Brundall Pet and Hardware - Unit 2 - Central Stores

Planning Committee
Brundall Pet and Hardware, Unit 2, Central Stores, Links
Avenue, Brundall
Outdoor Plant Sales Area and Provision of Garden Area for
Simplicity Trading Ltd
T/A Brundall Pet and Hardware
Links Avenue
Date Received: 7 November 2005
8 Week Expiry Date: 11 January 2006
The scheme is for the use of the open area at the rear of the shop to provide
additional sales space for plants and other related garden products. The area
is currently unused and is an untidy piece of land which adjoins the rear
gardens of two residential properties and the compound of an electricity substation.
The scheme also involves the erection of two buildings within the site. One is a
10m x 6.5m x 3.1m high polytunnel for growing and selling plants; the other is a
5.5m x 3.5m x 3.5m high timber shed for the display and sale of timber
Externally, two plant display areas are proposed along with a compost and
aggregates storage area. New access gates are proposed for deliveries to the
site and a new access path will enable wheelchair users access to the plant
sales area along with better access to the existing shop. It is also proposed
that new 1.8m high fencing will replace the existing fencing on the boundary
with adjoining residential properties and the electricity sub-station.
The scheme would also allow for the provision of a small garden area for the
residential flat located above the pet and hardware store.
20051591 – Brundall Pet & Hardware
11 January 2006
Planning Committee
Brundall Parish Council – Awaiting comments.
Highways Authority – Do not wish to restrict the granting of planning
Cllr Proctor – Raises concern about the application on the basis of increased
traffic generation and lack of parking facilities; impact on the amenity enjoyed
by adjoining residents; customer access arrangements and future potential for
an increase in trading hours.
Environmental Health – Awaiting comments.
Site Notice – Expiry Date 15/12/2005
Neighbour Consultation – 2, 2a, 3, 5, 5a Links Avenue and 76, 76a, 78, 80, 82
The Street, Brundall.
4 letters of objection have been received from 2 Finch Way, 4 Links Avenue, 80
& 82 The Street. These representations have been made on the basis of:
increased traffic generation (both by customers and deliveries) and
associated parking problems leading to a more hazardous situation both for
pedestrians and vehicular traffic;
impact on the amenity of adjoining neighbours by reason of increased
activity on site, noise, loss of privacy, lighting and security; and
potential future increase in trading hours leading to an increase in all the
issues raised above.
One letter of support from 2 Links Avenue saying that a dedicated delivery
loading area would improve the current situation and that the site would be
much tidier than at present.
PPS1 – Delivering Sustainable Development:
20051591 – Brundall Pet & Hardware
11 January 2006
Planning Committee
Sets out the overarching planning policies on the delivery of sustainable
development through the planning system.
PPS7 – Sustainable Development in Rural Areas
Promotes the location of services and facilities in existing towns and villages
Broadland District Local Plan
Site located within a defined development boundary
Policy GS1:
New development will normally be accommodated within the development
boundaries. Outside these boundaries, development proposals will not be
permitted unless they comply with a specific allocation and/or policy of the Plan.
Policy GS3:
Sets out general considerations to be taken into account in all new development
proposals, including access, residential amenity, the character and appearance
of the surrounding area, nature conservation, agricultural land, building
conservation and utilities and services.
Policy ENV2:
For all development proposals a high standard of layout and design will be
required with regard given to the scale, form, height, mass, density, layout,
energy efficiency, landscape, access and the use of appropriate materials. This
will include the consideration of the appearance and treatment of spaces
between and around buildings and the wider setting of the development taking
into account the existing character of the surroundings.
Policy SHO5:
The area is identified as a designated shopping area defined on the proposals
map. This is aimed at protecting and supporting the shopping function in local
neighbourhood shopping areas
Policy TRA4:
Development will not be permitted where it would endanger highway safety or the
satisfactory functioning of the highway network.
Policy TRA6:
20051591 – Brundall Pet & Hardware
11 January 2006
Planning Committee
In new developments, adequate parking and manoeuvring space will be
required in accordance with the Council’s adopted parking guidelines.
Broadland District Local Plan revised deposit (including proposed
Policy (RD) GS1:
New development will only be accommodated within the settlement limits for the
Norwich fringe parishes, market towns and villages.
Policy (RD)GS4:
Sets out general considerations to be taken into account as well as any
specifically related to the nature of the proposal.
Policy (RD)ENV2:
For all development proposals a high standard of layout and design will be
required with regard given to the scale, form, height, mass, density, layout,
energy efficiency, landscape, access and the use of appropriate materials. This
will include the consideration of the appearance and treatment of spaces
between and around buildings and the wider setting of the development taking
into account the existing character of the surroundings.
5.12 Policy (RD)SHO3:
The area is identified as a designated shopping area defined on the proposals
map. This is aimed at protecting and supporting the shopping function in local
neighbourhood shopping areas.
Policy (RD)TRA6
Parking provided in relation to a particular development will reflect the use,
location and accessibility by non-car modes as determined in the transport
assessment for the development. In new developments parking will be provided
in accordance with the Council’s parking guidelines.
Policy (RD)TRA11
Development will not be permitted where it would endanger highway safety or the
satisfactory functioning of the local highway network.
20051591 – Brundall Pet & Hardware
11 January 2006
Planning Committee
The site is located within the development boundary for Brundall in an area
which is designated in the Local Plan as a local village centre where shopping
activity should be protected and supported.
The current application relates to the use of land at the rear of an existing shop
unit which fronts onto Links Avenue which trades as Brundall Pet and
Hardware. The unit is located within a group of shops and commercial
premises which wrap around the corner of Links Avenue and The Street.
The land at the rear is currently an unused piece of land of rough grass with
some small shrubs and trees on the boundary of the site. The site is separated
from two adjoining residential garden areas and an electricity sub-station by a
close boarded fence. There is also a panelled wooden fence separating the
site from the rear of the land attached to commercial properties fronting The
Street. A concrete path runs along the edge of the site at the rear of properties
fronting Links Avenue.
Limited parking is currently available in front of the existing shop units fronting
Links Avenue and there is a small parking area in front of the adjoining
electricity sub-station.
831061 – Change of use of land for the sale of motor vehicles – Refused
The main issues to be taken into account in the determination of this application
are an assessment of the proposal against relevant Local Plan policies and a
consideration of other issues raised as a result of the consultation exercise.
The application site is located within the development boundary/settlement limit
in both the adopted and emerging Local Plans. It is also within an area which is
identified within the proposals map as a local village centre where shopping
activity will be protected and supported. The principle of small scale retail
development in this location is, therefore, acceptable in principle.
Consideration needs to be given to the requirements of Policies GS3, ENV2,
SHO5, TRA4 and TRA6 of the adopted Local Plan and Policies (RD)GS4,
(RD)ENV2, (RD)SHO3, (RD)TRA6 and (RD)TRA11 of the Broadland District
Local Plan revised deposit (including proposed modifications). These are
examined below.
20051591 – Brundall Pet & Hardware
11 January 2006
Planning Committee
With regard to the impact on the character of the area, the site at present is an
unattractive, untidy area of land which is overgrown and has a number of small
shrubs and trees within it, none of which are of any note. The proposal to use
the area as part of the existing commercial activity will improve the amenity
value of the site and the provision of new boundary fencing will add to this.
Furthermore, the limited size of the two structures proposed will have little
visual impact on the amenity of adjoining residents. Also, because of the
enclosed nature of the site, located behind existing commercial premises, the
wider character of the area will remain unaffected. Other potential benefits exist
in that wheelchair users will be provided with better access to the existing retail
premises via the new proposed access arrangements.
With respect to the amenity issues which could potentially affect adjoining
residents, it is considered that although there may be some increase in
commercial activity on site, the nature of the site itself restricts the amount of
activity which could be generated. The total garden area amounts to
approximately 290sqm, of which 84.25sqm is taken up by the two buildings on
the site. Circulation space around the site is, therefore, limited and only minor
disturbance is likely to adjoining residents. By locating the two proposed
buildings alongside the boundary fence with the neighbour at 80 The Street, the
potential disturbance to their garden area should be limited as should the
impact on their privacy. Similarly, it is not considered that the limited outside
activity will impact adversely upon the amenity or privacy of the neighbour at 82
The Street by reason of either noise or disturbance. The amenity of adjoining
residents can be protected further by the imposition of appropriate conditions
relating to days and hours of operation. It is suggested that, if the application is
approved, the hours of operation should be limited to between 0830hrs –
1730hrs from Monday to Saturday (inclusive) and that the outdoor sales area
should not be open on Sundays nor on any public holiday.
Concern has also been raised about the potential impact of lighting at the site.
The applicant has confirmed that only low level lighting will be used externally
on the site and that no floodlighting is proposed. Any lighting would be
switched off outside of shop trading hours.
The most concern raised has been in relation to the potential generation of
additional vehicular traffic to the site and a consequent increase in safety and
parking problems. The scheme has been considered by the Highways
Authority and no objection is raised to the proposal and no conditions required
to be imposed. It is considered that the existing parking situation or safety
situation will be compromised any more than at present by the scheme which
will only allow for a small increase in commercial activity on the site.
Furthermore, by concentrating activity within the designated shopping area of
the village, it is felt that this is a sustainable approach which allows people
within the village to access services and facilities without need for a longer
journey, be it by car, cycle or foot. Local bus services also pass close by the
application site.
It is, therefore, considered that given the principles embodied in the Local Plan
and given the limited scale and impact of the proposal, the application is
20051591 – Brundall Pet & Hardware
11 January 2006
Planning Committee
considered to be an appropriate form of development for the site which will help
to support the commercial viability of the existing retail business.
This application is reported to Committee at the request of Mr Proctor, one of
the Ward Members.
APPROVE ; subject to the following conditions.
The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three
years from the date of this decision.
The sales area the subject of this permission shall only be open from 0830hrs to
1730hrs on any day between Monday and Saturday (inclusive) and shall not
open at any time on a Sunday nor on any Bank Holiday.
Prior to the commencement of development, full details of the means of
enclosure shall be submitted to and approved by the Council in writing. The
works shall be implemented as approved prior to the use first commencing.
In accordance with Section 91 (as amended) of the Town and Country Planning
Act 1990.
To ensure the proper development of the site without prejudice to the amenities
of the area in accordance with Policy GS3 of the Broadland District Local Plan
and Policy (RD)GS4 of the Broadland District Local Plan revised deposit
(including proposed modifications).
To ensure the satisfactory development of the site in accordance with Policy
GS3 of the Broadland District Local Plan and Policy (RD) GS4 of the Broadland
District Local Plan revised deposit (including proposed modifications).
Reasons for the decision:
This application has been considered against the Development Plan for the area, this
being the Norfolk Structure Plan, the Broadland District Local Plan and Broadland
District Local Plan revised deposit (including proposed modifications). The policies
particularly relevant to the determination of this application are policies GS1, GS3,
ENV2, SHO5, TRA4 and TRA6 of the Broadland District Local Plan and Policies
(RD)GS1, (RD)GS4, (RD)ENV2, (RD)SHO3, (RD)TRA6 and (RD)TRA11 of the
Broadland District Local Plan revised deposit (including proposed modifications).
20051591 – Brundall Pet & Hardware
11 January 2006
Planning Committee
The application site falls within the development boundary/settlement limit for Brundall,
within an area designated as a local centre where shopping activity should be protected
and supported. Therefore, the principle of retail development is acceptable in this
location. It is considered that the scale and form of the development proposed is
sympathetic to the character and appearance of the surrounding area with sufficient
regard paid to the potential impact upon the amenity of adjoining and nearby residents.
It is also considered that any additional traffic generated to the site will create little or no
additional problems in relation to parking or highway safety.
Therefore, the application should be approved as it complies with Policies GS1, GS3,
ENV2, SHO5, TRA4 and TRA6 of the Broadland District Local Plan and Policies
(RD)GS1, (RD)GS4, (RD)ENV2, (RD)SHO3, (RD)TRA6 and (RD)TRA11 of the
Broadland District Local Plan revised deposit (including proposed modifications).
20051591 – Brundall Pet & Hardware
11 January 2006