RESOURCES (B4) 1 2013 PRE-SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE STANDARD B4: RESOURCES "There must be sufficient resources including teaching faculty, the number and variety of patients, physical and technical resources, as well as the supporting facilities and services necessary to provide the opportunity for all residents in the program to achieve the educational objectives and receive full training as defined by the Royal College specialty training requirements." Program Pediatric Cardiology University Date of Review (month/year) Sites Participating in this Program: Where the resources to provide "full training" are not available at the sponsoring university, several different types of interuniversity affiliations may be negotiated. It should be noted that the exchange of residents between two fully accredited programs does not require an interuniversity affiliation. Coordination of Adult and Pediatric Subspecialty Programs a) Is this university accredited for: Adult Cardiology Pediatric Cardiology b) If the university is accredited for both programs, describe the extent to which the two programs are integrated in the following areas: 1) Program administration 2) Academic program 3) Clinical program 4) Technical and/or laboratory skills RESOURCES (B4) 2 2013 IV. RESOURCES Standard B4 "There must be sufficient resources including teaching faculty, the number and variety of patients, physical and technical resources, as well as the supporting facilities and services necessary to provide the opportunity for all residents in the program to achieve the educational objectives and receive full training as defined by the Royal College specialty training requirements." Where the resources to provide "full training" are not available at the sponsoring university, several different types of interuniversity affiliations may be negotiated. It should be noted that the exchange of residents between two fully accredited programs does not require an interuniversity affiliation. 1. Teaching Faculty List by teaching site the members of the teaching faculty who have a major role in this program, including members from other departments. In indicating a subspecialty, use as a criterion whether he or she is considered by colleagues as a subspecialist and functions academically and professionally as one. Teaching Site Name University Rank Specialty Qualifications Subspecialty (If any) Nature of Interaction with Resident (e.g. clinical, teaching, research) a) What percentage of faculty listed above have been practising in the subspecialty: < 15 years % > 25 years % b) Did the program director or a representative attend at least one meeting of the Specialty Committee for Cardiology in each of the last 2 academic years? Yes_____ No_____ If No, please explain RESOURCES (B4) 2. 3 2013 General Cardiology TABLE I Clinical Resources (Statistics for the most recent 12-month period) (Dates: ) Admissions and Consultations Hospital Total Number of Patients Percentages of Cases Neonatal 1-12 mos >1 yr Describe the organization of the general cardiology ward (e.g. clinical teaching unit), including the usual arrangements for staff supervision and the policy with regard to the graduated increase in responsibility of residents. 3. Cardiovascular Investigation a) Cardiac Catheterization TABLE II (Statistics for the most recent 12-month period) (Dates: ) Cardiovascular Investigation Units Patient Age Number of Patients Investigated Heart Catheterizations Diagnostic Intervention - Infants - 30 days to 1 yr - > 1 yr TOTAL Describe the arrangements for residents to gain experience in the performance and interpretation of catheter studies. b) Echocardiography TABLE III (Statistics for the most recent 12-month period) (Dates: ) RESOURCES (B4) Hospital 4 2013 Percentage of Cases Total Transthoracic TEE * Stress Fetal * Transoesophageal Echocardiography Describe the arrangements for training in the indications, performance and interpretation of TTE and TEE. Describe the arrangements for residents to gain knowledge regarding the indications and limitations of Stress Echo and interpretation of Fetal Echo. c) Other Diagnostic Imaging Modalities TABLE IV (Statistics for the most recent 12-month period) (Dates: ) Hospital d) Total Number Percentages CT MR Other Electrocardiography TABLE V (Statistics for the most recent 12-month period) (Dates: ) Number of Cases Hospital ECG Ambulatory ECG Exercise ECG Describe the arrangements for training in the indications, performance and interpretation of such studies. e) Electrophysiology-Investigation TABLE VI (Statistics for the most recent 12-month period) (Dates: ) RESOURCES (B4) 5 2013 Number of Cases Hospital Invasive Diagnostic Electrophysiology Interventional Electrophysiology Pacemaker Implants Standard ICD * * Implantable Cardio-Defibrillator Describe the arrangements for training in the indications and interpretation of each of these studies. 4. Cardiac Surgery a) What is the training for residents in case selection, monitoring, and collaborative care of patients undergoing cardiac surgery? Comment on the arrangements for involvement in early postoperative cardiac care and later followup. b) List the numbers of operations in the past year in the following categories: TABLE VII AGE 0-30 Days Closed Shunts PDA Coarctation PA banding Other: TOTAL Open VSD repair Semilunar valvotomy Tetralogy repair TGA repair 1-12 Mos >12 Mos RESOURCES (B4) 6 2013 2° ASD 1° ASD AV septal defect Complex conduit repair Bidirectional Glenn Fontan type repair Valve replacement Norwood Other TOTAL 5. ICU TABLE VIII Availability of Intensive Care Units Yes Number of Beds No Neonatal Pediatric Cardiothoracic surgery General surgical Comment on the adequacy of the intensive care units within the program from the viewpoint of bed capacity, equipment, and staffing. Indicate the role played by residents and the level of responsibility assumed in decisions as to diagnosis and treatment in surgical, non-surgical and neonatal care. 6. Adult Cardiology a) Describe the facilities available for teaching in the cardiology of adults and how these facilities are used for training. Outline the organization of the teaching service(s). Describe the relationship with adult cardiovascular surgery. Indicate the extent to which the resources of the adult component of the program are used for the training of residents primarily concerned with Pediatric Cardiology. b) Describe the provision of services and teaching in adult congenital heart disease. 7. Pathology RESOURCES (B4) 7 a) Describe the facilities and outline the arrangements for teaching in pathology and other areas of laboratory medicine important to the study of pediatric cardiovascular disease. b) Autopsy statistics 2013 TABLE IX (Statistics for the most recent 12-month period) (Dates: ) Number of deaths related to Pediatric Cardiology Number of autopsies 8. Diagnostic Imaging Describe the arrangements for instruction in diagnostic imaging as applied to Pediatric Cardiology. 9. Multidisciplinary Services Comment on the adequacy of the multidisciplinary services associated with the program, specifically the availability of dieticians, physiotherapists, social workers, and occupational therapists. 10. Associated Clinical Services In addition to general pediatrics and cardiovascular surgery, describe the role of other departments, divisions or services, such as Respirology, Clinical Immunology and Allergy, Nuclear Medicine, and Medical Genetics, that provide training for residents on either an elective or mandatory basis. 11. Consultations Describe the arrangements for residents to gain primary experience in handling consultations including emergency consultations. 12. Emergency Care Describe the resources available and the arrangements for the training of residents in the Emergency Department. 13. Ambulatory Care Describe the resources available and the arrangements made for the training of residents in ambulatory care. Specify ambulatory training in general pediatric cardiology care, and pacemaker RESOURCES (B4) 8 2013 patient care. 14. Information/Space Resources a) Do residents have free 24/7 access to on-line libraries, journals and other educational resources? Yes No Partially If “No” or “Partially”, please explain. b) Do residents have adequate space to carry out their daily work? Yes No Partially If “No” or “Partially”, please explain. c) Are technical resources required for patient care duties located in the work setting? Yes No Partially If “No” or “Partially”, please explain. d) Do facilities allow resident skills to be observed? Yes No Partially If “No” or “Partially”, please explain. e) Do facilities allow for confidential feedback/discussions? Yes No Partially If “No” or “Partially”, please explain. 15. Summary of Adequacy of Resources Comment on the adequacy of the resources in the overall clinical program, with particular reference to the relationship between such resources and the number of residents dependent upon them. Include consideration of the following questions: Are there significant areas where the workload of teachers (clinical care, undergraduate teaching, etc.) is such as to affect adversely the continuous supervision and instruction of residents in Pediatric Cardiology? What is the average number of beds (or range) available to the program? Do all senior residents have an opportunity to be in charge of a clinical teaching service? Are the numbers of patients available for teaching sufficient to provide for residents from Pediatrics or other services, without adverse effects upon the training of residents in Pediatric Cardiology? RESOURCES (B4) 9 Are the diagnostic and basic science facilities sufficient to provide adequate teaching and experience for residents in Pediatric Cardiology in addition to other residents sharing the same facilities? Revised – SC – October 2012 2013