Comparison of two different synchronization programs in New Zealand dairy cattle Drs. V.E.M. Captein Research project Oct 2010 -Jan 2011 Supervisors: Dr. R. Laven and Dr. P.L.A.M. Vos Comparison of two different synchronization programs in New Zealand dairy cattle - Drs. V.E.M. Captein TABLE OF CONTENT I LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS.....................................................................................................4 II ABSTRACT........................................................................................................................5-6 2.1 ENGLISH ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………………………………………………….5 2.2 DUTCH ABSTRACT……………………………………………………………………………………………………5-6 III PURPOSE AND LIMITATIONS OF THIS RESEARCH PROJECT..................................................7 IV INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................8-9 V LITERATURE REVIEW....................................................................................................10-13 VI MATERIALS AND METHODS.........................................................................................14-17 6.1 ANIMALS.....................................................................................................................14 6.2 TREATMENT...........................................................................................................14-15 6.3 ULTRASOUND..............................................................................................................15 6.4 BLOOD SAMPLES...................................................................................................15-16 6.5 ASSAYS........................................................................................................................16 6.6 MILK PRODUCTION.....................................................................................................16 6.7 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS AND DATA HANDLING......................................................16-17 VII RESULTS.......................................................................................................................187.1 AGE AND BCS..............................................................................................................18 7.2 MILK YIELD..................................................................................................................19 7.3 RESPONSE TO FIRST GNRH....................................................................................19-20 7.3.1 OVULATION RATE..........................................................................................19 7.3.2 SIZE OF PRE-OVULATORY FOLLICLE ...............................................................20 7.4 DF SIZE AT DAY 7.........................................................................................................20 7.5 DF SIZE AT DAY 9.........................................................................................................21 7.6 RESPONSE TO SECOND GNRH................................................................................21-22 7.6.1 OVULATION RATE..........................................................................................21 7.6.2 SIZE OF PRE-OVULATORY FOLLICLE................................................................22 RELATION PRE-OVULATORY FOLLICLE SIZE AND MILK YIELD............22 7.7 FOLLICULAR DYNAMICS.........................................................................................22-24 7.7.1 DYNAMICS ALL COWS INCLUDED...................................................................22 7.7.2 DYNAMICS WITHOUT DEVIATED RESPONDERS.............................................23 7.7.3 DYNAMICS DEVIATED RESPONDERS VERSUS NORMAL RESPONDERS...........24 7.8 CL MEASUREMENTS....................................................................................................22 VIII DISCUSSION.................................................................................................................25-28 8.1 METHODOLOGY.....................................................................................................25-26 8.1.1 SELECTION OF COWS.....................................................................................25 8.1.2 MEASUREMENTS......................................................................................25-26 8.1.3 CATHETERIZATION.........................................................................................26 8.2 RESPONSE TO FIRST GNRH....................................................................................26-27 8.2.1 OVULATION RATE..........................................................................................26 8.2.2 SIZE OF PRE-OVULATORY FOLLICLE..........................................................26-27 8.3 DF SIZE AT DAY 7.........................................................................................................27 8.4 DF SIZE AT DAY 9.........................................................................................................27 8.5 RESPONSE TO SECOND GNRH................................................................................27-28 8.5.1 OVULATION RATE.....................................................................................27-28 8.5.2 SIZE OF PRE-OVULATORY FOLLICLE................................................................28 8.6 FOLLICULAR DYNAMICS..............................................................................................28 IX SYNCHRONIZATION PROGRAMS IN THE NETHERLANDS…………………………………………………..29 X CONCLUSION....................................................................................................................30 XI ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ....................................................................................................31 XII REFERENCES......................................................................................................................32 2 Comparison of two different synchronization programs in New Zealand dairy cattle - Drs. V.E.M. Captein XIII ATTACHMENTS A: DETAILS DEVIATED RESPONDERS B: RECORDING SHEET DURING ULTRASOUND 3 Comparison of two different synchronization programs in New Zealand dairy cattle - Drs. V.E.M. Captein I. ANCOVA AI BCS CL DF EDA ElISA EU E2 FSH FTAI GnRH GPG GPG + P4 IVABS LH Mm NZ ODB PGF2α P-value P4 RIA Rpm SD TG LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS = Analysis of Covariance = Artificial Insemination = Body Condition Score = Corpus Luteum = Dominant Follicle = Exploratory Data Analysis = Enzyme-Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay = European Union = Oestradiol = follicle stimulating hormone = Fixed Time Artificial Insemination = Gonadotrophin-releasing Hormone = GnRH-Prostaglandin-GnRH program = GnRH-Prostaglandin-GnRH + Progesterone program = Institute of Veterinary, Animal and Biomedical Sciences = Luteinizing Hormone = millimetre = New Zealand = Oestradiol Benzoate = Prostaglandin F2 alpha = Probability value = Progesterone = Radio Immuno Assay = Revolutions per minute = Standard deviation = Treatment group 4 Comparison of two different synchronization programs in New Zealand dairy cattle - Drs. V.E.M. Captein II. ABSTRACT The main objective of this research is to study the effect of removing a progesteronereleasing device out of the treatment of a regular GnRH-Prostaglandine-GnRH + P4 program, on follicular dynamics and oestrus synchronization in post-partum anoestrus cows, in the New Zealand situation. Animals included in the experiment were selected from one farm, comprising a total of 22 Friesian dairy cows. Animals used for the experiment were multiparous, were not observed in heat, had no sign of being cyclic after two ultrasonographic examinations, and had no palpable evidence of uterine or ovarian abnormalities. The cows were randomly allocated to receive a treatment following the GPG + P4 program or to receive a treatment following the same protocol but than without P4. Ultrasonography was performed from day 0 to 8 once a day, and twice daily on days 9, 10 and 11, to record the presence and diameter of the dominant follicle (DF), and further follicular dynamics. Blood sampling took place on a daily basis in the coccygeal vein to measure P4 and E2 concentrations, and on a hourly basis at day 9 of the program, to follow LH-level dynamics. Fixed time AI was performed on the 10th day, 16 hours after the second GnRH injection. No significant difference was found between the two treatment groups concerning the number of cows with a synchronised ovulation, although a trend showed a better synchronization after treatment with GPG+P4. The only significant difference (p=0.050) found in this experiment was the diameter of pre-ovulatory follicles after the first GnRH administration in the GPG+P4 group were (on average 3 mm) smaller than in the GPG group. SAMENVATTING Het belangrijkste doel van dit onderzoek is, om in post-partum anoestrische koeien in de Nieuw Zeelandse situatie, het effect van het wegnemen van de progesteron-afgevende spiraal uit het reguliere GnRH-Progesteron-GnRH + P4 synchronisatie programma, op de folliculaire dynamiek en mate van synchronisatie van oestrus, te bestuderen. De dieren die deelnamen aan dit experiment zijn geselecteerd op één bedrijf, en bevatte een totaal van 22 Friesian melkkoeien. De dieren die gebruikt zijn in dit experiment waren multipaar, nog niet in oestrus waargenomen, hadden geen teken van cycliciteit na twee echoscopische onderzoeken, en hadden geen palpabele uteriene of ovariele abnormaliteiten. De koeien zijn willekeurig verdeeld over behandelgroepen volgens het GPG+P4 programma, of het GPG programma zonder P4. Echoscopisch onderzoek werd van dag 0 tot 8 dagelijks uitgevoerd, en twee maal daags op dag 9, 10 en 11, om de aanwezigheid en diameter van het DF, en verdere ontwikkelingen op het ovarium op te nemen. Bloed afnemen vond dagelijks plaats in de vena coxygea, om P4 en E2 concentraties te meten. Op dag 9 werd er elk uur bloed afgenomen, om het LH-niveau 5 Comparison of two different synchronization programs in New Zealand dairy cattle - Drs. V.E.M. Captein te kunnen volgen. Kunstmatige inseminatie werd toegepast op dag 10, 16 uur na de tweede GnRH injectie. Er werd geen significant verschil gevonden tussen de twee behandelgroepen wat betreft aantal koeien met een gesynchroniseerde ovulatie. Er was echter een trend die een betere synchronisatie aangaf bij de GPG+P4 behandeling. Het enige gevonden significante verschil was dat de diameter van de pre-ovulatoire follikel na de eerste GnRH injectie in de GPG+P4 groep (gemiddeld 3 mm) kleiner was dan in de GPG groep. 6 Comparison of two different synchronization programs in New Zealand dairy cattle - Drs. V.E.M. Captein III. PURPOSE AND LIMITATIONS OF THIS RESEARCH PROJECT Within the curriculum of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Utrecht all students have to accomplish a research project, after finishing their 4th or 5th year. This final report is based on the research project completed at the Massey Universities’ Institute of Veterinary, Animal and Biomedical Sciences (IVABS), New Zealand, from October till December 2010. This research project is part of a long-term PHD project about the comparison of three different synchronization programs in heifers and post-partum anoestrus cows. (GPG, GPG+P4, PG+P4) Supervisors in this project are R. Laven (Massey University) and P.L.A.M. Vos (Utrecht University), and PhD-student S.K. Sahu. The main purpose of this research is to study the effect of removing a progesteronereleasing device from the regular used FTAI program (GnRH-Prostaglandine-GnRH + P4), to reduce costs and labour, on follicular dynamics and oestrus synchronization in post-partum anoestrus cows, in the New Zealand situation. This report will finish with a brief extrapolation of the results to possibly apply them in the Dutch dairy industry to solve comparable reproduction problems, and to find out in what way synchronization programs will be financially interesting. As an effect of this research project being part of a larger project, the sample-size is not sufficient to give significant results in all parameters of the study. The data has to be extended with data of earlier and following experiments. The power analysis of this experiment is based on LH-surge dynamics. Unfortunately, at the moment of writing the report, data for the results of the hormone concentrations are not yet available from the laboratory. More over, incomplete information was available on pregnancy rates and therefore not used in the report. 7 Comparison of two different synchronization programs in New Zealand dairy cattle - Drs. V.E.M. Captein IV. INTRODUCTION Different production systems ask for different approaches to solve the problems that go along with the systems. The pasture-based dairy production system in New Zealand (NZ) brings separate difficulties to a more intensive, confinement-based system like most farms in the Netherlands. (Bo, 2007) The main difference is the seasonal breeding system used in NZ. NZ dairy farmers try to match pasture growth with the increased energy demand at the onset of lactation. In this seasonal rhythm, cows must give labour to a calf every year. A 365 days calving interval does not give cows a long anoestrus period. All cows need to conceive within approximately 80 days after calving. Oestrus synchronization is an important solution to improve reproductive performance in cattle. Two main groups ask for more attention during the breeding season: heifers and post-partum anoestrus cows. Heifers normally graze separately from the lactating cows and special effort needs to be made to access them for oestrus detection, and the following artificial insemination (AI). For this reason many farms let the bull do the job, and the widespread use of AI is still limited. The use of AI in heifers would be facilitated by an oestrus synchronization program that allows for a single fixed-time AI to achieve an acceptable pregnancy rate. AI would give the opportunity to increase the genetic value of the calves and so the replacement herd. Furthermore, using synchronization programs for heifers makes it possible to let most of the heifers calve early in the season; with the advantage that these animals can find their own place in the herd before the cows with higher parity come in, and will have a longer period post-partum before the breeding-season starts again. Post-partum anoestrus is a major reproductive problem in the NZ dairy industry. The percentage of cows in the herd not being detected in oestrus by the start of the breeding season is on average 20%. As already mentioned above, there is not much time to lose because of the strict 365 days calving interval. For this reason, synchronization protocols are used on these cows. (McDougall, 2010a) Oestrus synchronization is not an approach just from the last couple of years. Many different strategies, programs and hormones have been part of the research, all over the world. But still, the ideal synchronization program has not yet been found. The European Union (EU) ban (2006) on oestradiol-17 β and its related ester derivates as a result of the concerns regarding consumer’s health, had its effect on NZ where the use of oestradiol benzoate (ODB) is effectively banned for all veterinary indications. (Laven, 2008) As a consequence, most synchronization programs, including oestradiol-17 β or one of its derivates, had to be reviewed and experiments with other hormones were started to test new designed protocols including GnRH (Gonadotrophin-releasing Hormone) administration and intravaginal progesterone (P4) -releasing devices. Several of those new oestrus synchronization regimens had variable but mostly disappointing results under NZ field conditions, and asks for thorough research to learn more about the mechanisms underlying why the response to synchronization differs every time. The response to synchronization of the main groups; heifers and post-partum 8 Comparison of two different synchronization programs in New Zealand dairy cattle - Drs. V.E.M. Captein anoestrus cows hold most interest, because of their apparently reduced sensibility for these programs. (Cavalieri et al., 2006; Laven et al., 2009) Of these two groups of interest, the post-partum anoestrus cows will be the main subject of this report. The aim of this research is to improve the understanding, and optimise the effect of two different synchronization programs in NZ dairy cows. Concluding the research with a brief extrapolation of these results to Dutch dairy farming, to see if synchronization programs would be financially interesting, and to check if the results may be useful in understanding or solving comparable reproduction problems in the Netherlands. As already mentioned a substantial amount of research has been published on FTAIsynchronization programs for anoestrus cows, including information on follicular dynamics, hormone-levels, and others. But the gap in research still is the integration of all these factors, in the New Zealand situation. Only a few studies focus on the NZ situation, and mostly they do not include the entire process from anoestrus till pregnancy. (e.g. McDougall, 2010b) Most NZ researches mainly compare pregnancy rates, while much more happens in between, which is needed to have a good understanding and to be able to say what really is the best synchronization program. 9 Comparison of two different synchronization programs in New Zealand dairy cattle - Drs. V.E.M. Captein V. LITERATURE REVIEW Oestrus synchronization is used for two main purposes. On one hand; to increase the number of (successfully) inseminated cows in a short period of time, and on the other hand; to obviate the need for heat detection. These two purposes of oestrus synchronization are, in NZ dairy herds, represented by the group of post-partum anoestrus cows, and the group heifers, respectively. To understand the differences in response between the cows, and to create a synchronization program as efficient as possible and economically attractive, knowledge of normal reproductive function and the way these exogenous hormones manipulate this reproductive function is required. The main hormones used in NZ Dairy industry are Prostaglandine-F2 Alpha (PGF2α), to induce luteolysis, and GnRH, P4, and oestradiol, to synchronise follicular development. As mentioned in the introduction, oestradiol is no longer allowed for any veterinary indication, so will not be reviewed in this paper. (Laven, 2008) To understand the effect of the different hormones, an overview of follicular dynamics in the dairy cow is needed. Follicular dynamics Follicles follow a wave-like pattern on the ovary. In on average 2 or 3 follicular waves per oestrus cycle, the follicular development can be subdivided in 3 stages: growth, deviation and selection. In each wave a group of about 6 follicles will grow larger than 4-5 millimetre (mm) in diameter. One of those follicles will be selected to become the dominant follicle (DF). The DF will start to grow and differentiate, while the other follicles of the same wave will regress. In normal oestrus cycles, which means without the administration of any exogenous hormones, this DF will regress as well when it is the first wave( in a two-waveoestrous-cycle), or the first or second wave (in a three-wave-oestrus-cycle). Although these DF normally would regress, they can ovulate as long as the endocrine conditions are suitable, which is useful in modern synchronization programs. (Ptaszynska, 2006) Recruitment of follicular waves A small rise of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) makes the follicles start to grow in the beginning of a follicular wave. The FSH surge reaches a peak when the future DF of the emerging wave is approximately 4 mm in diameter. (Ginther et al., 1996) Despite the declining FSH, the follicles continue to grow at an equivalent rate for 2 or 3 days after emergence. (Ginther et al., 1997) Selection and lifespan of the DF It is not clearly understood, for what reason one out of the cohort of follicles recruited after FSH-rise, is selected to become dominant. It might be selected on its greater capacity of E2 production. (Ginther et al., 2000) While the other subordinate follicles cease to grow because of the low FSH concentration: E2 and inhibin secretion of the growing follicles suppress FSH (MacMillan et al., 2003; Peter et al., 2009). The DF continues its growth, because of its responsiveness (thanks to LH-receptors) to the increasing LH-levels. The FSH negative feedback decreases when the DF undergoes atresia. The increase in blood FSH triggers the recruitment phase of the next wave. The LH-pulse pattern is controlling the 10 Comparison of two different synchronization programs in New Zealand dairy cattle - Drs. V.E.M. Captein growth, lifespan and oestrogen activity of the DF. The final LH-surge can induce ovulation of the DF. The FSH and LH-patterns are dependent of the GnRH levels. GnRH is a hormone produced by the hypothalamus, and stimulates the FSH and LH release by the pituitary. (Senger, 2005) Post-partum anoestrus cows The post-partum anoestrus cows are the main reason for use of synchronization programs in the dairy industry in NZ. Anoestrus is a general term to indicate that a cow was not seen in oestrus, because she was not detected in oestrus (poor detection or weak/absent oestrus behaviour, termed suboestrus), or because the cow did not come into oestrus (true anoestrus). It is true anoestrus which causes most problems with post-partum anoestrus cows in NZ. There are 4 types of true anoestrus. The cycle can stop at different points as shown in figure 1. (Peter et al., 2009) Type II is the most common way post-partum anoestrus occurs in NZ dairy cows. (Laven, pc, 2010) This means, the cow does develop a DF in the physiological way, but in the last stage the DF fails to ovulate and goes in atresia. A new follicular growth wave can start. McDougall and Rhodes (1999) found that under NZ management systems, between 10% and 30% of anoestrus cows have a CL, and following the figure, are type IV-anoestrus cows. This off course has its effect on the responsiveness on the breeding program. (McDougall et al., 1999) (This group of cows is not the subject of the recent study, since the cows in the experiment will be excluded when they have a CL.) Type II is the most common way post-partum anoestrus occurs in NZ dairy cows. (Laven, personal communication, 2010) Figure 1: Schematic representation of types of anoestrus conditions based on ovarian follicular and luteal dynamics (Peter et al., 2009) 11 Comparison of two different synchronization programs in New Zealand dairy cattle - Drs. V.E.M. Captein Effect of the different hormones used in modern synchronization programs: Prostaglandin F2 alpha PGF2α brings about regression of the CL. The regression makes it possible for a new oestrus cycle to begin, since the P4-production by the CL will be stopped. That will cause the end of the negative feedback on the hypothalamus, what means, no inhibition of GnRH release anymore: new ovulations are possible. For this reason PGF2α is a frequently used hormone in dairy cattle. A limitation of this indication is the absence (most anoestric cows do not have a CL), or insensitivity of the early corpus luteum (CL) to luteolytic actions of the PGF2α. The underlying mechanisms of this poor sensitivity are meagre understood, but differential gene expression in different stages of CL development may account for differences in signal transduction pathways associated with luteal sensitivity. (Goravanahally, 2009) In general, the CL will be sensitive for PGF2α between day 6 and 16 of the oestrus cycle (the period of natural prostaglandin F2a release). Injection of PGF2α within that period will cause regression of the CL ending the luteal phase and a new follicular phase begins. Although this is a good start to synchronize oestrus, a single injection is not sufficient. When injecting a group of cows with unknown stages of the cycle, the following oestrus will not be at the same moment for all cows. It depends on the stage of the animals’ follicular development when the animal is treated. Animals with a functional DF are in oestrus within 2-3 days after injection, while animals at the pre-dominance phase of the wave will require 2-4 days to form a DF, and hence have a longer and more variable interval to the onset of oestrus. To give a cow an effective treatment with PGF2α it needs to meet 2 conditions: It needs to be a cycling cow, and the moment of injection has to be between day 6 and 16 of the cycle, (since the CL has to be sensitive). To pre-empt the different stages the cows are in, PGF2α is often used in combination with GnRH-injection. (Ptaszynska, 2006; Amiridis et al., 2000) GnRH Administration of GnRH will cause an LH-surge and consequently an ovulation. The first GnRH injection of a GnRH-Prostaglandin-GnRH -synchronization program (GPG) can be given at a random stage of the cycle. This injection will cause ovulation or luteinisation of the DF. If the GnRH is given when a new follicular wave is just started, so no Luteinizing Hormone (LH) -responsive follicles are yet grown to be ovulated, the GnRH will not cause ovulation or luteinisation; this should be about 15 % of the cows (Pursley et al., 1995). For these cows, the follicular wave is not altered by the GnRH administration. Thus by the time of the second GnRH injection, a DF should be present and is able to react and ovulate as a response to second GnRH administration. P4 Progesteron is normally produced by the CL, and is needed for a normal cycle and to maintain pregnancy. It reduces the GnRH release, thus inhibits new ovulations. P4 can be administrated by injections, but the labour-effective CIDR (Controlled intravaginal drug release) is often used as an ‘artificial’ CL in synchronization programs. GPG: Ov- synchr Ov-synchr is a commonly used name of the GPG program. As a result of these three injections, follicular dynamics should be tightly synchronised, and ovulation occurs 26-32 hours after the second GnRH injection. The ovum is normally fertile 12 Comparison of two different synchronization programs in New Zealand dairy cattle - Drs. V.E.M. Captein 4-6 hours after ovulation, while frozen semen has got a lifespan of 36-48 hours. Therefore, an insemination at 17-24 hours after second GnRH injection is expected to give optimal conception results. (Pieterse, 2008) GPG vs. GPG + P4 In this research we will compare a GPG program with a GPG+P4 program. To clarify the expected positive effect of addition of P4 to the treatment, some more details of the post-partum ovary are required. The first postpartum ovulation is often accompanied by so called ‘silent heat’, strictly speaking: no oestrus behaviour. This first ovulation is often not fertile, because of the short luteal phase that follows. (Webb et al., 1980; Laven, pc, 2010)The addition of P4 in the Ovsynchr program is thought to be effective since it will create a luteal phase of normal length, and via this mechanism, better conception rates. (Sheffel et al., 1982) Thanks to new insights the length of addition of P4 in the protocol has been abbreviated to only 7 days, and so also will shorten the length of the luteal phase, different than Sheffels’ study. McDougall compared the Ovsynchr program with and without addition of P4, and found better conception rates in the programs with P4. Another mechanism found in several studies, is that if the dominant follicle not ovulates after first GnRH, they will be supported and grown under progesterone-dominance (in the GPG+P4-program), but will not ovulate until the progesterone-releasing device is taken out and the second GnRH is given. This results in higher pregnancy rates (55.2 vs 34.7 %) (Yaniz et al., 2004) Economical aspects Given that farmers usually dry off all cows on one predetermined calendar day, cows calving later in the subsequent season have a shorter lactation length and for that reason will have less economical value. In the cost-benefit analysis of McDougall (2010b) it was concluded that Ovsynchr+P4 treatment without any diagnostic procedure was the most cost-effective option. Via partial budgets and decision trees it became clear that Ovsynchr+P4 treatment had the highest net benefit. 13 Comparison of two different synchronization programs in New Zealand dairy cattle - Drs. V.E.M. Captein VI. MATERIALS AND METHODS 6.1 Animals: Post-partum Friesian cows (n=49) were detected for oestrus before the planned start of the breeding season at one of Massey’s own farms, Massey nr. 4, using tail paint. Massey nr 4 is a dairy unit, located in the periphery of Massey University. Cows not detected in oestrus by the start of the breeding season (20th October 2010) were enrolled for the study. At the 28th of October 2010, these cows were checked using ultrasound. Reproductive tract of all the enrolled cows were palpated and palpable uterine or ovarian pathology was recorded. Additionally ultrasonographic examinations of the ovaries were performed and the presence or absence of CL was defined. Cows with palpable evidence of uterine infections or adhesions or other pathology of the ovaries or uterus were excluded. 31 cows out of those 49 met the requirements. At the day of starting the experiment (3rd or 5th November 2010), the ovaries were checked again on absence or presence of CL, using ultrasound. BCS was also recorded at a 1 to 10 scale. Cows without a CL after both checks were defined ‘anoestric’. After this final selection 22 cows were enrolled and selected for the study. These 22 selected cows were randomly divided in two different treatment groups, each having 11 animals, with respect to days post-partum. The cows were on average 32.4 days postpartum. 6.2 Treatment: All the enrolled cows received two different treatment regimens as described below in table 1, and visualized in figure 2. The drugs used for the synchronization were OvurelinTM 1ml i/m (Gonadorelin (= GnRH-effect), 100 µg / ml), OvuprostTM 0.5 ml i/m (Cloprostenol, 250 µg/ml) (= PGF2α effect) and Cue-MateTM (Progesterone 1.56 g) manufactured by Bomac Laboratories Ltd, Auckland NZ. The cows from both the treatment groups were again randomly assigned to two groups, and were scheduled two days apart, to manage blood sampling at day 9. Table 1: treatment protocol of GPG (n+11) and GPG+P4 Day of 0, AM experim ent, AM/PM GPG Inject 1 ml Ovurelin (100 (n=11) µg/ml I/M) = GnRH GPG + P4 Insert P4 device + Inject 1 ml (n=11) Ovurelin (100 µg/ml I/M) = GnRH 7, AM 9, PM (12.00 AM) Inject 2 ml Ovuprost Inject 1 ml (250 µg/ml I/M) Ovurelin = PGF2α (100 µg/ml I/M) = GnRH Remove P4 device + -doInject 2 ml Ovuprost (250 µg/ml I/M) = PGF2α 10, AM (8.00 AM) FTAI (16 – 20 hours after second GnRH injection) -do- 14 Comparison of two different synchronization programs in New Zealand dairy cattle - Drs. V.E.M. Captein Figure 2: Overview of treatment protocol (Laven, 2008) 6.3 Ultrasound: Ovarian structures were monitored using a real time B-mode ultrasound scanner, Mindray DP-6600 Vet, equipped with 7.5 MegaHertz, linear endorectal transducer 75L50EAV. Ultrasonography was performed in the cows once a day from day 0 (= day of treatment) to 8, to determine ovarian follicular changes, and twice a day on days 9, 10 and 11, to confirm ovulation. Because the exact time of ovulation after the second GnRH is of more interest than the time of ovulation after the first GnRH, the twice daily ultrasonography is only done after the second GnRH. The presence or absence of a DF (> 9mm) and/or CL was recorded for each cow individually, and mapped during scanning. The ultrasound images were recorded digitally for detailed examination and measurements with use of the program Image-J, at the same day of scanning. Diameter of the ovarian structures was estimated by averaging the following two measurements: at the widest point and at a right angle to the first measurement. Ovulation was diagnosed when the preovulatory follicle was no longer present. Cows were examined for pregnancy by transrectal ultrasonography at 32 days after AI. 6.4 Blood samples: Blood samples were collected from all cows via coccygeal venopuncture into BD Lithium Heparin Vacutainers of 10 ml on days 0 to day 14 and on days 16, 18, 21 and 22 for determination of P4 and E2 concentration. To measure LH-surge dynamics, the cows were sampled on day 9, the day of second GnRH treatment, on hourly basis, which means at -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 hours from GnRH treatment, where the sample at 0 hours, is taken right before GnRH treatment. To obtain these samples in the most effective way, a jugular catheterisation was done with the first 5 animals. 18 gauge catheters, with a length of 45 mm and a flow of 100 ml/min, (Smiths medical, Optiva®) were used, and extended with a tube, which was fixated at the withers. For the fixation of the catheter, superglue was used. To prevent the catheters from blocking, the catheters were filled and flushed with heparinised saline, (1 ml heparin in 1 litre saline). Since the catheters were blocked within one hour, blood sampling was 15 Comparison of two different synchronization programs in New Zealand dairy cattle - Drs. V.E.M. Captein continued following a repeated scheme: 2x left jugular, 2x right jugular and 2x coccygeal vein. Blood samples taken daily were analysed for FSH, E2 and P4 concentrations. The hourly taken blood samples were used to measure corticosterone and LH-levels. The corticosterone measurement is part of the assays to exclude an effect of stress (possibly caused by taking the blood samples) on time of ovulation Plasma was separated by centrifugation at 2000 revolutions per minute (rpm) for 20 min at 4 °C. The plasma was separated using disposable Pasteur pipettes within 2 hours after sampling, and were stored in CRYO-tubes in the freezer (- 20 °C) till final assay. 6.5 Assays: P4, E2, corticosteronee P4, E2 and corticosterone concentration in the blood plasma will be measured by using commercially available Radio Immuno Assay (RIA) kit. FSH and LH FSH and LH concentrations will be measured using a commercial available Enzyme-Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay (ELISA). 6.6 Milk Production: Milk production (in litres per day) of the animals was recorded twice a day. The data was used to make sure the cows were randomly divided in the treatment groups, so that no possible found difference was subscribed to treatment, while it was possibly caused by difference in milk production. Milk yields of the 19 days before start of treatment were used. 6.7 Statistical Analysis and Data Handling The data obtained was subjected to Descriptive Statistics (Exploratory Data Analysis – EDA) to obtain the mean and standard deviation (SD) of the variables measured. Various statistical modelling tools like multiple regression, multivariate analysis and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) were used to establish the relationship between different parameters. A probability value (p-value) of P ≤ 0.05 was considered significant. The software Excel 2007 and Minitab were used for analysis. The power analysis of this experiment is based on LH-surge dynamics and is illustrated in table 2. Table 2: Power analysis of the experiment Variable (eg, Weight) Means or Expected Difference SD Type 1 error (ά) LH 25ng/ml 25 0.05 Type 2 error (β) Power Number of animals needed 82% 10 per treatment group . 16 Comparison of two different synchronization programs in New Zealand dairy cattle - Drs. V.E.M. Captein The following definitions are used to be able to categorize the cows: - Responders versus deviated responders after first GnRH injection: To distinguish responders from deviated responders, ovulations within the 25-72 hour interval after injection, are assumed to be a normal response to the GnRH, and before or after this interval it is assumed to be a deviated response since these cows did not ovulate as a response on the GnRH administration. - Responders versus deviated responders after second GnRH injection: To distinguish responders from deviated responders, ovulations within the 13-36 hour interval after injection, are assumed to be a normal response to the GnRH, and before or after this interval it is assumed to be a deviated response since these cows did not ovulate as a response on the GnRH administration. Measurement method of: - pre-ovulatory follicle: The size of the pre-ovulatory follicle is based on the measurement of that DF on the day before ovulation. Only the responders are used in calculating the mean. - CL: It was difficult to get clear pictures of the CL and the DF at the same ovary. More pictures were taken to get a good picture of both the structures. But this was not done consistently, and because the DF was of larger importance in this study, the CL measurements are not used in this report. 17 Comparison of two different synchronization programs in New Zealand dairy cattle - Drs. V.E.M. Captein VII. RESULTS 7.1 Age and BCS Age and BCS of the cows at the day the experiment started are shown in table 3 and in the boxplot in figure 3. The multivariate analysis showed that there was no significant difference among treatment groups for age or BCS (P=0.654): the cows were correctly, randomly distributed over the TGs. Table 3: Age (days) and BCS of cows at the start of the experiment. TG n GPG 11 GPG+P4 11 Age in days BCS (scale 1-10) 1620 ± 536 1520 ± 474 3.8 ± 0.34 3.6 ± 0.32 Values are mean ± SD. No significant difference was found The boxplot in Figure 3, shows outliers in BCS of the GPG+P4 group. These outliers signify that the BCS of these cows are aberrant from the minimum and maximum values. This means that the other data-sets have all data within the minimum and maximum values, which are showed by the whiskers. The median is showed in the boxplot of age, because the median in BCS comes together in the border of the boxes. Boxplot of Age, BCS 1 Age 2600 2 BCS 4.50 2400 4.25 2200 2000 4.00 1800 1600 3.75 1400 1200 3.50 1000 GPG 1 GPG+P4 2 TG GPG GPG+P4 Figure 3: Boxplot of age and BCS at time of start of experiment; GPG (n=11), GPG+P4 (n=11) 18 Comparison of two different synchronization programs in New Zealand dairy cattle - Drs. V.E.M. Captein milk yield in litres per day 7.2 Milk yield Figure 4 shows the average daily milk yield per treatment group, 2 weeks prior to the start of the experiment. No significant difference was observed for the average daily milk yield between the groups (p=0.31). 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 GPG (n=11) GPG + P4 (n=11) d- d- d- d- d- d- d- d- d- d- d- d- d- d- d- d- d- d19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Days before start of experiment Figure 4: Average daily milk yield per treatment group before start of experiment, no significant difference between groups. 7.3 Response to first GnRH 7.3.1 Ovulation rate After the first GnRH injection 12 out of 22 cows ovulated within the 25-72 hours after treatment, (6 out of GPG and 6 out of GPG+P4). Out of those 12 cows, 2 cows of the GPG group ovulated between 25 and 48 hours. The other 10 cows (4 GPG cows, and 6 GPG+P4 cows) ovulated between 49 and 72 hours. (Fig. 5) In both the treatment groups, 5 cows did not ovulate within the 25-72 hours after treatment, which is illustrated as ‘deviated response’ in Figure 5. 1 cow ovulated at day -1 (GPG), 1 cow ovulated at day 0 (GPG), 1 cow ovulated at day 3 (GPG+P4). The other 7 cows did not ovulate before day 6. 19 Comparison of two different synchronization programs in New Zealand dairy cattle - Drs. V.E.M. Captein 7 6 5 number of cows 4 GPG (n=11) GPG + P4 (n=11) 3 2 1 0 25-48 hrs 49-72 hrs deviated response Time after first GnRH injection Figure 5: Distribution cows related to the observed ovulation time, after the first GnRH injection on day 0. 7.3.2 Size of pre-ovulatory follicle The mean size of the pre-ovulatory follicle per treatment group is shown in table 4. There was a significant difference between GPG and GPG+P4. (p=0.05) In table 4, n=12, because only the cows which had a normal response were used in these calculations. Table 4: Size of pre-ovulatory follicle after first GnRH treatment, n=12 TG n Size of pre-ovulatory follicle (mm) GPG GPG+P4 6 6 16.2 ± 3.07a 13.2 ± 1.30b Values are mean ± SD, different superscripts within column are significant different. 7.4 DF size at day 7 Table 5 shows the mean size of the DF at moment of PGF2α treatment. There is no significant difference found between the two treatment groups, (p=0.90). Table 5: Size of DF at the moment of PGF2α administration, at day 7 TG n Size of DF (mm) GPG GPG+P4 11 11 15.3 ± 2.59 15.1 ± 5.81 Values are mean ± SD. No significant difference was found 20 Comparison of two different synchronization programs in New Zealand dairy cattle - Drs. V.E.M. Captein 7.5 DF size at day 9 Size of DF before second GnRH injection, day 9 am, is shown in table 6. Table 6: Size of DF before second GnRH administration, at day 9 TG GPG GPG+P4 n 11 11 Size of pre-ovulatory follicle (mm) 15.9 ± 3.79 15.9 ± 3.59 Values are mean ± SD. No significant difference was found 7.6 Response to second GnRH 7.6.1 Ovulation rate As shown in Figure 6, 15 out of 22 cows in total, responded with an ovulation between the interval of 13-36 hours after second GnRH, of which 7 were GPG cows and 8 were GPG + P4 cows. The interval in which most responders ovulated was even narrower: 13 out of the 15 responders ovulated within the interval of 25 to 36 hours (6 GPG and 7 GPG+P4 cows). 7 out of 22 cows ovulated on different moments or not at all. 1 cow ovulated on day 6 (GPG+P4), 2 cows ovulated on day 7 (both GPG), and 1 cow ovulated on day 8 (GPG). One cow did not ovulate at all, (GPG), and 2 cows did not ovulate anymore since day 2 (both GPG+P4). Figure 6: Ovulation rate after second GnRH, per treatment group. (!! Attention: the time intervals at x-axis differ from figure 5, since scanning was done twice daily at this point of experiment) 21 Comparison of two different synchronization programs in New Zealand dairy cattle - Drs. V.E.M. Captein 7.6.2 Size of pre-ovulatory follicle The mean size of the pre-ovulatory follicle per treatment group is shown in table 7. There was no significant difference between GPG and GPG+P4, (p=0.45). Only the normal responders are used in this calculation. Table 7: Size of pre-ovulatory follicle, after second GnRH, n=15 TG GPG GPG+P4 n 7 8 Size of pre-ovulatory follicle (mm) 17.8 ± 2.86 16.4 ± 3.83 Values are mean ± SD. No significant difference was found. Size of pre-ovulatory follicle in relation to milk production: This study did not show a significant correlation between size of pre-ovulatory follicle and milk-production. The Pearson correlation was 0.186 within the GPG-group, and 0.391 within the GPG+P4 group. So a small positive correlation was found. 7.7 Follicular dynamics 7.7.1 Dynamics all cows included All cows are included for calculating the mean, 11 cows per treatment group. All data are used until day 10, PM. In figure 7 is the mean of the largest follicle per treatment group per day shown. 22 diameter of largest follicle (mm) 20 18 16 GPG (n=11) 14 12 GPG + P4 (n=11) 10 8 6 4 2 d0 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 d9 d10 d10 AM PM AM PM Day of experiment Figure 7: Follicular dynamics of all cows, with mean of largest follicle which is present each day, per treatment group. Vertical lines in pink are pointing out the moments of respectively GnRH, Prostaglandin and GnRH injection. 22 Comparison of two different synchronization programs in New Zealand dairy cattle - Drs. V.E.M. Captein 7.7.2 Dynamics without deviated responders Figure 8 is comparable with figure 7, but now are the cows with a deviated response, so no ovulation, as a reaction on second GnRH are excluded in this figure. This means cows 234, 422, 576, 578 of GPG, and cows 37, 85, 322 of GPG+P4 are not part of the data set used for this graph. Also is the DF which is present after ovulation, not counted in the data set anymore. The data set ends after their ovulation. diameter of largest follicle (mm) 22 20 18 16 14 GPG (n=7) 12 GPG + P4 (n=8) 10 8 6 4 2 d0 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 d9 d10 d10 AM PM AM PM Day of experiment Figure 8: Follicular dynamics with deviated responders excluded, and data until ovulation. Vertical lines in pink are pointing out the moments of respectively GnRH, Prostaglandin and GnRH injection. 23 Comparison of two different synchronization programs in New Zealand dairy cattle - Drs. V.E.M. Captein 7.7.3 Dynamics deviated responders versus normal responders In Figure 9 is shown how the follicular dynamics of responders versus deviated responders are. The data set of the responders consists out of mean DF size per day, until the day before ovulation. For the deviated responders, the whole data set until 10 AM is taken, unless a cow ovulate, than the data set is taken until day before ovulation, because of the fact that some cows ovulated around day 7, and other cows did not ovulate at all. Deviated responders are again cows: 37, 85, 234, 322, 422, 576 and 578. 24 Diameter of largest follicle (mm) 22 20 18 16 Deviated responders (n=7) 14 12 Normal responders (n=15) 10 8 6 4 2 d0 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 AM d9 PM d10 AM Day of Experiment Figure 9: Dynamics of largest follicles comparing responders with deviated responders. Vertical lines in pink are pointing out the moments of respectively GnRH, Prostaglandin and GnRH treatment. 24 Comparison of two different synchronization programs in New Zealand dairy cattle - Drs. V.E.M. Captein VIII. DISCUSSION 8.1 Methodology: 8.1.1 Selection of cows The methodology of selecting the post-partum anoestrus cows was questionable since there were some cows which did not seem to be ‘non-cyclers’. Two cows in the GPG-group ovulated on day -1 and day 0 of the experiment. These two cows (number 300 and nr 576), were possibly wrongly enrolled for this study. Missing the CL of the ovulated follicle can be expected, because at day 0 it still was a corpus haemorrhagicum, which is difficult to distinguish using ultrasound. But 6 days before the enrolment of these cows, the cows were checked on CL-presence as well. At that moment, the cows which ovulated on day -1 or 0, and were probably normal cycling cows, should have had a CL from the previous cycle. (Senger, 2005) Either these CL’s were missed during ultrasound at the 28th of October, or these two early ovulations were for these cows their first ovulation after a anoestrus-period (which means they are cyclers rather than non-cyclers), so there was no CL which could be diagnosed. It is possible that misclassification of cows occurred and that some of the cows diagnosed without a CL did in fact have a CL, and are for this reason not suitable for using in the recent study. Previous studies have estimated the sensitivity and specificity for detection of a CL following ultrasonography to be between 85 to 94% and 46 to 78% respectively, using concentrations of P4 as the gold standard. (Silva et al. 2007; Stevenson et al. 2008). For this research the sensitivity of the CL detection is important, since as less false negatives as possible, the fewer cows would have been wrongly enrolled for this study. 8.1.2 Measurements Ovarian follicular dynamics in synchronised cows with different treatment protocols, in relation to follicular diameter and P4 and E2 levels in plasma, was the main purpose of this study. By the use of ultrasound techniques, follicular dynamics were followed, and pictures were taken every day of each ovary. This picture was taken to include the largest cross-cut diameter of the largest follicle on that ovary. Several times, more than one picture was taken per ovary to try to show the largest cross-cut diameter of the largest follicle and of the CL. This method still has limitations with respect to the measurement of other ovarian structures than the largest follicle. Also some pictures are taken from different angles, which makes it difficult to decide whether it is still the same DF or if another came in place. Measurement of ovarian structures with the program Image-J is a subjective procedure. Especially when the pictures are not very clear, this makes it difficult to see the circumference of the structures. Nevertheless all measurements were performed by the same person making the variation between measurements as small as possible. The ultrasound measurements were done by two different operators. There can be a difference in the way they manipulated the ovary during scanning. As mentioned before, there were cows which ovulated at day -1 or day 0 of the experiment. The only reason this was observed is because these cows were in the second group. This was the group which was scheduled two days apart from the first group of cows. Because the first group was measured with ultrasonography anyway, the second group was done as 25 Comparison of two different synchronization programs in New Zealand dairy cattle - Drs. V.E.M. Captein well, while their treatment was not yet started. At this point the experimental design was not consistent. It is possible that in the first group there were cows which ovulated just before start of trial as well. The results would have been more consistent if all cows were checked by ultrasonography in the days before the trial started. 8.1.3 Catheterisation The persons catheterizing the cows were inexperienced in doing so. This might be a reason why the catheters were blocked within one hour. Another factor was that, a shed where the cows could stay fixated and had ability to eat, for duration of 15 hours, was not available. Instead of staying fixated, cows had the ability to walk around in a small area to eat and drink. 8.2 Response to first GnRH: 8.2.1 Ovulation rate After first GnRH treatment, 55% of the cows responded with an ovulation. This percentage is lower compared to other results of studies. Vasconcelos (1999) found a 64% ovulation rate after first GnRH. Vasconcelos (1999) showed that response to the first GnRH is influenced by the stage of the oestrus cycle at initiation of the synchronization program. An explanation for the lower percentage in the current study could be that more cows were in an unfavourable stage of their cycle, meaning before Day 5 or after Day 12 of the oestrus cycle. Cows with DFs not able to respond to LH because of their lack of LH-receptors will not ovulate. 15% of the cows should be in this stage. Another explanation is that the cows in the current study were post-partum anoestric, while the cows which Vasconcelos used were already seen in standing heat, before included in the study. The synchronization of ovulation is better in the GPG+P4 group than in the GPG group. All responders in GPG+P4 ovulated in the 49-72 hour-interval after treatment, while GPG also had 2 cows ovulating at day 1. Another factor: Not all cows were really anoestric because of their ovulation at day minus 1 or day 0. 8.2.2 Size of pre-ovulatory follicle In the recent study the size of the pre-ovulatory follicle after first GnRH significantly differed between the two treatment groups. The GPG group had a mean pre-ovulatory follicle which was 3 mm larger than the GPG+P4 group had. A biological explanation for giving significantly larger pre-ovulatory follicles after first GnRH is because of the P4-device in GPG+P4-group. This inhibits the release of FSH and LH after, and so does not stimulate the DF for growing larger. The lack of this P4-device in GPG group, could cause the larger pre-ovulatory follicles. (Senger, 2005) The reason for this significant difference could also be partly subscribed to the stage of cycle at moment of starting treatment, and serum progesterone concentration at PGF2α. Vasconcelos et al. (1999), found a significant difference between pre-ovulatory follicle and these parameters. Another factor can be the moment of ovulation during the day. The size of the pre-ovulatory follicle after first GnRH is based on the follicle at the day before the 26 Comparison of two different synchronization programs in New Zealand dairy cattle - Drs. V.E.M. Captein follicle is gone. That means that there is a range of 24 hours in which the ovulation can occur, and will declare a part of the variation between the treatment groups. 8.3 DF size at day 7 The SD in GPG+P4 group is quite big. This is a result of one of the cows in this group which ovulated at day 6. The follicle which was biggest at day 7 was as a result of the recent ovulation, only 7 mm. This is the main reason for the big SD. Compared to another study (Kim et al., 2005), the recent study had larger DFs at the moment of PGF2α injection. Kim et al. found a mean DF size of 12.1 ± 0.6, in cows treated with a GPG+P4 protocol. Since this protocol is quite comparable to the protocol used in the recent study, no different reason for this difference is to blame, other than that it is a Korean situation, with Holstein cows, and other persons doing the measurements. 8.4 DF size at day 9 The overall mean sizes of DFs before second GnRH injection are comparable to a study of Stevenson 2006, where diameters ranged between 14.2-15.5 mm in GPG group, and between 15.5-16.4 in the GPG+P4 group, in non-cycling cows. Although, in the recent study, there is no significant difference found between the treatment groups, unlike the findings of Stevenson. Stevenson found that cows treated with a P4-device had significantly larger follicles. This could be an effect of the sample-size: recent study 22 cows, versus 144 cows (in the non-cycling-group) in Stevensons study. Another factor which might affect this, is the earlier discussed issue (see: ‘methodology: selection of cows’) that maybe not all cows in the recent study were true anoestric. Stevenson writes that CIDR-treated cows had larger follicles: ‘except in cycling cows having an active CL (high P4) before PGF2α injection’. (Stevenson et al., 2006) Compared to findings of Kim et al. (2005), DF sizes are quite similar as well. Kim found a 15.4 ± 0.5 mm as mean size of DFs at day 9, in a GPG+P4 protocol. 8.5 Response to second GnRH 8.5.1 Ovulation rate 68 % of the cows reacted with an ovulation within 13-36 hours after second GnRH. This percentage is disappointing when compared to Vasconselos (1999), who found a 87% ovulation rate. This was, again, in only cycling cows, so the ovulation rate might be higher because of that. Atkins found a slightly lower ovulation-rate: 65%, but this was found in beef-heifers, so may not be the best representative group. (Atkins et al., 2008) Looking at findings of Kim (2005), the results of the recent study were disappointing, since Kim found a 100 % synchronization of ovulation, 20 out of 20 cows ovulated within 40 hours after GnRH treatment in a GPG+P4protocol. This situation might be not completely comparable with NZ situation since this was measured in Korea-dairy farms, and were not specifically in post-partum anoestrus. (Kim et al., 2005) That 13 of the 15 ovulating cows ovulate between 25 and 36 hours after second GnRH treatment, is comparable with the results of the study of Peters et al, 2002, where the synchronization of ovulation after 2nd GnRH occurs within 26-32 hours after synchronization. (Peters et al., 2002) 27 Comparison of two different synchronization programs in New Zealand dairy cattle - Drs. V.E.M. Captein The P4 device might contribute to the fact that in the GPG+P4 group, only one out of 4 cows ovulated at day 6, 7 or 8. The progesterone dominance from the P4-device, will block the possibility of ovulation for the DFs at that moment. For the GPG group, no Progesterone dominance will be available when no CL was formed, so there is a higher possibility of ovulating before the set time. 3 cows out of the GPG group ovulated before the wished interval. 8.5.2 Size of pre-ovulatory follicle: The mean sizes of pre-ovulatory follicles after second GnRH, are larger when compared to other studies. The fact that in this recent study, no significant correlation between milk production and size of pre-ovulatory follicle could be due to the fact that the power of this study was not big enough to show this. The correlation that was found, was positive, which is in line with Vasconcelos study (1999). He found a significant correlation which meant that each 1 lb (0.45 kg) ( ) increase in milk production was a 0.032 mm increase in follicular size. The reason for increased follicular size with increased milk production is not clear but is likely to be related to increases in LH pulse frequency. (Vasconcelos et al., 1999) Lopes also found the positive correlation: Cows producing more milk, develop larger follicles, but with lower circulating oestradiol. There high metabolic rate influences will influence their endocrine status. (Lopes et al., 2004) 8.6 Follicular dynamics As to see in Figure 6 and 7, there are no big differences in follicular dynamics, when the both treatment groups are compared. The drop in diameter from day 10 AM and PM is partial a result of some of the cows that already ovulated at day 10, their new biggest follicle instead of the ovulated follicle makes the average drop. But as to see in Figure 8, there is still a little drop at day 10 AM, while the data of the ovaries which already ovulated are not part of the data set anymore. This means that before the DF ovulates, a small drop in diameter appears. At the start of the follicular wave, there is a trend that GPG has got smaller DFs on the ovaries of the responding cows.This is conflicting with the finding that pre-ovulatory follicles were significantly bigger in the GPG group. A contributing factor to this difference is that the cows used in these dynamics are the responders on second GnRH, while in calculating the pre-ovulatory size after first GnRH, only the responders after first GnRH are used. (Figure 8). Figure 9 points out the difference in follicular growth in responders versus deviated responders. The deviated responders show less follicular growth. 28 Comparison of two different synchronization programs in New Zealand dairy cattle - Drs. V.E.M. Captein IX. SYNCHRONIZATION PROGRAMS IN THE NETHERLANDS The confinement based dairy industry in the Netherlands is difficult to compare with the New Zealand situation. The main reason why in NZ oestrus synchronization is used is the seasonal breeding system, and so matching the pasture growth with the increased energy demand at onset of lactation. This reason is not relevant in the Dutch situation. But other factors in the Dutch system have resulted in a growing number of dairy farms interested in applying synchronization programs on their farms. For many years, farmers use hormone treatments on individual ‘problem’ cows, to get them oestric and pregnant again. On an average Dutch dairy farm, 15% of the cows will be treated with some fertility-hormones to improve their chances on pregnancy. This includes the cows with already a too long calving interval, too many failed inseminations or anoestric cows. But to use these hormones as a preventive tool, before the calving interval becomes too big, and/or the milk yield drops too much in a further stadium of lactation, and to use these hormones on a structural basis, like the synchronization programs in NZ, does not have a long history in the Netherlands yet. But for larger farms, with at least more than 100 cows, synchronization of ovulation on (a part of) the herd, could give benefits. - Oestrus synchronization can be used as a management tool to be able to regulate and spread the workload. Working via protocols can be more efficient. - Some field examples show better pregnancy rates as a result of synchronization - Calving interval will be smaller, and so will be the time the milk yield drops, which gives as a result higher milk production. - Especially for farms using automatic milking systems (robots), it is important to have a herd of approximately the same size, whole year round. Using these tight synchronization programs can make this possible. On the other hand, these synchronization protocols cost money. And it is only possible to give good results if the farmer is a good planner. And maybe the biggest problem in The Netherlands would be: the image of the dairy industry. Consumers do not like the idea of using hormones in animals used for food production. Hormones are often confused with the growth hormones used in USA’s meat industry. The fertility hormones are not dangerous, but it is difficult to convince the consumers of dairy products of this. For some Dutch farms, ovulation synchronization is a solution, and will find more and more application. But for earlier mentioned reasons, most (smaller) farms will only use fertility hormones for the individual ‘problem’ cow. ( ) 29 Comparison of two different synchronization programs in New Zealand dairy cattle - Drs. V.E.M. Captein X. CONCLUSION Concluding, these results have shown a trend in a better synchronization of ovulation after treatment with GPG+P4. The only significant difference (p=0.050) found in this experiment was the diameter of pre-ovulatory follicles after first GnRH administration in the GPG+P4 group were (on average 3 mm) smaller than in the GPG group. However, it must be acknowledged that the number of cows in this experiment was too small to gain more significant results. In order to obtain a more reliable view of the effects of the treatment, more research should be carried out on this subject. Oestrus synchronization in the Dutch dairy industry is not very common yet. But for the larger farms, oestrus synchronization can be beneficial especially used as a management tool; being able to spread the workload, and in reducing the calving interval to optimize milk production. 30 Comparison of two different synchronization programs in New Zealand dairy cattle - Drs. V.E.M. Captein XI. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank: - - - - Richard Laven for giving me the opportunity to carry out my research at the Massey University, for supervising this project, for teaching me a lot about the New Zealand way of farming and for taking me to all those other farms to practise my veterinary skills Peter Vos for giving me feedback during my stay in New Zealand, and especially for giving comments and improvements to finalize my report. Santosh Kumar for giving me the opportunity of working together on his PhD project and giving me a lot of opportunities to think how the experiment would work the best. Conrad, for managing that the cows were ready, at all moments we needed them for ultrasonography and/or blood sampling. Dorien Eppink for helping me to get started with the project and continuing her work, sharing frustrations, learning me about statistics, and staying motivated in a room without fresh air but only computers with a lot of pictures. Nicole, Irene and Marrit for helping out in the weekend of hourly blood sampling; it would not have been possible without their help. My kiwi-veterinary flatmates for teaching me that veterinary students have the same spirit in each country and for heaps of fun! 31 Comparison of two different synchronization programs in New Zealand dairy cattle - Drs. V.E.M. Captein XII. REFERENCES Amiridis GS, Belibasaki S, Leontides L, Lymberopoulos A, Vainas E. Reproductive Efficiency of three Estrus Synchronization Schemes Comprising Fixed-Time Insemination in Dairy Cows. J. Vet Med. A 47, (2000), pp. 271-276 Atkins JA, Busch DC, Bader JF, Keisler DH, Patterson DJ, Lucy MC, Smith MF, Gonadotropin-releasing hormone-induced ovulation and luteinizing hormone release in beef heifers: Effect of day of the cycle. J. Anim. Sci. 86, (2008) pp. 83 – 93 Bo GA, Cutaia LE, Souza AH, Baruselli PS. Systematic Reproductive Management in Dairy Herds. 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Captein XIII: ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENT A: Details different responders Tables 8 and 9 show that 4 cows are consistent deviated responders: the other cows had a deviated response after either 1st GnRH r 2nd GnRH injection. 9 out of 22 cows (41%) ovulated after first and after second GnRH treatment within the taken intervals. Table 8: Comparison between individual cows per treatment group (TG): Bold and Italian cow numbers were consistent deviated responders. Deviated responders 1st GNRH Deviated GnRH 85 37 216 85 234 234 300 322 310 422 422 576 432 578 responders 2nd 527 576 604 Table 9: deviated responders with explanation of response, again consistent deviated responders in bold and Italian. Cow number 37 85 216 234 300 310 322 422 432 527 576 578 604 Deviated response Ovulation at day2, no observed ovulation anymore Ovulation at day 6, no observed ovulation anymore Ovulation at day 3, ovulation at day 10 PM No ovulations Ovulation at Day 0 and day 10 AM Only ovulation at day 10 PM Only ovulation at day 2 Only ovulation at day 7 Only ovulation at day 10 PM Only ovulation at day 10 PM Ovulation at day -1 and day 8 Ovulation at day 1 and 7 Only ovulation at day 10 AM 35 ATTACHMENT B: recording sheet during ultrasound Cow No…………………………… …..Treatment Group …………………………………………………BCS…………………………………. Day/Date Follicular Dynamics/ Ovarian Picture CL -2 -1 0 1 2 Left Ovary DF Picture CL Right Ovary DF Remarks/ Ovulation Picture