Selling Native Spirituality

Selling Native Spirituality
by Terri Jean
Recently I browsed through the "Native American" section of my favorite local bookstore.
To my surprise, there was an entire "Native American Spirituality" sector -- twice the size
of the indigenous history section -- that included books on topics such as building your
own sweat lodge, animal totems, shamanism, vision quests and tarot cards. I asked the
clerk why these items were in the Native American section, rather than the New Age, and
she replied "Because they were written by Native Americans or deal with Indian topics." I
asked "Since when were tarot cards a Native American topic?" She informed me that
tarot cards were part of their religion and when I begged to differ -- she brushed me off,
half-promising to look into it and change the book placement if deemed necessary. A
week later, there was no change -- except that fact that I no longer have a favorite local
When it comes to the concept of Native Americans and their spirituality, mainstream
America has a truly misconstrued ideal of Native culture and religious beliefs. People
outside of the Native community have taken it upon themselves to self-classify their
writings and teachings as Native American or Native-inspired, and believers outside of
the Native community happily follow.
What is New Age? The New Age movement gained momentum in the late 1970s and
early 80s. It is an eclectic belief system, led by spiritual teachers and gurus (mostly
authors and lecturers), focuses on whole-body healing and positive transformation of the
spirit and soul. Many concepts and traditions of ancient cultures have been re-introduced
to the public, blending one belief with another to form a generic religion that can be
applied to nearly everyone. Unfortunately, a search for universal truth and wisdom has
produced an epidemic of profit-driven fake and phony "teachers" portraying themselves
as spiritual experts. Their authoritative opinions are featured in books, talk shows, articles
and documentaries -- with a hungry audience willing to buy it all hook, line and sinker.
A popular aspect of this New Age movement is the inclusion of what is called "Native
Spirituality" or "Native American Spirituality." Various beliefs, rituals, ceremonies, and
traditions -- gathered from varied tribal communities -- are interwoven with concepts of
other doctrines to form a belief system that is often sold via books, workshops, lectures,
articles and pay-per-visits. This romanticized "spirituality" is often a poor representation of
true Native beliefs, yet consumers purchase the work by the thousands and revel in the
information presented, believing it to be true and soul-enriching.
Selling Out Native Americans
America is a capitalist society. We are product driven, consuming what we want, when
we want it. We have even managed to commercialize spirituality -- especially that
belonging to America's first people. Large department stores sell knock-off items of
spiritual importance and well-known companies and sporting teams exploit Native images
in the form of logos and mascots. Men and women without blood ties to Native cultures -or those with a minuscule amount -- act as leaders, guides, medicine people and spiritual
leaders, profiting from workshops, best-selling books, crafts, artwork, movies and false
Native people all over the country are outraged by such commercialization; their culture
being stripped, pieces sold to gullible buyers. Their traditions and beliefs blend with
others to form counterfeit concepts -- intertwined with stereotypes found in books or
movies -- that is now marketed as an actual "religion." The so-called teachers gain
authenticity from mainstream America (including publishers and the press) by fooling the
public, staking claim to a heritage they truly know little about. They play Indian, looking
the part, using buzzwords and stoic language -- yet steering away from "real" Indians,
afraid of being challenged in front of their followers.
Mainstream American often accepts their "truths" at
face value, without knowing the person is acting out
of greed, arrogance and self-appointed superiority.
Genuine spiritual leaders would not set out to turn a
profit from their teachings. They would not sell a
sacred ceremony or conduct a workshop on how to
find your inner animal totem. They do not charge for
their services, offer a "Shaman" website or create
tarot cards. They will, however, instruct those who
need instructing and heal those who need healing -within their own community. Their lives are dedicated
to their work. They are neither greedy nor looking for
prestige. Their lives belong to their calling, and to the
people within their community.
People to watch out for: Mary Summer Rain, Jamie Samms, Sun Bear and the Bear
Tribe, Chief Red Fox, Iron Thunderhorse, Harley Swift Deer Reagan, Evelyn Eaton,
O'Shinna, Ted Andrews, Jamake Highwater, Shequish Ohoho, Bird Brother, Mary
Elizabeth Marlow, Vision Quest Inc, Sedonia Cahill, The Great Round Organization,
Cyfus McDonald, Oshena, Brooke Medicine Eagle, Wallace Black Elk, Alonso
Blacksmith, Carlos Casta~neda, Mary Thunder, Oceana, Ghostwolf, Barking Tree, Lynn
Andrews and Barking Tree.
What they are peddling: Sweat ceremonies/ various workshops/ sun dances/ shaman
healing/ power animals/ vision quests/ dreamcatchers/ medicine wheels/ CDs/ pre-made
sweat tents/ medicine crystals/ tarot cards/ psychic readings/ Native American weddings
or naming ceremonies/ pipe ceremonies/ and books on various topics.
The Problem with Such Profiteering
Native American activists challenge those who sell their "wisdom" to the masses,
accumulating a following at the sake of bastardizing a religion not truly
their own. Below are just a few reasons why such activists are actively
fighting against these false prophets and charlatans:
1. Profiting from Native spirituality goes against most tribal beliefs. It is
religious prostitution.
2. Most information given is derived from false information and
stereotypes. Only a person from that particular culture can truly
understand and appreciate their own heritage. You cannot gather such
knowledge from a handful of books and movies, nor by witnessing a few
factual ceremonies and rituals. Such misinformation perpetuates myths,
stereotypes and romanticized ideals currently associated with Native people. You cannot
construct an authentic Native American anything by employing bits and pieces of
ceremonies and traditions, manipulating them into one package and calling it something
new. Each ceremony and ritual, and every belief and song hold a specific purpose. You
cannot extract certain elements of that ritual or song and use it as your own. Its true
meaning is lost.
3. There is an absence of history. Indigenous people have endured a prolonged and
cataclysmic act of genocide against them for over 500 years. Only they feel their past and
can appreciate the traditions and ceremonies that stem from their survival. You cannot
play Indian. Dressing up as a stereotypical Native American and sending smoke signals
to the Great Spirit is not what the culture is about. One must know the oppression, the
history, and the heritage. These cannot be learned from books or movies.
4. It is theft. It is exploitation. It is the interpretation of a self-proclaimed Native "teacher"
who passes the information on to believers who pay to learn from their "wisdom." A nonNative American teaching Native spirituality contributes to the genocide of the Native
nations. Their work often dominates the mainstream audience and continues stereotypes
and misinformation plagued by the Native community.
5. Non-Natives teaching Native spirituality trivializes the true and accurate beliefs of all
Native Americans. When non-Natives teach what is not their own, it belittles those who
follow that belief. It says that anyone can teach or spiritually lead this culture. This
presumption is degrading, arrogant, and racist.
6. It can be dangerous. If a person conducts a sweat lodge, vision quest, sun dance etc.
without the proper education, someone can truly be hurt.
7. When a person of true Native American ancestry and teaching writes a book or
teaches a workshop, their work may play second-fiddle to the flamboyant charlatan.
Although those who sell Native spirituality to the public have been notified of their wrongdoing -- having been told their acts are disrespectful and offensive -- they continue to
prosper. They have even come up with reasons, or excuses, to validate their abuse. Here
are a few verbatim examples:
1. "The Native people should share their beliefs with us!"
2. "I wasn't raised Indian, but I am Indian in my heart."
3. "There is jealously for those of us who have reached the masses with our work. We
are well-respected and well-known. People are envious."
4. "My work is good and from the heart. Those who want to stop me are acting out of
5. "I have the right to practice any religion I choose."
6. "I have permission to conduct these ceremonies. An elder tribesman taught me."
7. "I accept no money, only donations for my work as a Shaman."
8. "I am preserving an ancient religion that is dying out."
9. "I am honoring Native people and wish to be part of their culture."
10. "I harm no one. I only want to help mankind."
11. "I am 1/8 Cherokee and 1/8 Shawnee. It is my culture." (Though they have never met
a Cherokee or a Shawnee.)
Even if these false leaders honestly believe they are fostering a sense of community,
acting as a guide to those who seek an earthy religion void of harm, it is still wrong.
So why does it continue? Simple: money, demand and prestige. 1) "Leaders," publishers
and workshop organizers can make money from it. 2) The public demand is great. 3)
Most of these "teachers" -- such as Mary Summer Rain, Jamie Samms, Sun Bear, Ted
Andrews, and Brooke Medicine Eagle -- enjoy a cult-like following, selling thousands of
books or raking in money via workshops and lectures. The position of spiritual leader is
prestigious, a shot to the ego.
What's the Answer?
If you really want to honor Native people -- do it by showing them respect. Respect their
wishes, their opinions and their warnings of who to avoid and their endorsements of who
to trust. Learn about the issues that matter most to them -- whether it be treaty and
fishing rights or the elimination of Indian mascots. Live life with respect, humility, love for
Earth and all inhabitants, patience and a strong sense of community -- for these are the
common threads woven between most tribal traditions. Pray daily, sacrifice yourself to
the common good of others, read the writings of those who legitimately speak for Native
people, and refuse to listen to any self-proclaimed pseudo-experts hocking Native religion
for money.
Spirituality is not something you can buy. It's a feeling of freedom, understanding and
balance with the universe. And it's free.
Editor/Historian/Activist/Author: Terri Jean
Director of the Red Roots Educational Project
Established year 2000