NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS CURRICULUM SUPPORT Biology Unit 3 Activities [REVISED ADVANCED HIGHER] The Scottish Qualifications Authority regularly reviews the arrangements for National Qualifications. Users of all NQ support materials, whether published by Education Scotland or others, are reminded that it is their responsibility to check that the support materials correspond to the requirements of the current arrangements. Acknowledgements The publisher gratefully acknowledges permission to use the following sources: image of haemoglobin from and image of a nucleosome from both © Richard Wheeler (Zephyris); image of beta sheets from ©; image of kinases from © National Institute of General Medical Sciences; image of DNA X-ray from, ‘Physical Chemistry of Food’, vol. 2, van Nostrand Reinhold: New York, 1994, I.C. Baianu et al; image of a protein primary structure from and image of DNA Exons from both © The National Human Genome Research Institute; image of electrophoresis from © Bensaccount at en.wikipedia; image no 3418 of African sleeping sickness from © CDC/Alexander J. da Silva, PhD/Melanie Moser; image no 11820 of Giemsa-stained light photomicrograph revealed the presence of a Trypanosoma brucei parasite, which was found in a blood smear from © CDC/Blaine Mathison; image from Toxicology in Vitro 18 (2004) 1–12, Workshop report, The humane collection of fetal bovine serum and possibilities for serum-free cell and tissue culture, reprinted from Toxicology in Vitro 18, Vol 1-12, Workshop report, The humane collection of fetal bovine serum and possibilities for serum-free cell and tissue culture by J. van der Valk,D. Mellor,R. Brands,R. Fischer,F. Gruber,G. Gstraunthaler,L. Hellebrekers,J. Hyllner,F.H. Jonker,P. Prieto,M. Thalen,V. Baumans, 2004 with permission from Elsevier; image from article, Conservation, Variability and the Modeling of Active Protein Kinases =info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0000982.g001 © 2007 Conservation, Variability and the Modeling of Active Protein Kinases by James D. R. Knight, Bin Qian, David Baker, Rashmi Kothary; image from article Proteomics of Trypanosoma evansi Infection in Rodents from © 2010 Proteomics of Trypanosoma evansi Infection in Rodents by Nainita Roy, Rishi Kumar Nageshan, Rani Pallavi, Harshini Chakravarthy, Syama Chandran, Rajender Kumar, Ashok Kumar Gupta, Raj Kumar Singh, Suresh Chandra Yadav, Utpal Tatu; image of Signal transduction from © Roadnottaken at the English language Wikipedia © Crown copyright 2012. You may re-use this information (excluding logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government Licence. To view this licence, visit or e-mail: Where we have identified any third party copyright information you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. Any enquiries regarding this document/publication should be sent to us at This document is also available from our website at 2 UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 Contents Activity 1: Scientific method study design 4 Activity 2: Scientific method investigation proposal 11 Activity 3: Phage and the scientific process 16 Activity 4: Reading a scientific research paper 25 Activity 5: Scientific literature and communication 37 Activity 6: Scientific ethics A 40 Activity 7: Scientific ethics B 41 Activity 8: Pilot study, peer review and plagiarism 43 Activity 9: Gel electrophoresis pilot study 45 Activity 10: Enzyme kinetics pilot study 50 Activity 11: Controls, sampling and ensuring reliability 54 Activity 12: Sampling using transect 59 Activity 13: Evaluating experimental design 63 Activity 14: Evaluating data analysis 66 UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 3 ACTIVITY 1 Activity 1: Scientific method study design Scientific research is a highly methodical process and requires meticulous planning and the development of a clear hypothesis in order to determine a conclusion. As part of your Advanced Higher Biology assessment you will carryout an independent investigation. The hardest part of any investigation is the planning and determination of the independent and depe ndent variables as well as the confounding variables that must be controlled in order to ensure reliable and valid data. In this activity you will be analysing a series of mock investigations to determine the reliability and validity of the hypothesis and conclusions made. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Three scenarios relating to investigations are outlined below. For each scenario read the description carefully. Think about reliability, accuracy, repeatability, replications, confounding variables and controls. Make notes on aspects of each investigation in response to the questions provided. You may wish to use Google Docs to manipulate and annotate the text as a class to develop your understanding further. There may be details of each of the investigations that you are unsure of but these should not prevent you from evaluating the validity of the methods as described. These notes will be used as the basis of a tutorial where you will discuss the reliability and validity of results in relation to your Advanced Higher Biology investigation. This will then allow you to start thinking about your own investigation and the variables that will interact with the independent variable and thus alter the dependent variable. 4 UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 ACTIVITY 1 1. A learner is interested in the effects of herbal remedies on bacterial growth and tested three herbal remedies, rosemary oil, sage oil and lavender oil, on the growth of the bacteria Escherichia coli. Using an aseptic technique the learner spread E. coli on agar petri dishes and transferred chromatography paper soaked in each of the oils to each dish. Each petri dish contained four discs of standard size of one oil type, and three dishes were produced for each oil type. The bacteria were incubated overnight at 30°C. The next day the zone of inhibition of growth of E. coli was recorded around each disc. Four measurements from each disc were recorded and the average zone of inhibition calculated. The whole experiment was then replicated. The learner’s results showed that the greatest zone of average inhibition occurred around lavender oil within the repeats and between the replicate experiments, and it was concluded that lavender oil has the greatest antibacterial effect. What variables were controlled? What variables were not controlled? Is the learner’s conclusion valid? Space for notes UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 5 ACTIVITY 1 2. A learner is interested in comparing the catalase content of potatoes during the chitting process (sprouting the tubers before planting). The learner’s hypothesis is that as potatoes grow new shoots and grow roots the hydrogen peroxide concentration will increase as metabolic processes, respiration and photosynthesis increase. As a result, there will be a parallel increase in the catalase concentration in the potato to break down the toxic hydrogen peroxide produced. The learner took a bag of 20 potatoes of the same species and placed them in chitting trays on a windowsill in a greenhouse. Over a period of a month potatoes were sampled at set time intervals, taking 10 samples in total and repeating each sample twice. Using a core borer the learner removed a set volume of potato, homogenised it in buffered isotonic solution and took a known volume of this sample and exposed it to hydrogen peroxide of a known concentration and volume. The initial pressure change in a sealed environment as a result of the oxygen liberated in the reaction was measured. The results showed that the initial pressure change in the sealed environment as a result of the oxygen liberated was greater the longer the potato was left to chit. The learner concluded that chitting increases the concentration of catalase in potatoes as a result of the increased metabolic activity of the potato during the chitting process. What variables were controlled? What variables were not controlled? Does chitting affect the concentration of catalase in this species of potato? Space for notes 6 UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 ACTIVITY 1 3. A learner is interested in investigating the effect of light intensity on the growth of roots and shoots in garlic ( Allium sativum), measured in terms of length and biomass. The learner also wants to investigate the effect of light intensity on the mitotic index in the root apical meristem of garlic and relate this to the growth observed. The learner set up five cardboard boxes with lids. Four boxes had rectangular sections cut out and replaced with neutral density filters of known absorbance, one of which transmitted 100% light. One box was left intact to create a dark environment. A light source of 700 lux was used. Thirty gar lic cloves were prepared and suspended across 100 ml beakers containing tap water to stimulate root development. Two cloves were used in each beaker and three beakers were placed in each environment 20 cm from the light source. The garlic was left to grow for 12 days. Water was replaced in each beaker daily to prevent fungal growth and reduce the effects of evaporation. The shoot and root lengths were measured at regular intervals and the dry biomass was recorded at the end of the experiment. The mitotic index was calculated at the end of 9 days by removing one healthy root tip from each clove, exposing it to acetic orcein (stain) and counting the cells using a binocular microscope. The experiment was repeated and replicated. The experimental results showed that average root length and average shoot length (after 9 and 12 days, respectively) were both greatest for garlic plants grown in total darkness. In addition, garlic plants grown in total darkness had, on average, the greatest biomass relative to the ini tial mass of the clove. The experimental results also showed that light had no effect on the mitotic index, while neither root length nor root biomass was related to the mitotic index. What variables were controlled? What variables were not controlled? Can the learner conclude that light has no effect on the mitotic index? Space for notes UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 7 ACTIVITY 1 Answers 1. What variables were controlled? Disc size. Temperature of incubation. Time of incubation. Repeats done. Replicates done. Aseptic technique used for plating. What variables were not controlled? No control using water-soaked discs instead of oil. No control done without discs to show no contamination or inhibition occurred. Discs not prepared aseptically. Length of time discs exposed to oil before pl ating. Different diffusion rates of oils will affect rate of movement through the agar. Is the learner’s conclusion valid? No as no control has been done for comparison and diffusion rates have not been accounted for. 2. What variables were controlled? Volume of potato used using a core borer. Hydrogen peroxide concentration and volume. Isotonic buffered solution during homogenisation to minimise cellular effects on catalase. Experiment repeated What variables were not controlled? No control using water instead of hydrogen peroxide and water instead of potato extract. Light intensity for chitting. Temperature for chitting. Humidity for chitting. Temperature of reaction. Experiment not replicated. 8 UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 ACTIVITY 1 Does chitting affect the concentration of catalase in this species of potato? The conclusion is not valid because: No control set up to determine whether the pressure change is as a result of the interaction between hydrogen peroxide and catalase. Light intensity has not been controlled in the greenhouse t herefore the rate of photosynthesis will vary over the duration of the experiment. Temperature is not controlled in the greenhouse therefore over the duration of the experiment temperature would vary greatly and may affect the results. Humidity is not controlled in the greenhouse and thus potatoes may have dried out over the duration of the experiment and thus increased the relative concentration of hydrogen peroxide in the potato. Temperature is not controlled during the reaction in a thermostatically controlled water bath, dramatically affecting the potential rate of reaction. Only repeats were done at known time intervals, no replicates using separate potatoes of the same species were done. 3. What variables were controlled? Light intensity from light source. Distance from light source. Growth environment in box. Water volume in beaker. Number of cloves per beaker. Control done in full light and dark. Time. Experiment repeated and replicated. Method for mitotic index. What variables were not controlled? Temperature in box, affecting rate of reactions and growth. Initial mass/size of cloves, affecting energy source available for initial growth. Random selection of cloves not used, resulting in an experimenter effect. Sample size small, reducing the validity of any conclusion drawn. UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 9 ACTIVITY 1 Can the learner conclude that light has no effect on the mitotic index? The learner will need to qualify the variables they did not control and justify their conclusions in line with this. Temperature changes during the experiment may not have varied greatly and thus would have little effect on growth rate. The initial mass of cloves may have a significant effect on initial growth rate because of the energy stores available. The learner would need to increase sample size an d randomise the selection of cloves to minimise experimenter effect and any potential anomalies. 10 UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 ACTIVITY 2 Activity 2: Scientific method investigation proposal Your name: Practitioner’s name: Investigation proposal Use the numbered points below to outline your investigation. This should be presented in electronic format to your class practitioner. 1. 2. 3. 4. Area of interest: Observation: Question: Background reading and understanding (insert references here – these should be a minimum of three different sources and formats, eg book, journal, websites). References should be set out as follows: Books Author(s) (surname followed by initials) (year of publication) Title. Publisher, place of publication, page number(s). eg Wright R (2005) Environmental Science: toward a sustainable future. Pearson Prentice Hall, New Jersey, p 446. Journals/periodicals Author(s) (surname followed by initials) (year of publication) Title of article. Name of Journal, Volume number (part number if appropriate), page number(s). eg Bowsher C (2007) Designer starches. Biological Sciences Review, 19 (3), 18–20. Websites As many of the following items as are available must be given: author, date, title, publisher, the URL and the date you accessed the material (because the site may be updated between the time the writer uses it and the point at which a reader refers to it). eg The Mammal Society (2006) Position statement: badgers and bovine tuberculosis. URL: Visited: August 2007. UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 11 ACTIVITY 2 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Independent variable: How will you change the independent variable? Dependent variable: How will you measure the dependent variable? Title, including operationalised independent and dependent variable: Confounding variables: fill in the table below. Confounding variables eg Temperature Control of confounding variables eg Use thermostatically controlled water bath set to 25C Add further rows to table as required. 11. Control(s): fill in the table below. Control(s) Reason for control Add further rows to table as required. 12. 13. 14. Aim: Hypothesis: Potential risk: fill in the table below. Type of risk How is the risk minimised? Add further rows to table as required. The following points will be completed after this initial proposal has been discussed with your class practitioner. You will need to complete a more detailed risk assessment before you begin. 15. 16. 17. 18. Method: Equipment: Pilot study: Limitations of equipment and procedure: 12 UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 ACTIVITY 2 Example Your name: A Biologist Practitioner’s name: A Practitioner Investigation proposal Use the numbered points below to outline your investigation. This should be presented in electronic format to your class practitioner. 1. 2. 3. 4. Area of interest: Microbiology Observation: Pasteurised milk and UHT milk Question: How does pasteurisation affect bacteria? Background reading and understanding (insert references here – these should be a minimum of three different sources and formats, eg book, journal, websites). Books Taylor DJ, Green NPO and Stout GW (2008) Biological Science 1 and 2, 3rd edn. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, p 518. Journals/periodicals Grant IR, Hitchings EI, McCartney A, Ferguson F and Rowe MT (2002) Effect of commercial-scale high-temperature, short-time pasteurization on the viability of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis in naturally infected cows' milk. Applied Environmental Microbiology, 68 (2), 602–607. Websites The Dairy Council (2011) Varieties of Milk. URL: Visited: September 2011. Now record your background understanding based on your reading of the above highlighted sources. You will select your own sources. Remember to think about the reliability of the source and avoid plagiarism. 5. 6. 7. Independent variable: Temperature of pasteurisation and holding time of pasteurisation. How will you change the independent variable? Pasteurise at set temperatures in thermostatically controlled environments for set times. Dependent variable: Growth of bacteria. UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 13 ACTIVITY 2 8. 9. 10. How will you measure the dependent variable? Viable counts of E. coli and M. luteus after pasteurisation. Title, including operationalised independent and dependent variable: Investigation into the effect of different holding times and temperature s during pasteurisation on the growth of the bacteria E. coli and M. luteus. Confounding variables: fill in the table below. Confounding variables Temperature Contamination with undesirable bacteria and fungi Growth medium in petri dishes and in pasteurisation Measuring mass of broth and agar constituents Volume measurements for broths and agar Starter culture Growth vessel for pasteurisation Growth vessel for bacterial serial dilutions after pasteurisation Temperature during pasteurisation Temperature of broth before inoculation Temperature during incubation Time in incubator Counting number of bacteria Control of confounding variables Use thermostatically controlled water bath set to 25°C Good aseptic technique and autoclave all equipment and growth media Use standard nutrient broth with all bacteria Use balance: minimum 2 decimal places Use sterile pipettes for small volumes Sourced from supplier and maintained under aseptic conditions Use universal bottles Petri dishes Thermostatically controlled water bath at set temperature Set up blank universal bottle and measure internal temperature until it is equal to the temperature of the water bath Thermostatically controlled at 30C in incubator 24 hours Use serial dilutions at each timeframe and do viable count of colonies present First establish initial number of bacteria present in growth media to determine change Add further rows to table as required. 14 UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 ACTIVITY 2 11. Control(s): fill in the table below. Control(s) No pasteurisation of M. luteus and E. coli Blank with no M. luteus or E. coli Reason for control To compare to actual experiment to determine effect To show that the aseptic technique is good and no external contamination of plates has occurred during the process Add further rows to table as required. 12. 13. 14. Aim: To determine the effect that different holding times and temperatures have during pasteurisation on the death rates of M. luteus and E. coli. Hypothesis: Reducing the temperature at which pasteurisation takes place will significantly increase the holding time needed for pasteurisation to take place. Potential risk: fill in the table below. Type of risk Bacteria used How is the risk minimised? Use the aseptic technique at all times, disposing of all materials in Virkon or autoclave Wash hands Use microbiological spills kit if a spill/breakage occurs Carefully record all plates used and unused, and temperatures of incubation Add further rows to table as required. The following points will be completed after your initial proposal has been discussed with your class practitioner. You will need to complete a more detailed risk assessment before you begin. 15. 16. 17. 18. Method: Equipment: Pilot study: Limitations of equipment and procedure: UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 15 ACTIVITY 3 Activity 3: Phage and the scientific process Introduction This activity involves a series of lessons that focus on aspe cts of scientific process, namely (from part 1(a) of Unit 3) In science, refinement of ideas is the norm, and scientific knowledge can be thought of as the current best explanation, wh ich may then be updated after evaluation of further experimental evidence. Failure to find an effect (ie a negative result) is a valid finding, as long as an experiment is well designed. Conflicting data or conclusions can be resolved through careful evaluation or can lead to further, more creative, experimentation. The focus of this activity is the bacteriophage. The activity involves several stages (practical and discussion) that could be used independently. It is designed to link the concepts of Unit 3 with knowledge concepts from both Unit 1 and Unit 2. Outline of learning activity 1. Setting the scene – videoclip introducing resistance and phage therapy. 2. Discussion of PLOS article – developing new antibiotics and alternatives. 3. Protein binding in phage assembly and attachment – videoclips. 4. T4 b bacteriophage plaque assay – an advanced microbiology practical. 5. Phage display – a discussion of this creative use of phage. 16 UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 ACTIVITY 3 1. Setting the scene Watch the video clip (13:11 minutes): This clip introduces the problem of bacterial resistance to antibiotics and the possibility of using phage therapy as an a lternative. It also links bathing in the River Ganges to the discovery of bacteriophages. The development of phage therapy was interrupted in the West by the development of antibiotics. The clip describes the development of phage therapy in the former Sovi et Union and an interest in developing this treatment in the (less regulated) veterinary market before attempting to develop human phage treatments. Discussion of the clip could focus on whether medical science could develop along such different routes in different parts of the world today. It would be appropriate at this point to ensure that learners understand the basic cycle of the bacteriophage. It would also be appropriate to check that there is good understanding of the evolution of resistant strains of bacteria and the horizontal transmission of resistance genes through bacterial conjugation. 2. Discussion of the PLOS Biology article: ‘New Antibiotics— Resistance is Futile’ Powledge TM (2004) New Antibiotics—Resistance Is Futile. PLoS Biol 2(2): e53. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0020053 0020053 This is a review article written in 2004. It is suggested that different individuals in the class are tasked with reading the different sections. The class practitioner can then guide learners through the following suggested discussion questions. UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 17 ACTIVITY 3 Suggested discussion questions Introductory paragraphs Q: How do these paragraphs illustrate that knowledge has to be updated in science? Q: In this context in particular why is it important for scientists to report failure to find an effect (negative results)? Tried and true – and tired? Q: What is the usual way that antibiotics have been discovered? Q: How might this screening be carried out in the laboratory? Improving on nature Q: What is the focus of this section? Q: How might antibiotics be modified? Finding new targets Q: What is the focus of this section? Q: What techniques or knowledge are required? Phage therapy Q: Is it a good analogy to describe phage-infected cells as zombies? Q: Are there any potential drawbacks of phage therapy? Q: How might phage enzymes be used? 18 UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 ACTIVITY 3 Suggested discussion questions and answers Introductory paragraphs Q: How do these paragraphs illustrate that knowledge has to be updated in science? A: As resistance accelerates, new treatments have to be developed to keep ahead of the pathogen. Note that Streptococcus pneumoniae is now treated by vaccination, a development not predicted by this article. Q: In this context in particular why is it important for scientists to report failure to find an effect (negative results)? A: In the field of medicine it is as essential to know which treatments do not work as to know which treatments do work. Tried and true – and tired? Q: What is the usual way that antibiotics have been discovered? A: Natural compounds from fungi. Screening of chemical libraries. Q: How might this screening be carried out in the laboratory? A: Clearance zones measured on lawn plates of test bacteria (Kirby –Bauer testing). Improving on nature Q: What is the focus of this section? A: That existing antibiotics could be modified to increase t heir effectiveness. Q: How might antibiotics be modified? A: Through modifying the metabolic pathways in the organisms that produce the antibiotics. Finding new targets Q: What is the focus of this section? A: Designing antibiotics that hit the most vul nerable target in the bacterium – rational drug design. Q: What techniques or knowledge are required? A: Genome analysis and looking for key genes that control the cell cycle. Using that information to develop ligands that bind to the proteins that are transcribed by these genes. UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 19 ACTIVITY 3 Phage therapy Q: Is it a good analogy to describe phage-infected cells as zombies? A: No, science is always more strange than science fiction! Zombies are supposedly the dead coming back to life whereas a phage -infected cell is not yet dead in reality, but it no longer has any control over its metabolism. Q: Are there any potential drawbacks of phage therapy? A: Resistance will probably develop, although it has not done so yet. Regulations may be too tight to allow phage medicin es, although they can probably be developed for agriculture or veterinary uses. Q: How might phage enzymes be used? A: Phage can lyse host cells enzymatically. These enzymes are specific to the host bacteria and can be used in treatments to destroy the ba cterial species. 3. Protein binding in phage attachment and assembly It is assumed that practitioners will have resources from current Higher Biology suitable for quickly teaching the basics of the cycle of a bacteriophage. Watching these video clips will help learners to understand the importance of protein binding in both attachment to host and assembly of phages. T4 Bacteriophage introduction (1:51 minutes) T4 targeting host cell (0:30 minutes) T4 Bacteriophage assembly: a clip showing all of the proteins that have to be synthesized by the host cell to form a new capsid (5:31 minutes) Lambda phage replication (1:26 minutes) 20 UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 ACTIVITY 3 4. T4 b bacteriophage plaque assay This is an advanced microbiological technique and is suitable for learners who have already mastered the skills of aseptic technique and safe manipulation of microorganisms. It would also be appropriate for the classroom practitioner to be supported by level 3 trained technical staff. It is suggested that practitioners trial this procedure before use with a class. An outline protocol is included on the next page. The procedure can be carried out as a simple demonstration of the parasitic nature of the bacteriophage. Plaques (gaps) in the bacterial lawn indicate that the bacteria are being destroyed by bacteriophage. Alternatively, the procedure can be carried out in a manner that allows an estimate of the density of bacteriophage to be calculated using serial dilution. Another alternative is to develop the protocol to investigate another variable. A suitable suggestion would be to vary temperature to investigate the effect of temperature on binding. Alternatively, virus–host specificity can be demonstrated by showing that plaques do not form with this bacteriophage and other types of bacteria. This procedure, which can be used to identify bacteria, is known as phage typing. UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 21 ACTIVITY 3 Plaque assay estimation of T4 b bacteriophage concentration Aim To estimate the number of plaque-forming units (PFUs) of bacteriophage present in a viral stock using E. coli b. Background Bacteriophages are viruses that infect bacteria. T4 b is a lysogenic phage that infects E. coli b. If a lawn of bacteria is infected with bacteriophage infected areas show up as gaps known as plaques. The bacterial cells in the plaques have been destroyed. The number of plaques is proportional to the concentration of the virus or the success of binding of virus to the bacteria. Materials 3 nutrient agar plates (it is better if they are about 3 days old as fresher plates may be too wet) 10 ml sterile pipette 2 ml sterile pipette Stock virus bacteriophage T4 b (eg supplied by Philip Harris) 24 hour broth culture of E. coli Sterile 1% saline Sterile Universal bottles 100 l autopipette and sterile disposable tips Glass spreader Ethanol Multioxidising disinfectant 1% bleach 22 UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 ACTIVITY 3 Method Prepare serial dilutions of virus to 10-3, 10-4 and 10-5 in Universal bottles with sterile saline. Pipette 0.5 ml of E. coli onto each petri dish and spread with glass spreader. Flame the glass spreader before and after use. Leave for 10 minutes to absorb onto agar. Pipette 0.5 ml of each dilution of virus onto separate plates and spread using glass spreader. Leave for 10 minutes to absorb onto agar. Incubate at 30°C inverted for 24 hours. Count plaques on lawn. Adjust for dilution factor and initial pipetting volume and express as PFU per ml. Safety All waste disposed of to disinfectant or autoclave. All manipulations should use aseptic technique. UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 23 ACTIVITY 3 6. Phage display – a creative use of phage technology in drug design Learners should visit the following webpage: Work through the following presentation: Discuss the use of phage display in identif ying specific ligand molecules that may be of use in medicinal drug development. Areas to consider are: 1. A phage library is a collection of many millions of different genetically modified phage particles. 2. The genetic variation in these phages is expressed as differences in their outer protein coats. 3. These differences alter the ability of the phage to bind to target molecules. 4. The phages that bind to a target molecule can be easily gathered. 5. The phages that bind contain the genetic information to make the ligands that will bind to the target molecule. 6. Once a ligand is known, its use in potential therapy can be investigated. 7. Therapies are often based on the protein–protein interactions of ligands changing the shape, and therefore behaviour, of the target molecule. 24 UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 ACTIVITY 4 Activity 4: Reading a scientific research paper The basic structure of a scientific research paper Title: This tells you the topic of the authors’ investigation and the overall outcome. A research paper is usually the work of a team of scientists. Abstract: In this section the scientists briefly summarise their investigation. Introduction: In this section the scientists describe the background to their research. They will say what is already known about the topic they are investigating, and make references to the experiments that have established this. Materials and Methods: In this section the scientists describe in detail how they carried out their experiments. Enough detail should be included for other research groups to replicate the study. Results: In this section the scientists present the results they obtained. These may be displayed in the form of tables of data and/or graphs. Discussion: In this section the scientists make conclusions from their re sults and discuss their significance. They describe how their conclusions fit in with the knowledge discussed in the introduction. The scientists may also evaluate their investigation and suggest ideas for further experiments. References: In this section the scientists provide details of all the previous work that they used in order to carry out their investigation and write their paper. References usually follow either the Harvard or the Vancouver system. Acknowledgements: In this section the scientists thank other people and funding boards that have made contributions to their work. UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 25 ACTIVITY 4 How to read a scientific research paper for comprehension General tips - Annotate your copy of the paper as much as possible with any comments, queries or thoughts you have. - Highlight unfamiliar scientific terms and find out what they mean. - You may need to consult other sources of information to help you familiarise yourself with what is being discussed. - The authors will often use abbreviations in their writing and symbols on their figures. You may find it useful to make a key that explains what these terms represent. - At the paper’s heart will usually be the simple question of ‘What is the effect of X on Y?’ You need to work out what X and Y are, how they were manipulated and measured, and what the effect was. The abstract - Read this first to find out what the authors’ main questions, experiments and conclusions were. The introduction - Read as much as you need in order to understand the background. The methods - Read this to familiarise yourself with the experimental procedures the authors used. You will need to identify the independent and dependent variables and how they were manipulated and measured. - Try drawing a flow chart to show how the experiment was done. The results - Look at the figures (graphs) first. These often convey most of the results. Make sure you know what any abbreviations mean. Try writing a short summary of each figure to describe what it shows. - If you want more details read the authors’ description of their results. If statistics are used, focus on what they imply, not how they were produced. - If a measured difference between two groups is reported to be statistically significant then this means that the probability of the difference being found if there was actually no difference between the two groups is low (less than 0.05). The authors will be reasonably confident that the difference they measured (in the dependent variable) has been caused by their differing treatment of the two groups (the independent va riable). The discussion - Read this to find out what conclusions the authors drew. - How do the conclusions relate to the original experimental aims? - How do the conclusions relate to the evidence presented? 26 UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 ACTIVITY 4 Analysis of a scientific research paper Introduction In this activity you will read a primary research paper. This is a report written by scientists in which they describe original research that they have done, what conclusions they have made and how their findings fit into the current understanding of the topic. Reports of this nature are published in scientific journals. The paper you will read is taken from a scientific journal called Science. Science is an American publication that publishes original research from across all the scientific disciplines. Science tends to only publish research that is of particular significance and therefore it has a very high impact factor. This means that the papers that are in Science are cited (referenced) many times in other papers, usually because of the importance or their findings. Before answering the questions below, read through the document ‘The basic structure of a scientific research paper’. This will help you to get an idea for the style in which papers are written and how the authors present their ‘story’. The structure of papers published in high -impact journals such as Science is slightly different. The introduction, results and discussion are not separated from each other by subheadings but are written in continuous paragraphs. Only the most important features of the method are described, the fine details are included in the references, which are available as supplementary information (accessible on the journal’s website) or described in other research papers published elsewhere. The focus of the paper is very much on the findings and their importance for the advancement of the field. UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 27 ACTIVITY 4 Paper analysis Requirement of human renal water channel aquaporin -2 for vasopressindependent concentration of urine This paper describes some major findings that have increased our understanding of the way in which the hydrophilic signalling molecule ADH regulates the water permeability of the collecting tubules in the kidney. Use the document ‘How to read a scientific research paper’ to help you read through the whole paper and make notes, then answer the questions below. Questions 1. Sketch a diagram of a nephron and collecting duct to show the locations of the channel proteins described in the introduction. 2. By what name is the hormone ADH referred to in the paper? 3. (a) How does ADH act to increase the concentration of urine? (b) Describe the location of AQP2 when inserted into the membrane of an inner medullary collecting duct cell and the direction of the water concentration gradient at that point. (c) People who have the condition nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI) are insensitive to ADH. What could cause ADH to be ineffective? 4. The authors assigned the gene for AQP2 to human chr omosome 12 using a gene probe. They then sequenced the gene and obtained the amino acid sequence of the AQP2 protein. The gene probe was made out of complementary DNA (cDNA) for the rat AQP2 gene. cDNA is double-stranded DNA that is made using an mRNA template. One of the enzymes required to make cDNA is reverse transcriptase, which catalyses the transcription of a single -stranded DNA molecule from an mRNA template. 28 (a) Which other enzyme would be required to make cDNA? (b) How many amino acids long is the human AQP2 protein? (c) Use Figure 1 to show that the similarity between the human AQP2 protein and the rat AQP2 protein is 89.7%. UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 ACTIVITY 4 5. The authors then sequenced parts of the AQP2 gene of a male patient with NDI and compared the sequences to two indepe ndent control individuals. They found that their patient had two heterozygous point mutations. One of the point mutations resulted in the substitution of proline for serine at one position in the amino acid sequence of the AQP2 protein. (a) What could the term ‘independent’ mean in this context? (b) Use the information in Figures 1 and 2 to work out why the two point mutations to the AQP2 gene are designated R187C and S216P. (c) Use the diagrams of proline and serine to suggest how the replacement of serine by proline could distort the shape of one of the AQP2 protein’s alpha-helices. Proline 6. Serine It was found that the patient had inherited an AQP2 allele with the mutation from their father and an AQP2 allele with the mutation from their mother. Why is the individual described as a compound heterozygote for the AQP2 gene? UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 29 ACTIVITY 4 7. In the next part of the investigation egg cells from the model organism Xenopus laevis (a frog species) were used. The egg cells were injected with RNA carrying the sequence for the wild-type AQP2 protein and RNA with the two mutant sequences. The water permeability of the injected cells was measured. The results are displayed in Table 1. (a) What was this experiment designed to check? (b) What control was used and what was its purpose? (c) Draw an appropriate graph to present the data given in Table 1. (d) The authors concluded that the co-injection of a mutant RNA sequence with the wild-type sequence had no effect on the activity of the wild-type protein. What evidence from Table 1 and your graph supports this? What other conclusions can be made from the data? (e) How do the data in Table 1, the pattern of inheritance displayed in Figure 3A and the information in the third paragraph of the paper support the conclusion that the patient’s NDI is an autosomal recessive condition? 8. Summarise how the authors’ overall findings suggest that AQP2 is the water channel regulated by the action of ADH. 30 UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 ACTIVITY 4 Paper analysis answers Requirement of human renal water channel aquaporin-2 for vasopressindependent concentration of urine Learners will find that they require background knowledge to interpret some parts of the paper. They should be encouraged to try to work out what they will need to know to understand the concept an d how they will go about finding this out. They should also be encouraged to think carefully about which pieces of information in the paper will allow them to answer the questions that are asked. Answers to questions 1. Sketch a diagram of a nephron and collecting duct to show the locations of the channel proteins described in the introduction. Aquaporin 1 is found in the membranes of cells in the proximal tubule and the descending thin limb of the loop of Henle. Aquaporin 2 is found in the membrane of cells in the collecting ducts. Principal cells and inner medullary collecting duct cells are two of the cell types found in the collecting ducts. UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 31 ACTIVITY 4 2. By what name is the hormone ADH referred to in the paper? Arginine vasopressin (AVP) or just vasopressin. 3. (a) How does ADH act to increase the concentration of urine? ADH binds to the V2 receptor (found on the basolateral membrane of collecting duct cells) Cell signalling pathways Water channels inserted into apical membrane of cells. (b) Describe the location of AQP2 when inserted into the membrane of an inner medullary collecting duct cell and the direction of the water concentration gradient at that point. AQP2 is inserted into the apical membrane. The term ‘apical membrane’ applies to the cells that make up the lining of tubes. The apical membrane is on the side of the cell that faces the lumen (the inside of the collecting duct in the case of the kidney). The water concentration is higher in the lumen of the collecting duct than in the luminal cells. (c) People who have the condition nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI) are insensitive to ADH. What could cause ADH to be ineffective? – Being homozygous for mutant alleles of the gene encoding the V2 receptor (or simply possessing the mutant allele of the gene if male as gene is X-linked). – A mutation to any gene coding for a protein involved in the intracellular signalling pathway that links the binding of ADH to its receptor to the insertion of the water channel into the cell membrane. – A mutation to the gene coding for the water channel regulated by ADH. 32 UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 ACTIVITY 4 4. The authors assigned the gene for AQP2 to human chromosome 12 using a gene probe. They then sequenced the gene and obtained the amino acid sequence of the AQP2 protein. The gene probe was made out of complementary DNA (cDNA) for the rat AQP2 gene. cDNA is double-stranded DNA that is made using an mRNA template. One of the enzymes required to make cDNA is reverse transcriptase, which catalyses the transcription of a single -stranded DNA molecule from an mRNA template. (a) Which other enzyme would be required to make cDNA? DNA polymerase (b) How many amino acids long is the human AQP2 protein? 271 (c) Use Figure 1 to show that the similarity between the human AQP2 protein and the rat AQP2 protein is 89.7%. Total number of amino acids in human and rat AQP2 proteins = 271. Number of amino acids by which the two proteins differ = 28. Percentage similarity = (243/271) × 100 = 89.7% (1dp) 5. The authors then sequenced parts of the AQP2 gene of a male patient with NDI and compared the sequences to two independent control individuals. They found that their patient had two heterozygous point mutations. One of the point mutations resulted in the substitution of proline for serine at one position in the amino acid sequence of the AQP2 protein. (a) What could the term ‘independent’ mean in this context? Not related (b) Use the information in Figures 1 and 2 to work out why the two point mutations to the AQP2 gene are designated R187C and S216P. The first letter is the symbol for the amino acid that has been replaced. The number is the position of the amino acid in the chain. The last letter is symbol for the amino acid that is now present at this location as a result of the mutation. UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 33 ACTIVITY 4 (c) Use the diagrams of proline and serine to suggest how the replacement of serine by proline could distort the shape of one of the AQP2 protein’s alpha-helices. Proline lacks an amino-group hydrogen so cannot form a hydrogen bond at this location. The size of its R group may also prevent the alpha-helix from taking a regular shape. 6. It was found that the patient had inherited an AQP2 allele with the mutation from their father and an AQP2 allele with the mutation from their mother. Why is the individual described as a compound heterozygote for the AQP2 gene? They possess two different mutant alleles of the AQP2 gene. 7. In the next part of the investigation egg cells from the model organism Xenopus laevis (a frog species) were used. The egg cells were injected with RNA carrying the sequence for the wild-type AQP2 protein and RNA with the two mutant sequences. The water permeability of the injected cells was measured. The results are displayed in Table 1. (a) What was this experiment designed to check? That the mutant AQP2 alleles identified resulted in non -functional AQP2 water channels. (b) What control was used and what was its purpose? Injecting the egg cells with water. Done to check that any measured changes in the water permeabilities of the ce lls were caused by the effect of the injected RNA rather than injection per se. 34 UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 ACTIVITY 4 (c) Draw an appropriate graph to present the data given in Table 1. (d) The authors concluded that the co-injection of a mutant RNA sequence with the wild-type sequence had no effect on the activity of the wild-type protein. What evidence from Table 1 and your graph supports this? What other conclusions can be made from the data? The SEM error bars for condition 1 (wild-type AQP2 RNA injected) and conditions 5 and 6 (mutant and wild-type AQP2 RNA injected) all overlap. This suggests that the difference between the results for these conditions is not significant. The error bars for condition 1 (wild-type AQP2 RNA injected) and condition 2 (water injected) do not overl ap. This suggests that wild-type AQP2 RNA significantly increases the water permeability of the egg cells, ie it results in the production of a functional AQP2 water channel. UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 35 ACTIVITY 4 The error bars for conditions 3 (R187C RNA injected) and 4 (S216P RNA injected) overlap with each other and those of condition 2 (water injected). This suggests that both types of mutant RNA have no effect on the water permeability of the egg cells, ie they do not result in a functional AQP2 water channel being produced. (e) How do the data in Table 1, the pattern of inheritance displayed in Figure 3A and the information in the third paragraph of the paper support the conclusion that the patient’s NDI is an autosomal recessive condition? In the third paragraph the authors state t hat they assigned the AQP2 gene to chromosome 12, so the condition will not be sex linked. A comparison of conditions 1, 5 and 6 in Table 1 shows that wild type RNA can still produce a functional AQP2 protein in the presence of mutant RNA. This suggests that a person who was heterozygous for the wild-type AQP2 allele would not have NDI. The pedigree diagram in Figure 3A shows that neither of the parents is affected by NDI, despite carrying a mutant allele of the AQP2 gene. The same applies to the patient’s sister. 8. Summarise how the authors’ overall findings suggest that AQP2 is the water channel regulated by the action of ADH. ADH is not effective in people with NDI. The patient in the study had NDI, but had functional ADH receptors. The patient had mu tations to both of their alleles for the AQP2 gene. Expression of the mutant alleles in frog egg cells did not have a significant effect on their water permeability compared to a control, whereas expression of the wild type allele greatly increased the cells’ water permeability. This suggests that the patient’s ADH insensitivity arises from the hormone’s inability to cause functional AQP2 water channels to be inserted into the apical membrane of the cells in collecting ducts of the kidney. 36 UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 ACTIVITY 5 Activity 5: Scientific literature and communication The following papers can form the basis for class d iscussion based around the area of scientific literature and communication. Case 1: The media’s MMR hoax Learners should read the following articles: The media’s MMR hoax by Ben Goldacre (Bad Science) Wakefield’s article linking MMR vaccine and autism was fraudulent BMJ 2011; 342; doi: 10.1136/bmj.c7452 (Published 5 January 2011) Cite this as BMJ 2011; 342: c7452 Discussion should centre on the following points: Scientific reputation The difference between pre-publication communication and peer-review The requirement for scientific literacy within the media The outcome of a vaccination scare UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 37 ACTIVITY 5 Scientific reputation: The MMR story illustrates how a scientific reputation can be lost after being judged by others to have used a fraudulent approach to science. In particular the BMJ editorial makes statements about the integrity of the data collection and reporting. It should be noted that the BMJ is being sued by Andrew Wakefield in Texas as a result of this editorial. The difference between pre-publication communication and peer-review: The data of Krigsman is queried in the article by Ben Goldacre. He points out that this has been reported at conferences but not published in a peer reviewed form that allows evaluation of methods, results and analysis. The requirement for scientific literacy within the media : The media’s reporting of MMR is severely criticised. In particular, the media did not clearly point out the difference between correlation and causation, the lack of reliability of a small study or the difference between a hypothesis and a conclusion. The use of non-scientifically trained journalists is worrying, as is the apparent ranking of opinion above evidence derived from scientifically valid data, not to mention the cherry-picking of results that appeared to support the media’s story. The outcome of a vaccination scare: The reduced rates of measles vaccination through lowered uptake of MMR led to an increase in the rates of measles in the UK. Discuss the nature of herd immunity and the conflict between social responsibility and individual freedom. 38 UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 ACTIVITY 5 Case 2: HIV denial in the internet era Learners should read the following paper from PLOS Medicine: Smith TC, Novella SP (2007) HIV Denial in the Internet Era. PLoS Med 4(8): e256.;doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.0040256 d.0040256 Misinformation can spread rapidly via the internet. Learner s should be asked to consider how the strategies employed by t hose who deny HIV might be appealing to those browsing the internet. Learners might enjoy discussing their own difficulties in remembering to use the scientific approach of reasoned evaluation of hard evidence when faced with emotive or persuasive non-scientific communication. The group should discuss what they think an appropriate response from the scientific community should be when confronted by denial of HIV, evolution or climate change. During this discussion it would be right to emphasise that, in a scientific context, opinion should be informed by the evaluation of evidence (data). A scientific debate should centre around issues such as validity of measures, accuracy, appropriate controls, reliability of data, etc. UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 39 ACTIVITY 6 Activity 6: Scientific ethics A The ethical framework for using animal models in research The class should be given the link to the following article and asked to read it, make notes and form opinions for a class discussion. Ferdowsian HR, Beck N (2011) Ethical and Scientific Considerations Regarding Animal Testing and Research. PLoS ONE 6(9): e24059. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0024059 .pone.002 4059 In class, possibly after the PowerPoint on scientific ethics, ask learners to outline what they think the guidelines should be for the use of animal models in research. Try to help the class achieve a balanced consensus view rather than al lowing polarised views to take root and be held without willingness to compromise. To help do this discuss the most extreme positions (such as no regulation at all or no animal testing at all) and get learners to identify the pros and cons of implementing either of these extreme ethical frameworks. From these positions encourage learners to use the information in the article provided to try to establish some evidence-based criteria for the legislative or regulatory framework for animal testing. As a second activity, discuss the use of animal models in school science, eg woodlice, daphnia, etc. Discuss what guidelines should operate within a school biology department. For the latter, it is worth referring to the IoB publication Materials of Living Origin in Schools. 40 UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 ACTIVITY 7 Activity 7: Scientific ethics B In animal studies, the concepts of replacement, reduction and refinement are used to avoid, reduce or minimise harm to animals. The value or quality of science investigations must be justifiable in terms of the benefits of its outcome, including the pursuit of scientific knowledge. The risk to and safety of subject species, individuals, investigators and the environment must be taken into account. As a result, many areas of scientific research are highly regulated and licensed by governments. Legislation limits the potential for the misuse of studies and data. 1. Read the paper on ‘The humane collection of fetal bovine serum and possibilities for serum-free cell and tissue culture’. The major elements of the text have been highlighted for reference in the accompanying pdf, but it is recommended that you read the text in its entirety so that you can develop your own view on the use of FBS in vitro cell culturing. 2. Your views will form the basis of a discussion on the ethical and moral decisions surrounding the use of FBS in vitro. 3. You may annotate the paper and you may decide to place the paper in Google docs so that you can annotate it further as a class bef ore your tutorial. 4. The tutorial will focus on discussing the need for regulation and legislation in science and the need for scientists to question their methods. 5. What are the bigger questions that this paper raises with regards to biological research? 6. Are there situations that justify the harm of an organism for our greater success? 7. What happens when human tissue/cells/volunteers are also manipulated? UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 41 ACTIVITY 7 Use the links below to aid your own thinking and form a reasoned debate. 1. Cancer research HELA cells and Henrietta Lacks The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks 2. The Human Tissue Act 2004 -tissue/human-tissue-humantissue-uk-developments 3. Bioethics debate -opt-in-or-opt-outorgan-donation-in-the-uk/ 4. University of Leicester: Model Organisms in Biomedical Research (video clip) 66w#! 42 UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 ACTIVITY 8 Activity 8: Pilot study, peer review and plagiarism This activity is designed to focus on the following parts of the arrangements documents: 1 Scientific principles and process (b) Scientific literature and communication (c) Scientific ethics 2 Experimentation (a) Pilot study Part 1: Pilot study (2–3 periods) The suggested sequence of activities involves the selection of an area of investigative experimental work that is both reasonably familiar to learners yet allows some scope for individual variation in methodology or selection and control of variables. Suitable class research topics could be: the influence of drugs such as ethanol on Daphnia heart rate the influence of factors such as humidity on woodlouse behaviour the influence of factors on the activity of catalase. There is scope to select activities that would fit within either Unit 1 or Unit 2 as appropriate. The activity works best if all members of the class are working on different individual variations of the same basic experiment. The key idea is that the practical should have enough familiarity t o learners that they should not need to pilot the activity in order to become familiar with the basic method. Instead, their pilot study should involve the individual selection of methods of varying the independent variable, measuring the dependent variable and controlling any important confounding variables. By the end of the pilot study phase each learner should have written up their pilot study under the following headings: UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 43 ACTIVITY 8 Pilot study write-up Title Aim Method Table of results Part 2: Peer review (1–2 periods) For the peer review phase of the activity learners are paired or arranged in groups so that they are able to swap their pilot study write -ups. As peer reviewers learners spend 10 minutes or so reading through the write -up they have been given. They should check the write-up for clarity, detail and precision. They should write a list of questions or further details that they require from the original authors in order to carry out the experiment according to the instructions given. Once clarific ation has been sought, a brief plenary is helpful to encourage learners to reflect on the requirement for full details within scientific writing. Following this discussion learners then attempt to follow the method that they have been peer reviewing. This is an attempt to demonstrate replication by another research team. If there is time it is interesting to consider how closely matched the original author’s and peer reviewer’s data are, and if they differ discuss reasons why. Part 3: Plagiarism checking After discussion of the different findings within the class, for homework ask the learners to write a short review article (ie an essay) on the class research topic. Each learner should aim to summarise the findings of the different researchers in the class as well as bringing in some information from other sources. This review should be submitted in electronic form. In class, once the short review articles have been submitted, arrange for the class to check their own work for plagiarism. This can be do ne using an online plagiarism checker linked to Google or another search engine. In this case small sections of text can be checked at any one time. Alternatively, your school or college may have access to a more substantial plagiarism checker. This will be a good starting point to move on to the topic of scientific ethics and plagiarism in particular. 44 UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 ACTIVITY 9 Activity 9: Gel electrophoresis pilot study Content area: Experimentation (a) Pilot study Integral to the development of an investigation, a pilot stud y is used to help plan procedures, assess validity and check techniques. This allows evaluation and modification of experimental design. A pilot study can be used to develop a new protocol or to enable an investigator to become proficient in using an established protocol. The aim of this activity is to gain experience of following a multistep protocol for protein electrophoresis, which is an experimental technique used in the study of proteomics. Background What is proteomics? Proteomics has evolved from genomics. After the successful mapping of the genomes of many different organisms, variations in proteins now allow a further level of evolutionary mapping to take place. Whereas genomics focuses on DNA in the nucleus of cells, proteomics looks at the pr otein composition of a cell. The word proteome is derived from a combination of protein and genome. Proteome is defined in the Oxford dictionary as being ‘the entire complement of proteins that is or can be expressed by a cell, tissue or organism’. The field of proteomics is becoming increasingly important in research as many diseases operate by causing some degree of disruption to specific proteins. Demonstration of protein electrophoresis in the laboratory For classroom use and in order to gain experi ence of following a multistep protocol, the BIORAD Biotechnology Explorer™ Comparative Proteomics Kit is a useful tool to demonstrate the technique of protein electrophoresis. To summarise, learners use SDS-PAGE (sodium dodecylsulphatepolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) to separate and analyse the protein UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 45 ACTIVITY 9 profiles of muscle tissue from a variety of fish species. Proteins are usually separated using polyacrylamide gels as their small pore size means they have a high resolving power. The process separate s the proteins according to their molecular weight. To facilitate this, the proteins must first be processed into a linear form. This is done prior to the electrophoresis by denaturing the proteins. A strongly negatively charged detergent SDS (sodium dodec yl sulphate) is added which binds to and coats the proteins and effectively gives them a uniform charge along their entire length, masking the different charged groups of the amino acids in the chain. With the different charged groups along the different protein no longer a variable, the molecular mass of the protein is the main variable that affects their migration rate through the gel during electrophoresis. By comparing the protein profiles of different fish species, learners can test the hypothesis that protein profiles are indicators of genetic and evolutionary relatedness. The principles behind this activity are: it allows learners to investigate evolution in the laboratory through the generation of data that can be used to construct cladograms (phylogenetic trees) of the fish species analysed it allows learners to study muscle protein structure and function to gain skills in carrying out a multistep protocol as a pilot study if wished, this technique can be used as an open-ended tool for further investigative study. The basic process involved in SDS-PAGE is shown below: -PAGE_Electrophoresis.png Atttributed to Bensaccount at en.wikipedia 46 UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 ACTIVITY 9 Lesson 1: Preparatory Lesson (45 minutes) Access to the internet will be required for this activity. Students should already be familiar with the fact that the basic contractile components of muscle cells are the myofibrils that are bund led into muscle fibres. Each myofibril consists of a linear series of contractile units called sarcomeres that are made up of actin and myosin protein filaments. Although actin and myosin are the main components involved in muscle contraction, there are numerous other muscle proteins also required. Actin and myosin are highly conserved across all animal species but other muscle proteins show more variability. These variations reflect the evolutionary history of the species and adaptations to live in different environments. A suggested approach to this pre-lab activity is given in the BIORAD Biotechnology Explorer™ Comparative Proteomics Kit 1 manual . To summarise, the lesson is best started with a brainstorming session on fish and their environments. This could cover the different environmental factors that are thought likely to influence fish movement and muscle development. Taking cost and availability into account, five different fish species should be selected for investigation. (It should be noted that less than a gram of each fresh raw fish sample is required to complete this investigation. Many fish counters, particularly smaller local shops will give these free of charge or for a minimal cost. It should also be noted that previously frozen raw fish works just as well as fresh. Label your fish samples clearly before freezing to reduce the possibility of error.) Students should access an internet database ( – this contains information on the biology of most of the world’s fish species. Students should research the fish species that they are planning to use in the gel separation process. The BIORAD Biotechnology Explorer™ Comparative Proteomics Kit manual contains a specific student sect ion which contains Fish Data Sheets and focused questions to allow students to target their research on the chosen fish species. The lesson should conclude with the students predicting and justifying which two fish out of the five are likely to have the most similar protein profiles. Similarly, students should predict and justify which two fish out of the five chosen will have the fewest muscle proteins in common and have very differing protein profiles. There is an alternative pre-lab activity on the evolution and classification of fish given in the manual that could be done as a homework exercise or as additional work. UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 47 ACTIVITY 9 Lesson 2: Protein Extraction from Muscle (45 minutes) There is a detailed protocol set out in the BIORAD Biotechnology Explorer™ Comparative Proteomics Kit manual with both instructions for teachers and students to follow. In this lesson, students prepare the protein extracts from the five fish muscle samples. This lesson can be immediately followed by Lesson 3, if time permits. The allocation of time for each of these lessons is a guideline only. When planning lessons, the inexperience of students to this new technique should be taken into account , particularly if the focus of the activity is that of a pilot test intended to allow stude nts to gain skills in mastering a multistep procedure. Lesson 3: Electrophoresis – Gel loading, Running and Staining (45 minutes) In this lesson, students separate the proteins in their fish muscle extracts using SDS-PAGE and then stain their gels to visualise the proteins. It is advisable to wear gloves if handling gels. Lesson 4: Analysis and Interpretation of Results (45 minutes and homework) Completed gels can be dried (instructions for this are given in the proteomics manual) or alternatively photographed, scanned or photocopied to retain a record of results. Analysis of results – in order to draw meaningful conclusions or inferences about the similarity or difference in protein profiles of the fish samples, detailed gel analysis is required. An example of a gel is detailed in the manual and clear instructions about how to analyse their gel is given to students. Students need to create a standard curve and record the distances migrated in millimetres by the prestained standard proteins used o f known molecular weight. These standards should measure molecular weights of 37, 25, 20, 15 and 10 kilodaltons (kD). This is an exercise in student precision as accuracy to 0.5 mm is required. Results are then plotted onto two -cycle semilogarithmic graph paper to construct a curve if the protein molecular mass against the distance migrated. For each of the five fish samples that have been analysed, students can determine the molecular masses by measuring the distance each band has migrated from the base of its well on the gel. Using the standard curve, students can work out the molecular mass of the proteins found in each fish sample. Comparing each fish profile individually with the other fish profiles 48 UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 ACTIVITY 9 allows students to work out if the fish have any bands in common. Finally, using this information, students are instructed how to construct a cladogram (phylogenetic tree) based on their results. The aim of this learning activity is to gain experience using a multi -step protocol but it also reinforces work covered in Unit-2 of the AH Biology course relating to evolution and rate of evolution. Useful information Literature and price list are available online at It is recommended that practitioners access the life science education section from the top toolbar on the homepage of and select classroom kits from the pull-down catalog index box. Please note that literature is free to download but practitioners have to register on the site. An overview of the kit will appear on the catalogue page. Overview of key features of kit Investigation can be completed in three 45-minute lab sessions. Each kit contains sufficient materials for eight learner workstations (two to four learners per workstation). Not included in the kit With the exception of basic laboratory supplies, there is a requirement for fixed-volume (5 and 10 µl) and adjustable micropipettes (2 –20 µl), plus fish samples (five to eight types from store, river, lake or ocean), 1 g each per workstation, and power supplies. Suggested reference sites Human Proteome Organisation American Medical Association Clinical and Biomedical Research at the University of Leeds General proteomic information UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 49 ACTIVITY 10 Activity 10: Enzyme kinetics pilot study Introduction Neutrase® is a commercial enzyme prepared by Novozyme. It is a bacterial protease produced by a selected strain of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. Commercially it is used to break down proteins to soluble peptides and it is routinely used in DNA extraction to lower the load of contaminating protein. ‘Neutrase® is a neutral protease with an optimum activity around pH 5.5 –7.5 and 45–55°C. It is a metallo-proteinase, requiring zinc ions for its activity. Consequently, it is stabilised by the presence of calcium ions and inhibited by EDTA. The stability of Neutrase® at a certain temperature is influenced by the type and concentration of the proteins present. Neutrase® can be inactivated by heat treatment, eg 2 minutes at 85°C.’ National Centre for Biotechnology Education (NCBE) In addition to the above information Neutrase® is demonstrably active at around 20°C. (Nuffield) Milk powder such as Marvel® provides a good bench substrate for Neutrase® and it can be demonstrated that at 1% Neutrase® will cause a 2% suspension of Marvel to clear rapidly. The clearance is due to the digestion of casein in milk from a relatively insoluble suspension to soluble peptides. The course of this reaction can be followed by measuring the time taken for the milk suspension to clear by eye or more precisely by using colorometric measurements of transmission without requiring expensive colorometric substrates. Colorometric/spectrophotometric methods should be considered using data logging. Suitable equipment is available from the following suppliers. Mystrica (software PC only) The Mystrica colorimeter, 50 UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 ACTIVITY 10 PASCO (software i.e. Data Studio PC/MAC) General references NCBE Neutrase®: Neutrase®.h tml Safety: eSafety.pdf Price: Nuffield -biology/quantitative-food-testprotein-content-powdered-milk The task To undertake a pilot study with suitable negative and positive controls in order to follow the effect of Neutrase® on milk pro tein. A progress curve should be plotted to determine the effect of changing substrate concentration on enzyme activity. 1. As a pilot study learners should be given stock Neutrase® at 100% (NCBE stock liquid extract) and Marvel at 2% in distilled water. Th ey should add the enzyme to give an end concentration of 1% and observe what happens. UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 51 ACTIVITY 10 2. The following questions should then be posed: Q: How do you know the reaction has ceased? A: The solution should clear. Q: What would be a valid negative control? A: By heat-treating a sample of enzyme at 85°C and adding this as a control treatment. This is this better than simply adding no enzyme as it does not alter the total volume. Q: If we were to look at the effect of substrate concentration on Neutrase®, what would be a suitable positive control? A: The reaction allowed to proceed under optimal conditions. Q: Are replicates required? A: Yes, always. Discuss how many and how constructed, eg a true replicate is not simply a repeat of the experiment using the same batch of reagents. Q: How can the rate of the reaction be determined and when is the reaction linear? A: This is a difficult one as clearing is subjective. This discussion should lead into one where a qualitative result such as the initial pilot should not be seen as sufficiently rigorous enough. Rate implies measurements against a time base and recording of a change in the dependant variable, casein in milk powder, at various time points. This is best made colorimetrically with data logging over time. The use of a blue end filter or setting works well for this activity but further discussion is needed about how a valid blank can be created to determine the clearance of Marvel over time by looking at increased transmission. Note: Pure water would be a poor blank. Why? Even when all substrate has been digested the dissolved peptides will still give background absorption over water. How can this be overcome? (Pre-digesting a blank may be one solution where a completely digested Marvel sample is used to show 100% transmission. Discuss the validity of this approach.) At the end of this discussion learners should be encouraged to construct a second pilot using colorimeters to measure the effect of changing substrate concentration on the progress of enzyme activity using the above model. 52 UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 ACTIVITY 10 Further work It should be possible to determine Michaelis –Menten kinetics for Neutrase® and derive values for K m and V max using this basic system. As Neutrase® is a metaloprotease the effect of EDTA or Zn + on activity may provide a useful topic for an Advance Higher investigation. In addition, this model for Neutrase® should allow the study of the inhibition of enzymes by a range of molecules. This model is attractive because of the ease of handling of the basic system and its adaptability. Basic reagents are cheap, although investment in colorimeters would be required to get the most out of the system. The Mystrica colorimeter is good in this regard as it can be used as a stand-alone tool or be connected to a comput er for data logging. Various useful experiments are also available at the Mystrica website above. UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 53 ACTIVITY 11 Activity 11: Controls, sampling and ensuring reliability Content area: Controls, sampling and ensuring reliability Title: Investigating heart rate in Daphnia Practitioner’s guide Daphnia or water fleas are small crustaceans commonly found in lakes and ponds, and widely available in pet shops as fish food. In the laboratory, the transparency of the Daphnia exoskeleton allows the heartbeat to be easily counted under a light microscope at low power or under binocular magnification. The ease with which the heart rate can be measured makes this an ideal organism for investigation of factors that may affect heart rate, such as: effect of ethanol effect of caffeine change of water temperature change of water salinity effect of painkillers (paracetamol, ibuprofen, aspirin etc). Obviously, the effect of changing these conditions on an invertebrate crustacean cannot be used to predict the effect of chemicals on larger vertebrate organisms but it is useful as an indicator of how these factors can affect metabolic processes. The experimental design of this practical means it is an ideal example of the need for controls and to consider aspects of sampling. The n atural variation of this organism is such that it affects sample size and consideration must be taken to ensure that sufficient measurements are made so that the overall results can be considered reliable. 54 UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 ACTIVITY 11 Learners must consider the following: Size of Daphnia used from the stock culture. Daphnia, like all species, show natural variation in size and this may have an effect on heart rate and also the ability of the learner to count heart rate accurately. Brooding Daphnia. Usually in a stock culture there are brooding Daphnia, which are easily recognisable due to the presence of the developing young visible inside the transparent exoskeleton. Temperature and chemicals may well have different effects on brooding Daphnia and it would be wise to consider this when selecting a sample. Age of stock culture and the storage conditions of Daphnia. How competent do learners feel about being able to reliably and accurately count the heart rate of Daphnia? Perhaps learners should consider a short pilot experiment before taking results to ensure that experimenter error does not affect the reliability of results. Because of the natural variation in the population of Daphnia learners need to consider that they may need a larger sample size due to the population being variable. Learners need to consider time constraints, the need for replicates and most importantly the fact that the experiment should be repeated as a whole to check the reliability of the results. Technician’s guide Apparatus required Culture of water fleas – available from pet shops as fish food (often pet shops only get one delivery of these per week so it would be sensible to check with local supplier). Cotton wool Cavity microscope slides and coverslips Plastic droppers (with the end cut off to draw up Daphnia) Stopclocks Distilled water Microscopes low power light or binocular For temperature investigation Ice box (0°C) Water baths at 20°C, 30°C and 40°C (adding ice to water taken from 20°C can produce 10°C) UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 55 ACTIVITY 11 For chemical investigations Ethanol is one of the chemicals whose use by learners is specified by CLEAPSS as per guidelines given below: e/0/SSS60.pdf?Secondary/Scienc e/Student%20Safety%20Sheets/ The concentrations of ethanol used are very low. Suggested ethanol concentrations of 1%, 2%, 5% and 10% could be used. Paracetamol and aspirin – both come in soluble form. 1.0% solutions can be made up by dissolving two 500 mg tablets in 100 ml of distilled water. 0.1% solutions can be made up by dissolving two 500 mg tablets in 1000 ml of distilled water. Ibuprofen – does not come in soluble form, but ibuprofen water -based gels can be used as they are water soluble. 1% solution – 2 g of gel dissolved in 100 ml of distilled water. 0.1% solution – 2 g of gel dissolved in 100 ml of distilled water. This activity has been designed to be a two -lesson activity: Lesson 1: Design of experiment and pilot study measuring the heart rate of Daphnia in water. Lesson 2: Looking at the effect of one of the factors on the heart rate of Daphnia. 56 UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 ACTIVITY 11 Learner guide Background information Daphnia or water fleas are small crustaceans commonly found in lakes an d ponds, and widely available in pet shops as fish food. In the laboratory, the transparency of the Daphnia exoskeleton allows the heartbeat to be easily counted under a light microscope at low power or under binocular magnification. The ease at which the heart rate can be measured makes this an ideal organism for investigation of factors which may affect heart rate, such as: effect of ethanol effect of caffeine change of water temperature change of water salinity effect of painkillers (paracetamol, ibupr ofen, aspirin etc). Only one of these factors will be investigated and your practitioner will outline which factor the class as a whole will be studying. Safety Good laboratory practice is expected at all times. Please remember that Daphnia are living organisms and as such should be treated with care. None of the design elements of this experiment is intended to cause the death of the organism and after they have been measured, Daphnia should be returned to the storage container. Lesson 1 It is very important that time is spent designing your experiment and using all the information you have learned about use of controls, managing confounding variables, sample size and ensuring the reliability of your results. You must consider sample size, replication o f your results and also repeating your experiment to ensure reliability of overall results. Once you have planned your experiment, you need to complete a pilot test to allow you to become familiar with a new technique and to become competent in measuring the heart rate of Daphnia. Observing the heart rate of Daphnia Take a few strands of cotton wool and place them onto the cavity of a cavity microscope slide. UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 57 ACTIVITY 11 Using a plastic dropper (with the end cut off) draw up one of the Daphnia from your designated sample population and transfer it onto the cavity slide with a few drops of the solution. The cotton wool will restrict the movement of the Daphnia and allow you to focus the slide on the microscope at low power and look for the heart beating through the transparent exoskeleton. Once you are comfortable that you can see and count the heart rate of the Daphnia, it is important that you ensure you can count reliably and accurately. The heart rate of the Daphnia can be about 300 beats per minute (bmp) and this may increase depending on what factor you decide to investigate. Can you count that fast in a minute and be sure of your results? Recording results There are several possible methods of recording your results, all of which need to be done with a timer to tell you when you have reached a minute or 30 seconds: Use of a clicker that you push down on the top and it registers the total number of Daphnia heart beats you have recorded. With a pen, put a dot onto a piece of paper for every heart beat you count. It is best if you do this in a pattern that allows you to count the dots easily afterwards. Set up a calculator such that pressing the ‘=’ button adds one onto the total on the screen. Lesson 2 Using the skills you have practised in Lesson 1, go on to i nvestigate the effect of one of the factors on the heart rate of Daphnia. Analysis of results There is likely to be considerable variation in the data collected because of the variability of the Daphnia and the reliability of the measurement technique used. Class results for the heart beat of the sample population of Daphnia should be gathered. Mean results and the standard deviation should be calculated. 58 UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 ACTIVITY 12 Activity 12: Sampling using transect Introduction Observational studies are key to investigating ecological changes. One classic approach is the line transect, where the distribution of species is recorded along a fixed sample line. The transect may be placed to intersect an area that shows variance in species distribution. Moving on the line and measuring biotic and abiotic factors can make an inference about how and why species diversity is being affected. An issue with this is that there is no way to directly control any independent variable. Instead a correlation of species distribution with similar patterns of other biotic or abiotic factors is attempted. Trampling is the name given to the effect of animal or man -made movement on terrestrial ecosystems. This can be due to footfall or mechanised transport. In this simple approach we will design a series of sampling methods to investigate the following observations for a representative section of a strip of land crossing a meadow between two gates. UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 59 ACTIVITY 12 Aerial view of a track going through a meadow Dense grass Grass/buttercup Daisy/clover 15 m Bare ground 9m The initial observation suggests that vegetation occurs in belts running in the direction of the path. 1. From the diagram and the introduction come up with a hypothesis for the change in species diversity. 2. How would you test your hypothesis? 3. What confounding variables may exist in relation to plant distribution? 4. Can these variables be controlled or factored into your study? 5. How can we measure the density and diversity of species across the path? 6. What possible factors may cause a change in plant distribution? 7. How can these factors be measured and to what degree of ac curacy and reliability? 8. How would you display and analyse your results? 60 UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 ACTIVITY 12 Practitioner’s notes The aim of this exercise is to get learners to think about the problems of sampling in the field. Some suggestions are as follows: The initial observation suggests that vegetation occurs in zones radiating from the path’s centre outwards. 1. From the diagram and the introduction come up with a hypothesis for the change in species diversity. (a) One hypothesis could be that increased soil compaction reduces species diversity. (i) Commercial penetrometers can be purchased but these can also be made by dropping a weighted spike inside a captive pipe. The depth to which the spike enters the soil is measure of how compacted the soil is. 2. How would you test your hypothesis? (a) Measurements of soil compaction across the belt could be compared with plant distribution and diversity. 3. What confounding variables may exist in relation to plant distribution? (a) Any of the factors mentioned in part 7 that are not a component of trampling. 4. Can these variables be controlled or factored into your study? (a) It is essential that these factors are measured and compared across the transect to see if they show any correlation with plant density. 5. How can we measure the density and diversity of species across the path? (a) A belt transect crossing the path across the whole cross -sectional area would be appropriate. Abundance of all of the test organisms described would be measured using 0.25 m 2 quadrats. This is an example of systematic sampling. (b) 18 samples should be taken across a 9 m line stretched equally across the width of the diagram area. (c) Several belt transects should be taken across the target to establish reliability. 6. What possible factors may cause a change in plant distribution? (a) Soil pH, soil moisture, soil compaction, light intensity, competition and degree of trampling are all potential variables. Direct damage to plants as a result of trampling. UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 61 ACTIVITY 12 7. How can these factors be measured and to what degree of accuracy and reliability? (a) Appropriate measuring instruments should be used for abiotic factors and multiple readings taken and averaged per quadrat. (b) It is possible to theorise about the effects of competition but they are difficult to measure. Likewise a numerical value for trampling is difficult to define and would require direct observation of the target area to estimate footfall or traffic density. 8. How would you display and analyse your results? (a) Graphs of all measured factors should be constructed to display the variation of all measured variables and factors across the belt. (b) Correlation of change of plant type and density with the independent variable should be looked for. (i) It is essential that all potential confounding variables do not negate any correlation of the dependant and independent variables. (ii) In addition any removal or inhibition of a species may negate its competitive effect on another species. Learners should be asked to think about the changed distribution of plants in light of this possibility. Further activities The opportunity to carry out belt and line transects in the field should be encouraged. Various links and ideas related to trampling can be found on the Field Studies Council website: 62 UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 ACTIVITY 13 Activity 13: Evaluating experimental design Evaluating experimental design and data Have appropriate control conditions or control groups been included in the experiment? Have all the confounding variables been effectively controlled? Who was tested/observed/measured? Were the experiments done in a petri dish, a non -human animal or a living human? How big was the sample size? Was it big enough to draw reliable conclusions? What are the raw numbers? Are any data, details or labels missing or unclear? UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 63 ACTIVITY 13 Practitioner’s notes This activity was inspired by the information presented in the book Bad Science by Ben Goldacre. The aim is for learners to become more ef fective at critically evaluating scientific claims. They will be made aware of the type of questions that they should be asking to decide whether an experimental design is suitable for generating valid and reliable conclusions. Part 1: Critical evaluation of another scientist’s experimental designs In this activity learners will view four PowerPoint slides describing an investigation into the effectiveness of a fictional drug at preventing colds. They will also be given the slides in handout form. The practitioner should act out the role of a research scientist for the drug company and make the presentation as sincerely as possible, with the aim of convincing the learners of the validity of the findings. A vote could be taken in the class after the presentation to find out how many people would use the drug based on the information they have received so far. The learners must then take the role of reviewers and try to pick as many holes in the presentation as they can. They should generate a list of quest ions that they would want to ask the research scientist about the work. It is worth dividing this part of the activity into two phases: in the first learners are given time to come up with evaluative questions themselves and in the second learners can be given the guidance document on the types of questions that could be asked and asked to tailor these to the specific details of the experiments described in the presentation. The practitioner can then take the learners through the annotated version of the PowerPoint presentation and give them the opportunity to raise their questions and criticisms of the experimental designs that are described. They may have some that are not covered here! Part 2: Generating a dubious description of an experimental design In this activity learners should work individually or in small groups to produce a computer-based PowerPoint presentation with a similar structure to the one they have just seen, which they will then give to their peers. The aim of the presenter is to get away with as many invalid/unreliable claims as possible based on the experimental design they describe in the presentation. The aim of the viewers is to identify the elements of the experimental design that would compromise its validity and reliability. 64 UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 ACTIVITY 13 Learner notes Aim: To become more familiar with the types of questions that must be asked to evaluate the validity and reliability of an experimental design. Part 1: Critical evaluation of another scientist’s experimental designs You will be shown a presentation in which a scientific investigation is described. Your task is to take the role of a peer reviewer and identify critical questions that would need to be asked of the method and experimental design in order to determine whether the conclusions th at are presented are valid and reliable. Part 2: Generating a dubious description of an experimental design In this activity you need to produce a presentation that has a similar structure to the one you have already seen to convince someone to use anoth er fictional product. You need to briefly describe an experimental design, the results and the conclusions you have made. You will then present this to your peers. Your aim is to get away with making as many invalid/unreliable claims as you can by being deliberately vague about the design of your experiment and the method you have followed. When you watch the other presentations your aim is to pick out as many points as possible that could compromise the validity and reliability of the experimental design a nd generate questions to ask the presenter to clarify their descriptions. UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 65 ACTIVITY 14 Activity 14: Evaluating data analysis Evaluating the reliability of an experimental design using descriptive statistics When you make repeated measurements of a variable in a biological investigation it is very unlikely that you will consistently obtain exactly the same values. This may be due to an inability or failure to consistently control confounding variables, a small amount of measurement error and inherent variation between measurements. Biological systems are complex: even a single cell may have thousands of variables associated with it that vary during an experiment. As a result of this there will always be some variation in your results. To get an idea of how varied your data are, and therefore the reliability of your experimental method the data can be analysed using descriptive statistics. Descriptive statistics can provide a measure of the variability of a data set. This can be used to compare the variability of d ata sets, eg to make a comparison between replicates. The variability can be presented as a number or displayed on a graph of the data as an error bar. The simplest measure of the variability of a data set is the range. This is the largest value minus the smallest value. This is easy to calculate, but is distorted by extreme values so is generally not used. The standard deviation is one of the most commonly used measures of data variability. It can be thought of as how much each measurement differs on average from the mean of the data set. The larger the standard deviation of a data set the more variable the data. How to calculate the standard deviation of a data set manually The values in a set of data can be given the symbols x 1 , x 2 and x 3 , where x 1 is the smallest value. A general value in the data set is given the symbol x i . The number of values in the data set is given the symbol n. 66 UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 ACTIVITY 14 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Calculate the mean ( x ) of the values in the data set: (∑x)/n. Calculate how much each value deviates from the mean: x i – x . Square each of the deviations: (x i – x ) 2 . 2 Calculate the sum of the squared deviations: ∑( x i – x ) . Divide the sum of the squared deviations by the number of values minus 2 1: (∑(x i – x ) )/(n – 1). This value is known as the variance of the data set. Calculate square root of the answer to 5: √[∑( x i – x ) 2 ]/(n – 1). This is the standard deviation (S X or SD) of the data set. How to calculate the standard deviation of adata set using Excel 1. Enter each of the values in the data set into a row of cells. 2. Click on an empty cell and enter the formula =STDEV( 3. 4. Highlight all the cells containing the data set values. Type ) and press Enter. UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 67 ACTIVITY 14 Example An investigation was carried out to establish the effect of ethanol on the activity of the enzyme catalase. Both the experiment and the control were repeated nine times. Experiment results (enzyme + substrate + ethanol) Reaction number Initial rate of reaction (units/second) 1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 19 16 14 16 20 18 17 17 18 Calculate the mean: (15 + 19 + 16 + 14 + 16 + 20 + 18 + 17 + 17 + 18)/10 = 17 units/second 2. Calculate the deviation of each value from the mean: Reaction number Initial rate of reaction (units per second) Deviation from mean 3. 5. 6. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 –2 19 2 16 –1 14 –3 16 –1 20 3 18 1 17 0 17 0 18 1 Calculate the squared deviation of each value from the mean: Reaction number Initial rate of reaction (units per second) Deviation from mean Squared deviation from mean 4. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 19 16 14 16 20 18 17 17 18 –2 2 –1 –3 –1 3 1 0 0 1 4 4 1 9 1 9 1 0 0 1 Calculate the sum of the squared deviations: 4 + 4 + 1 + 9 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 30 Divide the sum of the squared deviations by 9: 30/9 = 3.3 (this value is known as the variance of the data set). Take the square root of the answer to 5: √ 3.3 = 1.83. The standard deviation of the experimental results is 1.83. 68 UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 ACTIVITY 14 Thinking point: Why would the total of the deviations not be an effective measure of the variability of a data set? Control results (enzyme + substrate + distilled water) Reaction number Initial rate of reaction (units per second) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 18 13 16 8 13 11 14 10 13 14 Calculation of standard deviation Mean = 13 Reaction number Initial rate of reaction (units per second) Deviation from mean Squared deviation from mean 1 18 2 13 3 16 4 8 5 13 6 11 7 14 8 10 9 13 10 14 Sum 130 5 25 0 0 3 9 –5 25 0 0 –2 4 1 1 –3 9 0 0 1 1 74 Variance = 8.2 , standard deviation = 2.87. Comparing the standard deviations of the two data sets tells us that the values obtained for the control condition are over twice as variable as those obtained from the experimental condition. The variability of the data for the two conditions can be shown on a graph: UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 69 ACTIVITY 14 The height of the bars is the mean of each data set. The vertical lines above and below each bar are called error bars. On this graph the length of each error bar above and below the mean is the standard deviation of the data set. Error bars can be plotted using other measures of data variability apart from the standard deviation so it is very important to always include a key with the graph to state what the error bars represent. How to plot standard deviation error bars on Excel charts 1. Double click on the bars (or points if a line graph). 70 UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 ACTIVITY 14 2. Highlight error bars from the menu and select their appearance. If you have plotted a line graph you should select the Y error bars. Select Custom and click on Specify Value. 3. Insert the standard deviation values for eac h condition/data set between the brackets, with commas to separate them. Enter the same values in the same order as the bars appear on the chart in both boxes. UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 71 ACTIVITY 14 Task 1 An investigation was carried out to find out the effect of incubation temperature on the viability of yeast cells grown in liquid culture. The following results were obtained: Incubation temperature of 20°C Yeast cell cultures incubated at 20°C Percentage viability of cells 1 2 3 4 5 91 92 95 90 92 Incubation temperature of 25°C Yeast cell cultures incubated at 25°C Percentage viability of cells 1 2 3 4 5 97 93 95 92 93 A. Calculate the standard deviation of each data set (either manually or using Excel). B. Plot the data as a graph with error bars to show the variability within each data set (either by hand or using Excel). C. Compare the variability of each data set. 72 UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 ACTIVITY 14 Task 2 An investigation was carried out to find out the effects of creatine supplements on the racing performance of greyhounds. The following results were obtained: Control condition (greyhounds given a placebo) Greyhounds given placebo Time taken to run 400 m (s) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 28.6 25.6 29.1 28.3 24.9 29.3 27.7 29.1 27.4 27.9 Experimental treatment condition (greyhounds given creatine supplement) Greyhounds given creatine supplement Time taken to run 400 m (s) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 24.2 25.2 24.6 24.1 23.6 25.7 25.6 26.9 24.9 25.2 A. Calculate the standard deviation of each data set (either manually or using Excel). B. Plot the data as a graph with error bars to show the variability within each data set (either by hand or using Excel). C. Compare the variability of each data set. UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 73 ACTIVITY 14 Determining whether or not the results are significantly different In biological investigations you will often make a comparis on between the results obtained from a control group and a treatment (or experimental) group in which you have systematically altered one specific variable. Both data sets can be expected to show variation. It is common for biological variables to show a particular pattern of variation called a normal distribution. In a normal distribution the data are symmetrically distributed around the mean of the data set. In the graph below the blue line represents the measurements taken from the control condition and red line the measurements taken from the treatment group. Thinking point: Can you identify the mean of each data set? Mark them on the graph. For the two data sets graphed above the two means have different values. This could have arisen by chance or it could be a systematic effect caused by the experimental manipulation or treatment that one of the groups received. Essentially we want to know whether the variation between the groups is large relative to the variation within groups. Research scientists often start an investigation by taking the position that there should be no difference between the results of the experiment and the control, ie the treatment has no effect. This is called the null hypothesis (H 0 ). 74 UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 ACTIVITY 14 Once the results for each condition have been obtained they can be analysed to establish whether or not they are significantly different from each other. In scientific writing the term ‘significant’ has specific connotations so should be used with caution. A difference is statistically significant if there is a very low probability of it occurring by chance if there really is no systematic difference between the two groups. The cut-off probability most commonly used in research science is 5%. This is called the 0.05 significance level. If a difference is found to be statistically significant then the null hypothesis can be rejected. Providing the experiment has been designed to effectively control the confounding variables then it can be concluded that the single factor by which the data sets differ is likely to be causing the difference between the results. So how do we find out whether or not the results are significantly different? The starting point is to consider the difference between the means of the two data sets. The greater the difference the more likely the results are significantly different. However, the means of each data set can be expected to show a certain amount of variability. If you replicated the investigation, it is unlikely that you would get exactly the same mean for each group. The range of values in which the true mean is most likely to occur (the population mean) is called the standard error of the mean (SEM). How to calculate the standard error of the mean of a data set: Divide the standard deviation of the data set by the square root of the number of measurements in the data set (sample size). SEM = SD/√n The SEM values can be plotted as error bars on a graph to give a visual indicator of the likelihood that the means are significantly different from each other (see example below). If the error bars overlap it is unlikely that the difference between the two data sets is statistically significant. If the error bars do not overlap it is likely that the difference between the means is not due to chance alone. To find out whether this is the case it is necessary to carry out a statistical test. There are many different statistical tests and the UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 75 ACTIVITY 14 one that is chosen depends on what type of data you have and what question you want to answer about it. In this acti vity a t test will be used. The t test You can use the t test described in this section to check for a significant difference between two data sets as long as you can be sure that your measurements come from an underlying population that is normally distributed. You cannot use the t test if your data does not consist of quantitative measurements. In a t test the mean and the standard error of the mean of the data sets are used to calculate a number called a t statistic. The greater the value of the t statistic the more likely the difference between the results is significant. Doing a t test: calculating the t statistic The formula is: t’ = ( x 1 – x 2 )/√[(s 1 2 /n 1 ) + (s 2 2 /n 2 )] where x 1 and x 2 are the means of the two data sets, s 1 2 and s 2 2 are the variances of each data set (see previous section), and n 1 and n 2 are the number of measurements (sample size) in each data set. The data set with the larger mean should be designated as data set 1. Once you have calculated a t statistic it is necessary to check a table of values to find out whether the number is larger than a certain critical t value. If the t statistic is larger than the critical t value then the results are significantly different. The critical t value depends on number of measurements in each data set (the sample sizes). For statistical reasons this number is modified to generate a number called the degrees of freedom (df). For the t test described here the df is (n 1 – 1) or (n 2 – 1), whichever gives the smaller value. A table of critical t values for 1–30 df at the 0.05 significance level is given on the last page of this document. To find out whether a calculated t statistic is significant it is necessary to compare it to the critical t value associated with the df of the results. Thinking point: What does the pattern of values in the t distribution table tell you about the effect of sample size on the outcome of a t test? 76 UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 ACTIVITY 14 Example For the enzyme investigation described in the previous example the null hypothesis is that treatment of catalase with ethanol has no effect on the initial reaction rate it produces. To accept or reject the null hypothesis it is necessary to find out whether the results from the two conditions are significantly different f rom each other. The first step in this process is to calculate the standard error of the mean (SEM) for each condition. - Experiment data set: SEM = 1.83/√10 = 0.577 (using non -rounded SD value) - Control data set: SEM = 2.87/√10 = 0.907 (using non -rounded SD value) The SEM values can be plotted as error bars on a graph of the results. These give a measure of the variability of the each of the mean values. If the error bars for the two conditions overlap it is unlikely that the two means are significantly different. On the graph shown below the SEM error bars do not overlap. It is likely, but not certain, that the two means are significantly different from each other. To find out whether there is a statistically significant difference between the control and experiment results it is necessary to do a statistical test. In this case a t test is most appropriate. t’ = (17 – 13)/√[(8/10) + (3.3/10)] t’ = 3.72 (9 degrees of freedom) UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 77 ACTIVITY 14 The statistical table shows that at a significance level of 0.05 the critical t value for 9 degrees of freedom is 2.262. As 3.72 > 2.262 the probability of observing such different means if the null hypothesis were true is 5% or less. The null hypothesis can therefore be rejected as false; the results of the two groups are significantly different from each other, as was suggested by the fact that the SEM error bars did not overlap. Providing that all the relevant confounding variables have been adequately controlled in the investigation, it can be concluded that the cause of the difference between the initial rate of reaction measured in the experiment and in the control is likely to be the presence of ethanol rather than chance alone. Task 3 (use the data from Task 1) A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. What would the null hypothesis be for this investigation? Calculate the standard error of the mean for the two conditions. Draw a graph with the variability of the means for each condition shown as error bars. Comment on the implications of the degree of overlap between the error bars. Carry out a t test to find the t statistic for the data. How many degrees of freedom are there? What is the critical t value for this number of degrees of freedom at the 0.05 significance level? Does your t statistic exceed the critical t value? What does your answer to H imply about the null hypothesis? Write a conclusion to the investigation based on the results and the result of the statistical test. Task 4 (use the data from Task 2) A. B. C. D. E. F. G. 78 What would the null hypothesis be for this investigation? Calculate the standard error of the mean for the two conditions. Draw a graph with the variability of the means for each condition shown as error bars. Comment on the implications of the degree of overlap between the error bars. Carry out a t test to find the t statistic for the data. How many degrees of freedom are there? What is the critical t value for this number of degrees of freedom at the 0.05 significance level? UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 ACTIVITY 14 H. I. J. Does your t statistic exceed the critical t value? What does your answer to H imply about the null hypothesis? Write a conclusion to the investigation based on the results and the result of the statistical test. Using and interpreting error bars correctly In this activity you have met two types of error bars, those that show the standard deviation (SD) of the data set and those that show the standard error of the mean (SEM) of each data. It is perfectly acceptable to use either type of error bar on a graph as they can both be used to make comparisons between the data sets. However, care must be taken in exactly how you use the error bars to evaluate the data. - SD error bars are used for describing and comparing the variability of the measurements within each data set. - SEM error bars are used for inferring whether the measurements in each data set are significantly different to each other. It is important to remember that the degree of overlap between the error bars of each data set indicates the likelihood of the results being significant different. To find out if they actually are significantly different you must carry out a statistical test. If you include error bars on a graph it is very important that you always include a key to state what kind of variability they represent. UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 79 ACTIVITY 14 Values for the t distribution If the value obtained from the t test is greater than the critical value of t given below (for the correct number of degrees of freedom associated with the data) then this indicates that the difference between your sample means is statistically significant at the 0.05 level. This means that if the null hypothesis were true, the probability of obtaining the observed difference between the means is no larger than 5%, ie it is unlikely that the difference between the means is due to chance alone, so the null hypothesis can therefore be rejected. Number of degrees of freedom (df) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 80 UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 Critical t value for p(t ≥ t critical ) = 0.05 12.706 4.303 3.182 2.776 2.571 2.447 2.365 2.306 2.262 2.228 2.201 2.179 2.160 2.145 2.131 2.120 2.110 2.101 2.093 2.086 2.080 2.074 2.069 2.064 2.060 2.056 2.052 2.048 2.045 2.042 ACTIVITY 14 Critical t values for higher numbers of degrees of freedom and other probabilities can be found at The critical t values given here (as in the table above) are for twotailed t tests, where the null hypothesis (and research hypothesis) is nondirectional. UNIT 3 (AH, BIOLOGY) © Crown copyright 2012 81