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1. Date:
April 27, 2009
2. Name and Title:
Thomas J. Balkany, M.D., FACS, FAAP
Hotchkiss Professor
Chairman, Department of Otolaryngology
Chief, Division of Otology
4. Office Phone:
(305) 243-1413
6. Current Academic Rank:
7. Primary Department:
8. Secondary Appointments
Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Professor, Department of Neurological Surgery
9. Citizenship:
10. Visa Type (if non-citizen):
11. Institutional:
University of Miami, Miami, Florida
(Entered medical school after 3 yrs)
University of Miami School of Medicine
Intern in Medicine, University of
New Mexico Hospitals
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Resident in General Surgery
St. Joseph Hospital, Denver, Colorado
Resident in Otolaryngology,
University of Colorado Medical Center
Denver, Colorado
Thomas Balkany, MD, FACS, FAAP-Curriculum Vitae
Preceptor in Otology and
Neuro-Otology, Otologic Medical Group,
House Ear Institute, Los Angeles, California
Certification, licensure:
Board Certification
National Board of Medical Examiners
American Board of Otolaryngology
American Board of Neurotology
1972, 1991
Licensure -
14. Academic:
University of Colorado, Department of Otolaryngology
Assistant Professor
Director, Pediatric Otolaryngology Clinic
Clinical Assistant Professor
University of Miami, School of Medicine
Department of Otolaryngology
Professor and Vice Chairman
Chief, Division of Otology/Neurotology
Director, University of Miami Ear Institute
Hotchkiss Chair in Otology
Residency Program Director
Department of Pediatrics
Professor (Secondary appointment)
Department of Neurological Surgery
Professor (Secondary appointment)
Thomas Balkany, MD, FACS, FAAP-Curriculum Vitae
Colorado Ear Clinic, PC, Denver, CO
(4 physician, 4 audiologist specialty group)
Denver Children's Hospital
Chairman, Department of Pediatric Otolaryngology
Credentials Committee
Porter Hospital/Swedish Medical Center
Assistant Chief, Otolaryngology Department
Chief, Otolaryngology Department
Ethics Committee
Comprecare (HMO)
Health Care Standards Committee
Board of Directors
Books and monographs published:
Otoacoustic Emissions. Balkany TJ, Lonsbury-Martin BL. Am J Otol (Monograph)
Supplement 15:1 1994;1-38.
Clinical Pediatric Otolaryngology. Balkany TJ, Pashley NRTP. St Louis, Mosby,
(Textbook) 1986.
The Cochlear Implant. Balkany TJ (ed): Otolaryngol. Clin. N. Am (Monograph)
Vol. 19, May, 1986.
Textbook or monograph chapters:
Connell SS, Balkany TJ. Infections of the Ear. KJ Lee editor. In Essential
Otolaryngology. (to be published in 2007)
Brown KD, Balkany TJ. Benefits of bilateral cochlear implantation: a review.
Current Opinion in Otolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery 2007,15:315-318.
Thomas Balkany, MD, FACS, FAAP-Curriculum Vitae
Connell SS, Balkany TJ. Cochlear Implants. Clin Geriatr Med 2006;22(3):677686.
Smullen JL, Balkany TJ. Implantation of the ossified cochlea. Operative
Techniques in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 2006;16(2):117-20.
Smullen J, Eshraghi AA, Balkany T. The future of cochlear implants. In Cooper
H, Craddock L. eds. Cochlear Implants. A practical Guide (2nd Edition) Whurr
Publishers, London and Philadelphia 2006:367-379.
Eshraghi AA, King JE, Hodges AV, Balkany TJ. Cochlear Implants in The Bionic
Human: Health Promotion for People with Implanted Prosthetic Devices.
Johnson FE and Virgo KS (Eds) Totowa, NJ, Humana Press 2006;16:379-403.
Eshraghi AA, Elfiki H, Mobley SR, Balkany TJ. Ossicular Implants in The Bionic
Human: Health Promotion for People with Implanted Prosthetic Devices.
Johnson FE and Virgo KS (Eds) Totowa, NJ, Humana Press 2006;17:413-428.
Eshraghi AA, Hodges AV, Telischi FF, Balkany TJ. Cochlear implant technology.
In Jackler and Brachman eds. Texbook of Neurotology. Elsevier 2005, 13011314.
Eshraghi AA, Wooley A, Balkany T. Complications of Cochlear Implants. In Wohl
D. Josephson G., eds. Complications in Pediatric Otolaryngology, Tahlor and
Francis 2005; Chap 30, 501-513.
Balkany TJ, Gantz BJ. Medical and Surgical Considerations in Cochlear
Implants, in Cummings C, Flint PW, Haughey BH, Thomas JR, Harker LA,
Robbins T, Schuller DE, Richardson M (eds): In Otolaryngology: Head and Neck
Surgery, Philadelphia, Elsevier 2004.
Ahsan S, Telischi FF, Balkany TJ: Cochlear implants in difficult cases:
ossification, dysplasia and reimplantation. In Lavinsky L (ed): Treatment of Ear
Disorders. Revinter, Brazil, 2006;82:504-510.
Balkany TJ, Hodges AV, Miyamoto RT, Gibbin K. Cochlear implants in children.
Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America 2001; 34:455-467.
Odabasi O, Hodges AV, Balkany TJ. Electrocochleography: Validity and Utility
Current Opinion in Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery. 2000;8(5):375-379.
Hodges AV, Dolan-Ash MM, Balkany TJ, Butts SL, Schloffman JJ. Speech
Thomas Balkany, MD, FACS, FAAP-Curriculum Vitae
perception abilities in pediatric cochlear implant recipients receiving total
communication, oral, and auditory-verbal training. Cochlear Implants (Waltzman
and Cohen, eds), 2000: Article 12C, 251-252.
Balkany TJ, Bird P, Telischi F, Lee DJ, Hodges AV. Further developments in
implantation of the ossified cochlea. Cochlear Implants (Waltzman and Cohen,
eds), 2000;Article 8B, 156-159.
Butts SL, Hodges AV, Dolan Ash S, Schloffman JJ, Balkany TJ. Cochlear
implantation: Results in patients over 65. Cochlear Implants (Waltzman and
Cohen, eds), 2000: Article 16D, 334-335.
Hodges AV, Balkany TJ. Habilitation of Hearing Impaired Children. Advanced in
Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. Mosby, Inc 1999;13:77-104.
Hodges AV, Balkany TJ. Controversies in Cochlear Implantation: ethical issues
Practical Pediatric Otolaryngology. Cotton RT and Meyer CM, (eds).
Philadelphia Lippencott-Raven, 1999;315-327.
Balkany TJ, Ress BD. Infections of the External Ear in Otolaryngology-Head and
Neck Surgery, Third Edition, Cummings, Fredrickson, Harker, Krause,
Richardson, and Schuller (eds) St Louis, Mosby-Year Book, Inc., 1998;Vol
Balkany T, Hodges AV, Goodman KW. Cochlear implantation in young children:
Ethical considerations in Cochlear Kids (Warren Estabrooks ed.) The Alexander
Graham Bell Association for the Deaf, Washington, DC, 1998;30-44.
Luntz M, Balkany TJ, Hodges A, Telischi F. Cochlear implant in patients with
inner ear malformations in Pediatric E.N.T. D. Passali (ed), The Hague, Kugler
Publications, 1998; 401-405.
Balkany TJ, Luntz ML. Diagnosis and Management of Sensorineural Hearing
Loss in Children in Pediatric Otology and Neurotology. Lalwani AK and Grundfast
KM (eds). Philadelphia, Lippencott-Raven, 1998;397-403.
Balkany T, Hodges AV, Luntz M. Update on cochlear implantation.
Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America 1996;29:277-289.
Balkany TJ. Acute Suppurative Otitis Media in Common Problems in Otology, B.
Hill Britton, M.D., ed. Yearbook Medical Publishers, 1994.
Thomas Balkany, MD, FACS, FAAP-Curriculum Vitae
Hodges AV, Balkany TJ, Dolan-Ash MM. Cochlear Implants in Miami CHATS. A
curriculum for auditory and tactile speech reception for hearing impaired children.
Miami: Intelligent Hearing Services, 1994.
Lonsbury-Martin BL, Martin G, Balkany T. Clinical Applications of Otoacoustic
Emissions, Highlights of the AAO-HNS Instructional Courses - 1994, Frank
Lucente, (ed), 1994;7:343-355.
Telischi FF, Rodgers G, Balkany TJ. Dizziness in childhood, in Jackler R,
Brackmann DE (eds), Textbook of Neurotology, St. Louis, Mosby, 1993.
Balkany TJ, Telischi FF, Hodges AV. Cochlear Implant Basics in Textbook of
Neurotology, Jackler R and Brackmann DE (eds), St. Louis, Mosby, 1993,
Mosby, pp 1361-1369.
Lizak, M, Balkany TJ. Skull Base Trauma, 1991. Handbook of Head and Spine
Trauma (Greenberg, J ed.) Marcel Dekker, New York, 1993. p121-129.
Goodwin WJ, Balkany TJ, Casiano RR. Special considerations in
managing geriatric patients Otolaryngol Head and Neck Surg
(Cummings CW, Fredrickson JM et al, eds) 1993;4:294-305.
Balkany TJ, House WF. Cochlear Implants in Operative Challenges in
Otolaryngology. (Pillsbury, H.R., ed.) Mosby/Yearbook, 1990.
Balkany TJ, Steinberg S. Tympanoplasty in Cost Effective Otolaryngology
(Meyers A ed) B.C. Decker Toronto, Philadelphia, 1990, p. 83-89.
Dreisbach JN, Balkany TJ. The imaging evaluation of the Cochlear Implant
Candidate. Instructional Courses Johnson JT, Blitzer A, Ossoff R, Thomas JR,
eds. 1988;175-185.
Balkany TJ, Luxford W, Martinez S, Hough JVD. Surgical Anatomy and
Technique of Cochlear Implantation. Instructional Courses (Johnson JT, Blitzer
A, Ossoff R, Thomas JR, eds) 1988;168-175.
Balkany TJ, Shapshay SM, Duckert LG, Hoffman SR. AAO-HNS. Home Study
Course. Infections and inflammatory disease, 1988.
Downs MP and Balkany TJ. Otologic Development and Hearing Impairment.
New Perspectives on Down's Syndrome. Dimitriev, V., Ed. Special Child
Publications, Seattle, 1988.
Thomas Balkany, MD, FACS, FAAP-Curriculum Vitae
Balkany TJ, Balkany DJ. Computer based analysis of behavior in deafened
monkeys with cochlear implants. Cochlear Implant: Current Situation. (Banfai,
P., ed) p 33-40, 1987.
Jafek BW and Balkany TJ. Neck Injury in Children. Pediatric Otolaryngology.
S.E. Stool and C.D. Bluestone, Eds.; WB Saunders, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Balkany TJ, Jafek BW, Rutherford RB. Blunt trauma to the neck. Current
Emergency Therapy (Edlich, R.F., ed.), pp. 52-56, 1986.
Balkany TJ, DiMaria V, Delano W. Middle ear and mastoid surgery. Clinical
Pediatric Otolaryngology. Mosby Co., N.Y. (Balkany, T.J., and Pashley, N.R.T.
eds), 1986.
Balkany TJ, Nichalson S. Tympanostomy and Tubes. Clinical Pediatric
Otolaryngology. Mosby Co., N.Y. (Balkany, T.J., and Pashley, N.R.T. eds.),
Balkany TJ, Klein J, Rubin J. Complications of Otitis Media. Clinical Pediatric
Otolaryngology. Mosby Co., N.Y. (Balkany, T.J., and Pashley, N.R.T. eds.),
Rubin J, Klein J, Balkany TJ. Otitis media. Clinical Pediatric Otolaryngology.
Mosby Co., N.Y. (Balkany, T.J., and Pashley, N.R.T. eds.), 1986.
Balkany TJ: External Otitis. Clinical Pediatric Otolaryngology. Mosby Co., N.Y.
(Balkany, T.J. and Pashley, N.R.T. eds.), 1986.
Balkany TJ: Introduction. The Cochlear Implant. Otolaryngol Clin N Am
Balkany TJ, Reite M, Rasmussen K. Behavioral effects of Cochlear Implants on
Deafened Monkeys. Otolaryngol Clin N Am 1986;19:435-446.
Arenberg IK, Gibson SA, Balkany TJ. The effect of endolymphatic system
surgery on tinnitus in Meniere's disease, Proceeding of the Second International
Tinnitus Seminar, (Schulman, A. ed.) 1985;299-310.
Arenberg IK and Balkany TJ. Objective Pulsatile Tinnitus: Vascular Basis.
Proceedings of the Second International Tinnitus Seminar. (Schulman, A. ed.)
Thomas Balkany, MD, FACS, FAAP-Curriculum Vitae
Balkany TJ, Jafek BW. Blunt Trauma to the Neck. Management of Trauma.
Zuidema, G.O., Rutherford, R.B., Ballinger, W.F. (eds), W.B. Saunders Co.,
Philadelphia, 1985.
Balkany TJ, Rutherford RB, Jafek BW. Emergency care of neck injuries.
Management of Trauma. Zuidema, G.O., Rutherford, R.B., Ballinger, W.F. (eds),
W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, 1985.
Balkany TJ, Jafek BW, Rutherford RB. Blunt trauma to the neck. Current
Emergency Therapy. (Edlich, R.F., ed.) pp 52-56, 1984.
Balkany TJ, Larsen SA, Reite M, et al. Morphological and Behavioral Effects of
Chronic electrical stimulation of the primate cochlea. Cochlear Implants: Current
Status and Future (Schlinder, R.A. Ner Merzenich, M., eds.). Raven Press, N.Y.,
pp. 83-92, 1984.
Larsen SA, Asher DL, Balkany TJ, Rucker N. Histopathology of the auditory
nerve and cochlear nucleus following intracochlear electrical stimulation.
Otolaryngol Clin N Am 1983;16:233-248.
Reite ML, Balkany TJ, Blanton F, Short R. Behavioral effects of deafening young
monkeys. Otolaryngol Clin N Am 1983;16:217-226.
Balkany TJ, Arenberg IK. An overview of the electronic Cochlear Prosthesis Clinical and research consideration. Otolaryngol Clin N Am 1983;16:209-216.
Dreisbach J, Siebert C, Arenberg IK, and Balkany TJ. A comparative analysis of
the visibility and patency of the vestibular aqueduct by multidirectional
tomography and reformatted high resolution CT scanning. Otolaryngol Clin N
Am 1983;16:103-114.
Best L, Ferraro J, Arenberg IK, and Balkany TJ. The value of sinusoidal
harmonic acceleration testing in the evaluation and treatment of inner ear
vestibular dysfunction. Otolaryngol Clin N Am 1983;16:83-94.
Ferraro J, Best A, Arenberg IK, and Balkany TJ. The use of electrococleography
in diagnosis, assessment, and monitoring endolymphatic hydrops. Otolaryngol
Clin N Am 1983;16:69-82.
Arenberg IK, Balkany TJ. Prevention of Complications and Failures of
Endolymphatic System Surgery. Otolaryngol Clinics of N Am 1982;15:869-882.
Thomas Balkany, MD, FACS, FAAP-Curriculum Vitae
Arenberg K, Balkany TJ, Goldman G, Pillsbury HC. The incidence and
prevalence of Meniere's Disease - A Statistical Analysis of Limits. Otolaryngol
Clin N Am 1980;13:597-602.
Balkany TJ, Arenberg IK, Sires B. Bilateral aspects of Meniere’s Disease.
Otolaryngology Clin N Am 1980;13;603-610.
Balkany TJ, Pillsbury HC, Arenberg IK. Defining and Qualifying Meniere's
Disease. Otolaryngol Clin N Am 1980;13:589-596.
Jafek BW and Balkany TJ. Conductive hearing loss. Progress in Surgical
Disease. William F. Willkins, B. Eisman Ed. pp 70-73, 1980.
Balkany TJ, Downs MP, Jafek BW. Sequela and management of fluctuating
hearing loss in children. Advances in Prosthetic Devices for the Deaf: A Deaf
Technical Workshop. (Transactions) National Technical Institute for the Deaf.
Rochester, N.Y., 1979.
Balkany TJ. The Oro-pharynx in A Problem-Oriented Approach to
Otolaryngology. Wood, R.F. and Northern, J., (eds.) Williams and Wilkins, pp.
148-156, 1979.
Balkany TJ, Rutherford RB, Jafek BW. Emergency Care of Neck Injuries,
Management of Trauma, Zuidema, C.O., Rutherford, R.B., Ballinger, W.R.,
(eds.), W.B. Saunders Co., Phila. pp. 342-360, 1979.
Balkany TJ. Fever and dysphagia in a 14-year-old boy. Pediatric Surgery Case
Studies, J.R. Lilly, Ed., Medical Exam. Publishing Co., Inc., Garden City, N.Y.,
pp. 195-197, 1978.
Wong ML, and Balkany TJ. Laryngeal Trauma, Surgical Decision Making,
Eisman, B., and Watkyns, R.S. (eds), W.B. Saunders Co., Phila, pp. 66-68, 1978.
Zarnock JM, and Balkany TJ. Tympanometric Screening of Normal and
Intensive Care Units in Newborns: Accuracy and Validity in Impedance
Screening for Middle Ear Disease in Children. Hartford, E. (ed), Grune and
Stratton, 1978.
Thomas Balkany, MD, FACS, FAAP-Curriculum Vitae
Thomas R. Van De Water; Christine T. Dinh; Richard Vivero; Gia Hoosein;
Adrien A. Eshraghi; Thomas J. Balkany. Mechanisms of hearing loss from
trauma and inflammation: otoprotective therapies from the laboratory to the clinic.
Acta Oto-Laryngologica 2009; July.
Brown KD, Connell SS, Balkany TJ, Eshraghi AA, Telischi FF, Angeli SI.
Incidence and indications for revision cochlear implant surgery in adults and
children. Laryngoscope 2009;119(1):152-7.
Eshraghi AA, Rodriguez M, Balkany TJ, Telischi FFT, Angeli S, Hodges AV, Adil
E. Cochlear implant surgery in patients more than seventy-nine years old.
Laryngoscope. 2009; Mar 19.
Vivero RJ, Joseph DE, He J, Eshraghi AA, Balkany TJ, Van De Water TR.
Dexamethasone Base Conserves Hearing from Electrode Trauma-Induced Loss.
Laryngoscope 2008;118(11):2028-35.
Craddock L, Brinton J, Shakeel RS, Balkany TJ. Bilateral cochlear implantation:
the British Cochlear Implant Group position. Editorial. Cochlear Implants Int.
Dinh C, Hoang K, Haake S, Chen S, Nong E, Eshraghi AA, Balkany TJ, Van de
Water. Biopolymer released dexamethasone prevents tumor necrosis factoralpha induced loss of auditory hair cell in vitro: Implications toward the
devlopment of a drug eluting cochlear implant electrode array. Otol Neurotol
2008; 29(7):1012-9.
Dinh CT, Haake S, Chen K, Hoang K, Nong E, Eshraghi AA, Balkany TJ, Van De
Water TR. Dexamethasone protects organ of corti explaints against tumor
necrosis factor-alpha-induced loss of auditory hair cells and alters the expression
levels of apoptosis-related genes. Neuroscience 2008; 157:405-413.
Xue ZL, Angeli SI, Rajput K, Yan D, Hodges AV, Eshraghi A, Telischi FF,
Balkany TJ. Cochlear implantation in individuals with Usher type 1 syndrome. Int
J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 2008 (72):841-847.
Balkany T, Hodges A, Telischi F, Hoffman R, Madell J, Parisier S, Gantz B, Tyler
R. William House Cochlear Implant Study Group Position Statement on Bilateral
Cochlear Implantation. Otol Neurotol 2008;29:107-108.
Thomas Balkany, MD, FACS, FAAP-Curriculum Vitae
Connell SS, Balkany TJ, Hodges AV, Telischi FF, Angeli SI, Eshraghi AA.
Electrode migration after cochlear implantation. Otol Neurol 2008;29:156-159.
Ulubil SA, Eshraghi AA, Telischi FF, Angeli SI, Balkany TJ, Joy J. Caloric
function after endolymphatic sac surgery. Laryngoscope 2008;118:295-299.
Furze A, Kralick D, Vakharia A, Jaben K, Graves R, Adil E, Eshraghi AA, Balkany
TJ, Van De Water TR. Dexamethasone and methylprednisolone do not inhibit
neuritic outgrowth while inhibiting outgrowth of fibroblasts from spiral ganglion
explants. Acta Oto-Laryngologica 2007.
Connell SS, Angeli SI, Suarez H, Hodges AV, Balkany TJ, Liu XZ. Performance
after cochlear implantation in DFNB1 patients. Otolaryngol – Head Neck Surg
Patterson DM, Telischi FF, Connell SS, Ulubil A, Hodges AV, Eshraghi AA,
Balkany TJ. Cochlear implantation in organ transplantation. Laryngoscope
Balkany T, Menapace C, Hodges AV, Hazard L, Driscoll C, Gantz B, Kelsall D.
et al. Nucleus Freedom North American clinical trial. Otolaryngol Head Neck
Surg. 2007;136(5):757-62.
Bird PA, Begg EJ, Zhang M, Keast AT, Murray DP, Balkany TJ. Intratympanic
versus intravenous delivery of Methylprednisolone to cochlear perilymph. Otol
Neurotol (2007)
Eshraghi AA, Adil E, He J, Grave R, Balkany TJ, Van De Water TR. Local
dexamethasone therapy conserves hearing in an animal model of electrode
insertion trauma. Otol Neurotol 2007;28:842-849.
Eshraghi AA, Wang J, Adil E, He J, Azel Z, Bublik M, Bonny C, Puel JL, Balkany
TJ, Van De Water TR. Blocking c-Jun-N-terminal kinase signaling can prevent
hearing loss induced by both electrode insertion trauma and neomycin
ototoxicity. Hearing Research 2007;Vol 226:168-177.
Smith LP, Eshraghi AA, Whitley DE, Van De Water TR, Balkany TJ. Induction of
localized cochlear hypothermia. Acta Oto-Laryngologica, 2007;127:228-233.
Balkany TJ, Connell SS, Hodges AV, Payne SL, Telischi FF, Eshraghi AA, Angeli
SI, Germani R, Messiah S, Arheart KL. Conservation of residual acoustic hearing
after cochlear implantation. Otol Neurotol 2006;27(8):1083-8.
Thomas Balkany, MD, FACS, FAAP-Curriculum Vitae
Truy E, Eshraghi AA, Balkany TJ, Telischi FF, Van De Water TR, Lavieille JP.
Vibrant Soundbridge Surgery: Evaluation of transcanal surgical approaches.
Otol Neurotol 2006;27:887-895.
Ruiz JW, Guzman J, Polak M, Eshraghi AA, Balkany TJ, Van De Water T.
Glutathione ester protects against hydroxynonenal induced loss of auditory hair.
Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2006;135(5):792-7.
Eshraghi AA, He J, Polak M, Mou CH, Zine A, Bonn C, Balkany TJ, Van De
water TR. D-JNKI-1 treatment prevents the progression of hearing loss in a
model of cochlear implantation trauma. Otol Neurotol 2006;27(4):504-11.
Polak M, Ulubil SA, Hodges AV, Balkany TJ. Revision cochlear implantation for
facial nerve stimulation in otosclerosis. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg.
Polak M, Hodges AV, King JE, Payne SL, Balkany TJ. Objective methods in
postlingually and prelingually deafened adults for programming cochlear
implants: ESR and NRT. Cochlear Implants Int. 2006;7(3):125-141.
Balkany TJ, Hodges AV, Buchman CA, Luxford WM, Pillsbury CH, Roland PS,
Shallop JK (et al.) Cochlear Implant Soft Failures Consensus Development
Conference Statement. Otol Neurotol 2005;26:815-818.
Polak M, Hodges A, Balkany T. ECAP, ESR and subjective levels for two
different Nucleus 24 electrode arrays. Otology & Neurotology 2005;26:639-645.
Thomas GR, Dave S, Furze A, Lehman, Ruiz J, Checcone M, Balkany TJ.
Managing common otolaryngologic emergencies. Emerg Med 2005;37(5):18-47.
Eshraghi AA, Polak M, He J, Telischi FF, Balkany TJ, Van De Water TR. Pattern
of hearing loss in a rat model of cochlear implantation trauma. Otol Neurotol
Smullen JL, Polak M, Hodges AV, Payne SB, Telischi FF, Balkany TJ. Facial
nerve stimulation following cochlear implantation. Laryngoscope
Balkany TJ, Hodges AV, Buchman CA, Luxford WM, Pillsbury CH, Roland PS,
Shallop JK (et al.) Cochlear Implant Soft Failures Consensus Development
Conference Statement. Cochlear Implants International 2005;6:105-122.
Thomas Balkany, MD, FACS, FAAP-Curriculum Vitae
Balkany TJ, Eshraghi AA, He J, Polak M, Mou C, Dietrich D, Van De Water T.
Mild hypothermia protects auditory function during cochlear implant surgery. The
Laryngoscope 2005;115:1543-1547.
Polak M, Hodges A, Balkany T. ECAP, ESR and Subjective Levels for Two
Different Nucleus 24 Electrode Arrays. Otol Neurotol 2005;26:639-645.
Liu XZ, Pandya A, Angeli S, Telischi FF, Arnos KS, Nance WE, Balkany T.
Audiological Features of GJB2 (Connexin 26) Deafness. Ear & Hearing
Angeli SI, Yan D, Telischi F, Balkany TJ, Ouyang XM, Du LL, Eshraghi A,
Goodwin L, Liu XZ. Xue ZL. Etiologic Diagnosis of Sensorineural Hearing Loss
in Adults. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2005;132:890-5.
Ouyang XM, Yan D, Du, LL, Hejtmancik, JF, Jacobson SG, Nance WE, Li AR,
Angeli S, Kaiser M, Newton V, Brown SDM, Balkany T, Liu XZ. Characterization
of Usher syndrome type I gene mutations in an Usher syndrome patient
population. Human Genetics 2005;116:292-299.
Angeli SI, Lui XZ, Yan D, Balkany T, Telischi F. Coenzyme Q-10 treatment of
patients with a 7445A>G mitochondrial DNA mutation stopped the progression of
their hearing loss. Acta Otolaryngologica 2005;125:1-3.
Eshraghi AA, Nehme O, Polak M, He J, Alonso OF, Dietrich WD, Balkany TJ,
Van De Water TR. Cochlear temperature correlates with both temporalis muscle
and rectal temperatures. Application for testing the otoprotective effect of
hypothermia. Acta Otolaryngol 2005;125(9):922-8.
Buchman CA, Joy J, Hodges A, Telischi FF, Balkany TJ. Vestibular effects of
cochlear implantation. Laryngoscope 2004;114 (Supl 103)
Eshraghi AA, Telischi FF, Hodges AV, Odabasi O, Balkany TJ. Changes in
programming over time in post-meningitis cochlear implants. Otolaryngol Head
Neck Surg 2004;131(6):885-9.
Van De Water TR, Lallemen F, Eshraghi AA, Ahsan S, He J, Guzman J, Polak
M, Malgrange B, Lefebvre PP, Staecker H, Balkany TJ. Capsases, the Enemy
Within, and Their Role in Oxidative Stress-Induced Apoptosis of Inner Ear
Sensory Cells. Otol Neurotol 2004(4);25:627-632.
Thomas Balkany, MD, FACS, FAAP-Curriculum Vitae
Polak M, Hodges AV, King JE, Balkany TJ. Further prospective findings with
compound action potentials from Nucleus 24 cochlear implants. Hearing
Research 2004;188:104-116.
Eshraghi AA, Jolly C, Balkany TJ. Small fenestra cochleostomy for Medel Flex
electrode. Cochlear Implant International 2004;5(2):71-75.
Polak, M, Eshraghi AA, Nehme O, Ahsan S, Guzman J, Delgado RE, He J,
Telischi FF, Balkany TJ, Van De Water TR. Evaluation of hearing and auditory
nerve function by combining ABR, DPOAE and eABR tests into a single
recording session. J of Neuroscience Methods 2004;134:141-149.
Ouyang XM, Hejtmancik JF, Jacobson SG, Li AR, Du LL, Angeli S, Kaiser M,
Balkany T, Liu XZ. Mutational spectrum in Usher syndrome type II. Clin Genet.
2004 Apr;65(4):288-93. Erratum in: Clin Genet. 2004 May;65(5):433.
Angeli S, Balkany TJ. Postcochlear implant meningitis. Operative techniques in
Otolaryngol-Head Neck Surg 2003;14(4):293-296.
Collins W, Telischi FF, Balkany TJ, Buchman CA. Pediatric tympanoplasty:
effect of contralateral ear status on outcomes. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg
Scarpidis U, Madnani D, Shoemaker C, Fletcher CH, Kojima K, Eshraghi AA,
Staecker H, Lefebvre P, Malgrange B, Balkany TJ, Van De Water TR. Arrest of
apoptosis in audiology neurons: Implications for sensorineural preservation in
cochlear implantation. Otol Neurotol 2003;24(3):409-417.
Balkany TJ, Telischi FF, Angeli SI, Eshraghi AA. Tympanomeatal Flaps.
Laryngoscope 2003;113:1266-1268.
Eshraghi AA, Yang NW, Balkany TJ. Comparative study of cochlear damage
with three perimodiolar electrode designs. Laryngoscope 2003;113:415-419.
Ahsan S, Telischi F, Hodges A, Balkany T. Cochlear implantation concurrent with
translabyrinthine acoustic neuroma resection. Laryngoscope 2003;113:472-474.
Balkany TJ, Hodges AV, Eshraghi AA, Butts S, Bricker K, Lingvai J, Polak M,
King J. Cochlear implants in children - a review. Acta Otolaryngol
Balkany TJ, Eshraghi AA, Yang N. Modiolar proximity of three periomodiolar
Thomas Balkany, MD, FACS, FAAP-Curriculum Vitae
cochlear implant electrodes. Acta Otolaryngol 2002;122:363-369.
Ouyang XM, Xia XJ, Verpy E, Du LL, Pandya A, Petit C, BalkanyTJ, Nance WE,
Liu XZ. Mutations in the alternatively spliced exons of USH1C cause
nonsyndromic recessive deafness. Human Genetics 2002;11:26-30.
Blanton SH, Liang CY, Cai MW, Pandya A, Du LL, Landa B, Mummalanni S, Li
KS, Chen ZY, Qin XN, Liu, YF, Balkany TJ, Nance WE, Liu XZ. A novel locus for
autosomal dominant non-syndromic deafness (DFNA41) maps to chromosome
12q24-qter. Journal for Medical Genetics 2002;39:567-70.
Liu XZ, Xia JX, Xiao MK, Ouyang XM, Li LD, Yu HL, Angeli S, Telischi FF, Nance
WE, Balkany TJ, Xu LR. The prevalence iof the connexin 26 (GJB2) mutations
in Chinese population. Human Genetics 2002;111:394-397.
Luxford WM, Alum D, Balkany TJ, Premikone J. et al. Minimum speech test
battery for post-lingually deaf and adult cochlear implant patients. Otolaryngol
Head Neck Surg 2001;124:125-26.
Liu XZ, Xia XJ, Joe Adams, Chen ZY, Welch KO, Tekin M, Ouyang XM,
Kristiansen A, Pandya A, Balkany T, Arnos KS. Mutations in GJA1 (connexin 43)
are associated with non-syndromic autosomal recessive deafness. Human
Molecular Genetics 2001;25:2945-51.
Odabasi O, Mobley SR, Bolanos RA, Hodges AV, Balkany T. Cochlear
implantation in patients with compromised hearing. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg
Yang N, Balkany T, Hodges AV. A novel intracochlear electrode positioner:
Effects on electrode position. Annals Otol Rhinol Laryngol 2000;185:18-20.
Butts SL, Hodges AV, Dolan-Ash S, Cullington H, Balkany T. Changes in
stimulation levels over time in Nucleus 22 cochlear implant users. Annals Otol
Rhinol Laryngol 2000;185:53-56.
Cullington H, Hodges A, Butts S, Dolan-Ash S, Balkany T. Comparison of
language ability in children with cochlear implants placed in oral and total
communication educational settings. Annals Otol Rhinol Laryngol 2000;185:12125.
Telischi FF, Bustillo A, Whiteman MLH, Serafini AN, Reisberg M, Gomes-Marin
O, Civantos FJ, Balkany TJ. Octreotide scintigraphy for the detection of
Thomas Balkany, MD, FACS, FAAP-Curriculum Vitae
paragangliomas. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2000;122:358-62.
Fangchao MA, Gomez-Marin O, Lee DJ, Balkany T. Diabetes and hearing
impairment in Mexican American adults: A population-based study. BioMedicina
Hodges AV, Dolan-Ash MM, Balkany TJ, Butts SL, Schloffman JJ. Speech
perception results in children with cochlear implants: Contributing factors.
Otolaryngol Head and Neck Surg 1999;121:31-34.
Bird PA, Balkany T, Hodges AV, Butts S, Gomez O, Lee D. Using the Clarion
cochlear implant in cochlear ossification. Annals Otol Rhinol Laryngol
Balkany TJ, Cohen NL, Gantz BJ. Surgical Technique for the Clarion
cochlear implant. Annals Otol Rhinol Laryngol (Suppl 177) 1999;108:27- 30.
Ress BR, Sridhar KS, Balkany TJ, Waxman GM, Stagner BB, Lonsbury-Martin,
BL. Effects of cis-platinum chemotherapy on otoacoustic emissions: The
development of an objective screening protocol. Otolaryngolg Head Neck Surg
Rine RM, Schubert MC, Balkany TJ. Physical therapy intervention for motion
sickness : A case study. Visual-vestibular habituation and balance training for
motion sickness. Physical Therapy,1999;79:949-957..
Hodges AV, Balkany T, Bird PA, Butts S. Speech recognition following
implantation of the ossified cochlea. Am J Otol. 1999;20:453-456.
Balkany T, Hodges AV, Gomez-Marin O, Bird P, Dolan-Ash S, Butts S,Telischi
FF, Lee D. Cochlear reimplantation. Laryngoscope1999;109:351-355.
Balkany T, Villasuso E, Hodges AV, Bird PA, Lee D. Deep insertion of cochlear
implant electrodes. Am J Otol 1999;20:53-56.
Fangchao M, Lee DJ, Gomez-Marin O, Balkany T. Diabetes and hearing loss in
Mexican American adults: A population-based study. J Laryngol Otol
Telischi FF, Stagner B, Widick ML, Balkany T, Lonsbury-Martin B. Distortion
product otoacoustic emission monitoring of cochlear blood flow. Laryngoscope
Thomas Balkany, MD, FACS, FAAP-Curriculum Vitae
Balkany T, Bird P, Hodges AV, Luntz M, Telischi FF, Buchman C. Surgical
technique for implanting the ossified cochlea. Laryngoscope 1998;108:988-992.
Luntz M, Balkany TJ, Hodges AV. Surgical technique for implantation of the
malformed inner ear. Am J Otol 1997;18:66-67.
Luntz M, Balkany TJ, Hodges AV: Cochlear implants in children with congenital
inner ear malformations. Archives of Otolaryngol Head and Neck Surg
Hodges AV, Balkany TJ, Ruth RA, Lambert PR, Dolan-Ash MM, Schloffman JJ:
Electrical middle ear muscle reflex use in cochlear implant programming.
Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1997;117:255-263.
Hodges AV, Schloffman JJ, Balkany TJ. Single channel maps in device
troubleshooting. Am J Otol. 1997;18:115-116.
Luntz M, Telischi F, Bowen B, Ress B, Balkany T. Congenital cholesteatoma
isolated to the mastoid. Annals of Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1997;106(7):608-610.
Hodges AV, Schloffman J, Balkany T. Conservation of residual hearing with
cochlear implantation. Am J Otol 1997;18:179-183.
Ress BD, Luntz M, Telischi FF, Balkany TJ, Whiteman MLH. Necrotizing
External Otitis in Patients with AIDS. Laryngoscope 1997;107:456-460.
Balkany T, Lunz M, Telischi FF, Hodges AV. Intact canal wall drill out procedure
for implantation of the totally ossified cochlea. Am J Otol. 1997;18:58-59.
Ress BD, Waxman GM, Sridhar K, Balkany TJ, Lonsbury-Martin BL. Monitoring
for otoacoustic emissions in patients receiving cisplatinum. Otolaryngol - Head
Neck Surg 1996;155(2):74.
Balkany T, Hodges AV, Goodman KW. Ethics of cochlear implantation in young
children. Otolaryngol - Head Neck Surg 1996;114:748-55.
Luntz M, Hodges AV, Balkany TJ. Otitis media in children with cochlear
implants. Laryngoscope 1996;106:1403-1405.
Naidich TP, Siatkowski RM, Mafee MF, Altman NR, Stol Bauer M, Balkany TJ,
Castillo, M. Waardenburg syndrome type II with sensorineural hearing loss.
Thomas Balkany, MD, FACS, FAAP-Curriculum Vitae
International Journal of Neuroradiology 1996;2:30-41.
Balkany T, Gantz BJ, Steenerson RL, Cohen NL. A systematic approach to
electrode insertion in the ossified cochlea. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg
Balkany TJ. The rescuers. Uziel AS, Mondain M (eds): Cochlear Implants in
Children. Adv Otorhinolaryngol, 1995;50:4-8.
Balkany TJ, Hodges AV. Misleading the deaf community about cochlear
implantation in children. Annals Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1995, 104:148-14.
Telischi FF, Landy H, Balkany TJ. Reducing temporal lobe retraction with the
middle fossa approach using a lumbar drain. Laryngoscope 1995;105:219-220.
Balkany T, Telischi F. Fixation of the electrode cable during cochlear
implantation, the Split Bridge Technique. Laryngoscope 1995;105:217-218.
Roth J, Telischi FF, Lonsbury-Martin BL, Balkany TJ. Patterns of Evoked
Otoacoustic Emissions Associated with Acoustic Neuromas. Laryngoscope
Monsell EM, Balkany TJ, Gates GA, et al. Committee on Hearing and
Equilibrium guidelines for the evaluationof results of treatment of conductive
hearing loss. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1995;113:186-7.
Monsell EM, Balkany TJ, Gates GA, et al. Committee on Hearing and Equilibrium
guidelines for the diagnosis and evaluation of therapy in Meniere’s disease.
Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1995;113:181-5.
Monsell EM, Balkany TJ, Gates GA, et al. Committee on Hearing and Equilibrium
guidelines for the evaluation of hearing preservation in acoustic neuroma
(vestibular schwannoma). Otolaryngolg Head Neck Surg 1995;113:179-80.
Hodges AV, Ruth RA, Lambert PR, Balkany TJ. Electric auditory brain-stem
responses in nucleus multichannel cochlear implant users. Arch Otolaryngol
Head and Neck Surg 1994;120:1093-1099.
Siatkowski RM, Hodges AV, Balkany T. Ophthalmologic abnormalities in the
pediatric cochlear implant population. Am J Ophthalmol 1994;118:70-
Thomas Balkany, MD, FACS, FAAP-Curriculum Vitae
Balkany TJ, Hodges AV, Whitehead M, Memari F. Cochlear endoscopy with
preservation of hearing in guinea pigs. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg
Goldstein W, Bowen BC, Balkany TJ. Malignant Hemangioendothelioma of the
Temporal Bone Masquerading as Glomus Tympanicum. Ann Otol Rhinol
Laryngol 1994;103:156-159.
Balkany T, Telischi FF, McCoy, MJ, Lonsbury-Martin B, Martin, K. Otoacoustic
emissions in otologic practice. Am J Otol 1994; 15:1:29-38.
Balkany T. A brief perspective on cochlear implants. N England J Med
Vergara KC, Oller K, Eilers R, Balkany T. Curriculum objectives for education of
children with cochlear implants. Adv Otorhinolaryngol 1993;48:216-221.
Kveton J, Balkany T. Status of Cochlear Implantation in Children.
J Pediatr
Balkany TJ. Endoscopy of the Cochlea Restorative Neurology and
Neuroscience, 1991; 3:101-107.
Balkany TJ, Fradis M. Endoscopy of the Cochlea - Human Temporal Bone
Studies Am J Otol 1991;12:1-3.
Balkany TJ, Fradis M, Jafek BW. Intrinsic Vasculature of the Labyrinthine
Segment of the Facial Nerve - Implications for site of lesion in Bell's palsy.
Otolaryngol Head and Neck Surg 1991;104:20-23
Balkany TJ. Endoscopy of the Cochlea During Cochlear Implantation. Ann of Otol
Rhinol Laryngol 1990;99:919-922.
Balkany TJ, Fradis M, Jafek BW. Hemangioma of the Facial Nerve - Role of the
Geniculate Capillary Plexus. Skull Base Surgery 1990;1:59-63.
Dinner MB, Ackly RS, Balkany TJ. Cochlear Implants in the Workplace a
Nationwide Study. J Am Deaf Rehab Soc 1989; 22:41-47.
Boggess W, Baker J, Balkany TJ. Loss of residual hearing after cochlear
implantation. Laryngoscope 1989;99:1002-1005.
Thomas Balkany, MD, FACS, FAAP-Curriculum Vitae
Balkany TJ, Gantz B, Nadol JB. Multichannel cochlear implants in partially
ossified cochleas. Ann of Otol Rhinol Laryngol, 1988;97:3-8.
Balkany TJ, Dinner MB, Boggess WJ. Binaural cochlear implantation Comparison of 3M/House and Nucleus-22 Devices with evidence of sensory
integration. Laryngoscope 1988;98:1040-1044.
Fox EJ, Balkany TJ, Arenberg IK. The Tullio Phenomena and perilymphatic
fistula. Otolaryngol Head and Neck Surg 1988;98:88-90.
Balkany TJ, Stypulkowski P, Reite M, Dinner B. Electrical Auditory Brainstem
Response: An objective verification of auditory system activation with cochlear
implantation in an animal model. Ann Otolaryngol 1987;96:91-93.
Balkany TJ, Dreisbach JD, Cohen NL, Martinez S, Valvassori G. Surgical
Anatomy and Radiographic Imaging of Cochlear Implant Surgery. Am J Otol
Balkany TJ, Gantz B, Dinner B, Mecklinberg D. Evaluation of the cochlear
implant candidate. Am J Otol. 1987;263-268.
Balkany TJ, Bantli H, Vernon J, Douek E. Direct electrical stimulation of the inner
ear for the relief of tinnitus. Am J Otol. 1987;207-212.
Miller JM, Balkany TJ, Stypulkowski P, Finkenzeller P. Cochlear Implants - Basic
Science Am J Otol 1987;8:200-207.
Mangham CA, Luxford WM, Balkany TJ, Black FO. Cochlear prosthesis surgery
in children. Seminars in Hearing 1986;7:361-369.
Boothroyd A, Balkany TJ, Geers A, Hayes D, et al. Issues of pre- and postimplant evaluation regarding cochlear implants in children. Seminars in Hearing
Balkany TJ and Finkel RS. The Dizzy Child. Ear and Hearing 1986;7:138-142.
Balkany TJ, Dreisbach JN, Arenberg IK. Radiographic imaging of the cochlear
implant candidate. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1986;95:592-597.
Balkany TJ. The intrinsic vasculature of the cat facial nerve. Laryngoscope
Thomas Balkany, MD, FACS, FAAP-Curriculum Vitae
Balkany TJ, Arenberg IK, Steenerson RL. Ventilation tube surgery and middle
ear irrigation. Laryngoscope 1986;96:529-532.
Van de Water S, Arenberg IK, Balkany TJ. Auditory Dehydration Testing:
Glycerol vs. Urea. Am J of Otol 1986;7:200-204.
Balkany TJ, Arenberg IK, Steenerson RL. Middle Ear Irrigation During Insertion
of Ventilation Tubes. Auris, Nasis, Larynx (Tokyo) 1985;267-269.
Babbin RW, Balkany TJ, Fee WE. Transdermal Scopolamine in the treatment of
acute vertigo. Ann of Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1984;93:25-27.
Balkany TJ. Radial port microcatheter. Otolaryngol Head and Neck Surg
Balkany TJ, Barkin R, Suzuki B, Watson W. A prospective study of infection
following tympanostomy and tube insertion. Am J of Otol 1983;4:288-291.
Balkany TJ, Alpiner JG, Van De Water SM. Endolymphatic hydrops: Audiovestibular testing and treatment. Audiology 1983;9:129-137.
Arenberg IK, Balkany TJ. Revision endolymphatic sac surgery. Failure analysis.
Laryngoscope 1982;92:1279-1284.
Balkany TJ. Identifying the Lumen of the Endolymphatic Sac. Laryngoscope
Balkany TJ, Arenberg IK, Rucker N, Pauley JD, Northey DJ. The Cochlear
Prosthesis. Hearing for patients with profound nerve deafness. Colorado
Medicine 1981;22:11-14.
Balkany TJ and Mischke RE. Mastoid release for congenital torticollis.
Laryngoscope 1980;90:337-338.
Balkany TJ. Otologic aspects of Down's Syndrome. Seminars in Speech,
Language and Hearing 1980;1:39-48.
Balkany TJ, Mischke RE, Downs MP, Jafek BW. Ossicular abnormalities in
Down's Syndrome, Otolaryngol Head and Neck Surg 1979;87:372-384. (Abstr.
ORL Digest, April, 1980).
Balkany TJ, Mischke RE, Stynes AJ, Pauley JD. Implanted Cochlear Prosthesis
Thomas Balkany, MD, FACS, FAAP-Curriculum Vitae
Analogue in Primates. Otolaryngol Head and Neck Surg. 1980;88:477-485.
Mischke RE, Balkany TJ. Skull base approach to glomus jugulari.
Laryngosocope. 1980;90:89-93.
Balkany TJ, Jafek BW, and Wong ML. Complications of feeding esophagotomy:
Advantages of a new esophagotomy tube. Arch of Otolaryngol. 1980;106:122123.
Balkany TJ, Downs MP, Jafek BW, Krajicek ML. Hearing loss in Down's
Syndrome - more common than generally recognized. Clinical Pediatrics
Balkany TJ, Berman SA, Watson WJ. Sterile preparation of the external auditory
canal with povidone-iodine. Otolaryngol Head and Neck Surg. 1979;87:258-261.
Jafek BW, Balkany TJ, and Wong ML. Surgical management of the
hypodynamic palate. Arch of Otolaryngol 1979;105:347-350.
Baker BB, Jafek BW and Balkany TJ. Undergraduate medical education in facial
plastic and reconstructive surgery. Otolaryngol Head and Neck Surg
Balkany TJ, Downs MP, Krajicek MJ, Jafek BW. Otologic Manifestations of
Down's Syndrome, Surgical Forum 1978;29:582-585.
Berman SA, Balkany TJ, and Simons MA. Otitis media in infants less than 12
weeks of age: Differing bacteriology among neonatal inpatients and outpatients.
Journal of Pediatrics 1978; 93:453-455.
Balkany TJ, Wong ML, Jafek BW. A solution to the problem of cervical
esophagostomy Otolaryngology 1978;86:459-460.
Friedman I, Sando I, and Balkany TJ. Idiopathic midline granuloma. J Laryngol
Otol 1978;92:601-613.
Balkany TJ, Meyers AD, and Wong ML. Capillary Hemangioma of the Tympanic
Membrane. Archives of Otolaryngology 1978;104:296-297.
Balkany TJ, and Zarnock MJ. Impedance tympanometry in infants. Audiology
and Hearing Education 1978;4:17-19.
Thomas Balkany, MD, FACS, FAAP-Curriculum Vitae
Wong ML, Balkany TJ, and Reeves J. Head and neck manifestations of
malignant osteopetrosis. Otolaryngol Head and Neck Surg 1978;86:584-594.
Berman S, Balkany TJ, and Simmons MA. Otitis Media in the Neonatal Intensive
Care Unit. Pediatrics 1978;62:198-202.
Balkany TJ and Dans P. Reversible Sudden Deafness in Early Acquired
Syphilis. Archives of Otolaryngology 1978;104:66-68.
Balkany TJ, Berman S, Simmons ME and Jafek BW. Middle ear effusions in
neonates. Laryngoscope 1978;88:393-405.
Balkany TJ, Bloustein P, Baker BB, and Jafek BW. Cervical esophagotomy in
Dogs: Endoscopic, radiographic and histopathologic evaluation of esophagitis
induced by feeding tubes. Annals of Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1977;86:588-594.
Balkany TJ, DeBlanc GB, and Weider DJ. Reversible sudden deafness and
vertigo. Ear, Nose and Throat Journal 1976;55:6-10.
Balkany TJ, and Bergstrom L. Primary cutaneous plasmacytoma. Archives of
Otolaryngology 1977;103:686-689.
Sando I, Holinger LN, Balkany TJ, and Wood RP. Unilateral endolymphatic
hydrops and associated abnormalities. Annals of Otol Rhinol Laryngol
In preparation
Shapira Y, Balkany TJ. Development of the Inner Ear. Springer Handbook of
Auditory Research, Vol 26. Kelly MW, W DK, Popper AN, Fay RR (Eds.) 2005.
A Review for Journal of Neuroradiology (submitted 2007)
Eshraghi AA, Telischi FF, Balkany TJ. Cochlear implantation in Adults. Federal
Practitioner 2003;20(3):96-103.
Balkany TJ, Eshraghi AA. Minimal incision technique for cochlear implantation.
Surgical procedure videotape. MedEl Corporation 2002.
Thomas Balkany, MD, FACS, FAAP-Curriculum Vitae
Balkany TJ, Eshraghi AA. Combi 40+ split electrode for totally ossified cochlea.
Surgical technique videotape. MedEl Corporation 2002.
Hodges AV, Balkany TJ. Cochlear Implants for Sensorineural Hearing Loss.
Hospital Physician in 2002, pp.22-28.
Balkany T. President’s Message. Florida Society of Otolaryngology Head and
Neck Surgery, Inc. Newsletter. Winter 1999.
Balkany TJ: Cochlear Implantation. Practical Reviews in Otolaryngol - Head and
Neck Surg 1994 (Cassissi N. ed.) (Educational Reviews, Inc., Birmingham, AL).
Balkany T. Controversies in pediatric otology - Perilymph fistula (editorial) Am J
Otol 1989;10:493.
Balkany TJ, Cohen NL. A discussion of surgical technique: 22 channel cochlear
implant - avoiding complications (video tape) Cochlear Corporation 1989.
Balkany TJ, Tempest C. The lobby - legislative issues. Colorado Medicine
Balkany TJ, Tempest C. The lobby - participating 88. Colorado Medicine
Johnson JT, Levine PA, Balkany TJ, Shapshay SM, et al. Home Study Course in
Otolaryngology, Section II, Infection and Inflammatory Diseases. AAOO-HNS
Foundation, 1985.
Pulec JL, Balkany TJ, Berlin CI, Cuparvia RM, Glasscock ME, Shea JJ.
Question the Experts: Tinnitus. Audio Digest: Otolaryngology, Head and Neck
Surgery. 15, May 27, 1982.
Balkany TJ and House WF: Cochlear Implantation. The patient's viewpoint.
Audiology, Vol. III, No. 12, 1978. (Audio Journal)
Telischi FF, Hodges Av, Balkany TJ. Cochlear Implants, Treatment for the
profoundly deaf. Hospital Practice. May 1994;55-66.
Siatkowski RM, Flynn JT, Hodges AV, Balkany TJ. Visual function in congenital
sensorineural deafness. Trans Am Opht Soc 1993;91:309-323.
Thomas Balkany, MD, FACS, FAAP-Curriculum Vitae
Balkany TJ, Kveton JF. Cochlear Implantation in Children. Hospital Physician
Balkany, TJ. Hearing and Equilibrium in "Burning Questions from Clinical
Practice" Parkin L (ed) Otolaryngol - Head and Neck Surg. (1991) 106:2.
Balkany TJ, Babbin RW, Arenberg IK. Transdermal delivery of medication.
Hospital Physician. 1983;4:18-27.
Coleman M and Balkany TJ. Abnormalities of the ear in Down's Syndrome.
Down's Syndrome Papers. 1983;1:1-6.
Balkany TJ, Downs MP, Ling D, Kieth RW. Panel on Mild Gain Amplification.
New Mexico Speech and Hearing Journal. 1982;2:13-16.
Balkany TJ. Review of Ear Clinic International Vol. III. Paparella MM and
Meyerhoff WL eds. Am J of Otol 1983;4:294.
Balkany TJ. Inner ear abnormalities in Down's Syndrome. Down's Syndrome
Papers. 1982;9:2-3.
Balkany TJ and Arenberg IK. Otologic care of children with Down's Syndrome.
Down's Syndrome Papers. 1981;4:203.
Balkany TJ, Arenberg IK, Rucker N, et al. The Cochlear Implant. Surg. Technol.
Balkany TJ and Arenberg IK. Tympanotomy and Ventilating Tubes. Physician
Assistant Health Practitioner. 1981;5:14-20.
Balkany TJ, Jafek BW, Gumprecht T. Paranasal sinusitis - current concepts in
diagnosis and treatment. Resident and Staff Physician. 81:72-79, 1981.
Balkany TJ. Managing the Dizzy Patient. Continuing Education for the Family
Physician. 1980;9:53-56.
Balkany TJ, Balkany DJ, Downs MP, et al. Exploring Developmental Problems in
Children with Down's Syndrome. Down's Syndrome Papers. October, 1979.
Balkany T. Septicemia and Neonatal Otitis Media. Johns Hopkins Medical
Journal 1977;141:299-300.
Thomas Balkany, MD, FACS, FAAP-Curriculum Vitae
Berman S, and Balkany TJ. Otitis Media in Neonates - Ongoing Research.
Corti's Organ, 1976;1:5.
Balkany TJ. Pulsatile impedance tympanometry. Impedance Newsletter,
Other works accepted for publication:
Funded Research Performed at University of Miami:
Peer-reviewed Competitive Grants
"Comparing Cochlear Implants and Tactual Vocoders in a Deaf
Education Classroom Setting" R. Eilers P.I., T. Balkany,
Investigator National Institute on Disability Rehabilitation and
Research (NIDRR) $270,000 (1991-93)
"Cochlear Implants in Children" (1R13DC02820) T. Balkany P.I.,
National Institute of Deafness and other Communication Disorders
(NIDCD) (Symposium) $20,000 (1996) (Total 1 year, direct
“Immunosuppression in Autoimmune Inner Ear Disease.”
P.Brookhauser P.I., T Balkany, Center P.I. (UD-1-DC 03209)
National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication
Disorders (NIDCD) 4/1/99-3/31/02 $7.12 million (Total cost 3 years,
multi-institutional-8; U.M. Total $176,152).
"Epidemiology of Childhood Hearing Loss”
D. Lee, P ; T. Balkany, Co-PI
National Institute of Deafness and other Communicative
Disorders(NIDCD) $406,352 (Total cost, 3 years)
"Effects of Hearing Status on Adult Speech Perception"
(2RO1DC03-007) 5/1/01 - 4/30/06 (Massachusetts Institute of
Technology), J Perkell -P.I.; TBalkany, Center P.I.
Total cost $77,286.
Thomas Balkany, MD, FACS, FAAP-Curriculum Vitae
"Models of Speech Perception by Cochlear Implant Users"
(2RO1DC13007-06) 12/31/00 - 12/31/01 University of Indiana
Sub Contract to University of Miami
Balkany TJ - P.I.
Total cost $36,957
"Childhood Development After Cochlear Implantation"
(RO1-OC04797) 5/1/02 - 4/30/06
Niparko J (Johns Hopkins) - P.I. - Balkany TJ - Center P.I.
Total cost (UM only) $634,911
"Neural Receptor Enhancement Project"
MED EL Corp M0200486 9/1/01 - 8/31/05
Balkany TJ - P.I.
Total cost $751,723
Supplement to “Neural Receptor Enhancement Project”
9/1/04 – 9/1/05 Balkany TJ – P.I.
Total Supplement $230,000.
“Otoprotection: Electrode Array Biorelease Polymer Technology”
Advanced Bionics Corporation –
Balkany TJ – Co-PI 12/22/05 – 12/21/08
Direct Cost $813,862; Indirect Cost $203,465
Total cost $1,017,327
Industrial Grants
"Behavioral and Histopathologic Effects of Cochlear Implantation in
Monkeys" T. Balkany, PI
3M Corporation $210,000 (Total cost 1979-1983)
"Effects of Implantable Magnetic Induction Devices on the Middle
Ear" (ARC 2182) T. Balkany, PI
Smith and Nephew Richards Corporation (1992)
In kind grant "Moller-Wedel Power 200M (with 2-Chip VCR)
Microscope" (Estimated value $62,000) (in Research Division)
"Development of Otoprobe Handpiece for Argon Laser"
(Cadaver Temporal Bone Trials)
Thomas Balkany, MD, FACS, FAAP-Curriculum Vitae
T. Balkany PI Coherent Corporation (1993)
In kind grant - Novus 2000 Dual Fiber Argon Laser (Value=$80,000
(in Research Division)
"Clinical Trial of Clarion Multichannel Cochlear Implants in Adults"
T. Balkany, PI. Mini-Med Technologies (1993)
In kind grant (Clarion Cochlear Implant Clinician Programming
System; Portable Cochlear Implant Telemetry Tester; SCLIN
Software; Surgeon's Kit) (Value=$35,000) (in Audiology Division)
"The Clarion Multi Strategy Cochlear Implant Pediatric
Investigational Study" (IRB 95/157) T. Balkany, PI. Advanced
Bionics Corporation (1995) In kind grant (Surgeon's Kit; Upgraded
Clarion Cochlear Implant Clinician Programming System; Portable
Clarion Cochlear Implant Clinician Programming System; SCLIN for
Windows Software; Clarion 1.2 Clinicians Start-up Kit)
(Value=$35,000) (in Audiology Division)
"Clinical Trial and Evaluation of the Nucleus CI 24M Cochlear
Implant System in Adults" (1DE#G940026) (IRB 96/443)
T. Balkany, PI, Cochlear Corporation
In kind grant (Nucleus 24 Program Control Interface;Interface
Card;DPS Version 7.0 Software;Clinicians Start-Up Kit;Surgeon's
Kit) (Value=$28,000) (in Audiology Division)
“Vibrant Soundbridge Implantable Hearing Devices”
Advanced Bionics Corporation (8/21/98-8/20/99)
T. Balkany, PI; A. Hodges, Co-PI; F. Telischi, Investigator; C.
Buchman, Investigator. Total cost $165,000.
"Molecular studies of non-syndromic deafness"
NIDCD/NIH (RO1 DC05575) 9/15/01 - 8/30/06
Liu XZ-P.I ; Balkany TJ
Direct cost for 1st year $175,000
Competitive "Research" Based Grants from Local Agency
(Pentland Hall of Dade County: Charitable Trust which awards grants on a
competitive basis)
1991 - Development of Cochlear Implant Educational Curriculum,
Thomas Balkany, MD, FACS, FAAP-Curriculum Vitae
(Direct cost=$10,000) T Balkany - Principal Investigator
1992 - Clinical Trials of Cochlear Implant Educational Curriculum,
(Direct cost=$10,000) T Balkany - Principal Investigator
1993 - Effects of Indigency on Cochlear Implant Outcomes
(Direct cost=$15,000) T Balkany - Principal Investigator
1994 - Comparison of Methods of Habilitation of Children with Cochlear
(Direct cost=$25,000) T Balkany - Principal Investigator
1995 - Comparison of Methods of Habilitation of Children with Cochlear
(Direct cost=$20,000) T Balkany - Principal Investigator
1996 - Methods of Implantation of At-Risk Children
(Direct cost=$25,000) T Balkany - Principal Investigator
1997 - Outcomes of Implantation of At-Risk Children
(Direct cost=$25,500) T Balkany - Principal Investigator
1998 - Outcomes of Implantation of At-Risk Children
(Direct cost=$25,500)
1999-Outcomes of Implantation of At-Risk-Children
(Direct cost=$30,000)
2000 – Outcomes of Implantation of At-Risk Children
(Direct cost=$30,000)
2001 - Outcomes of Implantation of At-Risk Children
(Direct cost=$35,000)
2002 - Outcomes of Implantation of At-Risk Children
(Direct cost=$40,000)
2003 – Outcomes of Implantation of At-Risk Children
(Direct cost=$5,000)
Thomas Balkany, MD, FACS, FAAP-Curriculum Vitae
Research Training Awards Committee
American Otolocal, Rhinological And Laryngological Society
Otolaryngology Clinical Trials Cooperative Group (OCTCG)
T. Balkany, Center Director
Balkany TJ – Otologic catheter device.
International #WO8402655. July 19, 1984.1
Balkany TJ – Otologic catheter device.
European #0131053, January 16, 1985.1
Kuzma JA, Harrison WV, Balkany TJ. Electrode array for hybrid
cochlear stimulator.
International #W0069513, November 11, 2000.2
Harrison WV, Kuzma J, Mann AE, Balkany TJ – Hybrid implantable
cochlear stimulator hearing aid system
International #WO00/69512, November 23, 2000.3
Kuzma J, Balkany TJ, Lenarz THR - Minimally invasive access into the
cochlea for electrode insertion and fluid delivery
International #WO9182848, November 8, 2001.4
Harrison WV, Kuzma JA, Mann AE, Balkany TJ. Hybrid implantable
cochlear stimulator hearing aid system.
European #1185331, March 13, 2002.3
Kuzma J, Harrison WV, Balkany TJ. Electrode array for hybrid cochlear
European #1185332, March 13, 2002.2
Kuzma JA, Balkany TJ, Harrison WV. Fluid filled microphone balloon to
be implanted in the middle ear.
US#6,473,651, October 29, 2002.
Thomas Balkany, MD, FACS, FAAP-Curriculum Vitae
Lenarz THR, Balkany TJ, Kuzma JA. Stapedius reflex electrode and
US #6,208,882, March 27, 2001
Kuzma JA, Balkany TJ. Disconnection system for two-part cochlear
electrode and method of making same.
US #20030125785, July 3, 2003.
Kuzma JA, Balkany TJ, Lenarz TH. Minimally-invasive access into the
cochlea for electrode insertion and fluid delivery.
US #6,628,991, September 30, 2003.4
Harrison WV, Kuzma J, Mann AE, Balkany TJ – Hybrid implantable
cochlear stimulator hearing aid system
US #6,754,537, June 22, 2004.3
Harrison WV, Kuzma JA, Mann AE, Balkany TJ. Hybrid implantable
cochlear stimulator hearing aid system.
US #20040230254, November 18, 2004.3
Kuzma J, Balkany TJ, Harrison WV – Electrode array for hybrid cochlear
US #6,889,094 , May 3, 2005.2
Kuzma J, Balkany TJ, Thenawara C. Insertion tool for placement of
electrode system inside the cochlear lumen.
US #7,050,858, May 23, 2006.
1. Related patents: International, European
2. Related patents: International, European, U.S.
3. Related patents: European, International, U.S.
4. Related patents: International, U.S.
Editorial responsibilities:
Editorial Reviewer (Book Review) American
Journal of Otolaryngology
Contributing Editor, Physician Assistant
Health Practitioner, New York, New York
Consulting Editor, Hospital Physician,
New York, New York
Thomas Balkany, MD, FACS, FAAP-Curriculum Vitae
Editorial Reviewer, American Journal
Diseases of Children
Guest Editor, Otolaryngologic Clinics of
North American
May 1986
Editorial Board, American Journal of Otology
Reviewer, Otolaryngology - Head and Neck
Editorial Board, Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
Editorial Board, Ear, Nose and Throat Journal
Reviewer, Archives of
Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery
Reviewer, Laryngoscope
Reviewer, Am J Neuroradiology
Reviewer, New England Journal of Medicine
Editorial Board, Cochlear Implants International:
An Interdisciplinary Journal
Editorial Board, ACTA Oto-Laryngologica
Professional and Honorary Organizations:
Fellow, American Academy of OtolaryngologyHead and Neck Surgery
Fellow, American College of Surgeons
Fellow, American Academy of Pediatrics
Fellow, American Academy of Audiology
American Laryngological, Rhinological, and
Thomas Balkany, MD, FACS, FAAP-Curriculum Vitae
Otological Society (Triological Society)
American Otological Society
American Neurotology Society
Society for Ear, Nose and Throat Advances
in Children
Barany Society
VonBekesy Society
American Auditory Society
Association for Research in Otolaryngology
American Society for Pediatric Otolaryngology
North American Skull Base Society
Florida Society of Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery
Secretary, Treasurer
President Elect
Facial Nerve Study Group
William House Cochlear Implant Study Group
European Academy of Otology &
Honors and Awards:
American Medical Association
Research Exchange Student:
The Karolinska Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden
Alpha Omega Alpha, Medical Honor Society
First Prize American BronchoEsophagological Association Resident
Research Competition
(Balkany, T.J. et al.: Cervical Esophagotomy
in Dogs)
American Academy of Otolaryngology
Honor Award
Best Doctors in America
Thomas Balkany, MD, FACS, FAAP-Curriculum Vitae
Guest of Honor
Argentine Cochlear Implant Symposium
Buenos Aires
1996 Teaching Award
University of Miami School of Medicine
1996 Fowler Award in Otology
League for the Hard of Hearing
New York, New York
(for work in ethics of treating deaf children)
Guest of Honor
Chilean National Congress of
Otorhinolaryngology (Vina del Mar)
American Board of Otolaryngology, Examiner 1998-2000
American Board of Otolaryngology
Senior Examiner
Guest of Honor
Brazilian National Congress of
Guest of Honor
Academic Meeting of the British
Cochlear Implant Group
Guest of Honor
Taiwan Otolaryngologic Society
Annual Meeting
2000 - 2005
Invited Guest Speaker
British Academic Conference
University of Miami
Provosts Award for Scholarly Activity
Guest of Honor
Thomas Balkany, MD, FACS, FAAP-Curriculum Vitae
I Curso Internacional Teorico Practico
Sobre Implantes Cocleares
Monterrey, Mexico
Iron Arrow Honor Society
University of Miami’s Highest Honor
American Neurotology Society
President’s Honor Award
American Academy of Otolaryngology –
Head & Neck Surgery
Distinguished Service Award
Barany Society (Upsalla, Sweden)
Hallpike-Nylen Prize for Clinical Research
Guest of Honor
First Israeli National Cochlear Implant Congress
University of Miami Medical School Hall of Fame
Castle Connolly Top Doctor
2001 – 2008
Guest of Honor
Pennsylvania Academy of Otolaryngology
Invited Guest Lecturer
American College of Physicians
Annual Meeting, New Orleans
Frazer Award and Lecturer
Royal College of Surgeons
London, UK
Guest of Honor
North Carolina/South Carolina Annual Meeting
Who’s Who In Medical Sciences Education
2006 Distinguished Physician Award
Thomas Balkany, MD, FACS, FAAP-Curriculum Vitae
Florida Medical Association
Guest of Honor
XXVIII Congresso Nacional de la Federacion
Mexicana de Otorhinolaryngologia
Invited Keynote Speaker
ORL Conference, Timaru, New Zealand
Guest of Honor
South African Society of Otorhinolaryngology
Head and Neck Surgery Congress
Guest of Honor
8th International Otolaryngology Head –Neck
Congress, Ankara, Turkey 5/15/08-5/19.08
American Academy of Otolaryngology –
Head and Neck Surgery
Presidential Citation
*highest award bestowed by Academy
Visiting Professorships
Scripps Institute
Scripps Hospital, La Jolla, California
Yale University
New Haven, Connecticut
Tel Aviv University
Sheba Medical Center
Haifa University
Rothschild Hospital
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, Ohio
Thomas Balkany, MD, FACS, FAAP-Curriculum Vitae
University of Texas
Dallas, Texas
Ain Shams University
Cairo, Egypt
Herman Laff Visiting Professorship
University of Colorado
Denver, Colorado
Ferens Visiting Professsor in
Otolaryngology, University College &
Middlesex School of Medicine, London
The Queen's University of Belfast
Belfast, Northern Ireland
SmithKline Beecham Visiting Professor 1998
University of Virginia
Health Sciences Center
Charlottesville, Virginia
Department of Otolaryngology
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
Tapei, Taiwan
Osaka University School of Medicine
Osaka, Japan
Seoul National University
School of Medicine
Seoul, Korea
Department of Otolaryngology:
Head and Neck Surgery
University of Pennsylvania
Universidad Autonoma D’Neuvo Leon
Monterrey, Mexico
Thomas Balkany, MD, FACS, FAAP-Curriculum Vitae
Department of Otolaryngology
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA
Department of Otolaryngology
Robert L. Kohut Otology Lectureship
Wake Forest University, NC
Edirne (Turkey) University
School of Medicine
Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon 2006
Monterrey, Mexico
25. Post-Doctoral Fellowships:
Preceptorship, House Ear Institute
26. Other Professional Activities:
Task Force on New Materials
Faculty, Patient of the Month
Faculty, Self Improvement Program
Faculty, Continuing Education Course
Chairman, Infectious and
Inflammatory Diseases
Subcommittee on Hearing Aids
Thomas Balkany, MD, FACS, FAAP-Curriculum Vitae
Lunch with the Faculty
Cochlear Implant Study Group,
1985- Present
AAO-HNS Representative to the AMA
Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technology
Assessment Program (DATTA)
Cochlear Implant Committee
Committee on Hearing and Equilibrium
Implantable Hearing Devices
Nominating Committee
Hearing and Equilibrium Committee
15 Annual American Academy of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Foundation Cherry Blossom Conference
Board of Directors
Audit Committee
Cochlear Implant Committee
Hearing Subcommittee
Thomas Balkany, MD, FACS, FAAP-Curriculum Vitae
Council on Legislation
House of Delegates
Arapahoe County Medical Society Foundation
Board of Directors
Arapahoe County Medical Society,
Board of Trustees
Denver Biomaterials, Inc., Denver, Colorado
United States Public Health Service,
Indian Health Service
Ciba Geigy Corporation, New Jersey
Storz Instrument Company, Inc.
St. Louis, Missouri
Ergo Instrument Company, Inc.
Granger, Indiana
3M Corporation, St. Paul, Minnesota
United States Food and Drug Administration,
Panel on Medical Devices (Otolaryngology)
Micro Tek Medical, Inc.
XOMED Corporation
Machida Corporation
Smith & Nephew Richards, Inc.
Thomas Balkany, MD, FACS, FAAP-Curriculum Vitae
Advanced Bionics Corporation
Daichi Pharmaceuticals
Cochlear Corporation
MED EL Corporation
XOMED Corporation
Gerson Lehrman Group
The Council of Advisors
2003 - present
Teaching Awards Received
University of Miami School of Medicine
"1996 Teaching Award"
Teaching Specialization
Annual Courses Taught to Medical Students
"Hearing and Balance Clinical Correlation"
Freshman Class, University of Miami School of Medicine
ANATOMY: "Anatomy of the Ear and Temporal Bone"
(F. Telischi, C Buchman, T. Balkany)
Freshman Class, University of Miami School of Medicine
Arenberg IK, Balkany TJ. Endolymphatic System Surgery, Denver, CO.,
November 4-7, 1982.
Arenberg IK, Balkany TJ. Endolymphatic System Surgery, Denver, CO., April 710, 1983.
Balkany TJ, House Jerry. Cochlear Implant Surgeon's Training Workshop,
Thomas Balkany, MD, FACS, FAAP-Curriculum Vitae
Denver, CO., May 10-11, 1985.
Balkany TJ, Mangham CA. Cochlear Implant Surgeon's Training Workshop,
Denver, CO., July 25-26, 1985.
Balkany TJ, Martinez SA. Cochlear Implant Surgeon's Training Workship,
Denver, CO., September 30-October 1, 1985.
Balkany TJ, Rizer F. Cochlear Implant Surgeon's Training Workshop, Denver,
CO., February 12-13, 1986.
Balkany TJ, Mangham CA. Cochlear Implant Surgeon's Training Workshop,
Denver, CO., March 5-6, 1986.
Balkany TJ, Cohen N. Cochlear Implant Surgeon's Training Workshop, Denver,
CO., April 2-3, 1986.
Balkany TJ, House JL. Cochlear Implant Surgeon's Training Workshop, Denver,
CO., July 16-17, 1986.
Balkany TJ, Black FO. Cochlear Implant Surgeon's Training Workshop,
Denver, CO., September 24-25, 1986.
Balkany TJ, Mouney D. CochIear Implant Surgeon's Training Workshop, Denver,
CO., November 5-6, 1986.
Balkany TJ, Cohen N, Parkin J, Schindler R. Veterans Administration
Randomized Cooperative Study of Advanced Cochlear Implants (#304),
Surgeon's Training Course, Denver, CO., December 15-16, 1986.
Balkany TJ, Gantz B. Cochlear Implant Surgeon's Training Workshop, Denver,
CO., January 28-30, 1987.
Balkany TJ, Barrs D. Temporal Bone Dissection Course, Denver, CO., February
19-21, 1987.
Balkany TJ, Miyamoto R. Cochlear Implant Surgeon's Training Workshop.
Denver, CO., April 22-23, 1987.
Luxford W, Balkany TJ. Cochlear Implant Surgeon's Training Workshop, House
Ear Institute, Los Angeles, CA., September, 1987.
Thomas Balkany, MD, FACS, FAAP-Curriculum Vitae
Balkany TJ, Barrs D. Temporal Bone Dissection Course, Denver, CO.,
December 4-6, 1987.
Balkany TJ, Gantz B. Cochlear Implant Surgeon's Training Workshop, Denver,
CO., January 27-28, 1988.
Balkany TJ, Cohen NL. Cochlear Implant Surgeon's Training Workshop, Denver,
CO., April 13-14, 1988.
Balkany TJ, Parisier S. Cochlear Implant Surgeon's Training Workshop, Denver,
CO., July 13-14, 1988.
Balkany TJ, Doyle P. Cochlear Implant Surgeon's Training Workshop, Denver,
CO., October 12-13, 1988.
Balkany TJ, Cohen NL. Pediatric Implant Workshop, Denver, CO., February 9,
Balkany TJ, Gantz B. Cochlear Implant Surgeons Training Workshop, Denver,
CO., February 1 - 23, 1990
Balkany TJ, Miyamoto R. Cochlear Implant Surgeon's Training Workshop,
Denver CO., June 14-16, 1990.
Balkany TJ, Cohen N. Cochlear Implants in Children, San Diego, CA.,
September 7, 1990.
Balkany TJ, Luxford W. Cochlear Implant Surgeon's Training Workshop, Denver,
CO., October 24 - 26, 1990.
Luxford W, Balkany TJ. Cochlear Implant Surgeon's Training Workshop, Los
Angeles, CA, July 17 - 19, 1991.
Balkany TJ, Mecklenburg-Allum D: Surgeon's Trainging Course - Clarion
Implant, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1994.
Balkany TJ, Hodges AV: Advanced Cochlear Implant Conference/Temporal
Bone Lab Course, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1995.
Balkany TJ, Telischi FF. Residents Annual Temporal Bone Dissection Course,
Miami, FL., July 13 - 15, 1995.
Thomas Balkany, MD, FACS, FAAP-Curriculum Vitae
Balkany TJ, McElveen J. Advanced Bionics Cochlear Implant Surgical
Workshop, Miami, FL., September 21-22, 1995
Balkany TJ, Goldenberg. Tympanoplasty and Ossicular Reconstruction Course,
Miami, FL., October 27-29, 1995.
Balkany TJ, Telischi FF, Robinson, Lippy. Stapedectomy for the Practicing
Otolaryngologist, ML., Florida, December 1 - 3, 1995.
Balkany, TJ . Cochlear Corporation - Cochlear Implant Surgical Workshop,
Miami, FL., February 5-6, 1996.
Balkany TJ, Telischi FF. Current Clinical Concepts Endoscopy in
Otology/Neurotology Workshop, Miami, Florida, March 4, 1996.
Balkany TJ. Advanced Bionics - Surgeon's Training Workshop, Miami, Florida,
May 11, 1996.
Balkany T, Telischi FF, Applebaum E. Tympanoplasty and Ossicular
Reconstruction Mini-Course, Miami, FL April 11-14, 1996.
Balkany T. Clarion Surgical Training Workshop, Advanced Bionics - Miami,
Florida, April 14-15, 1997.
Balkany T, Telischi FF, Paparella M. Otitis Media and Tympanomastoidectomy:
Pearls and Pitfalls. Miami, Florida, April 25 - 27, 1997.
Balkany T, Telischi FF. Residents Annual Temporal Bone Dissection Course,
Microsurgery Training Center, Miami, Florida, July 24 & 26, 1997.
Balkany T, Telischi FF, Buchman CA, Grobman L. Chronic Ear - Temporal
Bone Dissection, Microsurgery Training Center, Miami, FLorida, February 20,
Balkany T, Telischi FF, Buchman CA. Clarion Surgical Training Workshop,
Advanced Bionics, Miami, FL, May 8-9, 1998.
Balkany T, Telischi FF, Buchman CA. Nucleus 24 Cochlear Implant System
Conference and Practicum for Surgeons, Microsorgery Training Center, Miami,
Florida, September 9 - 10, 1998.
Thomas Balkany, MD, FACS, FAAP-Curriculum Vitae
Balkany T, Corera G. Temporal Bone Course, Cochlear Implant Surgeons
Workshop, Monterrey, Mexico, July 29 -30, 1999.
Thesis and Dissertation Advising:
Edward Miskiel, PhD Candidate (Biomedical Engineering)
Dissertation Committee - Development of Formant Tracking Methods in Sensory
Aids for the Deaf- PhD awarded December 13, 1995
Thesis Committee (2006) – David H. Barker (C-3-39-6310)
University Committee and Administrative Responsibilities:
University of Colorado, Department of Otolaryngology
Director, Pediatric Otolaryngology Clinic
Faculty Senate
Department of Otolaryngology
Department of Otolaryngology
Vice Chairman
University of Miami Ear Institute
Division of Otology/Neurotology
Residency Training Program
Department of Otolaryngology
Microsurgery Training Center
Department of Otolaryngology and
Thomas Balkany, MD, FACS, FAAP-Curriculum Vitae
Neurological Surgery
ACC East Otolaryngology Clinics
UMMG Clinic Director
JMH Clinic Director
TRIAD Representative
Bascom Palmer Eye Institute (ABLEH)
Board of Governors
Operating Room Committee
Honors Program in Medicine Committee
Faculty Council, School of Medicine
Retreat Planning Committee
Chair, Council Retreat Session
"Effects of Diminishing Clinical Revenue on the Research
and Education Missions of the School of Medicine"
School of Medicine Mission Statement Review Group1997
Graduate Medical Education Committee
LEAD Program Committee
(Faculty Mentoring)
Community Activities:
Colorado Doctor's Ski Patrol
Medical Director, Intercanyon Rescue Squad
and Technical Rope Team
Jefferson County Helicopter Rescue
(S.W.A.T.) (Technical Rope Team)
Thomas Balkany, MD, FACS, FAAP-Curriculum Vitae
Medical Advisor "Colorado Wilderness Trails"
"DESTINY REVEALED", bronze sculpture at
juried art show, "Colorado Artists - '85."
Vice President, Board of Directors,
Children's Deafness Foundation
Medical Advisory Board
The E.A.R. Foundation
Nashville, TN
Professional Advisory Committee
National Down Syndrome Congress
Board of Directors, Ear Dears
Consultant Dade County Public Schools
Science Curriculum
Senior Judge, South Florida Science
and Engineering Fair
Auditory Verbal International Board of Directors
Laboratory Research Internship
Dade County Public Schools
Empowerment through Hearing
Chairman, Advisory Board