SPLWG May 2010 Item #2 L McKee Page 1 of 2 STLS element #4c - POC LOADS MONITORING IN REPRESENTATIVE WATERSHEDS – RECONNAISSANCE Sarah Pearce and Lester McKee, SFEI, Oakland, CA ESTIMATED COST: OVERSIGHT GROUP: $12,000 (2010 special and pilot studies budget) Sources Pathways and Loading Work Group (SPLWG) PROPOSED DELIVERABLES AND TIMELINE Deliverable Task 1. Preparation for reconnaissance fieldwork Task 2. Reconnaissance fieldwork Task 3. Reporting (draft and final report) Due Date March 2010 April 2010 May / June 2010 BACKGROUND Conducting loads studies in “observation” watersheds is a long standing recommendation of the SPLWG (see Davis et al., 2001). Recent TMDL reports on PCBs and Hg emphasize the influence of local small tributaries on water quality in the Bay and call for reduced loadings from urban areas. Provision C.8.f of the February 2009 draft tentative order of the Municipal Regional Permit (MRP) describes the need for permitees to monitor eight watersheds to generate loads information. During the development of the RMP Small Tributaries Loading Strategy (STLS) it became clear that the location of loads monitoring efforts would be better informed if watersheds could be ranked by taking into account attributes such as hydrology, land use and known contaminant sources, age and “condition” of development, the source and magnitude of suspended sediment loads, and a range of measures of the sensitivity of the adjacent Bay margin (food web impacts or receiving water quality). The ranking study is planned for completion in early 2010. Given logistical reasons such as channel form and safety that restrict the practical implementation of a loads monitoring study, the SPLWG (May meeting) recommended a reconnaissance study to investigate sampling locations in the top ranked watersheds. The objective (outcome) of the proposed reconnaissance study will be a recommendation of technically feasible and “safe” locations for consideration for future small tributary loads monitoring in relation to the STLS and the MRP (i.e. the main target audience being BASMAA and the Water Board). The tangible outputs of the study will be: 1. Visual field inspections, measurements of channel characteristics, and photodocumentation of potential sampling locations in the lower non-tidal reaches of each high ranking watershed 2. A short <20 page technical report (see Pearce and McKee (2006) for an example) APPLICABLE RMP MANAGEMENT QUESTIONS Level I RMP, Q3: What are the sources, pathways, loadings, and processes leading to contaminant-related impacts in the Estuary? Level II RMP, Q3C: What is the effect of management actions on loads from the most important sources, pathways, and processes? SPLWG May 2010 Item #2 L McKee Page 2 of 2 Level III SPL Q2: What is the watershed-specific and regional total water flow, load of sediment, and load contaminants entering the Bay from the urbanized small tributaries and non-urban areas draining to the Bay from the nine-county Bay Area and are there trends through time? Level IV STLS Q2: What are the loads or concentrations of pollutants of concern from small tributaries to the Bay? SAMPLING DESIGN / METHODS Obtain a copy of the list of ranked watersheds based on the outcomes of the STLS study “Develop criteria and rank watersheds”. Conduct a reconnaissance of each potential sample location (<30) to gather sitespecific information including: a) USGS gauge number k) D50 visual estimate (mm) b) USGS gauge years of operation c) USGS SSC (historic/current/none/ years of operation) d) USGS bed load (historic/current/ none/years of operation) e) Channel type (natural/ engineered/ storm drain/etc) l) Debris type and abundance (wood/trash/etc) f) Channel width (m) p) Jurisdiction g) Top of bank height (m) q) Sidewalk (y/n) h) Channel gradient (%) r) Lighting (y/n) i) Bank controls s) Vehicle access (y/n) m) Overhead sampling structure (y/n/ yes but) n) Overhead structure height from bed (m) o) Permission needed (y/n) j) Bed controls Facilitate discussion at Workgroup meetings through the provision of a matrix for rapid comparison of each watershed and a technical report to describe each location in more detail. BUDGET Description Task 1. Preparation for reconnaissance fieldwork Task 2. Reconnaissance fieldwork Task 3. Reporting (draft and final report) Total Labor cost $1,000 $7,500 $3,000 Direct cost $500 Total $1,000 $8,000 $3,000 $12,000 REFERENCES Davis, J.A., Abu Saba, K., and Gunther, A.J. 2001. Technical report of the Sources Pathways and Loadings Workgroup. San Francisco Estuary Institute, September 1999. 55pp. Pearce, S, and McKee, L., 2006. Sources, Pathways, and Loadings Work Group, Bay Area Stream Reconnaissance, Technical Memo. Prepared to support a workgroup debate and final decision of where to conduct a second Small Tributaries Loading Study. Document 1: http://www.sfei.org/rmp/SPLWG_meetings/12-1505/Item4_SPL_SmallTribsReconnaissanceStudy.pdf