Teaching and Learning - Christopher W. Blackwell, Ph.D., ARNP

Teaching and Learning
The Nurse as Educator
NUR 3825
Fall 2004
Christopher W. Blackwell, Ph.D., ARNP
With Content Developed by:
Diane Wink, EdD, FNP, ARNP
Characteristics of Good Teachers
•Ability to stimulate the learner
•Love of knowledge
The Teaching-Learning Plan
•Assessing learner
•Knowledge level
•Developmental characteristics
•Preferred sensory channel
•Readiness to learn
•Anxiety level
•Health status
The Teaching-Learning Plan
•Assessing the learner
•Cultural considerations
•Literacy level
Reading level
Style (pictures, bullets, print size)
Assessing the Learner - Activity
•Identify a group you will teach this Fall and a topic you will teach
•Identify characteristics - age, gender, knowledge of topic, reason for class
•How will you assess learning needs and readiness to learn?
•How will you determine the best approaches to teaching this content to this group?
The Teaching-Learning Plan
•Learner objectives
•Three domains
•Specific, with action verbs which reflect LEARNER goals not TEACHER goals
The Teaching-Learning Plan
•Teacher Objectives: NOT good!!
•This class will:
•Present information on low fat/low calorie foods
•Teach two benefits of a low fat/low calorie diet
The Teaching-Learning Plan
•Good LEARNER objectives:
•At the completion of this class participants will be able to:
•Chose two low fat/low calorie choices from a fast food menu
•Describe two benefits of a low fat/low calorie diet
The Role of the Nurse
•The majority of patient education is provided by the Nurse.
•Nurses are ethically-bound to educate clients.
•Nurse’s attitudes, values, emotions, and knowledge influence the educational approach
•Return demonstration by the client is most effective.
Nursing Process: Assessment
- Expectations of Learning
- Learning Needs
-Motivation to Learn
-Ability to Learn
-Teaching Environment
-Resources for Learning
Nursing Process: Diagnosis
- Ineffective Health Maintenance
-Health-Seeking Behaviors
-Impaired Home Maintenance
-Deficient Knowledge
•Ineffective Therapeutic Regimen Management
•Ineffective Community Therapeutic Regimen Management
•Ineffective Family Therapeutic Regimen Management
Nursing Process: Planning & Writing Objectives
•observation and recall of info
•knowledge of dates, events, places
•knowledge of major ideas
•mastery of subject matter
•Verbs: list, define, tell, describe, identify, show, label, collect, examine, tabulate, quote,
name, who, when, where, etc.
Nursing Process: Planning & Writing Objectives
•Words: summarize, describe, interpret, contrast, predict, associate, distinguish, estimate,
differentiate, discuss, extend
Nursing Process: Planning & Writing Objectives
•use information
•use methods, concepts, theories in new situations
•solve problems using required skills or knowledge
•Verbs: apply, demonstrate, calculate, complete, illustrate, show, solve, examine, modify,
relate, change, classify, experiment, discover
Nursing Process: Planning & Writing Objectives
•seeing patterns
•organization of parts
•recognition of hidden meanings
•identification of components
•Verbs: analyze, separate, order, explain, connect, classify, arrange, divide, compare,
select, explain, infer
Nursing Process: Planning & Writing Objectives
•compare and contrast between ideas
•assess value of theories, presentations
•make choices based on reasoned argument
•verify value of evidence
•recognize subjectivity
Nursing Process: Planning & Writing Objectives
•Evaluation: Determine outcomes, draw conclusions
•Verbs: assess, decide, rank, grade, test, measure, recommend, convince, select, judge,
explain, discriminate, support, conclude, compare, summarize
Nursing Process: Planning & Writing Objectives
•Psychomotor Domain
•Verbs: Adapts, arranges, assembles, begins, calculates, calibrates, changes, constructs,
creates, demonstrates, dismantles, manipulates, measures, moves, organizes, proceeds,
rearranges, reacts, shows, starts, works
Nursing Process: Planning & Writing Objectives
•Affective Domain
•Verbs: Alters, answers, attends, chooses, complies, conforms, completes, defends,
differentiates, discusses, displays, follows, helps, initiates, joins, justifies, modifies,
participates responds, shares, uses, verifies
Nursing Process: Planning & Writing Objectives
•Write one learner objective for your planned class.
Nursing Process: Planning & Writing Objectives
•Developmental Considerations:
-Infant: Keep routines consistent and allow infant to touch (Trust vs. Mistrust)
-Toddler: Use play; for example, listen to the doll’s heart (Autonomy vs. Shame and
-Preschooler: Use role playing and imitation (Initiative vs. Guilt).
-School-Age: OK to teach psychomotor skills (Industry vs. Inferiority).
Nursing Process: Planning & Writing Objectives
•Developmental Considerations:
-Adolescent: Use problem solving and allow autonomy in decision-making (Self-Identity
vs. Role Diffusion).
-Young/Middle Adult: Encourage independent learning and understanding of health
problems (Intimacy vs. Isolation/ Generativity vs. Stagnation).
-Older Adult: Consider perception abilities and involve the adult in discussions (Integrity
vs. Despair).
Nursing Process: Implementation
•Teaching Approaches:
•What you plan to present to achieve your objectives.
•Problems with high fat diets
•Problems with high calorie diets
•How to tell the fat and calorie content of fast food
The Teaching-Learning Plan
•Teaching Strategies:
- Talking (lecture)
- Discussion
- Questioning
- Demonstration
- Practice
- Role Playing
The Teaching-Learning Plan
•Teaching Tools:
- Audiovisual Equipment
Flip chart
- Models and demonstration objects
- Handouts
The Teaching-Learning Plan
•Teaching tools
•Room set up
•Light and other environmental factors
The Teaching-Learning Plan
•Teaching tools
•Be sure all tools are appropriate for culture, age, gender, reading level, language,
sophistication of audience
The Teaching-Learning Plan
•Helpful tools:
•Reading level can be appraised using Word
The Teaching-Learning Plan
•Helpful tools:
•Translation can be done using the web
The Teaching-Learning Plan
•List the content you want to include in your class
•List two strategies you will use to present your content
•Identify two tools you will use to facilitate learning
Nursing Process: Evaluation
•Evaluating Outcomes
•Did the learner achieve the learning objectives?
–Questions to group
The Teaching-Learning Plan
•How will you evaluate learner outcomes in your class?