ACADEMY OF M A N A G E M E N T C O N S U L TA N T S STRATEGIC PLAN A LTHOUGH THIS IS THE PLAN OF A REAL ORGANIZATION , ITS NAME AND REFEREN CES HAVE BEEN CHANGED TO PROTECT CLIENT CONFIDENTIALITY. 2 Academy of Management Consultants Strategic Plan This is the plan of a real organization. Its name and references to its field have been changed to protect confidentiality. PURPOSE The purpose of the Academy is to help counseling firms and their staffs become indispensable to the management of client organizations in a changing world. PREFERRED FUTURE By the year 2005, the Academy will be known as the association for counselors who work to enhance the value, professionalism and reputation of the field; an organization of strategists, who play an essential role in helping clients maintain mutually beneficial relationships with their constituencies; a learning organization that helps member firms acquire the information, knowledge and management 3 skills required to provide strategic counsel in a changing world. MISSION The mission of the Academy is to help counseling firms and their staffs succeed, by defining the field, developing programs to address emerging trends, developing firm leadership skills, encouraging high standards of firm practice and promoting professional peer relationships. CUSTOMERS Counseling firms, regardless of size, and their owners/managers are our primary customers. The Academy will be known as the "firm management and development organization." Counseling firm staff are secondary customers of the Academy. Clients and potential clients of member firms are also secondary customers of the Academy. PROGRAM GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 4 GOAL 1: Arrive at a commonly accepted definition of the field of counseling. Objective 1a: Determine the likely future direction of counseling by FY 2002. Strategy 1a-1: Draft a paper on the future of counseling and circulate for comment to a sample of the target market of counselors and clients by September 2001. Strategy 1a-2: Conduct focus groups to discuss an amended draft at the national conference in November 2001. Objective 1b: Achieve agreement on a new definition of the field by FY 2002. Strategy 1b-1: Prepare a consensus statement for adoption at the April 2002 spring conference. Strategy 1b-2: Based on the new consensus statement, decide whether to change the 5 name of the Academy by November2002. GOAL 2: Help counseling firms to identify emerging trends and to address them successfully for themselves and their clients. Objective 2a: Have a system for tracking strategic trends in place by FY 2003. Strategy 2a-1: By November 2002, form an alliance with the national organization to jointly develop a marketable strategic trends database and process as stated in National's Plan 2010. Strategy 2a-2: By June2002, form an alliance or alliances with vendors, counseling firms, universities or others to jointly develop and benefit from a marketable strategic trends database and process. Strategy 2a-3: Develop a pilot/prototype strategic trends database and process and complete beta testing by April 2002. 6 Objective 2b: Introduce programs to help counseling firms take advantage of the strategic tracking system to help client firms by FY 2003. Strategy 2b-1: Merge the strategic tracking system and the National information library research service into a single online system by June 2003. 7 Strategy 2b-2: Develop different levels of program access that address different levels of user sophistication, resources and needs by June 2003. Strategy 2b-3: Launch a broad marketing program directed at potential users in the counseling, business, nonprofit, educational, association and government sectors by September 2003. GOAL 3: Become the primary leadership development resource for counseling firms. Objective 3a: Audit the firm leadership and management skills needed by large, medium-size and small counseling firms by FY 2002. Strategy 3a-1: Appoint a representative task force to analyze available data from member and nonmember counseling firms, associations, corporations, educators and clients. Draft questions to determine what is needed to achieve leadership skills, what firms are doing 8 to develop them and what client needs are. Report back by January 2002. Strategy 3a-2: Using questionnaires developed by the task force, utilize research techniques as needed (focus groups, surveys, CEO interviews, epolls, etc.) to determine firm leadership and management skills required by target groups. Complete research by April 2002. Strategy 3a-3: Analyze the data and develop a definition of required firm leadership skills by September2002. Objective 3b: Assess the potential for partnerships in providing professional development by FY 2002. Strategy 3b-1: Using contacts made during the audit research, identify potential joint venture partners by April 2002. Strategy 3b-2: By July 2002, convene a small representative group of Academy 9 members to consider proposals by potential partners. Strategy 3b-3: By September 2002, conclude an agreement with at least one outside partner organization. Objective 3c: Revise the professional development program of the Academy to start providing the necessary skills training by FY 2003. 10 Strategy 3c-1: By May 2003, develop a dynamic, evolving process for providing timely professional development that addresses both current and long-range perspectives. Strategy 3c-2: Starting immediately, view professional development as a profit center. Strategy 3c-3: Launch prototype programs in September 2002. Strategy 3c-4: Launch an effective professional development marketing campaign by September 2002 for programs to begin in January 2003. GOAL 4: Achieve high standards of firm practice throughout the industry. Objective 4a: Attract highly qualified senior counselors to membership in the academy by FY 2003. Strategy 4a-1: Present a "body of work" 11 equivalency standard as an alternative means of achieving Academy membership for adoption at the 2002 fall conference. Objective 4b: Arrive at a consensus as to what constitutes a model standard of firm practice, and develop a credentialing process for firms that comply with the model by FY 2002. Strategy 4b-1: Begin communicating with Academy members on the steps being taken to develop a model of firm standards by November 2001. Strategy 4b-2: Audit and analyze the applicability of standards in other associations in services businesses by November 2001. Strategy 4b-3: Poll the Academy membership on common denominators for firm practice standards by September 2001. Poll all the large counseling firms on their views on a model for firm practice 12 as well. Strategy 4b-4: Appoint a committee of counselors, corporate communications directors, and management consultants to develop a draft model for recommended firm standards criteria by April 2002. Strategy 4b-5: Present standards to members for ado ptio n in Nov emb er 200 2. Objective 4c: Develop a body of knowledge and educational delivery system to support model standards of firm practice by FY 2003. Strategy 4c-1: Analyze the Academy's 13 programs and materials and begin to align them with new firm standards by July 2002. Include programs for counselors, financial officers, technology personnel, office managers and line and staff support personnel at all levels within counseling firms. Strategy 4c-2: Form task forces in each counseling discipline to analyze all new information on firm standards, and begin to set up prototype programs, texts and materials for each facet of firm practice by July 2002. Strategy 4c-3: By September 2002, consult with information technology specialists to place the Academy's information on firm standards on line. Strategy 4c-4: By June 2002, convene panels of the top authors in the consulting field to review current literature and recommend new approaches to address firm standards in textbooks as they are revised. 14 Strategy 4c-5: Begin to totally restructure and redefine Academy training programs to align them with new firm standards by January 2003. Strategy 4c-6: Launch the complete series of comprehensive firm-based programs By November 2003. Strategy 4c-7: Continually review and update decisions on what should be in the model standards of for firm practice. Objective 4d: Develop incentives for agencies to adopt model standards of practice by FY 2003. Strategy 4d-1: By April 2002, begin to communicate with all counseling firms (including members and nonmembers) about the Academy's plan to create model firm standards. Strategy 4d-2: Appoint a broadly 15 representative task force to develop a process for firm credentialing based on model firm standards and report by July 2002. Strategy 4d-3: Conduct a broad educational campaign and dialog with counseling firms to fine tune the credentialing process and build consensus in time for adoption by November 2002. Strategy 4d-4: Develop a targeted nationwide marketing campaign to raise client awareness of the value of a firm that adheres to model standards by June 2002. Strategy 4d-5: By September 2003, broadly disseminate information on the marketing campaign to counseling firms as an incentive to Academy affiliation. Launch an intensive membership campaign based on new incentives. Objective 4e: Consider the establishment of a 16 firm membership eligibility process by FY 2004. Strategy 4e-1: Appoint a firm advisory council to work with the Academy in updating the code of ethics and professional conduct for counseling firms by June 2002. Strategy 4e-2: Define what a counseling firm is and does by April 2003. Strategy 4e-3: Determine the minimum size and minimum billings required, and how to distinguish a firm from a freelancer by April 2003. Strategy 4e-4: Promote firm eligibility to counseling firms and client organizations by June 2004. GOAL 5: Build mutually rewarding professional peer relationships among Academy members. Objective 5a: Determine the most promising areas for peer interaction based on firm 17 need FY 2003. Strategy 5a-1: Research members and nonmembers to determine areas and levels where they would like to see interaction with other firms and report at the 2003 spring conference. Strategy 5a-2: Experiment with model linkages at 2003 spring conference. Objective 5b: Create firm practice area linkages by FY 2004. Strategy 5b-1: Group interested firms into mini-networks according to common interest by November 2002 and experiment with model linkages at the national conference in November 2002. Strategy 5b-2: Begin offering network sessions and events at the spring conference starting in April 2003. 18 Strategy 5b-3: Begin offering network conference calls on specific topics desired by member firms by January 2004. Strategy 5b-4: Begin offering experimental live network forums on a geographic basis in September 2004. Objective 5c: Achieve closer integration of all members by FY 2003. Strategy 5c-1: Revise Academy processes and structure to create opportunities for more members to become involved in Academy leadership and activities by April 2002 Strategy 5c-2: By June 2002, create and implement a more highly defined and effective new member welcome/information/involvement process. 19 Strategy 5c-3: By September 2002, launch an annual telephone chain to contact each Academy member, assess needs and encourage participation. Strategy 5c-4: Starting with the April 2003 spring conference, increase opportunities for meeting and interacting with new people at each Academy function. 20 MANAGEMENT GOALS AND OBJECTIVES GOAL M1: Adjust the structure of the Academy to support its new strategic plan. Objective M1a: Adopt the strategic management process by FY 2002. Strategy M1a-1: Inform membership of how the new process will work at spring conference, April 2002. Objective M1b: Review the governance structure of the Academy and revise to support the strategic management process by FY 2002. Strategy M1b-1: Appoint a broadly representative task force to review all structural implications of the strategic plan and recommend structural and bylaws changes by July 2002. Strategy M1b-2: Negotiate a new relationship with National based on task force 21 recommendations by August 2002. Strategy M1b-3: Present recommendations at fall conference in November 2002. Strategy M1b-4: Gain approval of revised bylaws at spring conference in April 1996. GOAL M2: Move from a hierarchical to a participative culture throughout the Academy. Objective M2a: Achieve consensus on a set of core values for the Academy by FY 2002. Strategy M2a-1: Appoint a task force to prepare a draft of core values for endorsement by the executive committee by July 2002. Strategy M2a-2: Present the draft statement of core values to the membership by September 2002 and invite comment. 22 Strategy M2a-3: Adopt a final statement of core values at the fall conference in November 2002. Objective M2b: Establish an effective two-way communications process with members, potential members and staff of members by FY 2003. Strategy M2b-1: By September2001, start conducting ongoing opinion research of members and potential members to determine trends in firm management and unmet needs that the Academy might fill. Strategy M2b-2: By January 2002, begin offering online services that provide instant two-way member communicati ons and 23 more timely access to Academy services. Strategy M2b-3: By April 2002, launch a program to train members and customers how to use the Academy's new communications technology to create more client value. Strategy M2b-4: Help build a more participative culture by working with regions and chapters to offer expanded local professional development programs by January 2002, including member firms' staffs at all levels. Objective M2c: Establish an effective two-way communications process with important external constituencies by FY 2002. Strategy M2c-1: By September 2001, offer forums for CEOs and senior management and seek speaking opportunities at key business 24 conferences. Strategy M2c-2: By April 2002, secure at least one alliance with a major business organization, such as the Business Roundtable. Strategy M2c-3: Ensure that the revised governance structure of the Academy supports a more participative decision-making process by November 2002. GOAL M3: Obtain the human and financial resources required to implement the Academy's strategic plan. Objective M3a: Identify services in common and niche services and price accordingly by FY 2003. Strategy M3a-1: By July 2002, review existing and additional market research as needed to determine what Academy products and services will sell. Segment audiences by need and 25 capture on database. Strategy M3a-2: By November 2002, conduct portfolio analysis to match current and projected programs with demonstrated needs. Strategy M3a-3: Develop a price structure based on the profit center concept by April 2003. Objective M3b: Implement a strategy to broaden Academy membership by FY 2002. Strategy M3b-1: By November 2001, identify nonmembers, segment by need, match needs with offerings, and enter in database. Strategy M3b-2: By April 2002, launch a targeted sales and marketing plan to increase nondues income by attracting nonmembers to needspecific products and services. Strategy M3b-3: By November 2001, appoint a 26 task force to convert satisfied firm customers into firm members where possible. Objective M3c: Broaden the use of task forces to encourage Academy participation by a wider spectrum of members by FY 2003. Strategy M3c-1: By April 2002, develop a database of Academy members' interests, needs and willingness to serve as a volunteer. Strategy M3c-2: By January 2002, create task forces and teams of volunteers to develop and implement each of the strategies in the Academy's strategic plan under guidance from the executive committee; avoid standing committees. Strategy M3c-3: By October 2002, use service on task forces as an incubator for testing and evaluating members for Academy leadership potential. 27