South East Qld Weather System now Impacting Northern NSW: NSW

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SES Homepage > News > 2013 > South East Qld Weather System now Impacting Northern
South East Qld Weather System now
Impacting Northern NSW
27 January 2013, 2:37PM AET
As ex-tropical cyclone Oswald moves into south east Queensland, NSW SES teams are active
in the northern rivers and mid north coast locations, assisting communities and undertaking
preparation for its arrival. The Bureau Of Meteorology have predicted that later today heavy rain
and damaging winds will affect the Northern Rivers and Mid-North Coast areas. These
conditions are expected to extend to the Hunter, Sydney Metropolitan and possibly the Illawarra
areas tomorrow.
The Northern Tablelands and Coastal parts of the districts mentioned will be affected by
damaging (gale force) winds, particularly near the coast and about higher ground, Destructive
winds with gusts to 140km/hr may occur in coastal areas of the Northern Rivers today.
Damaging winds to 100km/hr will occur more widely.
The NSW SES recommends if damaging winds are expected in your area, secure or put away
loose items such as trampolines, garden furniture or rubbish from your yard or balcony. Bring
children and pets indoors and park your car under cover.
A Flood Watch has been issued for river catchments from the Northern Rivers to Central Coast /
Hunter. Moderate to major flooding is expected on rivers between the Manning and the
Queensland Border, moderate for the Williams and Patterson and minor for the Hunter and the
Tuggerah Lakes. The NSW SES urges people to not drive, ride or walk in flood water.
A Flood Warning is current for the Bellinger River for minor flooding at Thora. This is expected
to isolate up to 500 people later this afternoon or evening if local bridges close. People in the
area are advised to stock up on food, fuel, medicine and other essential items before they are
cut off.
Rural property owners along rivers in the Flood Watch area are advised to lift pumps and
relocate livestock and equipment to higher ground. If isolation is likely, stock up now on food,
fuel, medicine and other essential items. Don’t forget pet food and feed for livestock.
For the latest flood warnings go to
The NSW SES has now received 208 requests for assistance. Most of these are in the north of
the state and are for leaking roofs, flash flood threatening and damage caused by fallen trees
and branches.
The NSW SES has moved additional resources into threatened areas, this includes 53 swift
water rescue technicians as well as specialist assistance in other areas to bolster local
resources. Help is also being provided by the Rural Fire Service. Fire and Rescue NSW and
other agencies.
Motorists can keep up to date with the latest traffic information at
For emergency help in a flood or storm call the NSW SES on 132 500.
Dial 000 in life-threatening situations. Don't risk the rescue - be FloodSafe .
Media enquiries: 02 4225 7500
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Last updated 27/01/2013.
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