Texas Executive Women Jackie Greer Mentoring Scholarship Scholarship Application Instruction Sheet Texas Executive Women provides scholarships to young women who have participated in its mentoring programs on the high school or middle school level. This mentoring scholarship program is designated the Texas Executive Women Jackie Greer Mentoring Scholarship. Scholarships will be awarded to graduating seniors planning to enroll in a community college, college or university, or a vocational or career education school acceptable to the TEW Mentoring Scholarship Committee. All scholarships must be claimed and funded no later than the end of the calendar year in which it is awarded. Eligibility Requirements Applicants for the Texas Executive Women Jackie Greer Mentoring Scholarship must meet the following criteria established by Texas Executive Women: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Any applicant must have participated in a TEW sponsored middle school or high school mentoring program, i.e., Ladies of Excellence (Aldine Ninth Grade School); Ladies of Distinction (Aldine Senior High School); Career Women of the Future (Alief Hastings High School or Ball High School Galveston); or any other approved TEW sponsored mentoring program and completed the required community service hours. Applicant must plan to enroll in a community college, college or university, or a vocational or career education school acceptable to the TEW Mentoring Scholarship Committee. Applicant must be in "good standing" with their current school (not on academic or disciplinary probation). Applicant must possess a "C" average or better to be eligible for the TEW Jackie Greer Mentoring Scholarship. Applicant must submit her application to TEW on or before Thursday, April 17, 2014. Applicant must submit a color or black and white graduation photograph or other headshot with the application. What are the components of a completed scholarship application? A complete application consists of: The attached application form filled out completely with all questions answered. A letter of recommendation from your high school principal, teacher, counselor or mentoring sponsor. An official transcript from your high school. Essay entitled: Why I am an Excellent Choice to receive the Texas Executive Women Jackie Greer Mentoring Scholarship. Include how the TEW mentoring program has affected your life and/or your goals. Two pages maximum. A brief description of yourself and your family, your goals or anything else you want the Mentoring Scholarship selection committee to know about you or your personal situation. One page maximum. Your photograph (see #6 above). Please note: Only complete applications postmarked on time will be considered by the TEW Scholarship Committee. MAIL APPLICATION TO: POSTMARKED NO LATER THAN April 17, 2014: Error! Unknown document property name. Eartha Johnson Texas Executive Women LegalWATCH 9800 Northwest Freeway, Suite 600 Houston, Texas 77092 Phone: 713-864-9997 Fax: 713-864-9981 Email: jean@legalwatch.com Texas Executive Women Jackie Greer Mentoring Scholarship Scholarship Application PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT: Full Legal Name: __________________________________________ Social Security #:___________________ Name you go by in school: Mailing Address: Street Phone : ( City ) Work Phone : ( Date of Birth: ) Parent/Guardian Work Phone: Cell/Pager Phone: ( ( ) State / / Zip / ) Parent/Guardian Home Phone: ( ) Email Address: EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: High School Attended: Graduation Date: School Address: Principal’s Name: Phone: ( ) Fax: ( ) Counselor’s Name: Phone: ( ) Fax: ( ) ACTIVITIES AT SCHOOL: 1. Clubs, athletics and other organizations in the order of importance to you (indicate any offices held): 2. Honors and awards (in order of importance to you): Error! Unknown document property name. 1 ACTIVITIES OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL: 1. Jobs you have held (indicate dates) 2. Other activities (community, church, etc.) In order of importance to you: 3: TEW Mentoring Program in which you participated (indicate program years): 4. College, University or Trade School you plan to attend: 5. Future Career Goal or Field: PERSONAL/FAMILY: Do you intend to apply for financial aid during the period this scholarship would cover? Yes:____ No:____ Information about your parents: Your parents marital status: Father’s occupation: Mother’s occupation: No. of Brothers & Sisters: __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ _______________ RETURN THIS APPLICATION AND THE NECESSARY ATTACHMENTS TO THE SCHOLARSHIP CHAIRMAN LISTED ON THE FRONT OF THIS APPLICATION ON OR BEFORE THE Thursday, April 17, 2014 DEADLINE. I hereby certify that the above information is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that false statements will jeopardize my eligibility for this scholarship. Error! Unknown document property name. 2 Signature of Applicant ______________________________________ Error! Unknown document property name. 3 Date Release I give my permission to Texas Executive Women (TEW) to use my name and photograph for one or more of the following: TEW web site; newsletter; Women on the Move7 Luncheon materials; or The Houston Chronicle. Student Signature Date Typed or Printed Name of Student Parent or Legal Guardian Signature Typed or Printed Name of Parent or Legal Guardian Street Address City, State and Zip Code Area Code and Telephone Number Error! Unknown document property name. 4 Apt. No. NOTICE AND RELEASE Texas Executive Women is aware of another source of scholarship funds for which you may be eligible. These funds may be given by individuals or TEW members' companies or organizations. These sources of funds are completely separate from Texas Executive Women (TEW), and different criteria than that of TEW may be used for awarding scholarships. There is no guarantee that other funds besides those given by TEW or the Texas Executive Women Scholarship Fund will be available. If you would like for TEW to send your application for other scholarship consideration, it is necessary for you to give us permission by signing and returning this form. We must receive your signed permission form by Thursday, April 17, 2014. I give my permission for my application for scholarship funds to be sent to other individuals or entities for consideration of additional scholarship opportunities. STUDENT SIGNATURE Date TYPED OR PRINTED NAME OF STUDENT Street Address City, State and Zip Code Area Code and Telephone Number Cell Phone Number Error! Unknown document property name. 5 Apt. No.