Study Guide:

Study Guide:
1. According to Piaget around what age do young people enter the
formal operational stage? A: Age 11
2. What is the formal operational stage? A: It is when young people
develop the capacity for abstract, systematic, scientific thinking.
3. According to Piaget what does he believe that young people first
become capable of? A: Hypothetico- deductive reasoning which is a
formal operational problem- solving strategy that begins with a
hypothesis, from which logical interferences can be deduced and then
tested by systematically isolating and combining variables.
4. What is propositional thought? A: A type of formal operational
reasoning involving the ability to evaluate the logic of propositions
without referring to real-world circumstances.
5. Define logical necessity- A: The idea that the accuracy of
conclusions drawn from premises rests on the rules of logic, not on
real- world confirmation.
6. Why are so many adults not fully operational? A: People are most
likely to think abstractly and systematically on tasks in which they
have had extensive guidance and practice in using such reasoning.
7. What are some of the Information – processing views of adolescent
cognitive development? A: Attention, Inhibition, Strategies,
Knowledge, Metacognition, Cognitive self regulation, speed of
thinking, process capacity
8. Piaget believed that a new form of what arises, in which
adolescents again have difficulty distinguishing their own and others’
perspectives. A: egocentrism
9. Some abstract thought expressed through teenagers are? A:
sensitivity to public criticism, exaggerated sense of personal
uniqueness, idealism and criticism, difficulty making everyday
10. What do followers of Piaget suggest are the two distorted images
of? A: the relationship between self and other appear.
11. What is the first cognitive distortion? A: Imaginary audience.
Adolescents believe that they are the focus of every ones attention
and concern. As a result they go to great lengths to avoid any
12. What is the second cognitive distortion? A: Personal fable, which is
when teens develop an inflated opinion of their own importance.
13. Do Boys and Girls differ in specific mental abilities? A: Yes
14. Which sex attains higher scores in reading and writing
achievements? A: Girls
15. Which sex scores slightly higher on tests of verbal ability in
adolescence? A: Girls
16. Which sex shows higher mathematic grades? A: Boys
6 questions for the Final
1. According to Piaget around what age do young people enter the formal
operational stage? A: Age 11
2. What is the formal operational stage? A: It is when young people develop
the capacity for abstract, systematic, scientific thinking.
3. According to Piaget what does he believe that young people first become
capable of? A: Hypothetico- deductive reasoning which is a formal
operational problem- solving strategy that begins with a hypothesis, from
which logical interferences can be deduced and then tested by systematically
isolating and combining variables.
4. What is propositional thought? A: A type of formal operational reasoning
involving the ability to evaluate the logic of propositions without referring to
real-world circumstances.
5. Define logical necessity- A: The idea that the accuracy of conclusions
drawn from premises rests on the rules of logic, not on real- world
6. Why are so many adults not fully operational? A: People are most likely
to think abstractly and systematically on tasks in which they have had
extensive guidance and practice in using such reasoning.
7. What are some of the Information – processing views of adolescent
cognitive development? A: Attention, Inhibition, Strategies, Knowledge,
Metacognition, Cognitive self regulation, speed of thinking, process capacity