Tropical Texas Behavioral Health Architect Services Request for Qualifications Tropical Texas Behavioral Health is seeking written qualifications for architectural services for the design of a 9,000 square foot addition to its current Brownsville outpatient facility located at 861 Old Alice Road, Brownsville TX. Tropical Texas Behavioral Health is a community center created under the provisions of Chapter 534 of the Texas Health and Safety Code, Annotated, as amended, and designated as a local mental health and mental retardation authority by the Texas Department of Health and Human Services under Texas Health and Safety Code 533.035. Proposal packets may be obtained from Tropical Texas Behavioral Health’s website at or by contacting Beatriz Trejo, Chief Financial Officer at PROPOSAL OPENING DATE NO LATER than: 2:00 p.m. October 22, 2013 Mark Envelope: Architect Services 2013 Tropical Texas Behavioral Health appreciates your time and effort in preparing this proposal. ALL PROPOSALS MUST BE RECEIVED BEFORE OPENING DATE AND TIME. FAXES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. ANY PROPOSALS RECEIVED AFTER THAT DATE AND TIME WILL BE RETURNED UNOPENED. All questions and inquiries related to this proposal shall be directed to: Beatriz Trejo, Chief Financial Officer Tropical Texas Behavioral Health P. O. Drawer 1108/1901 South 24th Avenue (78539) Edinburg, TX 78540 Phone: (956) 289-7015 Fax: (956) 289-7257 Email: