Learning Goal… students will understand how the final product, the research essay will be evaluated, specifically in the four different streams, knowledge and understanding, thinking and inquiry, application and communication. Senior Social Science Research Essay Rubric /80 Category 2 knowledge & understanding /20 Below 1 3 4 The writer does not show an understanding of the topic or material content thinking & inquiry /20 Student has not successfully researched the essay Sources not used Analysis lacking /10 Writer shows limited understanding of the subject, concepts, theories and issues related to the topic Writer shows some understanding of subject, concepts, theories and issues related to the topic The essay is lacking in information and detail Student used a limited range of sources which lack relevance quality balance Different sources not used throughout the paper Essay construction is not correct The paper does not include an introduction, body paragraphs and a conclusion The spacing is incorrect Pagination is missing Missing title page Missing reference page Level 3 7.2 7.5 7.8 but lacks depth needed Writer shows an excellent understanding of the subject, concepts, theories and issues related to the topic Quantity of information included could be better Good breadth of information used Excellent breadth of information included Student gathered information from a limited range of sources and the effort to select quality sources could be improved Student has gathered information for a variety of relevant electronic and print sources Student has gathered information from a variety of quality electronic and print sources which are clearly relevant, balanced and include critical readings relating to the thesis The sources are not really integrated throughout the paper The student shows some ability to analyze the information but only on the surface These sources were integrated somewhat throughout Good effort to analyze the information in depth and draw appropriate conclusions Essay construction needs some work Body paragraphs too short and are too few Body paragraphs need work Conclusion is either missing or fails to restate the info covered in the paper and the thesis Conclusion somewhat restates the info covered in the paper and the thesis Conclusion which restates the info covered in the paper and the thesis Spacing needs work (extra space incorrectly included between paragraphs) Double spaced mostly (extra space incorrectly included between paragraphs) some pagination used correct margins or font used Pagination incorrect or missing Title page is not in the APA format Reference page is not in the APA format Introduction includes some of but not all; definitions, an intro of the content to be covered and a thesis Pagination incorrect Title page has some APA components Reference page has some APA components Primary sources are included if relevant These sources were integrated in a comprehensive manner throughout Student carefully analyzed the information and drew in depth, appropriate and highly evolved conclusions Some conclusions drawn from the material Essay construction needs a lot of work Introduction is missing; definitions, an intro of some of the content to be covered and a thesis Spacing is incorrect + extra space incorrectly included between paragraphs Level 4 8.5 9 9.5 Writer shows a good understanding of the subject, concepts, theories and issues related to the topic depth Limited or no conclusions drawn from the material organization & essay construction /10 Level 2 6.2 6.5 6.8 The student shows a limited ability to analyze the information from the source(s) research & analysis application Level 1 5.2 5.5 5.8 Correct essay construction Well written introduction; including some definitions, an intro of some of the content to be covered and a thesis Excellent essay construction Very well written introduction; including definitions, a clear intro of content to be covered and a clear thesis Body paragraphs Conclusion which eloquently restates the info covered in the paper and reinforces the thesis Mostly correct APA title page Mostly correct APA reference page Obvious body paragraphs Double spaced properly paginated essay with correct margins and font Correct APA title page Correct APA reference page Correct use of in-text citations throughout application of APA style Missing in-text citations communication Paper is unclear and difficult to follow Paper has problems with clarity, is confusing and hard to follow Paper has some clarity but is a little hard to follow Paper is written clearly Mostly proper spelling Paper is written clearly and concisely Some spelling errors A lot of spelling errors Mostly proper grammar Proper spelling Writing is not appropriate for grade level Some grammar difficulties There are an unacceptable number of spelling and grammar errors Some problems with paragraph structure Successful paragraph structure Proper grammar A lot of grammar difficulties Serious problems with paragraph structure Some transitions used Transitional sentences Transitions are not evident Sentence variety evident Nice flow Sentences can be wordy or awkward at times Correct tense and person are mostly maintained Excellent sentence variety evident Paragraphs are not used Incorrect tense used Correct tense and person are sometimes used Student uses I, we, our, you throughout the paper Correct tense and person are used throughout Vocabulary is acceptable but slang is used Vocabulary is suitable and diction is appropriate Vocabulary is very basic and excessive slang is used Language is somewhat informal /20 writing In-text citations incorrect Sentences are wordy or awkward Use of in-text citations with errors language is too informal throughout D:\106730720.doc Use of in-text citations with minor errors (punctuation) Strong paragraph structure Excellent vocabulary and advance diction Learning Goal… students will understand how the final product, the research essay will be evaluated, specifically in the four different streams, knowledge and understanding, thinking and inquiry, application and communication. APA & ESSAY CHECKLIST (if you have items checked off that means there were problems) Your title page APA format needs tweaking check the template and samples and addresses the following… 2.5 cm or 1 inch margins on all four sides You need a page # 1 on the right side of the header Check the running head it should look like this… Running head: TITLE IN CAPS 1 Use Times New Roman or Courier 12 point regular font Essay Title 2/3rds down & centred is capitalized… Cap Letters at the Start of Most Words Double spaced and centred…. Student Name comes next followed by your school name…Fenelon Falls Secondary School Do not include pictures Do not add a border Do not include the course code Do not include the teacher name Page 2 of your essay The header is different on this and all the rest of the pages (click on Different First Page in Header Tools) … TITLE IN CAPS The title of the essay in regular Cap Letters at the Start of Most Words needs to be centred at the top of the page Any references using your own words need to be cited using in text citations (Author, Year). Any direct quotes need to be cited using in text citations that include a page or paragraph # (Author, Year, p#). Reference page APA format needs tweaking check the hand-out samples and address the following… The title is References not Works Cited or Bibliography All authors on this page are cited in text in the essay Authors are listed in alphabetical order by Last name Include all authors If there is no author use the name of the hosting organization Double space the entries and don’t include any extra spaces between entries Use a hanging indent… 2nd 3rd and 4th lines for any single source are each indented Title of the article or book only has the first word capitalized. Ex… I am the greatest Include the URL if using a website and DOI if available Include the publisher name and city if using a book Don’t just use the URL In text citations… You did not use in text citations, shown in the samples and lessons. THIS RESULTS IN A ZERO… IT IS PLAGIARISM. YOU NEED TO RESUBMIT your essay with some in text citations. You used too few, and need to acknowledge more use of sources for information Your in text citations were incorrect – do not include the author’s first name Your in text citations were incorrect – do not include the URL No reference page. THIS RESULTS IN A ZERO… IT IS CONSIDERED PLAGIARISM. YOU NEED TO RESUBMIT your essay with an accurate reference page. Writing style and communication Use spell check grammar check and thesaurus more often – see corrections directly on paper. The writing was too informal, needs to sound more academic – see if you can find examples of this in your paper. Strengths… _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Weaknesses and Suggestions for Improvement…. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ D:\106730720.doc