Biome Project Checklist - Madison Public Schools

Name __________________________
Biome ________________
Biome Project Checklist
**Note - To decrease the chances of plagiarism, note cards must not contain
sentences. If sentences are found during checks, that card will be destroyed!!!!
 All measurements must be in Metric units
National Wildlife Federation PowerPoint Presentation
 Title Slide
 Name of biome
 Names of all group members of your Biome (your conservation team)
 Period number
 Due date
 Map of biome throughout world (Marine & Freshwater see teacher)
 Colored with Title (i.e. Temperate Rainforest Biome)
 1 Color for your biome
 1 Color for other land biomes
 1 Color for all water biomes
 Key (must be created using a ruler)
 Physical Conditions (Pink) – Expert’s name _____________________________
 Seasons
 How many?
 What kinds?
 Descriptions of each season
 Temperature
 Range (from low number to high number) in oC
 Precipitation
 Type/s
 Annual average in cm
 Defining characteristics (see Physical Conditions – Distinguishing
Characteristics Checklist)
 Plants and vegetation (Green) – Expert’s name ____________________________
 General plant and vegetation info including
 Dominant type of plants/trees – What represents your biome?
 Name and describe beneficial traits (adaptations) that help your plants
 Choose three specific species and find
 Names (common and scientific name) for each plant
 Description of size, shape, and coloration for each plant
 Adaptations (3 or more) – Name and describe traits that help your plant
 Animals (Orange) – Expert’s name _____________________________
 General animal info including
 What types of animals represent your biome?
 Name and describe general beneficial traits common among your animals
 How do they depend on other organisms & their environment?
 Choose three specific species and find
 Names (common and scientific name) for each animal
 Description of size, shape, and coloration for each animal
 Adaptations (3 or more) – Name and describe traits that help your animal
 What is each animal’s role (niche) in the environment?
 Environmental factors (Blue) – Different Article from each Expert
 How have other natural factors (i.e. droughts, fires, and others) affected
your area of expertise?
 Have these changes been bad or good?
 How have humans affected your area of expertise in the past?
 How are humans presently affecting your area of expertise?
 Have these human-caused changes been positive or negative?
 What important information did you get from the periodical you selected?
 print-out or photocopy of periodical
 What is predicted for the future of this biome? (your thoughts)
Food web – please see food web requirements worksheet
National Wildlife Federation Essay with Pictures
 Name of biome
 Names of all the authors of your essay (your conservation team)
 Essay composed of 3 RACER paragraphs containing info about each member’s
area of expertise related to the environmental issues of your biome
 Physical Conditions (Expert #1) – need 2 pictures (1 is your biome map)
 Plants and Vegetation (Expert #2) – need 2 pictures
 Animals (Expert #3) – need 2 pictures
 If using online images, w/ web address citations beneath each
Source Page (use your white source cards)
 One set per team members, including:
 At least 2 book sources: Proper MLA formats from SS
 At least 2 websites: title of website and web address
 Citations for all pictures: title of website and web address
 Current* Periodical (magazine, newspaper, or journal) article: Author,
title of article, publication title, publication date
*date of publication must be between January 2006 to present