Pay It Forward Pay It Forward is a promise that you will use your education from the Parelli Education Institute to help the world become a better place for horses and humans. Pay It Forward multiplies the impact of every scholarship dollar. 1. Scholarships make a Parelli education possible for qualified horsemen who could not otherwise afford to attend the professional track or pursue a career as a Parelli Professional. 2. These Parelli Professionals provide education to staff, volunteers, and participants of qualified programs that are dedicated to youth horsemanship, therapeutic horsemanship, and equine welfare. 3. The programs help the Parelli Professionals grow in their own horsemanship through real-world experience with a variety of horses and humans. All scholarship applicants are required to make a specific commitment to support one of the Institute’s areas of focus by providing at least a minimum number of service hours within three to five years of receiving their scholarship. The number of service hours varies based on the level of study and the amount of the scholarship award. When a scholarship is awarded, the recipient signs a binding agreement that outlines the number of service hours required, how the service hours will be performed, and the date by which all service hours must be completed. In the rare instance that the service hours are not performed, the recipient is required to repay the full amount of the scholarship, plus interest. How to Pay It Forward Scholarship applicants have some flexibility in how they design their Pay It Forward commitment toward youth horsemanship, therapeutic horsemanship, or equine welfare programs. You determine how and when, and tell us your promise! Be realistic, yet stretch in how you can help. This will be one of the elements that the Scholarship Committee considers in reviewing applications. Here are some examples: Volunteer a half-day every two weeks at a local horse rescue to help prepare horses for adoption homes. Volunteer at a therapeutic horsemanship center for one day per month to play the 7 Games with the horses, and to teach the staff more about how the horses are communicating. Work in the Parelli Education Institute booth at a Parelli tour stop or other Parelli event to explain our mission to interested horse folks. Volunteer for a staff position at the Institute, in anything from bookkeeping to marketing to fundraising to administrative tasks. Parelli Education Institute Inc. Scholarship Application 9.13.13 1 Host events throughout the year to raise funds for the Institute. Volunteer to start a natural horsemanship youth program or 4-H club. Volunteer to teach lessons once a month at a youth horsemanship program. The Fine Print To determine your volunteer hours, use the equivalent hourly rate below. You will divide your total scholarship awarded by the hourly rate to determine your volunteer commitment. For example, if you applied for the 1-Star Instructor Course, and received a $1000 scholarship, we would ask for a commitment to volunteer 50 hours ($1000/$20): 1-star: $40/hour 2-star: $50/hour 3-star: $70/hour 4-star: $100/hour 5-star & 6-star: $125/hour It is expected that your Pay It Forward commitment can be accomplished in three to five years after your course work. If you have any questions, please email us at Parelli Education Institute Inc. Scholarship Application 9.13.13 2 Time Line for Scholarship Submissions Extern Program – October 31, 2013 Intern Program – October 31, 2013 3-Star Instructor Course – April 11, 2014 Currently Scholarships are not available for any course not listed above. Specific “Donor Directed” scholarships may be announced as they become available. Parelli Education Institute Inc. Scholarship Application 9.13.13 3 THE PARELLI EDUCATION INSTITUTE, INC. 2014 SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION FORM The Parelli Education Institute Inc. strives to help people achieve their goals within our natural horsemanship program. We have limited access to scholarship funds. The level of scholarship you qualify for can be determined by the following questions. Feel free to attach any additional information that may be pertinent (resume, CV, etc.) We will process this information, and let you know the results. Name: ______________________________________________________________________________ Parelli Member Number (if applicable) _____________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________________________________________________________ State: ___________________ Zip: _____________________ Country: ________________________ Phone: _____________________________________________________________________________ E-Mail: _____________________________________________________________________________ This scholarship opportunity is applicable to Parelli University courses. Which program are you interested in? (List only 1 course per application form.) 3-Star Instructor Course Externship Internship Date: ___________________ Is there a particular advertised scholarship that you are applying for? If so, which one? ____________________________________________________________________________________ Please list any natural horsemanship courses, instructor lessons or instructor clinics that you have attended in the past: (attach separate page if more space is needed.) ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ If you've ever attended a Fast Track course, what was your final score (%)? _______ If you've ever attended an Externship, what was your final score (%)? Parelli Education Institute Inc. Scholarship Application 9.13.13 _________ 4 Please summarize your activity as a Parelli Professional: (i.e.: I give a few lessons a month/ I give several lessons or clinics a week): ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Please list your total activity tracking hours to date (instructors only) ___________________________ How many years have you been involved with natural horsemanship? _____________ total years Name of Program: _______________ Number of years: _____________ Name of Program: _______________ Number of years: _____________ Name of Program: _______________ Number of years: _____________ Please indicate your OFFICIAL horsemanship level within each Savvy (include any + ratings received) Savvy Level 3 Level 4 On-Line Liberty Freestyle Finesse Select your activity level for each on-line site below: On-Line site: No involvement Some participation I use this every day Parelli Connect Facebook Your web site address, if applicable: ________________________________________________ Your blog address, if applicable: _________________________________________________ Parelli Education Institute Inc. Scholarship Application 9.13.13 5 Please tell us any other pertinent information that may influence your chances of getting a scholarship: ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Please explain why you have financial need for a scholarship to be able to attend this course: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Attach your last year's tax report and most recent 2 paycheck stubs. Are you familiar with our "pay-it-forward" dreams for scholarship students? (see pages 1 and 2 for review.) Please explain how you would envision being able to "pay-it-forward" toward the Parelli Education Institute's goals. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Parelli Education Institute Inc. Scholarship Application 9.13.13 6