Dysphagia referral guidelines - Calderdale & Huddersfield NHS

Families Directorate
01422 261340
01422 261350
Calderdale & Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust at Broad Street Plaza
Children’s Therapy Services
Broad Street Plaza
Halifax, HX1 1UB
We are a Community Team based at Broad Street Plaza and Princess Royal
Health Centres.
We are available Monday – Friday 09:00 – 16:00 hours for advice and support.
Please note that messages may be left on the answer machine. We may not get
back to you on the same day but we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Emergencies: please contact your GP or take your child to Accident and Emergency
Departments at Calderdale Royal Hospital or Huddersfield Royal Infirmary.
Ward Cover: We have made arrangements to provide Ward cover over two sessions
per week, specifically;
 Tuesday afternoons 13:00 – 16:00 hours
 Friday afternoons 13:00 – 16:00 hours
Hospital ward staff and Consultants are welcome to phone referrals through at any time in
the week and we will arrange to visit the ward within these sessions.
Please note that children can be seen at home for an initial feeding assessment;
therefore a referral to Speech and Language Therapy should not delay discharge
from Wards.
We see:
 Children who have difficulties with preparing and chewing food (difficulties
with oral skills).
 Children who have sensory feeding difficulties. This is when children become
distressed and refuse food of particular textures. It can be the result of
difficulties such as reflux, prematurity with early feeding difficulties, intubation,
heart and breathing problems.
The child will see a Speech & Language Therapist (SALT) who specialises in helping
children who have difficulties with eating and/or drinking (the child may be seen by a
different SALT if they need help with their speech and language skills). We assess
how the child controls the muscles used when eating and drinking, how the child
swallows, and we offer advice and strategies to support his/her feeding skills.
We do not see:
Children with:
 sensory issues with food associated with Autism
 poor dental health or dental impairments
 a poor appetite and/or restricted food preferences
 social/emotional/behavioural difficulties
 difficulties using cutlery/ utensils
These children would be better supported by other agencies such as CAMHS
(referral accepted from GPs, Health professionals or Schools), Dental Care,
Occupational Therapy or the Health Visiting teams.
We are unable to support parents who are seeking advice around the typical weaning
process. Advice can be sought from the Health Visiting teams or by consulting the
website www.nhs.uk/start4life
If in any doubt please call Children’s Therapy Team on - 01422 261340 and ask
to speak to the SALT Assistant Practitioners Bev Blinkhorn or Eileen Wood to
discuss the referral.
Please print off and complete the referral form on our website:
Please send the completed referral form to the address above.
What will happen after a referral has been made?
An Assistant Practitioner will phone the parent/carer to discuss the referral and
gather more information. An appointment will be offered if appropriate. If assessment
by a SALT is not felt to be necessary, we may signpost/refer on to a more
appropriate agency/practitioner or re-contact the referrer.
The Specialist SALT and an Assistant Practitioner will assess the child in the most
appropriate setting by observing a mealtime.
The Team:
Specialist Speech and Language Therapists for Huddersfield:
Lucie Barr
Specialist Speech and Language Therapists for Halifax:
Cathy Hemsley
Heather Clarke
Assistant Practitioners:
Bev Blinkhorn
Eileen Wood