Print answer sheet before starting this worksheet. Lentic System -- a nonflowing or standing body of fresh water, such as a lake or pond Traits of the lentic system. Fresh water Water does not move Water can freeze (You can ice skate on a lentic system.) Land on all sides – landlocked Examples of lentic systems. Bog A land- bound wetland with cold, still water in moss. Some plants found in a bog are cranberries. Marsh A wetland with grass like plants such as sedges and cattails. Marsh animals include ducks, geese, muskrats, wading birds, and frogs. Swamp A wetland with trees. Swamp creatures include alligators, turtles, frogs, and wading birds. Click to watch the video describing bogs, marshes, and swamps. Draw a picture of a lentic system on a piece of paper. Lotic System -- a flowing body of fresh water, such as a river or stream. Traits of the lotic system. Fresh water Water has a current or is always moving Water cannot freeze There is not land on all sides Examples of a lotic system. Estuary A coastal wetland with a mixture of salt water and fresh water, usually found where a river meets the sea. Many ocean fish as well as shrimp, begin their lives in estuaries. Click on picture to watch a video of an estuary. Fen Similar to a bog, but its waters are not still. Instead they flow slowly in and out of the fen. Draw a picture of a lotic system on a piece of paper. Label each picture lentic or lotic system. 1. 4. 2. 5. 3. Complete the Venn Diagram Lentic System Has a current Nonmoving water Fresh water Not landlocked Lotic System Freezes Does not freeze Landlocked