English 101

English 101
Daily Schedule, Fall 2013
NOTE: The reading assignments should be COMPLETED by classtime on the day
they are scheduled for.
Mon., Sept. 23 – Intro. to course
Tues., Sept. 24 – For today's class, read pp. 20-32 in your text (begin at
"Revising"); we will also be critiquing student writing samples
in class (not yours!).
Wed., Sept. 25 – pp. 73-75 (“Thesis”)
continue with student writing samples
Thurs., Sept. 26 – text, pp. 94-97 ("Unity") and the essay "No Mercy", pp.
I will also be showing you how to save and attach a file
to e-mail and how to get rid of the extra spaces in MS
Word 2007 and higher.
Fri., Sept. 27 – First lab essay (edited and points given, but cannot be revised;
this is basically a trouble-shooting exercise): Please bring
your laptop for today. If you do not have access to one, check
one out of our library (there are 16 available).
Mon., Sept. 30 – Read the chapter on Illustration, pp. 325-328, and the essay
by Pence on p. 335.
Tues., Oct. 1 -- Read the Weeks essay (p. 340) and the section on Diction
and Tone (273-277); in class, we will apply diction and tone
to the Weeks essay.
Wed., Oct. 2 – I have an essay that you will access on the internet (the link
will be posted on the class website). It’s thought-provoking,
intriguing, and an example of excellent writing.
Thurs., Oct. 3 – Read "Figurative Language", pp. 303-304 and the Ramirez
essay (p. 305).
Fri., Oct. 4 – Illustration essay in lab; due at end of class period.
Mon., Oct. 7 – Division and Classification, pp. 448-451; "Organization",
114-118; Boutin essay, 452
Tues., Oct. 8 – Viorst, 458, and "Paragraphs", 169-172
Wed., Oct. 9 – Lutz, 467, and "Transitions", 192-195
Thurs., Oct. 10 – Gibbs, 208
Fri., Oct. 11 – Classification and Division essay in lab; due at end of class.
Mon., Oct. 14 – Read "Writing with Sources", pp. 245-251; I will be addressing
the topic of plagiarism. There will be a homework assignment dealing with paraphrasing, due tomorrow.
Tues., Oct. 15 – Paraphrasing homework due today.
Read the Comparison/Contrast intro, pp. 474-478
Wed., Oct. 16 – Twain, p. 479, and "Effective Sentences", 217-221
Thurs., Oct. 17 – Braaksma, 484, and Gansberg, 239
Fri., Oct. 18 – Computer lab: work on comparison/contrast papers, due
Oct. 28, or revisions of previous essays.
Mon., Oct. 21 – Catton, 489, and Schulman, 495
Tues., Oct. 22 – Definition, pp. 432-434; Friedman, p. 435; and Goodman,
p. 439
Wed., Oct. 23 – Chekhov, 444, and Daum, 233; handouts to be read by
class tomorrow
Thurs., Oct. 24 – handouts (to be read by class today)
Fri., Oct. 25 – Computer lab: definition essay, due at end of class
Mon., Oct. 28 – Read Cause and Effect intro, pp. 501-503, and King, 504
Comparison/Contrast essay due by 11:59:59 tonight!
Tues., Oct. 29 – Gupta, p. 515
Wed., Oct. 30 – Gates, p. 519
Thurs., Oct. 31 – Zinsser, p. 173, and Whaley, p. 180
Fri., Nov. 1 – Computer lab: work on cause and effect essay, due Nov. 12, or
on revisions of previous papers
Mon., Nov. 4 – Read introduction to Process, pp. 407-410, and essay by
Merrill, p. 411
Tues., Nov. 5 – Sharples, p. 417
Wed., Nov. 6 – Petrunkevitch, p. 425; handout to be read by tomorrow’s class.
Thurs., Nov. 7 – Handout discussion
Fri., Nov. 8 – Computer lab: Process essay, due at end of class
Mon., Nov. 11 – Veterans’ Day holiday – no classes.
Tues., Nov. 12 – Argumentation, pp. 525-532, and King, p. 539
Cause and effect essay due tonight!
Wed., Nov. 13 – Green, p. 546, and Sherry, p. 552
Thurs., Nov. 14 – Critser, p. 557, and Motluk, p. 562; handout for Monday.
Fri., Nov. 15 – Computer lab: work on argumentation/persuasion essay, due
Nov. 22, or on revisions
Mon., Nov. 18 – Handout discussion.
Tues., Nov. 19 – Advising Day – no class.
Wed., Nov. 20 – Fri., Nov. 22 – MANDATORY conferences on your A/P paper;
you will each sign up for a slot (7-10 students per
day), but will not have to be here other than for your scheduled
conference. I will want to know your topic, how you are
organizing it, and what – if any – resources you are using.
Fri., Nov. 22 -- Argumentation/persuasion paper due today NLT midnight.
Mon., Dec. 2 – Mon., Dec. 9 – I will spend two or three days on grammar and
punctuation common problems: dangling and misplaced
modifiers, when to use who/whom, when to use the reflexive pronoun (“self” words), which vs. that, commas, etc. At
the end of this unit, I will spend a couple of days on logistics
and approach for the new version of the competency exam.
Thurs., Dec. 12 – Competency exam, 9:30-11:30 in one of the computer labs
Thurs., Dec. 12 – All revisions due to me electronically NLT 11:59:59 at