removed, structureless mass is visible, granular decomposition, crystals of fatty
acids, blood pigment, colonies of microorganisms, sometimes in the root pulp on the line with
decomposition there is inflammation of demarcation of serous character, and then phenomena of
the chronic fibrous inflammation:
a) Acute focal pulpitis;
b) *Chronic fibrotic pulpit;
c) Chronic hypertrophic pulpitis;
d) Chronic gangrenous pulpitis.
e) All variants are correct
20. Patient points to a specific tooth, complains about the presence of a cavity initand the pain when
consuming hot food, pain of long duration . The cavity of the tooth is open, probing of coronal
pulp is not painful, root pulp - painful. Diagnosis:
a) Acute focal pulpitis;
b) Chronic fibrotic pulpit;
c) *Chronic hypertrophic pulpitis;
d) Chronic gangrenous pulpitis;
e) No correct answers
21. The patient complains of prolonged attack of pain in the teeth of the mandible on the left.
Irradiating of pain in the ear, nape, increasing at cold and hot food. Objective: in 36 of
approximal-medial surface are the deep cavity. Probing is painful around the bottom and causes
an attack of pain. What is the most likely diagnosis?
a) *Acute diffuse pulpitis
b) Acute pulpitis is limited
c) Acute suppurative pulpitis
d) Concrement pulpit
e) Chronic pulpitis
22. Woman complains of prolonged attack of pain in the upper jaw on the right side, which are
amplified and did not pass from the cold. 17 tooth is troubled during the one day. Objectively:
in the distally-chewing surface of teeth 17 is deep cavity, which is not combined with a tooth
cavity. Percussion is weak painful, EDI- 30 mkA. What is the final diagnosis?
a) *Acute diffuse pulpitis
b) Acute suppurative pulpitis.
c) Acute serous periodontitis.
d) Acute partial pulpitis.
e) Chronic periodontitis.
23. The patient complains of involuntary, night pain in 36 tooth. Tooth worry 2 days. Objective: at
the chewing surfaces 36 tooth is cavity with a narrow hole of entrance and with overhanging
edges, is filled light softened dentin. Probing the bottom of the cavity is sharply painful in one
place. Cool irritant causes pain that lasts 5 min. after removal of irritant. Percussion of the tooth
is painless. EDI - 25 mkA. What is the final diagnosis?
a) *Acute pulpitis is limited
b) Acute diffuse pulpitis
c) Acute deep caries
d) Acute secondary caries
e) Chronic pulpitis
24. Girl complains of pain in the area of the lower teeth left. Pain had been appeared yesterday. The
pain has a sharp, short-term nature, pain is increased during the meal. Objective: in 36 tooth is
deep cavity on chewing surfaces, is filled with pigmented dentin, tooth cavity is closed, probing
the bottom of the cavity is sharply painful at one point. What are the most likely diagnosis:
a) *Acute pulpitis is limited
b) Acute diffuse pulpitis
c) Hyperemia of the pulp
d) Acute deep caries
e) Chronic fibrous pulpitis
25. The patient complains of attacks of acute involuntary pain lasting more than an hour in the left
upper jaw, with irradiating to ear, night pain. In 26th tooth is defect fillings. EDI: 25 mkA.,
Reaction of temperature is sharply painful . Diagnosis?
a) *Acute diffuse pulpitis
b) Acute limited pulpitis
c) Neuralgia second branch of trigeminal nerve
d) Acute deep caries
e) There is no right answer
26. Girl complaines of involuntary, short-term (2-3 min) attack of pain that occurred twice in the
last day. Previously tooth is disturbed after cold food, out of fear is not treated. Objectively: in
25 tooth is deep cavity, is filled with light softened dentin that is easily removed by excavator,
probing is painfully across the bottom. Thermal test is positive.
a) *Hyperemia of the pulp
b) Acute deep caries
c) Acute secondary caries
d) Acute pulpitis is limited
e) Acute diffuse pulpitis
27. A patient complains of acute pain after preparation of cavity in 36 tooth . An examination of
the cavity bottom is a visable point, at which can be seen bright red pulp. Put a diagnosis.
a) *Acute traumatic pulpitis
b) Acute deep caries
c) Acute pulpitis is limited
d) Acute diffuse pulpitis
e) There is no right answer
28. Patient complaines of a strong involuntary pain, continuously trobbing pain on the left. With
irradiation in temple, ear, jaw mandibular. Objective: in 36 deep tooth is deep cavity, probing is
painful in certain areas of the bottom cavity. Pain is decreased from the cold. Percussion is
painful. Put a diagnosis.
a) *Acute suppurative pulpitis
b) Acute diffuse pulpitis
c) Acute pulpitis is limited
d) Chronic pulpitis
e) Neuralgia of trigeminal nerve
29. Patient 28 years old complaines of involuntary pain and pain from thermal irritant, which lasts
about 30 minutes. Objective: in 24 tooth is deep cavity, probing of bottom is painful at one
point, percussion is not painful. Make a diagnosis?
a) *Acute limited pulpitis
b) Hyperemia of the pulp.
c) Chronic fibrous pulpitis.
d) Acute deep caries.
e) Acute diffuse pulpit.
30. The patient complaints about the cavity and the appearance of short-term "lightning" pain,
which lasts about 1 - 2 minutes after termination of the thermal and chemical irritant.
Objectively: deep cavities, wall and bottom of cavities is filled softened dentin. Probing on the
bottom cavity is painful. Make a diagnosis:
a) *Pulp hyperemia.
b) Acute traumatic pulpitis
c) Acute suppurative pulpitis
d) Acute pulpitis is limited.
e) Acute diffuse pulpit.
31. The patient complaints of involuntary pain, attack of pain is increased, With irradiation in
temple, period between painful attacks with short painless intervals. The pain is decreased from
cold.Make a diagnosis
a) *Acute suppurative pulpitis.
b) Acute traumatic pulpitis
c) Hyperemia of the pulp.
d) Acute pulpitis is limited.
e) Acute diffuse pulpit.
32. Patient complains of pain from the hot in 25 tooth. Objectively: in the chewing-aproxymal
surface 25 tooth is deep cavity. Probing is a weak painful. The reaction to hot is
positive.Percussion is painless. What threshold of excitability is the pulp of the tooth?
a) *Electrical excitability of pulp 40-60 mkA
b) Electrical excitability of pulp 20-40 mkA
c) Electrical excitability of pulp 10-20 mkA
d) Electrical excitability of pulp 60-90 mkA
e) Electrical excitability of pulp 2-6 mkA
33. Boy complains of increasing pain in 46 tooth When consuming hot food. The tooth is pained 4
days. objective: on chewing surfaces 46 tooth is deep cavity. When probing accidentally is
opened camera of pulp, percussion painful. What is the likely diagnosis?
a) *Acute purulent pulpitis
b) Acute pulpitis is limited
c) Acute serous pulpitis
d) Chronic hypertrophic pulpitis
e) Chronic pulpitis concrement
34. The boy 8 years complains of involuntar, attack of pain with short painless intervals in the
mandible on the right. Objectively: in 36 tooth cavities is filled softned dentin. Probing is
painful on the bottom, camera of pulp is closed, the pain is increased from termal irritants.
Percussion of tooth is a weak painful. Make a diagnosis?
a) *Acute diffuse pulpitis
b) Simple chronic pulpitis
c) Partial serous pulpitis
d) Chronic pulpitis
e) Chronic pulpitis concrement
35. Woman complaints of acute pain and involuntar pain from thermal irritants, which lasts 10-3
minutes., painless intervals are continued 2 hours and more. Night pain. Objective: in 25 tooth is
deep cavity with softened dentin. Probing is a painful at one point. Percussion is painful. Make
a diagnosis.
a) *Acute pulpitis is limited.
b) Hyperemia of the pulp.
c) Acute diffuse pulpitis
d) Acute suppurative pulpitis.
e) Traumatic pulpit
36. Patient K., 46 years with the objective examination on the chewing surface of the 46 tooth is
deep cavity. Cavity is filled remnants of food, wall and bottom is filled pigmented dentin,
probing is painless on a bottom and wall, thermal test is not painful, EDI = 4mkA. Make a
a) *Chronic secondary caries
b) Acute secondary caries.
c) Chronic deep caries.
d) Acute initial caries.
e) Chronic fibrous pulpitis
37. Patient C, 28 years old, complains of throbbing pain in 36, with irradiating to the ears,
temples, is amplified from the hot, is decreased from the cold irritant. Objectively: in 36 tooth
is deep cavity, dentine is softened, probing of cavity of the tooth is easily opened, appeared a
drop of pus mixed with blood, pain intensity is decreased. Make a diagnosis
a) *Acute suppurative pulpitis
b) Acute partial pulpitis
c) Acute serous total pulpitis
d) Chronic pulpitis
e) Acute deep caries
38. Patient A., complains of pain and bleeding in the area of tooth 36, when consuming solid food.
Objective: in the medial-chewing surfaces of 36 tooth is large cavities, is filled meaty tumor ,
while probing is bleeding and pain in the area of communication cavity with camera of pulp.
Percussion is painful. EDI - 40mkA. On radiographs is absent changes. Make diagnosis
a) *Chronic hypertrophic pulpitis
b) Chronic hypertrophic gingivitis
c) Hypertrophic papillitis
d) Chronic gangrenous pulpitis
e) Tumor growth of gum
39. The patient, 27 years old, complaints of intermittent pain from coldirritant, which immediately
disappears after his elimination. Objective: in the chewing surfaces of 37 tooth is deep cavity, is
filled with softened dentin, probing of a bottom of cavity is weak painful, termal testis positive.
Make a diagnosis
a) *Deep caries
b) Acute focal pulpitis
c) Acute diffuse pulpitis
d) Acute traumatic pulpitis
e) Acute secondary caries
40. Male 27 years old, complains about severe throbbing pain in the left upper jaw, which is
irradiating to the cheek and ear. The pain disappears from cold water. Objective: in the 27
toothis a deep cavity. Probing the bottom of the cavity and percussion is painful. Make a
a) *Acute suppurative pulpitis of tooth 27
b) Acute pulpitis limited to 27 tooth
c) Acute diffusion pulpit 27 tooth
d) Acute serous periodontitis tooth 27
e) Pulpitis, periodontitis complicated
41. Patient T., 30 years complains about spontaneous ,throbbing, night pain in 36 tooth. Tooth is
pained 2 days. Objective: in the chewing surfaces of 36 tooth is cavity, is filled light softened
dentin. Probing of the bottom of the cavity is sharply painful in one place. Pain is appeared from
cool irritant that lasts 5 min. after removal of rritants. Percussion of tooth is painless.EDI - 25
mkA. Make a diagnosis?
a) *Acute pulpitis is limited
b) Acute diffuse pulpitis
c) Acute deep caries
d) Acute secondary caries
e) Chronic pulpitis
42. Patient complaints about acute pain in the tooth on the upper left jaw,pain is spontaneous, is
quickly passed. The tooth still is responded to temperature and chemical irritants. Objective:
deep cavity, which is filled light softened dentin. While probing of bottom is sharp pain at one
point. Diagnosis:
a) *Limited acute pulpitis
b) acute deep caries
c) hyperemia of the pulp
d) exacerbation of chronic fibrous pulpitis
e) acute serous periodontitis
43. Patient complaines about involuntary pain in the tooth on the lower jaw on the right, throbbing,
irradiating of pain. The patient can not accurately indicate the tooth that hurts. The pain is
emerged two days ago. Attack of pain are increased, the pain becomes almost constant. At
night, the pain is intense, intensified when consuming hot food. Pain is deacreased after cold
water. Objective: Deep cavity with softened dentin. While probing is easy perforated the
bottom, is removed drop of pus. Diagnosis:
a) *Acute purulent pulpitis
b) exacerbation of chronic fibrous pulpitis
c) hyperemia of the pulp
d) chronic fibrous pulpitis
e) acute serous periodontitis
44. Patient '52 complains about pain in the tooth on the upper jaw. The pain is appeared mainly
from the cold, slowly disappears after removal of irritant. Objective: in the tooth is cavity, the
horn of pulp disclosed, probing is painful. Percussion is painless. Diagnosis:
a) *Chronic fibrous pulpitis
b) chronic hypertrophic pulpitis
c) diffuse acute pulpitis
d) limited acute pulpitis
e) No right answer
45. The patient has in 46 tooth on the chewing surfaces deep cavity,which is filled with pigmented
dentin. Probing of the bottom of the cavity is light painful in projection of pulp horn. Put a
a) *Chronic deep caries
b) chronic fibrous pulpitis
c) acute focal pulpitis
d) chronic secondary caries
e) No right answer
46. Patient R., 20, complained of spontaneous pain in 26, pain worried for 1 day. Objective: the
chewing surfaces of 26 –th tooth with deep cavity, which is not combined with tooth cavity.
Dentine of the walls and a bottom of the cavity is softened. Probing of the cavity bottom is
sharply painful in one point, a reaction to cold irritants is painful for a long-term. Diagnose:
acute limited pulpitis of 26. What method of treatment is preferable in this case?
a) * Biological method
b) Vital amputation
c) Devitalized amputation
d) Devitalized extirpation
e) Vital extirpation
47. Patient S., 24 years, complains of spontaneous, night pain in 36 tooth. Tooth worries for one
day. Objective: the chewing surface of 36 tooth has the cavity with a narrow entrance hole and
overhanging edges, cavity is filled with light softened dentin. Probing of the cavity bottom is
sharply painful in one place. In the cold stimulus - a long-term pain. Percussion tooth painless.
EDI - 17 mA. What method of treatment is shown in this case?
a) *The biological method
b) Vital extirpation
c) Vital amputation
d) devitalized amputation
e) devitalized extirpation
48. Patient M., 19, complained of spontaneous attacks of night pain in 46 tooth. Tooth worried
during the day. In the neck region of 46 tooth is cavity with overhanging edges. Dentin in the
bottom and walls of the cavity is light softened. Probing the bottom of the cavity is sharply
painful in one place. On the cold stimulus - a long-term pain. Percussion is painless. EDI - 16
mA. What treatment is indicated in this case?
a) * Vital amputation
b) Vital extirpation
c) Remove a 46 tooth
d) devitalized amputation
e) Biological method
49. Patient P., 54 years old complained of spontaneous attacks of pain, night pain in 11 tooth.
Objective: the medial surface of the 11 tooth is cavity with overhanging edges. Dentin of the
bottom and walls of the cavity is light and softened. Probing the bottom of the cavity is sharply
painful. To the cold stimulus - a long-term pain. Percussion of tooth is painless. EDI - 80 mA.
What treatment is indicated in this case?
a) * Vital extirpation
b) Removing the tooth
c) Biological method
d) Devitalized amputation
e) Vital amputation
50. A child 8 years old came to doctor. During treatment of acute deep caries of 16 tooth , the pulp
chamber was perforated. Perforation point in the projection of pulp horn. What treatment should
be applied in this case.
a) * Biological treatment of pulpitis
b) Vital amputation pulp
c) Devitalized pulp amputation
d) Devitalized pulp extirpation
e) Fitting the insulating gaskets and permanent filling
51. Patient of '20 years old, complained of spontaneous night pain, short-term attacks. Pain first
appeared last night. Objective: in 24 tooth- deep cavity, during the probing of the cavity bottom,
the disclosed pulp horn was revealed, which bleeds easily. Your tactics for choosing a method
of treatment.
a) *Treatment of biological method
b) Devitalized amputation and extirpation
c) Remove tooth
d) Vital amputation and extirpation
e) It does not require treatment
52. Female 32 years old, being on a business trip, appealed to the dentist complaining of long-term
pain in the tooth of the upper jaw on the left side from the thermal, chemical and mechanical
stimuli. Objective: in 23- deep cavity, filled with gray-white dentin. Probing is painful at one
point, EDI - 20 mA. What treatment is appropriate to choose in this case?
a) vital extirpation
b) devitalized amputation
c) vital amputation
d) devitalized extirpation
e) Removing the tooth
53. The patient of '26 complains on spontaneous, short-time pain in the tooth on the upper jaw on
the right. Diagnosed hyperemia of the pulp of the 15 tooth. Which treatment is most reasonable?
a) * The biological method
b) Vital amputation
c) devitalized extirpation
d) Vital extirpation
e) devitalized amputation
54. The patient of 38 years old, diagnosed with chronic gangrenous pulpitis of 25 tooth. What is the
treatment of pulpitis should be applied?
a) * Vital extirpation
b) devitalized extirpation
c) Vital amputation
d) devitalized amputation
e) The combined method
55. In dental clinic appealed patient M. 40 years old. After examination was set the diagnose:
chronic pulpitis of 25 tooth. Instrument that is used for passing the root canals, made from high
quality steel, flexible, high cutting properties. Mark on the handle of the instrument - triangle.
What is the instrument?
a) K-file
b) * K-reamer
c) H-file
d) Flekso-file
e) Pulpoekstraktor(pulp broaches)
56. In dentistry clinic appealed patient M. 30. After examination the diagnosis was set: acute
pulpitis of 46 tooth. To remove the pulp special instrument is used. ‘Barbs’ on the instrument
snag the pulp to facilitate removal. What is the instrument?
a) * Pulpoekstraktor (pulp broaches)
b) H-file
c) K-file
d) Number reamer
e) Flekso-file
57. To the clinic appealed the patient P. of 45 years old. After examination the diagnosis was set:
chronic granulomatous periodontitis. At what stage of endodontic treatment the doctor should
determine the working length of the root canals, using technique Step-back?
a) * After providing access to the apical third, and after extending and smoothing the root
b) After determining the radiological length of the root canal.
c) Before the mechanical treatment of root canal.
d) After the mechanical treatment of root canal.
e) Do not determine at all.
58. Patient of 15 years old appealed to the dentist. After examination the diagnosis was set: chronic
periodontitis of 47 tooth. To conduct treatment it is necessary to determine the working length
of the tooth. The working length of the tooth it is:
a) * Distance from the physiological apex of the tooth to some a guideline on a tooth crown.
b) The distance from the physiological apex to the orifice of the root canal.
c) The distance from the anatomical apex to the cutting edge or occlusal surface.
d) X-ray length of the tooth
e) Permanent standard size.
59. Patient P. 46 was detected in 36 tooth discoloration of the tooth crown and bad marginal
adjoining of filling material. Percussion causes discomfort. In the X-ray in the periapical area
of distal root - there is granuloma. What is the maximum possible size for granulomas.
a) *0,5 cm
b) 0,8 cm
c) 1 cm
d) 2 cm
e) 1,5 cm
60. Woman of '53 years old, complains of fistula on the gums in the area of 12, 13. Objective: in
12-th - filling, percussion painless. On radiographs: in the top of the root of 12-th - cell
destruction of bone with a size of 0,5 x0, 3 cm with no clear boundaries. Root canal fillinged in
1/3 length. What is the optimal treatment in 12-th tooth?
a) *Filling the canal not reaching 1 mm of the roentgenological apical hole
b) Filling the canal reaching of the roentgenological apical hole
c) Filling the canal, go beyond of the roentgenological apical hole
d) Operation of resection the apex of the root
e) Electrophoresis 10 % sol. of potassium iodide in the projection of root apex .
61. Patient of 25 years old. During treatment of 35 tooth with a diagnosis of deep caries ,
localization on the chewing surface of teeth, during preparation was accidentally disclosed pulp
chamber. What is the treatment?
a) * The use of biological treatment.
b) Using vital amputation
c) Using devitalized amputation
d) Using devitalized extirpation
e) Using vital extirpation
62. The child 8 years old, diagnosed with acute diffuse pulpitis of 12 tooth. Treatment was
conducted by vital extirpation. What fillinger is better to use for filling a root canal?
a) *Pastes based on calcium hydroxide
b) Zinc - phosphate cement
c) Glass – ionomer fillinger
d) Pastes based on epoxy resins
e) Pastes based on resorcinol-formalin
63. Boy 7 years complained of night, spontaneous aching pain in 26 tooth. Pain radiating into the
ear and temple. Roentgenologically: apical part of roots of 26 in the still not formed, periodontal
gap is widened. What treatment is better to use?
a) * Method of vital deep amputation
b) The method of vital extirpation
c) The method of devitalized extirpation
d) Biological method
e) The method of devitalized amputation
64. Patient 32 years old was injured. The 22 –th tooth received a mechanical injury, there is direct
indications to apply vital method of treatment. What medication it is necessary to use?
a) *Curative lining
b) Resorcinol-formalin paste
c) arsenious paste
d) Paraformaldehid paste
e) Dentin - pasta
65. In the 19 years old, somatically healthy patient with a healthy periodontium and oral mucosa.
The patient 36 hours. ago for the first time feel pain in 24 tooth, localized, spontaneous pain
that lasted for 5-10 min., tooth has night pain. What treatment is best applied in this case?
a) *The biological method.
b) Devitalized extirpation.
c) Vital extirpation.
d) Devitalized amputation.
e) Mixed method.
66. The patient in '25 applied to the doctor with complaints of acute spontaneous pain arising from
acts of stimuli, lasts for 1 – 2 min., periods without pain 6 -24 hours increases in nighttime.
Objectively: cavities within circumpulpal dentin, probing is painful in parts of pulp horns
projection. Pulp chamber is closed. From the cold irritants a sharp pain that lasts for 1 - 2 min.
Percussion is negative. What is the most likely method of treatment?
a) * The biological method
b) The method of vital extirpation
c) The method of devitalized extirpation
d) The method of vital amputation
e) The method of devitalized amputation
67. In patient O. 13 years old spontaneous pain in the area of the upper jaw. Appeared a few days
ago. Objectively: in the 24 tooth is a deep cavity, probing is sharply painful and cause longterm pain. Percussion is slightly positive. In the X-ray - unformed root apex. Your tactics?
a) * Extirpation, a temporary root canal filling with calcium-hidroxide paste
b) Extirpation, temporarily turundas with dekametoxin
c) Extirpation, temporarily turundas of allspice oil
d) Extirpation, permanent root canal fillinging eugenol containing paste
e) Extirpation, permanent root fillinging with glass-ionomer cement .
68. The patient of '24, during treatment of acute deep caries in 25 tooth the doctor disclosed tooth
cavity. Pulp was injured only in the projection of its horn. What further management should
doctor apply?
a) *Apply a paste containing calcium hydroxide
b) Apply a devitalized paste
c) Apply a mumifying paste
d) Conduct of anesthesia and remove the tooth
e) Hold diathermocoagulation to the pulp
69. The patient P, 32 years, was diagnosed with acute diffuse pulpitis of 27 tooth, form of buccal
roots is atypical. Choose the most rational method of treatment.
a) *The combined method
b) Biological method
c) Vital amputation
d) Vital extirpation
e) devitalized amputation
70. The patient G., 18, in 36 tooth has cavity- class I by Black. Diagnosed with acute limited
pulpitis. Choose a method of treatment.
a) *The biological method
b) The method of vital amputation
c) The method of vital extirpation
d) The method of devitalized extirpation
e) Removing the tooth
71. The patient G., 10 years old, diagnosed with chronic fibrous pulpitis of 12 tooth. Select the
a) *Temporary root canal filling with calcium-hidroxide material
b) Filling the root canal with glass-ionomer cement
c) Filling the root canal with the use of rubber pins
d) Filling the root canal with the help of termofil
e) Fillinging the root canal with phosphate – cement
72. Patient N., 45 years old complained of pain from temperature stimuli that lasts for a long time. 2
weeks ago, pulpitis was treated at that tooth. Objective: 26-th tooth is filled with filling material,
percussion is painful, in response to temperature stimulus there is pain that lasts for long time.
On radiographs palatal canal fillinged on 2/3, in the buccal canals material not traced. Which of
the following are the most likely reason?
a) *Development of inflammation in periodontium
b) Incomplete extirpation of the pulp
c) Allergic reaction to root filling
d) Development of infection
e) Injury during endodontic manipulations
73. Patient in '16 years old has complains of pain in 15 tooth. After examination the patient was
diagnosed with acute purulent pulpitis. What are the characteristic symptoms?
a) *Constant pain, which tend to increase, while biting, mucous membrane of this site may be
edematous, hyperemic. Percussion is sharply painful.
b) Pain from thermal and mechanical stimuli, which disappeared immediately after removal of
c) Strong, sharp, pulsating pain, feeling of the "grown tooth" collateral edema.
d) Asymptomatic, tooth can be changed in color.
e) Discomfort, a sense of heaviness, bursting open, sometimes dull pain, percussion slightly
sensitive, maybe fistula.
74. The patient of '43, complains on lasting pain during meals and from thermal stimuli in 36 tooth.
During the objective examination on the chewing surfaces was revealed deep cavitiy. Probing
causes pain. Specify the diagnosis.
a) * Pulpitis.
b) Periodontitis.
c) Medium dental caries.
d) Deep tooth decay.
e) Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis.
75. Man '30 years old, complains of pain in the right half of the face, which appeared at night. Pain
is sharp, attacks of pain, spontaneous pain, irradiate in the temple. Objectively - a deep cavity in
the 14 tooth, probing is painful, percussion is positive. Put the diagnosis:
a) * Acute pulpitis.
b) Acute periodontitis.
c) Deep tooth decay.
d) Chronic periodontitis.
e) Chronic pulpitis
76. The teenager complained of pain in 36 tooth. Diagnosed with acute diffuse pulpitis. What is the
nature of pain when it is pulpitis?
a) * Spontaneous, night, irradiating pain.
b) Persistent severe pain.
c) Short attack-like pain with long periods of remission.
d) Along with sharp attack-like pain, may be lasting aching pain.
e) Persistent weak pain
77. To the clinic the patient came with a bottle of cold water that calms toothache. What is the most
likely diagnosis?
a) * Acute purulent pulpitis.
b) Medium dental caries.
c) Acute periodontitis.
d) Chronic periodontitis.
e) Deep caries
78. Patient 32 years old, complained of constant aching pain in 26 tooth, that increases while biting.
Objectively: the chewing surface of the 26 tooth has the cavity that communicates with the
cavity of the tooth. Transitional fold is painful on palpation, percussion of 26-tooth is sharply
painful. After probing the canal, the purulent discharge appeared. What method is necessary to
conduct, to put the diagnosis?
a) * X-ray study
b) Electro odonto- diagnosis
c) Thermo-probe
d) Bacteriological study
e) Deep probing
79. The patient of '32 years old, complains of prolonged attacks of pain in 45 tooth, which is
provoked by a variety of stimuli, spontaneous night pain, that irradiate in the right ear.
"Light"(without pain) intervals between attacks 30 - 40 min, the pain lasts for of 2 days. The
walls and bottom of the cavity with soft light dentin. Put the diagnosis.
a) * Acute diffuse pulpitis.
b) Acute limited pulpitis.
c) Acute purulent pulpitis.
d) Exacerbation of chronic fibrous pulpitis.
e) Inflammation of upper cervical sympathetic node.
80. The patient G., 18 years old, in 36 tooth has a cavity, class I by Black. Diagnosed with acute
limited pulpitis. Choose a method of treatment.
a) * The biological method
b) The method of vital amputation
c) The method of vital extirpation
d) The method of devitalized extirpation
e) Removing the tooth
81. H. The patient of 23 years old, was diagnosed with exacerbation of chronic fibrous pulpitis of
37 tooth. Roentgenologically the root of the 37 tooth has normal anatomical shape. Select a
method of treatment?
a) * Vital extirpation
b) devitalized extirpation
c) Biological method
d) Removing the tooth.
e) The method of vital amputation
82. The patient, 16 years old, after the injury, that was received 2 hours ago, the 1/3 of the crown is
absent, the pulp of the 11 tooth is naked. On radiographs there is no fracture of 11 tooth. Select
a method of treatment?
a) * Vital extirpation
b) Biological method
c) Devitalized pulp extirpation
d) Removing the tooth.
e) The method of vital amputation
83. The patient P, 32 years old, was diagnosed with acute diffuse pulpitis of 27 tooth, form of
buccal roots is atypical. Select the most rational method of treatment.
a) * The combined method
b) Biological method
c) Vital amputation
d) Vital extirpation
e) devitalized amputation
84. The patient, 24 years old, during the treatment of acute deep caries in 25 tooth, the tooth cavity
was disclosed. Pulp was injured only in the projection of its horn. What is further management
of treatment?
a) *To lay down a paste containing calcium hydroxide
b) To impose a devitalized paste
c) To put a mumifying paste
d) To conduct of anesthesia and remove the tooth
e) Hold diathermocoagulation of pulp
85. Patient R. 30 years old, was carried out endodontic treatment of 34 tooth with a limited acute
pulpitis. A root canal was fillinged with gutta-percha pins and epoxy fillinger and control Xray was held. What are the main criterion of root canal quality fillinging.
a) *"The root filling " tightly fill the entire canal and is located at “physiological apex"
b) "The root filling" tightly fill the entire canal and is located at ” anatomical top "
c) "The root filling" with a slight excess is derived from apical hole
d) "The root filling" is located at 2 mm before reaching the "X-ray top" of the root
e) "The root filling" is located at “physiological apex"
86. Patient K. 46 years old, during the instrumental and medicine treatment of 45 tooth, root canal
held the blockade of clearance, canal was filled with dentinal dust. What means of preventing
for such complication.
a) * Thorough observance of rules and instrumental stages of canal treatment, adequate
irrigation of canal after each instrument
b) Correct disclosure of cavity
c) Previous expanding of root canal orifice
d) To follow recommended angles of rotation in the canal
e) The use of antiseptics in sufficient quantities
87. Patient 19 years old, during the preparation cavity in 25 tooth, accidentally was perforated the
roof of pulp chamber. What is the best method of treatment in this situation?
a) * The biological method.
b) The method of vital extirpation
c) The method of vital amputation
d) The method of devitalized extirpation
e) The method of devitalized amputation
88. The patient N. 21 years old, during the treatment of acute deep caries of 46 tooth, during
preparation, mesial-buccal pulp horn was opened accidentally. What is the most rational method
of treatment?
a) * The biological method.
b) The method of vital extirpation.
c) The method of devitalized amputation.
d) The method of devitalized extirpation.
e) The method of vital amputation.
89. Man 28 years old, complains of prolonged pain in 25 tooth that occurs when food consumption,
especially cold food and when changing the ambient temperature. OBJECTIVE: cavity on the
distal surface of the 25 tooth, pulp chamber is disclosed at one point, probing is painful. There
is a slight pain on percussion. EOD - 40 mA. Which of the below mentioned treatments for the
most expedient at this situation?
a) * Vital extirpation of the pulp
b) Biological method
c) Devitalized pulp amputation
d) Vitale pulp amputation
e) Devitalized pulp extirpation
90. The young man of 18 years old, while playing hockey got injury of the upper jaw teeth. After 2
hours he appealed to the dentist complaining of fracture of cutting edge of the crown of the 11
tooth and an acute pain in the tooth, the impossibility of eating. OBJECTIVE: fracture of the
crown of 11 tooth, pulp chamber is not opened, however pulp is visible, acutely painful. What is
the most expedient method of treatment of 11 tooth?
a) * Vital extirpation
b) Conservative (biological)
c) devitalized extirpation
d) Vital amputation
e) To cover the tooth by the artificial crown
91. The patient 21 years old, appealed to the dentist to continue the treatment at the 37 tooth,
diagnosed with pulpitis. Patient complains of pain during biting on this tooth. Two weeks ago
arsenic paste was imposed on this tooth. The patient didn’t appear in time for treatment. Now it
is necessary to:
a) * Extirpation of pulp and bring antidote of arsenious anhydride in the periapical tissue
b) To remove tooth
c) To conduct hemisection
d) Extirpation and root canal filling at the same visit
e) Anesthesia 2 % solution novocain
92. The patient '30. Complains of spontaneous pain in the tooth in the mandible on the right side,
pain has tearing, pulsating, irradiating character. The patient can not accurately indicate the
tooth that hurts. The pain appeared two days ago. Pain attack increases, the pain is almost
constant. At night, the pain is intense, intensified under the influence of hot overconsumption.
Cold water relieves the pain a little. Objective: Deep cavity with softened bottom. While
probing it is easy to perforate, appeared drop of pus. What treatment should we use?
a) * Vital extirpation
b) Biological method
c) Remove tooth
d) Vital amputation
e) devitalized amputation
93. The patient age of'45 appealed to the dentist for the replacement of missing 25, 24 teeth, during
the radiographic study in the area of the apex of 23 tooth, was found round fire of destruction of
bone small size (diameter 2 mm) with distinct contours. Root canal fillinged on 2/3, the shadow
of the filling material unclear. Objective: to palate-distal surface of tooth 23 is a permanent
filling without defects. Percussion of 23 tooth is painless, mucous membrane in the area of the
tooth without pathological changes. Diagnosed chronic granulomatous periodontitis of 23 tooth.
What should be the dentist tactics:
a) To conduct a course of physiotherapy
b) Make resection of the top of 23 tooth
c) * Conduct endodontic treatment of periodontitis of 23 tooth
d) Remove 23 tooth
e) Do not hold treatment of 23 tooth?
94. The patient K.39 years. During treatment of acute deep dental caries of 36, during preparation
medial-buccal pulp horn was opened accidentally. What is the appropriate method of
a) * Biological
b) The method of vital amputation
c) The method of devitalized amputation
d) The method of vital extirpation
e) Method devitalized extirpation
95. A 31 year old woman was diagnosed with chronic pulpitis of 42. She needs an endodontic
treatment. What should be the minimal width of apical part of the root (use the ISO
classification), after widening it with the endodontic instruments?
a) *No less than #25
b) No less than #30
c) No less than #16
d) No less than #45
e) No less than #35
96. A 25 year old woman was diagnosed with acute pulpitis of 16. What kind of anaesthesia should
we use in that case?
a) Mandibular and palatinal
b) Infraorbital and palatinal
c) Infraorbital
d) *Maxillary and palatinal
e) Maxillary
97. A 18 year old boy was diagnosed with acute pulpitis of 24. What kind of anaeathesia should we
use in that case?
a) Infraorbital and palatinal
b) Infraorbital, maxillary and palatinal
c) Infiltration in both sides of maxilla
d) *Correct answers B and C
e) No correct answer
98. A 25 year old man complains of eccentric night pain of his 17. He was diagnosed with acute
pulpitis. What kind of ansesthesia should we use at that case?
a) Maxillary
b) Maxillary and nasopalatinal
c) *Maxillary and palatinal
d) Mandibular
e) Infraorbital and nasopalatinal
99. A 37 year old man was diagnosed with chronic pulpitis of 23. He needs an endodontic
treatment. What should be the minimal width of apical part of the root (use the ISO
classification), after widening it with the endodontic instruments?
a) No less then #25
b) No less then #30
c) No less then #16
d) No less then #45
e) *No less then #35
100. The 19 year old girl was diagnosed with acute pulpitis of 36. What kind of anaesthesia
should we use at that case?
a) Maxillary
b) *Mandibular
c) Mental
d) Infraorbital
e) Topical
101. A 34 year old patient was diagnosed with chronic pulpitis of 13 and treated by arsenic paste.
5 days later he felt the high pain during biting. Objectively: vertical and horizontal percussion is
painful. What should be the doctors tactics?
a) *Pulp extirpation + hermetic bandage with antidote
b) Remove the arsenic paste and pulp, left tooth open for 2-3 day
c) Remove the arsenic paste, put the tooth filling
d) Remove the temporary filling and put arsenic paste iteratedly
e) Wait for 5-6 days more
102. A 35 year old woman complains of high eccentric night pain, which was caused witn no
irritants. This pain started two days ago and became higher in night time. Cold water makes
patient feel better. Objectively: deep carious cavity with softened dentine. During the probing a
drop of pus exuding. What method of treatment should we use in that case?
a) Vital amputation of the crown pulp
b) *Vital extirpation under the anaesthesia
c) Extracting the tooth
d) Biological method – with calcium paste
e) Devital amputation
103. A 65 year old patient complains of eccentric night pain of 25, caused by no irritants.
Objectively: deep carious cavity with painful probing and horizontal percussion. Patient was
diagnosed with acute pulpitis. What will be the treatment if he had the cardiac history (4 month
ago) in anamnesis?
a) Vital extirpation
b) Vital amputation
c) *Devital extirpation
d) Devital amputation
e) Biological method (with using the calcium)
104. A 18 year old patient complains of eccentric night pain of 25, caused by no irritants.
Objectively: deep carious cavity with painful probing. Patient was diagnosed with acute pulpitis.
What will be the treatment ?
a) *Vital extirpation
b) Vital amputation
c) Devital extirpation
d) Devital amputation
e) Biological method (with using the calcium)
105. A 30 year old woman complains of eccentric night pain of 25, caused by no irritants. Cold
water makes patient feel better. Objectively: deep carious cavity with painful probing and
horizontal percussion. Patient was diagnosed with acute purulent pulpitis. What will be the
treatment ?
a) *Vital extirpation
b) Vital amputation
c) Devital extirpation
d) Devital amputation
e) Biological method (with using the calcium)
106. A 23 year patient with allergy in anamnesis complains of eccentric night pain of 25, caused
by no irritants. Objectively: deep carious cavity with painful probing. Patient was diagnosed
with acute pulpitis. What treatment will be?
a) Vital extirpation
b) Vital amputation
c) *Devital extirpation
d) Devital amputation
e) Biological method (with using the calcium)
107. During the 18 year old patients caries treatment the pulp chamber was opened pointwise.
What should be the doctor tactics?
a) Vital extirpation
b) Vital amputation
c) Devital extirpation
d) Devital amputation
e) *Biological method (with using the calcium)
108. During the 65 year old patients caries treatment, the pulp chamber was opened pointwise.
What should be the doctor tactics?
a) Vital extirpation
b) Vital amputation
c) *Devital extirpation
d) Devital amputation
e) Biological method (with using the calcium)
109. A 28 year old patient was diagnosed with acute pulpitis – after wrong tooth filling. What
method of canal preparation should be used in that case?
a) *“Crown down” technics
b) “Step back’’ technics
c) Mixed technics
d) “Step down” technics
e) No correct answer
110. A 25 year old man was diagnosed with chronic pulpitis and need anaesthesia. Doctor choose
articaine with vasoconstrictor. What do we use vasoconstrictors for?
a) *To prolong the action of the drug
b) To avoid toxic reaction of anaesthetics
c) To protect soft tissues
d) All answers are right
e) No correct answer
111. Patient was diagnosed with acute purulent pulpitis. What will be the most effective solution
to clean the root canals?
a) *3% solution of natrium hypochloridi
b) 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide
c) 1% solution of dekamini
d) 45% spiritus ethyli
e) All this solutions can be used
112. A 30 year old patient complains of acute eccentric pain in right half of face, which started
last night. Objectively: deep carious cavity with white softened dentine , probing and cold water
caused pain, horisontal percution is painful. What will be the diagnosis?
a) *Acute pulpitis
b) Chronic pulpitis
c) Acute deep caries
d) Acute periodontitis
e) Chronic periodontitis
113. A 34 year old patient was diagnosed with acute pulpitis. What will be the complains about?
a) *Night accentric pain with no irritants.
b) Continual dull pain.
c) Short dull pain
d) Itching gums
e) No complains
114. During the endodontic treatment of 22 patients feel a severe pain. What kind of anaesthesia
should we use at that case?
a) Topical
b) Infiltration
c) Narcosis (general anesthesia)
d) Infraorbital and nasopalatinal anaesthesia
e) *Infiltration or infraorbital+nasopalatinal
115. Patient M., 26 year old, that was diagnosed with chronic pulpitis, has allergy to articaini and
lidocaini in anamnesis. What should the doctors tactics be at that case?
a) To inject other kind of anaesthetics
b) *Send this patient to make an allergy tests
c) To inject small doses of articaini
d) Not to do the anaesthesia
e) Use topical anaesthesia
116. A 26 year old woman was diagnosed with chronic pulpitis of 42. She needs an endodontic
treatment. What should be the minimal width of apical part of the root (use the ISO
classification), after widening it with the endodontic instruments?
a) No less then #16
b) No less then #30
c) *No less then #25
d) No less then #45
e) No less then #35
117. A 28 year old man was diagnosed with acute pulpitis of 14. What kind of anaeathesia should
we use in that case?
a) Infraorbital and palatinal
b) Infraorbital, maxillary and palatinal
c) Infiltration in both sides of maxilla
d) *Correct answers B and C
e) No correct answer
118. A 34 year old woman complains of acute eccentric pain in right half of face, which started
last night. Objectively: deep carious cavity with white softened dentine, probing and cold water
caused pain, horisontal percution is painful. What will be the diagnosis?
a) Acute deep caries
b) Chronic pulpitis
c) *Acute pulpitis
d) Acute periodontitis
e) Chronic periodontitis
119. A 26 year old man was diagnosed with acute pulpitis of 16. What kind of anaesthesia should
we use in that case?
a) Mandibular and palatinal
b) Infraorbital and palatinal
c) Infraorbital
d) Maxillary
e) *Maxillary and palatinal
120. Patient was diagnosed with chronic pulpitis and need anaesthesia. Doctor choose articaine
with vasoconstrictor. What do we use vasoconstrictors for?
a) To protect soft tissues
b) To avoid toxic reaction of anaesthetics
c) *To prolong the action of the drug
d) All answers are right
e) No correct answer
121. A 25 year old patient was diagnosed with acute pulpitis – after wrong tooth filling. What
method of canal preparation should be used in that case?
a) *“Crown down” technics
b) “Step back’’ technics
c) Mixed technics
d) “Step down” technics
e) No correct answer
122. During the endodontic treatment of 12 patients feel a severe pain. What kind of anaesthesia
should we use at that case?
a) Topical
b) Infiltration
c) Narcosis (general anesthesia)
d) Infraorbital and nasopalatinal anaesthesia
e) *Infiltration or infraorbital+nasopalatinal
123. A 28 year old man complains of eccentric night pain of 25, caused by no irritants.
Objectively: deep carious cavity with painful probing. Patient was diagnosed with acute pulpitis.
What will be the treatment ?
a) Vital amputation
b) *Vital extirpation
c) Devital extirpation
d) Devital amputation
e) Biological method (with using the calcium)
124. A 47 year old woman complains of high eccentric night pain, which was caused witn no
irritants. This pain started two days ago and became higher in night time. Cold water makes
patient feel better. Objectively: deep carious cavity with softened dentine. During the probing a
drop of pus exuding. What method of treatment should we use in that case?
a) Vital amputation of the crown pulp
b) *Vital extirpation under the anaesthesia
c) Extracting the tooth
d) Biological method – with calcium paste
e) Devital amputation
125. A 23 year patient is afraid of pain during anaesthesia. What should you do in that case?
a) Do the treatment under the general anaesthesia
b) *Use topical anaesthesia first
c) Use topical anaesthesia only
d) Use hypnosis
e) Use some relaxants
126. A 27 year old patient was diagnosed with chronic pulpitis of 12 and treated by arsenic paste.
5 days later he felt the high pain during biting. Objectively: vertical and horizontal percussion is
painful. What should be the doctor’s tactic?
a) *Pulp extirpation + hermetic bandage with antidote
b) Remove the arsenic paste and pulp, left tooth open for 2-3 day
c) Remove the arsenic paste, put the tooth filling
d) Remove the temporary filling and put arsenic paste iteratedly
e) Wait for 5-6 days more
127. The 17 year old boy was diagnosed with acute pulpitis of 36. What kind of anaesthesia
should we use at that case?
a) Maxillary
b) Infiltration
c) Mental
d) *Mandibular
e) Topical
128. A 55 year old man complains of eccentric night pain of 14, caused by no irritants.
Objectively: deep carious cavity with painful probing and horizontal percussion. Patient was
diagnosed with acute pulpitis. What will be the treatment if he had the cardiac history (2 month
ago) in anamnesis?
a) Vital extirpation
b) Vital amputation
c) *Devital extirpation
d) Devital amputation
e) Biological method (with using the calcium)
129. A 47 year old man complains of eccentric night pain of 25, caused by no irritants.
Objectively: deep carious cavity with painful probing. Patient was diagnosed with acute pulpitis.
What will be the treatment?
a) *Vital extirpation
b) Vital amputation
c) Devital extirpation
d) Devital amputation
e) Biological method (with using the calcium)
130. A 18 year old patient complains of tooth pain of his 25, caused by cold water and food.
Objectively: deep carious cavity with softened dentine and painful probing. What will be the
treatment ?
a) Vital extirpation
b) Vital amputation
c) Devital extirpation
d) Devital amputation
e) *Biological method (with using the calcium)
131. Patient was diagnosed with acute purulent pulpitis. What will be the most effective solution
to clean the root canals?
a) distilled water
b) 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide
c) 1% solution of dekamini
d) *3% solution of natrium hypochloridi
e) All this solutions can be used
132. A 26 year old man was diagnosed with chronic pulpitis of 13. He needs an endodontic
treatment. What should be the minimal width of apical part of the root (use the ISO
classification), after widening it with the endodontic instruments?
a) No less than #25
b) No less than #15
c) No less than #16
d) No less than #60
e) *No less than #35
133. Young man 25 years old, during riding a bicycle three days ago falled down. Complain on
the pain because of the mechanical trauma. Objectively the teeth of the upper jaw: slanting the
broken crown of 21 tooth. Exposure of the pulp of sufficient size, it became grey-brown. The
probing of the pulp is very painful. The tooth don't move. While X-ray the fracture of the root is
absent. Treatment:
a) *Devitalization of the tooth
b) to keep the vitality of the pulp
c) remineralization therapy
d) restoration needed
e) complex mineralization
134. Patient, 25 years old, complaining of spontaneous pain in the tooth of upper jaw on left side.
The root canal of tooth was filled because of pulpitis. What can cause this pain?
a) *Not full exterpation of inflammed pulp
b) mechanical trauma of periodontium during treatment
c) chemical care of periodontium by medications during treatment
d) Malformed cavity of the tooth
e) Not consumption of medications during treatment
135. Patient 20 years old, complains of pain when biting, pain appear 2 weeks ago in the 12
tooth.Tooth was carried out by biological treatment of pulpitis. OBJECTIVE: tooth filled, the
reaction to cold- painless, percussion is painful. It is necessary:
a) a second treatment by biological
b) *Use one of the surgical treatment of pulpitis
c) remove tooth
d) conduct a course of antibiotics electrophoresis
e) resect the root apex
136. Patient 21 years old, want to continue treatment of 37 tooth because of pulpitis. Complained
of pain when biting on this tooth. 2 weeks ago was imposed arsenic paste. Patient does not come
for treatment in time. It is necessary to
a) *Extirpation and bring antidote arsenic trioxide in the periapical tissue
b) remove tooth
c) do hemisektsiyu
d) extirpation and root-canal filling at the same visit
e) anesthesia 2 \% solution novakayinu
137. Patient aged 45 years old complaining on pain of temperature stimuli and spontaneous pain
in 26 tooth. A week ago a tooth was treated because of pulpitis. Objective: the chewing surfaces
of the tooth 26 is a filling. Vertical percussion is painful. On cooling stimulus arises pain, which
slowly increases and lasts for 30 minutes. On radiograph -palatal canal of the 26tooth is filled
by 2/3, in buccal canals filling materials are not traced. What could be the cause of this
a) Development of inflammation in periodontium
b) Inadequate fillinging of root canals
c) Further development of the infectious process
d) *Incomplete extirpation of the pulp
e) Periodontal trauma
138. Patient complaining on acute pain in 26 tooth that is exacerbated during biting. Four days
ago was imposed arsenic paste, at the appointed time of admission patient did not appear.
Objective: exterior of the 26tooth without features, Fillinged bandage preserved. Percussion is
painful, the X-ray of the periapical tissue changes are missing. After mechanical and
pharmacological treatment of root canals turundas is moist, not painted. What drug substance
should be left in root canals for maximum clinical effect:
a) Chloramine
b) Sodium hipohloryd
c) *Unitiol
d) Trypsin
e) Iodynol
139. Patient aged 26 years old, complaining of the constant pain in 12 tooth, which intensified
during biting. Three days ago in the treatment of acute pulpitis, to this patient was given arsenic
tooth paste. Infrastructural facilities, favored maintaining status quo: the medial surface of the
12tooth- is a cavity, closed by germetic bandage. Percussion of the12 tooth is sharply painful.
The doctor set a diagnosis- acute arsenic-periodontitis of the 12 tooth. Select the right treatment:
a) * To left antidote of arsenic in the root canal under tight bandage
b) Antidote arsenic left in the cavity under tight bandage
c) Assign inside canal electrophoresis antidote, to left tooth open
d) Rinse arsenic antidote in root canal, tooth left open
e) Remove tight bandage, assign electrophoresis of antidote to transition the crease.
140. Patient aged 27 years old after 4 hours after imposition of arsenious paste to 36 tooth,
applied to the dentist complaining of pain in this area of the tooth. Objective: the medial-distal
surface of the 36 tooth- is fillinged with bandage. Percussion of the 36tooth is painless. Papilla
between 36 and 37 teeth is hyperemied, on top of the necrotic foci. What treatment for this
a) Remove bandage, clear process 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide
b) Save bandage appoint rinsing solution of sodium bicarbonate
c) Save bandage, clear process 3% solution of iodine
d) Save bandage, clear process 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide
e) *Replace the bandage, clear process 3% solution of iodine
141. Patient aged 46 years old, with acute diffuse pulpitis of the 13tooth, doctor put arsenic paste
on the painful area of the bottom of the cavity and covered it with water-dentin. After 4 hours
the patient came, complaining of unbearable pain. What is the most probable cause for pain
a) Not held premedication
b) Overdose of arsenious paste
c) Insufficient intake of that paste arsenic
d) *Devitalizing effect of arsenic and no outflow of fluid
e) Not intended analgesics.
142. Patient age 34 years carried out extirpation of the pulp of the tooth. How will this affect the
metabolism of dentin and enamel:
a) *Disrupted flow to dentin and enamel nutrients and mineral salts
b) Not affect the metabolism of dentin and enamel
c) Compensatory activity enabled odontoblastiv
d) Share enamel will not change, and in dentin – activated
e) Activated metabolism in the enamel and dentin?
143. Patient under 53 years will receive a dental treatment of the 26 tooth on the chronic fibrous
pulpitis by devital extirpation. Mesial buccal canal is difficult to pass due to bending root, it is
impossible to conduct complete extirpation of the pulp. Select the best material for filling root
canals in this clinical situation:
a) Biokaleks
b) AH-plus
c) *Foredent
d) Phosphate cement
e) Endometazon.
144. Patient aged 36 years old diagnosed with chronic fibrous pulpitis of the 17tooth, preparation
is done, pulp extirpation is conducted, instrumental and drug treatment of root canals. How it
will be appropriate to fill root canal?:
a) By the anatomic apex
b) Go to the top of the X-ray
c) Over the top
d) *To the physiological top
e) Not reaching 0.3 cm to the top?
145. Patients aged 36 years old established diagnosis of acute diffuse pulpitis of the 45tooth.
Conducted preparation, extirpation of the pulp, mechanical and medical treatment of root
canals. How to conduct root-canal filling:
a) *To the physiological top
b) By the anatomic apex
c) Go to the top of the X-ray
d) Over the top
e) On 3 / 5 length of root canal?
146. Patient aged 25 years old complains of acute spontaneous pain in 35 tooth, which is
aggravated at night. After examination- established the diagnosis of acute limited pulpitis of the
35 tooth. Choose a method of treatment:
a) Biological
b) *Vital extirpation of the pulp
c) The combined method
d) Vital amputation pulp
e) Devital pulp amputation.
147. Patient aged 60 years old, appealed with complaints of daily attacks of spontaneous pain in
26 tooth, lasting for 5-7 minutes. Objective: on the chewing surfaces of the 26 tooth is a deep
cavity. Probing is painful at one point. Test is positive for cold irritants, pain dicrease directly
after 10 minutes after removal of stimuli, percussion is painless. Patient has either a myocardial
infarction. What methods of treatment may be used:
a) Combined
b) Biological
c) Vital extirpation of the pulp
d) Vital amputation pulp
e) *Devital pulp amputation
148. Patient aged 21, with acute deep caries of the 12 tooth during preparation, the pulp horn was
accidentally opened. What is the most expedient method of treatment:
a) Biological
b) *Vital extirpation of the pulp
c) Devital amputation pulp
d) Combined
e) Vital amputation pulp?
149. Patient aged 27 years old with acute deep caries of the 26 tooth during cavity preparation
was accidentally disclosed medially-buccal pulp horn. Choose a method of treatment:
a) Vital amputation pulp
b) Devital extirpation of the pulp
c) Devital amputation pulp
d) *Biological method
e) Vital extirpation of the pulp.
150. Patient aged 20 years old, with acute deep caries of the 46 tooth during cavity preparation
accidentally was disclosed medial-buccal pulp horn. What is the most rational method of further
a) *Biological
b) Vital extirpation of the pulp
c) Devital amputation pulp
d) Devital extirpation of the pulp
e) Vital amputation pulp?
151. After month after the biological method of treatment of acute limited pulpitis in 26 tooth in
the patient emerged aching pain from hot stimuli. Objective: chewing-distal surface of the
26tooth, cavity is completely filled. Percussion of the 26 tooth is painless, from cold water there
is aching pain, EDI - 40 mcA. What is the most expedient method of treatment in this case:
a) Devital amputation pulp
b) Vital amputation pulp
c) *Vital extirpation of the pulp
d) Overlay of pulp paste with corticosteroid drugs
e) Physiotherapy treatment?
152. Patient aged 46 years old complaining of pain and bleeding from the cavity of the 27 tooth
while eating. Earlier in this tooth arised spontaneous sharp pain. Objective: the chewing surface
of the 27tooth has a deep cavity, filled with red tissue. During the percussion of the formation pain and bleeding. What is the most useful method of treatment:
a) Devital amputation pulp
b) Formation cutting and fillinging of the tooth
c) *Vital extirpation of the pulp
d) Vital amputation pulp
e) Biological method?
153. Patient aged 20 years old during the last 36 days the tooth was spontaneous paroxysmal
pain, which lasts 5-10 minutes. Objective: chewing-distal surface of the 36 tooth has deep
cavity, which at one point connected with the cavity of the tooth. Probing of the open pulp is
painful, percussion is painless. The tooth will be used for taxation under the prosthesis. What
method of treatment is required in this case:
a) 36 tooth can not be used as the basis for prosthesis
b) Biological method
c) Vital amputation pulp
d) Devital amputation pulp
e) *Vital extirpation of the pulp?
154. Patient aged 20 years old established diagnosis of acute diffuse pulpitis of the 11 tooth.
What method of treatment should be used:
a) Biological (conservative)
b) *Vital extirpation of the pulp
c) Living(vital) amputation pulp
d) The combined method
e) Devital amputation pulp?
155. Patient aged 67 years old complaining of attacks, pulsed pain in the region of the upper jaw
teeth on the right, which is aggravated by hot stimuli. Objective: the chewing surface of the 17
tooth has a deep cavity, filled with pigmented, softened dentin. Probing of the bottom of 17
tooth and vertical percussion is painful. The patient suffers from heart disease. What method of
treatment you will choose:
a) Expand the cavity of the tooth and rinsing appoint
b) Biological method
c) Vital amputation pulp
d) Vital extirpation of the pulp
e) *devital pulp amputation
156. Patient age 23 years diagnosed with acute diffuse pulpitis of the 15tooth, complicated with
focal periodontitis. Which methods of treatment should choose a doctor:
a) *Vital extirpation of the pulp
b) Devital extirpation of the pulp
c) Vital amputation pulp
d) Biological method
e) Devital amputation pulp?
157. Patient aged 25 years old, complains of spontaneous attacks of pain in 13 tooth that has
emerged 1 month ago. Sometimes the pain occurs when the food stick into cavities. Objective:
in cervical part of 13 tooth is a deep cavity. Probing the bottom is painful in the point where the
pulp is disclosed. Percussion of the 13 tooth is painless, EDI - 40 mA. What rational method of
treatment in this case:
a) Vital amputation pulp
b) Biological method
c) *Vital extirpation of the pulp
d) The combined method
e) Devital extirpation of the pulp?
158. Patient appealed, complaining of pain in 26 tooth, which occurs when taking hot food, bad
breath. In history: recurrent spontaneous pain in the tooth. Objective: chewing-distal surface of
the 26tooth has deep cavity that communicates with the cavity of the tooth. Percussion is
painful, painful percussion at one point, the temperature factors provoke pain, EDI - 70 mA.
What method of treatment is optimal in this case:
a) Vital amputation pulp
b) *Vital extirpation of the pulp
c) The use of calcium hydroxide preparations
d) Devital amputation pulp
e) Conservative method?
159. Patient aged 40 years old complaining the unpleasant smell of the 45 tooth, prolonged pain
in the tooth to hot stimuli. Objective: on chewing surface of the 45 tooth is found cavity,
connected with the cavity of the tooth. Surface probing is painless, deep - painful. From hot
water there is pain. Mucosa in the region of 44, 45 teeth intact. What rational method of
a) Biological method
b) Devital amputation pulp
c) Removal of the tooth
d) *Vital extirpation of the pulp
e) Vital pulp amputation.
160. A patient aged 22 years, on chewing surfaces of the 16 tooth revealed a deep cavity, EDI -15
mA. During the preparation of cavity, pulp of the tooth was accidentally disclosed. Select the
best option for treatment:
a) *Biological method
b) Devital amputation pulp
c) Vital extirpation of the pulp
d) Devital extirpation of the pulp
e) Vital pulp amputation.
161. Patient complaining of intense, pulsing pain in 37 tooth that is radiating into the left half of
the mandible. Pain almost stops, sometimes slightly decreased, but attacks increased from
irritants. In the last hours of cold irritants pain somewhat is reduced. Objective: the chewing
surface of the 37 tooth has a deep cavity, which is not combined with a cavity of the tooth.
Probing and percussion of the bottom of the 37 tooth are painful. What method of treatment is
useful in this case:
a) Vital amputation pulp
b) Combined
c) Devital amputation pulp
d) Biological
e) *Vital extirpation of the pulp?
162. Patient complaining on spontaneous attacks of intense pain in 47 tooth and lower jaw on the
left. Pain almost stops. In the last hours of cold pain is reduced. Objective: on chewing-distal
surface of the 47 tooth cavity is deep, probing of the bottom is painful, cavity of the tooth is
closed. What method of treatment is better:
a) Devital amputation pulp
b) Combined
c) *Vital extirpation of the pulp
d) Removal of the tooth
e) Vital pulp amputation.
163. Patient aged 20 years old complaining of spontaneous pain, which occurs periodically.
Sometimes the pain occurs after food sticks in the 11 tooth. Pain in the tooth last for 6 months.
Before a doctor is not addressed. Objective: color of the 11 tooth is not changed, on the
vestibular surface, in cervical part is a deep cavity, which communicates with the cavity of the
tooth. Cold stimulus provokes an attack of pain that lasts within thirty minutes. What is rational
method of treatment in this case:
a) Combined
b) Biological
c) Vital amputation pulp
d) Devital amputation pulp
e) *Vital extirpation of the pulp?
164. Patient aged 27 years old complaining for a long pain in 22 tooth of cold, hot, pain occurs
within thirty minutes 3-4 times a day and nighttime. Pain was 3 days ago after treatment of the
tooth under plastic crown. Objective: 22 tooth intact, temperature sample is sharply positive,
provokes an attack of pain, percussion is painless. What medical tactics in this clinical case:
a) Vital amputation pulp
b) Cover the tooth with ”Ftorlak”
c) The biological method of treatment
d) Devital extirpation of the pulp
e) *Vital extirpation of the pulp?
165. Patient aged 72 years with hypertension 2 weeks ago suffered a hypertensive crisis. Dentist
established diagnosis of chronic fibrous pulpitis of the 37 tooth. What method of treatment of
pulpitis should we choose in this case:
a) Vital extirpation of the pulp
b) *Devital extirpation of the pulp
c) Vital amputation pulp
d) Biological method
e) To extract the tooth?
166. Patient aged 46 years old after the test was diagnosed of chronic concrementosis pulpitis of
the 27 tooth. In X-ray revealed that concrement is in the coronal part of the cavity of the tooth,
takes about 1 / 4 of its volume. Select an adequate method of treatment:
a) Vital amputation pulp
b) Biological method
c) Devital extirpation of the pulp
d) *Vital extirpation of the pulp
e) Devital pulp amputation.
167. Patient aged 22 years during treatment of acute deep caries of the 26 tooth, during cavity
preparation, dentist accidentally exposed pulp horn. What method of treatment must be selected:
a) *Biological method
b) Vital amputation pulp
c) Devital amputation pulp
d) Vital extirpation of the pulp
e) Devital extirpation of the pulp?
168. Patient aged 18 years old, complaining of spontaneous attacks of short-term (duration of the
attack - 10-15 min), localized pain in 26 tooth, which started few days ago. Objective: on the
chewing surface of the 26 tooth is a deep cavity. On walls and a bottom light dentine,
softened, cavities are not connected with the cavity of the tooth. Probing of the bottom of the
cavity is sharply painful on the projection point of the pulp horn, the cooling stimulus provoke a
sharp pain. What method of treatment is rational in this case:
a) Vital extirpation of the pulp
b) Vital amputation pulp
c) *Biological method
d) Devital extirpation of the pulp
e) Devital amputation pulp?
169. Patient aged 19 years old complaining of spontaneous acute pain in 26 tooth, which lasts 1-2
minutes. Pain appeared 2 days ago, it also triggers chemical and temperature stimuli. Objective:
the chewing surfaces of the 21 tooth has a deep cavity that is not combined with cavity of the
tooth. On bottom and walls are softened dentin, probing of a bottom of carious cavity is painful.
Percussion and palpation are painless, the cold stimulus provoke the short pain. Choose a
method of treatment:
a) Devital extirpation of the pulp
b) *Biological method
c) Vital amputation pulp
d) Vital extirpation of the pulp
e) Devital pulp amputation.
170. Patient 30 years old complaining of spontaneous pain in the tooth on the lower jaw on the
right, which has nature of tearing, throbbing, irradiating pain. The patient can not accurately
indicate the tooth that hurts. Pain appeared two days ago. Pain attack increases, pain becomes
almost constant. At night, the pain is intense, intensified under the influence of hot food. Cold
water is soothes pain a little bit. Objective: Deep cavity with softened bottom. While probing it
is easy to perforate, appeared drop of pus excharge. What method of treatment can you use?
a) *Vital extirpation
b) Biological method
c) Remove tooth
d) Vital amputation
e) Devital amputation
171. After imposition of devitalizing paste the patient 21 years old, he suffered acute respiratory
illness for 1 week. Now he has long aching pain in 15 tooth, which intensified when press on
the tooth. 15 tooth under tight bandage, percussion is sharply painful. The general condition of
the patient does not significantly disturbed. What are your actions?
a) *Removal of devitalizing paste, root canal treatment with 5 % solution of iodine, making an
antidote to the root canal on tight turundas band
b) Remove devitalizing paste, root canal treatment 5 % solution of iodine, tooth left open until
the next visit
c) To remove tooth
d) prescribe an anti-inflammatory therapy, antibacterial treatment
e) Remove devitalizing paste, root canal treatment 3 % solution of hydrogen peroxide, fillinged
172. Patient R., 20 years old, complaining of spontaneous pain in 26 tooth, which concerns 1 day.
Objective: the chewing surfaces of 26 tooth have deep cavity, which is not combined with a
cavity of the tooth. Dentine walls and a bottom softened. Probing sharply painful in one place, a
reaction to cold is painful, long-term. Diagnosed with acute limited pulpitis of 26. What method
of treatment is useful in this case?
a) *Biological method
b) Vital amputation
c) Devital amputation
d) Devital extirpation
e) Vital extirpation
173. Patient S., 27 years old, turned with complaints of attacks, spontaneous pain in 35 tooth. In
the history he has diabetes. Objective: near tooth neck in section 35 deep cavity, probing painful
in one place. Diagnosed with acute pulpitis limited. On the radiograph 35 - root has a slight
bend. What is the most rational method of treatment in this case?
a) *Devital extirpation
b) Biological method
c) Vital amputation
d) Vital extirpation
e) Devital amputation
174. Patient I., 18 years old, approached with complaints of throbbing pain in the teeth of upper
jaw to the right that amplified from the hot. Objective: in 17 - deep cavities on chewing
surfaces, softened dentin. Probing is painless, vertical percussion is slightly painful. What is the
treatment method you select in this case?
a) *Vital extirpation
b) Devital extirpation
c) Devital amputation
d) Biological method
e) Vital amputation
175. Woman 30 years old complaining of throbbing pain in the teeth of upper jaw to the right,
which is aggravated by hot. Objective: in 17 - deep cavity that is connected with the cavity of
the tooth. Probing is painful, vertical percussion is slightly painful. Diagnosed the acute purulent
pulpitis. What medical tactics in this case?
a) *Hold a vital extirpation of the pulp
b) Hold devital extirpation of the pulp
c) Hold devital amputation pulp
d) Hold vital amputation pulp
e) Conduct a biological method of treatment of pulp
176. Patient S., 24 years old complaining on involuntary, night pain in 36 tooth. Tooth is
worrying one day. Objective: the chewing surface 36 of the tooth cavity with a narrow entrance
hole and overhanging edges, light softened dentin. Probing the bottom of the cavity is sharply
painful in one place. In the cold stimulus - a long-term pain. Percussion of the tooth is painless.
EDI - 17 mkA. What method of treatment is shown in this case?
a) *Biological method
b) Vital extirpation
c) Vital amputation
d) Devital amputation
e) Devital extirpation
177. Patient M., 19 years old, complaining on spontaneous, night pain in 46 tooth. Tooth is
worrying during the day. In near of tooth neck region of the 46 tooth cavity with overhanging
edges. Dentin bottom and walls of the cavity light softened. Probing the bottom of the cavity
sharply painful in one place. On cooling stimulus - a long-term pain. Percussion of the tooth is
painless. EDI - 16 mA. What method of treatment is shown in this case?
a) *Vital amputation
b) Vital ekstirpatsiya
c) 46 Removal of the tooth
d) Devital amputation
e) Biological method
178. Patient P., 54 years old complaining on spontaneous, night pain in 11 tooth. Objective: the
medial surface 11 of the tooth cavity with overhanging edges. Dentin bottom and walls of the
cavity light softened. Probing the bottom of the cavity is sharply painful. On cooling stimulus a long-term pain. Percussion of the tooth is painless. EDI - 80 mA. What method of treatment is
shown in this case?
a) *Vital extirpation
b) Removal of the tooth
c) Biological method
d) Devital amputation
e) Vital amputation
179. Patient K. 19 years old turned to the doctor complaining of mobility and pain in the tooth on
the upper jaw. 4 days ago was injured. After clinical and radiographic examination diagnosed
the root fracture of 21 tooth in the upper third of the shift. What is your further tactics?
a) *Endodontic treatment followed by resection of fractured root
b) Endodontic treatment and fixation of the tooth
c) Endodontic treatment without fixation
d) Removal of the tooth and root fracture
e) Endodontic treatment and fixation fracture root via pin
180. Patient 30 years old complaining acute pain in 36 tooth, especially when biting. 4 days ago
in 36 was imposed an arsenic paste, in time the doctor did not appear sick. When viewed in 36
band is remained, the reaction on cooling stimulus is absent. On the radiograph: changes in
periodontal are not defined. What drug will be used to eliminate this complication?
a) *Unitiol
b) Chlorheksidin
c) Chloramine
d) Hipohlorid sodium
e) Furatsilinum
181. During treatment of acute deep cavities of the 16 tooth in a child eight years old was
punched pulp camera. Perforation point in the projection of the pulp horn. What method of
treatment should be applied in this case.
a) *The biological method of treatment of pulpitis
b) Vital amputation pulp
c) Devital amputation pulp
d) Devital extirpation of the pulp
e) Blending insulating gaskets and fillings permanent
182. Patient 30 years old complaining of acute pain in 36 tooth, especially when biting. 4 days
ago in 36 was imposed arsenic paste, the patient did not appear in time. When viewed in 36
bandage is remained, the reaction on cooling stimulus is absent. On the radiograph: changes in
periodontal are not defined. What drug will be used to eliminate this complication?
a) *Unitiol
b) Hlorheksidin
c) Chloramine
d) Hipohlorid sodium
e) Furatsilinum
183. Patient K. 19 years old turned to the doctor complaining of mobility and pain in the tooth on
the upper jaw. 4 days ago was injured. After clinical and radiographic examination diagnosed
the root fracture 21 in the upper third of the shift. What is your further tactics?
a) *Endodontic treatment followed by resection fracture root
b) Endodontic treatment and fixation of the tooth
c) Endodontic treatment without fixation
d) Removal of the tooth and root fracture
e) Endodontic treatment and fixation fracture root via pin
184. Patient M., 19 years old, complaining on spontaneous, night pain in 46 tooth. Tooth is
worrying during the day. In near tooth neck region of the 46 tooth cavity with overhanging
edges. Dentin bottom and walls of the cavity light softened. Probing the bottom of the cavity is
sharply painful in one place. On cooling stimulus - a long-term pain. Percussion of the tooth is
painless. EDI - 16 mkA. What method of treatment is shown in this case?
a) *Vital amputation
b) Vital extirpation
c) Removal of the 46 tooth
d) Devital amputation
e) Biological method
185. Patient S., 24 years old complaining on involuntary, night pain in 36 tooth. Tooth is
worrying one day. Objective: the chewing surface 36 of the tooth cavity with a narrow entrance
hole and overhanging edges, made light softened dentin. Probing the bottom of the cavity is
sharply painful in one place. In the cold stimulus - a long-term pain. Percussion of the tooth is
painless. EDI - 17 mA. What method of treatment is shown in this case?
a) *Biological method
b) Vital extirpation
c) Vital amputation
d) Devital amputation
e) Devital extirpation
186. Woman 30 years old complaining of throbbing pain in the teeth of upper jaw to the right,
which is aggravated by hot. Objective: in 17 - deep cavity is connected with the cavity of the
tooth. Probing painful, slightly painful Vertical percussion. Diagnosed with acute purulent
pulpitis. What medical tactics in this case?
a) *To conduct a vital extirpation of the pulp
b) To conduct devital extirpation of the pulp
c) To conduct devital amputation pulp
d) To conduct vital amputation pulp
e) To conduct a biological method of treatment of pulp
187. The patient, 18 years old, approached with complaints of throbbing pain in the teeth of upper
jaw to the right that amplified from the hot. Objective: in 17 - deep cavities on chewing
surfaces, with softened dentin. Probing is painless, vertical percussion is slightly painful. What
is the treatment method you select in this case?
a) *Vital extirpation
b) Devital extirpation
c) Devital amputation
d) Biological method
e) Vital amputation
188. Patient S., 27 years old, turned with complaints of attacks, spontaneous pain in 35 tooth. In
the history the patient has diabetes. Objective: near tooth neck in section 35 deep cavity,
probing is painful in one place. Diagnosed with acute pulpitis limited. On the radiograph 35 root has a slight bend. What is the most rational method of treatment in this case?
a) *Devital extirpation
b) Biological method
c) Vital amputation
d) Vital extirpation
e) Devital amputation
189. Patient R., 20 years old, complaining of spontaneous pain in 26, which concerns 1 day.
Objective: the chewing surfaces 26 deep cavity, which is not combined with a cavity of the
tooth. Dentine walls and a bottom softened. Probing sharply painful in one place, a reaction to
cold painful, long-term. Diagnosed with acute pulpitis limited 26. What method of treatment is
shown in this case?
a) *Biological method
b) Vital amputation
c) Devital amputation
d) Devital extirpation
e) Vital extirpation
190. After blending devitalizing paste the patient 21, who had just suffered acute respiratory
illness has long aching pain in tooth 15, which intensified when press on the 15 tooth The tooth
is under tight bandage, percussion is sharply painful. The general condition of the patient does
not significantly disturbed. What are your actions?
a) *Removal devitalizing paste, root canal treatment 5 % solution of iodine, making an
antidote to the root canal on turundas tight band
b) Remove devitalizing paste, root canal treatment 5 % solution of iodine, tooth left open until
the next visit
c) remove tooth
d) appoint an anti-inflammatory therapy, treatment antimikrobe
e) Remove devitalizing paste, root canal treatment 3 % solution of hydrogen peroxide, fillinged
191. Patient 30 years old complaining of spontaneous pain in the tooth on the lower jaw on the
right, which has tearing, throbbing, irradiating nature. The patient can not accurately indicate
the tooth that hurts. Pain appeared two days ago. Pain attack increases, pain becomes almost
constant. At night, the pain is intense, intensified under the influence of hot food. Cold water is
somewhat soothes pain. Objective: deep cavity with softened down. While percussion it easy
come perforated and tekeing off. Drop of spreaders. What method of treatment should you use?
a) *Vital amputation and extirpation
b) Biological method
c) Remove tooth
d) Vital amputation
e) Devital amputation
192. Patient '21 was to continue treatment 37 tooth because of pulpitis. Complained of pain while
biting on this tooth. 2 weeks ago was imposed arsenic paste. Patient not come in time for
treatment. It is necessary to perform
a) *Extirpation and put antidote arsenic trioxide in the periapical tissue
b) remove tooth
c) do hemisection
d) extirpation and root-canal at the same visit
e) anesthesia with 2 % solution novokaini
193. Patient 20 years old was complaining of pain when biting a 12 tooth. 2 weeks ago in the
tooth was carried out by biological treatment of pulpitis. Objective: tooth filled, the reaction to
cold is painless, percussion is painful. It is necessary:
a) a second treatment by biological
b) *Use one of the surgical method of treatment of pulpitis
c) remove tooth
d) conduct a course of antibiotics electrophoresis
e) resect the root apex
194. Patient, 25 years old, complaining of spontaneous pain in the tooth on the upper left jaw.
The tooth was filled because of pulpitis. What can cause this pain in the first place?
a) *Not full exterpation of inflammed pulp
b) mechanical trauma of periodont during treatment
c) chemical care of periodont by medications during treatment
d) Malformed cavity of the tooth
e) wrong treatment
195. To the doctor appealed a young man 25 years old, who during b 3 days ago fell from the
bike. Complaints of pain due to mechanical irritation, lower temperature. Teeth of upper jaw
21of the tooth timer oblique crown of the tooth. Exposure of the pulp of sufficient size, it has
become grayish brown tint. Probing of pulp is sharply painful. Tooth fixed. During X-ray
revealed no fracture of the root. We provide treatment:
a) *Depulpation of the tooth
b) to keep the vitality of the pulp
c) remineralizing therapy
d) immediately carry out restoration
e) assign overall mineralization
196. When doing clinic ask a young man 25 years old, who during a bicycle training 3 days ago
fell from the bicycle. Complaints of pain due to mechanical irritation, at least - temperature. On
examination, teeth in upper jaw 21of the tooth timer oblique crown of the tooth. Exposure of the
pulp of sufficient size, it has become grayish brown tint. Probing of pulp is sharply painful.
Tooth fixed. During X-ray root fracture were found. Required treatment:
a) *To remove pulp of the tooth
b) to keep the vitality of the pulp
c) remineralization therapy
d) once restoration needed
e) complex mineralization
197. Patient '24 was to continue treatment on chronic fibrous pulpitis. 5 days ago 45 tooth
imposed arsenic paste. Objectively: band survived, percussion of 45 tooth painful. Your tactics
at this time?
a) *Hold eksterpation of pulp + tight band of antidote.
b) Remove bandage, electrophoresis of the antidote.
c) Hold eksterpation of pulp, root canal filling.
d) Hold eksterpation of the pulp and leave the tooth open for 2 - 3 days.
e) Assign electrophoresis of antidote to the top of the root projection
198. The patient '45 needs endodontic treatment 21, 22, 23 teeth. What medications is by far the
best processing canals.
a) *The combination of EDTA preparations with a solution of sodium hypochlorite.
b) The combination of hydrogen peroxide and alcohol.
c) The combination of hydrogen peroxide and EDTA preparations
d) The combination of solutions of sodium hypochlorite and alcohol.
e) The combination of drugs EDTA and hydrogen peroxide.
199. Patient '24. Necessary to carry out endodontic treatment of the 34 tooth. Among the
instruments is a spreader. What are these instruments?
a) *Instrument with smooth pointed part, intended for lateral condensation of gutta-percha in
the root canal.
b) Instruments with working part centered in the form of a conical spiral that resembles the
anatomic form of the canal.
c) The instrument that has a small number of turns only at the tip.
d) Instrument that combines the properties of riemer and file.
e) Instrument intended to remove the pulp of the tooth.
200. The patient 19 years old was after imposition arsenic paste in 36 tooth on the treatment of
acute pulpitis limited, pain in the tooth has not decreased, and slightly increased. Your actions.
a) *Holding vital eksterpaton
b) Re-imposition of arsenic paste
c) Overlay of paraformaldegide paste
d) Appointment of pain
e) Appointment of pain and re-imposition of arsenic paste
201. Patient 50-year old dentist treated 17 tooth with the chronic fibrous pulpitis. Method of
treatment - devital extirpation. Medially-buccal canal 17 of the tooth root through rugged. The
complete extirpation of the pulp of the canal failed. Which of the listed materials are appropriate
in this clinical situation to obturation of root canals?
a) *Foredent
b) Phosphate cement
c) Endomethazon
d) Silapeks
e) AH – plus
202. Woman 29 years old diagnosed with acute diffuse pulpitis of 23 tooth. Due to the severe
negative reaction to the patient for medical manipulations doctor put arsenic paste at the most
painful area on the bottom of the cavity and covered it with water dentin. 4 hours the patient
returned complaining of unbearable pain. What is the most probable cause greater pain?
a) *Not intended analgesics
b) Not done premedication
c) Inadequate dose of arsenious feed
d) Overdose arsenious feed
e) Not carried out by local anesthesia
203. Patient S. was diagnosed chronic fibrotic pulpitis of 26. In the third stage of endodontic
treatment of root canal according to "step back" technique used a rotation-physician progressive
gear start H-20 File size, in which the instrument was broken in the root canal. What error
allowed a doctor?
a) *Rotationally moves forward unacceptable
b) Not shown "step back" technique
c) The stage does not involve working with H-file
d) Ended the shelf life of H-file
e) Chosen the wrong size H-file
204. Doctor perform a dental treatment of chronic fibrous pulpitis of 26 in women 47 years old.
Method of devital extirpation. Buccal canals are curved. The full exterpation they failed to hold.
What medication should you leave in this case in the canal.
a) *Crezofen.
b) Sodium hypochlorite.
c) Chlorhexidine.
d) Furatsilinum.
e) Metyluratsyl.
205. Patient K., 61 year, who suffers from hypertension III degree, diagnosed chronic gangrenous
pulpitis 44 of the tooth. Select technology of treatment.
a) *Method devital extirpation
b) The method of vital extirpation
c) Method devitalnoyi amputation
d) Biological method
e) Removal of the tooth
206. Patient S., 20 years old, who suffers from mental illness, diagnosed with acute diffuse
pulpitis 35 of the tooth. Select a treatment technic
a) *Vital extirpation, general anesthesia.
b) Vital extirpation, mandibular anesthesia
c) Devital extirpation
d) Biological method
e) Removal of the tooth
207. Patient 28 years old has a temperature 37,2 C. he feel weakness, loss of appetite , headache.
Mouth is half-opened, excessive salivation. There is asymmetry of the face. 36 tooth has a
filling, Vertical and horizontal percussion painful. Oral membrane at 35, 36, 37 teeth bright ,
hiperemic, swollen, painful at palpation, transitional fold smoothly. Right submandibular lymph
nodes increased in size, painful during palpation. On the radiograph: at the top 36 lost tooth
picture clarity spongiform bone substance. What is the possible diagnosis?
a) *Acute purulent periodontitis
b) diffuse acute pulpitis
c) exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
d) acute odontogenic periostitis
e) acute odontogenic periostitis
208. Patient came to the hospital with complaints – long aching pain in the tooth of the mandible.
The pain is aggravated when he bite on the tooth. Objectively, there is a cavity in 27 tooth. It’s
not combined with a tooth cavity. Probing the bottom of the cavity and reaction to thermal
stimuli - painless. Vertical percussion sharply painful. The mucous membrane of the gums in
the area of tooth 27 is not changed. Regional lymph nodes left slightly painful during palpation,
increased in size. In X-ray changes in periodontal not observed. Put a diagnosis
a) * Acute serous apical periodontitis
b) exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
c) diffuse acute pulpitis
d) acute odontogenic periostitis
e) acute purulent pulpitis
209. Patient has complaint on long aching pain in the tooth the upper left jaw. The pain is
aggravated when he bite on the tooth, a sense of “higher tooth”. Tooth worried three days.
Objective: The distal surface of the tooth cavity 17 that is not combined with a tooth cavity.
Probing the reaction to cold painless. Percussion is painful. Electrometric diagnostic - 100 mA.
On radiograph broadening periodontal crack. What is the final diagnosis?
a) Acute diffuse pulpitis
b) *Acute serous periodontitis
c) Exacerbation of chronic pulpitis
d) Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
e) Acute traumatic periodontitis
210. Child of 6 years complained of unwarranted pain in the tooth on the ower jaw, which
intensified when she take a food and from the cold for 2 days. Objectively, 75 tooth-deep
cavity, filled in softened dentine, painful probing on the bottom, the cooling stimulus lasting
acute pain, painful percussion, palpation of transition fold at 75 tooth is painful. What is the
most likely diagnosis?
a) Exacerbation of chronic pulpitis
b) Acute serous periodontitis
c) * Acute pulpitis complicated with apical periodontitis
d) Exacerbation of chronic pulpitis
e) No right answer
211. Girl has complaint of fuzzy expressed aching pain, which intensified when she takes a food
in the area of the right upper jaw. Objectively: tooth observed in 16 deep cavity, probing
painless, moderately painful percussion, palpation of the transition painless. There are no
changes in periapical tissues. Put a diagnosis
a) Acute diffuse pulpitis
b) Acute suppurative periodontitis
c) Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
d) Acute suppurative pulpitis
e) *Acute serous periodontitis
212. Patient, 29 years old has intense pain for 4 days. At 26 tooth cavity, which connected with
the tooth cavity. Tooth rolling. Percussion sharply painful. Clear and fold in the transition
region 26 tooth hyperemic, edematous, painful. Radiological changes are not pronounced.
a) Chronic periodontitis hranulomatoznyy
b) Acute serous periodontitis
c) Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
d) *Acute suppurative periodontitis
e) Chronic periodontitis fibrotic
213. Patient V. complained of constant aching pain in a 36 tooth that increases during when he
eat. In the tooth cavity, which is connected with the tooth cavity. Probing is painless. Percussion
is painful. Submandibular lymph nodes were enlarged, almost painful. . Radiological changes
are not pronounced. Diagnosis?
a) *Acute serous periodontitis
b) Acute suppurative pulpitis
c) Chronic gangrenous pulpitis
d) Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
e) Chronic periodontitis fibrotic
214. Patient F., 25, complained of the cavity in the tooth 14-th. 14 tooth is pigmented, has a
cavity- II class by Black, probing, response to cold, percussion painless. Specify the auxiliary
methods for the diagnosis?
a) Electrometric diagnostic, palpation of the transitional folds
b) Thermometry
c) *X-ray study, Electrometric diagnostic
d) Probing
e) Vital coloring
215. Patient S., 25 years, appeared to rehabilitation. Objectively: 22 tooth intact, changed in
color, percussion painless. Clear in the projection top of the root is not changed, but palpation
determined edema. What methods should conduct a more accurate diagnosis?
a) Probing
b) Electrometric diagnostic
c) Thermometry
d) *Radiography
e) Vital coloring
216. Patient Z., 48 years complained of constant aching tooth 47, which amplifies in take a food.
From anamnesis revealed that a week ago the patient was imposed arsenic paste. At the
appointed time of admission the patient didn’t come. Objective: at the distal surface 47
temporary filling. Percussion is sharply painful. On radiographs of pathological changes is not
defined. What is the final diagnosis?
a) Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
b) Acute suppurative periodontitis
c) *Acute toxic periodontitis
d) Exacerbation of chronic pulpitis
e) Acute serous periostitis
217. Man '37 turned complaining of pain in the tooth on the upper jaw. Four years ago, 23 was
fillinged. After one year in the area of the top 23 began to emerge periodically swelling and
soreness of the gums. On examination: palpation of the alveolar process in section 23 and
percussion painful tooth. On the radiograph: depression of bone tissues in the top 23 of 0.3 x 0.3
cm with clear boundaries. What happens to granulomas if the tooth is not treated?
a) *Converted to radicular cyst
b) There will be a reverse
c) Enters the fibrous form of periodontitis
d) Switches to form granulating periodontitis
e) Go to osteomyelitis limited
218. Patient came to the clinic with complaints of discomfort, heaviness, “pressure in the tooth”,
sometimes dull pain near 26 tooth. Tooth with a filling, changed in color, percussion sensitive.
The oral membrane in the area of root projection with fistula, include diagnosis.
a) Chronic granulating periodontitis.
b) Chronic granulomatous periodontitis.
c) *Acute suppurative periodontitis.
d) Chronic fibrous pulpitis.
e) Chronic fibrous periodontitis.
219. Woman '37 complains of severe pain in 38 tooth. The pain is constant, unwarranted, the
intensity increases with each passing hour, marked by a sense of "grown tooth." When viewed
in 38 deep tooth cavity, percussion sharply painful. Check the diagnosis.
a) deep caries.
b) acute pulpitis.
c) *Severe periodontitis
d) chronic pulpitis.
e) trigeminal neuralgia.
220. Woman '40, complains of intensive, throbbing pain in the 26, which first appeared and
continues to 4 days. In 26 Percussion sharply painful mobile, oral membrane around 26
hyperemic, edematous, painful palpation. What is the most likely diagnosis?
a) Acute serous pulpitis
b) Acute purulent pulpitis
c) Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
d) Acute diffuse pulpitis
e) *Acute suppurative periodontitis
221. Woman 32 complained of constant aching pain in 26, which amplifies in take a food.
Objectively: the chewing surface of the cavity 26 that communicates with the cavity of the
tooth. Transitional fold is painful to the palpation, percussion of 26 is sharply painful. After
probing the canal was manure. What method is necessary to conduct research for the diagnosis?
a) *X-ray study
b) Electroodontodiagnosis
c) Thermoprobe
d) Bacteriological examination
e) Deep Probing
222. Patient 32 worried about tooth discoloration and discomfort arising during eating solid food.
Objective: A 45 tooth cavity, which communicates with the cavity, probing a bottom cavity
painless and reaction to thermal stimuli is absent. Vertical percussion slightly painful. The
mucous membrane of the gums around the tooth is cyanotic, a fistula with purulent department.
Regional lymphadenitis. Put a probable diagnosis.
a) *Chronic granulating periodontitis
b) Chronic periodontitis granulematosis
c) Fibrotic chronic periodontitis
d) Chronic fibrous pulpitis
e) Chronic secondary caries
223. Doctor noticed that 16 tooth is gray, has a filling. The reaction of the tooth on percussion
painless. The response to thermal stimuli is absent. Palpation of oral mucosa in the top of the
tooth root is determined by bone protrusion wall. X-ray study destruction of alveoli and cortical
plate periodontal cracks and fire thinning of bone tissue round with a hard boundary diameter of
4 mm. What is the diagnosis?
a) *Chronic granulomatous periodontitis
b) Chronic fibrous pulpitis
c) Chronic granulating periodontitis
d) Cyst-granuloma
e) Reticular cyst
224. Patient K., 56, complains of the carious cavity in 26 tooth. Objective: the chewing surfaces
26 tooth cavity is not combined with a tooth cavity. Probing and thermal reaction painless. In
X-ray determined uneven expansion periodontal cracks. What is the final diagnosis?
a) *Chronic fibrous periodontitis
b) Chronic fibrous pulpitis
c) Chronic granulating periodontitis
d) Chronic periodontitis granulematosis
e) Chronic deep caries
225. Patient S., 55, complains of the carious cavity in the 24 tooth. Tooth periodically disturbed.
Objective: the medial surface of cavity 24 that is not combined with tooth cavity. Probing the
temperature reaction painless. Percussion tooth painless. EDI - 125 mA. In X-ray source of
destruction of bone tissue with clear contours. What is the final diagnosis?
a) *Chronic periodontitis granulematosis
b) Chronic periodontitis fibrotic
c) Chronic granulating periodontitis
d) Chronic fibrous pulpitis
e) Chronic deep caries
226. Patient R., 33 years old, complained of bad breath, tooth discomfort in 36 during the eating.
Objective: 36 tooth changed in color, determined by a deep cavity, which communicates with
the cavity of the tooth. Probing, percussion painless. EDI 110 mA. Radiologically: root canal is
fillinged for 2/3, the top of the fire of destruction, with clear contours. What is the final
a) *Chronic periodontitis granulematosis
b) Chronic periodontitis fibrotic
c) Chronic granulating periodontitis
d) Chronic fibrous pulpitis
e) Chronic deep caries
227. Patient O., 32 years old, complains of the carious cavity in the 16 tooth. Objective: changed
color of the tooth, deep cavities, which communicates with the cavity of the tooth. Probing,
percussion painless. Mucosa intact. EDI - 100 mA. X-ray - periodontal expansion cracks. What
is the final diagnosis?
a) *Chronic fibrous periodontitis
b) Chronic granulating periodontitis
c) Chronic periodontitis granulematosis
d) Chronic deep caries
e) Chronic gangrenous pulpit
228. Patient W., 48, complains of the carious cavity in 26 tooth, not previously treated.
Periodically, after a cold there is aching pain in the tooth. Objective: in 26 deep cavities. The
reaction to the cooling stimulus, percussion - painless. On the gums in the projection 25, 26 a
small scar. 25 crown intact. What is the most likely diagnosis?
a) *Chronic granulating periodontitis
b) Chronic fibrous pulpit
c) Chronic periodontitis fibrotic
d) Chronic gangrenous pulpitis
e) Chronic periodontitis granulematosis
229. Man '48 complains about the carious cavity in 26 tooth. Before a tooth is not treated.
Periodically, after colds occurred in the tooth aching. Objective: cervical part of 26 - deep
cavities. Reaction to cold, percussion painless. On the gums in 26 small scar. What is the
a) *Chronic granulating periodontitis
b) Chronic deep caries
c) Chronic gangrenous pulpitis
d) Chronic periodontitis granulematosis
e) Chronic periodontitis fibrotic
230. Woman '43 turned to the clinic complaining of feeling pressue in 23. According to the
aching tooth previously treated at the dental caries. Objective: cervical part of 23 - filled with
composite material. In the top of the root projection area 23 is defined fistula with serous
exudate. What changes in the top 23 are detected on the radiograph?
a) *Destruction of bone with jagged contours
b) Expansion slot periodontal
c) Deformation periodontal cracks
d) Destruction of bone with clear smooth contours
e) Deep bone pocket
231. Patient Z., 30, appealed to the clinic complaining of pain in 26 and bleeding when eating.
The tooth had not previously treated. Objective: the chewing surfaces 26 deep cavity that
communicates with the cavity of the tooth is filled with a soft cloth red. When probing observed
pain and bleeding. He was diagnosed chronic hypertrophic pulpitis 26. What will be determined
on the radiograph in this case?
a) *Changes in the periapical tissues are absent
b) Destruction of interdental septum in 1 / 3
c) Osteoporosis bone
d) Hipercementosis top of the tooth root
e) Osteo sclerosis of bone
232. Patient R., 30, complains of the carious a deep cavity in the 16 tooth. Objectively: tooth
color change, a deep cavity that communicates with the cavity of the tooth. Probing, percussion
- painless. The mucosa is intact, EDI - 100 mA, the X-ray - periodontal expansion cracks. What
is the final diagnosis?
a) *Chronic fibrous periodontitis.
b) Chronic gangrenous pulpitis.
c) Chronic granulating periodontitis.
d) Chronic granulomatous periodontitis.
e) Chronic deep caries.
233. Patient '27 complains about the carious cavity in tooth 24, and changed its color. Objective:
deep pigmented carious cavity in tooth 24 which is connected to the cavity of the tooth. Probing
the bottom of the cavity, and percussion painless. Indicators elektro odonto diagnosis-policy
within 100 mA. In X-ray determined periodontal uniform expansion cracks. Which of the above
diagnoses is most likely?
a) *Chronic fibrous periodontitis
b) Chronic deep caries
c) Chronic gangrenous pulpit
d) Chronic periodontitis granulating
e) Chronic granulomatous periodontitis
234. Patient 23 years complains of changed color 11 tooth crown. A year ago, the tooth was
treated at the deep cavities. Immediately after the treatment had a slight pain. Objective: in 11
tooth is a filling, thermal stimuli, percussion painless, the X-ray - uneven expansion periodontal
cracks in the top of the root. What is the most likely diagnosis?
a) *Chronic fibrous periodontitis
b) Chronic fibrous pulpitis
c) Chronic granulomatous periodontitis
d) Chronic deep caries
e) Chronic granulating periodontitis
235. Patient 52 years complains of periodic occurrence of fistulas in 14 tooth. Previously treated
tooth on tooth caries. Objectively transition to the crease in the projection of the root apex
fistula. On the radiograph at the top of the root source of destruction of bone tissue with
indistinct contours. What is the most likely diagnosis?
a) *Chronic granulating periodontitis
b) Acute supurative periodontitis
c) Chronic periodontitis granulematosis
d) Radicular cyst
e) Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
236. Patient addressed complaints to the appearance of fistulas in the region of 43 - the first tooth
that appear repeatedly, complaints of minor pain feelings chewing on the tooth. Percussion
positive. On sighting radiography in the area of top of the root 43 - first tooth there is a fire
thinning of bone tissue with indistinct contours. Your diagnosis:
a) *Chronic granulating periodontitis.
b) Chronic periodontitis in the acute stage.
c) Chronic fibrous periodontitis.
d) Chronic granulomatous periodontitis.
e) Acute apical periodontitis.
237. Patient A. '39 quash the newly loss in 35 tooth fillings. Objectionaly: 35 tooth on the
chewing surfaces aproksymalno-large cavity. Probing, p-tion of cold painless, percussion
painless .X-ray: periapical fire of destruction round shaped with sharp edges d ~ 0,4 mm. Set a
preview diagnosis?
a) *Chronic periodontitis granulematosis
b) Chronic granulating periodontitis
c) Chronic periodontitis fibrotic
d) Chronic deep caries
e) Chronic gangrenous pulpitis
238. Patient V. 17 p complains of the carious cavity in the tooth in the jaw area lower jaw.
Objective: 46 deep tooth cavity connected with pulp camera. Probing, response to thermal
stimuli, percussion-no. In X-RAY observed periodontal expansion cracks. Ask a preliminary
a) *Chronic fibrous periodontitis
b) Chronic simple pulpitis
c) Chronic gangrenous pulpitis
d) Chronic granulating periodontitis
e) Chronic periodontitis granulematosis
239. Patient F. 46 was detected in 36 tooth discoloration of the tooth crown and edge fillings.
Percussion causes discomfort. In X-RAY periapical in the area of the distal root granuloma.
What are the maximum possible size for granulomas
a) *0.5 cm
b) 0.8 cm
c) 1 cm
d) 2 cm
e) 1.5 cm
240. Patient K. 49 complains of loss of filling in the 12 tooth. Objective: 12 deep tooth cavity,
probing painless, after preparation identified with the unity of pulp camera is painless,
percussion is slightly positive. In x-ray was revealed periapical cyst-granuloma. Specify the size
a) *From 0.5 to 0.8 cm
b) From 1.0 to 2.0 cm
c) Do0.5 cm
d) From 12 to 2.5 cm
e) 2 cm to 2.8 cm
241. Patient L., 43 years old, complained of slight pain in chewing, severity, pressue in 17 tooth.
17 tooth fillinged, percussion painful, in the projection of the root fistula. Radiological findings
in palatal root apex area of destruction with indistinct contours. Diagnosis?
a) *Chronic granulating periodontitis
b) Chronic periodontitis granulematosis
c) Chronic periodontitis fibrotic
d) Acute serous periodontitis
e) Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
242. Patient S., 47 years old, slight pain in chewing a 24 tooth. In precervical area is filling.
Determined cyanosis. Palpation cause discomfort. Percussion slightly painful. Radiologically
bone resorption in the top of the root with indistinct borders. Diagnosis?
a) *Chronic granulating apical periodontitis
b) Chronic periodontitis granulematosis
c) Chronic periodontitis fibrotic
d) Acute serous periodontitis
e) Acute suppurative pulpitis
243. Patient K., 32 years, turned to rehabilitation. In 47 of the tooth surface aproximal deep
cavities, percussion and probing the bottom cavity painless. Radiologically bone resorbtion in
the top of the root with clear borders rounded 0.5 cm Diagnosis?
a) *Chronic periodontitis granulematosis
b) Chronic granulating periodontitis
c) Chronic periodontitis fibrotic
d) Acute serous periodontitis
e) Acute suppurative pulpitis
244. Patient M., 45 years old, pain in chewing 35 tooth where the cavity is linked to the tooth
cavity. Probing is painless. Percussion painful. Radiologically bone destruction rounded 0.4 cm
in the apex of the root. A leading symptom for the diagnosis of "chronic periodontitis
a) *Changes in the radiograph
b) Painless probing
c) Pain with percussion
d) Nature of complaints
e) Probing
245. Patient P., 30, complains of constant pain in 22 tooth that is exacerbated by chewing.22
tooth is fillinged, changed in color, painful percussion. What support research undertaken for
accurate diagnosis?
a) *X-ray study, EDI
b) EDI, thermometry
c) Thermometry, palpation
d) Probing
e) Welcome coloring
246. U patient S., 45, temperature 38.6 C, lethargy. In 15 tooth cavity combined with a tooth
cavity, probing, response to thermal stimuli painless, percussion sharply painful. The transition
fold is edematous, hyperemic, painful palpation, in the projection of the root scar-fistula.
a) *Worsening of chronic periodontitis
b) Acute serous periodontitis
c) Acute purulent periodontitis
d) Pulpitis complicated periodontal
e) Acute purulent pulpitis
247. Patient Z., 22 years, turned to the clinic with complaints of discoloration of the tooth crown
11. A year ago, tooth treated on chronic deep cavities. Immediately after worried treat minor
pain. The doctor is not addressed. On the radiograph: periodontal expansion cracks in the top of
the root 11. Percussion painless. What is the final diagnosis?
a) *Chronic fibrous periodontitis
b) Chronic granulomatous periodontitis
c) Chronic fibrous pulpitis
d) Chronic deep caries
e) Chronic granulating periodontitis
248. Woman '40 previously been diagnosed with periodontitis 13. Which most likely diagnosis
will meet this X-ray picture: source of destruction of bone tissue 0.3 cm in diameter, round with
clear boundaries?
a) *Chronic periodontitis granulematosis
b) Chronic periodontitis fibrotic
c) Chronic granulating periodontitis
d) Chronic simple pulpitis
e) Pulpitis, periodontitis complicated
249. Student '25years, applied with complaints about the carious cavity 22. Objectively: in 22 of
aproximal-mesial surface of the deep cavity. The orifice of the canal is closed with filling
material. On radiograph- root canal filled with filling materials on 1/3length of top - the focus of
bone destruction of 0.3 x0, 3 cm The most likely diagnosis
a) *Chronic granulomatous periodontitis.
b) Chronic granulating periodontitis.
c) Chronic fibrous periodontitis.
d) Radicular cyst.
e) Chronic pulpitis.
250. Man '30 complains about the carious cavity 16. The color changed of 16 tooth, deep cavities,
adjoined with the tooth cavity. Probing, percussion painless. EDI 100 mA. On the radiograph periodontal expansion cracks. What is the most likely diagnosis?
g) *Chronic fibrous periodontitis.
h) Chronic deep caries.
i) Chronic granulomatous periodontitis.
j) Chronic gangrenous pulpitis.
Chronic granulating periodontitis
251. Patient 21 years old come to the dental clinic to continue treatment at the 37 tooth about
pulpitis. Complained of pain on this tooth during the biting. Two weeks ago was imposed
arsenic paste. The patient fails to appear for treatment. Diagnosis:
a) * Toxic (arsenious) periodontitis
b) exacerbation of chronic fibrous pulpitis
c) exacerbation of chronic fibrous pulpitis
d) acute purulent periodontitis
e) chronic gangrenous pulpitis, which exacerbated
252. Patient 42 years old constant concern pulse intense pain in the tooth of the upper right jaw.
Touching to the tooth provokes a sharp pain. Pain in the tooth there is not the first time. 34 tooth
gray cavity communicates with the cavity of the tooth. The mucous membrane of the gums in
section 34 and 35 teeth hyperemic edematous, painful at palpation. Submandibular lymph nodes
were left increased in size. Weakly painful during palpation. In X-ray: destruction of cortical
alveolar plate, deformation periodontitis cracks and thinning of bone tissue fireplace with looms
near the tops of the roots. Place the diagnosis.
a) *Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
b) acute purulent periodontitis
c) acute serous periodontitis
d) diffuse acute pulpitis
e) Acute periostitis
253. Patient K., 38 years old, complained of constant aching pain in the tooth on the lower jaw to
the right that increasing with biting on the tooth. Objective: to the distal surface 44 of the tooth
cavity, which communicates with the cavity of the tooth. Probing the reaction to cold painless.
Percussion painful. In the projection of the top top 44 fistula. EDI - 105 mA. On radiographs
defined fire destruction with indistinct contours. What is the final diagnosis?
a) * Exacerbation of chronic granulating periodontitis
b) Acute serous periodontitis
c) Exacerbation of chronic fibrous periodontitis
d) Exacerbation of chronic granulomatous periodontitis
e) Acute diffuse pulpitis
254. Patient complains of constant, aching pain in 16, which increases with biting. On
radiographs 16 observed deformation and destruction of periodontitis cracks, center thinning of
bone tissue in the apex medial-buccal root as "tongues of flame." What is the final diagnosis?
a) * Exacerbation of chronic granulating periodontitis
b) Chronic granulating periodontitis
c) Chronic granulating periodontitis
d) Chronic fibrotic periodontitis
e) Exacerbation of chronic granulomatous periodontitis
255. Patient A., 30 years old, worried about face swelling. 16 previously treated on pulpitis,
filling with a defect, painful percussion on radiograph 16 palatal canal fillinged on 1/2, buccal only part of the canal. In transition crease determined painless protrusion of bone with gums
boundaries 1,5 x1, 5 sm. What final diagnosis?
a) * Radicular hand
b) Cyst granuloma
c) Chronic periodontitis granulematosis
d) Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
e) Chronic granulating periodontitis
256. Patient P. 30, complained of constant aching pain in 16, acute pain in biting, feeling "a tooth
that has grown" Objective: in 16 deep cavity, which communicates with the cavity of the tooth,
the tooth is not changed in color . Probing painless. Pathological mobility and degree. mucosa in
tooth swelling, hyperemic positive symptom of vazoparezis. EDI - 100 mA at radiographs no
marked changes in the tissues of periodontium. What is the final diagnosis?
a) * Acute serous periodontitis
b) Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
c) Exacerbation of chronic gangrenous pulpitis
d) Acute diffuse pulpitis
e) Acute odontogenic periostitis
257. Woman 43 years old turned to the clinic and complaining of feeling bursting open at 23.
According to the aching tooth previously treated about tooth decay. Objective: at the area of the
cervix in the region 23 - filling made of composite material. In the field of projection of the top
23 is determined fistula with serous exudate. What changes in the top 23 will be found on
a) * The destruction of bone tissue with irregular contours
b) Expansion slot periodontitis
c) Deformation periodontitis gap
d) Destruction of bone with gums smooth contours
e) Deep bone pocket
258. Patient B., 32 years old, complains of continuous localized aching pain in the tooth at 16
biting, feeling "grown up tooth." Rev. (objectively: in 16 tooth - a deep cavity that
communicates with the cavity of the tooth. Bad odor, probing painless, abnormal mobility of
the second degree. Mucosa in 16 tooth swelling, hyperemic positive symptom of vazoparezis,
presence of fistula with purulent exudate. What most likely diagnosis?
a) * Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis.
b) Acute serous periodontitis.
c) Acute suppurative periodontitis.
d) Exacerbation of chronic gangrenous pulpitis
e) Localized periodontitis in abscess formation stage.
259. Woman W. '38 complained of constant aching pain that increases with biting. Previously
treated tooth on pulpitis. Objective: in 37 filling preserved, percussion sharply painful. On
radiographs: a fire of destruction of bone tissue with blurred in the apex of the distal root. What
is the final diagnosis?
a) * Exacerbation of chronic granulating periodontitis
b) Acute suppurative periodontitis
c) Exacerbation of chronic granulomatous periodontitis
d) Exacerbation of chronic gangrenous pulpitis
e) Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis fibrous
260. Patient M. '22 complaining of constant throbbing pain in the growing 27. Objective: in 27
deep cavities, performed softened dentin, tooth cavity is closed. Probing bottom painless,
painful percussion. Thermal - from hot pain increases, long last. What is the most likely
a) * Acute suppurative periodontitis
b) Acute diffuse pulpitis
c) Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
d) Acute serous periodontitis
e) Acute purulent pulpitis
261. Patient '35 complains of constant aching pain in tooth 26, which is reinforced by biting.
Objective: a 26-tooth filling large, tooth enamel grayish color, percussion weakly positive. In
the mucosa of the alveolar bone in the projection apex distal buccal root of tooth 26 - fistulas
progress of which is allocated by pressing the drop of pus. Place the diagnosis.
a) * Exacerbation of chronic granulating periodontitis
b) Chronic granulating periodontitis
c) Chronic granulomatous periodontitis
d) Exacerbation of chronic pulpitis
e) Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis fibrous
262. Woman 29 years. complained of constant aching pain in tooth 25, which increases with
biting. Objectively on aproximal surface 25 deep tooth cavity, connected to the cavity of the
tooth probing temperature stimuli painless, vertical percussion painful, on the radiograph in the
top of the root no change. What is the most likely diagnosis?
a) * Acute serous periodontitis
b) Chronic fibrous pulpitis
c) Acute diffuse pulpitis
d) Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
e) Chronic granulating periodontitis
263. Patients '43 has complains of aching pain in left field upper jaw. Objectively: crown of the
tooth at 16 destroyed on 2/3. From the present mucose symptom "of vasoparesis" and the
presence of fistula with irregular contours and fuzzy. What a preliminary diagnosis.
a) * Chronic granulating periodontitis
b) Chronic granulomatous periodontitis
c) Chronic periodontitis fibrotic
d) Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
e) Pulpitis complicated periodontitis
264. Patient B. '28 Complains of sharp pulsing pain in the area, irradieted to upper jaw. Pain
aggravated by biting. Objectively: fever to 38 C, weakness in 27 deep tooth cavity, probing
painless, percussion sharply painful. Mucosa in transitional fold projection roots hyperemic,
painful within the tooth. What a preliminary diagnosis.
a) *Acute suppurative periodontitis
b) Acute serous periodontitis
c) Acute purulent pulpitis
d) Acute diffuse pulpitis
e) Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
265. Girl M. '37 Complains of fuzzy expressed aching pain, which intensified when biting in the
area of the right upper jaw. Objectively: in the 16 tooth there is a deep cavity, probing painless,
moderately painful percussion, palpation of the transition painless. In the x-ray periapical no
change. Place the diagnosis.
a) * Acute serous periodontitis
b) Acute suppurative periodontitis
c) Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
d) Acute purulent pulpitis
e) Acute diffuse pulpitis
266. Boy 6 years, complains of pain in the tooth on the right upper jaw, which increases with
biting for tooth pain appeared 2 days ago, before the tooth treated. Objectively: 54 tooth crown
discoloration, broken into 2/3, percussion sharply painful. Mucosa in the area of projection of
the tops of the roots of 54 teeth hyperemic palpation is painful. What are the likely diagnosis.
a) * Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
b) Acute periostitis of the upper jaw
c) Acute odontogenic osteomielit maxilla
d) Acute serous periodontitis
e) Acute suppurative periodontitis
267. Patient G., 29, intense pain for 4 days. In 26 tooth cavity, which connected with a cavity of
the tooth. Tooth rolling. Percussion sharply painful. Gums and transitional fold in 26 tooth
hyperemic, edematous, painful. Radiographic changes are not pronounced. Diagnosis?
a) * Acute suppurative periodontitis
b) Acute serous periodontitis
c) Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
d) Chronic periodontitis granulematosis
e) Chronic periodontitis fibrotic
268. Patient K., 23 years old, complained of slight pain in biting, severity, bursting open in 26
tooth. 26 tooth filled, painful percussion, root projections in the fistula. Radiological findings in
palatal root apex area of destruction with indistinct contours. Diagnosis?
a) * Chronic granulating periodontitis
b) Chronic periodontitis granulematosis
c) Chronic periodontitis fibrotic
d) Acute serous periodontitis
e) Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
269. Patient L., 48, complained of constant aching pain that is exacerbated by biting on 47 tooth.
In the tooth cavities that connected with a cavity of the tooth. Probing painless. Percussion
painful. Submandibular lymph nodes were enlarged, almost painful, radiologically no change.
a) * Acute serous periodontitis
b) Acute purulent pulpitis
c) Chronic gangrenous pulpitis
d) Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
e) Chronic periodontitis fibrotic
270. Patient F., 40, slight pain in biting at 15 tooth. In the neck area is a filling. Determined
cianosis gums, vazoporez. Palpation of uncertain cause discomfort. Percussion slightly painful.
Radiologically bone resorption in the root apex with indistinct borders. Diagnosis?
a) * Chronic granulating periodontitis
b) Chronic periodontitis granulematosis
c) Chronic periodontitis fibrotic
d) Acute serous periodontitis
e) Acute purulent pulpitis
271. Patient P., 50, complains of constant pain in tooth 11, which increases with biting.11 tooth is
filled, changed in color, painful percussion. What support research undertaken for further
a) * X-ray study, EDI
b) EDI, thermometry
c) Thermometry, palpation
d) Probing
e) Vital coloring
272. Patient B., 45, T 37.6 C, and lethargy. In 24 tooth cavity coupled with a cavity of the tooth;
probing response to thermal stimuli painless, percussion sharply painful. Transition fold
edematous, hyperemic, painful palpation, in the projection of the root scar, fistula. Diagnosis?
a) * Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
b) Acute serous periodontitis
c) Acute suppurative periodontitis
d) Pulpitis complicated periodontitis
e) Acute purulent pulpitis
273. Patient L., 30 years old, pain in biting, mobility 21.22 teeth. 3 years ago was the injury of
the upper front teeth. 21, 22 teeth intact, changed in color, sharply painful percussion,
Transitional fold swelling, hyperemic. EDI 120 mA. Diagnosis?
a) * Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis.
b) Acute serous periodontitis
c) Acute suppurative periodontitis
d) Acute suppurative periodontitis
e) Pulpitis complicated periodontitis
274. Patient mean, 35 years old, complains of the cavity in the tooth 25. 25 tooth pigmented, has
a cavity of class II by Black, probing, response to cold, percussion painless. Please support
methods for diagnosis?
a) * X-ray study, EDI.
b) Thermometry
c) EDI, palpation of the transitional folds
d) Probing
e) Vital coloring
275. Patient S., 37 years, appeared to rehabilitation. At objectively examitation: 25 tooth intact,
changed in color, percussion painless. Gums projected apex of the root is not changed, but
during palpation determined protrusion. What methods of research undertaken for further
a) * Radiography.
b) EDI
c) Thermometry
d) Probing
e) Vital coloring
276. Patient C., 28 years complained of constant aching pain in tooth 36, which increases with
biting. With history revealed that a week ago the patient was imposed arsenic paste. At the
appointed time the patient on admission did not appear. Objective: to the distal surface 36
temporary filling. Percussion is sharply painful. On radiographs of pathological changes is not
defined. What is the final diagnosis?
a) * Acute toxic periodontitis
b) Acute suppurative periodontitis
c) Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
d) Exacerbation of chronic pulpitis
e) Acute serous periostitis
277. To the clinic the patient appealed 29 years old with complaints of discomfort, heaviness,
bursting open, sometimes dull pain in area.26 tooth. Tooth with filling, changed in color,
percussion sensitive. On the mucous membrane in the area of the projection root is fistula
specify diagnosis.
a) * Chronic granulating periodontitis.
b) Chronic granulomatous periodontitis.
c) Acute suppurative periodontitis.
d) Chronic fibrous pulpitis.
e) Exacerbation of chronic fibrous periodontitis.
278. Man '48 complained of persistent pain in the area of tooth 36. Previously, once a tooth pain.
On examination of the oral cavity of the tooth crown 36 is missing, percussion roots painful. On
radiographs in the area of the tops of the roots 36 dilution zone with indistinct contours. Check
the diagnosis
a) * Chronic granulating periodontitis.
b) Chronic granulomatous periodontitis.
c) Acute periodontitis.
d) Chronic fibrous periodontitis.
e) Exacerbation of chronic fibrous periodontitis.
279. Student '18 lodged a complaint to the presence of cavity in 11 tooth. Objectively: in 11 tooth
to aproximal-medial surface of the deep cavity. The mouths of the canal closed filling materials.
On radiographs the root canal filled with filling material at 1/3 length, at the top - the focus of
destruction of bone size 0.3 x0, 3 sm .The most likely diagnosis.
a) * Chronic granulomatous periodontitis.
b) Chronic granulating periodontitis.
c) Chronic fibrous periodontitis.
d) Radicular cyst.
e) Exacerbation of chronic granulating periodontitis.
280. Woman Z., 30, turned to the clinic with complaining of pain in 26 and bleeding when eating.
Tooth not previously treated. Objective: on the chewing surfaces 26 deep cavity that
communicates with the cavity of the tooth is filled with a soft cloth red. When probing marked
pain and bleeding. He was diagnosed with chronic hypertrophic pulpitis 26. What will be
determined on radiographs in this case?
a) *There is no changes in the periapical tissues
b) Destruction of interdental septum in 1/3
c) Osteoporosis bone
d) Hipertsementoz top of the root of the tooth
e) Osteosclerosis of bone
281. Man '30 complains of the presence of cavity 16. 16 tooth color changed, deep cavity,
combined with a cavity of the tooth. Probing, percussion painless. EDI 100 mA. On radiographs
- expansion slot periodontitis. What is the most likely diagnosis?
a) * Chronic fibrous periodontitis.
b) Exacerbation of chronic granulating periodontitis.
c) Chronic granulomatous periodontitis.
d) Chronic gangrenous pulpitis.
e) Chronic granulating periodontitis.
282. Woman '40 complains of intense tearing, throbbing pain in the 26, which first appeared and
continues to 4 days. Percussion 26 sharply painful tooth mobile, mucosa around 26 hyperemic,
edematous, painful palpation. What is the most likely diagnosis?
a) *Acute suppurative periodontitis
b) Acute purulent pulpitis
c) Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
d) Acute diffuse pulpitis
e) Acute serous pulpitis
283. Woman 32 complained of constant aching pain in 26, that increases in biting. Objectively:
the chewing surface of the cavity 26 that communicates with the cavity of the tooth. Transitional
fold is painful on palpation, percussion 26 sharply painful. After probing the canal was manure.
What method is necessary to study for the diagnosis?
a) * X-ray study
b) Electroodontodiagnosis
c) Thermal sample
d) Bacteriological study
e) Deep Probing
284. Woman '40 complains of intense throbbing pain in the area 26, which appeared for the first
time and extended 4-th day. Percussion 26 sharply painful in any direction, moving tooth,
mucosa around 26 hyperemic swelling, palpation transitional folds projected apex of the root is
painful. What is the most likely diagnosis?
a) * Acute suppurative periodontitis.
b) Acute purulent pulpitis.
c) Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis.
d) Acute localized periodontitis.
e) Acute serous periodontitis.
285. Woman K., 48 years complained of constant aching pain in 14 that increases in biting.
Objectively: the chewing surface of the cavity 14 that communicates with the cavity of the
tooth. The transitional fold in the area of 14 tooth is edematous, hyperemic, painful on
palpation, percussion 14 sharply painful. After probing the canal of the cell appeared manure.
What method is necessary to study for the diagnosis?
a) * X-ray study.
b) Electroodontodiagnosis.
c) Thermal sample.
d) Bacteriological study.
e) Fluorescent study.
286. Patient complains of constant pain in the 25 during the day. Objectively: the medial surface
of the cavity 25 that is connected to the cavity of the tooth. The response to temperature stimuli
painless. On radiographs: bone periapical region unchanged. What is the most likely diagnosis?
a) * Acute serous periodontitis.
b) Acute diffuse pulpit.
c) Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis.
d) Acute purulent pulpitis.
e) Acute suppurative periodontitis.
287. Woman H., '49 complained of acute pain attack-like in the upper jaw on the left, amplified
from the cold, radiating into the ear and temple. A year ago, much pains 26, did not appeal to
the doctor. Three days ago, again having pain. Objectively: in 27 deep cavity that `connected
with the cavity of the tooth. Probing an open area sharply painful. What is the most likely
a) * chronic pulpitis.
b) Acute periodontitis.
c) Acute diffuse pulpit.
d) Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis.
e) Acute pulpitis is limited.
288. Patient B, 33 years old, marks the emergence of sensitivity at biting on 14 that appeared for
the first time two days ago and gradually increasing the overall condition does not suffer. When
viewed in 14 deep cavity that connects with the cavity of the tooth. Probing painless, vertical
percussion sensitive tooth fixed, gum mucosa intact. Place the diagnosis?
a) * Acute serous periodontitis
b) Acute suppurative periodontitis
c) Chronic periodontitis fibrotic
d) Chronic simple pulpitis
e) Exacerbation of chronic apical periodontitis
289. Patient K., '35 complains of unauthorized acute pain pulsing a 25 tooth, which lasts for 30
minutes at night is enhanced painless intervals up to three hours. The pain occurs and increases
the action of thermal and mechanical stimuli. Objective: on the chewing surfaces of the tooth 25
deep cavities, written in softened dentin, pulp chamber is closed, probing sharply painful at one
point in place of projection horn pulp. EDI - 25 mA. Check the diagnosis
a) *Acute pulpitis is limited.
b) Acute suppurative periodontitis.
c) Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis.
d) Pulpitis, periodontitis complicated.
e) Acute diffuse pulpit.
290. Girl '20 lodged a complaint for a long, throbbing pain in tooth 35, which is distributed in the
ear, cheek. Notes malaise, headache, sleep disturbance. Tooth worried for 3 days, had not
suffered. A week ago suffered. Objective: half-opened mouth, 35 tooth slightly movable, on the
chewing surface of a deep cavity, which not? Connected with oral tooth percussion sharply
painful. In renhenohrami changes in periapical tissues there. What is the most likely diagnosis?
a) * Acute suppurative periodontitis
b) Acute serous periodontitis
c) Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
d) Acute purulent pulpitis
e) Pulpitis, periodontitis complicated
291. Woman P., 30 years complained of discomfort in the tooth 26. Objective: on the chewing
surface of a deep cavity that connected with a cavity of the tooth. Probing painless, percussion
slightly painful. On the gums in the projection of the tooth root 26 is a scar. Symptom
"vazoparesis" positive. Select a disease, the most relevant symptoms mentioned?
a) * Chronic granulating periodontitis
b) Chronic gangrenous pulpitis
c) Chronic periodontitis fibrotic
d) Chronic granulomatous periodontitis
e) Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
292. Patient during the last days of constant concern in the 25 tooth pain that is exacerbated
during biting. Objective: the medial surface 25 of the tooth cavity is not connected to the cavity
of the tooth. The response to thermal stimuli is absent, probing cavity of the tooth painless,
vertical percussion painful. In X-ray bone periapical area of tooth 25 without change. What is
the most likely diagnosis:
a) Acute purulent pulpitis
b) Acute diffuse pulpitis
c) Exacerbations of chronic periodontitis
d) * Acute serous periodontitis
e) Acute suppurative periodontitis?
293. Patient over the past days complains of constant pain in tooth 25, which increases during
biting. Objective: to chewing-medial surface 25 of the tooth cavity is not connected to the cavity
of the tooth. The response to thermal stimuli is absent. Vertical percussion 25 tooth pain. On
radiographs periapical tissues in the root apex of tooth 25 without pathological changes. What is
the most likely diagnosis:
a) Exacerbations of chronic periodontitis
b) Acute diffuse pulpitis
c) * Acute serous periodontitis
d) Acute purulent pulpitis
e) Acute suppurative periodontitis?
294. Patient age of 25 during the last days of constant worry localized pain in tooth 36, which
increases during biting and touching the tooth. A week ago, was the treatment of caries tooth 36.
Objective: to chewing-distal surface of tooth 36 is a permanent filling. The reaction to the cold
stimulus is absent. The color of the tooth is not changed, painful percussion. In X-ray changes
periapical tissues of the tooth 36 no. What is the most likely diagnosis:
a) * Acute serous periodontitis
b) Acute suppurative periodontitis
c) Exacerbations of chronic periodontitis
d) Chronic periodontitis granulation
e) Chronic granulomatous periodontitis?
295. The patient complains of constant pain in tooth 25, which increases during biting. The pain
came days ago. Objective: to mesial surface 25 of the tooth has deep cavity, written in
pigmented dentin, which is not connected to the cavity of the tooth. Reaction of 25 teeth in the
cold No, vertical percussion sharply painful. On radiographs periapical tissues of the tooth 25
without pathological changes. What is the most likely diagnosis:
a) Acute purulent pulpitis
b) Acute diffuse pulpitis
c) * Acute serous periodontitis
d) Acute suppurative periodontitis
e) Exacerbations of chronic periodontitis?
296. Patient aged 25 complained of aching pain in 45 permanent tooth, which appeared two days
ago. The pain increased during biting on the tooth. Lymph nodes were not palpable. Transitional
fold intact. Objective: to chewing-medial surface of the tooth 45 is a cavity which
communicates with the cavity of the tooth. Probing the cavity of the tooth 45 painless, response
to temperature stimuli absent, percussion sharply painful. On radiographs ne-riodontalna gap
intact. Select the most likely diagnosis:
a) * Acute serous periodontitis
b) Acute suppurative periodontitis
c) Exacerbations of chronic fibrotic periodontitis
d) Exacerbations of chronic granulomatous periodontitis
e) Exacerbations of chronic periodontitis granulation.
297. Patient up in '38 for the last two days are concerned about constant nagging pain in tooth 37,
which increases during biting as well as feeling "grown up" teeth. Objective: to chewing-distal
surface of tooth 37 has a deep cavity within circumpulpal dentin. Probing the bottom of cavity
37 tooth painless, percussion sharply painful. Mucosa in the projection of the tooth root 37 is
not changed. On radiographs periapical tissue intact. Select the presumptive diagnosis
a) Exacerbations of chronic periodontitis
b) Acute diffuse pulpitis
c) Acute purulent pulpitis
d) *Acute serous periodontitis
e) Acute suppurative periodontitis.
298. Patient complains of constant pain in the 25 tooth that is growing and growing while biting.
The pain came two days ago. Objective: to chewing-medial surface of the tooth 25 is a deep
cavity, which is not connected to the cavity of the tooth. Percussion 25 tooth painful, probing a
bottom wall and painless, reaction to cold stimulus is absent. On the radiograph 25 teeth
periapical tissue without the expressed changes. What is likely diagnosis:
a) * Acute serous periodontitis
b) Acute diffuse pulpitis
c) Acute pulpitis limited
d) Exacerbations of chronic periodontitis
e) Acute suppurative periodontitis?
299. Woman up in '40 complains of intense flashy, pulsating pain in tooth 21, which increases
during biting. first appearance of pain 2 days ago after stopping 21 of the tooth on tooth decay.
Objective: Upper lip swelling. On the palate, the distal surface of tooth 21 with composite
filling is in good condition. The tooth does not respond to temperature stimuli. Percussion 21
tooth sharply painful in any direction, tooth moving. Mucosa around tooth 21 hyperemic
swelling, palpation transitional folds projected apex of the root painful. What is the most likely
a) Acute localized periodontitis
b) Acute purulent pulpitis
c) exacerbations of chronic periodontitis
d) *Acute suppurative periodontitis
e) Acute serous periodontitis?
300. The patient complained of constant sharp pain in tooth 31, which increases during biting,
feeling "grown up" teeth. Several years ago it occurred tooth acute attacks of pain from thermal
stimuli and the tooth was filled on caries. Objective: lower lip swelling. On the lingual-distal
surface of tooth 31 is a permanent filling in satisfactory condition. In thermal stimuli 31 tooth
does not respond, percussion sharply painful. Transitional fold in area 31 of the tooth smoothed.
On radiographs periapi-radical tissue intact. What is likely diagnosis:
a) Acute purulent pulpitis
b) * Acute suppurative periodontitis
c) Exacerbations of chronic periodontitis
d) Acute serous periodontitis
e) Exacerbations of chronic pulpitis?
301. Patient aged 21 complained of constant pain pulsating growing in 27 tooth pain during
biting, feeling "grown up" teeth. Objective: asymmetrical face due to swelling of the left cheek.
In the chewing-distal surface of tooth 27 has a large deep cavity, written in softened dentin,
tooth cavity is closed. Probing bottom painless, percussion 27 tooth sharply painful, tooth
mobility II degree. Palpation of the mucosa in the area of projection of the tops of the roots 27
of tooth pain. Choose the most likely diagnosis:
a) Acute diffuse pulpitis
b) Exacerbations of chronic periodontitis
c) *Acute suppurative periodontitis
d) Acute serous periodontitis
e) Acute purulent pulpitis?
302. Patient up in '49 aimed at rehabilitation of the oral cavity. Objective: to chewing-medial
surface of the tooth 24 is a deep cavity, which communicates with the cavity of the tooth.
Probing ustiv root canal tooth and 24 vertical percussion painless. There is a slight cianosis of
mucosa in the projection of the tops of the roots. Symptom shake root is positive. What are the
most likely diagnosis:
a) * Chronic granulomatous periodontitis
b) Exacerbations of chronic periodontitis
c) Chronic periodontitis granulation
d) Chronic gangrenous pulpitis
e) Chronic fibrous periodontitis.
303. Man up in '38 complains of pain in 12 pulsating tooth that is exacerbated during biting. The
pain came 3 days ago. Objective: to palate-distal surface of tooth 12 has a deep cavity, filled
with pigmented dentin, which is not connected to the cavity of the tooth. Probing cavity
painless, the temperature stimuli tooth does not respond, percussion sharply painful. On
radiographs in the field of top 12 top tooth found oval fireplace destruction diameter 0.3 sm
with smooth contours. What is the most likely diagnosis:
a) Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis granulation
b) Acute suppurative periodontitis
c) Exacerbations of chronic fibrotic periodontitis
d) * Exacerbations of chronic granulomatous periodontitis
e) Radicular cyst that festering?
304. Woman complains of spontaneous constant nagging pain in tooth 37, which increases during
biting. Previously treated tooth on pulpitis, some time in the tooth pain arose. Objective: on the
chewing surfaces of the tooth 37 is a deep cavity, which communicates with the cavity of the
tooth. Probing the cavity of the tooth painless, vertical and horizontal percussion sharply
painful, tooth mobility and degree. Mucosa in the projection of the top 37 top tooth hyperemic
edematous and painful. On radiographs in the top section of the distal root of tooth 37 revealed
the fire destruction of bone tissue with indistinct borders. Select the clinical diagnosis
a) Exacerbation of chronic gangrenous pulpitis
b) * Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis granulation
c) exacerbations of chronic periodontitis
d) Acute suppurative periodontitis
e) Acute serous periodontitis.
305. Man aged thirty years, complains of pain during biting a 36 tooth. Several years ago treated
tooth on tooth decay, but then it occurred periodically aching pain. Objective: 36 tooth color
changed on the chewing surface of the filling is in satisfactory condition. In thermal stimuli
tooth does not respond, painful percussion. In the area of projection of the tops of the roots of 36
teeth found on fistula. What is likely diagnosis:
a) Chronic periodontitis fibrotic
b) Chronic periodontitis granulation
c) * exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
d) Chronic granulomatous periodontitis
e) radicular cyst?
306. Patient complained of constant aching pain in tooth 26, which increases during biting. On
the radiograph of the tooth 26 revealed strain periodontitis cracks, fire destruction of bone
medially top-buccal root in the form of tongues of flame. What is the most likely diagnosis:
a) * Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis granulation
b) Chronic periodontitis granulation
c) Chronic periodontitis fibrotic
d) Chronic granulomatous periodontitis
e) Exacerbations of chronic gangrenous pulpitis?
307. Woman up in '27 complained of acute pain in 34 permanent tooth that is enhanced during
biting. On radiographs in periapical area of tooth 34 root zone revealed destruction of bone
tissue with uneven edges. Define the diagnosis
a) Acute diffuse pulpitis
b) Acute purulent pulpitis, periodontitis complicated
c) Exacerbations of chronic pulpitis
d) * exacerbation chronic periodontitis granulation
e) Acute serous periodontitis.
308. Woman aged 25 complained of acute pain in tooth 35, which increases during biting.
Objective: the chewing surfaces of 35 tooth cavity is filled with a permanent filling. Percussion
35 tooth sharply painful, no reaction to cold. On radiographs in periapical area of tooth root 35
is the zone of destruction of bone tissue with uneven edges. Determine the probable diagnosis
a) Acute purulent pulpitis, periodontitis complicated by acute
b) * Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis granulation
c) Chronic pulpitis, periodontitis complicated
d) Acute diffuse pulpitis
e) Chronic fibrous periodontitis.
309. Woman aged 52 years complained of pain during biting a 15 tooth, the periodic occurrence
of fistulas on the gums in section 15 of the tooth. A year ago, treated tooth on tooth decay.
Objective: on the chewing surfaces of the tooth 15 is a filling in a satisfactory condition.
Percussion painful tooth. In the projection of the apex of the root revealed fistula, while pressing
on it stands purulent exudate. On the radiograph of the tooth root canal 15 is fillinged in the top
section of the root source of destruction of bone tissue with indistinct contours. Define the
a) Exacerbation of granulomatous periodontitis
b) Chronic periodontitis granulation
c) Acute suppurative periodontitis
d) Radicular cyst
e) * Exacerbation granulation periodontitis.
310. Woman aged 43 years complained of feeling bursting open in 23 tooth. The tooth was
fillinged on caries. Objective: the neck area 23 of the tooth is filling with composite in
satisfactory condition. In the top section 23 of the tooth revealed fistula. What changes
periapical tissues of the tooth 23 may be on the radiograph:
a) Deformation periodontitis gap
b) Destruction of bone contours of equal diameter 0,8-1 sm
c) Destruction of bone tissue with smooth contours less than 0.8 sm in diameter
d) Expansion slot periodontitis
e) * The destruction of bone tissue with irregular contours?
311. Woman up in '35 complained of constant aching pain in tooth 25, which increases during
biting. Objective: on the chewing surfaces of the tooth 25 is cavity that communicates with the
cavity of the tooth. Transitional fold in area 25 of the tooth swelling, hyperemic painful during
palpation, of canal was manure. What method is necessary to study for the diagnosis:
a) * X-ray study
b) Electroodontodiagnosis
c) Termoprobu
d) Bacteriological study
e) Deep probing.
312. Patient up in '19 complains of constant pain in tooth 22, which increases during biting on the
tooth, feeling "grown up" teeth, swelling of the upper lip. From history we know that the injury
was the upper jaw. Objective: 22 tooth intact. Vertical percussion sharply painful. Upper lip
swelling, fold in the transition area 22 tooth red, painful at palpation. What is the method of
study required for diagnosis:
a) Transilumination
b) EDI
c) Reodentography
d) * Radiography
e) Thermometry?
313. Patient aged 42 years complained of constant aching pain in tooth 45, which increases
during biting. Objective: percussion 45 tooth sharply painful, transitional fold in the area of the
tooth edematous, hyperemic, painful on palpation. After probing with the mouth of the canal
was manure. What method is necessary to study for the diagnosis:
a) Bacteriological study
b) Thermoprobe
c) Fluorescent study
d) Electroodontodiagnosis
e) * X-ray study?
314. Patient aged 23 years complained of discomfort in 36 tooth. A few years ago was fillinged
tooth on tooth decay. Periodically during biting a 36 tooth there is aching pain. At the same time
on the gums formed fistula, and then the pain disappears. Objective: 36 tooth crown color
changed. On the chewing surfaces of filling is in satisfactory condition. In thermal stimuli tooth
does not respond, vertical percussion painless. In the mucosa in the area of projection of the tops
of the roots of the tooth 36 is scar from fistula. What is the most likely diagnosis:
a) Exacerbations of chronic periodontitis granulation
b) Chronic gangrenous pulpitis
c) Chronic periodontitis fibrotic
d) Chronic granulomatous periodontitis
e) * Chronic periodontitis granulation?
315. Patient under 44 years of complaints does not produce. Objective: to the distal surface of
tooth 23 has a deep cavity at the bottom - the remnants of filling material. Percussion 23 tooth
painless. In the mucosa in the area of the projection root apex is a fistula. On radiographs in the
area of the top 23 top tooth discovered the fire destruction of bone without gums paths, root
canal fillinged on 1/2 lengths. Select the most likely diagnosis:
a) Radicular cyst
b) Chronic periodontitis fibrotic
c) Chronic granulomatous periodontitis
d) Exacerbations of chronic periodontitis
e) * Chronic periodontitis granulation.
316. Patient complains of the presence of cilia tooth cavity, which is 2 years old treated at the
dental caries. The filling had a week ago. Crown 11 tooth dark at the bottom of cavity filling
material remnants. Probing cavity and vertical percussion painless. On radiographs in the area
of the top 11 top tooth oval fireplace resorption of bone tissue with gums contours size 0,4 x0, 3
sm root canal fillinged on 2/3 length. What is the most likely diagnosis:
a) Exacerbations of chronic periodontitis
b) Chronic periodontitis fibrotic
c) Chronic periodontitis granulation
d) Radicular cyst
e) * Chronic granulomatous periodontitis?
317. Patient up in '49 aimed at rehabilitation of the oral cavity. Objective: to chewing-medial
surface of the tooth 24 is a deep cavity, which communicates with the cavity of the tooth.
Probing of root canal tooth and 24 vertical percussion painless. There is a slight cianosis of
mucosa in the projection of the tops of the roots. Symptom shake root is positive. What are the
most likely diagnosis:
a) * Chronic granulomatous periodontitis
b) Exacerbations of chronic periodontitis
c) Chronic periodontitis granulation
d) Chronic gangrenous pulpitis
e) Chronic fibrous periodontitis.
318. Man up in '38 complains of pain in 12 pulsating tooth that is exacerbated during biting. The
pain came 3 days ago. Objective: to palate-distal surface of tooth 12 has a deep cavity, written
in pigmented dentin, which is not connected to the cavity of the tooth. Probing cavity painless,
the temperature stimuli tooth does not respond, percussion sharply painful. On radiographs in
the top 12 tooth found oval fireplace destruction diameter 0.3 sm with smooth contours. What is
the most likely diagnosis:
a) Exacerbations of chronic periodontitis granulation
b) Acute suppurative periodontitis
c) Exacerbations of chronic fibrotic periodontitis
d) * Exacerbations of chronic granulomatous periodontitis
e) Radicular cyst that festering?
319. Man up in '37 complains of sharp, continuously growing pain in 16 tooth, a sharp pain
during biting a 16 tooth, pathological mobility of teeth, the appearance of swelling in the right
infraorbital area, increased body temperature to 38 ° C. 5-sick that day. Objective: the chewing
surfaces of 16 tooth cavity is filled with massive filling. Mucosa in the region of 16 tooth
hyperemic edematous. Percussion 16 tooth sharply painful. In X-ray changes in the periapical
tissues of teeth 16 no. What is the most likely diagnosis of the disease:
a) Acute serous periodontitis
b) Acute purulent pulpitis
c) Exacerbations of chronic pulpitis
d) * Acute suppurative periodontitis
e) Exacerbations of chronic periodontitis?
320. To clinic appealed the patients with an acute throbbing pain in tooth 45 region that irradiated
along the branches of the trigeminal nerve. Constant pain without remission the patient notes
that 45 tooth like "rose" and the closing of the jaws causes increased pain. In history, recalls the
pain of hot and cold, and sometimes at biting on the tooth. Objective: determine the collateral
swelling gums around 45 tooth crown it has destroyed, percussion sharply painful. Mandible
right lymph nodes are enlarged, painful on palpation. What diagnosis
a) acute purulent pulpitis;
b) acute apical periodontitis;
c) * Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis;
d) chronic periodontitis granylematosis;
e) chronic granulating periodontitis.
321. Patient '30 turned to night in the hospital with complaints of pain in the area 36 of the tooth,
the tooth started to bother 3 days ago, the pain is constant, at touching to tooth pain intensified.
Objective: protrusion of the mucous in the region of 36 teeth painful to palpation, body
temperature is 37,8 º C, asymmetric face, rejection of the oral cavity in full, 36 tooth filled,
percussion painful. What diagnosis
a) acute purulent periodontitis;
b) chronic granulating periodontitis;
c) chronic periodontitis granylematosis;
d) * Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis;
e) severe periodontitis.
322. Patient '38 complain in constant nagging pain in the tooth on the lower right jaw, which
increases with biting on the tooth. Objective: to the distal surface 44 of the tooth cavity, which
communicates with the cavity of the tooth. Probing the reaction to cold painless. Percussion
sharply painful. In the area of the top 44 top tooth-fistula. EDI-105mkA. On radiographs:
destruction determined fireplace with fuzzy contours. What is the final diagnosis?
a) acute serous periodontitis;
b) exacerbation of chronic periodontitis fibrous;
c) exacerbation of chronic periodontitis granulematosis;
d) acute diffuse pulpit;
e) * Exacerbation of chronic granulating periodontitis.
323. The patient complains of constant nagging pain in tooth 16, which increases with biting. On
radiographs 16 observed deformation and destruction of periodontitis cracks, center thinning of
bone tissue in the medial area of the top-buccal root as "tongues of flame." What is the
a) chronic granulating periodontitis;
b) chronic periodontitis granylematosis;
c) chronic fibrotic periodontitis;
d) * Exacerbation of chronic granulating periodontitis;
e) exacerbation of chronic periodontitis granulematosis.
324. Patient 32 years complain on continuous localized aching pain in the tooth at 26 biting,
feeling "grown teeth." objective: in 16 tooth-deep cavity that communicates with the cavity of
the tooth. Hnylisnyy odor probing painless, abnormal mobility of the V degree. Mucosa in the
area of tooth 16 edematous, hyperemic, positive symptom vasoparesis, the presence of fistulas
with purulent exudate. What is the diagnosis?
a) * Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis;
b) acute serous periodontitis;
c) acute purulent periodontitis;
d) exacerbation of chronic pulpitis hahrenoznoho;
e) localized periodontitis in the stage of abscess formation.
325. Patient in '38 complain at constant aching pain that increases with biting. 37 tooth previously
treated on pulpitis. Objective: in 37 tooth filling safed, percussion sharply painful. In X-ray
source of destruction of bone tissue with blurred area in the top destalnoho root. What diagnosis
a) acute purulent periodontitis;
b) exacerbation of chronic gangrenous pulpitis;
c) exacerbation of chronic periodontitis fibrous;
d) the exacerbation of chronic granulating periodontitis;
e) exacerbation of chronic granulomatous periodontitis.
326. The patient complains of '32 constant aching pain that increases with biting to 26 tooth.
Objective: a 26-tooth filling large, tooth enamel greyish color, percussion weakly positive. In
the mucosa of the alveolar bone in the projection apex distal buccal root of tooth 26 - fistulas
progress of which is allocated when you drop of pus. What diagnosis
a) chronic granulating periodontitis;
b) chronic granulomatous periodontitis;
c) exacerbation of chronic periodontitis fibrous;
d) * Exacerbation of chronic granulomatous periodontitis;
e) exacerbation of chronic granulating periodontitis
327. Patients in '26 complain of pain in the tooth on the right upper jaw, which increases with
biting for tooth pain appeared 2 days ago, before the tooth treated. Objective: crown 15 tooth
change in color, destroyed by 2/3, percussion sharply painful. Mucosa in the area of projection
of the top 15 top tooth hyperemic, painful palpation. What is likely diagnosis:
a) exacerbation of chronic periodontitis;
b) acute periostitis of the upper jaw;
c) acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the upper jaw;
d) acute serous periodontitis;
e) * Acute purulent periodontitis.
328. The patient in '34 temperature 37,6 º C, and lethargy. In 34 tooth cavity coupled to a cavity
of the tooth; probing response to thermal stimuli, painless, percussion sharply painful.
Transitional fold swelling, hyperemic palpation painful, in the area of the projection root-scar,
fistula. Diagnosis?
a) acute serous periodontitis;
b) exacerbations of chronic periodontitis;
c) acute purulent periodontitis;
d) * Pulpit complicated periodontitis;
e) chronic gangrenous pulpitis.
329. The patient in '30 when biting pain, mobility 21, 22 teeth. 3 years ago was the injury of the
upper front teeth. 21, 22 teeth intact, changed in color, sharply painful percussion, Transitional
fold swelling, hyperemic. EDI 120 mA. Diagnosis?
a) acute serous periodontitis;
b) acute purulent periodontitis;
c) exacerbations of chronic periodontitis;
d) * Exacerbation of acute pulpitis;
e) it is not true.
330. The patient was hospitalized in '27 in surgical hospital for surgical treatment of herniated
abdominal white line. Before the operation complained of pain in 37 tooth that has been
previously treated. On examination, tenderness is determined by percussion of the tooth 37,
mucosa in the area of the projection root apex is not changed in submandibulars area left moving painfully largest formation of plum, leather on it is not changed in color. In historytooth bothered by biting, a doctor by not addressed. Please dental diagnosis:
a) chronic apical periodontitis;
b) exacerbations of chronic periodontitis;
c) chronic gangrenous pulpitis;
d) acute apical periodontitis;
e) * Acute gangrenous pulpitis.
331. To the clinic asked the patients with an acute throbbing pain in tooth 45 region that
irradieted along the branches of the trigeminal nerve. Constant pain without remission the
patient notes that 45 tooth like "rose" and the closing of the jaws causes increased pain. In
history, recalls the pain of hot and cold, and sometimes at biting on the tooth. Objective:
Determine the collateral swelling gums around 45 tooth crown it has destroyed, percussion
sharply painful. Pidnyzhnoschylepovi right lymph nodes are enlarged, painful on palpation.
Questions that complications arise smear?
a) odontogenous sinusitis;
b) * Odontogenic osteomyelitis of the mandible on the right;
c) facial vein thrombophlebitis;
d) all right;
e) it is not true.
332. The patient complains of constant nagging pain in tooth 16, which increases with biting. On
radiographs 16 observed deformation and destruction of periodontitis cracks, center thinning of
bone tissue in the medial area of the top-buccal root as "tongues of flame." What is the
a) chronic granulating periodontitis;
b) chronic periodontitis granylematosis;
c) chronic fibrotic periodontitis;
d) * Exacerbation of chronic granulating periodontitis;
e) exacerbation of chronic periodontitis granulematosis.
333. The patient in '34 temperature 37,6 º C, and lethargy. In 34 tooth cavity coupled to a cavity
of the tooth; probing response to thermal stimuli, painless, percussion sharply painful.
Transitional fold is swelling, hyperemic, palpation is painful, in the area of the projection rootscar, fistula. Diagnosis?
a) acute serous periodontitis;
b) * Exacerbation chronic periodontitis;
c) acute purulent periodontitis;
d) pulpitis complicated periodontitis;
e) chronic gangrenous pulpitis.
334. The patient complains of '32 constant aching pain that increases with biting to 26 tooth.
Objective: a 26-tooth filling large, tooth enamel with grey color, percussion is weakly positive.
In the mucosa of the alveolar bone in the projection apex distal buccal root of tooth 26 - fistulas
progress of which is allocated when you drop of pus. What diagnosis
a) chronic granulating periodontitis;
b) chronic granulomatous periodontitis;
c) exacerbation of chronic periodontitis fibrous;
d) exacerbation of chronic granulomatous periodontitis;
e) * Exacerbation of chronic granulating periodontitis.
335. The patient in '30 when biting pain, mobility 21, 22 teeth. 3 years ago was the injury of the
upper front teeth. 21, 22 teeth intact, changed in color, sharply painful percussion, Transitional
fold swelling, hyperemic. EDI 120 mA. Diagnosis?
a) acute serous periodontitis;
b) acute purulent periodontitis;
c) * Exacerbation chronic periodontitis;
d) exacerbation of acute pulpitis;
e) it is not true.
336. Patient in '39 increased body temperature to 37.2 0 C, weakness, anorexia, headache, sleep
disturbance. Mouth is half-opened, excessive salivation. There is asymmetry of the face. 47
tooth has a filling, rolling. Vertical and horizontal percussion sharply painful. Mucosa around
teeth 45,46,47 brightly hyperemic edematous, painful at palpation, transitional fold smoothed.
Submandibular lymph nodes are enlarged in the right amounts, painful at palpation. In X-ray: on
top 47tooth lost picture clarity spongy substance of bone. What is the possible diagnosis?
a) *Acute purulent periodontitis
b) diffuse acute pulpitis
c) exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
d) acute odontogenic periostitis
e) acute odontogenic periostitis
337. Patient L., complained that arose for the first time, a long pain aching character in the tooth
of the mandible. The pain increases when pressing on the tooth. The patient was satisfactory.
Objectively, the 16 tooth cavities. What is not connected to the cavity of the tooth. Probing the
bottom cavity and reaction to thermal stimuli painless. Vertical percussion sharply painful. The
mucous membrane of the gums in section 16 of the tooth is not changed. Regional lymph nodes
left slightly painful during palpation, increased in size. In X-ray changes in the periodontium is
not observed. Place the diagnosis.
a) *Acute serous periodontitis
b) exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
c) diffuse acute pulpitis
d) acute odontogenic periostitis
e) acute purulent pulpitis
338. Patient Z., 39years, complained of constant aching pain in the 16 tooth on the upper left jaw
that increases in biting on the tooth, a sense of "having grown up teeth." Tooth worried about
three days. Objective: The distal surface 16 tooth cavity that is connected to the cavity of the
tooth. Probing reaction to cold painless. Percussion painful. EDI - 100 mA. On radiographs
periodontitis expansion cracks. What is the final diagnosis?
a) *Acute serous periodontitis
b) Acute diffuse pulpitis
c) Exacerbation of chronic pulpitis
d) Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
e) Acute traumatic periodontitis
339. Patient D., 49 years complains of periodic occurrence of fistulas in region25 tooth.
Previously treated tooth on tooth decay. Objectively crease in transition in the projection of the
root apex fistula. On radiographs at the top of the root source of destruction of bone tissue with
indistinct contours. What is the most likely diagnosis?
a) * Chronic granulating periodontitis
b) Acute suppurative periodontitis
c) Chronic periodontitis granulematosis
d) Radicular cyst
e) Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
340. Patient R., Complained to the appearance of fistulas in section 43 - the first tooth that onset
repeatedly complaints of minor pain feeling in biting on the tooth. Percussion positive. On
sighting radiography in the area of the top top 43 - first tooth there is a fire thinning of bone
tissue with indistinct contours. Your diagnosis:
a) * Chronic granulating periodontitis.
b) Chronic periodontitis in the acute stage.
c) Chronic fibrous periodontitis.
d) Chronic granulomatous periodontitis.
e) Acute apical periodontitis.
341. Patient G. '19 complains the newly loss of 45 fillings the tooth. Ob-no: 45 tooth for
aproximal-chewing surfaces of a large cavity. Probing reaction to cold is painless, no
percussion. On radiographs there is periapical fireplace destruction of round shape with sharp
edges d ~ 0,4 mm. Set a previous diagnosis?
a) * Chronic periodontitis granulematosis
b) Chronic granulating periodontitis
c) Chronic periodontitis fibrotic
d) Chronic deep caries
e) Chronic gangrenous pulpitis
342. Patient W. '29 complain of fuzzy expressed aching pain, which intensified when biting in the
area of the right upper jaw. Objectively: in the 17 tooth there is a deep cavity, probing painless,
moderately painful percussion, palpation of the transition painless. In the X-ray no periapical
change. Place the diagnosis.
a) * Acute serous periodontitis
b) Acute suppurative periodontitis
c) Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis
d) Acute purulent pulpitis
e) Acute diffuse pulpitis
343. Patient '28 elevated body temperature to 37.2 0 C, weakness, anorexia, headache,
disturbance of sleep. Half-opened mouth, excessive salivation. There is asymmetry of the face.
36 tooth has a filling, mobility. Vertical and horizontal percussion sharply painful. Mucosa at
35, 36, 37 teeth bright hyperemied, swollen, painful at palpation, transitional fold smoothly.
Right submandibular lymph nodes increased in size, painful during palpation. On the
radiograph: at the top 36 lost tooth picture clarity spongiform bone substance. What a treatment
patient need?
a) * remove the filling, remove putride masses to give outflow of exudate, to appoint an antiinflammatory therapy
b) remove the tooth, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial therapy
c) to periosteothomy, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial therapy
d) appoint an anti-inflammatory therapy
e) remove the filling, remove putryde masses to give outflow of fluid
344. Patient '32 worried about tooth discoloration and discomfort arising during rozzhovuvannya
of solid food. Objective: 45 tooth cavity, which communicates with the pulp chamber, probing a
bottom cavity is painless and reaction to thermal stimuli is absent. Vertical percussion slightly
painful. The mucous membrane of the gums around the tooth pastoze, cianotic, a fistula with
purulent allocation. Regional lymphadenitis. Make a plan of treatment.
a) * 45 tooth x-ray, drug and simultaneous mechanical treatment of root canals with
subsequent filling of root canals
b) radiological examination of 45 teeth, medication and mechanical treatment of root canals
c) remove tooth antimicrobe therapy
d) reveal the tooth, remove putryde masses to give outflow of fluid
e) to do a periostothomy, antimicrobial therapy
345. Woman '43 appealed to the clinic complaining of feeling pressure in 23 tooth According to
the aching tooth previously treated at the dental caries. Objective: near gum region 23 - filling
made of composite material. On apex of the root projection area 23 tooth is defined fistula with
serous exudate. What changes in the top 23 tooth are detected on the radiograph?
a) * Destruction of bone with jagged contours
b) Expansion of periodontal slot
c) Deformation of periodontal slot
d) Destruction of bone with clear smooth contours
e) Deep bone pocket
346. Patient '23 appealed with complaints on long aching pain that continiously increase and pain
when biting in 34 tooth. Objectively : filled tooth, during percussion observed sharp pain. What
is the primary tactic of doctor?
a) * Create an outflow of of periodontal slot
b) cut mucous in the area of tooth 34
c) Removal of pain
d) Anti-inflammatory therapy
e) detoxification therapy
347. Patient '32 tomorrow is going to travel overseas for a long time. In the area of projection of
apex of 23 tooth fistula, is available on the radiograph - source of destruction of bone with
unclear contours. What method of treatment you apply?
a) * One-visit treatment.
b) Treatment in 2-3 stages.
c) Physiotherapy treatment.
d) Surgical treatment.
e) Conservative and surgical treatment.
348. Patient K. 25 years old during the planned sanation in the 15 tooth detected the tooth cavity.
After preparation enamel , a dense pigmented dentin removed by excavator, forming a deep
cavity. Reaction to cold, absent, percussion, probing is painless. Which methods of research is
the most informative during a differential diagnosis?
a) * Electroodontodiagnosis
b) radiography
c) percussion
d) Thermometry
e) probing
349. Patient V. 44 years old asked for complaints of pain in 36 when biting by this tooth . The
pain appeared a week ago. 36 tooth two years ago was treated because of the caries .
Objectively: the chewing surface of 36 tooth composite filling in a large approximal-distal
section of significant secondary caries. Probing is painless. Percussion is painful, on the X-ray
periapical there is widening of periodontal gap. Select the most effective antiseptic solution for
endodontics .
a) * 3 % sol of sodium hypochlorite
b) 3 % sol hydrogen peroxide
c) 0.15 sol decamethoxin
d) 0.05 % sol chlorhxydini
e) 0.1 % dekamin
350. The patient G. 11years old complains of aching pain in the area of the front teeth.
Objectively: in the 11 deep cavity, probing is sharply painfull with the action of cold pain attack
occurs. Percussion causes discomfort. In the X-ray cavities joint with pulp, wide apical aperture.
Which antiseptic p-bers can not be vykorystovivaty during endodontic intervention without
reliable isolation of tooth
a) * 5 % sol sodium hypochlorite
b) 3% sodium hypochlorite
c) 3 % hydrogen peroxide
d) 0.05 % sol chlorhexidine
e) 0.1 % dekamin
351. Patient B. 32 years old 46 tooth requires endodontic intervention because of the caries
acuteening of chronic periodontitis fibrose. It is planned to apply the "crown-down" technology
Which instruments most often performed expand of canals?
a) * Rotary nickel-titanium
b) K-rymers
c) K-files
d) Headstroeme files
e) "Gates glidden"
352. Patients D. 39 years old endodontic intervention is planning in 22 tooth in one visit "crowndown" method, using 5.25 %sol sodium hypochlorite as antiseptic. Under what conditions can
use this antiseptic?
a) * Isolation tooth by kofferdame
b) The use of apex locator
c) Control reaching saliva in tooth cavity
d) The control X-ray of tooth before treatment
e) Use retraktive threads
353. Patient K. is 46 during the instrumental and pharmacological treatment of 45tooth canal
blockade took place dentinal bark. What means of preventing of such complications.
a) * Careful observance of rules of instrumental stages treatment canal, sufficient irrigation
canal after each instrument
b) Correct detection of cavity
c) Previous expansion of the coronal
d) Compliance of recommended rotation angles in the canal
e) The use of antiseptics in sufficient quantities
354. Patient H. 49 years old, with an instrumental and pharmacological treatment of mediallybuccal canal of tooth 36 formed ledge ("zipping"). What are the causes of the ledge.
a) * Use when working in curved canal inflexible file, not in accordance with pre-curved form
of the canal
b) Excessive expansion of the canal
c) The use of inflexible instruments for large speeds
d) Use instruments with excessive force
e) The use of strong antiseptics
355. Neglecting the anatomical peculiarities of the root for patient N. 27 years old was following
treatment of acute limited pulpitis of 23 tooth. At one stage instrumental and pharmacological
treatment of the canal formed "apical emphasis." For what purpose is carried out this step?
a) * Prevention an exit of guttaperch and hermetic above the apical hole
b) Promotes high-quality three-dimensional obturation of the root canal
c) Preventing periapical complications in terms of remote
d) Helps to avoid excessive pressure on the walls of canals in the fillinging
e) Promotes high-quality the canal purification from infected dentin
356. for patient R. 30 years old was carried out endodontic treatment of tooth 34 with acute
periodontitis. A the canal was filled with gutta-percha and epoxide siller and was made control
X-ray What are the main criterion of quality fillinging.
a) * "Root filling" tightly fill the entire canal and is located at 'physiological apex. "
b) "The root filling" tightly fill the entire canal and located at the " anatomical top "
c) "The root filling" with a slight excess deduced apical hole
d) "The root filling" is located at 2 mm not reaching the "top x-ray" root
e) "The root filling" is located at 'physiological apex "
357. The patient M., 45 years old, pain when biting on 35 tooth where there is a cavity is linked
to the tooth cavity. Probing is painless. Percussion is painful. Radiologically there is a bone
destruction round shape 0.4 cm at apex of the root. A leading symptom for the diagnosis of
"chronic granulomatose periodontitis"?
a) * Changes in the radiograph
b) Painless probing
c) Pain with percussion
d) nature of complaints
e) probing
358. Patient F., 25 years old complains of the cavity in 14 tooth. 14 tooth is pigmented, has a
cavity of class II by Black, probing , response to cold, percussion are painless. Specify the
auxiliary methods for the diagnosis?
a) * X-ray , EDI.
b) Thermometry
c) EDI, palpation of the transitional folds
d) probing
e) Vital coloration
359. Patient S., 25 years, "appeared to rehabilitation. Objectively: 22 tooth intact, changed in
color, percussion painless. Gums in the projection apex of the root is not changed, but during
palpation determined swelling. What methods should conduct a more accurate diagnosis?
a) * Radiography.
b) EDI
c) Thermometry
d) probing
e) Vital coloration
360. Man K. '26 years old complains of constant pain in tooth 12, which increases at biting. Three
days ago was imposed in the 12 tooth an arsenic paste. Timely on reception the patient failed to
appear. Objective: the medial surface of 12 fillinged band, percussion is sharply painful. By
dentist was diagnosed acute arsenic periodontitis. What tactics of treatment?
b) * Assign intracanal electrophoresis of antidote
c) Arsenic antidote to leave under tight bandage in cavity
d) Assign applications antidote to transition the crease
e) Antidote arsenic left in the root canal under tight bandage
Assign electrophoresis of antidote to transition the
361. Woman '44 complains of slight pain in the tooth when biting From history: 3 years ago 12
tooth was treated because of the dental caries. At the last year periodically appeared swelling
and fistula Objectively: 12 changed in color, filled Percussion is slightly painful In X-ray - bone
thinning in the area of apex 12 with unclear, jagged edges. What tactics should be applied in the
absence of the effect of conservative treatment?
a) * Resection of the apex of the root
b) Removal of of tooth
c) root amputation
d) Hemisection
e) Puncture periapical tissues
362. Patient S., 25 years, appeared with complaints of pain in 22 tooth when biting. From
anamnesis: tooth treated 2 years ago, the canal fillinged with iodoforme paste. What is the
possible factor of complications?
a) * Resorption of paste in the canal
b) defect of filling
c) Exit of filling material above the apex of the root
d) Allergic reaction
e) not finished the filling of the root canal
363. After 2 years after endodontic treatment the patient 35 years old asked the doctor about the
discoloration of the tooth 24 crown. The tooth became pink. Please specify the reason.
a) * Incorrect choice of the root filler.
b) Wrong choice of restoration material.
c) Violation technology of processing of root canal.
d) Violation technology restoration of the tooth.
e) Internal disease patients.
364. In clinic patient asked 29 years old (who suffers from diabetes) at the defect fillings in 23
tooth. The tooth was treated 2 years ago. In the X-Ray picture root canal fillinged in 1/3.
Periodontal gap widened. The most appropriate:
a) * Repeated endodontic treatment followed by restoration of the crown.
b) Replacing the fillings.
c) Replacement of fillings and surgical treatment.
d) Restoration of tooth by the crown.
e) Remove tooth.
365. Patient '24 y.old. Necessary to perform endodontic treatment of tooth 34. Among the
instruments is a spreader. What are these instruments?
a) * Instruments with smooth pointed part designed for lateral condensation of gutta-percha in
the root canal.
b) Instruments with working part centered in the form of a conical spiral, reminiscent of
anatomical shape of the canal.
c) The instrument that has a small number of turns only at the tip.
d) Instrument that combines the properties of Riemer and file.
e) Instruments designed to remove the dental pulp.
366. The patient 45 years old needs endodontic treatment of 21, 22, 23 teeth. What medications
nowadays are the most optimal for the processing canals.
a) * The combination of EDTA preparations with a solution of sodium hypochlorite.
b) The combination of hydrogen peroxide and alcohol.
c) The combination of hydrogen peroxide and EDTA preparations
d) The combination of solutions of sodium hypochlorite and alcohol.
e) The combination of drugs EDTA and hydrogen peroxide.
367. Patient 32 years old. complained of constant aching pain in 26, that increases in when biting.
Objectively: the chewing surface of the cavity 26 that communicates with the cavity of the
tooth. Transitional fold painful on palpation, percussion 26 sharply painful. After probing the
canal was manure. What method is necessary to study for the diagnosis?
a) * X-ray study
b) electroodontodiagnosis
c) Thermoprobe
d) Bacteriological study
e) Percussion
368. Patients 45 years old complained of constant aching pain in the tooth, which increases when
biting. 3 days ago the tooth was fillinged because of the deep cavity. Vertical percussion is
painful. Thermoprobe is painful EDI 120 mcA. On radiographs - periodontium is not changed.
What should do the doctor at first:
a) * Open the tooth cavity and a make exudate outflow.
b) Remove filling.
c) Assign antiseptic rinse.
d) Assign physical procedures.
e) Perform a correction filling.
369. The patient 28 years old has increased body temperature to 37.2 0 C, weakness, anorexia,
headache, disturbance of sleep. Mouth is half-opened, excessive salivation. There is asymmetry
of the face. 36 tooth has a filling, movable. Vertical and horizontal percussion is sharply painful.
Mucosa at 35, 36, 37 teeth brightly hyperemic edematous, is painful at palpation, transitional
fold smoothed. Submandibular lymphatic nodes enlarged at the right amounts, painful at
palpation. On radiographs: on the top of the 36 tooth lost definition picture spongiform
substance of bone. What a treatment conduct to patient?
a) * remove the filling, remove putride mass make outflow of exudate
b) appointanti inflammatory therapy;
c) remove the the tooth, be anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial therapy;
d) to periosteothomy, be anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial therapy;
e) UHF therapy
370. In patient 55 years old who accepts cytostatic drugs, the body temperature rose to 37.8 0 C,
there was a weakness, headache, sleep disturbance. Mouth is half-opened, excessive salivation.
There is asymmetry of the face. tooth has a filling, movable. Vertical and horizontal percussion
is sharply painful. Mucosa at 35, 36, 37 teeth brightly hyperemic, edematous, is painful at
palpation, transitional fold smoothed. Submandibular lymphatic nodes enlarged at the right
amounts, painful at palpation. On radiographs: root canals fillinged by 2/3 the length of the root
canal, destruction of cortical plate of alveola at the top of the root, periodontitis gap, thinning
bones near the tops of the roots that must looms. What a treatment conduct to patient?
a) * remove the the tooth, to make periostotomy, appoint anti inflammatory therapy;
b) remove the filling, remove putride mass make outflow of exudate , to appoint;
c) appointanti inflammatory and antimicrobial therapy;
d) conduct the periostotomy and antimicrobial therapy;
e) appoint antiinflammatory therapy.
371. The patient was 32 years old worried of the 36 tooth discoloration and discomfort arising
during chewing of solid food. Objective: A 45 tooth cavity, which communicates with the
cavity, probing a bottom of cavity is painless and response to thermal stimuli is absent. Vertical
percussion slightly painful. The mucous membrane of the gums around of the 36 tooth pastoze,
cianotic is fistula with purulent department. Regional lymphadenitis. Make a plan of treatment.
a) * X-ray study of 45 of the 36 tooth, simultaneous drug and mechanical treatment of root
b) root canal treatment followed by root canal filling;
c) X-ray study of 45 of the 36 tooth, medical and mechanical treatment of root canals;
d) remove tooth antimicrobial therapy;
e) reveal the the tooth, remove putride weight, date of make outflow of exudate.
372. After blending of devitalixing paste in patient 21 years old who has just suffered acute
respiratory illness was long aching pain at tooth 15, which intensified when pressing on the
tooth. 15 the tooth under tight bandage, percussion is sharply painful. The general condition of
the patient were not significantly affected. What are your actions?
a) *Making antidote to the root canal by turundas tight bandage;
b) Remove devitalizing paste, root canal treatment 5% solution of iodine, tooth left open the
next visit;
c) Removal devitalising paste root canal treatment of 5% solution of iodine;
d) remove the the tooth;
e) There is no need to do anything
373. Patient 28 years old sent for consultation to the dentist. The patient complains of general
weakness, tiredness, headache. Doctor after physician pathology examination of internal organs
did not show. An examination of the oral cavity revealed a deep cavity in a tooth that joints with
a cavity of the tooth. Probing and percussion are not painful a reaction to the thermal stimuli is
absent. On the radiograph of the 36 tooth by medial periodontal gap deformed roots as an
enlarged near its apex of the root. Choose optimal treatment tactics.
a) Filling canal from apical hole.
b) Filling the canal before reaching the 1 mm to the apex.
c) Eletroforez.
d) * Filling canal to the apical hole.
e) UHF therapy
374. The patient 53 years old when X-ray examination of periapical tissues of tooth 27 was found
a part of destruction with clear contours with diameter 1-3 mm. What are filling materials better
use for treatment of the above forms of periodontitis?
a) Phosphate cement;
b) Cariosan;
c) Foredent;
d) *Dexodent.
e) Termafil system
375. For preparation of vital teeth was carried out anesthesia. The patient developed the following
symptoms: breathing oppression, fear, fever, pale skin, low performance pressure, filiform
pulse. What difficulties arose?
a) *Anaphylactic shock;
b) hypertensive crisis;
c) hypotension;
d) myocardial infarction.
e) collapse
376. Patient N. '24 addressed the surgeon dentist with complaints of the presence of the damaged
of tooth on the upper left jaw with history is known that the tooth previously treated because of
the complicated caries, destroyed about two years ago. The patient is on the fifth month of
pregnancy. Allergical history is not burdened. Objectively: 17 crown is broken below the gum
level, bifurcation of the roots 27 destroyed, clear of section 27 pastoze, palpation painless.
Diagnosis: chronic periodontitis 27. Select anesthetic for tooth extraction:
a) novocaine;
b) anestezin;
c) lidocaine;
d) * ultracain DS.
e) ubistezin
377. Patient G. in '27 addressed the surgeon dentist for tooth extraction on the upper jaw, with the
aim of preparation for prosthetics. In the history of the patient has polyallergia on drugs. After
the introduction of lidocaine in patient begun anaphylactic shock. Select preparation which first
introduced in the provision of first aid:
a) dimedrol 1% - 2.0 ml;
b) kordiamin 25% - 1.0 ml;
c) * adrenaline 0.1% - 0.5 ml;
d) eufillin 2.4% - 10.0 ml.
e) Validol under the tongue
378. Patient A., '22 applied to the orthopedic treatment of tooth 21. Guided orthopedist to the oral
surgeon for a consultation. Objective: crown of 21 tooth restored by using composite anchor
without approximal contacts. At unchanged mucosa in the projection of the top 21 of tooth
spherical protrusion. Radiologically: the curvature of the root apex bone destruction with
diameter 0.5 cm from history: 21 round the tooth a year ago was treated because of the chronic
periodontitis. What further treatment?
a) * Resection of the apex of the root 21 tooth granuleectomy;
b) Remove 21 tooth;
c) compactosteothomy.;
d) resection of the top 21 top tooth.
e) Removal of of tooth
379. Female V., 22 years old, complains of the presence of fistulas in 21-22 teeth. Objective: in
21 filling, percussion painless. In X-ray in the projection of the top top 21 - the fire of
destruction of bone without clear contours. Root canal fillinged in 1/3 length. What tactics is 21
to choose?
a) *Refilling canal to the apical hole.
b) electrophoresis of 10% to potassium iodide in the projection of the root apex;
c) tooth extraction;
d) operation resection top of the root.
e) compactosteotomy.;
380. Patient V. For 3 years have been worried about tooth discoloration and discomfort arising
during biting of solid food. Objective: in 35 tooth cavity, which communicates with the cavity,
probing a bottom cavity painless and response to thermal stimuli is absent. Vertical percussion
slightly painful. The mucous membrane of the gums around the tooth pastozna, cyanotic, is a
fistula with purulent department. Regional lymphadenitis. Make a plan of treatment.
a) * X-ray 35 tooth, simultaneous drug and mechanical treatment of root canals;
b) root canal treatment followed by root canal filling;
c) x-ray 35tooth, medical and mechanical treatment of root canals;
d) remove tooth antimicrobial therapy;
e) reveal the tooth, remove necrotic weight, date of outflow fluid.
381. Patient S., 30, turned to the clinic complaining of pain in 26 tooth and bleeding when eating.
Tooth was not previously treated. Objective: on the chewing surfaces 26 deep cavity that
communicates with the cavity of the tooth is filled with a soft tissue red. When probing marked
pain and bleeding. He was diagnosed with chronic hypertrophic pulpitis 26. What will be
determined on radiographs in this case?
a) *Changes in the periapical tissues are available;
b) destruction of interdental septum in 1/3;
c) osteoporosis bone;
d) hipertsementoz top of the root of the tooth.
e) Expansion slot periodontitis
382. In the clinic appealed the patient 45 y.o.. After examination the diagnosis: chronic
granulomatous periodontitis. At what stage of labor determine the working length of the tooth at
intervention in the root canal using techniques Step-down?
a) Before the development of mechanical root canal;
b) after the development of mechanical root canal;
c) * after access to the apical third, after partial expansion and alignment;
d) not defined at all.
e) There is no right answer
383. Patient C was diagnosed with chronic fibrotic pulpitis 26. On the third stage dental root
canal treatment according to "step back" technique used rotation-physician progressive gear
start H-File sized20 in which the instrument was broken in the root canal. What error admitted a
a) The stage does not involve working with H-file;
b) expired shelf life of H-file;
c) *rotation-forwards movements are not allowed;
d) not shown "step back" technique.
e) There is no right answer
384. The patient Z. '25 in the treatment of chronic periodontitis 47, during endodontic
manipulations held timer rimmer in medial-buccal canal. Remove the broken instrument failed.
What is the surgery most optimal in this case?
a) Resection of the apex of the root;
b) *hemiseсеction;
c) coronaro-radicular amputation;
d) cysts ektomy.
e) Removing the tooth
385. Patient S., 22 years old turned to the clinic with complaints of discoloration of the tooth
crown 11. One year ago tooth treated on chronic deep cavities. Immediately after treatment
disturbed minor pain. Go to the doctor is not addressed. On radiographs: periodontitis expansion
slot in the top of root 11. Percussion painless. What is the final diagnosis?
a) Chronic fibrous pulpitis;
b) Chronic deep caries;
c) chronic granulating periodontitis;
d) * chronic fibrotic periodontitis.
e) chronic secondary caries;
386. Woman in '44 complains little pain in the tooth at biting. From history: 3 years ago 12 tooth
was treated at the dental caries. In the last year periodically appeared swelling and fistula.
Objective: 12 changed in color, filled. Percussion slightly painful. On radiographs - thinning of
bone tissue in the area of the top 12 with fuzzy, uneven edges. What tactics should apply in the
absence of the effect of conservative treatment?
a) Removal of the tooth;
b) amputation of root;
c) puncture of peri apical tissues;
d) * root apex resection.
e) coronaro-radicular amputation;
387. The patient K., 42 years in the treatment of chronic periodontitis fibrosus 26 tooth doctor
filled canals with phosphate cement. After 2 weeks in patients with "pain appeared at biting.
Radiologically canals are narrow, curved, fillinged in 1/3. Which filling material had to choose?
a) *Hardening paste.
b) glassionomer cement;
c) termofil;
d) non hardening paste.
e) Phosphate cement
388. In the clinic the patient appealed in '29 with complaints of discomfort, severity, bursting
open, sometimes dull pain in 26 tooth. Tooth with filling, changed in color, percussion sensitive.
On the mucous membrane in the area of the projection root is fistula specify diagnosis.
a) *Chronic granulating periodontitis;
b) chronic granulomatous periodontitis;
c) acute purulent periodontitis;
d) chronic fibrotic pulpitis.
e) chronic granulomatous periodontitis acuttening;
389. Patient in '35 diagnosed chronic granulating periodontitis 21. After opening the cavity of the
tooth doctor identified the bleeding and sudden pain in probing. What tactics should apply the
a) Remove the tooth, so that further granulation tissue will resorb dentin;
b) apply mumification paste;
c) leave the tooth open and be rinsing;
d) *conduct diathermocoagulation and filling.
e) to puncture of periapical tissues
390. Patient 24 r.need to hold endodontic treatment of tooth 34. Among the instruments is a
spreader. What is this instrument?
a) *Instrument with smooth pointed part designed for lateral condensation of gutta-percha in
the root canal;
b) instrument with a working part in the form centered conical spiral, reminiscent of
anatomical shape of the canal;
c) instrument that has a small number of turns only at the tip;
d) instrument that combines the properties of Riemer and file.
e) instrument designed to pulpotomy
391. After 2 years after endodontic treatment the patient in '35 asked the doctor about the
discoloration of the tooth crown 24. The tooth became pink. Please specify the reason.
a) Violation Technologies restoration of the tooth;
b) *wrong choice of the root filling;
c) wrong choice of restoration material;
d) violation processing technology root canal.
e) Allergic reaction at the root filling
392. To clinic asked a woman with a child 12 years with injuries 11 tooth. Objective: braked
crown on 1/3, percussion painless, probing lightly painful. Quick response to painful stimuli
temperature. The picture shows no change. Actions doctor?
a) Carry out a greeting amputation followed by restoration of the tooth;
b) *restore the tooth and periodically monitor;
c) to hold vital exterpation restoration crowns;
d) to hold devitalized exterpation followed by restoration of the crown.
e) Observation
393. Patient P. 32 y.o. complained of constant aching pain in 26, that increases in biting.
Objectively: the chewing surface of the cavity 26 that communicates with the cavity of the
tooth. Transitional fold painful on palpation, percussion 26 sharply painful. After probing from
the canal was manure. What method is necessary to research for the diagnosis?
a) electroodontodiagnosis;
b) termoprobe;
c) *X-rays;
d) bacteriological examination.
e) histological study.
394. Patient in '35 after the imposition of amalgam fillings during 1 month in the tooth pain arises
from thermal stimuli and lasts for 5 - 7 min. What is the cause of pain?
a) *Chronic fibrous pulpitis;
b) insufficient thickness of the gasket under filling;
c) high thermal conductivity of the filling;
d) low thermal conductivity of the filling.
e) allergic reaction
395. Patient A., 58 years old, complains of the presence of cavity in the tooth 23. Tooth
previously occasionally pain. Objective: the medial surface of the tooth cavity 23 is connected
to the cavity of the tooth. Probing and temperature reaction painless. Percussion of the tooth
painless. EOD - 125 mAm. On radiographs defined fire destruction of bone tissue with clear
contours. Diagnosed chronic fibrotic periodontitis. What tactics of treatment you choose in this
a) * Root canal obturation to top
b) Keep an open canal
c) Root canal obturation by 2/3 the length of the canal
d) Root canal obturation with the withdrawal of material at the top
e) Close canal to hermetism
396. Female T., 52 years old, complains of the presence of fistulas in 12-13 teeth. Objective: in
12 fill, percussion painless. In X-ray in the projection of the top top 12 - the fire of destruction
of bone without clear contours. Root canal filled in 1/3 length. What tactics for 12 to choose?
a) * Refilling of canal to the apical hole
b) Electrophoresis 10 \% th district of potassium iodide in the projection of the top top
c) Refilling canal to apical hole
d) Removing of the tooth
e) Operation resection top top
397. Patient Z. '30 approached with complaints of loss of fill 25. From history we know that tooth
was previously treated at the complicated caries. On radiographs 25 root canal filled to the top
of the root, minor expansion periodontitis gap corresponding to chronic fibrous periodontitis.
What is your tactic in this case?
a) * Filling cavity
b) physiotherapy
c) Holding the top of the tooth root resection
d) Closure of the of the tooth to hermetism
e) Refilling root canal
398. Patient S., 30, turned to the clinic complaining of pain in 26 and bleeding when eating.
Tooth was not previously treated. Objective: on the chewing surfaces 26 deep cavity
communicates with the cavity of the tooth is filled with a soft cloth red. When probing marked
pain and bleeding. He was diagnosed with chronic hypertrophic pulpitis 26. What will be
determined on radiographs in this case?
a) * Changes in the periapical tissues are absent
b) Destruction of interdental septum in 1/3
c) Osteoporosis bone
d) Hipertsementoz top of the root of the tooth
e) Osteosclerosis of bone
399. The patient complains of recurrent pain in the frontal area of the upper jaw. With history
established that the root canal of the tooth 22 was filled on pulpitis. Objectively found that 22
tooth filled. On radiographs - a fire of destruction of bone near the apex of the tooth root 22
diameter up to 1 cm root canal of the tooth 22 filled to the top. Daignosis: cyst granuloma 22
tooth. What is the most expedient of these treatments in this patient?
a) * Resection of the top 22 top of the tooth
b) Remove a 22 of the tooth
c) Dissection of the transitional fold
d) Conservative treatment.
e) 22 of the tooth replantation
400. The patient complains of '47 aching pain in tooth 16, which increase with biting. Previously
treated tooth on pulpitis. On radiographs, palate and medial-buccal roots filled to the top in the
distal-buccal roots - braking endodontic instrument on top of root destruction of bone tissue
with clear outside dimension of 4 mm. What treatment can I use?
a) * Amputation distal-buccal top
b) Removing of the tooth
c) Resection of the apex of the root
d) Crown - radicular separation
e) Hemi-section of the distal buccal root
401. The patient in '28 in 36 tooth to be support for dental bridges, a perforation of the bifurcation
is clinically and radiographically. Mesial root of 36 curved on top of it - changes that
correspond to granulomatous periodontitis, the canal is filled in?. Distal root filled to the top is
the expansion slot periodontitis. What a treat it is most expedient to use in this case?
a) * Hemisection of tooth.
b) Removing tooth.
c) Coronaro radicular separation.
d) Conservative treatment.
e) root amputation
402. In the patient 29 was observed pain in up to 12 while touching a tooth that was treated on
chronic fibrous periodontitis. In the X-ray observed output pin main gutta-percha beyond apical
aperture of 1.5 mm. Your actions.
a) * Remove excess by surgery
b) Refiling
c) Purpose of pain
d) Purpose electrophoresis
e) observation
403. Patient V. 44r approached with complaints of pain in biting in 36 tooth. The pain appeared
week ago. 36 tooth two years ago was treated at the dental caries. Objectively: 36 on the
chewing surfaces of the tooth composite filling in a large approximal-distal section of
significant secondary caries. Probing painless. Percussion is painful, the X-ray pereapical
widening periodontitis gap. Choose the most effective antiseptic solution during endodontist
a) * 3 % sol sodium hypochlorite
b) 3 % sol hydrogen peroxide
c) 0.15 sol decametoxine
d) 0.05 % sol chlorhexidine
e) no answer
404. The patient G.complains of 11 tooth aching pain and in the area of the front teeth.
Objectively: in 11 deep tooth cavity, probing sharply painful and together with the effect of cold
pain attack occurs. Percussion causes discomfort. In the X-ray cavity is joined with pulp, wide
apical opening. Which antiseptic solutions can not be used during endodontic intervention
without insulation of tooth.
a) * 5 % sol sodium hypochlorite
b) 3 % sodium hypochlorite
c) 3 % hydrogen peroxide
d) 0.05 % sol chlorhexidine
e) 0.1 % dekamin
405. Patient 32 y.o. 46 tooth requires endodontic intervention on exacerbations of chronic fibrous
periodontitis. It is planned to apply the "crown-down" What instruments most often performed
for expand canals?
a) * Rotary nickel-titanium
b) K rhymers
c) K Files
d) Nendstrem files
e) "Gates glidden"
406. Patients D 39 was planned endodontic intervention in 22 tooth in one visit "crown-down"
method, using 5.25 % sol sodium hypochlorite as antiseptic. Under what conditions can the use
of antiseptics?
a) * Isolation of the tooth koferdamom
b) The use of apex locator
c) Control reaching saliva in tooth cavity
d) X-rayControl has a tooth before treatment
e) Use retraсtion thread
407. Patient K. 46 during an instrumental and drug treatment canal 45 tooth held blockade the
lumen of canal dentinal dust. What means of preventing this complication.
a) * Careful observance of rules and instrumental stages of processing canal adequate irrigation
canal after each instrument
b) Correct detection of cavity
c) Last expanding coronal part of root
d) Compliance recommended rotation angles in a canal
e) The use of antiseptics in sufficient quantities
408. Patient G. 49, with an instrumental and drug treatment of medially-buccal canal of the tooth
36 formed ledge ("zipping"). What are the causes of the ledge.
a) * Use when working in curved canal stiff file, not a curved shape according to pre-feed
b) Excessive expansion of the canal
c) The use of inflexible instruments for large speed
d) Using the instruments of excessive force
e) The use of strong antiseptics
409. Patient P., 30, complains of constant pain in tooth 22, which increases with biting. 22 tooth
is filled, changed in color, painful percussion. What support study undertaken for further
a) * X-ray study, EDI
b) EDI, thermometry
c) Thermometry, palpation
d) Probing
e) Vital coloring
410. Patient F., 25, complains of the cavity in the tooth 14. 14 tooth pigmented, has a cavity of
class II by Black, probing, response to cold, percussion painless. Please support methods for
a) * X-ray study, EDI.
b) Thermometry
c) EDI, palpation of the transitional folds
d) Probing
e) Vital coloring
411. Patient S., 25 years, appeared to rehabilitation. At objectively: 22 tooth intact, changed in
color, percussion painless. Clear projected apex of the root is not changed, but palpation
determined protrusion. What methods of research undertaken for further diagnosis?
a) * Radiography.
b) EDI
c) Thermometry
d) Probing
e) Vital coloring
412. Patient C. was diagnosed with chronic fibrotic pulpit 26. The third stage dental root canal
treatment according to "step back" technique used rotation-physician progressive gear start H20 File size, in which the instrument was broken in the root canal. What error allowed a doctor?
a) * Rotary-forwards movements are not allowed
b) Do not show "step back" technique
c) The stage does not involve working with H-file
d) Ended the shelf life of H-file
e) Chosen the wrong size H-file
413. Woman '53 complains of fistula on the gums in 12, 13. Objective: at 12 fill, percussion
painless. On radiographs: in the top of the root 12 - cell destruction of bone size 0.5 x0, 3 cm
with no clear boundaries. Root canal filled in 1/3 length. What is the optimal treatment in 12?
a) * Filling the canal before reaching 1 mm apical to the X-ray apex
b) Filling the canal to the apical hole X-ray
c) Filling the canal by X-ray apical hole
d) Operation resection top top
e) Electrophoresis 10 % sol. potassium iodide in the projection of the top top
414. The patient in '36 years old during treatment of chronic periodontitis 36, during endodontic
manipulations held brakage of rhymer in medial-buccal canal. Remove of the broken instrument
failed. What is the surgery most optimal in this case?
a) * Hemisection
b) Resection of the apex of the root
c) Coronary-radicular amputation
d) Cyst ectomy
e) Removing the tooth
415. Patient P., 36 years in the treatment of chronic periodontitis 36 tooth during endodontic
manipulations occurred braking of Riemer in the medial-buccal canal. Remove of the broken
instrument failed. What tactic is most appropriate in this case?
a) * Hemisection
b) amputation top
c) Impregnation with a mixture of resorcinol-formaline
d) Intracanal electrophoresis of 10 %sol potassium iodide
e) Removing the tooth
416. Patient 50-year old dentist treated 46 tooth from chronic granulating periodontitis. During
endodontic treatment found that medial canals are hardly passable. Which of these funds to
apply for a better passing root canal?
a) *20% solution of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
b) 10% solution of hydrochloric acid
c) 20% solution of trypsin
d) 40% formaldehyde solution
e) 10% solution of H2O2
417. Woman 44y.o. complains for little pain in the tooth at biting. From history: 3 years ago 12
was treated at the dental caries. In the last year periodically appeared swelling and fistula.
Objective: 12 changed in color, filled. Percussion slightly painful. On radiographs - thinning of
bone tissue in the area of the top 12 with fuzzy, uneven edges. What tactics should apply in the
absence of the effect of conservative treatment?
a) * Resection of the apex of the root
b) Removing the tooth
c) root amputation
d) Hemisection
e) Puncture peri apical tissues
418. The patient K., 42 years in the treatment of chronic periodontitis fibrosus 26 tooth doctor
filled canals with phosphate cement. After 2 weeks in patients with pain appeared at biting.
Radiologically canals are narrow, curved, filled in 1/3. Which filling material it was necessary
to choose?
a) * Hardening paste.
b) glassionomer cement
c) Termofil
d) Silver pin
e) Composite
419. Patient in '35 diagnosed chronic granulating periodontitis 21. After opening the cavity of the
tooth doctor identified the bleeding and sudden pain in probing. What tactics should apply the
a) * to diathermocoagulate and fill.
b) remove the tooth, so. that further granulation tissue rezorbuye dentin.
c) apply mumificative paste.
d) leave the tooth open and rinse set.
e) operation to root apex resection.
420. Patient in '57 who are allergic to copper, need to save 37 for dental bridges. What tactics you
need to choose if the medial canals impassable, and the process is localized around the medial
a) *remove the medial root and distal use under dentures. (hemisection)
b) Depothphorese.
c) replantation.
d) diathermocoagulation.
e) resorcinol - formaline method.
421. Patient in '24. necessary to conduct endodontic treatment of tooth 34. Among the
instruments is a spreader. What are these instruments?
a) * Instruments of the smooth pointed part designed for lateral condensation of gutta-percha
in the root canal.
b) Instruments with working part centered in the form of a conical spiral, reminiscent of
anatomical shape of the canal.
c) The instrument that has a small number of turns only at the tip.
d) Instrument that combines the properties of Riemer and file.
e) Instruments designed to remove the dental pulp.
422. After 2 years after endodontic treatment of the 35y.o. patient, he asked the doctor about the
discoloration of the tooth crown 24. The tooth became pink. Please specify the reason.
a) * Incorrect choice of the root filling.
b) Wrong choice of restoration material.
c) Violation processing technology root canal.
d) Violation restoration technologies of the tooth.
e) Internal disease patients.
423. In the clinic the patient in '29 years old appealed (who suffers from diabetes) at the defect
fillings in tooth 23. The tooth was treated 2 years ago. In the X-ray picture root canal filled in
1/3. Periodontitis gap widened. The most appropriate:
a) *Repeated endodontic treatment followed by restoration of the crown.
b) Replacing the fills.
c) Replacement of fills and surgical treatment.
d) Restoration of tooth by the crown.
e) Remove tooth.
424. Patient '45 needs endodontic treatment of 21, 22, 23 teeth. What medications are the most
optimal for processing canals.
a) * The combination of EDTA preparations with a solution of sodium hypochlorite.
b) The combination of hydrogen peroxide and alcohol.
c) The combination of hydrogen peroxide and EDTA preparations
d) The combination of solutions of sodium hypochlorite and alcohol.
e) The combination of drugs EDTA and hydrogen peroxide
425. Patient P. 32y.o. complained of constant aching pain in 26 tooth, that increases in biting.
Objectively: the chewing surface of the cavity 26 that communicates with the cavity of the
tooth. Transitional fold painful on palpation, percussion 26 sharply painful. After probing the
canal was manure. What method is necessary to study for the diagnosis?
a) * X-ray study
b) electroodontodiagnosis
c) Thermoprobe
d) Bacteriological study
e) Deep probing
426. Patient '45 complained of constant aching pain in the tooth, which increases with biting. 3
days ago the tooth was filled at the deep cavities. Vertical percussion is painful. Thermoprobe
painful, EDI 120 mA. On radiographs – textile of periodontium is not changed. What should the
doctor do in the first place:
a) * Open the tooth cavity and a fluid outflow.
b) Remove fill.
c) Assign antiseptic rinse.
d) Assign physiotherapy.
e) Perform a correction fill.
427. Man has the increased body temperature to 37.2 0 C, weakness, anorexia, headache,
disturbance of sleep. Mouth is half-opened, excessive salivation. There is asymmetry of the
face. 36 tooth has a filling. Vertical and horizontal percussion sharply painful. Mucosa at 35, 36,
37 teeth brightly hyperemic edematous, painful at palpation, transitional fold smoothed.
Submandibular lymphatic nodes are enlarged in the right amounts, painful at palpation. On
radiographs: the top 36 of the tooth lost definition picture of bone spongify substance.
a) inflammatory therapy;
b) * remove the fill, remove necrotic mass and to give the fluid outflow;
c) remove the tooth, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial therapy;
d) to periosteotomiyu, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial therapy;
e) UV therapy
428. The patient was worried about tooth discoloration and discomfort arising during chewing of
solid food. A 45 tooth has a cavity, which communicates with the tooth cavity, probing a bottom
cavity is painless and response to thermal stimuli is absent. Vertical percussion slightly painful.
The mucous membrane of the gums around the tooth pastoze, zianotic is fistula with purulent.
Regional lymphadenitis. Make a plan of treatment.
a) * X-ray study of 45 teeth, simultaneous drug and mechanical treatment of root canals;
b) root canal treatment followed by root canal filling;
c) X-ray study of 45 dental, medical and mechanical treatment of root canals;
d) remove tooth antimicrobial therapy;
e) reveal the tooth, remove necrotic weight, date of outflow fluid.
429. Patient '28 sent for consultation to the dentist. The patient complains of general weakness,
tiredness, headache. Physician after physician pathology examination of internal organs did not
show. An examination of the oral cavity revealed a deep cavity in a tooth 36 that joints with a
cavity of the tooth. Probing, percussion are not painful, response to thermal stimuli is absent. On
the radiograph 36 teeth on medial cleft periodontitis deformed roots as an enlarged near apex of
root.Choose optimal treatment tactics.
a) Filling the canal from apical hole.
b) Filling the canal before reaching the 1 mm to the apex.
c) Eletroforez.
d) *Filling the canal to the apical hole.
e) UHF therapy
430. Patient A., '25 turned to the physician-dentist to prepare the mouth to the prosthesis. After
review and clinical examination diagnosed chronic periodontitis 36 tooth. Select anesthesia for
effective pain relief.
a) * Torusal;
b) mandibular;
c) infraorbital;
d) tuberal.
e) infiltration
431. Patient A., 22 directed therapist to surgeon-dentist for advice. Objective: crown of the 26
tooth restored with the anchors and composite. Radiologically: the medial buccal roots of
26tooth distorted, bone destruction is rounded with a diameter of 0.5 cm and a broken
endodontic instrument. From history: 26 tooth treated on chronic periodontitis. What further
a) * Removal of 26 teeth;
b) coronaro-radicular separation 26 of the tooth;
c) hemisection medial buccal root of tooth 26;
d) amputation of the top 26 of the tooth.
e) osteothomy.;
432. Female T., 52 years old, complains of the presence of fistulas in 12-13 teeth. Objective: in
12 tooth is filling, percussion painless. In X-ray in the projection of the 12 top - the fire of
destruction of bone without clear contours. Root canal filled in 1/3 length. What tactics for 12 to
a) * Refilling canal to the apical hole.
b) electrophoresis of 10% potassium iodide in the projection of the root apex
c) tooth extraction;
d) operation resection top of the root.
e) osteothomy.;
433. Woman '43 turned to the clinic complaining of feeling bursting open in 23 tooth. According
to the aching tooth previously treated about tooth decay. Objective: the neck region 23 - fill
made of composite material. In area of projection the top of root 23 is determined fistula with
serous exudate. What changes in the top 23 will be found on radiograph?
a) * Expansion slot periodontitis;
b) destruction of bone tissue with irregular contours;
c) periodontitis gap unchanged;
d) destruction of bone tissue with clear smooth contours.
e) destruction of interdental septum in 1/3;
434. Patient K. '19 turned to the doctor complaining of mobility and pain in the tooth on the
upper jaw. 4 days ago was injured. After clinical and radiographic examination diagnosed
fracture of of root 21 in the upper third of the shift. What is your further management?
a) * Endodontic treatment followed by resection of of root fragments;
b) endodontic treatment and fixation of the tooth;
c) endodontic treatment without fixation;
d) tooth extraction and of root fracture.
e) observation
435. Patient '15 addressed the dentist. After examination the diagnosis: chronic periodontitis of
47 tooth. For treatment to determine the working length of the tooth. The working length of the
tooth is -
a) * distance from the physiological the top of the tooth to which a guide to coronal part of the
b) distance from the the top to the mouth of physiological root canal;
c) distance from the anatomical the top to the cutting edge or occlusal surface;
d) X-ray of the tooth length.
e) There is no right answer
436. Woman in '53 complains of fistula on the gums in 12, 13. 12 is filled, percussion painless.
On radiographs: in the top of the root 12 - destruction of bone size 0.5 x 0.3 cm with no clear
boundaries. Root canal filled in 1/3 length. What is the optimal treatment in 12?
a) Filling the canal to the apical hole X-ray;
b) filling the canal by X-ray apical aperture;
c) operation resection top of the root;
d) filling the canal before reaching 1 mm apical to the X-ray hole.
e) Removing the tooth
437. Patient N., 45 years complained of pain of temperature stimuli that lasts long. 2 weeks ago at
the treated tooth pulpitis. Objective: 26 under fill, percussion painful, response to temperature
stimulus - pain that lasts a long time. On radiographs palatal canal filled on 2/3 in the buccal
canals material not traced. Which of the following are the most likely reason?
a) Allergic reaction to root filling;
b) injury during endodontic manipulations;
c) * The development of inflammation in periodontal;
d) incomplete extirpation of the pulp.
e) Chemical burn periapical tissues
438. Woman in '44 complains little pain in the tooth at biting. From history: 3 years ago 12 tooth
was treated at the dental caries. In the last year periodically appeared swelling and fistula.
Objective: 12 changed in color, filled. Percussion slightly painful. On radiographs - thinning of
bone tissue in the area of the top 12 with fuzzy, uneven edges. What tactics should apply in the
absence of the effect of conservative treatment?
a) Removal of the tooth;
b) amputation of the root;
c) puncture peri apical tissues;
d) * Root apex resection.
e) coronaro-radicular amputation;
439. Man '37 complained of pain in the tooth on the upper jaw. Four years ago, 23 tooth was
filled. A year in the area of the top 23 began to emerge periodically swelling and soreness of the
gums. On examination: palpation of the alveolar ridge in section 23 and percussion painful
tooth. On radiographs: thinning of bone tissue in the area of the top 23 Size 0.3 x 0.3 cm with
clear boundaries. What happens to granulomas if the tooth is not treated?
a) Enters the fibrous form of periodontitis;
b) enters osteomyelitis limited;
c) * Converted into a radicular cyst;
d) there back development.
e) unchanged
440. Patient S., 25 years, "appeared with complaints of pain in 22 tooth at biting. From history:
tooth treated 2 years ago, the canal filled iodophorme paste. What is the possible factor of
a) not finished filling of canal;
b) * dispersal paste in the canal;
c) defective fills;
d) Go filling material at the top of the root.
e) Allergic reaction to root filling;
441. Patient '35 diagnosed with chronic granulating periodontitis 21. After opening the cavity of
the tooth doctor identified the bleeding and sudden pain in probing. What is this?
a) By applying potent drugs;
b) perforation of the tooth cavity;
c) * ingrowth of granulation tissue in the canal;
d) exacerbation of inflammation.
e) burn periapical tissues
442. Patient in '57 that are allergic to copper, to save 37 under dental bridges. What tactics you
need to choose if the medial canals impassable, and the process localised around the medial of
a) * Remove root medial and distal use of dental bridges (hemisection);
b) Depothphorese;
c) diathermocoagulation;
d) resorcinol - formaline method.
e) apply a mummification paste;
443. Patient 24y.o. it is necessary to endodontic treatment of the tooth 34. Among the instruments
is a spreader. What are these instruments?
a) * Instruments of the smooth pointed part designed for lateral condensation of gutta-percha
in the root canal;
b) instrument with a working part in the form centered conical spiral, reminiscent of
anatomical shape of the canal;
c) instrument that has a small number of turns only at the tip;
d) instrument that combines the properties of riemer and file.
e) instrument designed to pulpotomy
444. A child 7 years as a result of injury was crown fracture of the tooth 21. The cavity of the
tooth disclosed, probing sharply painful. On radiographs - unformed tip of root. Actions doctor?
a) surgical treatment;
b) treatment of traumatic pulpitis in one visit;
c) physiotherapy.
d) * endodontic treatment aimed at apexification.
e) observation
445. In clinic patient asked in '29 (who suffers from diabetes) at the defect fillings in tooth 23.
The tooth was treated 2 years ago. In the x-ray the root canal filled in 1/3. Periodontium gap
widened. The most appropriate:
a) * Repeated endodontic treatment followed by restoration of the crown;
b) replacement of fills;
c) Replace fills and surgical treatment;
d) restoration of the tooth by the crown.
e) Removing of the tooth
446. The patient in '45 needs endodontic treatment 21, 22, 23 teeth. What medications is the most
optimal for processing canals.
a) * The combination of EDTA preparations with a solution of sodium hypochlorite;
b) combination of hydrogen peroxide and alcohol;
c) combination of hydrogen peroxide and EDTA preparations;
d) combination of solutions of sodium hypochlorite and alcohol.
e) 3% hydrogen peroxide
447. Patient '45 complained of constant aching pain in the tooth, which increases with biting. 3
days ago tooth was filled at the deep cavities. Vertical percussion painful. Termoprobe is painful
EDI 120 mA. On radiographs – textile of periodontium is not changed. What should the doctor
in the first place:
a) Remove fill;
b) be antiseptic mouthwashes;
c) be physiotherapy;
d) * open tooth cavity and a fluid outflow.
e) remove tooth
448. Patient age in '45 during the radiographic study on the replacement of missing 25, 24 teeth in
the area of the top 23 of root of the tooth found round the fire destruction of bone with small
(diameter 2 mm) with clear contours. Root canal filled on 2/3, the shadow of the filling material
unclear. Objective: to palate-distal surface of of the tooth 23 is a permanent fill without defects.
Percussion 23 of the tooth painless, mucous membrane in the area of the of the tooth without
pathological changes. Diagnosed chronic granulomatous periodontitis of 23 tooth. What should
be the therapeutic tactics of dentist:
a) To conduct a course of physiotherapy
b) Make resection the top 23 of root of the tooth
c) * perform endodontic treatment of periodontitis 23 of the tooth
d) Remove 23 tooth
e) Treatment of of the tooth 23 not to hold
449. Patients aged 43 years suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. I turned to the dentist
complaining of pain in 36 tooth. During radiological examination revealed endodontic
instrument fragment in the canal medial root canal distal filled to the top. In the the top section
of the medial of root also revealed destruction of bone tissue with a diameter of 5 mm with clear
contours. What is the most expedient method of treatment in this case:
a) replantation of the tooth
b) Resection of the apex of the root
c) Conservative treatment
d) * Hemisection of the tooth
e) Electrophoresis of potassium iodide?
450. Patient up in '38 complained of discoloration of the tooth crown 23. With history established
that the root canal of the of the tooth plombuvaly. Objective: 23 of the tooth crown pink. Which
filling material could change the color of the tooth:
a) Evhedent
b) Endometazon
c) * Foredent
d) Apeksyde
e) Phosphate cement
451. Patient age in '40 was spent filling the root canal of tooth 34 on chronic fibrous periodontitis,
and then soon came the pain. On the radiograph of the tooth root canal 34 filled to the top of the
root. What tactics doctor in this case:
a) * Assign physiotherapy
b) Assign antibiotics
c) Make a cut in the transitional fold
d) Make anesthesia
e) Make infiltration anesthesia?
452. Patient aged 52 years complained of fistula of the mucous membrane in the region of 22 and
23 teeth. Objective: 22 tooth filling, percussion is painless. In X-ray around the top 22 top tooth
is a small fireplace bone resorption irregular without clear boundaries. Root canal filled in 1/3
length. Select the optimal treatment tactics of 22 teeth:
a) Filling the canal, not bringing material to 1 mm apical to the hole
b) Filling the canal from apical hole
c) Removing the tooth
d) Electrophoresis of potassium iodide in the projection of the top top
e) * Instrumental processing of canal, filling the canal to the apical hole.
453. Patient aged 18 complained of pain in 22 tooth during nakushuvannya that emerged after
treatment of the tooth 2 days ago on pulpitis. Objective: to palate-medial surface of the tooth 22
is a fill. Percussion tooth sharply painful. Mucosa in "section 22 of the tooth unchanged. On
radiographs radio-opaque material occupies the entire canal, a small amount of it is derived
from the root tip. Destructive changes in the periapical tissues is not. To be therapeutic tactics
a) Removing the tooth
b) Unfilling canal
c) Laxative section
d) * Fluctoforez lidocaine
e) Electrophoresis of sodium fluoride?
454. Patient aged 42 years complained of constant aching pain in tooth 45, which increases
during biting. Objective: percussion of 45 tooth is sharply painful, transitional fold in the area of
the tooth is edematous, hyperemic, painful on palpation. After probing with the mouth of the
canal was manure. What method is necessary to study for the diagnosis:
a) Bacteriological study
b) Thermoprobe
c) Fluorescent study
d) Electroodontodiagnosis
e) * X-ray study
455. Patients aged 24 years complained of aching pain in tooth 11, which increases during biting.
Two days ago the tooth was filled on pulpitis. In thermal stimuli tooth does not respond, vertical
percussion painful. On radiographs filling material placed in 1 mm from the top 11 top tooth.
What treatment should be selected:
a) * Fluktophorezis of lidocaine
b) Antibiotic
c) Laxative section
d) Submucous injection of 1% solution of hydrocortisone
e) Appointment of analgesics?
456. Woman up in '27 spent treating pulpitis 15 tooth devitalized by re-admission patient
emergence after 4 days of symptoms of acutely toxic periodontitis. Select the optimal
medication treatment, which should be left in the root canal:
a) Trypsin
b) Krezofen
c) * Unitiol
d) Eugenol
e) Hydrocortisone emulsion.
457. Patient up in '20 approached with complaints of darkening bits 11 and 21 teeth. About a year
ago was a sports injury. Objective: bits 11 and 21 teeth dark-grey color intact, while percussion
painless. The mucous membrane of alveolar bone is not changed. On radiographs in the area of
the tops of the roots round the fire destruction of bone size of 5 mm in diameter with clear
borders. Assign treatment:
a) Antibiotic therapy
b) Electrophoresis antiseptics
c) Removal of teeth
d) *Root canal filling
e) Teeth whitening.
458. The man complained of constant pain in the pulsivnyy upper jaw teeth thing that
dramatically increased during the closing of the teeth. For the first time constant aching pain
appeared in 45 tooth 3 days ago. OBJECTIVE: in 45 deep carious tooth cavity, that is not
connected to the tooth cavity. Probing painless, response to cold stimulus , percussion sharply
painful. On x-ray periodontium crack is expanded in the area of apex. Mucosa in the region of
45 tooth hyperemic edematous. What is the primary goal of therapy:
a) Conducting active nearapical treatment
b) * Creating the conditions for the outflow of fluid
c) Stimulation of reparative processes in periodontal
d) Restoration of the anatomical shape of the tooth
e) Elimination of cosmetic defect?
459. 13 tooth during a preventive examination revealed a deep cavity, which is not connected to
the cavity of the tooth dentin pigmented, tight. The reaction to the cold stimulus is absent,
probing a bottom cavity of the tooth and percussion painless. On radiographs root canal straight,
clearly traced his shadow from the mouth to the top, periodontitis gap widened in the area of the
root apex. What you end manipulation of first visit:
a) * Inclusion turundas the root canal and filled overlapping bands
b) Fitting the insulating gaskets and fills
c) Root canal
d) Imposing temporary fill
e) Keep an open tooth?
460. Patient complained of constant aching pain, feeling "grown up" teeth that concerns over
from days. Objective: on the chewing surfaces of the tooth 26 is cavity that communicates with
the cavity of the tooth. Vertical and horizontal percussion are sharply painful, tooth mobility II
degree. Mucosa in the area of the projection root apex red, painful palpation. The most rational
way outflow of fluid:
a) A hole tooth removed
b) A cut in the transitional fold
c) * Because of root canals
d) Because periodontitis gap
e) A section of broadcast.
461. Dentist holds 36 teeth treatment on chronic periodontitis in men aged 53 years. On
radiographs medial curved canals, the top section of the medial root of the fire revealed
destruction of bone tissue with uneven edges with a diameter of 0.2 cm What is the medication
most expedient way to apply for intracanal electrophoresis:
a) 1% solution miramistin
b) 1% solution decametoxine
c) 1% solution of novocaine
d) * 10% solution of potassium iodide
e) 0.1% trypsin solution?
462. Man complains acute pain in tooth 26, which increases during nakushuvannya on the tooth.
Regarding pulpitis 4 days ago was on the surface medial of 26 tooth the cavity closed with tight
bandage. The response to percussion “-”, on the temperature stimuli tooth does not respond. On
radiographs in peri-apical tissues of the pathological changing missing. After mechanical and
medicamental processing canals top, turundas moistured, not stained. What is the medication
most reasonable way to keep in top asymptotic normal clinical effect:
a) Chlorhexidine
b) * Unitiol
c) Chloramine
d) Hydrogen peroxide
e) Trypsin?
463. 22 tooth crown painted in pink color. On the palate, medial surface 22 of the tooth is carious
cavity, partially filled fill. The mouths of the root canal closed filling material. In X-ray in the
area top 22 top tooth found round the fire destruction of bone tissue with clear contours outside
diameter of 0.3 cm canal filled on 2/3 with filling material. Setted the diagnosis of chronic
granulomatose periodontitis. Select the method of treatment:
a) Filling cavity and electrophoresis of potassium iodide on top of the root area of the
b) Filling cavity and root apex resection operation
c) * Removal of filling material from root canal treatment and a full root-canal
d) Removal of filling material from root canal treatment instrument canal, a tooth left open
e) Removal of filling material from root canal treatment instrument canal, and cavity close
loose bandage.
464. Dentist conducts treatment of chronic periodontitis granulation tooth 36 in women aged 53
years. The medial canals obliterated. Which of the above medications should apply for
extension of the medial canals:
a) 2% solution of trypsin
b) * 20% solution of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
c) With 10% solution of hydrogen peroxide
d) 10% solution of phosphoric acid
e) 40% formaldehyde solution?
465. Patient up in '19 complains of constant pain in tooth 22, which increases during biting on the
tooth, feeling of "grown up" teeth, swelling of the upper lip. From history we know that the
injury was on the upper jaw. Objective: 22 tooth intact. Vertical percussion is sharply painful.
Upper lip swelling, fold in the transition area 22 tooth red, painful at palpation. What is the
method of study required for diagnosis:
a) Transillumination
b) EDI
c) Reodentography
d) * Radiography
e) Thermometry?
466. Patient up in '35 complained of constant aching pain in tooth 25, which increases during
nakushuvannya. Objective: on the chewing surfaces of the tooth 25 is cavity that communicates
with the cavity of the tooth. Transitional fold in area 25 of the tooth swelling, hyperemic painful
during palpation, percussion of canal was manure. Which method to study use for diagnosis:
a) * X-ray study
b) Electroodontodiagnosis
c) Termoprobe
d) Bacteriological study
e) Deep probing.
467. Woman aged 43 years complained of feeling bursting open in 23 tooth. The tooth was filled
on caries. Objective: the neck area 23 of the tooth is filling with composite in satisfactory
condition. In the top section 23 of the tooth revealed fistula. What changes in periapical tissues
of the 23tooth may be on the radiograph?
a) Deformation of periodontal gap
b) Destruction of bone contours of equal diameter 0,8-1 cm
c) Destruction of bone tissue with smooth contours less than 0.8 cm in diameter
d) Expansion slot periodontitis
e) * The destruction of bone tissue with irregular contours
468. Patients in '20 was complaining of pain in biting in 12 tooth. Two weeks ago in the tooth
was carried out biological treatment of pulpitis. Objective: tooth filled, the reaction to cold is
painless, percussion is painful. Which additional methods of investigation must be made to
confirm the diagnosis?
a) Vacuum test;
b) X-ray;
c) * EDI;
d) bacteriological examination.
e) biopsy
469. Patient '38 complained of discoloration of the crown 23. Crown is pink. From anamnesis
revealed that the root canal of the tooth is filled. Which filling material could cause a similar
change of color?
a) * Foredent;
b) endomethasone;
c) evhedent;
d) phosphate cement.
e) Zinc Oxide
470. Patient complained of constant aching pain in the tooth, which increases with biting. 3 days
ago tooth was filled at the deep cavities. Objectively: in 26 on the chewing surface of the fill,
vertical percussion painful. Mucosa in the projection of the top 26 top hyperemic thermoprobe
painful, EDI - 120 mA. On radiographs: tissue periodontium is not changed. What should the
doctor do at first?
a) * Open a tooth cavity and outflow fluid;
b) remove the fill;
c) be antiseptic mouthwashes;
d) be physical. procedure.
e) Watch
471. Patient, 50 year old complains of increased tooth sensitivity to cold,
sour within six
month. At examination the dental row is saved, gums
are pale, roots of molars exposed to
1/3, other teeth have bared neck, periodontal pockets absent, HI(hygienic index)-1.0.What
physical method should be used to reduce tooth sensitivity?
a) *electrophoresis of calcium glycerophosphate
b) electrophoresis of novocaine
c) darsonvalization
d) electrophoresis of nicotinic acid
e) laser therapy
472. A 52 year old man complains of increased tooth sensitivity to chemical, thermal and
mechanical stimuli as well as itching and filling an ache in the gums. Objectively: the roots of
teeth bare to 5mm, interdental spaces dehisce; in the vestibular surfaces 34, 44 are wedge
shaped defects. Diagnosis: parodontosis second degree. What is the procedure required to
reduce the hyperesthesia of teeth?
a) *electrophoresis of thiamine with novocaine
b) irrigation by solution of maraslavini
c) application of hippopheae oil
d) rinsing by solution of celandine
e) irrigation of etakrydyni lactate
473. A 20 year old patient complains of bleeding gums during the year while brushing. At
examination revealed hyperemia, swelling of gum’s papillae in all areas of the teeth.
Occlusion is orthognatical. HI=3.8; PMA=68.7%, on x-ray pathological changes in the tissue
of periodontal are not found. What kind of prevention or treatment is high-priority for this
a) *professional oral hygiene
b) physiotherapy measures
c) anti-inflammatory therapy
d) hemostatic therapy
e) sclerotherapy
474. What kind of physical methods are necessary for the treatment of chronic paradontitis in
the phase of remission for 35 year old patient?
a) *hydrotherapy, darsonvalization
b) UHF-therapy
c) SUV-therapy
d) diathermocoagulation
e) ultrasound
475. A 23 year old patient cures intensification of chronic generalized paradontitis heavy
degree. What kind of physiotherapy procedures will strengthen anti-inflammatory effect of
local therapy?
a) *UHF-therapy
b) D’arsonval
c) diathermy
d) diathermocoagulation
e) cryotherapy
476. At examination of patient with parodontosis first level were found superficial wegde
shaped defects, which are accompanied by increased sensitivity to the action of thermal and
chemical stimuluses. What is proper in this case the method of treatment?
a) *electrophoresis
b) fluctuorization
c) diathermocoagulation
d) UHF-therapy
e) D’arsonvals’ currents
477. A 45 year old woman complains of bad breath, gum soreness and bleeding that intensified
during eating.Objectively:catarrhal gingivitis second degree, periodontal pockets 4 mm with a
contain, dental deposits are in above and under the gum part of the
tooth, the first degree tooth mobility, on x-ray cortical plate impairs, resorption of alveolar
bone reaches half of height of interalveolar membranes. Diagnosis: chronic generalized
patadontitis second degree. What will be the beginning of the treatment?
a) *removal of dental deposit
b) anti-inflammations resources
c) UHF-therapy
d) diathermocoagulation of the gum
e) using of mud applications
478. A 18 year old patient diagnosed chronic catarrhal gingivitis, on
x-ray revealed
osteoporosis of alveolar bone. What kind of therapy will eliminate the disease?
a) *immune-modulating therapy
b) electrophoresis of calcium preparations
c) antibiotic therapy
d) vitamin therapy
e) antihistamines therapy
479. A 42 year old man complains of aching pain in 21, which increases at biting. Before for
orthopedic indications was done vital extirpation
and root canal was sealed by
endometason.X-ray: small amount of sealing material pulled out beyond the apical opening.
What do you do in this case?
a) *assign physiotherapy
b) resection of the root apex
c) incision on the transitional fold
d) unsealing the root canal
e) pull the tooth out
480. A 63 year old man diagnosed chronic concretional pulpitis 26. On x-ray detected parietal
denticle, obliteration of root canal in 1/3. What physical method of treatment should use in
this case?
a) *depophorese
b) UHF
c) diadinamic current
d) diathermocoagulation
e) darsonvalization
481. A28 year old patient cures the 35 tooth on cause pulpitis. During treatment the instrument
was broken in the canal, it removes
impossible. X-ray: broken part of instrument doesn’t
exceed the
tooth apex. What do you do in this case?
a) *depophorese of calcium-copper hydroxide
b) pull the tooth out
c) make the apex resection of the tooth root
d) diathermocoagulation
e) darsonvalization
482. A 27 year old patient,after treatment of pulpitis the 44 tooth by method vital extirpation
three days ago, feels constant nagging pain that is exacerbated at biting.X-ray:in the root
canal the filling material is filled to the physiology opening. What is your tactics?
a) *physiotherapy (currentUHF, microwave)
b) pull the tooth out
c) refill the root canal with other filling materials
d) unseal the canal and leave them on 24 hour
e) over watch
483. A 28 year old patient complains about pain in the tooth on upper jaw on the right, which
is appeared after excessive pull out resorcinol formalin paste beyond the apical opening. You
a) *use the course of electrophoresis 5% solution of potassium iodide
b) pull the tooth out
c) unsealed the root canal
d) use the course of UHF therapy
e) use the course antibiotic therapy
484. A 21 year old patient appears to continue treatment of 37 tooth on caused pulpitis and
compains about pain at biting in this tooth. Two
weeks ago was imposed arsenic paste.
The patient fails to appear for treatment. What the physiotherapy method will be used in the
case of “arsenious”periodontitis?
a) *electrophoresis 3% solution of potassium iodide
b) UHF
c) UV-radiation
d) D’arsonval-therapy
e) phonophores with hydrocortisone
485. A 21 year old patient gets treatment regarding erosive-ulcerative forms of lichen rubber
planus, but conservative therapy didn’t give
effect. Which physiotherapy method is most
effective in the complex therapy?
a) *kriodestruction
b) D’arsonvalization
c) electrophoresis
d) UV-radiation
e) UHF-therapy
486. A 47 year old patient consults a dentist with complaint of bleeding and painful of gum in
the area of 25,26 teeth. Objectively: on the mesial surface 26 tooth is filling that lay down on
the gum papilla,
which is hyperemic, swollen, at the touching by instruments--bleeding. How is your tactics?
a) *replacing filling in the tooth
b) UHF-therapy
c) surgical treatment
d) this case doesn’t need treatment
e) keratolytic preparations
Tests to the figures
1. With what dental instrument doctor delayed the cheek on Рис. Fig. 1. ?
A. *Mirror
B. Probe
C. Periodontal probe
D. Explorer
E. There is no correct answer
2. Which type of insruments include a insrument that on Рис. Fig. 1. ?
A. Additional
B. Special
C. *Examination
D. Secondary
E. There is no correct answer
3. Does the instument that is on Рис. Fig. 1. refer to the survey dental instruments?
A. *Yes
B. No
C. Refers only probe
D. Refers only tweezers
E. There is no correct answer
What are dental instruments, in addition of insrument that is shown on Рис. Fig. 1. belong to
the survey?
*Tweezers and probe
What do you see on Рис. Fig. 2. ?
*Examination of patient
Remineralizationoval of dental plaque
Sawing teeth
There is no correct answer
What remineralizationedies on the doctor can you see on Рис. Fig. 2. ?
*Shield and gloves
Mask and Shield
Shield, mask, gloves
What is shown by the arrow on Рис. Fig. 3. ?
*Wedge-shaped defect
Pancake defect
Wedged defect
There is no correct answer
What is the pathological condition you see on Рис. Fig. 4. ?
Systemic hypoplasia
*Dental fluorosis
There is no correct answer
What the clinical picture that is shown on Рис. Fig. 5. is called?
*Local hypoplasia
Fluorosis, striated form
Fluorosis, speckled form
Deep caries
Multiple cavities
What is shown on Рис. Fig. 6. ?
*Compart of the clinical picture before and after treatment of dental fluorosis
Dental fluorosis
Compar of striated and speckled forms of dental fluorosis
Compari of bleached teeth
There is no correct answer
What is shown on Рис. Fig. 7. ?
*Dental reception
The doctor-orthopedist
Orthodontic method
Sawing teeth
There is no correct answer
With what dental insrument doctor delayed cheek on Рис. Fig. 7. ?
What kind of manipulation is conducted by a doctor on Рис. Fig. 7. ?
Examination of patient
*Conduct of anesthesia
Preparation of the tooth
Remineralizationoval of tooth
There is no correct answer
Using what a insrument doctor conducts anesthesia on Рис. Fig. 7. ?
*Karpulle syringe
Dosing injector
To what pathologies clinical picture, shown on Рис. Fig. 8. related ?
The provisions of teeth
The quantity of teeth
Forms of teeth
*The values of teeth
There is no correct answer
How does the pathology of 22 tooth on Рис. Fig. 8. call?
There is no correct answer
What is shown on Рис. Fig. 9. ?
Base Gel
Bell Gel
For what can we use Bela gel that is shown on Рис. Fig. 9. ?
*Remineralizationineralisation therapy
Demineralisation therapy
There is no correct answer
What pathology of 11 tooth is shown on Рис. Fig. 10.?
*Luxation of tooth
Semiluxation of tooth
Fracture of crown
Fracture of the angle of the jaw
There is no correct answer
Which lesions include dislocation of the tooth 11 on Рис. Fig. 10.?
There is no correct answer
What is shown on Рис. Fig. 11.
What do you see on Рис. Fig. 12.?
What kind of manipulation is carried out on Рис. Fig. 13.?
A. Selection of the crown
B. Selection of color
C. *Determination of color
D. Overlay tab
E. There is no correct answer
With what equipment can we determine the tooth color on Рис. Fig. 13.?
A. *Scales Vita
B. Scales Victor
C. Scales Vito
D. The scales of Wit
E. The scales of the color of teeth
What is the diagnosis corresponds to the clinical situation in 11 tooth on Рис. Fig. 13.?
A. *Devitalized tooth
B. Vital tooth
C. Deep caries
D. Surface caries
E. Fluorosis
What manipulation is performed after determining the color of the tooth on Рис. Fig. 13.?
A. *Intra root canal whitening teeth
B. Beyond root canal tooth whitening
C. Restoration of devitalized tooth
D. Tooth whitening
E. There is no correct answer
What the diagnosis can you set on Рис. Fig. 14.?
A. *Enamel hypoplasia
B. Erosion of enamel
C. Enamel hyperplasia
D. Dashed form of dental fluorosis
E. There is no correct answer
What method of treatment uses to treat pathology, which is shown on Рис. Fig. 14.?
A. *Aesthetic restoration
B. . Restoration
C. Excavation
D. Remineralizationineralization
E. There is no correct answer
Is it possible to perform an aesthetic restoration of defects of enamel, shown on Рис. Fig.
A. It is unable
B. Partly perhaps
C. *It is possibly
D. Due - to - case
E. Only orthopedic treatment
What does clinical situation call is shown on Рис. Fig. 15.?
A. Tremineralizationas
B. *Diastema
C. Lack of teeth
D. Adentia
E. There is no correct answer
What treatment is possible in the case that is shown on Рис. Fig. 15.?
Treatment is not possible
There is no correct answer
Is it possible to treat the clinical case shown on Рис. Fig. 15.?
In certain cases possible
In some cases, treatment is not possible
There is no correct answer
What do you think, for what the Tooth Mousse, that is shown may be used on Рис. Fig. 16.?
*For the prevention of caries and hypoplasia
For the prevention of dental caries
To prevent hypoplasia
For remineralizationterapiyi
There is no correct answer
What is the pathologic condition that is shown on Рис. Fig. 17.?
Chemical necrosis of enamel
*Erosion of enamel
Computer necrosis of enamel
Answer B is correct
There is no correct answer
Which treatment option is it possible to use to Рис. Fig. 17.?
*Aesthetic restoration
Remineralization therapy
Orthopaedic treatment
What diagnosis is suitable to describe the condition of 11 and 21 teeth on Рис. Fig. 18.?
*Erosion of tooth
Fracture crown
Root fracture
What diagnosis is suitable to describe the condition of the tooth 12 on Рис. Fig. 18.?
*Partial fracture crown
Erosion of tooth
Necrosis of enamel
Fracture of crown
Root fracture
What treatment is possible for the situation on Рис. Fig. 19.?
*Aesthetic restoration
Art restoration
What is the diagnosis for 21 tooth on Рис. Fig. 20.?
*Fracture of the cutting edge and hypoplasia
Fracture of the cutting edge
How can you restore fractured edge of the tooth on Рис. Fig. 20.?
*Aesthetic restoration
Art restoration
How can you treat hypoplasia of tooth on Рис. Fig. 20.?
A. *Remineralization therapy
B. Restoration
C. Art restoration
D. Prothesis
E. Crown
Is it possible to correct the clinical situation with remineralization therapy and aesthetic
restoration on Рис. Fig. 20.?
A. *Yes
B. Partially
C. As time
D. Only remineralization therapy
E. There is no correct answer
What is the diagnosis on Рис. Fig. 21.?
A. Fournier teeth
B. Turner teeth
C. *Hetchynson teeth
D. Adentia
E. Macrodentia
At what disease occurs Hetchynson teeth Рис. Fig. 21.?
A. *Congenital syphilis
C. Leukemia
D. Flu
E. Leukemia
How does Hetchynson teeth can be treated Рис. Fig. 21.?
A. *Orthopaedic treatment
B. Therapeutic treatment
C. Physiotherapy
D. Remineralization therapy
E. There is no correct answer
What diagnosis is possible to Рис. Fig. 22.?
A. Hetchynson teeth
B. Pflyuher teeth
C. *Turner’s teeth
D. Enamel hypoplasia
E. tooth caries
The sign of what disease is Turner’s teeth Рис. Fig. 22.?
A. *Congenital syphilis
B. Syphilis
C. Tertiary syphilis
D. Secondary syphilis
E. There is no correct answer
What is shown on Рис. Fig. 23.?
A. Toothbrush
B. *Dental floss
C. Tartar
D. Thread
E. There is no correct answer
For what purpose is used dental floss on Рис. Fig. 23.?
A. Cleaning teeth
B. *Cleaning interdental spaces
C. Cleaning the mouth
D. Cleaning molars
E. There is no correct answer
50. What is the diagnosis fits up to 22 teeth on Рис. Fig. 24.?
A. Macrodentia
B. *Microdentia
C. Adentia
D. Tortoanomaly
E. There is no correct answer
What is the name that substituted for the upper lip on Рис. Fig. 24.?
A. *Cotton rolls
B. Ground beetles
C. Watt ground beetles
D. Cotton clip
E. Swab
How to put a cotton roller on Рис. Fig. 24.?
A. Prevention of bloodletting
B. Prevent ingress of saliva on the platen
C. *Prevent ingress of oral fluids at tooth
D. Prevention omission cheeks
E. Prevention omission lips
53. 53. What manipulation is planning on Рис. Fig. 24.?
A. *Restoration
B. Remineralization therapy
C. Saliva injector
D. Operation
E. Remineralization of tooth
What the diagnosis can you set on Рис. Fig. 25.?
A. Focal hypoplasia of enamel
B. *Focal hypoplasia of enamel on the teeth of symmetrical
C. Diffuse hypoplasia
D. Diffuse hypoplasia of enamel
E. Dental cavities
What diagnosis is possible to Рис. Fig. 26.?
A. Physiological tooth abrasion
B. *Pathological tooth abrasion
C. Pathophysiological abrasion of teeth
D. Abrasion of teeth
E. There is no correct answer
Set diagnosis to Рис. Fig. 26.?
A. Physiological tooth abrasion
B. *Pathological tooth abrasion
C. Pathophysiological abrasion of teeth
D. Abrasion of teeth
E. There is no correct answer
What is the clinical picture that is shown on Рис. Fig. 26.?
A. Physiological tooth abrasion
B. *Pathological tooth abrasion
C. Pathophysiological abrasion of teeth
D. Abrasion of teeth
E. There is no correct answer
What diagnosis responds to the clinical picture on Рис. Fig. 26.?
A. Physiological tooth abrasion
B. *Pathological tooth abrasion
C. Pathophysiological abrasion of teeth
D. Abrasion of teeth
E. There is no correct answer
What type of pathological tooth abrasion is shown on Рис. Fig. 26.?
A. Vertical
B. *Horizontal
C. Combined
D. Mixed
E. There is no correct answer
What is the clinical picture that is shown on Рис. Fig. 27. ?
A. Pathological abrasion
B. *Systemic hypoplasia
C. Lobular hyperplasia
D. Inadequate dentynohenez
E. There is no correct answer
What form of systemic hypoplasia is shown on Рис. Fig. 27. ?
A. *Striated
B. Spotted
C. Dashed
D. Erosive
E. There is no correct answer
Set diagnosis to Рис. Fig. 27. ?
A. Pathological abrasion
B. *Systemic hypoplasia
C. Lobular hyperplasia
D. Inadequate dentinogenezis
E. There is no correct answer
What apparatus for sealing root canals is shown on Рис. Fig. 28. ?
A. *System B
B. System s
C. Apex Locator
D. Electric canal filler
E. There is no correct answer
What kind of manipulation can be performed using the device shown on Рис.Fig.28.?
A. *Root-canal filling
B. The introduction of gutta-percha
C. Remineralization of dental plaque
D. Determination of the length of root canal
E. There is no correct answer
What was the diagnosis before treatment on Рис. Fig. 29. ?
A. Pathological abrasion
B. *Tooth fracture
C. Fracture of the cutting edge of enamel
D. Inadequate amelogenezis
E. There is no correct answer
What do the points on mark Рис. Fig. 30. ?
A. Spot of bleeding pulp
B. *Occlusion points
C. Points superiorcontacts
D. Points of Mertendal
E. Pulse points of pulp cameras
What caused the absence of tooth on Рис. Fig. 31. ?
A. Inadequate amelogenezis
B. Pathological tooth abrasion
C. Pathological superiorcontacts
D. *Injury
E. There is no correct answer
Set the diagnosis to Рис. Fig. 33. ?
A. *Tremas
B. Diastema
C. Adentia
D. Hetchynson teeth
E. Dashed form of dental fluorosis
With what insrument can you diagnose cavities on Рис. Fig. 32. ?
A. *Probe
B. Mirror
C. Tweezers
D. Tongs
E. Spatula
70. 70. Is it possible to diagnose carious cavity with probe on Рис. Fig. 32. ?
A. *Yes
B. No
C. Sometimes
D. With great difficulty
E. Only with an optical microscope
Is it possible to treat a clinical picture that is shown on Рис. Fig. 33.?
A. *Yes
B. You can not
C. As time
D. Treatment should not be
E. There is no treatment
72. What kind of manipulation is carried out on Рис. Fig. 34.?
A. *Cleaning the teeth
B. Remineralizationoval of dental plaque
C. Gum recession
D. Increased turgor of the gums
E. No answer
What is the diagnosis that you see on Рис. Fig. 35.?
A. *Fluorosis 2 degrees
B. 3 degrees of fluorosis
C. 5 degrees of fluorosis
D. 6 degrees of fluorosis
E. Primary fluorosis
With what can you differentiate the clinical picture on Рис. Fig. 35.?
A. third degrees of fluorosis
B. necrosis
C. erosion
D. Fluorosis of first degree
E. *All correct answers
What does the outer arc on Рис. Fig. 36. mean?
A. Permanent occlusion
B. *Remineralization bite
C. Temporary occlusion
D. Mixed bite
E. There is no correct answer
76. What does an internal arc on Рис. Fig. 36. mean?
A. Permanent occlusion
B. Remineralizationovable bite
C. *Temporary occlusion
D. Mixed bite
E. There is no correct answer
77. 77. What kind of manipulation doctor performs on Рис. Fig. 37.?
A. *Photopolymerization
B. Filling
C. Dekavitatsiya
D. Cavitation
E. No correct correct answer
Set the diagnosis to the teeth, that is shown Рис. Fig. 38.?
A. *Sharped teeth
B. Bald tooth
C. Hetchynson teeth
D. Pflyuher’s teeth
E. There is no correct answer
Is there a hereditary diagnosis, which is depicted on Рис. Fig. 38.?
A. *Yes
B. No
C. Sometimes
D. Depending on your blood pressure
E. There is no correct answer
80. Is it possible to treat teeth that are depicted on Рис. Fig. 38.?
A. *Yes
B. No
C. Depending on the parameters EDI
D. There is no correct answer
E. All answers correct
Is it correct occlusion in a patient on Рис. Fig. 35.?
A. Yes
B. *No
C. Not quite
D. Yes, but shifted the central line
E. There is no correct answer
82. What diagnosis is possible regarding 11 and 21 teeth on Рис. Fig. 33.?
A. *Diastema
B. Tremas
C. remineralization
D. Trias topic
E. There is no correct answer
Are all the teeth are permanent on Рис. Fig. 31.?
A. Yes
B. *No
C. Adentia
D. Partial adentia
E. There is no correct answer