NAVAL RESERVE READINESS COMMAND SOUTHWEST AWARDS CLERK DESK GUIDE 14 Jan 04 CONTENTS PAGE 1. REDCOM POINTS OF CONTACT (PHONE, EMAIL AND FAX) 1 2. AWARDS PROCESS/AWARDING AUTHORITY 2 3. OPNAV 1650/3 PERSONAL AWARD RECOMMENDATION 3 4. FLAG LOC’S 6 5. SOQ LOC’S 8 6. NAVY AND MARINE CORPS ACHIEVEMENT MEDALS 10 7. NAVY AND MARINE CORPS COMMENDATION MEDALS 12 8. MERITORIOUS SERVICE MEDAL 14 9. ACTIONS OF THE AWARDING AUTHORITY 16 10. COMMAND ASSESSMENTS - AWARDS/RECOGNITION i 17 POINTS OF CONTACT FOR AWARDS REDCOM SW COML: DSN: 619-532-XXXX 522-XXXX FAX: DSN: 619-532-3031 522-3031 NAME/TITLE PHONE E-MAIL YN2 Shimeka Mitchell Awards Clerk 1834 YN1(AW) Yesenia LaRoche 1835 OTHERS Navy Department Board of Decorations and Medals: or DSN 325-1770. Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) (N09B13): DSN 278-9206. CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS 2000 NAVY PENTAGON (N09B13) WASHINGTON DC 20350-2000 1 (202) 685-1770 (703) 784-9206 or AWARDS PROCESS 1. Fax only the front of the signed OPNAV 1650/3, (do not use fax sticker) to REDCOM, ATTN: YN2 Mitchell. NOTE: DO NOT fax Summary of Action or Citation. NOTE: Do not mail award recommendations to REDCOM after faxing/e-mailing. RESCEN’s should maintain the original signed 1650 in award files. 2. E-mail the Summary of Action and Citation in MS Word format to YN2 Mitchell and copy to YN1(AW) LaRoche. 3. REDCOM SW awards board meets weekly. AWARDING AUTHORITY REVISED BY NAVADMIN 251/02 MERITORIOUS SERVICE MEDAL COMNAVRESFORCOM NAVY & MARINE CORPS COMMENDATION MEDAL NAVRESREDCOM SOUTHWEST NAVMARCORESCEN ALAMEDA* NAVMARCORESCEN SAN DIEGO* *Only when O-6 in Command NAVY & MARINE CORPS ACHIEVEMENT MEDAL NAVRESREDCOM SOUTHWEST AND ALL RESERVE CENTERS See page 16 for information on actions of the awarding authority. 2 OPNAV 1650/3 PERSONAL AWARD RECOMMENDATION 1. Ensure all blocks are filled out correctly per SECNAVINST 1650.1G (Naval and Marine Corps Awards Manual), Appendix B to Chapter 2 and that all pertinent signatures have been obtained. (i.e., Unit CO and/or RESCEN CO). See sample. 2. The majority of errors result from incomplete or inaccurate information. Errors commonly occur in the following blocks: - Block 8: Not using the correct two-letter code. For example, use NC and not NCM or NAVY COMMENDATION MEDAL - Block 12: Dates must match the citation. - Block 15: If a box is marked then a date must be provided. If the member is not transferring, retiring, or separating, type “N/A” in the box. - Block 16: Not providing an address if Block 15 is marked. - Block 19: Not providing a faxed copy of previous awards that overlap the dates for the award being recommended. Also provide dates to include months and years. Example: Jun 00 – May 01. Non-personal awards listed. List NAs and higher awards only. 3. Do not type Summary of Action on the second page of the electronic 1650 form. Use a plain MS Word document in the format found on page 5 of this desk guide. 3 PERSONAL AWARD RECOMMENDATION OPNAV 1650/3 (Rev 1-94) FROM: ENSURE ALL BLOCKS ARE FILLED IN, SIGNED AND DATED. COMPLETE MAILING ADDRESSES ARE REQUIRED TO: COMMANDER, NAVAL RESERVE READINESS COMMAND UIC: 68350 ADDRESS: SOUTHWEST, 960 N. HARBOR DRIVE, SAN DIEGO, CA 921325108 COMMANDING OFFICER NAVAL AND MARINE CORPS RESERVE CENTER 111 N. MAIN STREET Somewhere, CA 92132 COMMAND POC: YN1 POE 14. EXP. OF ACTIVE DUTY: 31DEC02 PHONE# IF RETIREMENT/SEPARATION, NUMBER OF YEARS DSN 555-1111 1. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 555-11-1234 30 2. DESIG/NEC/MOS 15. EST. DETACHMENT DATE: 31 Jul 02 3. NAME (Last, First, MI) DOE, Joan D. X 4. COMPONENT(USN, USMC, etc.) USNR(TAR) RETIREMENT TRANSFER TERMINAL LEAVE 16. NEW DUTY STATION (Home address if separation anticipated) 1111 HOME ST, SAN DIEGO, CA 92111 ADDRESS: 5. GRADE/RATE YN1 17. UNIT AT TIME OF SERVICE NAVMARCORESCEN SOMEWHERE 6. WARFARE DESIGNATOR AW 7. UIC/RUC: 8. RECOMMENDED AWARD 9. SPECIFIC ACHIEVEMENT 18. DUTY ASSIGNMENT Information Systems LPO 19. PREVIOUS PERSONAL DECORATIONS AND PERIOD RECOGNIZED (exclude Purple Heart and Combat Action Ribbon) 55555 Yes NC 10. HEROIC X MERITORIOUS X MERITORIOUS POSTHUMOUS 11. NUMBER OF AWARD OF RECOMMENDATION MEDAL NA (MAR 99) NC (AUG 97 – MAR 01) No MIA 20. PERSONAL AWARDS RECOMMENDED-NOT YET APPROVED N/A SECOND 12. ACTION DATE/MERITORIOUS PERIOD 01 Jun 00- 31 Jul 02 21. OTHER PERSONNEL BEING RECOMMENDATION FOR SAME ACTION N/A 13. GEOGRAPHIC AREA OF ACTION/SERVICE CONUS 22. I certify that the facts contained in the summary of action are NAME, GRADE, TITLE OF ORIGINATOR I. M. SKIPPER, CAPT, CO known to me X a matter of record SIGNATURE DATE 23. FORWARDING ENDORSEMENTS BY VIA ADDRESSEE(S). (Attach additional sheets only as necessary VIA COMMAND (To be completed by originator) RECOMMENDED AWARD COMBAT “V” 1 YES NO 2 YES NO 3 YES NO 4 YES NO SIGNATURE,GRADE DATE FWD SIGNATURE,GRADE,TITLE DATE APPROVED 24. TO BE COMPLETED BY AWARDING AUTHORITY DISPOSITION OF BASIC RECOMMENDATION COMBAT “V” EXTRAORDINARY HEROISM RECOMMENDED YES NO YES NO G. M. ERICKSON, CAPT, USNR FOR USE OF NDBDM ONLY FROM: SECNAV(NDBDM) TO: CNO(N09B33) CMC(CODE MHM) 1. Extraordinary heroism recommended 2. Reviewed and recorded SAMPLE DATE: Yes No NA By direction 4 SAMPLE SUMMARY OF ACTION (SAMPLE) SUMMARY OF ACTION YN1(AW) JOAN D. DOE 555-11-1234 In recognition of Petty Officer Doe’s outstanding contributions and sustained superior performance while assigned as the Information Systems Technician (IT) Department Leading Petty Officer for Naval Reserve Center, Somewhere, California from June 2000 through July 2002. She performed her demanding duties in a superior manner surpassing her peers throughout the region. Her expert knowledge, initiative and tireless work ethic were evident in the exceptional levels of Information Technology support and service provided to 12 Naval Reserve units supporting over 2000 Reservists. Specific accomplishments include: - Successfully managed all triennial preparations for the department, developing binders for each section inspected by the Commander Naval Reserve Readiness Command Southwest; all Automated Information System areas were found in compliance with special appreciation by the Assessment Team. - As the center’s webmaster, she coordinated changes and updates to the command’s web page. She also lent technical support to other Reserve centers in the region. When upgraded security requirements called for a review of all Department of Defense websites, Petty Officer Doe reviewed Reserve center and unit websites. Petty Officer Doe has been a key player in every major success experienced by the IT Department and Reserve center. She is a highly dedicated and self-motivated individual whose boundless energy and accomplishments are most deserving of this recognition of the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal. NOTE: Summary of Action should be no more than three pages in length. Use Courier New font with a 12 pitch, with 1” margins. SOA required for all awards NC or higher. Do not type Summary of Action on the second page of the electronic 1650 form. Use a plain MS Word document. 5 FLAG LOC’S 1. OPNAV 1650/3 should read COMNAVRESFORCOM (UIC: 3447B) in the “To” block with COMNAVRESREDCOM Southwest in Block 23, “Via” block. 2. Summary of Action is not required. 3. For the citation, use MS Word Format with a minimum of 18 lines, maximum of 22 lines, Courier New font, with a 12 pitch. The opening and closing sentences of the citation should be verbatim (see bold type) from the sample. 6 takes pleasure in presenting a LETTER OF COMMENDATION to SEAMAN JOHN D. DOE UNITED STATES NAVAL RESERVE for service as set forth in the following CITATION: For professional achievement in the superior performance of his duties while serving in Commander Navy Region Funeral Honors Detail, San Diego, California from March through June 2002. Seaman Doe consistently performed his duties in an exemplary and highly professional manner. Honoring requests for Military Funeral Honors reflects the personal pride and esteem placed on military service. Additionally, it displays military professionalism to the nation and the world. Appearing in over 200 funerals throughout San Diego County, Seaman Doe was vital to his team rendering military honors, rifle salutes, and providing closure to grieving families. This being a longstanding navy tradition of recognizing those who have served our nation honorably, he conducted funerals on weekends and at special memorial services in all types of weather conditions. He took great pride in presenting our national ensign to the next of kin of our fallen shipmates to include World War II, Korean, and Vietnam War Veterans. His exceptional military bearing was a model for others to emulate. Seaman Doe's exceptional ability, uncommon initiative and loyal dedication to duty reflected credit upon himself and were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service. J. P. DEBBOUT Rear Admiral, U.S. Naval Reserve Commander, Naval Reserve Forces Command 7 SOQ LOC’S 1. OPNAV 1650/3 should read COMNAVRESFORCOM (UIC: 3447B) in the “To” block with COMNAVRESREDCOM Southwest in Block 23, “Via” block. 2. Summary of Action is not required. 3. For the citation, use MS Word Format with a minimum of 18 lines, maximum of 22 lines, Courier New font, 12 pitch, with full justification. The opening and closing sentences of the citation should be verbatim (see bold type) from the sample. 4. Deadlines are as follows: - 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter due due due due by by by by 15 15 15 15 April July October January 8 SOQ LOC’S (SAMPLE) takes pleasure in presenting a LETTER OF COMMENDATION to YEOMAN THIRD CLASS JOAN A. DOE UNITED STATES NAVAL RESERVE for service as set forth in the following CITATION: For professional achievement in the superior performance of her duties while serving as Order Writing Clerk and Security Clearance Clerk for Naval Reserve Personnel Support Activity Far East, Naval and Marine Corps Reserve Center Moreno Valley, California from October through December 2001. Petty Officer Doe consistently performed her demanding duties in an exemplary and highly professional manner, resulting in her selection as (Drilling Reserve or Active Duty) Bluejacket of the Quarter, Fourth Quarter, Calendar Year 2001. As Security Manager, she successfully managed the unit’s security clearance database of over 80 clearances and implemented the unit’s policy of completion of SF 86’s prior to performing AT, resulting in increased mobilization readiness of the unit. Additionally, when the unit’s AT Coordinator was mobilized for Operation Enduring Freedom, she stepped forward and assumed that duty with no previous training. She performed this important job of planning and coordinating overseas AT’s for a unit of over 80 personnel with no errors and liaised directly with gaining command senior personnel as a third class petty officer. Petty Officer Doe’s exceptional ability, uncommon initiative and loyal dedication to duty reflected credit upon herself and were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service. J. P. DEBBOUT Rear Admiral, U.S. Naval Reserve Commander, Naval Reserve Forces Command Note: Use this format for both Sailor of the Quarter and Bluejacket of the Quarter citations (Active and Reserve). 9 NAVY AND MARINE CORPS ACHIEVEMENT MEDAL These awards are awarded locally at the Reserve center. May be awarded by Commander, Naval Reserve Readiness Command Southwest upon Commanding Officer's request. Please refer to SECNAVINST 1650.1G for guidance. 10 NAVY AND MARINE CORPS ACHIEVEMENT MEDAL (SAMPLE) (GOLD STAR IN LIEU OF SECOND AWARD) CHIEF YEOMAN JANE T. DOE, UNITED STATES NAVAL RESERVE PROFESSIONAL ACHIEVEMENT AS MANPOWER AND TRAINING CHIEF PETTY OFFICER FOR NAVAL RESERVE CENTER, SOMEWHERE, CALIFORNIA FROM MARCH 1999 *(TO/THROUGH) AUGUST 2002. CHIEF PETTY OFFICER DOE MANAGED THE RECALL AND MOBILIZATION OF OVER 50 DRILLING RESERVISTS IN SUPPORT OF OPERATION NOBLE EAGLE. SHE MANAGED 300 BILLET ASSIGNMENTS FOR THE LARGEST AND MOST DIVERSE RESERVE CENTER. AS TRAINING DEPARTMENT CHIEF PETTY OFFICER AND INACTIVE DUTY TRAINING TRAVEL (IDTT) COORDINATOR, SHE METICULOUSLY MANAGED $200,000.00 IDTT FUNDS. HER MANAGERIAL ABILITY, PERSONAL INITIATIVE, AND UNSWERVING DEVOTION TO DUTY REFLECTED CREDIT UPON HERSELF AND WERE IN KEEPING WITH THE HIGHEST TRADITIONS OF THE UNITED STATES NAVAL SERVICE. 1ST DEC 02 For the I. M. SKIPPER, LCDR, USNR COMMANDING OFFICER, NAVAL RESERVE CENTER, SOMEWHERE, CA Notes: Gold Star or Combat “V” may be added if applicable above “To” line. With the new Citation/Certificate form, it is necessary to ensure that the citation body not exceed 7½ single spaced lines of 12-pitch type. *"TO" or "THROUGH": Use "TO" when the ending date in Block 12 of the Award Recommendation is between the 1st and the 15th of the month. Use "THROUGH" when the ending date in Block 12 of the Award Recommendation is the 16th through the end of the month. 11 NAVY AND MARINE CORPS COMMENDATION MEDAL 1. OPNAV 1650/3 should read Commander, Naval Reserve Readiness Command Southwest, 960 N. Harbor Drive, San Diego, CA 921325108 (UIC: 68350). Note: Reserve centers with an 0-6 in Command may approve Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medals in their chain of command. All other RESCENs will forward their awards to REDCOM SW. 2. Summary of Action should be no more than three pages in length. Use Courier New font with a 12 pitch. 3. Use bullet format with an opening and closing paragraph in MS Word format only. See sample on page 5. 4. The citation should be typed in all caps using MS Word Format (landscape) with a maximum of 7½ lines, Courier New font, 12 pitch, with full justification. The opening and closing sentences of the citation should be verbatim from the instruction. See sample. 5. End of tour award lead-time is three months. 12 NAVY AND MARINE CORPS COMMENDATION MEDAL (SAMPLE) (GOLD STAR IN LIEU OF SECOND AWARD) HOSPITAL CORPSMAN FIRST CLASS JANE T. DOE, UNITED STATES NAVY MERITORIOUS SERVICE AS TRANSPLANTATION TECHNICIAN AT NAVAL HOSPITAL, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA FROM JANUARY 1999 *(TO/THROUGH) MARCH 2001. PETTY OFFICER DOE DESIGNED A TRANSPORATION NETWORK FOR THE COLLECTION OF HUMAN TISSUE AND ORGANS, TRAINED TRANSPLANT TECHNICIANS, AND DEVELOPED A MACHINE TO PRODUCE ALLOGRAFT MATERIAL OF A UNIFORM SIZE AND HIGH QUALITY. HER INNOVATIVE ACTIONS IN NUMEROUS AREAS CONTRIBUTED TO THE ENHANCEMENT OF MILITARY HEALTH CARE DELIVERY AND PATIENT CARE. BY HER NOTEWORTHY ACCOMPLISHMENTS, PERSEVERANCE, AND DEVOTION TO DUTY, PETTY OFFICER DOE REFLECTED CREDIT UPON HERSELF AND UPHELD THE HIGHEST TRADITIONS OF THE UNITED STATES NAVAL SERVICE. 1ST DEC 02 For the G. M. ERICKSON, CAPT, USNR COMMANDER, NAVAL RESERVE READINESS COMMAND SOUTHWEST Notes: Gold Star or Combat “V” may be added if applicable above “To” line. With the new Citation/Certificate form, it is necessary to ensure that the citation body not exceed 7½ single spaced lines of 12-pitch type; the bold type is required on these forms. This is a non-combat award; on combat awards, replace “meritorious service” with "heroic achievement”. *"TO" or "THROUGH": Use "TO" when the ending date in Block 12 of the Award Recommendation is between the 1st and the 15th of the month. Use "THROUGH" when the ending date in Block 12 of the Award Recommendation is the 16th through the end of the month. 13 MERITORIOUS SERVICE MEDAL 1. OPNAV 1650/3 should read COMNAVRESFORCOM (UIC: 3447B) in the “To” block with COMNAVRESREDCOM Southwest and in Block 23, “Via” block. 2. Summary of Action should be no more than three pages in length. Use Courier New font, 12 pitch, with 1” margins. Use bullet format with an opening and closing paragraph (see sample on page 5). The Summary of Action should cover the current duty assignment, however, it may cover past duty assignment as long as the member was not previously recognized for same action. Do not exceed four years in the summary of action and citation. 3. For the citation, use MS Word Format with a maximum of 22 lines, Courier New font, 12 pitch, fully justified. The opening and closing sentences of the citation should be verbatim from the instruction. See sample. 14 MERITORIOUS SERVICE MEDAL (SAMPLE) The President of the United States takes pleasure in presenting the MERITORIOUS SERVICE MEDAL (Gold Star in lieu of the Second Award) to COMMANDER JANE D. DOE UNITED STATES NAVY for service as set forth in the following: CITATION: For outstanding meritorious achievement as Director of the Navy Office of Information, New England from June 1998 *(to/through) June 2002. Commander Doe displayed exceptional public affairs expertise and unparalleled resourcefulness while managing intense and highly visible projects such as the first and second expeditions to explore the TITANIC, the commissioning of USS NEVERSAIL (NS 111), and the visit of five North Atlantic Treaty Organization frigates to Boston. Her liaison with the New England community was superb, revitalizing and establishing significant contacts with regional civic leaders. In addition, she provided important support to the Fleet during more than twenty port visits to Boston and managed media contacts for key military members such as the Secretary of the Navy and the Commander in Chief, Atlantic Fleet. The exceptional professional ability, steadfast initiative, and selfless dedication to duty exhibited by Commander Doe reflected great credit upon herself and upheld the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service. For the President, Secretary of the Navy Notes: 22 lines maximum. *"TO" or "THROUGH": Use "TO" when the ending date in Block 12 of the Award Recommendation is between the 1st and the 15th of the month. "THROUGH" when the ending date in Block 12 of the Award Recommendation is the 16th through the end of the month. 15 Use ACTIONS OF THE AWARDING AUTHORITY 1. Issue citation, certificate and medal. 2. Maintain command record of approved awards (NA, NC), filed by calendar year. Include a copy of the signed OPNAV 1650/3 and citation, supporting documents, and related correspondence. Do not file with your general 1650 correspondence file (LOAs, LOCs, etc.) since retention period for this file is only two years. Note: Navy and Marine Corps Records Disposition Manual (SECNAVINST 5212.5C), SSIC 1650, page III-1-35, paragraph 3b, states: Case files and other records of awards of Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medals, Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medals, and Purple Heart Medals maintained by CNO, CMC, fleet commanders in chief, type commanders, and unit commanding officers. Retire to WNRC (records center) when two years old. Destroy when 15 years old. 3. All awarding authorities are responsible for forwarding the original citation with the member's SSN typed in the upper right-hand corner and the OPNAV 1650/3, completed and signed, on a periodic basis after presentation of awards to CNO (N09B13). See page 1 for address. 4. Ensure submission of award to member's service record. CNO (NO9B13) will forward the awards package (see paragraph 3) to BUPERS (PERS 313C) after they input information into the Awards Information Management System (AIMS). See NAVADMIN 251/02 and SECNAVINST 1650.1G, page 1-13, par. 123 for more information. 16 COMMAND ASSESSMENTS Awards/Recognition is a Command Assessment area that is assessed by Command Services. a. Ensure tracking system is in place to track submitted awards (from start through completion) and to ensure locally awarded NAs and NCs are forwarded to CNO (N09B13). b. Ensure completed OPNAV 1650/3’s are on file for proper completion and required signatures. Ensure citations are properly completed. c. Ensure awards file (locally awarded NAs and/or NCs) contains required documents (see page 16, paragraph 2) and ensure file is annotated "DO NOT DESTROY" or some other means to ensure the files are not destroyed/disposed of during the yearly records disposition process. 17