Basic Human Genetics course ‘Genetics for dummies’ 18 & 19 October 2012 vs 121017 This 2-day course will explain to you the basic concepts in human genetics, and more in particular “Complex Genetics”. This is the scientific discipline that studies the role of genetic variation in common complex diseases (such as osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, etc.) and traits (such as blood pressure, BMD, glucose level, height, cholesterol level, etc.). Fuelled by successful applications of Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS) and High Throughput (HT) Sequencing in various disease areas, this course is meant to give some introductory background for people wanting to start or become involved in such studies, or just want to know what it is all about. Mostly, these will be people who are specialized in the diseases and/or traits of interest, but do not have the necessary genetic background knowledge. Target audience The target audience includes -but is not limited to- Master of Science students, technicians, PhD students, post-docs, assistant/associate/full professors with an interest in genetic studies. These may come from various disciplines and from a clinical, basic/biological, epidemiological or public health background. Students who have followed the Nihes Summer Course (master Health Science and related courses) ESP57 (“Genomics in Molecular Medicine”) do not have to follow this course because the contents are similar. The course is compulsory for Research master students I&I. This short course is also very useful as an introduction to the more advanced MolMed “SNP course” that starts this year on November 19th, and which covers a much wider and deeper range of topics in this rapidly evolving field (see: The total number of participants is limited to 75. Course fees The attendance fee of the course is €350, but certain participants can get a discount. See below for all details. 1 Program In “Genetics for Dummies” five experienced lecturers from Erasmus MC will introduce you to basic concepts in complex genetics, laboratory techniques, and statistical analytical issues. The program is built on four half days, each of which is covered by one speaker. After every talk, much time is reserved for Questions and Answers, to get interactivity with the participants. Basic knowledge, background literature Basic knowledge of (molecular) biology is expected from the participants. Background literature on the topic can be found in : - “Genetics for Dummies” (2nd edition, T.R. Robinson, Wiley Publishing, Inc.; ISBN 978-0-470-55174-5) - "Molecular Biology of the Cell" (5th ed.; editors: Alberts et al.; published by Garland Sciences; ISBN 978-0-8153-4111-6 ); - "Human Molecular Genetics" (4th ed.; editors Tom Strachan& Andrew Reed. ISBN 0-471-33061-2; published by Garland Sciences; £40,-). To this aim, also a series of basic papers is published on our website: on the page of the SNP course. At the start of the course a reader will be issued. Course organizers Dr. Robert Kraaij, Dept Internal Medicine, Erasmus MC Dr. Joyce van Meurs, Dept Internal Medicine, Erasmus MC Dr. Fernando Rivadeneira, Dept Internal Medicine, Erasmus MC Prof. Dr André Uitterlinden, Dept Internal Medicine, Erasmus MC Dr. Annemieke Verkerk, Dept Internal Medicine, Erasmus MC Dr. Frank van Vliet, Postgraduate School MolMed Lecturers Prof.dr. André Uitterlinden, Dr. Annemieke Verkerk, Dr. Joyce van Meurs, Dr. Robert Kraaij, and Dr. Fernando Rivadeneira. Subscription is open now on: If you have any questions, please mail or call Joris Lenstra or Frank van Vliet: (010-70 38 053 or 06-5474 6408). First Day, Thursday 18 October, Room Ae 4.06 Moderator: André Uitterlinden Time Speaker 09.00-09.30 Registration and coffee 09.30-10.30 Annemieke Verkerk 10.30-10.45 Coffee break 10.45-11.45 André Uitterlinden 11.45-12.00 Coffee break 12.00-12.45 André Uitterlinden 12.45-13.30 Lunch 13.30-14.30 Joyce van Meurs 14.30-14.45 Coffee break 14.45-15.45 Joyce van Meurs Subject Basic genetics: history & concepts Introduction to complex genetics (1) Introduction to complex genetics (2) Laboratory techniques in basic genetics Laboratory techniques in complex genetics 2 Second Day, Friday 19 October, Room Ae 4.06 Moderator: André Uitterlinden Time Speaker 10.15-11.15 Fernando Rivadeneira 11.15-11.30 11.30-12.30 Coffee break Fernando Rivadeneira 12.30-13.15 13.15-14.15 Lunch Robert Kraaij 14.15-14.30 14.30-15.30 Coffee break Robert Kraaij 15.30-15.45 15.45-16.45 Coffee break Annemieke Verkerk Subject Statistics and analytical issues: SNP and haplotype analysis Statistics and analytical issues: SNP and GWAS data “Next Gen” HT Sequencing: techniques and data analysis (1) “Next Gen” HT Sequencing: techniques and data analysis (2) Applications of Next Generation Sequencing Attendance fees The subscription fee of non-commercial participants for the Course is € 350. Discounts are handled as followed: PhD students get a discount of 50% and pay €175. Only participants from the postgraduate school MolMed get a discount of 100% and pay €0. Other Erasmus MC participants, like Nihes and MGC members and master students from elsewhere get a discount of 50% and pay €175. Master students from elsewhere who pay the fee from their personal budget get a discount of 75% and pay €87,50. If these financial requirements pose a problem but you wish to attend the Course, please contact Frank van Vliet, managing director of the Erasmus Postgraduate School Mol Med, at: Invoices Fees can be paid upon an INVOICE. Shortly after your registration you will receive the INVOICE per mail. Payment per bank can be done on account: / Erasmus MC, (IBAN code bank: NL86ANBA0434701408; SWIFT code bank: ABNANL2A), together with the number on your INVOICE. Late participants can also pay in cash upon signing in for the Course. Cancellations The fees are for all the days of the Course. There is no discount for partaking only in part of the Course. Our cancellation policy is that cancellation is possible up to one week before the start of the Course. Later cancellation will not be accepted, but you are allowed to send a substitute. Commercial participants & sponsors Companies are invited to inquire for participation and sponsoring. 3