1 LGA COASTAL STRATEGY - QUESTIONNAIRE 1 PREAMBLE Over the last decade great changes have been going on in coastal management: changes that affect Local Government directly, or impact on the context within which it works. The Local Government Association (LGA) has commissioned a report to recommend a strategy to enable Local Government to effectively contribute to and participate in the achievement of Integrated Coastal Management. Information gathered from coastal councils in workshops and through this questionnaire forms part of the consultative process for the project (please see LGA Circular 16.3). Your responses will assist the LGA with this important project. Name of Council Respondent’s Name Respondent’s Position 2 ISSUES (a) List the five (5) most significant issues that confront your Council in relation to managing your coastal area. (b) What are the major barriers you experience in dealing with these issues? ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Caton Environmental Planning/Thombolo Pty Ltd/Planning Partnerships: LGA Coastal Strategy; May 2003 2 (c) What are Council’s needs in order to address these issues effectively? (d) What external sources of funding do you currently access in order to assist with managing your coastal area? (Please list and beside each please indicate approximate dollars received in 2002/3) (e) What is the annual budget of the Council for Coastal Management by Activity/Function? Activity/ Function Best estimate of $ amount Maintenance of public jetties and ramps; dealing with consequences of the building of private jetties and ramps. Effort to reduce pollution of estuarine and marine waters from land based discharges: • sewage treatment • stormwater management, street cleaning, drain marking, installations, wetlands, GPTs and maintenance • industry discharges. Coastal pest plant and animal control. Care and protection of coastal vegetation and fauna; care of coastal ecosystems; care of coastal roadside vegetation. Coastal road maintenance. Coast Protection Works – engineering works to protect against flooding and erosion: seawalls, groynes, levee walls, breakwaters, and embankments. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Caton Environmental Planning/Thombolo Pty Ltd/Planning Partnerships: LGA Coastal Strategy; May 2003 3 Activity/ Function Best estimate of $ amount Storm Damage Repairs – remediation of damage due to storms. Promotion of local tourism. Coastal Facilities – provision of new or upgraded public coastal facilities: toilets, walkways, car parks. Regulation of activities on the foreshore and coastal reserves. Maintenance – work to maintain the integrity of coast protection works, coastal amenity, maintenance of facilities on, or linked to, coastal reserves (paths, boardwalks, car parks, swimming facilities, life saving/ beach safety. Community Awareness – publications, signs, events, answering enquiries, facilitation of volunteer community groups, education and awareness raising programs. Development and implementation of regional/local coastal strategies. Planning and Development Controls – formulation/implementation of public policies, plans and legislation related to the coast. Routine planning activities, including land use planning, relating to coastal areas by local governments under the Development Act. Application of state flooding and erosion policy. Contribution to the management of port facilities and marinas. Monitoring. Issues arising from liability and indemnity. Please add other activities. 3 COASTAL STRATEGIES/PLANS/ACTION PLANS What local or regional strategies/plans/action plans does your council currently use to make decisions and take action in relation to the coast? Please indicate (Y/N) those which are included in your Council’s Development Plan. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Caton Environmental Planning/Thombolo Pty Ltd/Planning Partnerships: LGA Coastal Strategy; May 2003 4 4 A CHANGING CLIMATE of POLICIES and LAWS Coastal management by councils is increasingly being affected by changes made by other spheres of government. Interim Natural Resources Management (NRM) Boards and Plans (a) To what extent was your Council involved in your local interim NRM Regional Plan development? Please expand. (b) Were you satisfied with these arrangements? (Please mark appropriate box) YES NO (c) If you answered NO, how would you like to see your Council involved? (Please expand) (d) Do you anticipate that the proposed NRM funding arrangements will affect funding of council coastal management activities? (Please mark appropriate box) YES NO DON’T KNOW (e) If you answered YES, please expand your answer. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Caton Environmental Planning/Thombolo Pty Ltd/Planning Partnerships: LGA Coastal Strategy; May 2003 5 5 HAVING A SAY ON IMMINENT CHANGES The state government is currently working on three inter-related initiatives, which will affect councils’ activity in coastal management: •A ‘Living Coast’ - State Government Coastal Policy •A new ‘Coast and Marine Management Act •Major revision to the way the Metropolitan Beach is managed, (with likely funding implications for all councils). (a) In what way would you like to see your Council involved? (Please mark appropriate box) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) As individual councils? As regional groupings of Councils? As a State grouping of Councils? All of the above, depending on the issue and its impacts (b) What processes would you like to see implemented to achieve this? Please comment. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Caton Environmental Planning/Thombolo Pty Ltd/Planning Partnerships: LGA Coastal Strategy; May 2003 6 Contact for future correspondence A summary of the outcomes of this survey will be forwarded to all participating Councils once collated. If any queries or clarification are sought in relation to this questionnaire, please contact: Brian Caton Ph: 8278 5113 E-mail: bcaton@senet.com.au PLEASE RETURN THE COMPLETED QUESTIONNAIRE BY 19 JUNE 2003 TO: Ms Janet Kent Local Government Association Email: janet.kent@lga.sa.gov.au Fax: 8232 6336 Thank you for your assistance. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Caton Environmental Planning/Thombolo Pty Ltd/Planning Partnerships: LGA Coastal Strategy; May 2003