Name __________________________________ CALHOUN AREA CAREER CENTER SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION ~ 2011 Applications will NOT be accepted after March 11, 2011. Missing or late information will cause this application to be considered incomplete and applicant will not be considered for the scholarship. This application is for the scholarships listed below. You must meet all eligibility requirements to be considered for each scholarship award. AMERICAN FOUNDRY SCHOLARSHIP This scholarship is available to students in the Machining and Welding Programs who show potential for success at the post-secondary level. NON-TRADITIONAL CAREERS SCHOLARSHIP (* Supplemental Financial Form needed) This is awarded to students showing academic promise, leadership potential, and a commitment to pursuing training in a non-traditional field. SUPERINTENDENT’S SCHOLARSHIP (* Supplemental Financial form needed) This scholarship is awarded to students planning to further their education at a fouryear college, community college or trade school. Selection is based on GPA, leadership, extra-curricular activities and potential for success. CACC JACK KORFF SCHOLARSHIP These scholarships are available for one deserving student in each of the center’s 18 (eighteen) Career & Technical Education Programs who demonstrate the potential for future success at post secondary colleges, technical institutes or universities. The Korff is awarded to students showing academic promise, good attendance, positive work habits, leadership potential, and a commitment to pursuing training at the postsecondary level. [See your instructor for an application] * * Please note: The following CACC Scholarship Applications are now included with those at the Battle Creek Community Foundation [File the BCCF application] * * CACC AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE TECHNOLOGY SCHOLARSHIP CACC BETTIE & JIM COX MANUFACTURING SCHOLARSHIP CACC CLARA MINER-FULLER SCHOLARSHIP CACC GIFFORD - BURGY SCHOLARSHIP CACC CONNIE DILLARD SCHOLARSHIP [Non-traditional Occupation Students] CALHOUN AREA CAREER CENTER SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION (Applications are due to program instructors by March 11, 2011) These scholarships will be awarded to graduating students who plan to further their formal education or training. Selection will be determined by high school grade point average, citizenship, leadership and involvement in extra-curricular activities. Priorities vary with the different scholarship programs but more consideration is given to those continuing in a field of study related to the CACC Program in which the student was enrolled. Eligibility is limited to students completing a program at the Calhoun Area Career Center, earning a minimum of 3.0 in their CACC program and a minimum of a 2.0 grade point average at their sending school. Students must be accepted at an accredited post-secondary school. NOTE: A candidate for these scholarships will be scored according to the scholarship rubric which includes daily attendance, good work habits and program academic/technical skills. The scholarship recipients will be chosen by a selection committee. Financial need is a criterion for two of these scholarships: Non-Traditional Careers and the Superintendent’s Scholarship. Please complete the Supplemental Form if you want to be considered for either of these two scholarships. Completed application includes: _____ Application and attachments (typewritten answers to scholarship questions) _____ Copy of your Proof of Acceptance to a college or trade school _____ Instructor recommendation/Citizenship Report _____ Resume _____ Two written recommendations (high school teacher, counselor, principal or employer -- NOT CACC staff members) _____ Sending school transcript _____ Family Financial Statement (if needed) _____ Scholarship checklist signed by instructor NOTE: It is your responsibility to make sure all materials are turned in by the indicated date. Do not include original letters of acceptance or awards—submit copies. The Calhoun Area Career Center is in compliance with all State and Federal Laws prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, age, sex, marital status or handicap. 2 CALHOUN AREA CAREER CENTER SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION (Applications are due March 11, 2011) DIRECTIONS: Please read over the application carefully and then fill out all the required information. After completing the application, take it to your program instructor to check, sign and submit. The completed application with all required components must be turned in to your instructor at the Calhoun Area Career Center by March 11, 2011. The mailing address is: Calhoun Area Career Center 475 E. Roosevelt Avenue Battle Creek, MI 49017 NAME_____________________________________________BIRTH DATE__________/_________/_______ Last First Middle Month Day Year ADDRESS_______________________________________________ PHONE NO. (_____)________________ No. Street City, State Zip Program enrolled in at the Career Center______________________________________________________ Date you plan to graduate from high school____________________________________________________ Sending School Name ________________________________Counselor’s Name_______________________ What subject area will you study while at college or trade school? __________________________________ What is the name of the school you have applied to and plan to attend? _____________________________ (You must provide proof of acceptance to this school) Please attach the TYPE-written answers to the following questions: 1. List any honors or awards you may have received while in high school. 2. List your high school extracurricular activities. (Examples: volunteer work, sports, after school job, co-op, etc.) 3. Write and attach a paragraph or two completing EACH of the following three topics: The importance of post-secondary training at a college or trade school Your post-secondary and career goals and how they link to your CACC Program Why you are a deserving recipient of this scholarship ____________________________________________ Student Signature __________________________________________ Date 3 Calhoun Area Career Center Supplemental Scholarship Form Student Name:_______________________________ Program:______________________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN INFORMATION Marital Status: Single Married Divorced Dependent Children: Number __________ 2010 Income $ Widowed Ages: _________________________ Number in College:__________ 2011 Projected Income Parent’s Total Combined Annual $ Income Student’s Total Annual Income $ TOTAL $ $ Please describe any unusual financial circumstances or financial hardships in your household. (Attach additional sheets, if needed.) The undersigned hereby acknowledges that the information provided on this application, including attachments, is true and correct to the best of his/her knowledge. Please be sure all submitted information is updated and current so it can be used to accurately assess applicants. Parent/Guardian Signature:____________________________________ Date:_______________________________ Submit this supplemental form along with the CACC Scholarship Application by March 11, 2011, to the: Calhoun Area Career Center 475 E. Roosevelt Avenue Battle Creek, MI 49017 The Calhoun Area Career Center is in compliance with State and Federal laws prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, age, height, weight, national origin, marital status, handicap condition or disability. Questions should be directed to the Calhoun Intermediate School District. 4 Instructor Recommendation/Citizenship Report (Rating of Effort, Work Ethic and Behavior) Student Name ________________________ Program________________ Please rank student from 1 – 5, with 5 being the highest score and 1 the lowest score. Area Submits completed documents/assignments/projects on time. Maintains a high interest in learning and is willing to work hard to accomplish difficult tasks or to master difficult concepts. Is well prepared for class and maintains personal organization to ensure that class requirements can be met. Is respectful and helpful to classmates and handles program property with care. Contributes to class activities; comments and questions are appropriate. Contributes to a positive classroom atmosphere. Total Score Ranking Comments: Instructor Signature____________________________________ Date _______________ 5 Teacher Scholarship Checklist Verification: _____ Application _____ Answers to scholarship questions _____ Copy of proof of acceptance to college or trade school _____ Instructor Recommendation/Citizenship Report _____ Resume _____ Two recommendations (other than CACC staff) _____ Sending school transcript _____ Family Financial Statement (if needed) _____ This checklist reviewed and initialed by Instructor I have reviewed this application and find it complete. ________ Teacher Initials _________ Date Instructors: This packet must be submitted to SCS by March 11, 2011! Students: Your application materials will be evaluated with the following rubric: Rubric Items Teacher Recommendation Essay answers to scholarship questions Recommendations Scholastic Measure Extra-Curricular Activities Proof of Acceptance Citizenship Resume How to Score Positive attitude Stays on task Typed/Correct spelling and proper grammar Career goals related to CACC program Two, other than CACC staff Minimum: 3.0 CACC and 2.0 sending school Score = (ACT Score / 36) X 25 Volunteer work Sports After school job/Co-Op Required for consideration with any scholarship Attendance No behavioral referrals Visually pleasing Correct spelling and proper grammar 6 7