1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 River reversals into karst springs: a model for cave enlargement in eogenetic karst aquifers Jason Gulley, Jonathan B. Martin, Elizabeth J. Screaton, Paul J. Moore* Department of Geological Sciences P.O. Box 112120 University of Florida Gainesville, FL 32611-2120 1 11 12 Abstract Most conceptual models of epigenic conduit development assume that conduits 13 sourcing karst springs form as water that is undersaturated with respect to carbonate 14 minerals flows from recharge to discharge points. This process is not possible in springs 15 fed by distributed recharge that is transmitted through aquifer matrix porosity, such as 16 unconfined aquifers in eogenetic carbonate rocks. Diffusely recharged water has a long 17 residence time within the aquifer, and thus would have equilibrated with the aquifer rocks 18 prior to discharge to the conduits. The Upper Floridan aquifer (UFA) has high matrix 19 permeability (~10-13 m2) and many springs lack discrete inputs of undersaturated 20 allogenic water in their recharge areas. Consequently, another explanation for their 21 development is necessary. During flooding of the Suwannee River in north-central 22 Florida, water highly undersaturated with respect to carbonate minerals commonly 23 recharges the UFA through spring vents, and solution scallops oriented away from the 24 vents suggests most dissolution along conduit walls occurs during these flow reversals. 25 During a single flow reversal at the Peacock Spring cave system, flood water was capable 26 of dissolving up to 3.4 mm of the conduit wall rock. Dissolution occurs as flow reversals 27 follow pre-existing features that include joints and paleo-water table caves. Lack of 28 speleothems in conduits in the UFA has been used as evidence that the caves formed in 29 the phreatic zone; however, flooding would dissolve any speleothems that may have 30 formed during previous subaerial exposure. Conduit enlargement during flow reversals 31 suggests that dissolution can progress in the normal upstream directions and this process 32 may be an important driver of dissolution in any karst aquifer with outflows to surface 33 water that are subject to flooding. Flow reversals would also introduce dissolved organic 2 34 carbon and oxygen into the groundwater and provide important energy sources for cave 35 ecosystems as well as altering redox chemistry of the aquifer water. 36 Introduction 37 Conduits commonly form in diagenetically mature carbonate aquifers with low 38 matrix porosity and permeability (termed telogenetic karst by Vacher and Mylroie, 2002) 39 when undersaturated allogenic runoff flows into discrete recharge points such as 40 sinkholes or swallets. This recharge dissolves the rock along joints and bedding planes, 41 thereby expanding these preferential flow paths into conduits (Palmer, 1991). Fully 42 mature conduits thus often link recharge and discharge points in these systems. 43 In contrast, processes forming conduits remain poorly understood in aquifers with 44 high matrix porosity and permeability (termed eogenetic karst by Vacher and Mylroie, 45 2002). These aquifers typically occur in tropical marine settings and have not undergone 46 burial diagenesis that would occlude the primary depositional porosity and permeability. 47 Because the high permeability matrix allows rapid infiltration of recharge as diffuse flow 48 through the surface (e.g., Ritorto et al., 2009), point recharge (i.e. allogenic recharge) at 49 sinking streams is less common than in telogenetic karst aquifers and generally only 50 occurs where streams flow off confining layers onto the carbonate aquifer (e.g., Screaton 51 et al., 2004). Where sinking streams do exist, their potential for focused dissolution is 52 greatly diminished because of the large volumes of water stored in the matrix porosity, 53 which is commonly equilibrated with carbonate minerals of the aquifer (Moore et al., 54 2009). 55 Little allogenic recharge occurs in the eogenetic karst of the Upper Floridan 56 aquifer (UFA), except for where streams flow off the edge of the confining layer and into 3 57 the unconfined aquifer. Nonetheless, many of Florida’s springs discharge from laterally 58 extensive phreatic conduit systems (Florea and Vacher, 2007; Martin and Gordon, 2000). 59 Because of their distance from the coast, these conduits could not have formed from 60 mixing of fresh and saline water as has been proposed for caves in the eogenetic 61 limestone of the Yucatan (Smart et al., 2006) and the Bahamas (Mylroie and Carew, 62 1990). The general lack of allogenic recharge limits input of water undersaturated with 63 respect to carbonate minerals into pre-existing high-permeability zones at the upstream 64 end of the conduits. These conduits are assumed to have formed in the phreatic zone and 65 not been subject to past subaerial exposure because most lack speleothems, unlike 66 conduits in the Yucatan and the Bahamas. Conduit dissolution has been proposed to 67 occur in phreatic zone from “headward sapping” in which high permeability zones act as 68 low resistance drains and cause flow paths to converge and concentrate dissolution, 69 further focusing flow and dissolution (c.f., Rhoades and Sinacori, 1941; White, 2001). 70 However, water from the UFA is generally saturated with respect to calcite (Martin and 71 Gordon, 2000; Moore , 2009), and thus headward sapping is unlikely to form the conduits 72 found there. Consequently, the origin of submerged eogenetic karst conduits remains 73 unresolved. 74 In this paper, we use legacy data and new observations from the Suwannee River 75 watershed in north-central Florida to suggest that reversals of springs during flood events 76 provide a mechanism to form or enlarge conduits. Spring flow reverses when river stage 77 increases faster than the hydraulic heads in the aquifer. Although backflooding of air- 78 filled caves has been observed in telogenetic karst regions (White and White, 1989) and 79 some Florida springs have been reported to reverse (Opsahl et al., 2007), the importance 4 80 of chemical processes such as dissolution during spring reversals has not been evaluated. 81 We establish that surface water is undersaturated with respect to carbonate minerals 82 during high discharge events and use observations of solution scallop direction in two 83 water-filled conduit systems to support the concept that dissolution occurs during spring 84 reversals. We collected high-resolution specific conductivity records within two conduit 85 systems and geochemical data during reversal of one spring to document the influx of 86 highly undersaturated water during flooding. These data allow an assessment of the 87 magnitude of dissolution by flood waters. 88 89 Study Locations 90 The Suwannee River watershed in north-central Florida is entirely underlain by 91 the Floridan Aquifer System (FAS), a thick sequence of limestone and dolomite that is 92 subdivided into the UFA, a middle confining unit (where it exists), and the Lower 93 Floridan aquifer (Miller, 1986). The Cody Scarp generally marks the boundary between 94 the confined and unconfined regions of the UFA and separates the Northern Highlands 95 and Gulf Coastal Lowlands physiographic areas (Fig. 1). In the Northern Highlands, the 96 UFA is overlain by the confining siliciclastic Hawthorn Group and the Surficial Aquifer 97 System. Water sources to the Suwannee River include the Surficial Aquifer System and 98 runoff, which provide tannic-rich water due to organic matter contributions from 99 wetlands. Downstream of the Cody Scarp, the Suwannee River watershed transitions to 100 being sourced by the UFA, including discharge from more than 100 springs (Rosenau et 101 al., 1977; Scott et al., 2004). These springs include 9 of Florida’s 27 first magnitude 102 springs, which are defined as having a discharge of > 2.8 m3/sec, (i.e., > 100 cfs: 5 103 Meinzer, 1927). At baseflow, these springs discharge water that is saturated with respect 104 to carbonate minerals, reflecting equilibration with the aquifer rocks. 105 Groundwater of the UFA has higher specific conductivity than surface water 106 because of the high dissolved load of carbonate minerals but it has lower dissolved 107 organic carbon concentrations, and thus does not have the characteristic tannic stain of 108 water from the surficial aquifer system or surface water draining the Northern Highlands. 109 Differences in specific conductivity and staining between groundwater and surface water 110 are particularly strong during floods (e.g., Moore et al., 2009), providing natural tracers 111 that allow separation of flood water flowing off of the Northern Highlands from 112 groundwater of the UFA. 113 Flooding is common in winter and spring from rainfall associated with cold fronts 114 and in late summer and fall from tropical storms (Grubbs and Crandall, 2007). These 115 floods frequently elevate river water levels that have their headwaters in the Northern 116 Highlands above the hydraulic head of the unconfined UFA (Martin and Dean, 2001; 117 Martin et al., 2006; Ritorto et al., 2009). The changing hydraulic gradients cause springs 118 to reverse, as shown by whirlpools at spring vents and changes in water levels and 119 tannins in wells up to 4.8 km from the river (Crandall et al., 1999). 120 We investigate flow and chemical composition of water at two springs (Madison 121 Blue and Peacock) that discharge within the Suwannee River watershed in north-central 122 Florida (Fig. 1). Madison Blue Spring is classified as a first magnitude spring that 123 contributes baseflow discharge of 2.0 to 3.9 m3/sec to the Withlacoochee River via a 124 short stream connected to the spring vent known as a spring run (Rosenau et al., 1977; 125 Scott et al., 2004). The Withlacoochee River is a major tributary to the Suwannee River, 6 126 and Madison Blue Spring is located about 12 km upstream of the convergence of the two 127 rivers (Fig. 1). More than 8 km of passages have been mapped in Madison Blue Spring 128 (Fig. 2A). Additional passages are known but have not yet been surveyed. 129 Peacock Spring, located about 67 km downstream of Madison Blue Spring and 130 2.3 km north of the Suwannee River (Fig. 1), lacks a conduit connection or a spring run 131 to the Suwannee River. The ‘spring’ is technically a group of water-filled sinkholes (karst 132 windows) that lead to 7.5 km of mapped conduits (Fig 2B). The Suwannee River 133 periodically floods and inundates the spring along a normally dry channel that connects 134 the river to the entrance of the conduit system. The channel contains a sill that restricts 135 direct infiltration of river water into conduits to times when river water elevation exceeds 136 ~8 masl (Rick Owen, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Personal 137 Communication). 138 We have also made cave-diving observations of conduit wall morphology at 139 Madison Blue and Peacock Springs, as well as at two other locations, Little River and 140 Cow Springs, that were not sampled for this study. Little River Spring is located about 141 18 km downstream from Peacock Spring and Cow Spring is located a few hundred 142 meters north of the Suwannee River about 3 km southeast of Peacock (Fig. 1). 143 144 145 Methods Legacy flow data were collected by the Suwannee River Water Management 146 District (SRWMD) and the United States Geological Survey (USGS) for the 147 Withlacoochee River near Madison Blue Spring at Lee, Florida (USGS station 02319394) 148 and the Suwannee River near Peacock Spring near Luraville, Florida (USGS station 7 149 02320000). The Lee station is approximately 10 km downstream from Madison Blue 150 Spring and the Luraville station is approximately 3 km upstream from Peacock Springs 151 (Fig. 1). Discharge data from Madison Blue Spring were provided by the USGS from 152 continuous velocity measurements from a current meter (USGS station 02319302). 153 Chemical composition data was also collected by the SRWMD for water discharging 154 from Madison Blue Spring and from the rivers at the Lee and Luraville stations. Similar 155 flow and chemistry data are unavailable for Peacock Spring. We used the chemistry data 156 to calculate calcite saturation indices (SIcal) using PHREEQC with the LLNL database 157 (Parkhurst and Appelo, 1999). We define SI values here as the log of the ion activity 158 product divided by the equilibrium constant for calcite dissolution reaction. 159 Two observation periods of spring reversals are reported here: one in fall 2008 160 and the other in spring 2009. During fall 2008, Tropical Storm Fay passed through the 161 area causing a minor flood. This event was recorded by a Schlumberger Conductivity- 162 Temperature-Depth (CTD)-diver that was installed at the entrance to Peacock Spring to 163 make time-series measurements of specific conductivity (SpC) and temperature (T). 164 In spring 2009, specific conductivity and T were also monitored at 20-minute 165 intervals during and following major flooding in April 2009 with CTD-divers installed at 166 the entrances to Peacock and Madison Blue springs and at six locations within conduits 167 sourcing these springs (Fig. 2). CTD-divers were installed within the conduits at 168 distances from the main spring vent of 152 m (Martz Sink), 610 m (Courtyard) and 1097 169 m (Back Section) in the Madison Blue Spring conduits, and at distances of 214 m 170 (between Pothole and Olsen sinks), 884 m (Challenge Sink), and 1067 m (Distance 171 Tunnel) in the Peacock Spring conduits. CTD-divers have accuracies for T of + 0.1º C 8 172 and SpC of +1%. The CTD-divers record pressure to a maximum depth of 10 m of 173 water, which was exceeded during most of the flood and thus we have no data for water 174 depths. CTD-divers were also installed at the Lee and Luraville stations during spring 175 2009 but the flood covered both sensors with sediment and prevented any data collection. 176 To complement the SpC and T data, water was collected six times (16 and 24 177 April, 1, 8, and 15 May, and 14 July 2009) during the April 2009 flood and its recession 178 at the Luraville station and from two sinkholes, Challenge and Orange Grove sinks, that 179 intersect Peacock Spring conduits (Fig. 2B, Table 1). Samples could not be collected at 180 Madison Blue Spring during the April 2009 flood because roads to the spring were 181 submerged, making the spring inaccessible. Water was collected by extending a PVC 182 tube from the banks to directly above the center of the sinkholes and to about 5 m from 183 the banks of the river. The tubing was connected to a peristaltic pump, which drew water 184 into an overflow cup. The water was monitored for its SpC, T, dissolved oxygen (DO) 185 concentration, and pH using a calibrated YSI model 566 multi-parameter field meter, and 186 pumping continued until all values stabilized. Following stabilization, samples were 187 collected in PVC bottles for analyses of alkalinity and major element concentrations and 188 kept chilled until measurement. Samples for measurements of cation concentrations were 189 preserved with nitric acid. Alkalinity was titrated within one day of collecting the 190 samples using the Gran method (e.g., Drever, 1997) and the major element concentrations 191 were measured using a Dionex Model 500DX ion chromatograph (IC) in the Department 192 of Geological Science, University of Florida. 193 194 Most of the samples collected during the first three weeks of the flood had very low solute concentrations and were at or near the detection limit of the IC. Consequently, 9 195 their charge balance errors are large, averaging around 17%. Charge balance errors 196 (CBEs) are less for samples collected during the flood recession, averaging around 4%. 197 We used PHREEQC (Parkhurst and Appelo, 1999) to calculate SIcal based on these data. 198 Charge balance was alternately forced on Ca2+ and alkalinity concentrations by 199 increasing or decreasing the concentration of Ca2+ and alkalinity within the calculations 200 until charge balance was achieved to assess the impact of CBEs on calculated calcite 201 saturation index. Forcing charge balances changes the SI less than 1 SI unit for samples 202 with high CBEs and for most samples changes the SI less than 0.l SI unit. While an error 203 margin of 1 SI is large, the sample with largest CBE was still had an upper calcite SI of 204 nearly -4 and reflects that the water is capable of dissolving considerable amounts of 205 calcite. 206 While some data was lost due to equipment being damaged by flooding or 207 logistical constraints, data that were collected clearly demonstrate large volumes of 208 undersaturated river water flow into springs during springs reversals. Missing data 209 include discharge at Madison Blue spring for the April 2009 flood, which destroyed the 210 USGS discharge gauging station at Madison Blue Spring. Peacock Spring is not gauged 211 because it lacks a spring run. We thus estimated the rate and volume of river water 212 intruding into the springs by dividing the distance between CTD divers by the time it 213 took for flood water to pass them, as estimated from changes in SpC of the water. We 214 assume river water flowed into the conduits during the time of decreasing and sustained 215 low conductivity and that springs began to discharge when the SpC rose following the 216 maximum flood elevation. To estimate the total amount of recharge during a reversal, 217 our calculations assume flow was maximum at the start of the reversal and decreased 10 218 linearly until the reversal stopped. We convert the flow rate to a volume of water based 219 on an estimated average conduit diameter of 3 m, which is consistent with our 220 observations of the water-filled conduits. There are large variations in conduit diameter 221 and cross-sectional morphology in both systems, 3 m is considered to be a rough average. 222 More accurate assessment of influx volumes would require detailed conduit cross section 223 measurements and either continuous velocity measurements or head data from the 224 conduits and surface water, which were not available. 225 Results 226 SICal response to elevated river discharge. Legacy data demonstrate that the 227 Withlacoochee and Suwannee rivers have an inverse exponential relationship between 228 discharge and SIcal (Fig. 3). Highest river discharges approach 500 m3/sec in the 229 Withlacoochee River at the Lee station and 1000 m3/sec in the Suwannee River at the 230 Luraville station. Water during high flow events can reach SIcal values of < -4 at both 231 stations across a wide range of discharges and most likely reflects the importance of 232 antecedent aquifer heads as a control on river water chemistry. 233 Discharge data from Madison Blue Spring reflect frequent reversals (Fig. 4). 234 Over the period of record, the volume of backflow is around 7% of discharge from 235 Madison Blue Spring. Most water sampled from the spring’s head pool is within about 236 0.2 SI units of saturation with respect to calcite. During the summer of 2007, Madison 237 Blue did not experience any reversals (Fig. 4) and SIcal was, with one exception, either 238 saturated or slightly supersaturated. The lowest values of SIcal are reported from sampling 239 trips near the end of a reversal and are only -0.6, much closer to saturation than the < -4 240 values found for the river during floods (Fig. 3A). Samples during these times probably 11 241 reflect a combination of river water and groundwater. Spring samples were not generally 242 collected during peak flood times because of limited access to the spring, so that 243 sampling times for the spring water shown in figure 4 do not correspond to sampling 244 times for the river shown in figure 3A. 245 Observational evidence for conduit enlargement during reversals. During cave 246 dives at Little River and Cow springs we observed well-developed scallops on conduit 247 walls where there are constrictions in the conduits (Fig. 5). Scallops were not observed 248 during cave dives at Peacock and Madison Blue Springs but no systematic search has 249 been made for them. In addition, the portions of passages we have observed in these 250 springs generally lack significant constrictions and conduits tend to be larger with slower 251 flow velocities than at Little River or Cow springs. 252 Response of Springs to Floods - SpCond and discharge. The passing of Tropical 253 Storm Fay resulted in the Suwannee River rising from ~5.4 m to ~7.7 meters above sea 254 level (masl) at the Luraville station, which is below the ~8 masl threshold required to 255 flood overland into the Peacock Spring karst windows. Nonetheless, we observed tannic 256 water in the conduit system and the CTD-diver installed in the spring vent recorded a 257 decrease of SpC of around 60 µS/cm during the flood (Fig. 6). This drop in SpC 258 occurred at the same time as an increase in temperature of around 0.3º C. A nearly 259 instantaneous drop in SpC from ~400 µS/cm to 357 µS/cm occurred at the time of the 260 maximum river stage. This minimum SpC value occurred approximately 6 days after the 261 maximum flood elevation in the river. 262 263 During the April 2009 flood, the stage of the Withlacoochee River at the Lee station rose from about 9.3 to 19.5 masl in 13 days and the Suwannee River at the 12 264 Luraville station rose from about 5.7 to 14.2 m in 15 days, resulting in overland flow to 265 Peacock Spring (Fig. 7A). Recession from the flood peak required more than 6 weeks at 266 both gauges. 267 At the entrance to Peacock Spring, SpC initially increased from 400 to 414 S/cm 268 between 12:51 h and 15:51 h on 4 April as the flood reached the spring before dropping 269 to a minimum value of 24 S/cm at 23:51 h on 6 April at the entrance (Fig 7B). SpC 270 decreased rapidly to minimum values over a few hours at each CTD location with the 271 onset of the flood. Each minimum displays a small time lag related to increasing distance 272 from the cave entrance. Minimum values of SpC were lowest at the entrance (24 S/cm) 273 but were slightly higher with increasing distance from the entrance. SpC reached a 274 minimum of 46 µS/cm at 07:11 on 9 April between Pothole and Olsen sinks (214 m from 275 the entrance), 50 µS/cm at 16:20 on 9 April at Challenge Sink (884 m from the entrance) 276 and 52 S/cm at 18:01 h on 6 April at Distance Tunnel (1067 m from the entrance). The 277 rate of propagation of the low conductivity water from the entrance CTD-diver to the 278 CTD-diver farthest from the entrance (Distance Tunnel) indicates a flow velocity of 279 approximately 0.02 m/s. 280 SpC records during flood recession at Peacock suggest complex interactions 281 between pre and post flood waters in the conduit and matrix. There does not appear to be 282 any consistent relationship between the rate of SpC rebound and distance from the 283 entrance. SpC in the Distance Tunnel (1067 m from the entrance) rebounded most 284 quickly, reaching a maximum of 352 S/cm at 07:31 h on 3 May before beginning a 285 gradual decline. None of the other CTD-divers record similar maximum but they do show 286 an inflection as the rate of increase in SpC slows. 13 287 There is considerably more structure to the SpC records at Madison Blue Spring 288 than at Peacock Spring (Fig. 7A). The CTD-diver at the entrance to Madison Blue 289 Spring dropped from a background value of around 286 S/cm to a flood value of around 290 50 S/cm in 45 hours, between 00:03 h on 1 April 2009 and 21:18 h on 2 April 2009 291 (Fig. 7A). This drop in SpC occurred as the river stage increased from around 9.5 to 10.9 292 masl, elevations much below the flood peak at 19.5 masl. All of the other CTD-divers 293 record a similar rapid drop, although they lag the CTD-diver at the entrance. 294 Specific conductivity at Back Section (1097 m from the entrance) reached a 295 minimum of 47 µS/cm on 8 April, and values at Courtyard (610 m from the entrance) 296 fluctuated between around 45 and 60 µS/cm until 03:24 h on 13 April. Between this time 297 and 03:00 h on 15 April, SpC at both Courtyard and Back Section rapidly increased to 298 170 µS/cm over a period of approximately 48 hours. At Martz Sink (152 m from the 299 entrance), SpC slowly decreased to a minimum value of slightly less than 40 µS/cm on 6 300 April and then gradually increased to a value of about 85 µS/cm at 01:03 h on 17 April 301 and approximately six hours later at 07:18 h on 17 April at the entrance. After these sites 302 reached a value of around 85 µS/cm, the SpC increased rapidly to around 250 µS/cm at 303 15:50 on 17 April at Martz Sink and about six hours later at 21:18 on 17 April at the 304 Entrance. A second, smaller reversal began 18 April at the entrance and Martz Sink but 305 these small reversals do not occur farther back in the conduit system at the Courtyard or 306 Back Section CTD-divers. 307 Peacock Springs - SICal response during reversal. Chemical compositions 308 measured on samples collected from Peacock Spring represent the first systematic 309 sampling of a spring through a flood reversal (Fig. 7B). At the peak of the April flood on 14 310 16 April, approximately 9 days after low conductivity water entered the conduit system at 311 Peacock Spring, the SIcal at Orange Grove and Challenge sinks were found to be around - 312 5.0, slightly lower than the value of -4.5 found for the Suwannee River (Fig. 6B; Table 313 1). Seven days later on 24 April the SIcal had increased to –3.3 at Challenge Sink, but 314 remained low at –4.6 at Orange Grove, while this value had increased to -2.7 in the river 315 water. SIcal values at both locations increased to around -1 on 1 May, simultaneously 316 with the rapid increase in SpC at Orange Grove and Challenge sinks, while SIcal 317 estimated for the river water was slightly lower at -1.5. After 1 May, the SIcal values 318 slowly increased to around –0.5 for both Challenge and Orange Grove sinks on 14 July, 319 and the Suwannee river value approached equilibrium with calcite with a value of SIcal of 320 -0.2 (Table 1). 321 322 323 Discussion The differences in chemical compositions of water sources to the Suwannee River 324 in the Northern Highlands and Gulf Coastal Lowlands affect the correlation between 325 discharge and SIcal (Fig. 3). The best correlation at our two sites between discharge and 326 SIcal (r2 = 0.86) exists for the Withlacoochee River near Madison Blue Spring (Fig 3A). 327 This site is located near the Cody Scarp (Fig. 1), and river water has had little opportunity 328 to react with carbonate minerals or mix with groundwater that has equilibrated with 329 carbonate minerals (e.g., Moore, 2009). In contrast, there is more scatter in the 330 correlation downstream at the Luraville station (r2 = 0.67) (Fig 3B). This station is 331 located nearly 70 km downstream of the Cody Scarp and thus changes in SIcal are 332 influenced by variable contributions from the UFA. The scatter of SIcal with discharge at 15 333 the Luraville station reflects the control of groundwater over the SIcal of the river water. 334 The fractional volumes of these two sources can vary depending on runoff and the 335 magnitude and direction of the head gradient between the aquifer and the river (e.g., 336 Moore et al., 2009). 337 The low SIcal values calculated from legacy data, along with low SIcal values 338 estimated from samples collected during flood events in karst windows far from the river 339 (Fig. 7B), indicate that dissolution occurs as a result of the recharge of undersaturated 340 river water during spring reversals. Flow direction during times of dissolution can be 341 estimated based on the orientation of solution features such as scallops on conduit walls, 342 which form by dissolution in back-eddy currents in turbulent flow and are strongly 343 asymmetrical in the direction of flow (Bretz, 1942; Curl, 1974). The orientation of the 344 scallops at Little River (Fig. 5) and Cow springs indicate that flow was into the cave 345 during times of dissolution, as would be expected from the low SIcal values of river water 346 during flood times (Fig. 3). We have observed rapid flow into conduits as whirlpools 347 formed over the spring vent of Little River Spring during floods. The only known 348 allogenic recharge to Cow Spring is from backflooding during high river stages. 349 Dissolution would only occur during these backflooding events because matrix water in 350 the UFA is at equilibrium with calcite. 351 Mixing of flood water and pre-flood groundwater. Observations from the karst 352 window at Peacock Spring during flooding caused by Tropical Storm Fay in August and 353 September 2008 indicate river flooding can affect regions of the aquifer that do not have 354 direct conduit or overland flow connections to the river (Fig. 6). Although the river level 355 did not exceed the sill elevation at Peacock Spring, the decrease in conductivity at the 16 356 conduit entrance approximately 6 days after the flood peak indicates dilute flood water 357 flowed into the cave. The 6 day lag for the decrease in SpC is about 3 times longer than 358 the time for the decrease in conductivity observed for the April 2009 flood in which the 359 sill depth was exceeded (Fig. 7B). The greater lag time when the sill was not flooded 360 reflects slower influx of flood water, probably through secondary permeability features 361 such as joints, rather than rapid influx of surface water. Although we have no samples 362 from flooding during Tropical Storm Fay, SpC was measured to be 358 µS/cm. Because 363 groundwater in this part of the UFA is of the Ca-HCO3 type, SpC can be used as a 364 qualitative proxy for SIcal (Krawczyk and Ford 2006). We can therefore estimate calcite 365 saturation from a sample collected on 14 July 2009 at Challenge Sink which had an 366 identical SpC of 358 µS/cm and a SIcal of -0.58. Dissolution was likely if water during 367 Tropical Storm Fay had a similar undersaturation with respect to calcite. 368 The sharp drop in SpC clearly indicates that 2009 flood waters entered conduits 369 on 1 April at Madison Blue Spring and on 5 April at Peacock spring (Fig. 7); however, 370 the return of pre-flood water to the conduits (return of groundwater outflow) is difficult to 371 estimate. We interpret the rapid increase in SpC that occurred on 13 April at Back 372 Section and Courtyard, 17 April at Martz Sink and Entrance of Madison Blue Spring, and 373 on 27 April at Peacock (Fig. 7) to represent the time when mostly pre-flood ground water 374 returned to the conduits. Even after the pre-flood water enters the conduits, none of these 375 sites return to the background SpC values following the rapid rise, indicating the conduits 376 retain a fraction of flood water for at least six weeks after the flood peak (Fig 7). The 377 gradual increase in SpC and the increase in SIcal of the water prior to this time could 378 represent reactions of flood water with the aquifer rocks, mixing with pre-flood ground 17 379 water that had previously equilibrated with the aquifer rocks, or both. Floodwater that 380 had infiltrated the matrix porosity thus appears to discharge slowly to the river, resulting 381 in long periods of time to react with the aquifer material. 382 At Madison Blue Spring, changes in SpC following the 2009 flood event are 383 similar at Martz and the entrance, but the response at these two locations differs from the 384 responses at Back Section and Courtyard. These responses at Madison Blue Spring also 385 differ from responses at Peacock Spring, where changes in conductivity are similar at all 386 locations throughout the flood with only slight variations at Distance Tunnel during the 387 recession. The differences between Madison Blue Spring and Peacock Spring suggest 388 that the numerous entrances into the Peacock Spring conduit system (Fig. 2B) allow rapid 389 and complete mixing of the conduit and flood waters once overland flow is established to 390 the river. In contrast, river water infiltrates and discharges primarily through the central 391 spring vent at Madison Blue Spring, and thus discharge of the flood water is controlled 392 by branching and constriction in the conduit, as well as permeability variations in the 393 matrix rocks that receive flood waters from the conduits. The more gradual return to 394 background SpC values at Courtyard and Back Section than at Entrance or Martz Sink 395 suggests that at Courtyard and Back Section the flood water has mixed more extensively 396 with the pre-flood water in the matrix and has returned to the conduits more slowly than 397 flood water in the front section of the cave. Extensive mixing and slow return to pre- 398 flood conditions could reflect decreasing flow velocities during the flood with distance 399 from the entrance. 400 401 Estimated volumes of recharged flood waters. In the Madison Blue Spring conduit system, the passage of the low conductivity water could be tracked at each CTD- 18 402 diver location. The drop in SpC associated with the influx of flood water occurred 403 progressively later at CTD-divers located farther from the entrance. The time lag of the 404 drop in SpC with distance into the conduits reflects flow into the conduits at a rate of 405 around 0.03 m/s, similar to the 0.02 m/s rate estimated for Peacock Spring. Using an 406 estimated average cross-sectional area of the conduits (roughly estimated from highly 407 variable conduit cross-sections observed during cave-diving) of 7 m2, the initial intrusion 408 of water into the conduits is estimated to be around 0.18 m3/s. We assume the minimum 409 value in SpC that occurred around April 8 indicates the final influx of flood water, and 410 thus the spring was reversed for 7.5 days. We use this length of time for reversals to 411 estimate that about 5.8 x 104 m3 of water flowed past the most distal CTD-diver. 412 Although we have no data for hydraulic head of the groundwater during the flood, the 413 river stage continued to increase through 10 April, about 9 days after the initial drop in 414 SpC and thus the hydraulic gradient between the river and groundwater may have 415 continued to be reversed during that time. Alternatively, the gradient may flatten or 416 reverse in the farthest part of the conduit around 8 April, when the SpC at the Back 417 Section CTD-diver begins to increase (Fig. 7A). We chose to use the SpC minimum on 8 418 April as representing the end of the reversal rather than the river stage maximum on 10 419 April. 420 In the Peacock Springs system we estimate river water was flowing into the 421 conduit for about 20.5 days during the 2009 flood based on the duration of low 422 conductivity water in the system and when SpC began its sharp increase on 21 April. The 423 rate of the propagation of the low conductivity water from the Entrance CTD-diver to the 424 CTD-diver farthest from the entrance (Challenge Sink) indicates an initial flow rate of 19 425 0.14 m3 s-1. With this flow rate, the total volume of water to infiltrate past the deepest 426 CTD was also around 1.2 x 105 m3. These estimates are likely to be minimum values 427 because they include only water that flowed through a single entrance to the point where 428 the CTD-diver is farthest from the entrance. The estimate thus neglects water that may 429 have flowed into other conduit branches or river water that may have intruded into the 430 conduits at other entrances. Furthermore, as shown by the response of SpC at Peacock 431 Spring following Hurricane Fay (Fig. 6), flow may also enter the conduits through matrix 432 porosity and fractures. 433 Estimates of dissolution rates. Samples collected during the April 2009 flood at 434 Peacock Spring allow order-of-magnitude estimates of the amount of dissolution that 435 might occur as a result of spring reversals. Chemical compositions are similar for 436 samples from all locations at the peak of the flood on 16 April (Table 1). We thus use the 437 SIcal value for the sample from Challenge Sink, which is central to the Peacock conduit 438 system, to calculate dissolution on the assumption it best represents water in the conduits. 439 If all of the undersaturated flood water reaches equilibrium with calcite, the water would 440 have dissolved 4.52 mmol/L of calcite (4.44 mmol/L and 7.03 mmol/L of calcite if 441 charge balance is forced on Ca2+ and alkalinity, respectively). This estimate is a 442 maximum because it is unlikely that all the water equilibrated with calcite of the aquifer, 443 but it does provide an estimate of the amount of dissolution that could occur from 444 flooding events. This estimated value of dissolved calcite was multiplied by the volume 445 of water calculated to flow into the conduit (1.2 x 105 m3) to estimate the maximum 446 volume of calcite dissolved during the flood. Assuming a density and a molar volume of 447 calcite of 2,710 kg m3 and 36.934 cm3 mol-1, respectively (Robie et al., 1984) and a 20 448 porosity of 30% for the Ocala Limestone (Budd and Vacher, 2004), the amount of 449 bedrock dissolved was about 28.6 m3 (28.1 m3 or 53.4 m3 if charge balance was forced on 450 Ca2+ and alkalinity, respectively). 451 The amount of wall retreat can be estimated from these estimated amounts of 452 dissolution. The conduit area is estimated to be 8.33 x 103 m2 using the surveyed distance 453 from Peacock Entrance to Challenge Sink of 884 m and an estimated average conduit 454 diameter of 3 m. Given these values, the volume of bedrock that could have been 455 dissolved during the reversal equates to a maximum wall retreat of 3.4 mm (or an average 456 value of 1.6 x 10-4 m per day of reversal). Because we lack sufficient constraints on the 457 residence time of river water in the conduits and matrix to use a kinetic model to refine 458 our wall retreat estimates, we adopt the term ‘meters per day of reversal’ to distinguish 459 our estimates from direct measurements of wall retreat rates (cf. Palmer, 1991). While the 460 amount of wall retreat will be overestimated using these boundary conditions, these 461 calculations show that the amount of retreat can be substantial. If charge balance is forced 462 on Ca2+, wall retreat calculations are not significantly reduced. If charge balance is 463 forced on alkalinity, wall retreat is calculated to be 5.34 mm (2.6 x 10-4 m per day of 464 reversal). This value is nearly two orders of magnitude higher than wall retreat rates that 465 were estimated from the nearby sink-rise system at Oleno State Park, Florida (Moore, 466 2009) and estimates of maximum wall retreat in conduits in telogenetic aquifers (3 x 10-6 467 to 3 x 10-7 m/d: Palmer, 1991). Our estimated rate of retreat is likely to be a maximum 468 since a fraction of the water would have reacted with the surfaces surrounding porosity in 469 the matrix rocks rather than the conduit walls and if the flood water does not equilibrate 470 with calcite. Alternatively, dissolution within the matrix is likely to weaken the matrix 21 471 material thus allowing physical erosion of the walls during rapid flow in floods to 472 increase wall retreat (Moore, 2009). Despite the degree of uncertainty associated with 473 these calculations, there is clearly the potential for significant amounts of dissolution 474 during spring reversals. 475 We suggest that spring reversals in eogenetic rock would dissolve more rock than 476 would occur during flood conditions at sink-rise systems. In sink-rise systems the amount 477 of dissolution that occurs during flood pulses is limited by relatively short conduit 478 residence times and because most water discharges from the spring before reacting to 479 equilibrium (e.g., Martin and Dean, 1999; Martin and Dean, 2001). In contrast, where 480 flood pulses cause spring reversals, water must flow to matrix porosity because there is 481 no spring outlet for the floodwaters. Once in the matrix, long residence times and large 482 surface areas of the matrix porosity would enhance the extent of chemical reactions, 483 increasing the amount of calcite that would dissolve (e.g., Moore, 2009). The growth of 484 conduits from reversals of springs should thus provide a powerful enlargement 485 mechanism, and is also probably more effective than the headwater-sapping hypothesis of 486 Rhoades and Sinacori (1941). 487 Origin of Florida Springs. Scallop direction and spring chemistry data support 488 the hypothesis that the springs in our study have been significantly enlarged by the input 489 of undersaturated water during spring reversals. During spring reversals, water likely 490 exploited previously-existing high permeability features, including vertical joints or caves 491 formed at older, lower water tables. Water-filled conduits have been mapped at distinct 492 levels across the Florida carbonate platform, and by their correspondence with marine 493 terraces, have been proposed to reflect the elevation of the water table at the time the 22 494 caves formed (Florea et al., 2007). We hypothesize these caves are formed from the 495 input of soil CO2 that diffuses through high matrix permeability and joints in the vadose 496 zones during times of low sea level when the water table was also low (cf. Moore, 2009). 497 As water tables increased due to late Pleistocene sea level rise, the paleo water-table 498 caves would have been flooded, and isolated water-table caves could have become 499 connected to surface water as rivers incised into joints. Once this connection was 500 established, the laterally extensive paleo-water table caves would have captured 501 undersaturated water during periods of flooding, with subsequent enlargement of high- 502 permeability zones into conduits feeding the springs. This model would also explain the 503 lack of speleothems in most water-filled caves in Florida, since undersaturated flood 504 water would dissolve any speleothems that may have been formed if the caves were 505 subaerially exposed during times of lower sea level. 506 The enlargement of pre-existing joints or caves that formed at paleo-water tables 507 by reversing river water allows phreatic caves to be created at the spring entrance without 508 discrete allogenic inputs in upstream regions. High surface area of the porous rock 509 making up the Floridan aquifer would allow extensive water-rock interactions as water is 510 discharged from the conduit into the matrix (Moore, 2009) resulting in “spongework” 511 cave morphology described for porous karst aquifers (Palmer, 1991). Dissolution during 512 spring reversals may also occur in telogenetic aquifers with low matrix porosity. Low 513 matrix porosity of the telogenetic aquifers would limit exchange of water between the 514 conduit and the matrix and flood waters may extend farther into the conduits along pre- 515 existing dissolutional voids. 516 Summary and Implications 23 517 Most conceptual models of epigenic conduit development assume that conduits 518 sourcing karst springs form by the flow of undersaturated water from recharge to 519 discharge points, a process which is not possible in springs supplied primarily by 520 distributed recharge from aquifer matrix porosity such as in unconfined eogenetic 521 aquifers. Diffusely recharged water has a long residence time within the aquifer, and thus 522 would have equilibrated with the aquifer rocks prior to discharge to the conduits. Where 523 springs are subject to flow reversals during river floods, undersaturated flood water can 524 dissolve conduits from the spring entrance. Dissolution during spring reversals enlarges 525 pre-existing void spaces such as joints and horizontal caves that were likely formed at 526 paleo-water tables and subsequently connected to the river along joints. Previously, lack 527 of speleothems was used as evidence that the underwater caves in Florida formed below 528 the water table. The model proposed here indicates that the laterally-extensive horizontal 529 conduits of many of the underwater caves in Florida may have initially formed at the 530 water table similar to present day water-table caves (Florea et al., 2007). These conduit 531 systems would have begun to function as springs when channel incision exposed a joint 532 that intersected the conduit or conduit roof collapse created a connection. The conduits 533 were later modified and enlarged by dissolution during spring reversals. We suggest that 534 spring reversals would also lead to dissolution of speleothems and thus obscure evidence 535 of water-table formation and past subaerial exposure. Laterally extensive, horizontal 536 galleries are common in water-filled caves and may reflect an origin as water-table caves. 537 Consequently, they could be used to reconstruct changes in past water-table positions in 538 response to glacioeustasy and climate change (e.g., Florea et al., 2007). 24 539 Spring reversals also have implications for aquifer contamination and 540 geochemistry. Contaminant flow into karst systems is generally considered as originating 541 as flow into sinkholes and swallets. Spring reversals would provide another mechanism, 542 besides diffuse or swallet recharge, for the injection of water with distinct chemical 543 compositions. Floodwater chemistry typically has organic carbon and oxygen 544 concentrations elevated over those of groundwater. These differences in compositions of 545 floodwater and groundwater should lead to shifts in redox conditions within the aquifer 546 from initially oxic to anoxic conditions as the organic carbon is remineralized following 547 spring reversals. These changes in redox conditions would influence diagenetic reactions 548 as well as calcite dissolution. For example, injection of organic carbon into the aquifer 549 may be an important energy source for ecosystems in the typically oligotrophic 550 environment of the aquifer. Reversals of springs would allow more time for microbes to 551 oxidize the organic carbon than would be typical in flow-through systems from sinks to 552 springs (e.g., Martin and Dean, 1999; Martin and Dean, 2001). Microbes use various 553 terminal electron acceptors such as oxygen, nitrate, and metal oxides in the oxidation of 554 organic carbon and thus these reactions should also influence nitrogen and metal 555 concentrations of the flood water. Understanding these processes will require detailed 556 time-series analyses of chemical composition of water as it flows into and from reversing 557 springs. 558 559 560 Acknowledgements 25 561 We acknowledge staff at Suwannee River Water Management District for 562 supplying much of the geochemical data used in this paper. We thank cave divers Kelly 563 Jessop, Rick Crawford, Agnes Milowka, James Toland, Bill Huth and Tom Hundley for 564 assistance with the installation of CTDs and Jim Wyatt, Jeff Hancock and Wayne Kinard 565 for additional support. We thank Ken Clizbe and Bonnie Stelzenmuller for the 566 photograph of Little River Spring. We thank Art Palmer and Dave Budd for their helpful 567 reviews of an earlier draft of the paper. Two Sisters BBQ in Mayo, Florida, is 568 acknowledged for providing key motivational support for fieldwork. 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