OCR Nationals

Sample Schemes of Work and
Lesson Plans
OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Engineering H810
Unit F552: Construct electronic and electrical systems
This Support Material booklet is designed to accompany the OCR Diploma in Engineering
specification for teaching from September 2008.
© OCR 2009
Sample Scheme of Work: OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Engineering H810 Unit
F552: Construct electronic and electrical systems
Sample Lesson Plan: OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Engineering H810 Unit
F552: Construct electronic and electrical systems
2 of 10
Engineering Diploma
Sample Diploma Scheme of Work
OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Engineering H810 Unit F552:
Construct electronic and electrical systems
teaching time
30 GLH
Topic outline
Construct electronic and electrical systems
Suggested teaching and homework
Suggested resources
Points to note
Unit Overview: This unit is internally sat and externally assessed in a unique form of “technology challenge” activity the context for the assessment of this
unit is a six-hour (three two-hour sessions) ‘technology challenge’ this form of assessment has been adopted as it assesses a Learner’s ability to apply
knowledge, make on the spot decisions and test the outcome against a challenging brief the timed and scripted activity is designed to take place within a
The unit provides learners with the opportunity to learn about the basic principles and techniques used in the construction of electronic and electrical
systems this is a practical-based unit which complements the unit on engineering design (Unit F549 Level 2) and allows learners to develop further
understanding of the importance of applied mathematical skills in engineering.
Learners will use their knowledge of electrical/electronic components to develop a prototype system in order to solve the selected design problem learners
will present the evidence within a ‘workbook’, using a range of techniques including text, digital photography, screen dumps, freehand sketches and cad
There are many opportunities for learners to demonstrate and develop their PLT’s capabilities.
= Innovative teaching idea
Engineering Diploma
= ICT opportunity
3 of 10
Sample Diploma Scheme of Work
OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Engineering H810 Unit F552:
Construct electronic and electrical systems
teaching time
30 GLH
Construct electronic and electrical systems
Topic outline
Suggested teaching and homework
Suggested resources
Points to note
Learners will be able to:
Inductive teaching lesson
printed set of names for components tools
and equipment
put class mixed ability/gender groups of 2 or
printed set of pictures of tools and
deliver with pace – keep to deadlines
printed worksheet for results
do not be afraid to split up “friendship
Describe and apply basic
electronic and
set of resources (see lesson plan for F544
for details of how to prepare for this) times
number of groups at workstation
learners categorise list of tools, components
and equipment
learners to identify categories and put with
(Introduction to electronics
workshop tools and
class discuss findings and correct where
write up findings on chart
1 hour
possible PLT’s activity
Identify and be able to select
learners given set of simulation circuit
computer workstation per Learner
stick to one software package
chosen software:
demonstrate a circuit simulation exercise –
Learners to copy actions
crocodile clips, PCB design and make, fluid
sim, circuit wizard, live wire, control studio
some learners will be more skilled at
manipulating software packages – use
these to support learners with difficulties
learners work through circuit simulation
exercises – these should cover all areas of
ensure learners produce working solution
before moving on
electrical principles (Eng)
methods of circuit construction
(Circuit design software )
3 hours
= Innovative teaching idea
4 of 10
= ICT opportunity
Engineering Diploma
Sample Diploma Scheme of Work
OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Engineering H810 Unit F552:
Construct electronic and electrical systems
teaching time
30 GLH
Topic outline
Construct electronic and electrical systems
Suggested teaching and homework
Suggested resources
the specification content
Points to note
all circuits to be printed off and glued into
role play activity simulating both generic and
area specific safety issues
set of scripts enabling each group to act out
a safety scenario
put learners into groups of 2 or 3 mixed
ability gender groups
each group to act out a given safety
worksheet with brief description of scenario
and space for comments
select groups carefully to ensure a strong
personality in each
other groups note issues raised
(Safety in the Electronics
class discussion of findings after all
scenarios played out
A3 sheet with pre-populated border, title,
diagrams, pictures etc
a pre-population safety poster blank will
allow for a meaningful outcome able to be
1 hours
each group/Learner to produce a safety
poster - could be homework exercise
Possible PLTs activity
Describe, apply and justify the
need for safe
working practices
= Innovative teaching idea
Engineering Diploma
= ICT opportunity
5 of 10
Sample Diploma Scheme of Work
OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Engineering H810 Unit F552:
Construct electronic and electrical systems
teaching time
30 GLH
Topic outline
Identify and describe the
properties of a
Construct electronic and electrical systems
Suggested teaching and homework
Suggested resources
Points to note
electronics workstation per Learner
at least 3 modelling/prototype systems
use circuits developed in circuit design
software lesson
presenters need to ensure learners are
competent in at least two
modelling/prototyping systems
demonstrate to the class using a modelling
protyping technique how to construct one of
the circuits developed in circuit design
software lesson
range of electronic and
learners to copy actions
learners to construct a circuit they
developed in software design lesson
demonstrate two other
modelling/prototyping methods
learners to construct 3 or 4 other circuits
they developed
once completed learners to photograph
outcomes and glue into workbooks
Use calculations to select
(ie breadboard, vera board, strip board,
protoboard, hard wiring etc)
digital camera
component values
Correctly select components
to ensure the
operation of a circuit
(Modelling and prototyping)
3 hours
= Innovative teaching idea
6 of 10
= ICT opportunity
Engineering Diploma
Sample Diploma Scheme of Work
OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Engineering H810 Unit F552:
Construct electronic and electrical systems
teaching time
30 GLH
Construct electronic and electrical systems
Topic outline
Suggested teaching and homework
Suggested resources
Points to note
Circuit Design
demonstration on how to produce a PCB
electronics workstation per pupil
Practice Design Briefs
use sample lesson plan on water trough
overflow device as a template for all mini
design briefs
develop a set of 5 mini design briefs that
cover all areas of specification content
develop design briefs that
evolve in complexity and overlap syllabus
introduce the class to the various test
equipment available and demonstrate how
to use them and interpret results
mini “design challenge” style workbook for
presentation of results
keep class on target of 2 hours per mini
design brief
digital camera
get the learners to test their completed
circuits and write up results
digital printing facilities
use homework/study time to keep Learners
on target
method of informing Learners of the time
(clock in full view or PowerPoint countdown
It is essential learners are encouraged to
keep strictly to targets in preparation for
their “design challenge”
learners to modify their circuits where
appropriate photograph outcome and glue
into workbook
use timing suggestions on sample lesson
plan as a template for this
Possible PLT,s activity
ensure learners are able to make simple
calculations to justify component choice and
verify results
10 hours
= Innovative teaching idea
Engineering Diploma
= ICT opportunity
7 of 10
Sample Diploma Scheme of Work
OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Engineering H810 Unit F552:
Construct electronic and electrical systems
teaching time
30 GLH
Construct electronic and electrical systems
Topic outline
Suggested teaching and homework
Suggested resources
Points to note
Design Challenge Practice
learners to undertake a full “design
challenge” based on a model assignment
(not to be used for final assessment)
design challenge workbook
model assignment “Challenge”
follow “design challenge” format as close as
is practical
mark and feedback results to learners with
appropriate remedial actions
undertake “design challenge” as per
this is controlled assessment
6 hours
= Innovative teaching idea
8 of 10
see examination instructions
= ICT opportunity
Engineering Diploma
Sample Diploma Lesson Plan
OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in
Engineering H810 Unit F552: Construct
electronic and electrical systems
Introduction to Reed and Tilt Switches and their use in simple circuits
OCR recognises that the teaching of this qualification above will vary greatly from school to school
and from teacher to teacher. With that in mind this lesson plan is offered, as a possible approach
but will be subject to modifications by the individual teacher.
Lesson length is assumed to be one hour.
Learning Objectives for the Lesson
Objective 1
Learners are to become familiar with the various types of reed and tilt switches
Objective 2
Learners are able to model a simple circuit that will detect when a window is
Objective 3
Learners are able to suggest a range of applications for these types of switches
and suggest their possible use in other systems.
Recap of Previous Experience and Prior Knowledge
Brief reminder of chosen circuit design software and how it functions. Refer back to work
undertaken in Unit 3 F550.
2 minutes
Put the class into mixed ability/gender pairs and allocate to a pre-prepared work
station: NB This could be an individual Learner activity.
3 minutes
Introduce the Learners to the reed and tilt switch explaining their function and
operating principles – demonstrate them in action.
15 minutes
Group/Individual Activity: using suitable circuit design software design a simple
circuit that will detect and alert a parent when a child’s window and/or bedroom
door has been opened.
15 minutes
Group/Individual Activity: using prototype boards and components provided
Learners are to model the circuit they have designed.
15 minutes
Class Activity: each group/Learner is to explain and demonstrate their circuit to
the class – class to suggest possible improvements to the circuit.
5 minutes
Group/Individual Activity: using the advice given Learners are to modify their
CAD circuit design and prototype circuit.
Engineering Diploma
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Sample Diploma Lesson Plan
5 minutes
Individual Activity: print off revised circuit design and photograph prototype circuit
and glue into work book.
Produce a PCB layout of final circuit using circuit design software.
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Engineering Diploma