Topic Two: Involving Fathers in Early Education

Foundations in Early Childhood Education
ECE 107
Reserve Readings
Quality in Early Childhood Education:
Ackerman, Debra; Barnett, Steven (July 2006) Increasing the Effectiveness of Preschool
Programs. National Institute for Early Education Research,
Barnett, Steven, et all. (2004) Class Size: What’s the Best Fit? ; Preschool Policy
Matters, National Institute for Early Education Research,
Barnett, Steven (dec. 2004) Better Preschools: Student Achivement Linked to Teacher
Qualifications National Institute for Early Education Research,
Crosser, Sandra (2005) Does Early Education Make a Difference; What Do we Know
About Early Childhood Education? Research Based Practice, Delmar.
Espinosa, Linda (2002) High Quality Preschool: Why We Need it and What it Looks Like
Preschool Policy Matters, National Institute for Early Education Research,
Frank Porter Graham Child Development Center (1999) The Children of the Cost Quality
and Outcomes Study Go to School, FGP Publications,
Frank Porter Graham Child Development Center (1999) Early Learning, Later Success:
The Abcedarian Study, University of North Carolina.
Jones, Rebecca (October 1998) Starting Early; The Why and How of preschool
Education, American School Board Journal.
Kuglemass, Judy; Ross-Bernstein, Judith (2000) Explicit and Implicit Dimensions of
Adult-Child Interactions in a Quality Child Care Center, Early Childhood Education
Journal, Human Services Press, Inc.
Olsen, Lynn (2002, January) Starting Early, Education Week on the Web,
Oren, Thomas A; Ruhl, Kathy (2000) Caregiver-Environment Scale: Assessing the
Quality of Center-Based Infant Care, Early Childhood Education Journal, Human
Services Press, Inc.
Resnick, Laura , editor (Fall 2005) Early Childhood Education: Investing in Quality
Makes Sense, Research Points, American Educational Research Association
Schulman, Karen Overlooked benefits of Prekindergarten; National Institute for Early
Education Research,
Scarr, Sandra (1998) American Child Care Today, American Psychologist, American
Psychological Association.
Foundations in Early Childhood Education
ECE 107
Kindergarten/ Kindergarten Readiness
Ackerman, Debra; Barnett, Steven; Prepared for Kindergarten: What Does Readiness
Mean? Preschool Policy Facts, National Institute for Early Education Research,
Black, Susan (2003) Too Soon to Test; American School Board Journal, National School
Boards Association.
Blair, Clancy (2003) Self-Regulation and School Readiness, Eric Digest.
Child Trends (2001) School Readiness: Helping Communities Get Children Ready for
School and School Ready for Children, Research Brief
Clark, Patricia (2001) Recent Research on All Day Kindergarten. Eric Digest.
Crosser, Sandra (2002) Enter Early or Hold Out: The Kindergarten Age Dilemma
Excelligence Learning Corporation,
Graue, Elizabeth (2001) What’s Going on in the Children’s Garden? Kindergarten
Today. Young Children, NAEYC.
Hardy, Lawrence (April 2003) Overburdened Overwhelmed, The American
School Board Journal
Katz, Lillian (2000) Academic Redshirting and Young Children; Eric Digest.
Marshall, Hermine (2003) An Updated Look at Delaying Kindergarten Entry, Young
Children, NAEYC.
NAEYC (2001) Still Unacceptable Trends in Kindergarten Entry and Placement, Young
Children, NAEYC.
Raver, Cybele (2003) Young Children’s Emotional and Development and School
Readiness, Eric Digest.
Saluja, G; Scott-Little, C; Clifford, M (2000) Readiness for School: A Survey of States,
Early Childhood research in Practice ( Vol2, 2),
Taylor, Kathryn; Gibbs, Albert, Slate, John (2000) Preschool Attendance and
Kindergarten Readiness, Early Childhood Education Journal, Human Services Press,
Texas Child Care Quarterly (Fall 2002) Skills for School Readiness, Texas Workforce
Zill, Nicolas; Collins, Mary; West, Jerry; Hausken, Elvie (1995) School Readiness and
Children’s Developmental Status, Eric Digest
Foundations in Early Childhood Education
ECE 107
Curriculum Issues in Early Childhood
Banks, Ron (2004) The Early Childhood Curriculum Debate: Direct Instruction vs. Child
Initiated Learning. Clearing House on Early Education and Parenting.
Bredekamp, Sue (1996) 25 Years of Educating Young Children: The High Scope
Approach to Preschool Education, Young Children, NAEYC.
Colbert, Judith (Aug/Sept 2003) Understanding Curriculum: An Umbrella View, Early
Childhood News.
Frede, Ellen, Ackerman, Debra (March 2007) Preschool Curriculum: Dimensions to
Consider, National Institute for Early Education Research
Gandini, Lynn (1993) Fundamentals of the Reggio Emilia Approach to Early Childhood
Education, Young Children, NAEYC.
Goffin, Stacie (2000, August) The Role of Curriculum Models in Early Childhood
Education, Eric Digest.
Golbeck, Susan (2002) Instructional Models for Early Childhood Education, Eric Digest.
Hewett, Valarie (2001) Examining the Reggio Emilia Approach in Early Childhood
Education, Early Childhood Education Journal, Human Services Press, Inc.
Humphries, Janet (1998) The Developmental Appropriateness of High Quality
Montessori Programs, Young Children, NAEYC.
Katz, Lillian (1999) Curriculum Disputes in Early Childhood Education, Eric Digest.
Klein, Susanna (March/April2002) Different Approaches to Teaching: Comparing Three
Preschool Program Models; Early Childhood News.
New, Rebecca S (April 2003) Reggio Emilia: New Ways to Think About Schooling,
Educational Leadership, Association for Instruction and Curriculum Development.
Schweinhart, Lawerence; Weikart, David (1998) Why Curriculum Matters in Early
Childhood Education, Educational Leadership, Association for Supervision and
Curriculum Development.
Staley, Lynn (1998) Beginning to Implement the Reggio Philosophy, Young Children,
Foundations in Early Childhood Education
ECE 107
Brown, Mark; Bergen, Doris; House, Marcia; Hittle, Jane; Dickerson, Tina (2000) An
Observational Study: Examining the Relevance of Developmentally Appropriate
Practices, Classroom Adaptations and Parental Participation n the Context of an
Integrated Preschool Program, Early Childhood Education Journal, Human Services
Press, Inc.
Delany, Elizabeth (2001) The Adminstrator's Role in Making Inclusion Work, Young
Children, NAEYC.
Excelligence Learning Corporation(2002) Inclusion: Integrating Special Kids in a Child
Care Setting,
Hall, Alice; Neimeyer, Judith (2000) Inclusion of Children with Special Need in SchoolAge Child Care Programs, Early Childhood Education Journal, Human Services Press,
Jordan, Deanna (2002) Inclusion in the Preschool Setting, Excelligence Learning
Odom, Samuel; Diamond, Karen (1998) Inclusion of Young Children with Special Need
in Early Childhood Education: The Research Base, Early Childhood research Quarterly,
Ablex Corp.
Olson, Jennifer; Murphy, Cari; Olson, Phillip (1999) Readying Parents and Teachers for
the Inclusion of Children with Disabilities: A Step by Step Process, Young Children,
Ripley, Suzanne (2002) Intervention – The Earlier, The Better, Excelligence Learning
Udell, Tom; Peters, Joyce; Templeman (1998) From Philosophy to Practice in Inclusive
Early Childhood Programs, Teaching Exceptional Children, Council for Exceptional
Foundations in Early Childhood Education
ECE 107
Male Involvement in Early Childhood Education
Topic One: Male Teachers/Caregivers
Cooney, Margaret; Bittner, Mark (2001) Men in Early Childhood Education: Their
Emergent Issues. Early Childhood Education Journal, Human Services Press, Inc.
Cunningham, Bruce; Watson, Lemuel (Nov 2002) Recruiting Male Teachers, Young
Children, NAEYC
Robinson, Bryan (1988) Vanishing Breed: Men In Child Care Programs, Young
Children, NAEYC.
Rowden-Racette (2005) Endangered Species, Education Week,
Sargent, Paul (2002, Nov) Under the Glass: Conversations with Men in Early Childhood
Education, Young Children, NAEYC.
Wardle, Francis (2002) Men in Early Childhood: Fathers and Teachers; Excelligence
Learning Corporation,
Topic Two: Involving Fathers in Early Education
Berger, Eugenia (1998) Don’t Shut Fathers Out, Early Childhood Education Journal,
Plenum Publishing.
Frieman, Barry (1998)What Early Childhood Educators Need to Know About Divorced
Fathers, Early Childhood Education Journal, Human Services Press.
Frieman, Barry and Berkley, Terry (2002) Encouraging Fathers to Participate in the
School Experiences of Young Children: The Teacher’s Role. Early Childhood
Education Journal, Human Services Press.
Gadsden, Vivian and Ray, Asisha (2002, Nov.) Engaging Fathers: Issues and
Considerations for Early Childhood Educators, Young Children, NAEYC.
Head Start (June 2004) Building Blocks for Father Involvement, Administration for
Children and Families,
Green, Stephen (fall 2003) Reaching Out to Fathers: An Examination of Staff
Efforts That Lead to Greater Father Involvement in Early Childhood Programs,
Early Childhood Research and Practice,
Turbiville, Vicki; Umbarger, Gardner; Guthrie, Anne (2000) Father’s Involvement in
Programs for Young Children, Young Children, NAEYC
Foundations in Early Childhood Education
ECE 107
Family Involvement and Family Centered Practice
Brand, Susan (1996, Jan.) Making Parent Involvement a Reality: Helping Teachers
Develop Partnerships with Families, Young Children, NAEYC.
Crosser, Sandra (2005) How Does Family Involvement Impact Education? What Do we
Know About Early Childhood Education? Research Based Practice, Delmar.
DiNatale, Lorenza ( 2002) Developing High-Quality Family Involvement Programs in
Early Childhood Setting, Young Children, NAEYC.
Eldridge, Deborah (2001, July) Parent Involvement: It’s Worth the Effort, Young
Children, NAEYC.
Keiff, Judith and Wellhousen (2000, May) Planning Family Involvement in Early
Childhood Programs, Young Children , NAEYC.
Peterson, Keri (January/February 2002) Creating Home-School Partnerships, Early
Childhood News.
Swick, Kevin (2001) Empowering Parents and Families Through a Caring Inquiry
Approach, Early Childhood Education Journal, Vol.29, No.1, Human Services Press.
Workman, Susan and Gage, Jim (1997, May) Family-School Partnerships: A Family
Strengths Approach, Young Children, NAEYC.
Foundations in Early Childhood Education
ECE 107
Diversity: Cultural Implications for Caregiving/Antibias Curriculum
Bhavnagri, Nava Peshotan and Gonzalez-Mena, Janet (1997, Fall) The Cultural Context
of Infant Caregiving, Childhood Education, Association for Childhood Education
Derman- Sparks, Louise (2003) Developing Antibias, Multicultural Curriculum, A World
Of Difference, NAEYC.
Donahue Finn, Carol (2003, May) Cultural Models for Early Caregiving, Zero to Three,
Washington D.C
Gonzalez-Mena(1992) Taking a Culturally Sensitive Approach in Infant and Toddler
Programs, Young Children, NAEYC.
Hepburn, Katie S (May 2004) Building Culturally and Linguistically Competent
Services ; Early Care and Education Environment.
Kaiser, Barbara; Rasminsky, Judy (2003) Opening the Culture Door, Young Children,
Kase, Lori Miller (2001) Talking to Kids About Race; Parents; Gruner and Jahr Usa
Levin, Diane (2003) Chapter 6: Antibias Education: Helping Children Understand and
Appreciate Diversity; Teaching Young Children in Violent Times, NAEYC.
NAEYC (1995) Responding to Linguistic and Cultural Diversity: Recommendations for
Effective Early Childhood Education. (available on line at - see position
statements section)
Okagaki, Lynn and Diamond, Karen (2003) Responding to Cultural and Linguistic
Differences in Beliefs and Practices of Families with Young Children, A World of
Difference, NAEYC, Washington DC
Swick, Kevin J.;Boutte, and Van Scoy ( 1995) Family Involvement in Early Multicultural
Learning, Eric Digest
Tabors, Patton (2003) What Early Childhood Educators Need to Know: Developing
Effective Programs for Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Children and Families, , A
World of Difference, NAEYC, Washington DC.
Wardle, Francis (2002) Meeting the Needs of Multiracial and Multiethnic Children,
Excelligence Learning Corporation,
Foundations in Early Childhood Education
ECE 107
Social and Emotional Competence
Boyd, Judi, et al; Policy Report: Promoting Children’s Social and Emotional
Development Through Preschool,
Cobb, Casey; Mayer, John (2000) Emotional Intelligence: What the Research
Says, Educational Leadership
Gilliam, Walter (May 2005) Prekindergarteners Left Behind: Expulsion Rates in
State Prekindergarten Systems , Yale University Child Study Center.
Jacobsen, Linda (May 2005) Preschoolers Expelled from School at Rates
Exceeding that of K-12,
McCabe, LISA; Frede, Ellen (2007) Challenging Behaviors: Preschool as a
Contributing or Ameliorating Factor?Nieer Working Paper, National Institute for
early Childhood Research,
Niles, M; Reynolds, A; Nagasawa, Mark (Spring 2006) Does Early Childhood
Intervention Affect the Social and Emotional Development of Participants?; Early
Childhood Research in Practice (Vol 8 , No 1),
Wilson, Ruth ( Jan/Feb 2003) The Role of Social and Emotional Competence in
the Development of Young Children, Early Childhood News.
Foundations in Early Childhood Education
ECE 107
Universal Preschool /Investing In Preschool
Alexandra Starr (April 29, 2002) Does Universal Preschool Pay? Business Week,
Barnett, Steven (April, 20030 Preschool: the Most Important Grade, Educational
Barnett, Steven (April 2004) The Universal vs. Targeted Debate: Should the
United States have Preschool for All? National Institute for Early Education
Bracey, Gerald (2003) Investing in Preschool; American School Board Journal;
National School Board Journal.
Clive, B (2006) Does it Pay to Invest in Preschool for all? National Institute for Early
Education Research,
Hurst, Marianne (Nov. 2004) Groups Link Preschool Education, Economic
Growth, Education Week,
Lynch, Robert (Winter 04/05) Preschool Pays American Educator.
National Child Care Association (August 2001) Building Universal Preschool in
Partnership with the Private Early Education and Care System, Policy Paper
Pope, Julie; Clothier, Steffanie (June 2005) The Preschool Promise, State
Schweinhart, Lawrence (1994) Lasting Benefits of Preschool Programs, Eric
On-line Resources:
Early Childhood Research in Practice,
National Institute for Early Education Research:
Education Week Journal:
Clearinghouse on Early Education and Parenting:
Early Childhood Research and Practice Journal:– Articles section