Assura Cambridge LLP - Community ENT Service
GP Information – Referrers Guide
The following information has been developed to notify General Practitioners in
Cambridgeshire of the new Assura Cambridge LLP Community ENT service.
Key information is provided below, with detailed information available in the attachments or at:
Assura Cambridge Community ENT Service
The Cambridge Community ENT service is a primary care service commissioned by
NHS Cambridgeshire for all patients over the age of 16. The ENT Service will be provided for the population of Cambridge City and South Cambridgeshire, but open to all patients of NHS Cambridgeshire. The service will provide advice and treatment from GP’s with a special interest in ENT and supported by a specialist nurse and audiologist. They will aim to diagnose the condition, arrange any appropriate investigations and provide treatment where necessary.
The service is available to any Cambridgeshire patient as outlined below:-
All adults aged 16 or above and registered with a Cambridgeshire GP
All patients given choice of service
All patients with ENT condition in line with referral criteria
All patients suitable for assessment and treatment in community setting
All new patients and any patients requiring follow-up management.
Inclusions and exclusions for the service are detailed below.
The Service is best suited for patients who are unlikely to need surgery to resolve their problem. However, if a surgical solution is identified, the patient will be able to proceed along the18 week pathway.
Ear and hearing service
Ear pain
Chronic ear discharge
Eustachian tube dysfunction
Foreign body in the ear
Glue ear
Hearing Loss
Otitis externa
Wax impaction
Mastoid cavity
The Service is not designed for ENT emergencies, but can respond to requests for urgent assessment (for example acute otitis externa) within a few working days.
Ear and hearing service
Acute mastoiditis
Hearing aid requests
Nose and throat service
Disorders of smell
Broken nose
Acute nosebleeds
Acute sinusitis
Recent onset hoarseness
Assura Cambridge LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales
Registered office: Assura Cambridge LLP, The School House,
50 Brook Green, London W6 7RR
Registered No: OC337660
Nose and throat service
Deviated nasal septum
Recurrent nose bleeds
Nasal blockage
Nasal polyps
Globus pharyngeus
Laryngitis / chronic hoarse voice
Recurrent tonsillitis
Sleep apnoea
Snoring problems
Neck lumps
Facial Palsy
Atypical Facial pain
Children under 16 years
Patients with suspected cancer
Patient Referral
The service will accept referrals from General Practitioners either through Choose and Book, post or fax. The Community ENT service can be found in Choose and
Book using the following pathways:-
ENT GPSI – Microsuction (Assura) – Nuffield Road Surgery-5PP
ENT GPSI - Ear, Hearing and Dizziness (Assura) – Nuffield Road Surgery-5PP
ENT GPSI – Nose and Throat Service (Assura) Nuffield Road Surgery-5PP
ENT Microsuction
Ear, Hearing & Dizziness
Nose & Throat
Referrals may be mailed to:
Assura Cambridge LLP
Community ENT Service
C/o Nuffield Road Medical Centre
Nuffield Road
If you would like to fax your referrals please fax to 01223 422588.
Enclosed within this information are sample referral forms for you to use. There are different forms depending on your clinical system. This information pack will also be e-mailed to your practice manager so that you will have electronic copies of all forms.
The service will undertake clinical triage to ensure that appropriate patients are referred to the service. Patients not accepted into the service will either be referred back to the GP or forwarded to the appropriate service in accordance with the clinical pathway.
Patients will be offered an appointment within 20 days of receipt of referral.
Assura Cambridge LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales
Registered office: Assura Cambridge LLP, The School House,
50 Brook Green, London W6 7RR
Registered No: OC337660
Service Delivery
The service will be delivered by GPwSI ’s, Dr Tony Males and Dr Andrew Watson, who will diagnose, manage and treat conditions for patients referred into the service.
The service will be provided from fully equipped premises with equipment suitable for assessing and treating ENT patients and is fully registered with the Care Quality
Commission. The service will be provided from Nuffield Road Medical Centre; the premises meets all infection control standards.
Following assessment and diagnosis of the symptoms, the various treatment options will be discussed with the patient and a treatment plan developed. Consent will be obtained for any procedures undertaken and recorded on SystmOne.
If preparation is required for a diagnostic test the patient will be informed and given appropriate advice in advance. This will be, were possible, identified at the triage and the appropriate information sent to patients prior to their appointment.
Key Benefits
High quality, GPwSI led ENT service in a primary care setting, using experienced ENT professionals
Improve patient access across Cambridgeshire in both speed of appointment and accessibility of location
Will enable demand to be more effectively managed within primary care through GP ownership of referral protocols and care pathways
Help to ensure the 18 week referral to treatment targets are met by reducing waiting times and more accurately matching need to professional competence with appropriate onward referrals
Will improve skills and knowledge, education and training will be provided regularly for GPs and Primary Healthcare Teams.
Live Service Date
The service will accept referrals from GPs as from receipt of this communication. The first clinic date will be at Nuffield Road Medical Centre on Wednesday 2 March 2011.
Clinics will be held every Wednesday afternoon and evening (excluding Bank
Patient Information
Leaflets for patients have been designed to explain how the service works, the aims of the treatments, and what to expect during their appointment. These have been included within this information pack, and are also available from the Assura
Cambridge LLP website;
If you have any queries please contact :
Assura Cambridge LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales
Registered office: Assura Cambridge LLP, The School House,
50 Brook Green, London W6 7RR
Registered No: OC337660
Community ENT Service
C/o Nuffield Road Medical Centre
Nuffield Road
Tel: 01223 422588 Fax: 01223 422588
For further clarity concerning the Assura Cambridge Community ENT service please contact:
Jezz Davies, Business Director
Tel: 0758 4680387 or email
Assura Cambridge LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales
Registered office: Assura Cambridge LLP, The School House,
50 Brook Green, London W6 7RR
Registered No: OC337660
Patient Pathway
T o be undertaken by GPSI in first instance
If ? cancer
Outpatient appointment,
Recurrent tonsillitis
Chronic ear disease
Ottis externa
Glue ear
Nasal polyps
Blue – Primary Care
Red – Secondary Care
Amber - Diagnostics
Dark Green –Service working to LLP protocols
Pt presents
Clear referral guide lines and education
Referral filtering/ triage
GPwSI/Consultant – supervision, differential diagnosis, management, treatment
Laryngoscopy, microscope, audiogram
Audiology – input re
Follow up
Specialist according to protocol
Return to GP with management plan
Balance, sleep clinic, SALT
One stop shop
Assura Cambridge LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales
Registered office: Assura Cambridge LLP, The School House,
50 Brook Green, London W6 7RR
Registered No: OC337660